HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-09-171 1 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION , Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, September 17, 1957 Chairman Bazil called the meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:35 o'clock P. M. Commissioners present: Bazil, Stang, Bardwell (excused early), Presson, Schryer, Davis. Commissioners absent: Liles. On motion by Davis and seconded by Stang,.the minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Wednesday, September 4, 1957, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary, be accepted as mailed. Chairman Bazil announced that the continuation of the Public Hearing for Farm Labor Camp was now at hand. The Secretary was asked to present the petition and related information for a Use Variance for the Artesia Growers Association to permit a labor camp for Mexican Nat- ionals located at (approximately, corner of Ellis and Goldenwest) the No 165' of SE-1 of SW4 of NW4 of Sec 35, T.S.S „ R.11.W., S B B & M with an additional easement of 20 feet along West boundary. The Secretary described the location on a vicinity map and pointed to the surrounding uses, the land in question being zoned A-1. He then read several letters to the Commission which were submitted since the last hearing was held. One letter was written by a Councilman of Dairy Valley in vouching for character and usefulness of the Artesia Growers Association Labor Camps. Two letters in protest of the Use Var- iance were described by the Secretary as being by property owners located 3001 North and 500' West of the Labor Camp site. The signatures were Joe C. Curtis and Wilfred W. Bibeault, and in both cases they stated that they wished to retain the uses in the area for higher uses. A letter written by William Galliene, Secretary -Manager of Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, stated that the petition of Labor Camp had been discussed at their meeting and that the enclosed minutes would serve as their recommendation to the Planning Commission in regards to the problem. The Secretary read the Chamber minutes to the Commission. Page #2 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 17, 1957 The minutes stated that the Chamber of Commerce had no official object- ions to the proposed Mexican National Labor Camp, however it was recommended that proper safeguards to be placed on the approval as conditions. The conditions recommended were a three year time limit, a $500.00 perform- ance bond, -and adequate sewage disposal facilities. Chairman Bazil asked the Secretary for a staff report in regards to the Labor Camp. The report was given, the same as was mimeographed and mailed out to the Commissioners. The Secretary stated that he would not recommend for or against said petitions, except he recommended that it be dtermined whether the farmers have demonstrated beyond doubt the actual need for said farm labor camp. He reiterated his previous statement in the report, reminding the applicant that the use of this labor camp, if it is granted, shall not be primarily for distributing labor throughout the county. Otherwise, he quoted, any arguement for reinstatement at termination of the three year period would not be valid. The Secretary -then read the recommended conditions, the same as were mailed. Commissioner Schryer questioned the Secretary in regards to the authority of the Orange County Water Polution Control Board. The City Attorney was questioned regarding -the matter and stated that it was true that the Polution Control Board did actually have the authority to act in this case. Chairman Bazil opened the hearing to the public for further comment. Paul Schilling, President of Artesia Growers Association told the Commission that he did not think that 250 men were enough to operate efficiently. He also claimed that there was a much larger demand for labor in this area than the 250 specified and that it was more desirable to have the capacity allowed raised to 450 as was originally asked for. Schryer then asked Schilling if he could ask a personal ques- tion aside from the question of capacity. He then asked Schilling why did the Association suddenly apply for a Use Variance,'immediately after completion of the North Annexation. Schilling answered that this parti- cular year they had accumulated surplus, belonging pro rata to each 1 1 1 71 1 1 Page #3 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 17, 1957 farmer belonging to the -Association and that since they supplied.Orange County with about 400 men this year, it was logical to construct the camp facilities hereabouts. The Chairman asked for any other comment in the audience. Oscar Stricklin, 17355 Gothard, Huntington Beach, questioned the sufficiency of 250 men for the local area. He cited the fact that there was a large increase in vegetable crops last year and that the trend is continuing. He related his experiences in the difficult problem of obtaining farm labor. He gave an example of contracting for resident Mexicans and the problem of having men, women and children running loose to trample his fields. He claims that the Mexican National laborers are good workers and that they make good money in the field. For this rea- son he says that the labor is here for one purpose, and that is to work. The public.hearing was closed. Chairman Bazil asked for further discussion. Presson asked what is the difference between having 250 men or 450 men at the camp. The Secretary replied that he considered it a necessary evil to have the camp, therefore why not supply labor primarily to our local farmers only instead of taking an overdose. Presson expressed the opinion that there would be only one camp involved irregardless, and that the camp could operate more effectively if it were large. Schryer thought other- wise saying that especially the sewage disposal problem would make a limitation on capacity more desirable. ` Schilling was questioned by Schryer as to what the actual need would be in the coming year for the local needs. The need was estimated at from 350 to 400 men, it being emphasized that actual requirements are just a guess. Davis asked Schilling if it would create a hardship if he were restricted to 250 men and then required to apply by letter to the City Council for the additional capacity of men when the needs were established. Schilling agreed that it would not, but that he was sure he would be back in the Spring with a letter to the Council before the camp was in operation. He went on further to estimate that the farmers sitting in on_this meet- ing alone, will utilize over 300 men next year at peak season. Commissioner Schryer asked Schilling if he intended to maintain the camp in Artesia if they established this camp here. The reply was yes. Page #4 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September.17, 1957 The question was then brought up regarding the size of the recreation hall. It was mutually agreed between Mr. Paul Schilling and the Commissioners that 800 square feet.was a more practical minimum. Schilling was then asked if he had any other objections to the recommended conditions. He stated that he would like to see the second emergency gate in another location. With this the Commissioners were in full accord. Chairman Bazil then ahked Weybright what his opinion of the Labor Camp was. Weybright stated that from the testimony presented, he believed the camp was necessary. He agreed for the most part with all the conditions stipulated, except that he recommended a capacity limit- ation of 300 men with the applicant to have the right to apply without Variance procedure directly to the City Council for an increase to 450 men provided the applicant could -demonstrate necessity. Chairman Bazil asked the paving requirements be changed to specify asphalt blacktopping and that Weybright's recommendation be included in the conditions. Motion by Schryer and seconded by Davis: AND MOTION CARRIED - TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE USE VARIANCE FOR THE LABOR CAMP WITH THE, FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ATTACHEDi USE VALIANCE: To permit the establishment.of a Farm Labor Camp for Mexican Nationals under the auspices of Artesia Growers Association by a variance to A-1 zoning as adopted by Interim Ordinance of Orange County Ordinance No. 351• APPLICANT: ARTESIA GROWERS ASSOCIATION - Paul Schilling, President RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THIS USE VARIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: MANDATORY,REGULATION OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL DESIGN: 1. That it'shall be mandatory for the applicant to design proper sewage disposal facilities which shall be submitted by application to the Orange County Water Polution Control Board for consideration and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the Building Inspector shall be notified by the Orange County Water Polution Control Board of their approval before it becomes permissible for him to issue a building permit for the described Labor Camp. That the sewage disposal facilities shall also meet all State and City requirements, whichever in case of conflict being the most stringent, shall prevail. 1 1 Page #5 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 17, 1957 TIME LIMIT: 2. That the granting of this Use Variance shall extend for only three years from the date approved by the City Council; that the permitted Use Variance shall be null and void after this specified period except that the applicant shall have the right to reapply one month prior to termin- ation of the original Use. -Variance. CAPACITY LIMITATIONS: 3. That the maximum number of men allowed to be housed and otherwise cared for at this labor camp shall not exceed 300; except that this number shall not include other personnel -not classified as farm labor and who are otherwise required for the operation and maintenance of this labor camp. A provision shall be included within this condition to permit camp capacity to be increased to 450 men during this three year period by formal application to the City Council demonstrating the actual need. AMPLE PARKING SPACE:. 4. That the parking lot area shall be a minimum area as shown on submitted drawings, and that all parking areas shall be paved with either two inches (2") of decomposed granite and tiro inches (211) of asphalt blacktopping or three inches (3") of asphalt blacktopping.' The parking areas shall also be marked with white lines into spaces enough 10 cars, with provision for a turnaround and loading zone at the East end of the parking lot. PERFORMANCE BOND: 5. That a five hundred dollar ($500.00) performance bond be posted with the City Clerk and that said bond or a portion thereof shall be forfeited by the action of a majority vote of the City Council in the event that any extraordinary services are rendered by the City beyond reasonably normal requirements. Examples of abnormal requirements -;being: Necessity by -the City to clean adjacent streets littered with refuse or beer cans, or police action to quell riots, etc. FENCING: 6. That the entire labor camp excluding the 20' x 40' alley easement used as an entrance shall be fenced with a chain link fence to a height of 6 feet. That said fence shall be topped with two strands of barbed wire supported by stanchions placed oblique to the fence posts. That there shall be two 20' gates provided in said fenced enclosure; one of which shall be at the entrance alley to the camp enclosure, and the other shall be located at -the management's discretion. The 2nd gate shall be utilized for emergencies only and shall be locked at all times except in event of emergencies. The Fire Chief shall have at least one key for the emergency gate. TRANSPORTATION: 7. That all workers enroute to their place of work shall be transported by vehicles. LAUNDRY FACILITIES: 8. That all laundry facilities as shown on submitted drawings shall be provided. And that there shall be a minimum of 250' of clothes line provided and further that the hanging of clothes upon the enclosure fence shall be prohibited. PAVED DRIVEWAY AND GUTTERS: 9. That the entire entrance alley easement of 20' x 40' shall be paved with either two inches (2") of decomposed granite and two inches (2") of asphalt blacktopping or three inches (3") of asphalt blacktopping, and that paved gutters shall be provided at each side of the alley. Page #6 Minutes _ H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 17,'1957 PAVED YARD: 10. That the entire yard area of the premises excepting that area upon which buildings are located shall be paved with two inches (2") of asphalt blacktopping that there shall be provisions to exclude the East 110' of the described premises from the requirement'until construction of building or buildings is undertaken..' PROVISIONS FOR A SIGN: 11. That a lighted sign will be permitted with a maximum area of 80 square feet and that there will be a minimum requirement of an unlighted sign of al least 20 square feet. PROVISIONS FOR RECREATION ROOM: 12. That the described `labor camp shall provide a recreation hall with a minimum area of 800 square feet. Said recreation hall shall have at least three tables, four feet in length, and twelve chairs. Vending machines are to be permissible in this room. POLICING REQUIREMENTS: 13. The following requirements shall be adhered to unless otherwise authorized by City Council: a. That no hard liquor shall be allowed on the premises. b. That there shall be a deputized guard stationed at the entrance gate between the hours of 4:30 P.M. Friday and 4:30 A.M. Monday. c. That there shall be a deputized guard stationed at the entrance gate during holiday hours if the Chief of Police shall so order. d. That the grounds in and around the.described premises shall be kept in a reasonably neat and sanitary condition. e. That loitering about the camp by unauthorized persons shall be prohibited and this rule shall be reasonably enforced by the management. SUBMITTED PLANS: 14. That all structures shall be constructed in accordance with the submitted plans except as otherwise specified within these conditions. It shall be at the discretion of the Building Inspector to permit minor changes in the specified plans and conditions. LIMITATIONS ON OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT: 15. That this permitted labor camp establishment shall for the purposes of this Use Variance, remain under original ownership and management. Any act of subleasing or renting the described premises or any attempt to transfer management control from the auspices of the Artesia.Growers Association shall constitute a violation of this specified condition. FINAL APPROVAL BY BUILDING INSPECTOR: 16. That the Building Inspector shall not be authorized to place final approval upon the construction and that he recommend the,denial of a business license until all the previously stated conditions are satisfact- orily complied with. REVOCATION: 17. That any violations of these specified conditions shall be,grounds for immediate and automatic revocation by the City Council for the granting of the Use Variance. h- 1� 1 1 1 Page 17 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 17, 1957 Chairman Bazil opened discussion of the adoption and possible resolution for Defined Duties and Scope of Authority of the Secretary - Planning Technician. The Secretary was asked to read the proposed addition to the By -Laws as was circulated several weeks prior to this meeting. There was some discussion regarding the last paragraph which described to whom the Secretary should be responsible. The Secretary explained that he was often in the precarious position of having to run errands and participate in problems not within the duties of his office. Weybright was questioned for his opinion in this regard. He suggested that the paragraph was indiscreet and could be revised to make it less blunt. He outlined his recommendation as follows - HE SHALL: be held directly responsible to the City Planning Commisiion and shall engage primarily in the above defined duties. Any deviation from the described duties should be author- ized by the Planning Commission or its Chairman. The City Attorney was questioned as to whether he had any suggestions concerning the By -Laws. He recommended that the first para- graph, describing the Secretary as an ex-officio member, be removed from the proposed By -Laws for legal reasons. The Commission after further discussion stated that they were in accord with both -.the City Attorney's and Weybright's recommendations. Commissioner Davis asked if it would be possible to include the following stipulations, the other Commissioners were in accord - HE SHALL: Mail out agendas at least three (3) days prior to the regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting. He shall also phone each member of the Planning Commission on the day of the scheduled meeting and leave a message in the event he cannot be reached. Motion by Stang'and seconded by Davis to approve of resolution for the adoption of the Defined Duties and Scope of Authority of the Secretary -Planning Technician. Roll Call Vote as follows: Motion Carried. AYES - Commissioners Davis Stang Presson Schrye r Bazil NOES - None ABSENT Bardwell Liles Page #8 Minutes _ H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 17, 1957 Chairman Bazil asked Weybright to make a presentation of the traffic flow charts which were illustrated diagrametically on a large drawing on the wall. Weybright explained that the traffic flow diagrams were the cummulative result of the traffic counts recently undertaken by his firm and later coordinated with state and county counts to get an overall picture. The chart showed a large expected traffic flow along Coast Highway 101 which dwindled off as it approached town from the North giving an indication of the large number of bathers who seek beaches along the way. Highway 39 also showed an indiation of the importance of secondary arteries as tie traffic flow coming South dissolves into local streets. It was stated that the count was taken as a 24 hour traffic flow study in the City of Huntington Beach on August 15 and 16, 1957. An informal discussion -was held regarding a local industry which desired to rezone a portion of land in the East annexation. The Secre- tary was asked if this was legal. He stated'.that if the City was to abide by the adopted Interim Ordinance which adopted the Orange County Zoning Ordinance 351 verbatim, then there was no way possible to allow their equipment storage yard by a rezoning. This was because, it was explained, the County ordinance did not provide for Equipment yard storage or Utility structures in any of their zoning, but rather allowed them on a basis of a conditional permit. Weybright verified this statement and elaborated further. He spoke of a dangerous possibility that the City might attempt to exclude this parcel under discussion from the interim zoning. This he explained, would be extending a special privilege to one applicant, which mortally would require the same treatment to all applicants. This would create an impossible situation. Spot zoning in general, without proper study or regard for sound judgement is considered invalid. Wey- bright stated he could cite a couple of cases to that effect. He stated that it would be preferrable to issue a conditional permit if the case ever comes up. Chairman Bazil introduced the -subject of the Huntington Beach State Park Freeway design and the protest which had been well expressed at the previous meeting. N Page #9 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 17, 1957 1 1 1 J Weybright gave a brief report of the current situation and pointed up several important details. He stated that he wished to make it clear that the route Ora 60 was already declared to be Freeway Status and adopted by the State Highway Commission. However, he emphasized that the desired expressway was also considered a type of freeway and should be preferred to the designed full freeway as described on submitted maps. Weybright expressed the opinion that any action should not be completely negative. The resolution for adopting official protest against the freeway was then discussed. Weybright was asked to reword the reso- lution submitted by the Secretary. The context of the Resolution was worded as follows: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach: Section 1. That the Planning Commission of Huntington Beach is objecting to the existing preliminary plans for a full freeway route, designated Route 60, in the Southeast portion of the City of Huntington Beach. And that the Planning Commission proposes, instead of present plans, an expressway type of freeway for mutual benefit of the City of Huntington Beach, the Huntington Beach State Park, and other adjoining cities in the immediate vicinity. Further the Planning Commission declares that it is desirous to have a freeway plan of mutual benefit. Section 2. That the Secretary shall attest and certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution by a majority vote of five (5) members of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach. Motion by Presson and seconded by Schryer to pass a resolution adopting the above declaration. Roll call vote was taken as follows: AYES Commissioners NOES ABSENT Davis None Bardwell Stang Liles Presson Schryer Bazil Motion carried. The freeway plans were further discussed. The meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, (?, lv-'� Cliff rd E. Tripp q