HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-10-07176 M I N U T E S Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, October 7, 1957 Mayor Terry called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Bryant, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. Councilmen absent : Lockett Minutes On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the minutes for the meeting of September 3rd, 16th and 30th as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. Monthly The Clerk read the reports for the month of September 1957 Rep-rtn filed by the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Engineer, Building Inspector, Ass't Fire Chief, Manager of Municipal Trailer Park, Chief Lifeguard, Chief of Police and Superintendent of Recreation. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant, the reports of the Department Heads f or the month of September as read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. Applt-:-,-ti-r On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett the applica- for business Licenses tion for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach and as approved by the Health Officer, Building Inspector, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, and by the Planning Tech- nician for zoning, were approved as follows: William A. Hansler & Cletis P. Hasler, business of service station at 16001 Huntington Beach Blvd. Howard Crowder business of plumbing. Harvey C. Mercer business of plastering. Kenneth B. Anspach business of concrete contractor. Better Bilt Fence Co. business of Fence Contractor. Keith Gritman business of Piano Instruction at 8231 Sterling. Henry F. Hass business of plastering. Ann McColister business of Hillcrest Beauty Shop at 83222 Talbert. Sam A. Magill Motors business of Body Shop at 428 Fain Street. 177 Page #2 Minutes - Monday, October 7, 1957 Ivan Farley -Gene Crawford business of roofing at 2201 Halladay. John R. Carson Retail fruit - vegetable, 400 feet East of Highway #39 on Coast Highway. A. D. Van Calligan business of painting contractor. Plumbing -- On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant bond - Howard Crowder The surety bond of Aetna Casualty and Surety Company plumbing bond No. 33 S 40237 for Howard Crowder as principal and subject to approval for form by the City Attorney be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. Neon Sign On motion by Irby seconded by Bryant the Mark Downing Ford application for building permit of Mark Downing Ford for permission to move a neon sign from storage and erect on top of the Boogie Woogie Cafe, be approved. Motion carried. Davis Investment On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby Company term. cleanup bond the request of Davis Investment Company for termination of the Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland cleanup bonds No. 7177242 and 7136563 and 7209491 covering wells Lake #1 located in Block 2204 East Side Villa Tract and Sun #1, located in Block 2104 East Side Villa Tract and Sun #2, located in Block 2105 East Side Villa Tract, having complied with Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and the bonding company and the operator be notified of the bond terminations, be approved. Motion car - rigid. Standard Oil On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby the Co. install. of sign Building permit of Standard Oil Co. for permission to install vole sign at the service station located at 508 Main St., be approved. Motion carried. 178 `3 Page ,r Pmutes - 11onday, October 7, 1957 Flcya E. On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett the Mayor and Ingram ambulance the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement Service Agrm.t. between the City of Huntington Beach and Floyd E. Ingram where -by Floyd E. Ingram furnishes ambulance service and City to'pay $200.00 for a period not to exceed three months, said agreement to be effective October 1, 1957, be approved. Motion carried. Aequ-st for The Clerk read a petition received from residents cress -walk at 1_ltri St. living in the general area of Eleventh Street and Ocean Avenue, requesting the City Council to have a cross walk marked and maintaAred across the Highway at the point of Eleventh Street. Mayor Terry referred the request of the petitioners to the Chief of Police for study and report. O'Brien Oil Mr. Sampson appeared before the City Council and Iease Qu1rcy G,�d i°ain stated he was considering leasing the O'Brien oil leases located at the South East corner of Quincy and Main and the North West corner of Quincy and Main and intended to clean up the properties and put up a tank farm on Lot #3 next to the alley on the West Side of Main Street and that O'Brien would retain the well located adjacent to Loma Street and Main Street. Mr. Sampson was informed that the Variances upon which Mr. O'Brien had operated had been cancelled by action of the City Council and that it would be necessary for him to make an application for a conditional exception to the Planning Commission who would hold public hearings upon the same and report their recommendations to the City Council. Request cf L. W. Dye appeared before the City Council and re- L.W.Dire to expand. yard quested permission to expand his yard maintenance and storage yard located North of Garfield and East of Highway #39. 179 Page #4 Minutes - Nonda.y, October 7, 1957 Mayor Terry referred the request of L. W. Dye to the Planning Technician. Request of Mayor Terry referred the request of Sylvia Sylvia O, Clutter for 0, Clutter for another three year lease on the 3 year lease City Building housing the Vern's Bait & Tackle Shop located on the first T, on the Municipal Pier to the Beach and Pier Committee for study and report. Drainage John McCollister resident of the Huntington innrovement Taibe rt & Crest sub -division requested the City Council Hartland that they had a drainage problem especially at the corner of Talbert and Hartland due to the fact the county had not.pro- perly kept the street properly cleaned and at suf"icient Internals and that any type of rain they have a flooding con- dition results and requested that the City look into the matter and correct the condition. Mayor Terry referred the request of Mr. John Mc Collister to the Streets and Parks Committee for study and report. Ass't City Engineer reported to the Council that he had checked into the subject of John McCollister's request and said that it was on their agenda of work to correct. Gerald Lance The Clerk read the request of Gerald Lance transfer lease to Wm. Poore and Vivian Lance for permission to transfer their lease on a beach concession to Mr. William Poore of 1746 Park Street, Huntington Beach, California. On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary lease tran- sfer of Gerald Lance and Vivian Lance to Mr. William Poore died upon the withdrawal of the motion by Bryant and se- conded by Councilman Bartlett, Mayor Terry referred the request of Gerald and Vivian Lance to transfer their lease to Mr. William Poore to the Beach and Pier Committee for study and report. 78-0 Pare rT 5 MIn.utes -- MondY y, October 7, 1957 Ra-�.uest of Mayor Terry referred the request of Mary and John Peary & John rerguscn to Ferguson to move their concession building located at *noire '-each concession the entrance of the Trailer Park on to the beach to the Streets and Pier Committee for study and report. Termination Mayor Terry referred the request of the Street of Dallas Hawkins Superintendent to terminate the employment of Dallas Hawkins as maintenance man upon the expiration of his accured sick leave and vacation time to the Streets and Parks Committee for study and report. Request of The Clerk read the communication received from Babson Realty . & Investment Babson Realty and Investment Company of Corona Co. tc �:urchase City property Del Mar, requesting a meeting with the City Council or designated representative to discuss the possibility of purchasing the City's entire 47 acre parcel on the Coast Highway for Improvement as a motel and restaurant development as well as for other uses. Mayor Terry appointed the City Administrator to make an appoint - meet for the Council with Babson Realty and Investment Company and to request the Babson Realty and Investment Co. to file a finicial report prior to the meeting arrangement. Ernest Nixon The Clerk reported that the Huntington Beach Plann-- Va ria.nce denied. ing Commission held a public hearing on Tuesday, October lst, 1957, on the yard variance request of Ernest E. Nixon to permit carport and utility room to encroach to within 2 ft of South Side property line, said property located on Tract 2416 (18172) Huntington Beach Blvd. On motion by the Planning Commissioner Bardwell, seconded by Stang to recommend denial for the yard variance application for the following reasons: Motion carried. 1. The fact that construction was began prematurely is no criteria. July 27, 2005 During the Scanning and Quality Control Check of the City of Huntington Beach, City Council Meeting Minutes, it was discovered that Pages 6 and 7 of the October 7, 1957 Meeting Minutes were missing. Robin Roberts Deputy City Clerk Records Management 183 Page #8 Minutes - Monday, October 7, 1957 cesspools and the estimate of cost based on the use of City labor is 670.00. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the Ass't City Engineer be instructed to construct the alley through Block 2505 East Side Villa Tract as proposed following the procurement of easement of deed for alley purposes from the property owners of records , and said cost be charged to the Special Fund for Capital Outlay, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Lockett. Pop. of The Clerk informed the City Council that City 9,9861 official certification of the Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census setting the official population of the City at 9,9861 has been received. St. lic,"nting The Clerk read a survey and evaluation of Of crossz,�Fal':�s the Traffic accidents statistics complied by the Police Department at certain intersections and crosswalks located on Ocean Avenue and. suggested that a remedy would poss- ibly be the installation of adequate street lighting at stated locations. Mayor Terry referred the request of the Chief of Police relative to additional street lighting on the Inter- sections and cross -walks as outlined in his letter to the Council dated October 7, 1957 be referred to the Street and Parks and Police Committee for study and report. Safety The Clerk announced that the State compen- a.ward to E.B. City sation Board had reported to the City that Employees they would be down -Wednesday to make a first safety award to the Huntington Beach City Employees for having finished first amongst the small cities with a 100% safety record from the period of January lst to June 30th with no dis- abling lnjuries. Pa -e # 9 i ic�utes - Fonday, Cctcber 7, 1957 No. Annex. The Clerk read the Resolution of the Board of area to co. Santt. Supervisors of Orange County, California dated Disi;riat #11 September 24, 1957, whereby it is the intention of the Board to annex to county Sanitation District No. 11 the territory comprising the North Annexation not including in a sanitation district and that a public hearing has been set for Wednesday, 30th day of October 1957 at the hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M. In the Chambers of the Board of Supervisors in the Court House in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, The Clerk reported that the -lease covering barge operations entered into the City by E. A, Ingersol, March 11, 1957 was in default since no report has been grade of his operations for the months of July & August and is reported that the oper- ation has ceased to function. E.A.1-. €=ersol On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett the Ba r,-e lea Se cancelled lease between the City of Huntington Beach and E. A. Ingersol dated March 11, 1957 for the operation of a Snort and Fishing Barge be canceled as of this date due to default in accordance with terms of the agreement, was app- roved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Lockett. J�v.�yL,'.IH�nSrTitiks.en On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the C.L.. tLl� c-1 y:. zat+ir-n request of J. L. Henricksen for permission to start his annual vacation on October 14, 1957 be approved. Motion carried. Demands On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried. Pur.ch� s�; cf On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett 1 c,orse.— nower cc"r.resser the purchasing agent in accordance with f n r II-P }uard dent. the request of the Lifeguard Chief be Instructed to purchase a 11 horsepower compresser with attachments for the Lifeguard Department and said purchase 185 Page #10 Minutes - Yonday, October 7, 1957 be charged to the Capital Outlay Reserve Fund, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Lockett. Construction On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the City cf alley Block 24o6 Attorney be instructed to prepard deeds for E.S.V.Tr--ct. Street and alley purposes following receipt of title reports, for construction of a portion of England Street between Yorktown, south 300 feet and for alley purposes in Block 2406 East Side Villa Tract and said alley to be 20 feet wide, be approved. Motion carried. Adoption of On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby that in Building Standard Code. accordance with the request of the Building Inspector, the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the nec- essary instrument to provide for the adoption of the Building Standard Code, for placing building valuation on Building permits filed with the department, be approved. Motion carried. Purchase of On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby the pur- Air cus .ion seat chasing agent be authorized to purchase an air - cushion seat as out -lined by the Street Superintendent for Installation on the street sweeper, at a cost of approximately $200.00 and said cost be charged to the Capital Outlay re- serve Fund was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councllmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Lockett. Construction On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the City of alley Block 1704 Engineer be instructed to proceed with the con - Tract #12 struction of the alley in Block No.1704 Tract No. 12 and cost be charged to the Capital Outlay Reserve Fund was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Lockett. 186 Page ,�11 Minutes - 11r:nday, October 7, 1957 Constrjction On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the City of all::;r in 310ck 1704 Engineer be instructed to proceed with the Tract #12 construction of the alley in Block No. 1704 Tract No. 12 and cost be charged to the Capital Outlay Reserve Fund was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Lockett. On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett the regular meeting of the City Council of the City, of Huntington Beach adjourned. ATTEST: I ' City Clerk C�ity Clerk and ex-officio Clerk the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California 0 Mayor