HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-10-151 1 MINUTES • �a HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING CO101ISSIOM Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, October 15, 1957 Chairman Bazil called the meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:35 o'clock P. M. Commissioners present: Bazil, Stang, Davis, Schryer, Presson. Commissioners absent: Bardwell, Liles. On motion by Schryer and seconded by Presson, the minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, October 1st, 1957, as tran— scribed and mailed by the Secretary, were accepted as mailed. Chairman Bazil announced the continuation of a hearing for a pro- posed extension of the Orange County Disposal Station No. 10 located at S i of SE 4 of NW 4 of NW k of SEC 35, T.S.S., R.11.W approximately the interior lot adjacent to parcels at SE corner of Golden West and Talbert. The Secretary was asked to give the latest staff report concerning the application. The Secretary pointed out that the two requests by the county for extension of the existing dump site had been stalemated. July 18, 1957 was given as the date the first application was filed and that almost two months have elapsed without final action being taken. Therefore it was requested that the Commission take positive action to make a recommendation at this meeting. The Secretary brought up the subject of Bruce Brothers operation adjacent to the County site because it entered into the controversy of the county's requested variance. He introduced Murray I. Storm, representative of the Orange County Road Department who was acting as an agent for the County in the variance application. The Secretary stated that both he and Storm had attended the previous meeting of the Orange County Water Polution Control Board. Storm was asked to give his version of what transpired during the Bruce Brothers hearing. It was pointed out that Bruce Brothers were originally ordered to cease dumping of all forms of industrial wastes in 1948• However Page #2 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 15. 1957 the order was overlooked for a period of several years until recently when again an order_was given the -firm to cease dumping all wastes except inert materials. Storm explained that it was his understanding that after final action"was taken on Bruce Brothers permit, they would be allowed to continue dumping rotary mud in a solid state and all other forms of industrial waste providing, they were not among those considered detrimental by the Polution Board. Bruce Brothers would be held responsible to determine the nature of the material and must submit samples to the board or make other tests when there is doubt as to the contents, Commissioner Schryer went on record as explaining that rotary mud in itself contained no -injurious polutants, because the only additives were for jelling purposes and fresh water is added containing no salinities to make a special type,of mud to jell properly. He went on to explain that his firm had ploughed a good deal of the mud under without consequence to later cultivation adjacent to their operations in the Peralta Hills. Weybright, of Hahn, Wise and Barber, asked the Commission,to omit further discussion of Bruce Brothers on the grounds that it did not pertain to problem at hand. Bazil questioned Storm as to whether the Polution Control Board restricted the depths of all types of dumps.- Storm stated that he didn't believe it was within the jurisdiction of the Board to control actual depths. Storm was asked to explain the exact filling operation. He said that the dump was open 24 hours a day however there was a custodian on hand up until 6 o'clock P. M. and that there was essentially no commercial dumping occuring after this hour. He pointed out that the clean fill operation is a continou:s one and that the bull dozer fills and tamps through- out the day so that the layer of waste materials are completely covered by evening except for -minor -household rubbish dumping. The Commissioners discussed the problem further and concluded that it was a desireable operation. A motion was made by Davis and seconded by Presson to RECOMrlEND APPROVAL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Page #3 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 15th, 1957 1. That the City of Huntington Beach be notified at the Planning Comm- ission Office at the time the County desires to terminate the use of the described dump site. 2. That at the time of abandonment of the dump site, reasonable efforts will be made to immediately provide the 24 inches of required ground cover. 3. That this Use Variance will permit only the County of Orange to uti- lize and maintain this described disposal station premises; the reversion of the described premises to private individuals whether by sale of fee simple title or termination of existing lease shall nullify and void this granted Use. Variance. The motion was carried. The hearing was opened for a request of E. M. Finch to revise two conditions specified in variance No. 3671 previously granted by the County of Orange. The Secretary explained that the variance was for a used car lot at the SW corner of Stark Street and Highway 39. 'Some dis- cussion was held on the matter after the minute order of the County Board of Supervisors was read. Weybright told the Commission that the request was reasonable and that an additional entrance along Stark Street was desirable to redcce traffic hazards along the Highway. He suggested an additional condition be attached in addition to the other changes to prevent a car wrecking business. Motion by Stang and seconded by Davis to RECOINZSEND THE CHANGES LISTED BELOW AND TO INCLUDE ONE ADDITIONAL CHANGE: ORIGINALLY 4. The only vehicular access to the premises shall be by way of one driveway from State Highway 39.* CHANGE TO 4. The only vehicular access to the premises shall be by way of two entrances, one of which is to be located on Highway 39 and the other to be located on Stark Street. And each entrance shall be a maximum of 36' in width. Page #4 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 15th, 1957 ORIGINALLY 5. The applicant shall install a concrete block wall 5 feet in height along the west and south property lines except for ftt portion of the wall within 20' of either street right of way line which shall be 4 feet in height. CHANGE TO 5. The applicant shall install a concrete block wall 5 feet in height along the west and south property lines except forthat portion of the wall within 20' of either street right of way line which shall be 4 feet in height. The applicant shall be permitted to omit the :south, wall with the provision that he purchase the southerly adjoining property within one years time and that the applicant post a bond to guarantee the con- struction of the wall in the event he fails to purchase said property. ADDITIONAL CONDITION: 8. The dismantling of automobiles shall not be permitted on the premises. MOTION WAS CARRIED. Chairman Bazil opened the hearing for a Conditional Exception - Vernon R. Seuffert, applicant. To permit a lot located between Pine and Park and fronting on Utica, further described as Lot 12 Block 1802 Tract No. 12, Huntington Beach, California, excepting therefrom the West 80' thereof and excepting the East 10' thereof (60' x 801), to be a legal building site. Also requesting permission for said building site to have a 10' front yard, and requesting permission to place garage in rear to setback 3' from 20' alley. The Secretary explained details of the plot plan. Schryer gave a little explanation of the previous history re- garding the property in question. The original owner had expressed in- tention of putting a duplex on the corner lot, but was so boisterously opposed, that he never applied for the variance. In the meantime it was alleged that the owner divided his property as shown on the tax role and erected a masonry wall and sold it to the next party as a subterfuge of the original intent. The applicant is now the third party involved. Page #5 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 15th, 1957 Chairman Bazil expressed his -opinion that this type of activity could,be stopped by having an ordinance to regulate the division of land of four parcels or less and that this would eliminate all the controversy which occurs when a variance is needed. ' The Secretary explained that this very ordinance was included within the newly proposed sub -division ordinance which was to be intro- duced to the Commission at the end of this meeting. There was a discussion of the.past history of the lot and spec- ulation made as to the intent of original owner. Weybright expressed an opinion that on the basis of the intent of making a 2 family residential lot out of a single family district and plus the fact that the lot is 200 square feet short of the required foot- age, there was no alternative but to recommend denial. Bazil said that he personally would be for the proposal except for the fact that the front lot would be much too small for the minimum requirements. Standard lots being 50' x 150' the Secretary estimated that the front lot would be smaller than 4800 square feet. The Commissioners agreed that it would be undesirable for this to exist. (*NOTE: The Secretary was mistaken about the size of the front lot. After the meeting the tax maps were referred to and it was determined that the front lot was formed of two split lots and that it contained actually 6400 square feet. This is much more than minimum requirements.) The Commission noted that it didn't like the idea of a very small front lot. Also there was an expression that the Commission would never go along with a 3 foot setback for the garage adjacent to the alley. It was noted that the lot was surrounded on two sides by a 6' high masonry wall. Motion was made by Davis and seconded by Stang to RE=MND DENIAL. Motion was carried. The hearing was opened to hear the YARD VARIANCE application for the Artesia Growers Association io permit variances to rear yard and building requirements. The property is located approximate NE corner of Golden West and Ellis Avenue. The Secretary was asked to describe the Page #6 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 15th, 1957 location of the recreation -building on the premises. It was explained that the original plot plan did not allow for a large recreation building and therefore it was a problem now to fit it into the original plan. Stang told the Commission that he was hesitant about allowing the premises to become congested. He.said that he checked on the Artesia Camp location when he was by and felt that it wa-s extremely congested. Schryer said that he had'noticed that same condition as he passed by. A discussion was held by the Commissioners and they agreed that proper circulation was an important element for a crowded labor camp. Weybright emphasized the fact that it was not supposed to be a jail and that it would be desirable from the Mexican Nationals point of view to have adequate room to live in. A motion was made by Davis and seconded by Schryer to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed variance. Motion was carried. Weybright was asked at this time to give a report on the current projects at hand. He outlined it as follows: 1. The master land use.plan previously presented has yet to be properly reviewed and recommendations made by the Planning Commission. He explained that the zoning ordinances are predicated on the final ad- option of a master land use plan. And since a precise zoning ordinance will require a lengthy amount of arbitration and the smoothing over of the many expected controversies, he asked the Commission to set a definite date for review and recommendations. The Commission should arrive at definite conclusions as quickly as possible in order that their recommendation may be forwarded to the City Council and allow action taken towards the final steps of precise zoning. 2. The new proposed Sub -Division ordinance as prepared by the firm of Hahn, Wise and Barber was presented by Weybright to the Comm- ission for their review and study. Several extra copies were provided for sub -dividers' comments. It was explained that there was a provision for sub -dividing four parcels or less and that it was certainly proven necessary by the case which appeared earlier in the evening. He asked d 1 Page #7 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 15th,�1957 the Commissioners for their comments of the Ordinance when it is re- viewed at a future meeting. 3. The procedure for an alternate parking plan was explained to the Commission. He suggested that there might be a possibility for alternatives to the original master parking plan. He finished his report after some discussion. Chairman Bazil suggested to the Commission that they plan on meeting an hour earlier at their next planning commission meeting in order to informally review the plans for the master land use plan. The idea of meeting one hour early on the 29th of October for the purpose of mas- ter land use plan review appeared agreeable to the Commissioners present. The Secretary was instructed to schedule the early hour on the agenda for the next meeting. Bob Bazil Chairman CNC1iNf//oqrd"'& E. Trinw Secretary