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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, October 21, 1957
Mayor Terry called the regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
Councilmen absent : None.
The Clerk read the applications for business licenses.
Bus. A:-plic. Mayor Terry referred the application of C. T.
of C.T.Audry
referred to Audry dba. Huntington Battery andMetalCompany
to conduct the business of salvage and wrecking at 18186
Huntington Avenue, to the Streets and Parks Committee for
further study and report.
Business On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the
applications for license to conduct business in the City of
Huntington Beach, and as approved by the Health Officer,
Building inspector, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, and by the
Planning Technician for zoning, were approved as follows:
Rex M. Grissom dba R. M. Grissom Company, electrical contractor.
Art Craft Neon Company, installing neon signs.
Palermo School of Music teaching at 312 Walnut Avenue.
Orange County Ceramic Tile Mfg. Company, ceramic the man-
ufacturing at 7471 Slater.
Jack Marlow, painting contractor at 421 Lake Avenue.
Davis Equipment, oilfield engine repair at 121 - 22nd Street.
Henry E. Brooks, general contractor.
R.Y.Gri som On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant the
Co. Elect. Bork_
surety bond of Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland,
Electrical Contractor's Bond No. dated October 9, 1957, for
R. M. Grissom Co., Inc., as principal, and subject to approval
by form by the City Attorney be accepted and ordered filed.
Motion carried.
Pa,Ze .42
r'inar.es -Monday, October 21, 1957
Re"i Star Oil Co. On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the
te-=,.drlg.boa.d -
Tel1 T & S „kl request of Red Star Oil Company for termination
of the Pacific Indemnity Company drilling bond No. 228983,
covering well I & S No. 1, located on Lot 10, Block 1704, Vista
Del Mar Tract, having complied with Section 2427.3 of the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the bonding company and
the operator be notified of the bond termination, be approved.
Motion carried.
Request of Jack Cleveland, operator of the Pacific Trail -
Jack ClevL:l�jnd
re: Tr. Pk. Ord. er Park in Huntington Beach, appeared before
City Council and requested the City take action to adopt a
Trailer Park Ordinance. Mayor Terry referred the request to the
Building Committee for further study.
T,ia�;or Deputy On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant
City Clerk
tc exec-a:e the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk be
agreement re:
Hahn, =vise &. Barber authorized to execute the supplemental
agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Hahn, Wise
and Barber, Planning Consultants, to extend the development
of the Master Plan to the newly annexed area known as the
East Annexation, and to extend all of the services provided
for in the contract dated December 12, 1956, said services
to include, Consulting Services to the Planning Commission and
City Council and attendance at one meeting per month during
the term of this agreement, and the following Master Plans:
Park and Recreation, Street and Highway Plan, Parking Plan
and Public Buildings Plan, as provided for in Sections 1 to
5 of said contract, and the City to pay an additional sum of
$2240.00 to be paid $225.00 per month for a period of nine
(9) months beginning on the lst day of November, 1957, and the
balance of $215.00 to be paid on completion and submittal of
the project to the City. Motion carried by the following
roll call vote:
Page #3
Minutes - Monday,'October 21, 1957
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Reoort re: The Clerk read an excerpt from the minutes
Boundary _
CoLn. of Or. of the meeting of the Boundary Commission
Co. - harper
Anrexaicn of Orange County, California, held on
October 14, 1957, re: Proposed annexation of territory to
the City -of Huntington Beach (Harper Annexation).
On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the report
of the Boundary Commission of the County of Orange in re-
ference to the Harper Annexation to the City of Huntington
Beach as read by the Clerk be received. Lotion carried.
Ord. #674 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 674, its' first
1st reading
`,7a per Dept. reading in full, an ordinance of the City of
Huntington Beach establishing a water department, prescribing
rules and regulations for water service and rates; prescribing
penalties for the violation the--eof, and adding to the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, Chapter 35, entitled
"Huntington Beach Water Department", and adding Article 351
entitled "Creation of Huntington Beach Water Department",
Article 352 entitled "Service Connections", Article 353
entitled "Fees, Rates and Deposits", Article 354 entitled
"Regulations applying to use of water" and Article 355
entitled "Extension of water mains".
Petition by On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the
So. Cal. Ediscn
Co. Re: Zone petition of the Southern California Edison
C �iu,ytr; E
Company for zone change from R--4 District to M-1-0 District,
for that parcel of land 330 feet wide by 660 feet deep,
located generally on the south side of Garfield Avenue,
east of Huntington Beach Boulevard, approximately 560 feet
east of Huntington Beach Boulevard, in the area recently
annexed to the City of Huntington Beach known as the North
W i" ,--. e -:
Oc [lcber 21, 1P57
Annexation, be referred to the Planning Commission for further
study. Motion carried.
vo���.nitt_.= =�;4c )ointed Mayor Terry appointed a Committee of City
to Htt lz�i nss a.tbl�r
Interild Cor"Im. at Attorney C. A. Bauer, City Clerk John
Xew— ort Beacli I�ov.
4, l{_57 Henricksen, _:nd Public Relations Director
11im. Gallienne to attend the meeting of the Assembly Interim
Committee for .hearings on the matters relating to the dis-
position of moneys credited to the State Lands Act Fund, to be
held in the City Hall at Newport Beach at 10.00 A. M. on
November 4, 1957. He also requested all Councilmen that are
able to attend should do so.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant the Committee of.
Bauer, Henricksen, and Gallienne be authorized and instructed
to obtain all data and material necessary and to attend the
hearings of the Ass,.:mbly Interim Committee on the problem of
disposition of oil royalties where off -shore oil is produce.-,
said meeting to be xeld at Newport Beach City Hall at 10:00
A.M. on November 4, 1957, and the necessary reasonable expense
be allowed. Motion carried.
The Mayor instructed the Clerk to advise the Interim
Committee that the Committee of Bauer, Henricksen, and Gall-
ienne would like to be placed on the agenda for the hearing
on Assembly Bill 2524 relating to the disposition of money in
the State Lands Act fund to be held on November 4, 1957.
Ernest E.4-ixon On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett and
request for
Vari�nce in accordance with the recommendations of the
Huntington Beach Planning Commission, the re-
quest of Ernest E. Nixon for a yard variance to permit carport
and utility room to encroach to within two feet of Sout1 side
property line, said property located on Tract 2416, 18172
Huntington Beach Blvd.; be denied, for the following reasons:
Page ff5
Mirutes - Monday, October 21, 1=57
1. The fact that construction was began pre-
maturely is no criteria.
2. The proposed car space provided is necessarily
crowded for vehicle occupancy.
3. There are no special or unique circumstances or
hardship to warrant approval.
4. Other property owners in the tract -;ould be tem-
pted to ask for the same special privilege on
the basis of similar locations. The enclosing
of garage spaces shoi::1d not be encouraged. The
approval of this var nce would induce more owners
to do the same.
5. How can this owner or future owners be stopped
from enclosing this proposed car port at a
future time and utilizing this space also for
living purposes.
6. The crowding of structures onto spacious lots
could easily deteriorate the appearance of the
tract and would defeat the original purpose of
the space requirements. Crowded conditions
which are easily viewed from the highway would
serve to discredit and devaluate the tract as
a thole.
7. The carport and utility room would be much more
acceptable if placed in the rear yard away from
the immediate view of the highway.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: Irby.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Request of On motion by Lockett seconded by
County of Orange
re: disposal Bartlett, and in accordance with the
station _#10
granted recommendations of the Planning Commission
the request of the County of Orange to enlarge the existing
disposal station #10 located at W;�, NW-f NW. NWi- Sec 35
T.5.S. Rll.W. SBB & M be eranted subject to the following
1. That the City of Huntington Beach be notified
at the Planning Commission Office at the time the
County desires to terminate use of the described
dump site.
2. That at the time of abandonment of the dump
site, reasonable efforts will be made to immediately
provide the 24 inches of clean fill for required
ground cover.
P: -e .Ft
October1, 157
3. That this Use Variance will permit only the County
of Orange to utilize and maintain this described dis-
posal station premises; the reversion of the described
premises to private individuals whether by sale of fee
simple title or termination of existing lease shall
nullify and void this granted Use Variance. Motion
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett, and in
accordance with recommendation of the Planning Commission
the request for an extension of the Orange County Disposal
Station No. 10, located at 52 of SE4 of NW-i of NW741 of
Section 35, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, approximately
the interior lot adjacent to parcels at SE corner of
Goldenwest and Talbert, was granted subject to the following
1. That the City of Huntington Beach be notified at
the Planning commission Office at the time the County
desires to terminate the use of the described dump site.
2. That at the time of abandonment of the dump site,
reasonable efforts will be made to immediately provide
the 2¢ inches of required ground cover.
3. That this Use Variance will permit only the County
of Orange to utilize and maintain this described dis-
posal station premises; the reversion of the described
premises to private individuals whether by sale of fee
simple title or termination of existing lease shall
nullify and void this granted Use Variance. Motion
Pale #7
Minutes - October 21, 1957
E.E.Finch On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby and in
granted accordance with the recommendations of the
Huntington Beach Planning Commission the request of E. M.
Finch to add one condition and to revise two conditions
specified in'Variance No. 3671 previously granted by the
County of Orange, for a used car lot at the SW corner of
Stark Street and Highway #39, be granted, as follows:
8. The dismantling of automobiles shall not be permitted on
the premises.
4. The only vehicular
access to the premises `-fall
be by way of one driveway from
Stae Highway #39.
5. The applicant shall
install a concrete block
wall 5 feet in
height along the west and
south property lines except
for that portion of the wall
within 20 feet of either
street right of way line which
shall be four feet in height.
Motion carried.
4. The only vehicular access
to the premises shall be by
way of two entrances, one
by which is to be located on
Highway #9, and the other
to be located on Stark Street,
and each entrance shall be
a maximum of 35 feet in width.
5. The applicant shall in-
stall a concrete block wall
five feet in height along
the west and south pro-
P,Prty lines except for that
p o2tion of the wall within
20 feet of either street
right of way line which
shall be four feet in height.
The applicant shall be per-
mitted to omit the south
wall with the provision
that he purchase the south-
erly adjoining property
within one years time and
that the applicant post a
bond to guarantee the
construction of the wall in
the event he fails to
purchase said property.
Pare #8
Liinates - Londay, Cctober 21, 107
On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the
Vernon R. Souffort
granted. request for a conditional exception filed
by Vernon R. Seuffert and recommended for denial by the
Huntington Beach Planning Commis ion to permit a lot located
between Pine and Park and fronting on Utica, described as Lot
12, Block 1802, Tract No. 12, Huntington Beach, excepting
therefrom the '01est 801 thereof and excepting the East 10'
thereof, to be a legal building site, and permission for said
building site to have a 10' front yard and to place garage in
rear to set back 3 feet from the 20' alley, be granted suhject
to the garage setback of 6 feet instead of the requested 3
feet. motion carried.
Road On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett
re,.airs at
Gurrithe City Engineer be instructed to proceed
L_ 'craft
with the repairs and inprovement of the road and area surr-
ounding the Garrish Bros. Aircraft Engine Service shoo and
office buildings. Motion carried.
vi.arc_i f �;'.x .. t Mayor Terry referred the request of Church
t f.or
Stx°,e.t li;_"a.us of Christ for street lighting on Quincy
Street to the Streets and Parks Committee for further study
and report.
Mayor Terry referred the request of Mr.
w - st" fGr beach & Mrs. Honnell and Mr. & Mrs. Hibler to
L, 111"1�CID, S1:Il
lease space on the beach for a food concession was referred to
the beach and Pier Committee for further study.
i.B.t On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the
,aro.. T?.x request of T. B. Talbert to purchase City tax
title Ic't
title Lot 11, in Block 314 without warranty of title, be re -
(erred to the City Attorney to obtain an appraisal on said
lot. Motion carried.
Pa. - e #9
Minutes 11Ionday, , October 21, 1957
Communication- The Clerk read the statement of the
Naming Coiut. Orange County Street Naming Committee
dated October ¢, 1957, pertaining to street names for
the principal highways of Orange County, and which
they state they are studying a method to end some of
the confusion caused by highways having several names.
The communications was ordered filed.
Demands On motion by Irby seconded by Bryant the
demands as approved by the Finance Committee be
ordered paid. Motion carried.
L.S.Hawley On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett
proposal to
cleliv<;r ulrt the proposal of L. S. Hawley of Azusa,
to deliver channel dirt from the Barber City --
Anaheim Channel, consisting of sandy loam and sandy
material to the northwest portion of the northwest
corner of Highway #101 and Highway #39 in the City of
Huntington Beach, and todeliver approximately 30,000
cubic yards for the unit price of $.90 per truck
yard, be rejected. Motion carried.
Gallie.ne & On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby
to attend Wm. Gal.lienne and John Henricksen be
meeting; with
Calif.St.Pk. authorized and instructed to attend the
C olm-1.
meeting with the California State Park
Commission to evaluate the proposed freeway between
the City of Huntington Beach and the Santa Ana River,
the entrance to the Huntington Beach State Park, and
related matters, and which said meeting will be held
in Orange County approximately February or March, 1958,
and the necessary reasonable expenses allowed, be
approved. Motion carried.
Page #10
Yi,n ites - Monday, October 21, 1957
Lease transfer On motion by Irby seconded by Bryant the
frog: Gerald
Lance to i!, request of Gerald and Vivian Lance for per -
mission to transfer their lease for a beach concession to Mr.
William Poore of 1746 Park Street, Huntington Beach, be
approved, and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the
necessary lease agreement transfer. Motion carried.
Re:l'aest of Councilman Irby reported to the City Council
". yn John
lij i.�1 v 'Y4 -
Ferzuson to that a study is being made on the request of
�av4 cor�c�ssi��n
bldZ. Mary and John Ferguson to move their con-
cession building located at the entrance of the Municipal
Trailer Park onto the beach and a written report of the
findings of the Beach and Pier Committee will be presented at
the next Council meeting.
Dallas Hawkins On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the
terlr_inated request of the Street Superintendent to
terminate the employment of Dallas Hawkins as Maintenance
Man due to disability to perform his normal duties, be approved.
Motion carried.
Fire CI'lief Fire Chief Higgins appeared before the City Council
Hi Vins
and expressed his sincere appreciation for all their kind re-
membrances during his illness. He reported he is now back
working in the office part time only aid working on the
various problems due to the recent annexations. He also stated
that due to his illness he will probably have to report to the
Industrial Accident Medical Board, that may result in a dis-
ability retirement.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett the regular
meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
K " ty Clerk an ex-offieio Clerk
,--'Of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach_ California