HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-10-29MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLkNNING COhMSSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington.Beach, California Tuesday, October 29, 1957 A study session was held from 6:30 P. M. to 7:30 P. M. prior to the regular meeting. Fire Chief Bud Higgins addressed the commission's study session and explained how the various types of zoning would affect the future plans for city-wide fire protection. He condemned spot zoning and strip zoning. Chairman Bazil called the meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P. M. Commissioners present: Bazil, Stang, Davis, Liles, Presson, Bardwell Commissioners absent: Schryer On motion by Lilea and seconded by Davis, the minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, October 15th, 1957, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary, were accepted as mailed. Chairman Bazil opened the hearing for Applicant: Custom Drilling Company./Mike Corwin to permit a Use Variance to R_4 regu.-ations of Orange County Land Use Ordinance No. 351 as adopted by interim zoning ordinance No. 668. Located approximately 1150 feet North of Garfield Avenue on the east side of Highway 39. To allow a moved -in structure 22' x 38' for office use. And to allow the premises to be used for storage of oil field drilling equipment. The Secretary read his report and recommendation which empha- sized the policy of establishing the area for primarily R_1. The report concluded by conceding the area might be utilized for light industrial, but that the interlacing of the two uses was undersirable. Because of the need for residential areas which are zoned entirely for such use, the Secretary recommended denial. The Chairman opened the hearing for comment from the audience. Mrs. Walter Dabney, 8801 Garfield Avenue, Local, addressed the Commission and stated that while she would have no objection to ordinary commercial use, that is not detrimental to the neighborhood, she would Page #2 Minutes _ H. B. Planning Commission , Tuesday, October 29th, 1957 hate to see the frontage along this part of Highway 39 become a junk yard like several other nearby business a hterprises have been in the past. Mike Corwin, the applicant, addressed the Commission and explained' that he would like to use the property to store his drilling rig only between drilling jobs and that he would fix up the old building now on the si:t-- for office use and that it would meet code requirements. He stated further that the structure would setback a distance of 60' from the highway and that he would landscape a chain link fence across the front of the property. Lyndon Wells, 101 Walnut Avenue, Local, addressed the Commission. He took exception to the Secretary's report in which he stated that there were trees and shrubs in the vicinity. He claimed that although there were trees, there weren't any shrubs in the area. He claimed that he had lived out in the vicinity in the past and that there are disreputable shacks across the street which have existed for years. He went on to critisize the Commission. Chairman Bazil asked the speaker to contain his remarks to the subject at hand. Wells continued that he disliked the operation of a junk yard on the NE corner of Ellis and Highway 39 and said that although he was neither for nor against the applicant's request, the area should be either cleaned up completely immediately or else allow the storage of the drilling rig. He did not mention a method to accomplish the first alternative. Commissioner Bardwell asked the applicant if he could find another location out in the 14-2 area which would be less expensive to lease and more suitable to his type of operations. The applicant stated that he had a very satisfactory arrangement worked out for his present location and that he didn't feel that he could find another arrangement that would be as suitable. Chairman Bazil commented that the type of structure which was moved in would not in the least up grade the area. He conceded that there were other buildings in the vicinity which were worse, but pointed out that the only way to improve the situation would be to require higher type of Page #3 Ylinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 29th, 1957 buildings and uses. After further discussion, the Commission deemed it advisable to continue the hearing until such time as it was decided what the land use should be for the area. Motion by Presson and seconded by Stang to continue the hearing. Motion was carried. The Commission heard a request from John R. Carson to change one condition of a conditional exception granted August 5, 1957. Present Condition LIMITATIONS ON OWNER AND PRODUCTS TO BE SOLD: 9. That this business establishment shall for the purposes of this conditional exception, remain under original ownership, and any act of sub -leasing the described premises or any attempt to sell or otherwise dispose of any type of commodities other than fresh fruits and vegetables or fresh and frozen -fish, shall constitute a violation of a specified condition. Chan,ge To LIMITATIONS ON PRODUCTS TO BE SOLD: 9. That this business establishment shall for the purposes of this conditional exception be limited to uses ordinarily conducted within a normal grocery store operation. Any attempt to sell or otherwise dispose of any type of commodities other than that which is normal for a grocery store operation shall constitute a violation of a specified condition. The Secretary explained that the applicant has invested a large sum of money, which he must try to amortize before the State Department of Highways condemns his property for the freeway. While Carson only requested permission to sell several items not included in the original condition, the Planning Technician deems it advisable to change the condition to include a grocery operation. There is not enough space in the establishment to carry on a complete grocery operation, however the condition change would allow for a more flexible operation to make the business more procitable. It was pointed out that the business more than likely would not be permanent. Bazil stated that Carson had done an excellent job on his building. The question was asked whether the change of this sort would require another variance. The Secretary pointed out that the original request was for a commercial use and•that the condition change would be for a slight change to higher commercial use and would be minor. There was no objection raised at the first public hearing. Page #4 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 29th, 1957 Motion by Stang and seconded by Bar -dwell to'change condition No. 9tas stated above. Motion was carried. The Commission took under consideration a proposal to set a hearing date for the alternate master plan. Much discussion followed regarding the merits of both- plans. The Chairman brought up the fact the City Council was not inclined towards making a parking lot at Section A trailer park. The being the case the Commissioners mutually agreed there was not much point in considering the Alternate Parking Plan until Weybright could get together with the Commissioners and work up another plan. The Chairman proposed that the SEly corner of Third Street and Walnut Avenue might be the appropriate substitute for the Trailer Park parking lot. He pointed out that it was surrounded on all sides by alleys and streets. The cost would be reasonable because the buildings were of old wood frame or sheet'metal and were deteriorating the neighborhood. It was noted that there were no oil wells or tanks on the property under discussion. The Commission decided to withhold action on the'Parking Plan until they heard from Weybright. The Commission considered the Planning Technician's recommendation to change the By -Laws to include two regular meetings on second and fourth Tuesday of each month. After some discussion a motion was made by Liles and seconded by Stang recommending a resolution be prepared to change the By -Laws. The motion was carried. The Secretary presented a petition for rezoning submitted by the - Southern California Edison Company to the Planning Commission. The petition requested that property of 44 acres which is located approximately1220 feet east of Highway 39 and south of Garfield Avenue be rezoned to M-1 light industrial use from the -present zoning of R-4 suburban residential district. The petition further requests that the M-1 classification be changed to include utility operations and maintenance yards. A general discussion was held ooncerning zoning for the entire area. Chairman Bazil proposed that the area eventually become Planned Manufacturing which would require large setbacks and landscaping plus other Architectural controls. The Secretary read a section of the Fullerton code which was similar to the type of classification which the Chairman had Page #5 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 29th, 1957 discussed. There seemed to be no olijection in principle to the establishment of a Utility yard in the proposed area, however there was a big question of feasibility of rezoning prematurely before a master plan was adopted. The Commission agreed that the matter would require a written report from the City Attorney advising the Commission of the difficulties involved and the advisability of such rezoning from a legal veiwpoint. The Secretary requested the Commission to set a public hearing date for the petition pending a report from the City Attorney and other supporting information. He pointed out that even though a public hearing was held, action on the petition could be postponed indefinitely if the situation required it. A motion was made by Bardwell and seconded by Presson to schedule a public hearing on the petition for rezoning pending a recommendation and report from the City Attorney. The motion was carried. The Secretary gave a review of the immediate problems of the new Ocean View School located at the NE corner of B Street and Wintersburg Avenue. He said the Commission is confronted with the problem of getting cooperation from the school district, and that it was necessary to write a letter asking for cooperation in order to protect the future actions the Commission might make regarding development of the surrounding area. Davis asked the Secretary what direct purpose the letter would serve. It was explained that it would be more favorable for the Commission in furure zoning cases if the group had documentary evidence that supported the intent of the Commission to consider the school district and their related interests. As the last item on the agenda, the new proposed Sub -Division ordinance was studied by the Commission. Commissioner Stang made a strong request for a clause to require easements for water utilities at the rear of all lots fronting on cul-de- sacs. He explained that dead end water mains were too costly and un- profitable for water companies. The Secretary read a section of the Fullerton Sub -Division ordinance which required a fee of $25.00 for every lot be filed with the 1 1 city for park'and playground acquisition. It was explained that the legality Page #6 Minutes - H. B., Planning Commission Tuesday, October 29th, 1957 of this section has not been established pending disposition of the City of Upland case. In the meantime, it was.explained, the City of Fullerton was required to deposit the monies in escrow. The provision in the proposed ordinance requiring that all parcels of four or less which are sub -divided be approved by the Planning Commission was considered to be highly desired by the Commissioners. Further discussion of the Ordinance followed. The meeting was adjourned. Bob Bazil Chairman Cl' ,ford E. Tripp Secretary 1