HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-11-04M I N U T E S 197 Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, November 4,.1957 In the absence of Mayor Terry the Clerk called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hunt- ington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett. Councilmen absent : Terry. 5ryG t On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett Mayor nrct., m Councilman Bryant be appointed Mayor protein in the absence of Mayor Terry. Motion carried. Minutes On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the Minutes of the Council meeting for Monday, October 7th and Monday, October 21st as transcribed and mailed by the Clerk be accepted and approved. Motion carried. Mcnthly The Clerk read the reports for the month of Re ,ort s October filed by the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Collector, City Engineer, Building Inspector, Manager of the Municipal. Trailer Park, Fire Chief,- Chief Lifeguard, Chief of Police, and the Superintendent of Recreation. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the reports of the Department Heads for the month of October as read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried, Business On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett the Linen ses applications for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach and as approved by the Health officer, Building Inspector, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, and by the Planning Technician for zoning, were approved as follows: .; nnutes - I o ?_ay, November 4, 1957 Lewis TV, Sales & Service at 414 Walnut Ave, L. J. Lirette Plumbing Co. Plumbing Contractor. C. A. Shives, Plastering Contractor. John Edwards, Pest Control. John Nell Clark, General Bldg. Contractor. Alpha Beta Food Markets, Inc, selling retail foods at 17311 'Nichols Ave. Marshall Builders, General Bldg. Contractor. Glenn G. Riley, Plastering contractor. Lynn Salva'qe demolition of Bldgs., etc. Plumbing bond- On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lirette :E'lu biro, Inc, Lockett the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company License Bond No. 3071403 for LeRoy Lirette, dba Lirette Plumbing, Inc., and as approved for form by the City Attorney be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. Neon sign- On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby C.B.Ph;r^a^y the Building permit application request of 0. B. Pharmacy, 101 Main Street for the erection of a neon sign, having received an encroachment permit from the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, be granted. Motion carried. Term.drlg. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby }'7cn . Beane Cil Co_. TrJc o�d the request of Beane Oil Company for termination of drilling bond of the Aetna Insurance: drilling bond dated September 25, 1957 for well Woods #1, located on Lots 2-4-6--8 Block 205 Huntington Beach Tract, having complied with Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the operator and the bonding company be notified of the bond termination, be approved. Motion carried. (2) 199 Minutes - Monday, November 4, 1957 Final On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett acceptance - Pacific Union the recommendation of Sidney L. Lowry, Metal --Street lights City Engineer, for the acceptance of the work done by Pacific Union Metal Company on the Crest Avenue Street lighting project, be approved. Motion carried. L.Norris On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the request for removal of request of H. Lee Norris for removal of tree a palm tree at 517 9th Street for reason it is in the path of walk to be built at said location and the Street Superintendent be instructed to remove the tree, be approved. Motion carried. Carl A. Mayor Protem, Roy Bryant referred Christensen - bait concession the request of Carl A. Christensen a.Creement for renewal of the concession agree - meat on the building housing the Bait and Tackle Shop located in the middle of the pier known as Carl's Bait Stand to the Beach and Pier Committee for study and report. Lifeguard Dept. On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby to pl•,.rchase Zrease gan the purchasing agent be instructed to purchase one air operated grease gun at an approximate cost of $182.60 and said expense be charged to Special Fund for Capital Outlay, as requested by Chief Lifeguard, Vincent Moorhouse, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Bryant. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry. Ord. #674 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 674 its second passed and adopted - and final reading by title an Ordinance of Water Dept. the City of Huntington Beach establishing a water department prescribing rules and regulation for water service and rates; prescribing penalties for the (3) 200 Minutes - Monday, November 4, 1957 violation thereof, and adding to the Hu.ntington.Beach Ordin- ance Code, Chapter 35 entitled "Huntington Beach Water Depart- ment", and adding article 351, entitled "Creation of Hunting- ton Beach Water Department", article 352 entitled "Service Connections", article 353 entitled "Fees, Rates and deposits", article 354 entitled "Regulations applying to use of water" and article 355 entitled "Extension of [dater Mains". On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett Ordinance No. 674 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Bryant. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry. Amendment to The Clerk read amendment No. 1 to the State Highway maint. afgrnit. agreement for maintenance of State Highways in the City of Huntington Beach amending the agreement executed July 17, 1950. Reso. 1323 On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby Resolution No. 1323 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Bryant. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry. Claim for The Clerk read the claim for damages against damages - Verba H. the City of Huntington Beach filed by Verba Mitchell H. Mitchell for injuries claimed sustained while stepping from the shore boat to the pier landing, said boat being operated by Ernest A. Ingersoll under con- (4) 2011 Minutes - Monday, November 4, 1957 tract with the City of Huntington Beach. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the claim for damages filed by Verba H. Mitchell be referred to the City .Attorney. Motion carried. Action to On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett the collect re: E.A.Ingersoll, City Attorney be instructed to proceed to barge agrmt. file necessary action for collection of amounts due the City from Ernest A. Ingersoll resulting from the operation of the sport fishing barge and said operation under agreement with the City of Huntington. Beach and Ingersoll be notified to present his books to the City Auditor for verification of his operations, be approved. Motion carried. Library Mayor Protem Bryant referred the recommendation Board of Trustees of the Library Board of Trustees recommending the appointment of Rev. Lowell R. Spangler of the Baptist Church and Paul R. Davis of 814 Main Street to fill the resignation of term of Mr. E. Galen Hasson and the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. K. McDonald be tabled for further study by the Uity Council. Fund On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the City Transfers Clerk be authorized to transfer from the Music and Promotion Fund the amount of $319898.28 and from the Special Recreation fund the amount of $15,019.32 and from the Capital Outlay Fund the amount of $24,209.58 a total amount of 710127.18 to the General Fund for expenditures made for the funds from the General Fund drufing the first quarter of the fiscal year 1957-1958, be approved. Motion carried. Change in The Council heard a request from John conditional exception - R. Carson to change condition No. 9 of John Carson the conditional exception granted by the City Council August 5, 1957, Section 9 reading (5) 202 Minutes - Monday, November 4, 1957 "LIMITATIONS ON OWNER AND PRODUCTS TO BE SOLD: That this business establishment shall for the purposes of this conditional exception, remain under original ownership, and any act of sub -leasing the described premises or any attempt to sell or otherwise dispose of any type of commod- ities other than fresh Fruits and vegetables or fresh and frozen fish, shall constitute a violation of a specified condition". Change to read: LIMITATIONS ON PRODUCTS TO BE SOLD; That this business establishment shall for the purposes of this conditional exception be limited to uses ordinarily conducted within a normal grocery store operation. Any attempt to sell or otherwise dispose of any type of comm- odities other than that which is normal for a grocery store operation shall constitute a violation of a specified con- dition. Motion being made and carried by the Planning Commission members present recommended to the City Council the change be granted. Motion carried. On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett, in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission the change of the condition 9 of the conditional exception granted to John R. Carson on August 5,. 1957 be granted. Motion carried. Uniforms On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett the re - for Police Reserve quest of Ben Dulaney, Chief of Police, to purchase Police Uniforms For members of the police reserve in accordance with the budgeted items and said expenditures be charged to Capital Outlay Reserve Fund was approved by the following roll call vote: (6 ) 2031 Monday, Minutes November 4, 1957 AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Bryant. NOES: Councilmen.: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry. Demands On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried. Civil On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett Defense Conference a public official of the City of Huntington Beach be instructed to attend the Civil Defense Conference for Southern California's public officials, to be held on Thursday November 21, 1957, at 9:30 A. M. in the State Building Auditorium located at let and Spring, & Broadway in Los Angeles, be approved. Motion carried. Ferguson's On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett concession according to the recommendation of the Beach and Pier Committee the Ferguson's be permitted to move their beach business onto the beach approximately 200 feet east of the beach entrance road at the Trailer Park. Councilman Irby and Councilman Bartlett requested their motion and second be withdrawn. Irby .reports Councilman Irby reported to the Council on beach concessions as Chairman of the Beach and Pier Comm- r s ittes that he has reviewed the various beach concession agreements and recommends that a three year lease be drawn up for all beach concessions whose leases expire on December 31, 1957, and recommends that the percentage of all the leases to read 3% on food and 20% on rentals with the exception of the Ferguson agree- ment to be drawn up recommends that the percentage on the grocery operation of their business 1 and that all con- cessions on the Pier renewal to come up that there be incorporated in the agreements to pay for their own util- ities. (7) � 204. Monday, November 4, 1957 Beach extended On motion by Irby seconded by Lockett the easterly of M-anicipal Assistant City Engineer be instructed to Trailer Park draw up plans for the proposed extension of • ro d. the beach easterly at the Municipal Trailer Park be approved. Motion carried. Improvement On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby that of Fifth St. the City Engineer be instructed to draw up plans and specifications and estimate of cost for the im- provement of Fifth Street between Ocean Avenue and Main Street, be approved. Motion carried. C.A.Audry On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett business application the business license application of 0. A. referred to Plannina Tech. Audry to operate a salvage and battery operation be referred to the Planning Technician for fiirthiOr study and report. Motion carried. Light poles On motion by Irby seconded by Lockett the Oity at Quincy & Main Sts. Engineer be instructed to have erected two metal light poles at the locations recommended adjacent to the first Churca of Christ located at Quincy and Main Streets, be approved. Motion carried. Waste Water Mayor Protem Bryant referred to -the ail Disposal Committee for study and report the problem of waste water disposal as referred to by Councilman Bartlett in the area north and south,of Quincy Street East of the Railroad tracks. Reroofing of On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the Lake Park Cabin City Engineer be instructed to proceed with reroofing of that portion of the cabin in Lake Park that was not previously roofed, be approved. Motion carried. (B) cos Monday, November 4, 1957 Title search On motion by Bartlett seconded by for alley easement - Irby the City Attorney be instructed Block 103 VDM to order title search for the property required for alley easement in Block 103 Vista Del liar Tract Section 5 as referred to by the City Engineer and the City Engineer to furnish the City Attorney with the description of the property covering the area required, be approved. Motion carried. Park development Mayor Protem Bryant referred to between 11th & 12th committee Streets. the Streets and Parks for study and report the proposed parks development presented by the City Engineer covering the area between Eleventh Street and Twelfth Street west of Main Street. On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett the meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. My Clerkand ex-o icio er of the City Council of the 1'ity of Huntington Beach, California day r -Pro-tea ATTEST: City Clerk