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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, December 2, 1957
Mayor Terry called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at
7:3Q o'clock p.m.
Councilmen present: Bryant, Irby, Lockett, Bartlett, Terry.
Councilmen absent : Done.
Minutes On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the
minutes of the Council meetings for November
4th and 19th, 1957, as transcribed and mailed be accepted
and approved. Motion carried.
Monthly The Clerk read the reports for the month of
November 1957 filed by the City Treasurer, City
Clerk, City Collector, City Engineer, Building Inspector,
Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park, Fire Chief, Chief
Lifeguard, Chief of Police, and the Superintendent of
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the reports
of the Department Heads for the month of November, as read
by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed. Motion
Business On motion by Irby seconded by Lockett the
applications for license to conduct business
in the City of Huntington Beach were granted as follows:
Anahiem Heating Company 101 N. Manchester, Anahiem,
business of Heating Contractor.
W. J. Esser & Sons, 12392 S. W. Country Lane, Santa Ana
business of General Building Contractor.
Perry B. Andrews, 350 E. 22nd Street, Costa Mesa, business
of General Building Contractor.
Smith Bros. Cesspool Service, 13751 Laurel Street, Santa
Ana, Business of Cesspool, Septic Tank, & Sewer.
Acme House On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant
moving bond
the house movers License Bond filed by
the Travelers Indemnity Company of Hartford Connecticut
for Lawrence J. Eby dba Acme House Moving Company and as
"dinutes - Yon3.ay, Dece-k}er 21 1957
approved for form by the City Attorney be accepted and ordered
filed. Motion carried.
WI.Blli.Ott On motion by Irby seconded by Lockett the
to reprove Garb
request of Wm. Elliott for permission to re-
move 20 feet of curbing at 805-13th Street, for driveway
purposes, and said work be done under the supervision and to
the satisfaction of the City Engineer, be approved. Motion
Wm.Grant to On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the
remove curb
request of Wm. Grant for permission to cut
the curb for a 10 foot driveway at 918-10th Street and aaid
work to be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction
of the City Engineer, be approved. Motion carried.
Petition for The Clerk reported to the City Council that
exception - the Planning Commission held a meeting on
Ocean V9.ew
Sc:.00l. 'Dist. Tuesday, November 19, 1957, and held a public
hearing on the petition for conditional except-
ion Filed by the Ocean View School District for permission to
construct a new elementary school at the Northeast corner of
"B" Street, and Wintersburg Ave. and that upon a motion duly
made and carried by the Planning Commission members in attend-
ance and recommended a petition for conditional exception filed
by the Ocean View School to construct a new school be approved
subject to the following conditions:
1. That all the school property required for the widening of
Wintersburg Avenue to 95 feet north of existing centerline
and east of the present City Limits be offered for dedication
for Street purposes.
2. That all that school property required for the widening of
"B" Street to 15 feet east of existing property line be offered
for dedication for street purposes.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett the recommendation
of the Planning Commission of Huntington Beach to permit the
Ocean View School District to construct a new elementary
school at the Northeast corner of "B" Street and Wintersburg
Avenue and be subject to the conditions imposed by the Planning
Commission be granted. Motion carried.
Minutes - Monday, December 2, 1957
Petition for The Clerk informed the City Council that the
exception - meeting of the Planning Commission of Huntington
Custom Drlg.Co_._
Beach held on Tuesday, November 19, 1957, a
public hearing was held on a petition for donditional exception
filed by the Custom Drilling Company requesting permission to
move in a structure to be used as a business office and to per-
mit the premises to be used for storage of oil drilling equip-
ment, located approximately 1150 feet north of Garfield Avenue
on the east side of Highway #39, and upon a motion duly made and
carried by members of the Planning Commission recommended that
the petition be denied for reasons that the area must be brought
up to higher standards in accordance with good planning.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett in accordance
with the recommendations of the Planning Commission the petition
for the conditional exception filed by the Custom Drilling
Company to permit a moved -in structure to be used as a business
office and to permit the premises to be used for equipment stor-
age be denied. Motion carried.
Petition for The Clerk informed the City Council that at the
exception - meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of
Wm. Grant
Huntington Beach held on Tuesday, November 19, 1957
a public hearing was held on the conditional exception filed by
William W. Grant requesting permission to erect multiple type
small bungalows on property located at 930-10th Street, and des-
cribed as Lots 30 and 31, Block 805, Wesley Park Tract, and that
the Planning Commission by roll call vote of Ayes 5, Noes 2, and
Absent None, recommended denial of the application because of the
new homes across the street and because of the integrity of the
well kept neighborhood, and they feared the erection of multiple
type small bungalows would generally lower surrounding property
On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby in accordance with the
recommendations of the Planning Commission the conditional except-
ion filed by William W. Grant to permit the erection of multiple
type small bungalows on the property located at 930-10th Street
and described as Lots 30 and 31, Block 805, Wesley Park Tract,
be denied. Motion carried.
Minutes - Monday, December 2, 1957
Petition for The Clerk informed the City Council that the
exception - Planning Commission held a regular meeting on
S out i7 ern
California Tuesday, November 19, 1957, and held a public
Edison Co.
hearing on a conditional exception filed by
the Southern California Edison Company for permission to expand
the facilities of the Ocean -View sub -station located at the
northeast corner of "B" Street and Wintersburg Ave. and to
increase the height of the chain link fence from six feet to
eight feet, chain link fence including three strands of barbed
wire. A condition was recommended requiring the Edison Company
to dedicate 5 feet along their east boundary property line
for the widening of "B" Street. Preliminary reports from the
City Engineer's Office and the Fire Department indicated the
advisability of widening "B" Street for safety reasons ex-
plained by W. L. Weybright, Planning Consultant representative.
Norman Kuch
At the meeting of the Planning Commission Norman
Kuch, representative for Southern California
Edison Company zoning matters, addressed the Commission and
stated that he was not previously informed that 5 feet would
be requested for dedication. He elaborated by stating that
they were opposed to relinquishing the property in conjunction
with the granting of a conditional permit. Also, that there
was no objection to widening "B" Street, but that there was
objection to the manner in which it is to be accomplished. He
further challenged the legality of the condition imposed.
A motion was duly made by the Planning Commission members
present recommending approval of the conditional exception
of Southern California Edison Company for the expansion of
facilities, subject to the following conditions:
1. That the Southern California Edison Company be required
to offer for dedication to the City of Huntington Beach a
5 foot strip of land legally described as the East 5 feet of
Lots 2, 4, 6, S, 10, 129 14, and 16, for right-of-way pur-
poses without improvements. And that said fence enclosing this
five feet be reinstalled five feet West of its present location.
This condition shall only be included with the recommendation
for approval if it is deemed to be a legally imposed condition
Minutes - Monday, December 2, 1957
in the opinion of the City Attorney.
C.D.Shedenhelm Mr. C. D. Shedenhelm, District Manager for the
Edison Company appeared before the City Council
and read a prepared statement dated December 2, 1957 relative
to the application for the conditional exception for its
Ocean View sub -station and filed said statement with the Clerk
of the Board.
C.R.Simpson Jr. C. Robert Simpson Jr., Assistant Counsel of
the Southern California Edison Company appeared
before the City Council and read a prepared statement dated
December 2, 1957 relative to the application for the Southern
California Edison Company for a conditional exception to per-
mit expansion of the Ocean View sub -station and said mem-
orandum submitted as a memorandum of law, concerning the vali-
dity of a condition to the granting of zoning authority that
the applicant be required to dedicate a portion of its pro-
perty involved in the application to the granting body with-
out receiving just compensation therefor.
Att�,.Bauer City Attorney Bauer, reported to the City Council
that his finding in the matter of law concerning
the validity of the condition to dedicate a portion of pro-
perty for street purposed is legal and proper, if in accor-
dance With facts such condition is reasonable.
So.Calif.Edison On motion by Irby seconded by Lockett in
Co. -variance
accordance with recommendations of the Plann-
ing Commission the conditional exception requested by the
Southern California Edison Company be granted to add an add-
itional KV switchrack position to an existing 66 KV switch -
rack located within the Ocean View sub -station located at
Wintersburg Avenue and "B" Street, and to increase the height
of the chain link fence from 6 foot to an eight foot high chain
link fence including three strands of barbed wire, and that
the recommendation'of the Planning Commission setting forth
certain conditions be disapproved, was approved by the foll-
owing roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lockett, Irby, Bartlett.
NOES: Councilmen: Bryant, Terry.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Minutes - Monday, December 2, 1957
So.Calif.Edison The Clerk informed the City Council that
Co. -petition for
rezoning the Planning Commission held a public hearing
on the petition of the Southern California
Edison Company for the rezoning of their property located
approximately.500 feet East of Highway 39 on the South side of
Garfield Avenue being 330 feet long and a depth of 660 feet,
from an R-4 zone to M-1-0 classification amended to permit
public utility service yards.
The Clerk read the following actions of the Planning
Commission taken from the minutes of the meeting of Tuesday,
November 19, 1957, relative to the rezoning request of the
Edison Company, "It will be noted that a Planning Commission
proposal for possible rezoning of property surrounding the
Edison Company premises was considered simultaneously with the
Edison petition and that the entire Northwest quarter of SEC
19T.6.S.9 R.11.W. was posted for public hearing.
C.H.Thatcher The Secretary read a letter from Charles H.
Thatcher, trustee of Aldrich R. Peck, large pro-
perty holding group in the Garfield Street area, which in-
cludes the Edison property. Thatcher went on record as being
in favor of rezoning to light industrial for the Garfield Block.
C.D.Shedenjlelm C. D. Shedenhelm, District Manager for Edison
Company, addressed the Commission and ex-
plained that his firm was only interested in rezoning their
specific parcel 330 x 660 feet. He stated that the site was
chosen because it was desirable from the traffic standpoint to
have the Edison yard located on the east side of Highway 39,
and that it is reasonably close to existing M-2-0 located
on the west side of Highway 39. He outlined the problems in-
volved in the land acquisition and indicated that a conditional
permit would not be suitable for his firm as it was not con-
sidered to be sufficiently controlled. He exhibited a large
neat appearing architectural perspective of the proposed building.
Mrs.Dabney Mrs. Dabney, 8081 Garfield, addressed the Commission
to state that she had no objection to the Edison pro-
posal, except that she would definitely oppose any other attempt
to rezone to M-1 in that area. She felt that it was primarily
residential and any major change would be detrimental to those
Minot"5 - Monua -, Dece:,.�ber 2, l ?
who have invested in newer homes.
H.Trabant Howard Trabant, 8051 Yorktown, addressed the
Commission and expressed only slight objection to
the Edison installation. He asked for protection for those homes
situated at the rear where the Edison Company would have pole
yard with unlandscaped chain link fence.
lgrs.Trask Mrs. Trask, property owner on Yorktown, expressed
sentiments similar to Howard Trabant.
C.Steverson Carl Steverson, 19172 H.B. Blvd. (office) con-
tended that while there may be no strong objection
to the Edison facilities as such, they should be controlled
to protect the surrounding individuals.
J.Capocciama Joe Capocciama, 19232 H. B. Blvd., stated that
he had no objection to the Edison facility as
it is shown, however he declared himself to be violently opp-
osed to any further industrial or other uses in the neighbor-
hood which would be detrimental to the new residences that
many of the property owners have recently built.
C.S.Johnson C. S. Johnson, 19362 H. B. Blvd., explained to
the Commission that he had built a new home in
good faith. He proceeded to inform the Commission that he and
the adjoining property owners had opposed a proposal in recent
years made by the Orange County Planning Commission to rezone
the area from residential uses. He said that he nor his
neighbor's viewpoints have not changed.
Chairman Bazil Chairman Bazil upon hearing all arguments given
from the audience, questioned Weybright in re-
gards to the obstacles to rezoning the Edison parcel.
Weybri�nt Weybright reported that he, the City Attorney and the
Planning Technician had held a conference at Bauer's
office the morning of the Planning Commission meeting.to discuss
all possibilities for rezoning. A visiting lawyer was also
asked to give his legal viewpoint during the conference.
Three possibilities were considered.
1. Spot zone Edison parcel only; This could be legally chall-
enged in a court of law, because it would demonstrate arbitrary
discrimination without justification for the applicant.
Minutes - Monday, December 2, 1957
2. The entire surrounding area could be rezoned without partiality:
However this would require support from the surrounding pro-
perty owners and would involve a long and incumbersome legal
maneuver to accomplish.
3. A conditional permit could be granted: This could easily be
accomplished without endangering the Interim Zoning Ordinance.
Wm.Weybright Weybright stated that he was entirely in favor
of Edison's proposed facilities. However he
argued that the third possibility, a conditional permit was
the only logical solution to the problem. He emphasized that
illegality of the first possibility, and the public sentiment
against the second possibility.
He elaborated further by explaining that a conditional per-
mit was designed specifically for use in such cases, and that
the undertaking of removing the existing emergency zoning ord-
inance would be sheer folly under the circumstances. He then
asked Mr. Kuch, Edison representative, if he could explain
his objection to a conditional permit.
bir.Kuch Mr. Kuch said that his firm opposed a conditional per-
mit for an expensive installation of this type. He
estimated that the cost would be around a quarter of a million
dollars. He further added that while the site would not be added
to in the future, they had planned expansion within the fenced
premises. He said that the firm wished to be free to develop
the premises as would be required in the future.
There being no further comment from the audience, the Chair --
man closed the hearing to the public. He added his opinion
that to grant a zone change in this specific location would
pave the way for the granting of zone changes in specific
locations in other areas.
There was lengthy discussion among the Commissioners and
it was noted that strong public sentiment was not in essence
against the Edison facilities but against general industry with --
in the area.
A motion made by Davis and seconded by Bardwell to recommend
denial of the Edison petition to rezone, with the stipulation
that a conditional permit would be favorably considered.
Minutes -- Monday, December 2, 1957
Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Six, Noes: None, Abstained: One, Absent, None.
The meeting was adjourned."
Mr. C. D. Shedenhelm representative of the
Edison Company appeared before the City Council
and read a prepared statement in which was explained the cha-
racter and use of the proposed Edison District Store and filed
the prepared statement with the Clerk of the Board.
R.Simpson. Jr. Robert Simpson Jr. assistant counsel of the
Edison Company, appeared before the City Council
and read from a prepared statement regarding the application
of the Southern California Edison Company for a change of
zone and related matters in regards to the proposed Huntington
Beach EDS, which covered memorandum of law concerning the quest-
ion on whether the subject application is unlawful as spot
zoning, and filed with the Clerk bf the Board the prepared
H.Trabant Howard Trabant stated before the City Council that
he did not want the City to forget the people in
the area as a resident of the area desires the area be kept
in the classification as presently zoned.
Att .Bauer City Attorney, C. A. Bauer informed the council
concerning the legal aspects of spot or hap-
hazard zoning, concerning the city's Interim zoning of the
area in consideration, and concerning a conditional except-
ance as opposed to rezoning. The City Attorney recommended
that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission since
the Planning Commission had not submitted Findings of Fact
along with its recommendation and that further study should
be made of the contemplated rezoning.
Request of Edison On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant
Co.for rezoning
referred to Plann. the request of the Edison Company for re -
zoning a certain part of the land as re-
ported by the Planning Commission be returned to the Planning
Commission for further study and findings, be approved. Motion
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Lockett the demands hs
approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried.
1 222
Minutes - Elo day, December 2, 1957
Jake Stewart Mayor Terry referred the request of Jake R.
& Fred Ba,nniaer
Stewart and Fred N. Bannigar owners of Lots
1,293,4,5,6,7,899,11,13,15,17,19,21, and 23 of Block "A" Tract
No. 528 located adjacent to the junction of Wintersburg Avenue
and Huntington Beach Blvd. to vacate the certain 15 foot wide
alley as shown on a map of Tract No. 528, recorded in book 180
page 28 of Misc. Maps, records of Orange County, said alley
being located easterly of Huntington Beach Blvd. and north-
erly of Wintersburg Avenue in Block "A" of said Tract No.
528, to the City Engineer and Planning Technician for study
and report.
Business License The Clerk read the report of the Planning
Technician relative to the business license
application of C. T. Audry and informed the City Council that
the applicant is operating under the county variance UV1368
permitting the establishing of a salvage yard and a battery
rebuilding business and in order to conform to the variance the
business license should be issued subject to the conditions
set fQ.rth in Variance Uv1368 as granted by the County of
Orange, namely: Storage of wrecked auto's while salvaging and
reclaiming auto parts with the purpose of wholesale and retail
sales shall be prohibited. Auto parts can not be sold on the
premises except as scrap metal, the smelting of metals or the
burning of any materials shall be termed a violation of both
the business license and the variance permit.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby the City grant a bus-
iness license to C. T. Audry to permit the operation under the
same condition as County UV1368 permit and subject to the
conditions as outlined in the report of the Planning Tech-
nician, be approved. Motion carried.
Dr.Ralph Halves Mayor Terry in accordance with the request of
re -appointed to
Or.Co.Mosquito the Orange County Mosquito Abatement Board of
Trustees recommended the appointment of Dr.
Ralph E. Hawes to succeed himself to the board for a two -yeas
term expiring on December 31, 1959.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant the appointment
of Dr. Ralph E. Hawes to the Orange County Mosquito Abatement
District Board as recommended by the Mayor, be corfAirmed and
Minutes -- Monday, December 2, 1957
approved. Motion carried.
Purchase new On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant and
Chevrolet 4-
door Sedan in accordance with the informal bid submitted
by Williams Chevrolet for a four door 1958
sedan in accordance with specifications submitted the pur-
chasing agent be authorized to issue a purchase order to
Williams Chevrolet for a four door 1958 eight cylinder sedan
and to trade in the 1953 Ford, four door for a trade in all-
owance of $300.00 dollars, and the expenditure be charged
to the Capital Outlay Reserve Fund be approved. Motion
carried: by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Purchase new On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby
Plymouth Sedan
for Fire Dept. and in accordance with the informal bid
submitted by Mandic Motors Inc. to furnish
one 1958 Plymouth Plaza model 8 cylinder Pour door sedan in
accordance with the specifications submitted for said car
and to be used by the Fire Department and the City Purchasing
Agent be authorized to issue a purchase order in accordance
with bid and the the expenditure be charged to the Capital
Outlay reserve fund was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Notice to be On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett the
served to
E.A.In&ersoll City Clerk be instructed to serve notice upon
Ernest Ingersoll that his fishing barge lease
will be cancelled within ten days unless he appears before the
City Council by December 31, 1957 and show cause why he should
not account for his sport barge fishing operations for the
season of 1957 and settle with the City the amount due, be
approved. Motion carried.
Fund Transfer On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby in
West Or.Co.
Water Board accordance with the request of the West
Orange County Water Board the City Clerk be
authorized to draw a demand transferring $218.52 to the West
Minutes -- Monday, Decen.ber 2, 1957
Orange County Water Board fund in accordance with the terms
of the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and
the West Orange County Water Board, be approved. Motion
Pand transfer On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby the
Vie;t Or.Co.
Framer Boa�:,d. City Clerk be authorized to transfer from
the West Orange County Water Board Fund
the amount of $39436.93 to the general fund to reimburse
the General Fund for expenditures made for the West
Orange County Water Board Fund for the period July 1st, to
November 3091957, be approved. Motion carried.
Rich rd J. The Clerk presented a letter received from
Sh.af ``31 Richard J. Shaffer relative to the proposal
made by Mr. Shaffer on the City owned pro-
perty located adjacent to Ocean Avenue and Highway 39.
The City Clerk was instructed to inform Richard J.
Shaffer that the City at this time is not interested in dis-
posing or selling the City owned property adjacent to
Ocean Avenue and Highway 39.
Amendment to On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant
State Retirement
Contract the Mayor and the City Clerk be author-
ized to amend the resolution of in-
tention received from the State of California Retirement
Board to provide for a change in final compensation to be
the average monthly salary based on the three consecutive
years of highest earnings instead of five years of highest
earnings and to delete from the documents the minimum
voluntary retirement age for local safety...members shall
be 50 instead of 55, be approved. Motion carried.
Rev.Lowell Mayor Terry recommended the appointment of
Spangler F
Raymond Beem Rev. Lowell R. Spangler and Raymond Beem
to Library
Board of to fill the vacancies on the Library Board
Tra tees
of Trustees for the term ending June 30, 1960.
On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the recommendation
of Mayor Terry of Rev. Lowell R. Spangler and Raymond Beem
to fill the vacancies in the Library Board of Trustees,
be confirmed and approved. Motion carried.
Minutes -- Mon,�.ay, December 21, 1957.
Annexation to The Clerk reported receipt of the
County Sanitation
District No. 11 resolution of the Board of Supervisors
of Orange County covering their action
completing the annexation
of the second portion of the north annexation to the County
Sanitation District No. 11.
Ordinance No.675 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 675 an
subdivision -
lst reading Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach
amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code by repealing Chapter 96 entitled, "City subdivision
Ordinance"; repealing articles 960 entitled "General",
article 961, entitled, "Maps", Article 962, entitled "Tent-
ative Maps", article 963, entitled "Final Map", artic1b
964, entitled "Conditions; provisions", article 965, entitled
"Improvements", article 966, entitled, "Costs", and article
967, entitled "Modification of requirements", and repealing
all sections of said chapter of the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code, its first reading.
Ordinance No.676 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 676 an
subdivision lst
readina Ordinance of the City of Huntington
Beach relating to and regulating the
development of subdivisions in the City of Huntington Beach,
setting forth improvements required and providing for pen-
alties for the violation thereof, and adding to the Hunt-
ington Beach Ordinance Code, Chapter 97 entitled "City
Subdivision Ordinance ", and adding Article 970 entitled
"Purpose of Ordinance", article 971, entitled "Definitions",
article 972 entitled "Tentative Map", article 973, entitled
"Final Map", article 974 entitled, "General regulations and
design", article 975 entitled "Improvements," article 976
entitled, "Exceptions", article 977 entitled "Appeal", its
first reading.
Ordinance No.677 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 677
Physical examinations -
City employees ,.� an Ordinance of the City of Hunt-
ington Beach relating to physical
examinations of CitS- employees and adding Section 1407 to
the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, its first reading.
Mina+es -- 11iIon0.;ayp Decem-ber 2, 19"7
Or,-'. No.678- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 678 an
,amend. salary
Ordinance Ordinance of the City of Huntington
Beach relating to salaries of officers
and amending Sections 1445 and 1447 its first reading.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby the regular
meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach adjourned.
City Clerk
y Clerk and ex -of icio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California