HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-12-16*ndK&ilWd0M•Q Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, December 16, 1957 Mayor Terry called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Bryant, Irby, Lockett, Bartlett, Terry. Councilmen absent : None. Business On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the applications Licenses for license to conduct business in the City of Hunt- ington Beach and as approved by the Health Officer, Building Inspector, Chief of Police, Fire Chief & Planni_-g Technician were granted as follows: George McCandless, 712 Yorktown, Bldg. #7, business of G. & B. Blacksmith Shop. Ed Tunison 119-44th Street, Newport Beach, business of Electrical Contracting. M. A. Snow 7832 16th Street, Westminster, business of plastering contractor. Steverson Bros. Co. 18062 Gothard, business of Scrap Yard. Ted M. Gustafson, 3981 Wilshire, business of Real Estate Auctioneer. Federal Termite Control 500 W. Pacific Coast Highway, business of Termite Control. Francis H. Creger dba Creger Marine No. 2, at 412 Ocean, business of Retail Boat & Motor Sale. Virgil I. Mahaffey, 606 17th Street, business of Mahaffey Machine Company. Swedish Pacific Company, 17362 Gothard business of Imports and Exports. Robert Eiferman 317 N. Van Ness, business of Peddling Flags and Flowers (Veteran) John W. Reece business of Peddling Gas balloons(Veterans) Danny W. Craig at 1617 S. Flower, business of Peddling balloons, (Veteran) Cecil Johnston business of Peddling balloons. (Veteran) 228 Pad, e #2 Minute 'jr 1 � lnut[�.�7 �. jL {�: S.d t'.��z�+ �i�. li �s_i ii 4�.r 1_ii, �5-7 Bcnd- On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant, a Ed Tunison permit license bond for the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York for Ed Tunison as principal and as approved for form by the City Attorney be accepted and ordered filed. ]lotion carried. 2nd R.e.a-z. -inE The Clerk gave the second reading of Ordinance f t;r'.�.• lf;z �i No. 675 by title "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by repealing; Chapter 96, entitled, "City Subdivision Ordinance", repealing Articles 960, entitled "General", Article 961, entitled "Maps", Article 962, entitled "Tentative Maps", Article 963, entitled "Final Map", Article 964, entitled "Conditions: Provisions", Article 965, entitled "Improvements", Article 966, entitled "Costs" and Article 967, entitled "Modification of Requirements" and repealing all sections of said chapter of the Hunt- ington Beach Ordinance Code". On motion by Bartlett seconded by Bryant Ordinance No. 675 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. 2nd i°erg ing The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 676 its second Ord. 6 7 6 reading by title an Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to and regulating the development of subdivisions in the City of Huntington Beach setting forth improvement required and providing for penalties for the violation thereof, and addirsg to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, Chapter 97 entitled "City Subdivision Ordinance", and adding Article 970 entitled "Purpose of Ordinance", Article 971 entitled "Definitions". Article 972 entitled "Tentative Map", Article 973 entitled "Final Map", Article 974 entitled "General Regulations and Design", Article 975 entitled "Improvements", Article 976 entitled 229 Page #3 Minutes - Monday, December 16, 191)—! "Exceptions", Article 977 entitled 'IADpeal". On motion by Bryant seconded by Bartlett Ordinance No. 676 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Irby, Bartlett, Lockett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. 2nd reading The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 677 its second Ord. 677 reading by title an Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to Physical Examination of City Employees and adding Section 1407 to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett Ordinance No. 677 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote. - AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, ferry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. 2nd reacliri The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 678 its second Ordinance #678 reading by title an Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to salaries of officers and amending Sections 1445 and 1447. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby Ordinance No. 678 was passed and adopted by the following roil call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Petition The Clerk reported that the Planning Commission Cond.Excep. Jerre Perkins at a meeting held on Tuesday, December 3, 1957 held a public hearing on the petition for a conditional exception filed by Jerry Perkins requesting per- mission to operate a tool shar-)ening shop on the rear half of property located on 19111 Huntington Beach Blvd. and legally described as the 32 feet of Block 3008 East Side Villa Tract and it was the concenses of opinion of the Planning Commission- ers that the business wozJld be more appropriate licensed under 3. 230 Pf # L -'t, e Deccmber 16, 1,s57 home occupation, however, since the Orange County Zoning Regulations did not permit home occupation it was necessary to obtain a variance, and it was moved by Commissioner Davis and seconded by Stang the Use Variance be recommended for approval with the following conditions: By complying with the Home Occupation Section of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code 395, this would permit the business to operate on not more than 150 square feet of the half of said lot. A sign of not more than 6 square feet may be permitted. No merchandise would be allowed for display. On motion by Irby seconded by Bartlett in accordance with recommendations of the Planning Commission the exception of Jerry Perkins to permit a tool sharpening shop on the rear one half of lot located on 19111 Huntington Beach Blvd. subject to the conditions recommended to be imposed, be granted. Motion carried. Rtso.#-4.7_ The Clerk read Resolution No. 47 of the Planning Commission of California a Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to adopt an original master parking plan "A" of Off Street Parking with amendments. Notice of On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett the Pizb. Fie ring- Mu5ter Parkin; Clerk be instructed to publish a notice of Plan Public Hearing in the Huntington Beach News to hold a public hearing on the proposed original Master Parking Plan "A" with amendmen-11-s and said hearing to be held at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, January 6, 1958. Motion carried. Reciu3st- The Clerk read a report and recommendations J' eke Stewart - re abundcne2: nt of the Ass 1t City Engineer and Planning of Alley Technician relative to abandonment of alley as requested by Jake Stewart, property owner. Mayor Terry referred the report and recommendations to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and the Ass't City Engineer on the Jake Stewart abandonment request to the Streets and. Parks Committee for further study and report. 4. 233. Page #� Minutes - December 16, 1Q,,7 Request 1dr. Mr. Dobkins appeared before the City Council Dobkins re: StoE sirE:n and requested that consideration be given to place a stop sign at the Fast end of Hartford Street in the Huntington Crest subdivision. Mayor Terry referred the request of Mr. Dobkins to the Police and Fire Committee and the Chief of Police for study and report. Petition fox The Clerk read a petition for annexation Annexation - 26 received on December 16, 1957 making appli- cation to the City of Huntington Beach for annexation to said City in accordance with the unin- habited territory act of 1939 of the State of California and said territory generally described as partial of land of approximately 26 acres lying easterly of Huntington Beach Blvd. south boundary being on Garfield Ave. and the North boundary Ellis Ave. The Clerk reported before the Council could take any action on this petition for annexation it was necessary for the City Clerk to ascertain and certify that the area has less than 12 registered voters as required under the unin- habited act. H.B.Ambulance The Clerk read a communication received from Service -re: renewal of the Huntington Beach Ambulance Company re - agreement questing the City of Huntington Beach City Council for renewal of the agreement in effect between the City and Floyd E. Ingram dba Huntington Beach Ambulance Service, for a period of three months at $200.00 per month, from the date of the expiration of the present agreement December 31, 1957, H.B.A,-mbulance 0n motion by Irby seconded by Lockett.the ►Service—re— r oval of agree- Huntington Beach Ambulance Company agree- ment granted r ment with the City be extended for an additional three months from December 31, 1957 on the same terms as provided in the previous agreement was approved by the following roll call vote: 5. 232 Page #6 Minutes - 'jonday, December 16, l�',r 7 AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. `Iyarrants On motion by Lockett seconded by Bartlett the method for approval of the warrants by the Finance Committee as set up by the auditing firm for the City be approved. Motion carried. Demands On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be approved and ordered paid. Motion carried. C.of'.C. The Clerk read a communication received from the re:Off St. Chamber of Commerce notifying the City Council that the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, at their last meeting event on record favoring the setting up of an "Off Street Parking District" for the City of Huntington Beach at the earliest possible time. potition- A petition signed by 50 property owners and re :O f St ♦ Par-",in� business people within the proposed Off Street Parking District was presented to the Clerk and said petition requesting the City Council to take immediate action on the parking plan. Letter: The Clerk read a letter received from Elsie M. » .71 E 4 ,- 1.r W . ,.- . Bakre Bakre notifying the City Council that she would offer to sell her property included as a parking site in the parking plan, located at 306 to 310 Ocean Avenue being Lots 5--6-7--8, Block 103, Huntington Beach Tract for three times the assessed valuation as shown on the 1957-1958 tax bills, and agrees to remove the building at the owners expense. Or.Co.Counyzl On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the for Camp Fire Girls request of the Orange County Council Camp _o� peanut, Fire Girls for permission to conduct their annual peanut sale in the City of Huntington Beach from January 17 through February 3, 1958 be approved. Motion carried. 6. 233 Page #7 Minutes - 111ondav, , Doce_ .ber 16, 1957 James I. Mayor Terry referred the request of James I. Kuzins- re:curbing_ Kuzirs requesting the curbing on the property side facing Memphis Street and said property being located on the corner of Memphis and Delaware Ave. to the Streets and Parks Committee for study and report. Admin.OTficer On motion by Bartlett seconded by & C:'.iief Life- guard to attend Lockett the administrative officer Public Hearing at San Diego and the Chief Lifeguard be instructed to attend the meeting at the public hearing to be held by the State Department of Health relative to the State Code Amendment on safety for water contact sport and pul:lic beaches to be held at San Diego on Wednesday, December 1€3, 1957 and expenses be allowed, be approved. Motion carried. Or.CO.Hea_,t On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the As: oc.to solicit funds request of to Orange County Heart Association for permission to solicit funds in the City of Huntington Beach during the month of February 1958, be approved. Motion carried. Weybrzght- Wm- Weybright of the Planning Consultant re:Public Hearing- firm of Hahn, Wise and Barber repdrted to Lands U2e Plan the City Council that the Planning Commission meeting of December 17, 1957 will hold a public hearing on the Lands'Use Plan and requested that as many as could be present. Councilman Bryant made a recommendation to the City Council to initiate an Ordinance to repeal the Ordinance making the offices of the Chief of Police and the City Attorney elective and make said offices appointive and said Ordinance be placed on the ballot at the next municipal general election to be held in April 1958. Reso.to be On motion by Bryant seconded by Lockett placed on ballot re: the City Attorney be instructed to draw Chief of Police & the necessary Resolution to place on the City Att'y to be appoint. ballot in April 1958, an initiative Ordinance asking the voters to make the office of Chief of Police and City Attorney appointive was 7. 234 P 1-ge #6 Minutes - lMonda.y, Dece_:aner 1060 1`757 approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. On motion by Lockett seconded by Bryant the City Engineer and the Fire Chief be instructed to make a study and estimate of cost to place necessary fire hydrants in the North and East Annexation, be approved. Motion carried. Ccsts re: On motion by Bartlett seconded by o ,rerhead li ,hl o at inte.r�,ect. Bryant that the City Engineer be in - Hunt. & BroolLljux t 101 structed to get costs from the Southern California Edison Company to install overhead lights at the intersections of Huntington and Brookhurst and Highway 101, be approved. Motion carried. Quctatioi7s re: On motion by Lockett seconded by Irby the Skin lowde3r City Clerk be instructed to send out quo- tations to furnish the City with a skip loader in accordance with specifications of the City Engineer. Motion carried. On motion by Bartlett seconded by Irby the regular meet- ing of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach ad- journed to 4:30 o'clock P.M. December 23, 1957. ATTEST: City Clerk ty Clerk and ex-offieio U7=r the City Council of the City of Huntington :Beach, California. Mayo)?