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Tuesday, January 7. 1958
Commissioners Present:
Council Chambers, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Bazil, Stang, Liles, Presson, Davis, Schryer, Bardwell.
Commissioners Absent: None.
Minutes On motion by Schryer and seconded by Presson, the
minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, January 7,
1958, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary, were accepted as mailed.
Weybright Revises Prior to opening the publ�t hearing for the second
Land Use Plan
of a series of Land Use Hearings, Chairman Bazil
asked W. L. Weybright, Planning Consultant Representative, to give the intro-
ductory presentation.
Weybright addressed the members of the Commission and the audience
and explained that he proposes to make some revisions of the Master Land Use
Plan As it was originally presented. He advocated that the town of Wintersburg
area lying between Gothard and Nicholas Streets be reserved for industrial uses.
He also proposed enlargement of C-1 use at the Highway 39 and Slater Avenue
intersection to extend south to Newman Avenue. An area of R-3 was proposed
in the Ocean View area on the east side of Highway 39 extending south to
approximately Slater Avenue.
Land Use Plan - 2nd The Chairman opened the Public Hearing to members of
Public Hearing
the audience.
Harry Lesser, 7401 Wintersburg Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed
the Commission and reiterated the logic of industrial zoning for the Town -of
Wintersburg area.
Ivan Hooker, SW corner of Yorktown and Highway 39, asked the
Commission to give his light industry and small business development tract
special consideration since he had previously developed the property under
M-24. zoning. He stated that the change of zone from M-2-0 to R-1 us=cage
would be a drastic change- for his present layout. He felt that the R-1
proposed was incompatible with existing usage.
Mrs. V. F. Tibbetts, 17301 Huntington Beach Blvd., addressed the
Commission and told her problem of how rezoning the present commercial strip
out would work a severe hardship upon them as property holders. It was stated
that the property was originally bought as business property for business purposes.
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John Ables, 14371 Edwards, 'Westminster, asked the Commission how
deep the commercial usage around the intersection of Highway 39 and Slater
would be. It was explained to him by W. L. Weybright, that the definite
boundaries could not be established until such time as a precise plan was
developed. He did estimate about 300 feet.
D. T. Tarbox, 2079 State Street, Costa 2-.esa, addressed the Commission
and stated that he and John Corbin were representing the W. J. Newland estate.
Tie explained that there were 30 members as trustees and that it was diff-;Cult
for them to reach agreements. He therefore asked for more time in order that
a development proposal could be made. He went on further to state that a nearby
bar and restaurant plus oil wells make it difficult to develop the bluff property
for homesites.
Clifford Killich, 17182 Huntington Beach Blvd., addressed the
Commission and complained that as a real estate man, the new proposed zoning
would hurt his business. He asked for the existing zoning plus business strips
up and down the highway.
Jake Stewart, 8031 Wintersburg Avenue, addressed the Commission and
told of the time and effort which was expended by the property holders in the
Ocean View area to change the zoning from A-1 to C_1. He said that it took
almost two years and a great deal of effort to get the County to rezone the
area for business. In view of the fact that it apparently was the wish of the
people of that area to maintain business property, he asked for consideration
to ,retain it as such. He further described a petition with almost 95n of the
property holders signatures on it in favor of commercial zoning.
Mrs. Seely, 16071 Huntington Beach Blvd., addressed the Commission
and explained that she was confused about the procedure for developing property.
She did not understand how the property behind the commercial areas was to
develop without roads, etc. It was explained to her that the problems of sub-
division are vested with the individual property owners to solve in accordance
with the city and state subdivision codes.
Joe Apple, 8071 Ellis Avenue, spoke to the Commission in regards to his
problem of having a private street dedicated to the city and maintained. He also
stated that it was the wish of the majority in his tract at Patterson Way to have
multiple dwelling zoning. He was told by Weybright the manner in which the city
may accept streets offered for dedication. It was also explained to him that he
Page 3.
should get the residents organized and petition for multiple dwellings usage
when it was time for precise plan rezoning. There being no further comment,
the public hearing was closed.'
Weybright's During the public hearing Weybright explained the pur-
p,dse of the Land Use Plan and how it was meant to be
flexible. He said that it should be reviewed at least once a'year. The Land
Use Plan itself was described as a policy guide which will serve as a primary
basis for establishing future zoning regulation.
In several cases during the hearing Weybright pointed out that a
zoning district is not imparted permanently with the land and may be changed
legally if it is expedient to do so. He therefore emphasized that the acquiring
of property for speculation is done at the risk of the investor without ob-
ligation of the city,to protect him. He elaborated by stating that under our
system of government the desires of the majority must be respected even if it
is a handicap to the minority.
3rd Public Hearing After some discussion, Chairman_Bazil asked the consent
Set For - Feb. 18. 1958:
of the Commission to schedule a third and last Public
Hearing on the Master Land Use Plan in order to review the proposed changes.
Weybright commented that it would be February 18, 1958 before he could attend
- 'Miz-t�m
the next Planning Commission. The Commissioners were unanamously in favor of
holding a third hearing, the date was set for February 18, 1958-
Revisions Suggested After the public hearing was concluded, the Commissioners
By the Commissioners:
were queried by Weybright in regards to what changes
they felt were to be desired. Members of the Commission asked that the area
surrounded by Ne{ay.and, iiamilton, Cannery, and Highway 101 be enlarged as M-2-0
zoning to include the Edison steam generation plant and surrounding property.
Another major change was to change all proposed R-1 to R-2 which lies north of
Seventeenth and south of Heil Street, west of Florida and east of Huntington
Avenue. The changes are to be made and presented at the February 18th hearing
for review.
Conditional Exception The Secretary read the report and recommendations as
UV 100 - Carl Fulton:
requested by the Chairman prior to opening the public
hearing -for establishment of an Antique Shop at 123 8th Street, H. B.
The public hearing was opened; there being no comment it was closed.
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A discussion was held; there was no controversy. Commissioner Schryer asked
Mrs. Fulton if she could obtain a petition signed by the surrounding residents
which stated they were informed of and were in accord with the operation of the
Antique Shop. She replied in the affirmative. (It has since been officially
A motion was made by Stang and seconded by Davis to
1. All displays and merchandise shall be maintained within the dwelling.
2. One double faced sign with a maximum of 6 square feet shall be allowed.
3. This variance shall expire after a period of 3 years.
Motion carried.
Conditional Exception To allow existing premises to be used for
UV 101 - H. B. High Sch. Dist:
office, warehouse and storage purposes.
Located at the northeast corner of 17th and Utica Streets.
The Secretary read the report and recommendations as requested by
Chairman Bazil, prior to the opening of the public hearing.
The public hearing was opened to the audience. There being no comment,
the hearing was closed. A discussion was heard concerning the future of the
land area directly to the east of the H. B. High School. It was felt that the
trend of the area was to upgrade rapidly. It was mentioned in the technician's
report that a 3 year time limit would help to btimulate further upgrading.
It being -understood by members of the Commission that the school would
only utilize the propekty during -the few years that the new school would be
under construction, it was felt that a 3 year time limit would be compatible
with the School District's intentions. Although the variance might be renewed,
the time limit was thought necessary to stimulate residential development in
the area.
A motion was made by Schryer and seconded by Davis to
The motion was carried.
Letter From Chairman,
County Parks Survey: A letter was received by Commissioner Bardwell from
John McInnis, Chairman of Orange County Parks Study Committee. The letter was
read to the Commission. Mr. McInnis requested cooperation and support from this
Commission to help complete a study of the needs throughout the county for a
countywide park system. It also emphasized that a plan of action would be
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formulated. The letter requested that the Corranission appoint one member to
represent this city at the meetings which will be scheduled in the future.
Chairman Bazil asked Commissioner Bardwell to represent the
Commission at the proposed study meetings because he is keenly interested in the
project and would be able to devote time to attend the meetings.
The meeting was adjourned.
Bob Bazil
:Clifford B. Tripp