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Council Chambers, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, March 4. 1958
Commissioners Present: Bazil, Stang, Davis, Schryer, Presson, Liles..
Commissioners Absent: None.
Minutes On motion by Schryer and seconded by Liles, the minutes of the
Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, February 18th, 1958, as
transcribed and mailed by the Secretary, were accepted as mailed.
Conditional Exception: UV 106 The petition requested permission for
Applicant - Assembly of God Church
Church buildings to be erected in an
R_2 zone in variance to Article 933• Located at 611 - llth Street and legally
described as Lot 15, Block 611, Huntington Beach Tract.
The Secretary read a report and also a protest letter from Theo. Miles,
but made no final recommendation of the petition to the Commission. The
Chairman opened the hearing to the audience.
Wm. H. Gallienne, 614 - llth Street, addressed the Commission to ex-
plain the position of he and his neighbors. It was pointed out by Mr. Gallienne
that no malice was intended towards the Church, but that the adjoining property
owners desired protection against further property devaluation. He explained
that considerable noise was constantly forthcoming from the church and that a
severe parking problem already existed. He agreed in principles with the pro-
test letter submitted by Theo. Miles, the property owner adjacent to the Church.
Gallienne stated that it would be of benefit to all concerned if the Church
could find a more advantageous location prior to beginning its expansion program.
He asked for offstreet parking in the event the request was recommended for
approval and suggested that the Commission could ask for more precise plans of
the proposed structure.
Walter Barnard, Pastor of the petitioning Church, addressed the
Commission and explained his Church program and stated that he wish to cooperate
in every way withthosein the neighborhood and the Commission. He described
the virtues of Sunday School education for the youngsters and the need for
more classrooms.
Page 2
After discussion of all alternatives, the Commission continued the
hearing to March 18, 1958 in order that revised scale drawings could be sub-
mitted with the off-street parking included.
Master Land Use Plan 1958 Chairman Bazil opened discussion on the resolution
Formal Resolution Adopted
drafted for adoption and recommendation of the Master
Land Use Plan 1957• The City Attorney was asked to verify the legal form; he
advised the Commission that the year 1958 should be included in the description
because the adoption and recommendation to the City Council was being made in
the year 1958•
A motion was made by Commissioner Stang and seconded by Commissioner
Schryer to adopt the formal resolution No. 48 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE
USE PLAN FOR SAID CITY, with the provision that the year 1958 be included with-
in the resolution where it reads City of Huntington Beach, MASTER LAND USE PLAN,
A roll call vote was taken.
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson.
NOES: None.
The motion was carried.
Division of Land DV 101 Under provisions of Ordinanace 676 recently
Applicant - Harry D. Granas
adopting a new city subdivision code, any division
of -land of four parcels or less must be submitted to the Planning Commission on
a tentative tract map for recommendation to the City Council.
The parcel considered lies on the southwest corner of Utica and Pine
Streets, and is legally described as Lot 11, Block 1802, Tract No. 12. The
request was made -by Mr. Granas to divide one 100 foot frontage lot into two
50 foot frontage lots containing approximately 7000 square feet apiece.
The division of land was discussed by the Commission and it was
unanamously agreed that the proposed lot split would be an improvement.
A motion was made by Davis and seconded by Stang to
Roll Call Vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schyryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson.
NOES: None.
Motion was carried.
Page 3.
Use Variance UV 103 Chairman Bazil-continued the hearing and final
Applicant - Red Star Oil
action on this petition for the Tuesday meeting
of April 1st, 1958.
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Tentative Tract Nap 1813 k%sy`tbok under consideration the proposed Tentative
Tract Map 1813, Emmert Hoke - subdivider. The
Chairman explained that the original map had been formally reviewed by the sub-
division committee and that several recommendations had been made. The Secretary
verified that the conditions asked for had been complied with on the new revised
version with two exceptions. Discussion was held and possibility of approval
with conditions attached were reviewed.
A motion was made by Schyryer and seconded by Davis to grant:
that Tilton Street shall be extended to the west boundary of the tract.
Roll Call Vote:
AYES: Bazil, Liles, Davis, Schryer, Stang, Presson.
NOES: None.
Motion was carried.
Temporary Vice -Chairman:
Due to the resignation of Bardwell, Chairman
Bazil informed the Commission that they were without the services of a vice-
chairman until the election of officers in April. It was decided to appoint
an acting Vice -Chairman until the date of elections.
A motion was made by Presson and seconded by Liles to appoint
Commissioner W. L. Schryer as Vice -Chairman until such time as this years
election was held.
The motion carried.
Violation of Variance granted Commissioners Stang and Bazil brought up the
Aug. 5. 1957 to John R. Carson
question of an obvious violation of variance
granted to John R. Carson, August 5, 1957. It was noted that a former railroad
refrigerator car was moved into his place of business wherAs presently conduct-
ing the business of retail vegetable fruit and food sales. The business es-
tablishment is located approximately 400 feet southeasterly of the intersection
of Coast Highway and Highway 39 on the northerly side of Coast Highway. It was
determined that the subject refrigerator car did not in any way or form comply
with the provisions of the variance. The following objections were listed:
Page 4.
1. Subject refrigerator car structure was moved onto the premises without
a moving permit.
2. Subject structure was not included as submitted plans for the variance
originally branted.
3. Subject structure does not comply with the building code-r no foundation,
improper electrical service, etc.
4. Fencing originally required, no longer forms an enclosed storage area.
Chairman Bazil was asked by the Secretary if he would have objections
to the structure if it were rebuilt with a neat appearing facade. The Chairman
stated that he would like to see it fixed up if it was going to be allowed to
remain. Other members of the Commission voiced the opinion that the moving of
the structure was a deliberate infraction of the building and zoning regulations
as such 4 'vio�aflovi ems{'B
if immediate steps Q3V
taken to remove the structure.
The City Attorney recommended that the Secretary be instructed to
advise the responsible enforcement agencies that the violation exists and should
be rectified. He further recommended that'the City Council be requested to
revoke the original variance for John R. Carson in the event that en
no action was taken within a reasonable period of time.
A motion was made by Schryer and seconded by Liles that the Secreatary
be instructed to notify public agencies responsible for enforcing the building
and safety and zoning provisions of the City Ordinance that a violation exists
regarding a variance granted to John R. Carson for the establishment of a retail
food business. Removal of subject refrigerator structure from said establishment
located approximately 400 feet southeasterly of Highway is requested.
Motion carried.
It was noted that if no action or promise of action was forthcoming
within a reasonable amount of time, more drastic action could be taken.to revoke
the variance.
Discussion of Subdivision Changes: A discussion was heard concerning the
possibility of enacting a minimum house size area for the subdivision ordinance
along with a $25.00 per lot park and recreation fee.
Meeting was adjourned. Bob Bazil
Clifford E. Tripn