HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-181 1 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, March 18, 1958 Commissioners Present: Stang, Davis, Presson, Liles, Schryer, Bazil ( excused at 8:40 P.M. ) Commissioners Absent: None. Minutes: On motion by Davis and seconded by Presson, the minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, March 4th, 1958, as trans- cribed and mailed by.the Secretary, were accepted as mailed. 1st P-ublic Hearing -Master Plan Chairman Bazil opened the session to hear a of Streets and Highways report and public opinion on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. W. L. Weybright, Planning Consultant Representative, was called upon to present a detailed report of the plan. The Plan was out- lined as follows: I. General Comment II. Basic Data for Decision. A. Existing Land Use. B. Existing Zoning. C. Population Distribution, D. Recommendations. III. The Street and Highway Study. A. General Consideration. B. The Study. 1, Traffic Flow. 2. Origins and Destinations. 3. Vehicle Registrations. 4. Existing Street System. 5. Fire Routes. 6. Traffic Controls and Bus Routes. 7. Truck Routes. 8. Traffic Accidents. 9. Major Streets for Gas Tax Purposes. 10. Summer Traffic Load. 11. Orange County Arterial Highways Plan. IV. The Street and Highway Plan. Page 2 • Public Hearing Chairman Bazil opened the hearing to the audience. There Opened to Public being no comment, the public hearing was closed. A dis- cussion was held by the Commission. Second Public Hearing A motion was made by Liles and seconded by Presson. Set for April lst,1258 to set the date for the second public hearing on Master Plan of Streets and Highways for April 1st, 1958•- Chairman Excused Chairman Bazil was excused at 8:40 P. M. to take care of other business. W. L. Schryer presided as Vice -Chairman. Conditional Exception: UV 106 A continuation was held for petition Applicant - Assembly of God Church requesting permission to build chuch buildings in an R-2 zoning district in vafiance to Article 933. Located at 611 - llth Street and legally described as Lot 15, Block 611, Huntington Beach Tract. The Secretary read a protest letter signed by Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Roberts, and Mrs. Birdie Bunnell which was filed for record. The latest submitted plans were circulated among the Commission. Schryer opened the hearing to the public for comment. Chris H. King, 617 - llth Street, protested against the church building, stating that he was the adjacent property owner and would suffer severe devaluation of his property if it were permitted. He argued that noise and parking were already out of hand. Mrs. Theo Miles, 607 - llth Street, addressed the Commission to protest the variance. She stated that she objected to expanding a non -conforming use which would be more suitably located in another area. She told of parking and noise problems. Rev. Walter Barnard, Pastor of Assembly of God Church, spoke to the Commission on behalf of his church and told of the dire need for Churches and Sunday Schools in this community. He stated that he was willing to provide parking to the rear of the building and to landscape the front. Admitting that the.present Church building was antiquated, he said that the Church intended to eventually replace it with a new structure. Another disinterested party spoke in rebuff to the Pastor's statement implicating him. Vice -Chairman Schryer closed the hearing to the audience and opened a panel discussion by the Commission. Members of the Commission were of the following opinions: That the submitted plans failed to indicate any positive details about parking or the building structure. That the expansion of the non- V Page 3 conforming use would be detrimental to all those property owners directly surrounding the Church because there is not sufficient parking available. That the middle of the R-2 residential block was not a desirable location for the Church, and to allow the proposed addition would ultimately lead to a new Church edifice in an already overcrowded area. That they were in deep sympathy with the problems of the Church, but that the Church should be encouraged to relocate rather than to expand. A motion was made by Stang and seconded by Presson to RECOHMD DENIAL Roll Call Vote AYES: Stang, Presson, Davis, Liles, Schryer. NOES: None. ABSENT: Bazil. Conditional Permit CP 103 The petition requests a permit to conduct a Applicant: Ansco Constr. Co.: gravel and earth excavation to be operated within an A-1 General Agricultural District as allowed under Sect. 6.1, Art. 10. Located the ten acres approximately east of Edwards and north of Taylor Street. Legally described as SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 SEC 34, T-5-S, R-11-W, excepting therefrom the south 100 feet of the east 150 feet. The hearing was opened to the audience, there was no immediate response. Prior to closing the hearing to the public, the Secretary read the recommendations and Weybright was asked for comment. Weybright suggested that the Commission require a guarantee that the excavation be refilled to the level of the adjoin- ing farm land. Herbert Murphy, President of petitioning Company, addressed the Commission and stated that he had no real objections.to the proposed conditions except that he would like freedom in choosing the inert material to be used as fill. On motion by Liles and seconded by Davis, the hearing was continued until April lst, 1958, to allow more time for the City Attorney to make recommend- ations regarding a performance bond. Conditional Exception: AV 108 The petitioner requested a variance to permit Applicant-- Theodore J. Stein: encroachment of side yard requirement by allowing a 2 feet side yard in an R-2-0 Zoning District. Located at 609 California Street and legally described as Lot 6, and north 14 feet of Lot 5, Block 603, Vista Del Mar Tract. Page 4. A report was made to the Commission explaining that the applicant had already built the structure without a building permit and had located his block walls 2 feet too close to the property line. He was seeking redemption of his error by means of a variance. Schryer opened the hearing to the audience, at which time the applicant explained the circumstances under which he built and that it was an honest mistake. There being no further comment from the audience, the hearing was closed. In a formal discussion the Vice -Chairman pointed out to the applicant that while he may have made an honest mistake, it was not the obligation of the recommending body to rectify it. Schryer pointed out that the case at hand had no peculiar characteristics or conditions which set it apart from the neighboring properties. It was the consensus of opinion that the Commission 664 recommend against the grafting of a special privilege when supporting evidence did not warrant it. A motion was made by Stang and seconded by Davis to RECOMMEND DENIAL Roll Call Vote: AYES: Stang, Davis, Schryer, Presson. NOES: None ABSENT. Bazil. The motion carried. Division of Land: DV 102 A request fas made by the petitioner to create Applicant - Dean Russell two lots out of Lot 4, Tract 405. The first parcel would be legally described as the N 65 ft. of the east 113 ft. of Lot 4, Tr. 405, which fronted on Cameron Street. The remainder of Lot 4 would consist of the second parcel. A motion was made by Liles and seconded by Presson to recommend approval with the condition that the west 10 ft. of 65 ft. frontage lot be offered for dedication to the City -of Huntington Beach for alley purposes. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Stang, Presson, Schryer, Davis. NOES: None. ABSENT: Bazil. Motion was carried. Page 5- Division of Land: DV 103 A request was made by the petitioner to create Applicant-- Lee A. Baughman 4 separate parcels out of lot 15 and the east 1/2 of Lot 14, Tract No. 7. The lots front on Garfield and Florida Avenues. The smallest frontage is ?5 feet and the minimum area of the smallest parcel is 11,250 square feet. The parcels proposed being of large size, there was little discussion. A motion was made by Stand and -seconded by Davis to recommend approval without conditions. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Stang, Presson, Schryer, Davis. NOES: None. ABSENT: Bazil. Motion carried. Informai Discussion: The Commission held an informal discussion with John R. Carson. Carson had previously been cited for a variance violation by the Building Department for moving a refrigerated railroad car. Members of the Commission gave their own views on the proposal for a new variance. However Carson was reminded that he would have to apply through the standard procedure and that the proper conditions would be stipulated at the time the case won.i formally considered. Books Issued: The current edition of the State Conservation, Planning and Zoning Book issued to all members of the Planning Commission. The book contained the newly revised laws which require the mailing of notices for all variances which require other official means of notification. The meeting was adjourned. tob Bazil Chairman Cliffo E. Tripp Secretary