HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-01Vn0 aM OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday. April lst, 1958 Commissioners Present: Stang, Bazil, Davis, Liles, Presson, Schryer. Commissioners Absent: None. Minutes: On motion by Davis and seconded by Liles, the minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, March 18th, 1958, as trans- cribed and mailed by the Secretary, were accepted as mailed. Continued Hearing For The petition requests a permit to conduct a Conditional Permit: CP 103 Anplicant - Ansco Const. Co: gravel and earth excavation to be operated within an A-1 General Agricultural District as allowed under Sect. 6.1, Art. 10. Located the ten acres approximately east of Edwards and north of Taylor Street. Legally described as SW4 of NWt of NEV' of Sec 34, T 5-S, R-11-W, excepting there- from the south 100 ft. of the east 150 ft. The recommendations of the Planning Technician and the City Attorney were read prior to opening the.public hearing. There being no response, the hearing was closed. Discussion by the Commissioners evolved around the fact that the excepted parcel indicated on the plot plan had not been protected by set back provisions. It was mutually agreed among the Commissioners that it would be expedient to require the additional set back provision. On motion by Schryer and seconded by Davis, CP 103 was recommended for approval with following conditions. CONDITIONS: ULTIMATE EXCAVATION 1. No portion of the ultimate exterior line of excavation shall be less than the following: 50 feet from the north property line 50 feet from the south property line 100 feet from the west property line no limitation on the property line adjacent to existing excavation pit. 50 feet perimeter around interior parcel labeled on map as not a part. SLOPE 2. All portions of the exterior line of excavation shall be a finish slope of existing undisturbed material reposing at a gradient not steeper than 12 foot rise in 1 foot horizontal measurement. Page 2. FENCING 3. A fence shall be erected enclosing the entire permit area including all buildings, structures, yards, parking areas, reservoirs or other uses incidental to the operations thereon in accordance with the following minimum specifications: (A) Said fence shall be a five strand five foot post and barbed wire fence. (B) Fence gates shall be required at all vehicular and pedestrian points of ingress and egress. Fence gates shall also be 5 feet high and shall have 5 strands of barbed wire. (C) Said fence gates shall be equipped with locks and shall be kept locked at all times when not in regular use. REFILL TO GROUND LEVEL 4. Upon expiration of the time limit, the excavation shall be refilled with inert materials to a ground level comparable to that which is existing at the NEI of NWw of NWt of Sec 34, T_5_S, R_11,W. The permissible inert materials may include trash, rubble, and earth or other solids, provided the top 18" shall be earth. TIME LIMITATION 5. CP 103 shall expire within seven (7) years from the date of approval. 6. That prior to the beginning of any excavation on the described premises, the Permittee shall -file with the City of Huntington Beach a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $10,000 inuring to the benefit of the City of Huntington Beach and conditioned upon the performance by the Permittee of all of the refill requirements -set forth in Paragraph Number 4 of this Conditional Permit. Said bond shall remain in full force and effect until said refill requirements have been completed as set forth in Paragraph Number 4. Said bond may be sooner terminated upon application to the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach for termination, provided, that this permit is surrendered and cancelled by Permittee and the refill conditions of Paragraph Number 4 have been fully complied with to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach, Roll Call Vote AYES: Presson, Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. The Motion Was Carried. Second Public Hearing Held For Chairman Bazil opened the hearing to the 14'aster Plan Streets & Highways: audience. Jake Stewart, 8031 Wintersburg, addressed the Commission and asked what the new proposed width of Wintersburg would be. The Secretary explained that it was being reduced to 112 feet. Stewart then asked for set back distances for commercial buildings. It was explained that the information was unknown until such time as a precise zoning plan was considered for adoption. The hearing was closed. Page 3. A discussion followed the hearing: Commissioner Schryer gave.a report of his Chamber of Commerce Streets and Highway Committee'action. A recommendation was made by Schryer's committee to transpose the designation of Atlanta Ave. and Hamilton St.; it was pointed out that Atlanta could eventually be extended directly behind the State Mental Hospital grounds to give Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach a closer link for traffic. Formal Adoption of Master Prior to formal adoption, a motion was made by Pan of Streets & Highways: Stang and seconded by Presson to transpose the designation of Atlanta Ave. and Hamilton St. as was recommended by the Chamber of Commerce committee. The motion carried. A motion was made by Stang and seconded by Liles that the Master Plan of Streets and Highways for 1957-1958, including one change made by preceding motion, be adopted by the Planning Commission by formal resolution No. 49 and recommended to the City Council for approval. Roll Call Vote AYES: Stang, Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Presson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Conditional Exception: UV 109 The Chairman opened the hearing to the Applicant - John R. Carson : audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. The Secretary read the report. The applicant was asked by the Chairman if he had any comment or alternatives to the conditions previously read. He asked about the possibility of leaving the structure he was using where it is presently located. Bazil explained that in his opinion he would have no objection provided that it was rennovated to match the roof pitch and style of his original building. Casson asked Bazil to enummerate details of rennovating the refrigeration structure. Hearing Bazil's recommendations, Carson explained that be would prefer to move the structure to the rear of his original building. Carson and members of the Commission discussed the proposed location at the rear of his original building, along with other greviances and attached conditions. A motion was made by Liles and seconded by Presson to RECOMMEND APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOtiMG CONDITIONS:' Page 4. CONDITIONS: For the ptrposes of this variance, 400 sq. ft. structure under consideration shall be described as a 10 ft. by 40 ft. converted railway refriger- ation car. LOCATION 1. The 40 ft. side of the structure shall be parallel to and no more than 15 ft, to the rear of the long side of the structure. The 10 ft. end of the structure shall be from 20 to 25 ft. from the common property line dividing the applicant's property and the Clock restaurant. PAINT " 2. The 400 sq. ft. structure shall be painted or stained a color to match that of the original structure. FENCING 3. A 6 ft, high fence shall be built to connect the adjacent ends of the adjoining structures in order to form an enclosed yard. The fence shall be adequately posted, with necessary gates provided. All pre- viously required fencing shall be adequately posted. STIPULATIONS 4. None of the above conditions shall alter or revoke the conditions stip- ulated under previously granted variance. CONFORM TO BUILDING CODE 5. The converted railway refrigeration car shall in every manner conform to this city's building code: Roll Call Vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson. None. None. Area Variance: AV 110 Applicant - Mark Downing: The petition requests permission for a six foot high masonry wall and wood fence to encroach 8 ft* into the front yard area by allowing an exception to Interim Ord. No. 668. Located at 18101 Wharton Street acid legally described as Lot 19, Tract•2416. There was no report made by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mark Downing addressed the Commission and described the type of structure he proposed to erect: The hearing was closed. Discussion followed. The main topic for discussion was whether the applicant could ever place a roof over his patio wall and eventually have an enclosed room. It was felt -by the Commissioners that the wall and fence themselves were a decided asset to the neighborhood, and that other applicants would receive similar consideration if they wished to submit plans for a 6 ft. front yard patio wall. A motion was made by Davis and seconded by Liles to RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Page 5- , 1. No roof structure in any form shall be attached to or supported by the permitted fence and wall. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Use Variance: UV 112 The petition requests a variance to R-4 regulations Applicant - L. W. Dye: of County Land Use Ord. No. 668. Located at 18752 H. B. Blvd. and legally described as the N? of NZ of N4 of SW4, Sec 36, T5-S, R-11-W, S B B & M. To allow the premises to be used for storage and maintenace of vacuum trucks and storage of rotary mud. The Secretary read the report. The Chairman opened the hearing to the audience, there was no protest forthcoming. L. W. Dye addressed the Commission and explained his operations. He stated that he has often times stored large quantities of crude oil and other types of oil in the existing tanks. When told of adjoining property owner Rubin Dobkin's complaint of seeping oil, he admitted that it had overflowed on several occasions. The hearing was closed. A discussion followed. A motion was made by Schryer and seconded by Presson to RECOM END APPROVAL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: CONDITIONS: LOCATION 1. The applicant's business of storage -vacuum trucks and rotary mud, shall be conducted on the rear one half of the premises, legally described as the: E 275 ft. of NZ of N2 of NW4 of SW of Sec 36, T-5-S, R-11-W. PERFORMANCE BOND 2. The applicant shall post a $1,000, performance bond to guarantee the removal of the 20 ft. by 38 ft. moved -in structure (18748 H.B. Blvd.) originally intended as an office, or improving the structure to con- form to the city building code. RESIDENTIAL 3. The moved -in structure (18748 H.B. Blvd.) shall not in any manner be used for uses other than residential. TIME LIMIT 4. This variance shall expire and be terminated at the end of one year. SIGNS 5. No signs shall be permitted on the premises. Page 6. 1 FENCES 6. There shall be one six ft. high -solid tight fence paralleling Highway 39 along a line dividing the premises into the east and west half. ROTARY MUD 7. The storage of rotary mud shall only be within the existing four tanks on the rear half of the property for a total capacity of 3500 barrels. DETAINING WALL 8. A retaining wall shall be constructed around all existing tanks with sufficient height and strength to withhold overflow should entire capacity of 3500 barrels be released at one time. The retaining wall shall be approved by the oil field inspector. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Use Variance: UV 111 The petition request variance to permit a Applicant _ Walter C. Yoder: truck storage yard and maintenance yard to operate,within an A-1 zoning district as was allowed prior to expiration of original variance. Located at 7890 Alhambra St. and legally described as Lot 7, Block C, Tract 522. The Secretary read the report. The hearing was opened to the audience. Walter C. Yoder addressed the Conni.ssion and explained the nature of his request. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. The Secretary made a verbal statement regarding a phone call from an anonymous neighbor asking that sufficient restrictions be placed on the variance to pre- vent it from being a nuisance. A discussion was held by the Commission. A motion was made by Stang and seconded by Davis to RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITH THE FOLIAWING CONDITIONS: CONDITIONS: EXCAVATION MATERIALS 1. There shall be no storage of excavation materials on the -premises. ARC WELDING 2. There shall be no are welding permitted on the premises. MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY 3. There shall be no maintenance activity permitted beyond 6 P.M. in the evening. TIME LIMIT 4. This variance shall expire after two years. 5• Violation of the variance conditions imposed, shall be grounds for revoc- ation of the variance. Page 7. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ASPO Subscription: The Planning Technician requested a recommendation of approval for a $15.00 annual subscription to the American Society of Planning Officials. Upon questioning, he explained that it functioned similar to the league of cities, in that it provided library information service for any current planning topic; that it was the most important society for the advancement of city and regional planning and represented the crosseection of the entire nation with southern California well represented. A motion was made by Schryer and seconded by Davis, to recommend approval of the subscription. ANNUAL ELECTIONS: The following officers were nominated and elected as Planning Commission officers for the forthcoming year. Chairman: Bob Bazil Vice -Chairman: Paul Davis Secretary: Cliff Tripp Mr. Denny Invites: On behalf of the Huntington Beach Company, Mr. Sherman Denny cordially invited all members of the Planning Commission to attend a luncheon at the Huntington Beach Country Club on Wednesday, April 23rd, 1958. at 12:60 O'clock P.M. Meeting was adjourned. Bob Bazil Chairman Clifford E. Tripp Secretary