HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-05-06MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, May 6th, 1958 Commissioners Present: Stang, Bazil, Davis, Presson, Schryer. Commissioners Absent: Sork, Liles. Minutes: On motion by Stang and seconded by Presson, the minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, April 15th, 1958, as trans- cribed and mailed by the Secretary, were accepted as mailed. USE VARIANCE UV 115 The petition requests a drilling site within a Applicant - Atlantic Oil Co.: proposed and existing agricultural district; to allow for drilling of oil and/or gas and production thereof in variance to Orange County Land Use Ordinance No. 672. The site is located in the Newland Trust Estate Tract and is legally described as NE corner of Lot 1119, W. T. Newland Tract, as recorded in Book 4, Page 56 of Miscellaneous Maps of Orange County. The report -recommendations of the Planning Technician were read prior to opening the public hearing. C. L. Sault, General Manager, Homer R. Dulin Co., acting agent for applicant, Atlantic Oil Co., addressed the Commission and explained that he was in accord with the Planning Technician's recommendations, except that he questioned the advisability of requiring 25 ft. set back from surrounding pro- perty lines when the entire acreage is owned by one individual group. Chairman Bazil's opinion was that the ownership of the larj± could conceivably change within the next 20 years, and therefore that was not an unreasonable request. D. T. Tarbox, 2079 State Street, Costa Mesa, addressed the Commission and explained various features of the lease contract between his estate trust and the Atlantic Oil Co. He pointed out that this proposed site will be one of four drilling islands, of one acre each, located inside of Newland estate's 250 acres. The lease also calls for landscaping and fencing of the well site at the option of the lessor. He enumerated other clauses pertinent to the sub- ject at hand. Commissioners Stang and Schryer praised the Newland Trust Estate for 0 Page 2. adopting a realistic lease which will fit into the city's new Master Land Use Plan. C. L. Sault stated upon questioning, that he had no objection to placing certain portions of the lease as restrictive conditions of the variance. The Chairman explained that this was desirable in the event the Newland Estate sold the pro- perty and a lease was negotiated anew. The public hearing was closed. Following a discussion of future oil drilling policy in the flats, the Commission decreed that the conditions required in UV 115 should be the minimum standards. A motion was made by Schryer and seconded by Davis TO RECO`MhEND APPROVAL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: FENCING AND LANDSCAPING 1. Said well site shall be properly fenced in accordance with Section 2429 Huntington Beach Ordinance Code with further provision that upon written notice from the City Council, there shall -be planted and maintained landscaping such as shrubs and trees in accordance with the City Engineer's recommendations. OIL STORAGE LIMITATIONS' 2. The uses permitted shall not be construed as permitting rotary mud dumps, sumps, or disposal, petroleum ref3ining, or processing,.or storage of oil or gas in tanks exceeding 1000 barrel capacity and 8 feet in height above ground level. SIGNS 3. Signs shall be limited to two in number and each may have an area of not over 12 square feet. PERMANENT CLEAN UP BOND 4.� Aside from all other City and State bonds which are required, there shall be a $1000.00 permanent clean up bond posted with the City of Huntington Beach Engineering Office for each and every oil well drilling site prior to the issuance of an.oil drilling permit. Said permanent clean up bond shall be released by approval of the City Council upon recommendation -of .the City Engineer at the time the site has been permanently abandonded. and cleaned up. LOCATION 5. All service equipment such as top of well, pumps, tanks, and the like, shall be at least 150 feet from the nearest portion of any public road, street, or state highway, and shall also be at least 25 feet from any lot-line'whi;ch is not common with a public,road, street, or state highway line. - The specific drilling site granted by this variance shall be that location.. _ designated on map filed by the applicant and shall be located within a twenty-five foot radius circular area from said designated point. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Presson, Stang, Bazil, Schryer, Davis. NOES: None. ABSENT: Sork, Liles. The motion was carried. ' 0 Page 3. d 1 1 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION UV 116 Applicant - Roy Gill & Assoc's.: The request is for a site to allow drilling for oil and/or gas, and production therefrom in variance to Ordinance No. 395• Present zoning is R-1 Single Family Resident- ial District. The drillink site is located approximately 710 feet southwesterly _ from centerline of Bushard and Brookhurst Streets; 550 feet northwesterly at right angles to Brookhurst Street. The area is legally described by a metes and bounds description (attached to application) encompassing a rectangular parcel approximately 350 feet by 500 feet within the NW4 of Sec. 19, T.6.S., R.10.W., SBB&M. The Secretary's report -recommendation was read prior to opening the public hearing. Mrs. Daisey Hook, landowner of property under consideration, addressed the Commission and stated that she protested the idea of relocating the original- ly proposed drilling site. Mrs. Hook further protested the actions of the Orange County,Flood Control, State Highway Commission, the Planning Commission, and high taxes in general. She requested immediate rezoning. The City Attorney ex- plained that the State Conservation, Planning and Zoning Act does not allow re- zoning without compliance with strictly regulated procedures. C. L. Sault addressed the:Commission and asked them to reconsider the subject at hand. He asked that a 15 feet height limit on the proposed tanks be re -written to allow 24 feet API wash tanks. He also requested that a variable - factor of at least a 25 foot radius -from the predetermined location be written into the recommended conditions. The Commission was in accord with the request. A motion was made by Stang and seconded by Davis TO RECOMMEND APPROVEAL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: FENCING 1. Said well shall be properly fenced in accordance with Section 2429 Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. OIL STORAGE LIMITATIONS . ` 2. The uses permitted shall not be construed as permitting rotary mud dumps, sumps, or disposal, petroleum refining, or -processing, -or storage of oil and gas in tanks exceeding 1000 barrel capacity and 24 feet API wash tank in height. SIGNS 3. Signs shall be limited to two in number and each may have an area of not over 12 square feet. , Page 4. PERMANENT CLEAN UP BOND 4. Aside from all other City and State bonds which are required, there shall be a $1000.00 permanent clean up bond posted with the City of Huntington Beach Engineering Office for each and every oil well drilling site prior to the issuance of an oil drilling permit. Said permanent clean up bond shall be released by approval of the City Council upon 'recommendation of the City Engineer at the time the site has been permanently abandonded and cleaned up. LOCATION 5. The"specific drilling site granted by this variance shall be that location designated on map filed by the applicant and shall be located within a twenty-five foot radius circular area from said designated point. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Presson, Stang, Bazil, Schryer, Davis. NOES: None. ABSENT: Sork, Liles. The motion was carried. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION UV 117 A request was made asking for a site location Amlicant _ Roy Gill & Assoc's.: to allow drilling for oil and/or gas and prod- uction therefrom in variance to Ord. 395• Present zoning is R-1 Single Family Residential District. The site lies approximately 200 feet westerly of Bushard Street and 440 feet northwesterly from the intersection of Brookbarst and Bushard Streets. The location is legally described by a metes and bounds description (filed with application) encompassing a 10 acre cone shaped parcel within the northwest quarter of Sec 19, T.6.S., R.10.W., SBB&M. The Secretary read the report recommendations prior to the opening of the public hearing. Mr:; Peter Karales, land owner of property under consideration, addressed the Commission and stated that he was aware of the fact -that the flood control channel was proposed through his property. He asked to'be briefed on the exact location of the well site, and stated that he did not have objections. C. L. Sault, acting agent for the applicant, requested that conditions of this variance be recommended the same as was the conditions of UV 116. _ Following considerable discussion by the Commission, a motion was made by Schryer and seconded by Presson TO RECOI41END APPROVAL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: , FENCING 1. Said well shall be properly fenced in accordance with Section 2429- Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, OIL STORAGE LIMITATIONS 2. The uses permitted shall not be construed as permitting rotary mud dumps, sumps, or disposal, petroleum refining, or processing, or storage of oil 1 1 Page 5. or gas in tanks exceeding 1000 barrel capacity and 24 feet API wasttank in height. SIGNS 3. Signs shall be limited to two in number and each may have an area of not over 12 square feet. PERMANENT CLEAN UP BOND 4. Aside from all other City and State bonds which are required, there shall be a $1000.00 permanent clean up bond posted with the City of Huntington Beach Engineering Office for each and every oil well drilling site prior to the issuance of an oil drilling permit. Said permanent clean up bond shall be released by approval of the City Council upon recommendation of the City Engineer at the time the site -has been permanently abandoned and cleaned up. LOCATION 5. The specific drilling site granted by this variance shall be that location designated on map filed by applicant and shall be located within a twenty- five foot radius circular area from said designated point. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Presson, Stang, Bazil, Schryer, Davis. NOES: None. ABSENT: Sork, Liles The motion was carried. Meeting adiourned to study session I. Budzet Control Problems A. A proposed budget was reviewed by the Commission and revised prior to transmittal to the City Council for approval. B , The Commission recommended approval of proposal to change title of Secretary -Planning Technician job position to Planning Director, C. The Commission recommended the retention of Planning Consultant firm Hahn, Wise and Barber for the ensuing year on the basis of their submitted proposal. II. Zoning Regulation Problems s Various features of the new proposed zoning ordinance were reviewed and given tentative approval 1. Site Plan Rezoning. 2. Automatic referral to Planning Commission for all variances which are substantially changed from original request. 3. Minimum house size requirements. 4. County Ord. 916, requiring dedication of Rts-of-Way for Commercial and Industrial enterprises. The meeting adjourned. a e2:1 E. Tri Cliff o� Secretary Bob Bazil Chairman