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Council Chambers
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, I'l.ay 20th, 1958
Commissioners Present: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
Commissioners Absent: None.
Minutes: On motion by Stang and seconded by Davis, the minutes of the
Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, May 6th, 1958, and
Wednesday, May 14th, 1958, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were
accepted as mailed.
C010ITICNAL EXCEPTION: UV 119 The -resubmitted petition requested
Arnlicant - Assembly of God Church:
permission to construct a Sunday
School Education building in variance to R-2 Zoning District regulations
of Article 933. Located at 611 - llth Street, and legally described as
Lots 13 & 15, Block 611, H. B. Tract.
The Secretary read the report -recommendations, prior to opening
the hearing to the audience.
Chris King, 617 - llth Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the
Commission and advised them that he vigorously opposed the variance request.
He stated that the interior of the block was not the proper location for a
church because of the noise and inadequate -parking. He stated that he
would suffer a three thousand dollar property valuation loss if it is granted.
C. R. Minear, 209 Quincy, Huntington Beach, addressed the Comm-
ission and stated that he owned 2 lots in the next block, and that he per-
sonally was -in favor of the variance. He stated that he had no grievance
concerning the location of the applicant church.
W. M. Roberts, 624 - llth Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the
Commission and stated that he ovmed his home directly across the street. Prior
to listing his arguments, he informed the Commission that he was one of the
organizers of his own church, and that he has supported church activities
throughout his life. He vigorously opposed the variance, although he had
no personal grievance against the Church itself. He said that his church
had provided ample off-street parking, and that it was proving out to be
wotthwhile. He felt that the applicant's desire to expand on an interior
lot would prove fruitless without the necessary off-street parking, and that
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
May 20th, 1958
6 spaces would be inadequate as a solution to the problem. He asked for
denial of the petition because the parking problem was devaluating neigh-
borhood property.
Mrs. Theo. Miles, 607 - llth Street, Huntington Beach, addressed
the Commission and stated she vigorously opposed the proposed variance. She
elaborated by saying that the congregation should have the right to worship
and in the manner in which they see fit, but she said she did not believe
the congregation had the right to disturb the peace of the neighborhood or
to create the general nuisance that currently exists. She pointed out park-
ing as being a problem also. She felt that a noisy congregation did not
belong in the nieghborhood. She cited specific grievances.
Birdie L. Bunnell, 620 - llth Street, Huntington Beach, addressed
the Commission and complained of the parking problems and told of instances
where he could only park at a great distance from his own property. He
objected to the granting of the variance.
Rev. Walter Barnard, Pastor of the applicant Church, addressed
the Commission and told of the efforts of his congregation making to fix up
the old Church building, and that it was his desire and that of the congre-
gation to cooperate with residents of the neighborhood. He asked for con-
sideration for the Sunday School education building, an item urgently needed
for the children in the church.
Mrs. W. M. Roberts, 624 - llth Street, Huntington Beach, addressed
the Commission and asked Rev. Barnard if painting only one wall of the
Church was an example of the effort he was speaking of. Rev. Barnard stated
that it was only temporary, and that it would be finished shortly.
Further debate was heard from Chris King, the public hearing was
Commissioner Bazil argued that although parking problem currently
exists, the addition of a sunday school classroom would not greatly affect
the situation, especially with the provision for the six new parking spaces.
Commissioner Schryer argued that recommending approval of the
proposed variance would not be contrary to the Master Planning for the area,
because the new zoning regulations are slated to have parking requirements
equal to that which are currently being requested. He further argued that
the new zoning regulations if adopted would allow the church building into
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I•iinutes _ H. B. Planning Commission '
Dray 20th, 1958
the area under a use permit, and that it is likely that the same conditions
would be attached.
The Commission recommended that a lawn be included among the
conditions, it being agreeable to the church.
A motion was made by Liles and seconded by Davis to
1. There shall be a concrete block or other type of masonry wall built to
a height of five feet along the northeasterly side of Lot 15, Block 611,
H. B. Tr., excepting in the front yard area where the wall shall be 3
feet in height.
2. There shall be a concrete retaining wall of equivalent specifications
and a continuation of that retaining wall which presently exists on
Lots 9 and 11 of the same block, except that steps may be provided where
the applicant deems appropriate.
3. The existing Edison Co. power line pole shall be relocated from its
present position on Lot 13 to another location which is not within
the area described as the rear 30 feet of Lots 13 and 15 of Block 611,
H. B. Tract. The expense of the power pole relocation shall not be
borne by the City.
4. There shall be paved parking facilities provided on the rear 30 feet
of Lots 13 and 15, Block 611, H. B. Tract, requiring a changing of the
site plan to locate the structure 5 feet closer to the front of the lot.
5. There shall be a lawn planted and maintained in the front yard area of
Lot 13 and 15, Block 611, H. B. Tract.
6. The Building Inspector shall not place approval on final building
inspection, nor shall the structure be occupied, until all conditions
of this variance are complied with to the fullest extent.
Roll Call Vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: None.
The motion carried.
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
May 20th, 1958
USE VARIANCE UV 118 The petition requests permission for a
Applicant - Fred C. Gonzales:
duplex dwelling unit to be constructed
in an A-1 General Agricultural District in variance to Orange County Land
Use Ord. No. 351: Located approximately 200 feet west of Highway 39 on the
south side of Stark Street, and legally described as Lot 87, Tract 417.
The report -recommendations were read by the Secretary prior to
opening the public hearing.
Michael Grejada,acting agent for the applicant, addressed the
Commission, described the property, and the surrounding conditions. He
asked for consideration.
Wm. H. Guilliams, 401 Montana, Monrovia, Calif., addressed the
Commission and explained that he owned the lots on the NW corner of Highway
39 and Stark Street. He wanted to go on record as being in favor of the
Following a short debate, a motion was made by Schryer and
Roll Call Vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Dazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: None.
The motion was carried.
W. L. Weybright, Planning Consultant representative, addressed
the Commission and proceeded on a three hour study session which was high-
lighted by the following topics:
A. Creating a new district called OF District (Oil Field District).
B. Creating a new type of Industrial District particularly suited
to the needs of'the Town of Wintersburg.
C. Creating a U District (Unclassified District) for the Tidelands.
D. Creation of a 300 ft. set -back Plan Line on the West and East
side of Highway 39, preventing surface oil drilling within these
The entire set of proposed regulations were reviewed, and %bright stated
that he intended to make several changes and improvements on the original
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Minutes _ H. B. Planning Conmi.ssion
May 20th, 1958
ANNOUNCEI-ENT OF APPOINTT•ENT: The Secretary made a formal announcement:
that both Commissioners Presson and Bazil were reappointed for another four
year term to fill their own vacancies, their new expiration date being
. September 20, 1961.
A debate was held ooncerning the appointment for Planning Director.
W. L. Weybright addressed the Commission and stated that he was in favor of
appointing the present Secretary -Planning -Technician to the job at Range 37,
Step C. He elaborated by pointing out the extreme shortage of qualified
planners in the field. And that the present Planning Technician has had
5 years of training at the University of California at Berkeley in the field
of City Planning. He said the college education and his two years experience
would qualify him for a large number of available positions throughout the
state. It was pointed out that there are only two qualified schools in the
state which train city and regional planners, and to find another person
equally qualified would be difficult even with the salary increase. The
��e. pos,�ion
only alternative would be to fill with a person of less qualifications.
Commissioner Schryer stated that he personally felt the salary
was too high, especially in view of the fact that the Secretary -Planning
Technician could change jobs as soon as he could find a higher paid position.
The Sec -Plan Tech pointed out that he was born in Newport Beach and has
resided in the area his entire life. He expressed his preference for the
area, but only if he could get a salary equivalent to that which was being
paid throughout the field.
The Planning Technician was asked if he would move into the city
if he received the appointment. He replied that he could not do as good a
job for the city if he resided in the city and subconsciously acquired
pre6judices involving local citizenry. He pointed out the fact that it was
the custom in the Planning field to not reside in the city in which they
worked. He stated that the Planning Technician for the Newport Commission
lived in Huntington Beach, that the situation was similar thooughout the
county. Also he argued that there were no provisions in the Charter, nor
the Ordinance Code, nor written or unwritten policy to that effect. He
pointed out that there were several other employees who lived outside the
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Nlingtes - H. B. Planning Commission
May 20th, 1958
A motion was made by Stang and seconded by Davis to
Roll Call Vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: None.
The motion carried. .
The meeting adjourned.
Clifford E. Tripp
Bob Bazi.l a c