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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Monday, June 2, 1958
Mayor Irby called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30
o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby.
Councilmen absent: None.
Minutes On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the minutes
of the City Council meeting of Monday, May 5th,
Monday, May 19, and adjourned meeting of May 2Eth, 1958,
as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk to the members
of the City Council, Department Heads, Boards, and Com-
missions, be accepted, as mailed. Motion carried.
Monthly The Clerk read the reports of the City Department
Re orts
Heads for the month of May, 1958.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert the re-
ports of the Department Heads as read by the City Clerk for
the month of May, 1958, be accepted and ordered filed.
Motion carried.
Business On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant the
applications applications for license to conduct business in
the City of Huntington Beach were granted as follows:
Ernie Haneline, business of Auto Accessories Mfg, at 712
Yorktown Street, Huntington Beach, Calif.
Lyndon A. Wells, Jr. business of Contract Painting, of
610 - 13th Street, Huntington Beach, Calif.
Chester 0. Johnson, business of Appliance Repair Shop,
at 220 5th Street, Huntington Beach, Calif.
Industrial Blind -Made Products, business of Delivery -
Wheel --Tax, products made by the Blind, of 1403 W. 4th
Street, Santa Ana, California.
H. R. Foraker & Sons, business of Masonry Contractor, of
1366 Junipero Ave., Long Beach, Calif.
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Minutes - Monday, June 2, 1958
Alex P. Parquet dba Wilson & Parquet, business of Public
Accountant of 902 Main Street, a transfer from D.J.E. Wilson.
Wm. E. Hasler & E. Key dba H & K Body Shop, business of Body
Shop at 225 - 5th St., Huntington Beach, Calif.
Graser Plastics, business of Fiberglass Molding & Covering at
17121 Palm Avenue, Huntington Beach, Calif.
Andy's Tailor Shop, business of Tailoring Shop at 108 - 5th
Street, Huntington Beach, California.
Wm.Hasler, business of Used Car Lot at 16171 H. B. Blvd.,
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Western Well Pulling Company, business of Oil Well Pulling
Contractor, of 11435 East 183rd Street, Artesia, Calif.
Eleanor Y. Bosote & Mary Goodykoontz, business of Cafe at
123 Main Street, Huntington Beach, Calif.
John Merkel Company, business of Lumber Yard at the corner
of Gothard and Talbert Avenue, Huntington Beach, Calif.
Al & Bill's Plumbing Company, business of Plumbing Con-
tractor, of 1443 W. Chapman Ave., Orange, Calif.
Cadillac Oil Co. On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert
term.cleanup bond
'Yell -Milliken #1 request of Cadillac Oil Company for
termination of the Travelers Indemnity
Company Cleanup Bond No. 179605, for Milliken #1 well,
located on Lots 13 and 15, Block 415 H. B. Tract, having com-
plied with Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code, and the operator and the bonding company be notified of
the /termination, be approved. Motion carried.
Tustin Oii. Co. On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite
term.drlg. &
cleanup bonds the request of the Tustin Oil Company for
on vie l l Bruce
#3 termination of the Aetna Casualty and
Surety Company drilling Bond No. 33 S 41525
and cleanup bond 33 S 41524, for Bruce #3 well, located on
Lots 11-20, Block 1903 Vista Del Mar Tract, having complied
with Section 2427.3 and Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach
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Minutes - Monday, June 2,
Ordinance Code and the operator and the bonding company
be notified of the bond termination be approved. Motion
Accept contract On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant
L. H. Henson
in accordance with the recommendation
of the City Engineer, the City accept the contract work
done by L. H. Henson on the installation of sanitary
sewers on Quincy Street, Alabama Avenue and Springfield
Street, and the City Clerk be instructed to file notice
of completion with the County Recorder, be approved.
Motion carried.
Plumbing Bond- On motion by Bryant seconded by
Al & Bill's
Pl,Lmbii2�_ Lambert Surety Bond of the Fidelity
and Casualty Company of New York,
filed for William J. Quick and Adrom A. Landmon, dba
Al & Bill's Plumbing Company and as approved for form
by the City Attorney be accepted and ordered filed.
Motion carried.
Notie of On motion by Waite seconded by Lam-
Sully -Miller Bert in accordance with the recommen-
dation of the City Engineer the work
done under contract by Sully -Miller Contracting Company
for the improvement of Fifth Street and Ocean and the
Ocean Front Parking Area project be accepted and the
City Clerk be instructed to file a notice of completion
with the County Recorder's Office, be approved. Motion
Cli.lford E.Trapp The Clerk reported that at the meeting
P1:.nn.Dire ctor
of the City Planning Commission held
on Tuesday, May 20th, 1958, a motion was duly made and
unanimously carried by roll call vote recommending to the
City Council that Clifford E. Tripp, Planning Technician
be appointed as Planning Director in Salary Range 37,
Step "C", effective date July 16th, 1958.
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Minutes - Monday, June 2, 1958
On motion by Waite seconded by Irby in
accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commi-
ssion, Clifford E. Tripp be appointed to the position of
Planning Director, in Salary Range 37, Step "C" to be
effective July 16th, 1958, was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Mr.Mrs.Nick Mayor Irby referred to the Streets and
Parto request
referred to Parks Committee for study and report the
request of Mr. & Mrs. Nick Parto, of
17101 "A" Street, for the City to remove 2 large Palm
trees, on the street in front of their home.
Job's DauF:;hters- On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert
Coca Cola, Stand
the request of the International Order of
Job's Daughters, Bethel No. 120 of California, for per-
mission to erect Coca Cola and Peanut stands in the 1000
Block on Main Street, during the 4th of July Celebration
be approved. Motion carried.
2nd Reading- The Clerk gave the second and final
Orin . #689
reading of Ordinance No. 689, by title
an Ordinance relating to Vehicle Off -Street Parking Districts.-
Ord.##689 On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite
passed &
adopted Ordinance #689 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote. -
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
2nd Reading The Clerk gave the second and final
reading of Ordinance No. 692, by title,
an Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to
Salaries and Compensation of Officers and Employees of
the City of Huntington Beach, amending, repealing and
Page #5
Minutes - ITonda;,•, June 2, 195P
adding sections to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.
Orr]. ''692 On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert
ssed &
a oohed Ordinance No. 692 was passed and adopted by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
John John Brunner, Attorney -at -law, appeared before
Bru.nne r
the City Council and asked the City Council
questions regarding the lawsuit relative to,the Wilshire.
Oil Company pipeline agreement with the City, and asked the
City Council to commit themselves on certain questions, be
directed to the members.
Attorney Bauer City Attorney Bauer informed Attorney Brunner
that this was no time and place to try
the lawsuit as it has now been filed in the Superior Court
and that is the place to present the questions directed to
the City Council. The conversation of John Brunner directed
at the City Council was recorded.
Daisy Hook re: Daisy Hook appeared before the City Council
Variance #116
and requested that the approval of Use
Variance #116, filed by Roy Gall and Associates for per-
mission to drill a well on her property and requested that
the Use Variance be granted.
Use Variance On motion by Terry seconded by Waite, in
# 16 ap )roved
accordance with recommendations of the
Planning Commission and property owner Daisy Hook, Use
Variance #116, for permission to drill a well on the pro-
perty of Daisy Hook, be granted subject to the conditions
imposed by the Planning Commission, be approved. Motion
Peter Karales re: Peter Karales, property owner appeared
cancellation U .e
Variance #117 before the City Council and requested
the cancellation of Use Variance #117
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Minutes - Monday, June 2, 1958
as the Roy Gill and Associates had not consumated the
lease, which was substantiated by Homer R. Dulin Company,
Engineer's for the Roy Gill & Associates, requesting the
Variance be cancelled.
Use Variance On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
#117 denied
Use Variance #117 as recommended for
approval by the Planning Commission be denied as Roy
Gill and Associates and property owner Peter Karales re-
quested the Use Variance be cancelled. Motion carried.
Sidney L. The Clerk read a communication received
Lorry re:
wtr.ma.in from the City Engineer, Sidney Lowry,
line -Newland
& Smeltzer informing the Council that in order to
provide satisfactory fire protection and
water service for the residents along Huntington Beach
Blvd., South of Smeltzer Ave., it will be necessary to
construct a 12" diameter high pressure water main from
a connection with the present MWD supply main at Newland
and Smeltzer, West.along Smeltzer approximately 2700 lin.
ft. to the West side of Huntington Beach Blvd_., and re-
commended that the City Council request the west Orange
County Water Board to order the necessary plans and
s-pecifications prepared to meet water needs and stating
that he had discussed the matter with Harrison and
Woolley, Engineer's and they are in a position to proceed
immediately with the work.
On motion by Terry seconded by Waite, the
City Council request the West Orange County Water
Board to order the Engineering on the water main high
pressure line south of Smeltzer Avenue on the present.
MWD supply main at Newland and Smeltzer and west along
Smeltzer approximately 2700 lin.ft. to the west side of
Huntington Beach Blvd. be approved. Motion carried.
Mznutes - D--Iollda'y, June 2, 1958
Sidney L. Lowry The Clerk read a communication re -
re: proposed
improve. ceived from the City Engineer,
Yorkta'an St.
Sidney L. Lowry, making recommendations
on the proposed improvement on Yorktown Street ex --
tending from Huntington Beach Blvd. to the East line
of proposed Tract No. 1813, and submitted for consideration
the following proposals:
1. The developer of Tract No. 1813 shall provide all
necessary grading and road bed preparation throughout
the limits of Yorktown Street proposed -to be improved.
2. The developer shall construct the necessary culvert
across Yorktown Street in the vicinity of the South-
west corner of Tentative Tract No. 1813.
3. The developer shall improve the North half of York-
town Street to City standards adjoining Tentative
Tract No. 1813.
4. The City shall construct two - 12 ft. lanes of pave -
went extending from the present East end of pavement
to the West line of Tentative Tract No. 1813 and shall
pave one - 12 ft. lane along the South side of York-
town Street between the East and West limits of Ten-
tative Tract No. 1813.
5. The City shall procure the necessary slope easements for
encroachment onto private property occassioned by the
proposed construction.
In the event that the program outlined above meets with
your approval the estimated cost to the City of Huntington
Beach for its portion of the work is $4800.00
Demands On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the
demands as approved by the Finance Committee
be ordered paid. Motion carried.
Yorktc�.-n St. Mayor Irby referred the recommendation
of the City Engineer regarding the pro-
posed improvement of the Yorktown Street to the Streets and
Parks Committee for study and report.
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Minutes - Monday, June 2, 1958
Sidney L.Lowry The Clerk read a communication re-
16th St.I mpro.
ceived from Sidney L. Lowry, City Engineer,
reporting to the City Council the matter of the improve-
ment to the 16th Street and Loma Avenue, adjoining the
Church of Christ property.
16th St. Mayor Irby referred to the Streets and Parks
referred Committee the report of the City Engineer
relative to the improvement of 16th Street
and Loma Avenue, adjoining the Church of Christ property..
A.A.Dehne to On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant the
break curb
request of A. A. Dehne for permission to
break the curb and construct approach approximately IS
feet in width to the lots adjacent to 522 Main Street for
the purpose of a Parking Area and subject to supervision
of the City Engineer be approved. Motion carried.
Drinking foun- On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert
tain pier
the City Engineer be instructed to check
into the feasability of re -installing a drinking fountain
at the approach entrance to the Municipal Pier. Motion
City Attorney City Attorney Bauer briefed the City
Bauer re:
Lawsuit Council on the general procedure of the
lawsuit filed by John Brunner relative to
the Wilshire Oil pipeline agreement and stated that time
did not permit him to consult individually each Council-
man and that he was keeping the Mayor constantly informed,
and would be very happy to take time out if any Councilmen
wished to come to his office and discuss the lawsuit.
Street Superintendent, Wm. Lewis, reported to
the City Council that a majority of the property owners lo-
cated on the South side of Indianapolis Street between
Delaware Avenue and Frankfort desires sidewalks and that in
accordance with the provisions of the Streets and Highways
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Minutes -- Monday, June 2, 1958
Code, on a street where curbing exists that the City may
construct sidewalk and assess the property owners in
accordance with front footage against total cost of side-
walks construction.
Intent to On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant, the
side'. .talks- Street Superintendent be instructed to post
between the properties on the south side of Indiana-
Dela-,, are
Fra,,kfcrt polis Street between Delaware and Frank-
fort informing property owners of the in-
tent to construct sidewalks and Public Hearing be set to hear
any protests from property owners at 8:00 o'clock P.M.,
Monday, June 16th, 1958, be approved. Motion carried.
'�v'n.Le:Yris re: Wm. Lewis reported to the City Council:
i::3 rove Circle
Part on the progress of plans for the im-
provement of Circle Park and pointed
out that the first step would be the necessary vacation of
the present street traversing the Park.
St.Vacation- On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the
C rcle P<.x,k
�_— - City Attorney be instructed to draw up the
necessary instruments to effect the vacation of the street
in Circle Park, be approved. Motion carried.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert the regular
meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
adjourn to June 9th, 1958, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
City ler
ty Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
it . Fler. VE.