HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-03MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, June 3rd, 1958 Commissioners Present: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Sork. COMMISSIONERS Absent: Presson. Minutes: On motion by Schryer and seconded by Liles, the minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, May 20th, 1958, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION: UV 120 The petition requests permission to allow the Applicant - Robert Ingram: development and operation of an exclusive trailer nark and motel resort, in variance to Ord. 395• Located the easterly 25 acres of Mills Land and Water Co. property at the northwest corner of Newland Street and Pacific Coast Highway. The property is legally described as follows: The Easterly 25 acres of that portion of the fractional Southwest quarter of Section 13, T.6.S., R.11.W., in the Rancho Las Bolsas, lying Northwesterly of the Northwesterly line of the 40.00 foot road easement granted to the City of Huntington Beach by deed recorded in Book 3693, Page 130 Official Records, re- cords of said county; Westerly of the Westerly line of Newland Street 40.00 feet wide; Southerly'of a line making an angle of 8700112911, measured in the Northwest quadrant at a point on the East line of said Southwest quarter distant Southerly 605.45 feet from the center of said Section 13; and Northeasterly of the North- easterly line of a proposed freeway as shown on maps on file in the office of the City Engineer of Huntington Beach, California. The report -recommendations were read by the Secretary prior to opening the public hearing. Applicant, Robert Ingram, a developer, introduced himself to the Commission and outlined the project as it was being contemplated." He presented elaborate renderings and drawings depicting the resort as it is proposed to be. He spoke of his desire to receive positive action at this meeting in order to expedite negotiation procedings with the State Department of Highways and force them to specifically outline the boundaries of the Highway 101 and 39 Interchange scheduled for future project. Craig Grainger, 125 S. Claudina St., Anaheim, California, acting agent for applicant, introduced himself to the -Commission and answered questions direct- ed at him by the Commission. He told of the preliminary work and investigation that he had performed prior to signing the lease option. He stated that large u Page 2 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission June 3rd, 1958 portions of the marsh lands would have to be filled, at some points, six feet. He said that he had contacted the firm of Sid Lowry and Assoc's. and had spoked to Harry Overmeyer regarding the 0. C. Flood Control Channel D-1 to be -located at the rear'of the property. Mr. Overmeyer, he said, had advised him to drain the resort project into the channel rather than onto the frdeway dr4inage system. Graint,6r presented pictures of a motel resort project the developer had recently finished which was located near Disneyland. He answered all questions pertaining to the project. "Robert Moore, 417 S. Hill Street, Los Angeles 13, Calif., Representative for Nulls Land and Water Co., the land owner, addressed the Commission and stated that his group approved of and were quite encourage 4over the planned project and asked that the applicant receive full and immediate consideration for the proposal. Carroll Wynn,-417 S. Hill Street, -Los Angeles 13, Calif., the legal adviser for the land owners, addressed the Commission and explained the details of the lease option and how allowances hdd been made for a fluctuating boundary on the freeway side in order to expedite action prior to determination of final freeway location. He asked the Secretary for specific legal documents which were to be imposed as conditions of the variance. Craig Grainger was asked by City Attorney Bauer, if he had been served with the specific legal documents which were under discussion and were to be imposed as conditions of the variance. Grainger gave an affirmative reply. The Commission held a round table discussion at which time Ingram was asked if he objected to the stipulation requiring that he resubmit his final plot plan to the Planning Commission only for final approval. He stated that he did not. A motion was made by Stang and seconded by Davis to RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF UV 120 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Said Trailer Park Resort shall comply with all provisions of proposed R-4 zoning classification district herein attached. 2. Said Trailer Park Resort shall comply with all provisions of proposed Trailer Park Regulating Ordinance herein attached. 3. Said Trailer Park Resort shall not be permitted within the boundaries of a proposed freeway interchange to be established at the intersection of High- way 39 and 101A, in accordance with the freeway interchange proposal map on file with the office of the City Engineer this date and further designated "Preliminary Plans Anril 18 1958 FOR DESIGN STUDY. VII - ORA - 60 Hunting- ton Beach. ROUTE'60 - 171 INTERCHANGE. Scale 111-1001." Est Page 3. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission June 3rd, 1958 4. The issuance of a building permit shall be contingent upon the submission of a final plot plan to the Planning Commission only and receipt of their approval. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Sork, Stang, Bazil, Schryer, Davis, Liles. NOES: None. ABSENT: •Presson. The motion carried. USE OF LAUNDRY OKID. " The Secretary advised the Commission that Fire Chief Higgins had filed a formal complaint with the Planning Office and had asked for a determination of what he believed to be a violation of the zoning code by an existing laundrette located at 302 Walnut Avenue. The premises, known as Huntington Beach Self Service Laundry, is legally described as a portion of Lots 1 '& 3. Block 203, Huntington Beach Tract. The Secretary reported that he had made a full investigation and had inspected the premises to determine to what extent the business operated as a full and complete operation type of laundry. He reported that the business used one home type mangle to do finish work which was contrary to what the business name implied. THE SECRETARY MADE THE FOLW.1ING DETERMINATION AND RECOl`^11ENDATICNS: 1. The finish laundry operation as it is currently operated, has all of the finish work on the single type home mangle. 2. The mangle according to the building inspector, is probably the safest piece of equipment in the establishment. 3. The C-3 zonirg regulation permits pressing establishments, a use much heavier than hand ironing. 4. Under C-3 zoning regulation, the Planning Commission may determine and recognize those uses which are similar but not specifically mentioned in the ordinance. It is obvious that the intent of the ordinance was to include the questioned activities of the finish hand laundry. 5. In the event that the laundry operation does not comply with the fire zone regulations, it is the perogative of the Fire Chief to request remedial action be taken by the proper enforcement agency, this being the building department. A 'MOTION WAS MADE BY DAVIS AND SECONDED BY LILES THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION SHALL' RECOGNIZE AND ALLOW -THE FINISH HAND LAUNDRY AT 302 WALNUT AVENUE TO OPERATE AS A C-3 ZONING DISTRICT USE. THE MOTION CARRIED. PLANS INITIATED FOR II�IEDIATE ADOPTION OF PROPOSED ZONING REGULATIO.IS The Commission at this meeting held a round table discussion on the problem of proceeding with plans for adopting the zoning regulations proposed by Hahn, Wise & Barber, Planning Consultants for the City. 10 Page 4. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission June 3rd, 1958 There being no controversy on setting the date for a public hearing for the zoning regulation, discussion was directed at the proposal to include the precise plan zoning of at least four sectional district maps, to.be simul- taneously adopted as part of the original districting ordinance. Sectional District Maps - 23-5-11, 24-5-11, 26-5-11 and 36-5-11 were all being considered as proposed by the Secretary. The zoning and its related problems were examined to the fullest extent by members of the Commission and City Council. 6�nci3man Lambert opined that map 26-5-11 would create mass protest and resentment against the entire ordinance if an attempt were made to enact it simultaneously with the original ordinance. He argued that the zoning on map 26-5-11 covered a large segment of commercial zoning on Highway 39 which is slated to be removed, this being the case, he predicted that it would confuse the issue. He recommended, on the basis of his own personal contacts, that map 26-5-11 be considered at a time separate from that of the original ordinance. Members of the Commission concurred with the recommendation of Council- man Lambert, and ordered the Secretary to eliminate map 26-5-11 from consideration as part of the original districting ordinance. The Secretary then asked for a motion approving a Resolution of Intention to adopt in correlation with the Master Land Use Plan a Zoning and Districting Regulation governing all territory within the present city limits, as a precise plan in order to guide future development. The published proposed districting maps 23-5-11, 24-5-11, and 36-5-11 shall be considered for rezoning simultaneously as part of the original districting ordinance, and a publiell hearing.will be held by the Planning Commission on said precise plan and accomp- anying maps in accordance with the State Law. A motion was made by Liles and seconded by Davis to adopt said aforementioned Resolution No. 50 and to instruct the Secretary to set the date of public hearing for June 17th, 1958, at 7:30 P. N-, in the Council Chambers of this City. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Sork. NOES: None. ABSETIT: Presson. 11 Page 5. Minutes - H. B. �lanning Con -,mission June 3rd, 1958 The meeting adjourned. Bob Bazil r/�Jo�� Chairman Clifford E. Tripp Secretary