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Tuesday, June 17th, 1958
Commissioners Present:
Council Chambers, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
Commissioners Absent: None.
Minutes: On motion by Schryer and seconded by Liles, the minutes of the
Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, June 3rd, 1958, as transcribed
and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed.
USE VARIANCE: UV 121 - Applicant The petition requests permission to
General Petroleum Corporation
Ag,ent --John Havins: reconstruct a service station and to
allow the usual accessory uses, in variance to County Ord. 351 as adopted by
Ord. No. 668. Located at the SW corner of Smeltzer Avenue and Highway 39,
and legally described as Lots 1, 2, 3, and the northerly 25 feet of Lot 4,
Tract 417.
The report -recommendations were read by the Secretary prior to
opening the public hearing. There being no response from the audience, the
Chairman closed the hearing, and opened the discussion for the Commission.
The Secretary was questioned regarding the location of the off ramp proposed
for the San Diego Freeway. It was explained that the station would be sit-
uated at the termination of the ramp, being separated by a couple of hundred
feet. Liles then raised the question of requiring the concrete block walls
and whether it was ethical and necessary. It was pointed out that the sta-
tion is considered an outdoor display use, and as such it would be required
to have the wall if a use permit were given under the new zoning. It was
pointed out that a used car lot nearby was recently required to build a
similar wall, and that it was added protection for the adjacent residential
dwellings. The zoning at the present time is A-1, it is being proposed for
C-1. Upon being questioned, the Secretary pointed out that the garage repair
use would be eliminated by the granting of this variance.
Page 2.
Minutes - H. B. Planning Coā€˛mission
Tuesday, June 17th, 1958
1. The applicant shall dedicate and improve, with paving and curb, or
ramp and gutter, as is indicated in applicant's submitted plot plan,
to the specifications of the City Engineer. The dedication shall
be the southerly 48 feet from the centerline of Smeltzer Avenue and
shall be the length of Lot 1, Tract 417.
2. The applicant shall improve all frontage on Highway 39 with paving,
ramps or curbs and gutters, to the specifications of the State
Division of Highways and/or the City Engineer as is indicated on
the submitted.plot plan.
3. The applicant shall install a concrete block wall 5 feet in height
along the west and south property lines except that portion of the
wall within 20 feet of either street right-of-way line which shall
be four feet in height.
4. There shall be no major auto repairs permitted under this variance,
nor shall there be any uses other than the usual accessory uses
normal for a service station operation.
Roll Call Vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: None.
Applicant - Lawrence Kraemer
dba: Prices Peat & Humus Co.:
The petition request permission to
allow excavation of earth materials
and the final use as a private or public dump for inert materials. Lo-
cated at the NE corner of Talbert Avenue and Golden West Street, and
legally described as the west 30 acres of the south half of the southwest
quarter of Sec. 26, T.5.S., R.11.W., S B B & M.
The report -recommendations were read by the Secretary prior
to opening the public hearing.
0. Ratherham, 200 Orangegrove, Placentia, California, agent
for the applicant, addressed the Commission and explained what the in-
tended operations would be, and that it was the applicant's intention
to remove the peat soil and other earth materials for highway construction
Page 3.
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, June 17th, 1958
prior to beginning a refill dump program. He explained that the land
is useless as it is - with the peat soil and existing ravine. He stated
that he had no idea of what type of fill would eventually be used; giving
an example that if a large amount of tree trunks could be obtained, it
would be acceptable.
0. L. (Oscar) Stricklin, 17292 Golden West Street, Huntington
Beach, addressed the Commission and stated that he wished to protest
the operations as a dump site. Although not representing his neigh-
bors, he said that he and his neighbors have been constantly fighting
a losing battle to keep the area cleared up. He elaborated by describing
the problem of having residents drive by with trailer loads of uncovered
trash which was being well dispensed prior to arrival at the -dump.. He
said that he believed that the present public dump would be filled in 3
to 5 years and then this would continue to carry the same burdens of pub-
lic litterbugs.
0. Rotherham told the Commission that the applicant has in the
past always been civic minded and is going to take reasonable precautions.
However he felt that the protest was for a problem foreign to the subject
at hand. He also stated that he had been informed that the present cou-
nty dump would continue in operation for another 20 years, because Garden
Grove was receiving most of the trash.
The Secretary stated to the Chairman that he had talked to
Murray Storm, Disposal Dump Representative for Orange County Roads
Department and that Murray's personal opinion was that it would take
at least 15 to 20 years to fill the present County dump site, on account
of the speeded up program for the Garden Grove dump site.
W. L. Weybright, Hahn, Wise and Barber, Planning Consultant
Representative, suggested that better police enforcement as suggested
by the Chairman could be recommended by sending along a separate letter
of transmittal to the City Council which requests that all trash trucks
and trailers be forced to comply with regulations governing the proper
Page 4.
:Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, June 17th, 1958
Mrs. Gladys Woods, 7451 Wintersburg Avenue, Huntington Beach,
addressed the Commission and commented that she was in sympathy with
Mr. Stricklin's problem because she had experienced similar problems
adjoining her property.
The hearing was closed. A discussion followed at which time
it was the consensus of opinion of the Commission that it was not justi-
fied to hold the applicant responsible for actions of other residents.
The problem of a sinking roadbed along Golden West Avenue near to the
Southern California Water Co. well was brought up by Both Stang and Sork.
Sork stated that it was his belief that prior peat excavations have con-
tributed to the sinking roadbed problem. It was explained however that
the Commission does not presently have within its jurisdiction the power
to control the removal of the peat soil from the private property, be-
cause, it was pointed out, that the peat removal excavations are done as
a legal non -conforming use. It wqs further argued that eventually the
added fill would help to remedy the problem, especially with the con-
dition which allows the applicant to fill on the street right-of-way
with the approval of the City Engineer. Also the argument offered was
that the condition limiting the excavations (including peat) to a dis-
tance of 50 feet from the right-of-way property line would be a partial
solution, there being no such condition currently in effect.
letter of transmittal be sent to the City Council recommending enactment
of a traffic Ordinance or enforcement of existing ordinances which governs
the covering required for trash hauling vehicles:
1. No portion of the ultimate exterior lire of excavation shall be less
than 50 feet from any property lire.
2. All portions of the exterior line of excavation shall be a finish
slope of existing undisturbed material reposing at a gradient not
steeper than'll foot rise in 1 foot horizontal measurement.
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, June 17th, 1958
3. A fence shall be erected enclosing the entire permit area including
all buildings, structures, yards, parking areas, reservoirs or other
uses incidental to the operations thereon in accordance with the
following minimum specifications:
(A) Said fence shall be -a minimum of four strand, 9 inches apart
on five foot posts and barbed wire fence.
(B) Fence gates shall be required at all vehicular and pedestrian
points of ingress and egress. Fence gates shall also be 5 feet
high and shall have 5 strands of barbed wire.
(C) Said fence gates shall be equipped with locks and shall be
kept locked at all times when not in regular use.
4. Said nermissible excavation shall not have a depth exceeding that
level established on USGS maps as mean sea level.
5. Upon completion of requested excavation, the excavation may be re-
filled with inert materials to ground level not to exceed the high-
est point of the surrounding land. The --permissible inert materials
may include trash, rubble, and earth, or other solids, provided the
top 18 inches shall be top soil.
6. CP 105 shall expire within seven years from the date of approval.
7. This permit shall allow the refill of certain portions of Talbert
and Golden West with appropriate inert materials where the R/W
adjoins the applicant's property and forms a deep crevice, provided
that approval of the City Engineer is granted.
Roll Call Vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: None.
The motion carried.
Presentation Districting Ordinance Chairman Bazil asked for the
By: W. L. Wevbright, Consult. Repr.
presentation of the proposed
Zoning and Districting Regulation by W. L. Weybright, Planning Consult-
ant representative. Weybright reviewed the entire zoning regulation,
elaborating on several new proposed zones, such as Oil Field District,
Planned Manufacturing, etc.
Page 6.
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, June 17th, 1958
Public Hearing - Zoning & Districting Regulation
including Mans 23-5-11, 24-5-11, and 36-5-11:
Chairman Bazil announced that the time was at hand to hold a
public' -hearing on the precise plan for Zoning and Districting Regulation,
which includes maps 23-5-11, 24-5-11 and 36-5-11 as part of the original
There being no public comment on the zoning regulations, the
Chairman asked the audience to confine their opinions to the Sectional
Districting Map under consideration.
MAP 36-5-11: Joseph Apple, 8071 Ellis Avenue, addressed the
Commission and made queries as to the extent of R-2 zoning regulation.
He further asked to come up front in order that he could specifically
locate his property. He had no further comment.
Alfred F. Corbin, 2656 Sand Avenue, Downey, addressed the
Commission and asked what he could do with his 50 x 300 ft. lot if it
was not Commercial. He declared that the rear portion -would be wasted.
Weybright asked Corbin what he could do with the rear portion if it were
Commercial. No answer was given.
John Fern, 10201 Catlin Avenue, Garden Grove, addressed the
Commission and explained that he had recently purchased a real estate
office along the Highway north of the Huntington Crest Tract. He stated
that he had bought it for Commercial use and that it would be unfair to
zone it anything else. The Secretary pointed out to the Chairman that
it was never zoned Commercial in the first place, that it only had a
variance for a real estate office. Weybright explained to the protestor
that it was not a concern of the Commission, if the property was mis-
represented when he bought it.
W. C. Melick, 17182 H. B. Blvd.,-H. B., addressed the Commission
and advised them he was the real estate man that had sold the property
previously under consideration. He argued that it should be zoned
commercially, and that all frontage up and down Highway 39 should be
zoned commercially. He said that he did not have enough Commercial to
sell. Weybright advised Melick that good zoning was not necessarily
designed to suit the pocketbook of a real estate salesman.
Page 7. `
Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, June 17th, 1958
MAP 24-5-11: Phylis Traylor, 8426 Heil, addressed the Commission
and stated that she was in accord with the R-1 proposed, however she
asked that one property line be straightened out which would include more
area in R-l. Weybright commented that the request was quite logical
and the change was made as requested.
Jake Stewart, 8031 Wintersburg Avenue, addressed the Commission
and asked if the C-1 would include service stations under a,iuse permit.
He received an affirmative reply. He had no protest to make.
J. H. Sturgeon, Texaco Oil representative, 3350 Wilshire,
Los Angeles, Calif., addressed the Commission and stated that he was w
worried about being able to operate several leases they had signed for
the northern annexation area. He also stated that he felt that the city's
zoning was too rapid, and without notice. It was pointed out to him that
the City has spent more than one year making preparations for the rezoning
program. Weybright also explained that at the -present time there is no
oil drilling permitted without a variance in the locations which Sturgeon
described. He further explained that drilling would be permitted in the
new zoning law but under heavy restrictions which were apropo to the
zoning district.
11AP 23-5-11: W. C. Guilliams, NW corner of Highway 39 and Stark,
addressed the Commission and stated that he was entirely in accord with
the zoning proposed, and wished to know if he could build multiple units
in the C-1 district. The reply was affirmative.
Mrs. Howard Swantz, 13212 Illinois Street, Westminster, addressed
the Commission and explained that she owned Lots 18, 19, 20, Tract 179,
in the Town of Wintersburg north of Wintersburg Avenue and abutting
the railroad tracks. She argued that the tract should be zoned Y-1
instead of R-3 multiple units, because the blacksmith shop was on the
corner ruining it for residential.
Gladys Woods, 7451 Wintersburg, addressed the Commission%and
argued for M-1 in tract 179. She said she had lived there many years,
and proceeded to tell of the tertible drawbacks.
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Minutes _ H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, June 17th, 1958
W. C. Mellick, addressed the Commission again and protested
that he was going to sell the Lots of Mrs. Swantz for M-1 and that the
zoning killed his sale. He continued by arguing and protesting violently.
The Chairman asked for the floor. Failing to relinquish the floor,
Melick was ordered to leave the Commission chambers immediately.
Harry.Lepson, resident in Tract 179, addressed the Commission
and explained that he was not trying to interfere with good zoning, but
that for a practical matter, the area had no value for anything other
than industrial.
John Ables, 13471 Edwards, Westminster, addressed the Commission
and said that he was the prospective buyer of the 3 lots in Tract 179
and wanted to know the chances for keening the area M_l.
4Jeybright offered a suggestion that those protestors who insist
the area suitable for M-1 only, approach the entire tract and get a
petition si?ned to indicate that a majority want M_1 zoning. Then he
stated that he felt sure that the Commission would go along with M_1,
the majority requesting it.
Alfred Corbin, Downey, addressed the Commission and argued
that.the entire frontage along Highway 39 should be business. His logic
was rebuffed by Weybright.
Chairman Bazil announced that the Commission would make no
changes on the three Sectional Districting Maps heard this evening other
than the changes previously indicated.
ClifI'iqE. Tripe
Bob Bazi