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Council Chambers, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, July 15th, 1958
Cc -rim ssioners Present: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Stang, Presson, Sork.
Co:runissioners Absent: Bazil.
Minutes: On motion by Stang and seconded by Liles, the minutes of the
Huntington Beach Planning Corni.ssion of Tuesday, July 1, 1958, as Transcribed
and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed.
Division of Land - DV 104 A continued hearing was held for the request
:•+illiam Winkler - Anrlicant:
of William Winkler to the Plannin; Comm-
ission for a division of land at the NE'ly corner of loth and Magnolia Sts.
and legally described ad Lots 2,4,6, & 8, Block 509, H.B. Tract. The division
proposal was to create a new lot which would front on Magno-
lia instead of loth
Street as the lots are n6w existin". There was no comment from the audience
when opened to the public. Co-mmissioners Liles and Davis reported that they
observed the land personally and would recoi�nend approval of the request.
Following further discussion, a motion was made by Stang and seconded by
Schryer to recommend approval.
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schr-yer, Stang, Sork.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: ' Bazil, Presson.
Division of Land: DV 105 A public hearing was held for the request of
Jack Feuer - Annlicant:
Jack Feuer to divide a single parcel located
at the SW'ly corner of Cypress and Ash Streets and legally described as a
portion of Lots 1 and 2, Elock D, Tract 436.
Parcel A: 62 feet of frontage and 130.72 feet in depth.
Parcel B: 60 feet of frontage and 186 feet in depth.
There was no com^:ent from the audience when opened to the public. Further
discussion by the Planning Cornission followed; a motion was made by Schryer
Page 2.
P•iinutes - H. B. Planninp- Commission
Tuesday, July 15th, 1958
and seconded by Presson to REC012END APPROVAL WITHOUT CCP;DITIONS:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Bazil.
Use Variance: UV 122 A variance request was made by the applicant
Applicant - Rebecca Se::ton: -
to allow a single family dwelling unit and a
duplex dwelling unit on a single lot. Located 50 feet east of Oak Lane on
the north side of Sycamore Street, and legally described as Lot 13, Block B,
Tract 368. The Secretary read the report -recommendations. There was no
response from the audience when the hearing was opened to the public. The
opinion of the Commission was that the lot was actually oversized compared
to average standards and that the request was reasonable. A motion was made
by Liles and seconded by Sork to RECOI,1= APPROVAL WITHOUT CONDITIONS.
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: Nbne.
ABSENT: Bazil.
USE VARIANCE: UV 123 A variance request was made by the applicant
Applicant - Rebecca Sexton:
to allow a single family dwelling unit and a
duplex dwelling unit on a single lot. Located at the northwest corner of
Oak Lane and Sycamore Street, and legally described as Lot 15, Block B,
Tract 368. (NOTE: these two similar variance requests were submitted simul-
taneously). The Secretary read the report -recommendations. There was no
response from the audience when the hearing was opened to the public. The
opinion of the Commission was the same as in the previous case. A motion
was made by Presson and seconded by Stang to RECOMEHEND APPROVAL WITHOUT
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Bazil,
Page 3.
I°iinutes - H. B. Planning Co,-.imission
Tuesday, July 15th, 1958
USEE VARIldvCF: UV 125 A variance request was made by the applicant
Annlicant - Walter F. Killer:
to allow building, repairing, and retail
sales of small boats and accessories; a retail boat sales and service. Lo-
cated at the SW corner of Aldrich Street and Highway 39, and le#ally described
as the east 100 feet of Lots 34 and 35, Tract 417. The present zoning is A-1,
and the newly proposed zoning is C-1. The report -recommendations was read
by the Secretary. The hearin- was opened to the audience:
Yrs. Del K. Niederhiser, 17211 Nicholas Street, addressed the Commission and
protested that the applicant did not have 100 feet of frontage, that the area
was too small for that type of operation and that the dust and noise would
become a nuisance. Mr. Miller, the applicant, addressed the Commission and
presented his case. The hearing was closed to the public. Mrs. N iederhieer
was advised by the Corcnission to'have her oun property surveyed prior to
making charges of encroachment. Commission debate continued on specific
problems of the case such as preventing a'cabinet shop type operation by
disallowing the new construction of small boats other than assembly kits and
the minor prepairs. Another problem heard was the enforcement of previous
Commission policy requiring a 50 feet set back for all corn ercial structures,
thus requiring the moving of the existing structure. Upon conjecture, it
was decided that the Commission should meet informally on the premises prior
to the next meeting, in order that each Commissioner could make a personal
observation. The hearing was continued to July 22nd, 1958, at 7:30 P.M -
The meeting adjourned.
Bob Bazil o
Chairman 17
Clifford E. Trinn