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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, July 21, 1958
Mayor Irby called the regular meeting of
the City Council to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M.
Councilmen present: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby.
Councilmen absent: Hone.
Minutes On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the
minutes of the City Council meeting of
June 30, 1958 as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk to
the members of the City Council, Department Heads, Boards
and Commissions be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried.
Business 0n motion by Terry seconded by laiU tA*
applications for license to -met bs
iness in the City of Huntington. Beach, and as aft W ties
Health Officer, Building Inspector,.. Chief of Police, a Piro
Chief, be granted as follows:
Mrs. Rubye Harrison, Westside Market at 327 — llth StTvet, M.-R.
Wm. C. and Katie Reigle, telephone answering service at 520
Main Strut, H. B.
John Adkison, barbor shop at 8021* Wintersburg Ave., H. B.
John H. Gill, auto garage and repair at 602 Ocean Avenue. H.B.
Gem Signs, 736 E. Hill Street, Long Beach, installation of signs.
Roger R. Arnold, 320 S. Glassell Street, Orange, electrical
Western Supply Company, 17414 Ardmore, Bellflower, plumbing
Plumbing Band -- On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert the
Western Supply Co.
plumbing license bond of the United Pacific
Insurance Company for Richard DeBie, dba, Western Supply Company,
and as approved for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and
ordered filed. Motion carried.
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
Electrical Bond On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
Royal Electric
the electrical license bond of the United
States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, for Roy G. Rious dba
Royal Electric, and as approved for form by the City Attorney,
be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried.
On motion by Lambert seconded by Terry the
request of the
Vetoil Company for termination of the Royal Indemnity Company
drilling bond No. 531587 for the Thompson #1 well, located on
Lots 18 and 20, Block 515, Huntington Beach Tract, having
complied with Section 2427.3.of the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code, and the bonding company and the operator be notified of
the termination, be approved. Motion carried.
Bill Winkler The Clerk read the recommendation of the
DV #104
Planning Commission relative to Division
of Land #104, applied for by Bill Winkler, 912 Magnolia Avenue,
Huntington Beach, California, to allow Lots 21 4, 6 and 8.
Block 5099:Huntington Beach Tract, to be divided into two
parcels, and that the Planning Commisaion held a public hearing
on said petition on July 15, 1958, and after due consideration
given to the petitioner and the general public, the Planning
Commission recommended to the City Council the Divisionof
Land Variance #104 be approved, without conditions, said action.
adopted by a'roll call vote of the Huntington Beach Pi -ma ng
Commission members present.
On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant in
accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission
of the City of Huntington Beach the Division of Land Variance
#104 filed by Bill Winkler of 912 Magnolia Avenue, Huntington
Beach, California, to allow division of land as requested, be
granted. Motion carried.
Jack Feuer The Clerk read the recommendation of the
DV , 105_
Planning Commission relative to Division
of Land Variance #105, requested by petitioner Jack Feuer of
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
7941 - 14th Street, Westminster, California, to allow a division
of an existing parcel into two separate lots, said location
being the Southwest corner of Cypress and Ash Streets, legal
description as the NE portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block D. Tract 436,
and after a public hearing was held on July 15th, 1958 by the City
Planning Commission and due consideration given the petitioner
and the general public the Planning Commission recommended to
the City Council that Division of Land variance #105, be granted,
without conditions, and said action of the Planning Commission
adopted by roll call vote.
On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant in
accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission of
the City of Huntington Beach the Division of Land Variance #105
filed by Jack Feuer to allow a division of an existing parcel
into two separate Tote, be granted, without conditions. Notion
Rebecca Sexton The Clerk read the recommendation of the
UV #122
Planning Commission relative to Use Variance
#122, filed by Rebecca Sexton, 7745'Sycsmore Street, .Huntington
Beach, to allow single family dwelling and a duplex dwelling on
a single lot, location of lot being 50 feet east of Oak Lane on
the north side of Sycamore Street, the legal description being
Lot 13, Block B, Tract 368 and a public hearing was held by the
Planning Commission on July 159 1958, and after due consideration
given to the petitioner and the general public the Planning
Commission recommends the granting of the petition for Use
Variance #122, and recommend to the City Council the granting
of the petition without conditions, and said action of the
Planning Commission was adopted by a roll call vote.
On notion by Bryant seconded by Lambert in
accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission
Use Variance #122, filed by Rebecca Seaton, to permit a single
family dwelling and a duplex dwelling on a single lot be granted
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
without conditions. Motion carried.
Rebecca Sexton The Clerk read the recommendation of the
U V #123
Planning Commission relative to Use Variance
#1239 filed by Rebecca Sexton, 7745 Sycamore Street, Huntington
Beach, California, to allow a:single family dwelling unit and
a duplex dwelling unit on a single lot, location being the North-
west corner of Oak Lane and Sycamore Street, and the legal
description being Lot 15, Block B. Tract 368, and that the Plann-
ing Commission held a public hearing on July 159 1958,. and after
due consideration given to the petitioner and the general public
the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council the
granting of the Use,Variance, without conditions, and action of
the City Planning Commission was adopted by a roll call vote.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert in
accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission
Use Variance #123: filed by Rebecca Sexton, 7745 Sycamore Street,
Huntington Beach, California, to allow a single family dwelling
unit and a duplex dwelling unit on a single lot be granted with-
out conditions._ Motion carried.
Fred Swartz The Clerk read the recommendation of the
AV #124
Planning Commission relative to Area Var-
iance #124, filed by Fred R. Swartz, 17022 "A" Street, Hat-
ington Beach, California, to allow a yard variance to A-1
regulations of Orange County Land Use Ordinance No. 351 as
adopted by an interim zoning ordinanoe No. 668, location being
approximately 150 feet south of Wintersburg on the east side
of "A" Street, legal description being Dots 40, and 42, Tract
#360, and the Planning Commission held a public hearing on
Jelly lst, 19589 and after due consideration given the petit -
inner and the general public the Planning Commission recommended
to the City Council the approval of the Area Variance No. 124,
with the following conditions:
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
1. The applicant shal-1 remove all existing
structures from subject property prior
to beginning construction.
2. The Building Inspector shall not issue
a building permit for a duplex structure
with a minimum of 20 feet rear yard until
provisions of Condition No. 1 are com-
plied with.
The action of the Planning Commission was carried by a unanimous
vote of members present.
On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant in
accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission
Area Variance No. 124, filed by Fred Swartz to allow a yard
variance to A-1 regulations of Orange County Land Use Ordinance
No. 351, covering property legally described as lots 40 and 42,
Tract 360, be granted subject to the conditions imposed by the
Planning Commission. Notion carried.
Public Hearing -- mayor Irby stated that a hearing had been
Peed Abatement
set for 7-s45 o'clock P. M.-July 219 1958,
by the Street Superintendent, to hear any objections from
property owners which.are assessed for weed and rubbish abate -
went charges.
Notice- Street The Clerk read the notice as posted by the
Street Superintendent in the hall on the
second floor of the City Hall adjacent to the Council Chamber,
showing the amount of weed abatement charges incurred, on each
parcel of property, and noting the hour and date set to hear
any property owners that have any objections for the amount of
assessment for weed and rubbish abatement charges as shown on
the partial list of weed and rubbish abatement charges for the
year 1958.
The Clerk reported that there had been no
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
verbal or written statements filed up to the hour of 7:45
o'clock P. M.
Mayor Irby Mayor Irby asked if any property owner
present wished to object to any charges
shown on the partial list as posted and notice given. There
being no objections raised the Mayor declared the hearing
Weed Abatement On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant the
approved City Council finds and determines that the
charges as appearing on the partial list
for weed and rubbish abatement charges for the year 1958 as
posted by the Street Superintendent are just and fair and that
all charges not paid by the property owners appearing on said
list within the time allowed by the Statutes of the State of
California, the City Auditor be instructed to certify the un-
paid charges as appearing on the list to the County Auditor for
inclusion on the assessment roll for the year 1958-1959, be
approved. Motion carried.
Orange Coast The.Clerk read the request filed by the
Service Orange Coast Ambulance Service, the owner
being Floyd E. Ingram, requesting the City
.Council to consider a subsidy on an annual basis, instead of on
a three month basis as has been allowed in the past.
Motion On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert the
request of Floyd L. Ingram, owner of Orange
Coast Ambulance Service, be granted a subsidy at $200.00 per
month for an additional three months commencing August 19 1958.
Councilman Bryant and Councilman Lambert requested respectively
that their notion be withdrawn.
Mayor Irby referred the request of Floyd E.
Ingram, owner of the Orange Coast Ambulance Service, to the
City Council members for study and report.
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Minutes`- Monday, July 21, 1958
Huntington Beach The Clerk read the annual contract agree -
Chamber of Comm-
erce Advertising went presented by the Huntington Beach
Chamber of Commerce for the promotion and
advertising of Huntington Beach during the fiscal year from
July 1, 1958 to June 30, 19599
On motion by Terry seconded by Waite the
Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of
the City the agreement between the City of.Huntington Beach and
the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce a non-profit eerper-
ation, be approved. Motion carried..
Public Hearing
Vacation of
Crest Ave.
Mayor Irby announced that 8*00 o'clock P.
M. was the hour set for the hearing on the
proposed 'vacation of Crest Avenue, and req-
uested the Clerk to read the affidavit.
Notice -Street The Clerk read the affidavit of posting
notice of vacation of portion of street,
filed by the Street Superintendent and said affidavit by the
Street Superintendent to the City+Clerk stating that he did
all the posting of the notices required by State law and in
accordance with the Resolution of Intention No. 1347 adopted
by the City Council, as having been completed on the 25th day
of June, 1958. The City Clerk also read the notice of public-
ation as published in the Huntington Beach News on June 19,
1958, of Resolution No. 1347, passed by the City Council on
the 9th day of June, 1958.
Petition filed The Mayor asked if any protests had been
protesting closing
of Crest Ave. filed. The Clerk reported the receipt of
a petition received on June 50, 1958, in
the office of the City Clerk addressed to the Honorable Mayor
and City Council, and signed by 94 residents adjacent to Circle
Park wherein they protest the closing of the portion of Crest
Avenue in accordance with legal description and notice published,
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
and that the City Council do not vacate or close off
portion of Crest Avenue, and to completely cleanup the'area
under discussion bounded by llth Street, Main Street, 12th
Street, and Crest Avenue, add curbs, gutters and sidetmlka
where necessary and beautify with shrubs and grass to develop
a park that the City can be proud and not to remove any trees
except those that night be diseased, dangerous or absolutely
necessary to the beautification program.
Recreation Dept, The Clerk read the communication
recommend develop-
ment of Circle Park addressed to the City Council received
from the City of Huntington Beach
Recreation Department whereby the Recreation Commission re-
ported that at the last meeting of the Commission that they
had studied the map of the proposed development of Circle Park
which was submitted to the Council by Mr. George Carpenter,
Landscape Consultant, and are heartily in accord with the
program and recommend the completion.
George Carpenter George Carpenter, Landscape Consultant,
Consultant appeared before the City Council and ex-
plained his reasons and purpose in the
plans he submitted and presented an alternate revised plan for
beautification, with or without the vacation of a portion of
Crest Avenue.
A. G. Bourg -gin A. G. Bou.rquin addressed the City Council
and strongly opposed the closing of
Crest Avenue and -pointed out the present traffic increase in.
the area 4nd which would present additional problems.
H. F. Ramm ton H. F. Rampton addressed the City Council
and expressed his vie*points in the
matter and asked that the portion of Crest Avenue not be
closed and not to develop the proposed Circle Park into a
C. R. Miller C. R. Miller addressed the City Council
and stated that he was not opposed to
the development of parks but was opposed to the development of
additional recreation areas.
Page 49
Minutes Monday, July 211, 1958
John Peterson John me]rsoa, maynard LOU11* Tony
Tovatt dr., addressed the City Council
aad stated that they were in &*cord with the statements made
by the previous speakers and suggested that the developt
of 41rele Parr be wads is line with iae►ke Park.
Sherman Denny Ohm= Demq addressed the City Council
amd made a resins of the proms as
presented by both sides and felt that a comprUdee sad be
arrived at between the 81ty and the Opts to the develop -
seat of Circle Park to provide for a oombimtion recreation
sad park area.
Motion withdrawn On nollea ty Terry seconded by giant
the City der be instructed to pro-
*eod to bean" Cirels Park In ■aoordance w11M tbo rovie"
beastifieation plan and learn the str"t opoa. fte SOUDD sad
second respmtivsly be. ai.tbdrwon,
Hearing closed There being no farther state m is for
or against the vacation of a portlea of Crest evemis for
Irby declared the hearing closed.
No action - proposed ft aOUCK by 24rrf 898024" by zMaert
closing of Crest Ave,,
the Cif Cosmcii twm no farth&r wtioa
at this time relative to the proposed
closing of a portion of Crest Avenue. Notion carried.
Beautification of On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert
Circle Park
the City Council instruct the City
Engineer to proceed with the beautification of Circle Park
in accordance with revised beautification plane submitted by
George Carpenter, Landscape Consultant, be approved.
Notion carried.
Ernest Wilson - off- Ernest Wilson, bonding attorney, em-
Street Parking
"^ ployed as legal consultant for the
proposed off street parking program, appeared before the. -City
Council to discuss different phases of the off street parking
plan in order to make the proper adjustment to the district
483. 1
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Minutes - Monday# July 21, 1958
boundaries so that petitions may be prepared for circulation
and to be sure that the plan complies with all the provisions
of the due process of law in setting up an off street parking
Recess Mayor Irby ordered a recess of the City
Council at 9s06 P.M.
Council reconvened The City Council reconvened at 9s25 P.M.
Petition - re: The Clerk read a petition filed with the
CP#105 - L.K.raemer
City Clerk, said petition containing 28
.signatures of property owners living in the vicinity of
Smeltser, Gothard, Goldenwest and Talbert Avenues, petitioning
the City Council to deny the Conditional Permit #105 filed by
Lawrence Kraemer, doing business as Prices Peat and Stows
Company, as it had been recommended by the Planning Commissimn�.
The petitioners state they do -not object to'the varianese but
that the applicant be required to fill the excavation with
rocks, gravel, cement, sand, filldirt or similar solid sub-
CP 1102-Withdrawn Mayor Irby informed Oscar Stricklin,<the
spokesman for the petitioners who appeared
before the City Council, and stated that the applicant
Lawrence Kraemer had requested to him and the individual
Council -man that Conditional Permit #105 be withdrawn. ,-
On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert
the request of Lawrence Kraemer to Council members that his
petition as recommended for approval by the Planning commission
and known as Conditional Permit #105, be withdrawn, be
accapted. Notion carried. -
Art Webb - boat 0n motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert
launching on pier
denied the request of Art 'ebb Boats and Motors
requesting the City to consider building a launching facility
on the Municipal Pier for the purpose of launching of small
boats into the water for water sports area use be denied.
Motion carried.
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Minutes - Monday July 219 1958
Mrs. A. Tovatt The.Clerk read a request received from the
Library Board
Huntington Beach Public Library, Board of
Trustees, requesting that Mrs. A. Tovatt be re -appointed to another
term on the Library Board to succeed herself, and said term to
expire on June 309 1963.
Mayor Irby recommended to the City Council
members the appointment of Mrs. A. Tovatt to the Library Board
to succeed herself.
On motion by Terry seconded by Bryant
the appointment of Mrs. A. Tovatt by the Xayor to the Library
Board of Trustees to succeed herself for another term be con-
firmed and approved. Motion carried.
Fox Sportfishing Co. The Clerk informed the City Council that
. the licenseagreement between the City of Huntington, Beach and
Fox Sportfishing Company, Inc., was in default for reasons that
insurance carriers have cancelled the insurance and have given
the City notice thereof and licensee has not settled with the
City covering percentages on gross receipts due for the month of
June, 1958, and further that the Coast Guard has condemned .the
sportfishing barge and ordered it from the waters.
On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite
the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Fox Sportfishing Co.,
Inc., to appear before the City Council at the Council meeting of
August 4, 1958, in accordance with provisions in Section 7 of the
license agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the
Fox Sportfishing Company, Inc., to show cause why said'agree-
ment should not be terminated, for reasons as follows*
1. Business of the sportfishing barge suspended.
2. Insurance has been cancelled.
3. Failure to settle with the City the rental due
the City in accordance with Section 2 of the
Motion carried.
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Minutes -- Monday, July 219 1958
Additional light at The Clerk read a communication received
crosswalk - Seabreeze
Trailer Park from the Chief of Police, Ben Dulaney,
reporting on the traffic ,safety condi-
tions existing at the location of crosswalk in front of the
Seabreeze Trailer Park on Ocean Atmnue, and suggested a traffic
engineering change be ordered to provide additional illumination
at the oroaswalk,-and recommending that Mercury Vapor light be
placed over the north end of the crosswalk and the same type
of light be placed over the south end of the crosswalk in addi-
tion to the present vapor light now existing. ,
On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the
City Council accept the recommendations of the Chief of Police
for suggested traffic engineering changes in the crosswalk
areas in front of the Seabreeze Trailer Park on Ocean Avenue,
and the City Engineer be authorized to negotiate with the
Traffic Engineering Division of the State Highway Division[ of
the State of California, for consent to install the.proposed
lighting, and furnish estimate of cost. Motion carried.
Woman's Club. On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert
bake Park Clubhouse
the request of the Woman's Club, Ways
and Means Chairman, Jean Turner, for permission to use the
Fake Park Clubhouse, and portion ,of picnic; area, to hold a
fall fiesta on the days of October 25th and 26th, 19589 and
charges by waived for such uise, be approved. Motion carried.
R. R. Holstein --
remove tree and
out curb _
On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant
the request of P. R. Holstein# 904
Acacia Avenue, for the City to remove a tree in the parkway at
319 Geneva Street, and grant permission to cut the curb for
driveway purposes, subject to supervision of the City Engineer,
and work done to his satisfaction. Motion carried.
Stephen Arebalo - On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite
Patrolman in adcordanee with request of Chief of
Police, Ben Dulaney, to appoint Stephen Arebalo, 7942 Smeltzer
Avenue, Huntington Beach, to the classification of Police
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
Patrolman, said appointment to be effective August 1, 1958, be
approved and said appointee be subject to passirg a physical
examination. Motion carried.
Linzenmeyer appoint- On motion by Lambert seconded byBryant in
ment denied
accordance with request of Chief of Police,
Ben Dulaney, William Linzenmeyer, be appointed Police Patrolman
to be effective August 1, 1958, be denied.. Councilman Lambert
and Bryant requested that the motion and second denying the
appointment of William Linzenmeyer as a Polioe.Patrolman be
Roland Newbold On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert
the request of Lem Berry, Manager.of the
Municipal Trailer Park, to change the classification of Roland
Newbold from Maintenance Man to Intermediate Account Clerk to
replace Helen Copeland who is retiring and said change of classi-
fication to take effect on August 19 1958, be approved. Motion
Robert Bazil - On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite
Tenporary Structural
Inspector the request of Norman F. Wells, Building
Inspector, for permission to hire Robert Bazil as temporary
Structural Inspector, during the term of -Norman hells' vacation,
July 21st through August 1, 1958, in the appropriate hourly rate
of the. classification of Structural Inspector, in Bracket "C",
• was approved by the following roll call votes
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite,Irby.
NOESt Councilmens None.
ABSENT: Councilment None,
Bids on 1923 The Clerk reported the:following bide
Fire Truck
and requests that had been received for
the sale of the 1923 Dire Truck as declared surplus by the City
Council at a prior meeting. The Clerk reported that a bid
from Herman Sehaack was received in the amount of $50.00; a
bid from John G. Long, Norwalk, California, for $105,00, stating
than he will restore the truck to a running condition and it
would be available for the City to :use in parades, etc.; the
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
City of Los Angeles Recreation Department Superintendent re-
quested the City Council give consideration to donating the
fire truck to Recreation Division of the City of Los Angeles
to be replaced in their Travel Town exhibit, which covers many
types of equipment, and would be on display and have an appro-
priate plaque designating that it was donated by the City of
Huntington Beach, and that it would receive considerable ad-
vertising from the many thousands of tourists that visit the
Mayor Irby referred the matter of the
disposition of the 1923 fire truck to the City of Los Angeles,
to the City Attorney for study and report.
Signs in restrooms On motion by Terry seconded by Waite the
under pier _
,. City Engineer be instructed to replace the
signs in the lower floor of the Pavalon at the restrooms in-
forming the public that changing of clothes is not permitted,
in accordance with request of Mrs. Mary Perkins, licensee of
the checkstand and change room located in the lower floor of
the Pavalon building. Motion carried.
Petition - Sunset Mrs. Herman Jones of Sunset Heights
Heights annexation
appeared before the City Council and read
-and presented a petition for consent to the commencement of
annexation proceedings for the territory contiguous to the
City of Huntington Beach and situated generally as southerly
and westerly of the northwest City boundaries now established,
southerly of Gerhart Avenue (Heil) and westerly of Graham
Street, and attached to the petition a.map and legal deserip
tion,-1and said petition having affixed thereto the signatures
of 31 residents of the area.
Attorney Bauer City Attorney Bauer stated that it is
evident that the Sunset Heights area petition for"annexation
was inhabited area in accordance with the number of signatures
affixed thereto, and stated that the procedure, first must
have the consent from the City Council before the petition by
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
the petitioners can be filed with the Boundary Commission.
Sunset Heights On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby the
Annexation -denied
City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach consent to the commencement of the annexation proceed-
ings for the territory described in the petition for consent
to the commencement of annexation as filed by Nrs.Herman F.
Jones, was denied by the following roll call votes
AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: Lambert, Terry, Waits,
ABSENT: Councilmen: Bone.
Pars. H. Williams The Clerk read the communication received
recreation area, from Hulda Williams 313-11th Street,
Huntington Beach, informing the City Council that the mothers
and parents in the vicinity of 560 Alabama Avenue where there
are so many children who like to play ball and other recrea-
tional sports, and in order to keep the children off the streets,
have been wondering if the property which is already fenced, and
in back of 560 Alabama Avenue on Lake Street could not be ob-
tained by the City of Huntington Beach as another Recreation
Center for the many children in this part of the City, and that
the matter could be further discussed with some of the parents
namely Tim Talbert, Carlos Reeves Jr., and Carlos Reeve's Sr.f
No action taken.
Purchase Gen-O-Drive On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant
units for lifeguard
department the City Purchasing Agent be authorized
to purchase three Gen-O-Drive unites to be installed on.Lifeguard
Care #852, #853, and #854. Notion carried.
Estimate of cost - Assistant City Engineer, Wm. Lewis,, filed
extension of
Yorktown Street a report giving an estimate of cost for
the construction of the extension of Yorktown Street from a
point 700 feet East of Highway #39 to a point 2000 feet East
of Highway #39, showing total culvert work, excavation, un-
treated rock base, plant mix surfacing and contingencies for
engineering at a total estimated cost of $17,793.00, not in-
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
eluding the cost of acquisition of the necessary additional
right of way.
Mayor Irby referred to the Streets and
Parke Committee the estimated cost of the extension of York-
town Street to the Streets and Parks Committee and to meet
with Mr. Hoke, developer of the proposed subdivision which the
extension will serve.
Job Classification On motion by Terry.seconded by Bryant the
job classification descriptions for the
Accounts and Records Supervisor, Auto Fireman, Mechanic's
Helper, Police Patrolman, Principal Clerk, Senior Acoount
Clerk, Structural Inspector, and dater Superintendent, as pre-
sented by the Personnel Officer be accepted as the minimum re-
quirements for the job classifications in accordance with pro-
visions in the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, be approved.
Motion carried.
Purchase Typewriter On motion byBryant seconded by Lambert the
Genera, Office
City Parchasing Agent be authorized to pur-
chase a typewriter for the General Government Office and to
transfer from the General Office one used typewriter to be used
in the Lifeguard Department, and to declare as salvage or trade
in the old typewriter now in use by the Lifeguard Department,
be approved. Motion carried.
Atty to prepare On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert
resolution re -
interstate highways the City Attorney be instructed to draw
up a resolution recommending to the League of California Cities
to prepare necessary legislation to the State Legislature
affecting the apportionment of certain sums by the Federal
Government to the State of California, to be used on interstate
and primary and secondary highways within urban areas, and
said resolution to be drawn up in line with that passed by
the City of Bakersfield. Notion carried.
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Minutes - Monday, July 219 1958
Atty to prepare On motion by Terry seconded by Bryant the City
ordinance -
purchasing pro- Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance
providing for purchasing procedure for the
City of Huntington Beach in accordance with the requirements of
the State of California as passed at the last legislation of the
State Legislaturet and in line with the provisions of the pro-
posed ordinance prepared by the Administrative Officer, was
approved. Motion carried.
Personnel System The Administrative Officer presented a pro -
Rules and Regula-
tions posed resolution providing for personnel
system, rules and regulations, of the City of Huntington Beaoh,
to provide for a fair and equitable system of personnel manage-
ment in the Municipal Government. The City Council requested
the Clerk to amend Section 1 of Rule VII of the proposed reso-
lution for personnel system rules and regulations to provide for
the establishment of residence by employees within the City
within six months from the date of appointment to a job classi-
Mayor Irby ordered the proposed personnel
system rules and regulations as presented be deferred for fur-
ther study until the City Council meeting on August 4, 19584
Demands On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant the
demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid,
Motion carried.
Civil Defense The Clerk read a communieaticn receiTed Sim
. the coordinator of Civil Defense of the
seven regional areas to the effect that a meeting on Oivi:l .
Defense has been called and to be held starting at 900 A.M'.'
in San Diego on Wednesday, July 22nd, 19589 and asked that every
City have a representative at that meeting as it is of vital
On motion by Irby seconded by Terry that
Councilman. Bryant and Councilman Waite be authorized to attend
the Civil Defense meeting to be held at San Diego and with
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Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
necessary expenses to attend the meeting be allowed.
Motion carried.
Atty reported on The City Attorney reported that the
action of Hermann
v City Plaintiff in the action of Fred Hermann
v. City of Huntington Beach, et al, had filed a motion for a
Summary Judgment against the defendantp City of Huntington
Beach, which motion was to be heard on July 25th. The City
Attorney informed the Council that heretofore the City's
position had been3mutral asking that the Plaintiff prove his
charges in court. He further informed the Council that if
the motion for Summary Judgment was not resisted by the City,
the motion of Plaintiff might be granted. The City Attorney
briefly discussed the legal effect it would have if the
Plaintiff's motion were granted. He also informed the Council
that unless he was instructed to do otherwise, he would resist
the Plaintiff's motion for Summary Judgment at the hearing on
July 25th, 1958.
Extension of Assistant City Engineer, Vim. Lewis, re -
Atlanta Avenue
ported to the City Council and gave figures
of cost of extension of Atlanta Street as an alternate to cer-
tain proposed improvements on Bushard and Hamilton.
Improvements of On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite
Bushard & Hamilton
the City Engineer be instructed to prepare
Plans and specifications and ewtimate of cost to improve
Bushard and Hamilton Streets in accordance with preliminary
plans discussed. Motion carried.
Culvert pipe in- The Street Superintendent reported to the
stallation under
Talbert Avenue City Council that the County Surveyor and
Road Commissioner had presented a proposed draft of agreement
between the City of Huntington Beach and the County of Orange
to provide for the construction of a culvert pipe installation
under Talbert Avenue east of Golden West Street, providing for
the County to perform the work across Talbert Avenue in oon-
junction with its work on the Disposal Station property and
cost of said construction across Talbert Avenue estimated at
Page #19
Minutes - Monday, July 21, 1958
approximately $1200.00 and it is proposed that the cost of
this portion plus items indicated in Paragraph 8 of the agree-
ment be borne by the City, and to advise the Road Commissioner
whether the plan and agreement meet with the approval of the
City of Huntington Beach*
Mayor Irby referred the proposed agreement
with the City of Huntington Beach and the County of Orange
covering the proposed pipe culvert installation under Talbert
Avenue to the City Attorney for study and report.
Jan Henricksen- 0n motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert in
Lifeguard _
accordance with the recommendations of the
Chief Lifeguard that Jon Henricksen, Lifeguard Trainee, be
changed to classification of Lifeguard, in the appropriate
range and said change in classification be effective July 229
1958. Motion carried.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Terry the
regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach adjourned..
�. .
y. C er
./) r
yClerk and ex -off is Q
of the. City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California