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Council Chambers, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, July 22nd, 1958
Commissioners Present: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
Commissioners Absent: None.
Minutes: No action was taken.
USE VARIANCE: UV 125 The applicant was requesting a variance to
Applicant - Walter F. I41iller:
allow repairing and retail sales of small
boats and accessories; a retail boat sales and service. Located at the SW
corner of Aldrich Street and Highway 39 and legally described as the east 100 feet
of Lots 34 and 35, Tract 417. Present zoning is A-1, proposed eventually for C-1.
The Secretary reread the preliminary report, and members of the
Commission gave their viewpoints of their on -sight investigation.
Chairman Bazil opened the hearing to the public. The applicant spoke
and stated that he would appreciate all the consideration that could be given.
There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Upon completion of the
formal discussion, a motion was made by Liles and seconded by Presson to
1. The property shall not be used for the business of constructing new boat
hulls, nor shall any other use connected with the repairing of boat hulls
be permitted if the Planning Commission.deems it contrary to the health,
safety, or welfare of the neighborhood.
2. There shall be a paved and graded parking surface of over 2000 sq. ft. in area.
3. The curbs and gutters shall be inttalled in accordance to City and State
standards. The curb lines shall be established in locateion as required
by the City and State Agencies. +
There shall be curb breaks of 30 ft. along each street or highway adjoining
the property.
4. The area between the paved highway fronting the premises and the - described
curbs shall be improved to specifications of the agency havin; jurisdiction.
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, July 22nd, 1958
5. There shall be a 5 ft. concrete block wall built along the south and west
boundaries of the subject property.
6. Only two signs shall be permitted:
a. One may be a double faced lighted sign with 4.0 sq. ft.
b. The second sign may be a lighted sign of 50 sq. ft. which shall be
attached to the structure.
7. There shall be no structures permitted within 50 feet of the front property
8. Final approval shall be given by the Building Department only upon final
inspection and the -fulfillment of the above conditions. The Building
Inspector shall not approve a business license for the applicant boat
business prior to fulfillment of the above stated conditions.
AYES: Liles, Presson, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Sork.
NOES: None.
AB SENT : None.
The motion carried.
DIVISION OF LAND: DV 106 The applicant requested a lot split by dividing
Applicant - Bay Coast Builders
for Bernie Kays: a 115 feet frontage, with 35 feet depth lot into
two parcels.
Located approximately 800 feet west of Highwa y 39 on the north side of
Alhambra Street, and legally described as:
Division I: The east 60 feet of Lot 25, Tract 522
Division II: The west 55 feet of Lot 25, Tract 522
A motion was made by SCHRYER and seconded by STANG to RECMWEND APPROVAL WITHOUT
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: None.
The motion carried.
DIVISION OF LAND: DV 107 The applicant requested approval for a division
Applicant - Custom Built Homes
for Fred DeWitt: of three parcels with 75 feet frontage and
142.50 in depth, located at the SE corner of Park and Lema Avenue and legally
described as follows:
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, July 22nd, 1958
Division I: The west 71.25 feet of Lots 1,2,3, Block 1013, Mesley Park
Division II: The east 71.25 feet of Lots 1,2,3, Block 1013, Wesley Park
Following a public hearing, a discussion was heard by the Commission regarding
policy of allowing original tract lots to be resubdivided to front on a second-
ary street. Much argument was heard pro and con with the Chairman very much in
disfavor of the proposed policy.
A motion Alas mady by Stang and seconded by Sork to RECOA2•IEND APPROVAL
1. There shall be a three feet easement for garbage and trash collection along
the south line of Division II of Lot 1,2,3, Block 1013, Wesley Park Tract,
running east and west.
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: Bazil.
The motion carried.
W. L. Weybright, representative, Planning Consultant firm of Hahn,
Wise and Barber, made a brief report and presentation of Sectional Districting
Maps 21-5-11, 22-5-11, 25-5-11, 26-5-11, 27-5-11, 34-5-11, and 35-5-11.
The Chairman opened the third public hearing to be held on the proposed
PF.ECISE PLAN for Zoning and Distrieting'Regulation, which includes the District-
ing Maps outlined above.• Each Districting Asap is presented individually at one
or more public hearings.
MAP SEC: 21-5-11: Chairman Bazil opened the hearing to the public for
comment on the above listed map, there being no comment, the hearing was closed.
MAP SEC: 22-5-11: Chariman opened the hearing to the public and sub-
sequently closed it, there being no comment.
MAP SEC: 25-5-11: Kay Honda, 874.1 Wintersburg Avenue, Santa Ana, California,
addressed the Commission and requested additional consideration for R-4 zoning for
his property at 8112 Slater Avenue,. The Commission• agreed to keep the request
in mind for possible consideration.
John Able, 14.371 S. Edwards, Westminster, addressed the Commission
and wished to have the R-A zoning classification further defined. Walt Miller,
Representative for Bolsa Realty Co., asked the Commission Vihat the proposed
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, July 22nd, 1958
zoning.would be on a parcel of property approximately 200 feet south of Talbert
on the east side of Highway 39-
Dr. Payne, 8345 Talbert Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the
Commission and asked Weybright what the ruling would be regarding the proposed
R-1 zoning for the Rose Lawn Cemetary at Talbert and Highw4 39. Weybright
explained that the R-1 would not affect the Cemetary because it would become a
non -conforming use. He further stated that the R-1 does include quasi -public
uses, and a cemetary can be considered as such according to Weybright.
MAP SEC: 26-5-11: Walt Miller, representative of Bolsa Realty, requested
a definition of R-3 Zoning District under the new proposed ordinance. 'Mrs.
Geo. Harbeck, requested Weybright to explain what a Use Permit was and when it
was applicable.
Richard Mills, 4427 Rosada Street, Long Beach 15, California, represent-
ing the Hurst estate property at the NW corner of Highway 39 and.Talbert Avenue,
addressed the Chairman and requested that serious consideration be given to
recommend the NW corner for An R-4 use. The reason given was that they were
preparing plans for an elaborate trailer park resort of a type which would be
an ass6t to the city. W. L. Weybright gave his endorsement and stated that the
request was not unreasonable. The Commission concurred and the Chairman asked the
Secretary to make the correction.
of Standard Oil of California and representing also the Western Oil and Gas
Association requested that the City form an.oil committee with the proper city
officials and representatives from the Commission.and Council respectively.
Chairman B azil, and all members of the Commission were in accord as was W. L.
Weybright. Commissioners Stang and Liles were chosen by the Chairman to rep- I
resent the Planning Commission on the Oil Committee.
A tentative date for the first meeting was set for August 9th, 1958
at Council Chambers.
20 SEC: 28-5-11: No comment was heard from the audience when the.public hearing
was opened for the map 28-5-11, the hearing.was subsequently closed to the public.
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Tuesday, July 22nd, 1958
MAP SEC: 34-5-11: There was no repponse when the hearing was opened to the
audience, the hearing was closed to the public.
MAP SEC: 35-5-11: Robert M. Bushnell, 326 West Third Street, Los Angeles 13,
addressed the Commission and argued for C-1 zoning for his property along the
west side of Highway 39 and south of Taylor Avenue: He argued on the premise
that the corner at Ellis Avenue was proposed for C-1, therefore his corner at
Taylor Avenue which lies in the same block should have to be zoned similarly.
Weybright pointed out to the protestant that Taylor Avenue was nothing more than
a private alley, that the proposed commercial area on the corner of Ellis & 39
was sufficient for civic needs for the next ten years, and that zoning districts
seldom occur by blocks. Mr. Bushnell continued to argue for zoning in blocks.
Stuart Gibbs, 18451 H. B. Blvd., argued in favor of Robert Bushnell;
Gibbs also argued for an extension of proposed C-1 zoning to include all that
acreage lying to the rear of his frontage commercial corner. Weybright reiterated
his first reply and explained that shopping centers are seldom located on land
previously zoned for commercial. He pointed out that shopping centers are lo-
cated within the heaviest concentration of buying power, and not necessarily
where commercially zoned acreage is located. He further argued that R-2 could
1 be used -for parking area in the event he was refused for commercial zoning on
• his rear acreage at a later date.
Louis Chappelear, Field Representative for the Western Oil and Gas
Association, protested the proposed zoning ordinance which required service
stations to obtain Use Permits prior to locating. He argued that it was not
necessary because of their safety record and that they should be allowed to lo-
cate,anywhere in a Commercial zone. Weybright replied that seldom would a -
service station be denied a Use Permit, however the surrounding neighborhood,
• he declared, has a right to demand minimum protection, especially in regards to
safety devices or objectionable operations. The hearing was closed to the public.
The Planning Commission adjourned to the next hearing date set for
August 19, 1958, at 7:30 P:M., when Map Sections 2-6-11 and 1-6-11 will be heard.
` Bob Bazil
Clifford E. Trinp