HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-04491 M I N U T E S Council Chamber, City Half Huntington Beach, California Monday, August 4, 1958 Mayor Irby cilled the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen presents Lambert, Bryant, Waite, Irby. Councilmen absents Terry. Minutes On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the minutes for the Council meetings of July 7th, Special Meeting of July llth, and meeting of July 219t, 1958, as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk be accepted without change and ordered filed. Motion carried. Monthly Reports The Clerk read the reports for the month of July, 1958 filed by the Department Heads. On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert the reports of the Department Heads for the month of July, 1958 as read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. Applications for On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the Business Licenses applications for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were granted as followss M. B. Rose, 501 H. Cypress, Orange, California, electrical contractor. ' Robert E. Zengler,. Buccaneer Cafe at 410 Ocean Avenue, Hunting- ton Beach. Benson B. and Virginia G. Jones, motel Sun'B Sand:.at 1102 Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach. Ju.lgr L.' Clark, Zanufa.cturing at 712 Yorktown Street, Huntington Beach. A. L. Sisler, 12372 West Street, Garden Grove, electrical contractor. Electrical Bond - On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert the Rose Electric license bond of Fidelity and Deposit Company for M. B. Rose dba M. B. Ross Electric, and as approved for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. m� Page #2 - Minutes, August 4, 1958 Beloil - Term of On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert the drlg. bond -Dabney #22 request of the Beloil Corporation Ltd., for termination of the Central Surety and Insurance Corp., drilling bond No. 30-59-73 for Dabney #2 Well, located on Lot 2, Block 1901, Vista Del Mar Tract, having complied with Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the operator and the bonding company be notified of the termination be approved. Motion carried. Fox Sportfishing The Clerk read the notice mailed to Janes Co., Inc. A. Grove dba Fog Sportfishing Co., Inc., relative to appearing before the City Council to show cause if air why the CityCouncil should not terminate the lease agree- ment in accordance with provisions of Section VII of license agreement dated April 14th, 1938, between the City of Huntington= Beach and the Fox Spbrtfishing Co., Inc., designated as licensee, for reasons as follows: 1. Cancellation of insurance. 2. Operation suspended. 3. Failure to account to City in accordance with provisions of Section II of license agreement. The Clerk informed the City Council that a notice was mailed to licensee, registered mail return receipt requested. ' lda..yor Irby Mayor Irby asked if anyone representing the Fox Sportfishing Co., Inc., was present and if so to step for- ward and show cause in accordance with notice mailed°. No one appeared on behalf of the Fox Sportfishing Co., Inc.,. License Agreement On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert the Cancelled - Fox Sportfishing Co. license agreement dated April 14th,".1938, between the City of Huntington Beach and the Fox SpOrtfishing Co., Inc., a California Corporation, be cancelled for reasons designated in notice mailed by the City Clerk and the City Collector be instructed to collect the amounts due the City in a,aeord nce with provisions of the license agreement, that are in arrears, and the City Clerk be instructed to inform the Fox 2: 493 Page #3 - Minutes, August 4, 1958 Sportfishing Co., Inc., of the City Council's action. Motion; carried. DV#106 - Bay Coast The Clerk read the action taken by the Builders -Bernie Kays Huntington Beach Planning Commission rela- tive to Division of Land #106 filed by Bay Coast Builders for Bernie E. Kays, to allow the division of one pa;roel with 115 feet of frontage and 135 feet in depth to be divided into two parcels. Parcel A 60 feet frontage and 135 feet in depth; Parcel B 55 feet frontage and 135 feet in depth; said parcel being described as Lot 25, Block B, Tract 522, and that the Planning Commission at a public hearing on. July 26th, 1958, heard and considered the petition as requested and after due discussion the Huntington Beach Planning Commission passed a motion recommending approval by the City Council of the Division of Land Variance #106, without conditions by the following roll call vote: AYES: Sork, Preason, Stang, Bazil, Schryer, Davis, Liles. NOES: Bone. ..ABSENT: None. On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach the Division of Land Variance #106 filed by Bay Coast Builders, for Bernie E. Kays, be granted without conditions. Motion carried. DV,#107 - Custom The Clerk read the letter of transmittal Build Homes - Fred De Witt from the Huntington Beach Planning Commission relative to Division of Land Variance #107 filed by the Custom Build Homes Inc., for Fred DeWitt, 1814 Pine Street, Huntington Beach, to allow the division of three parcels each 25 feet of frontage with 142.5 feet in depth, into two parcels. Parcel A 71.25 feet of frontage with 75 feet in depth; Parcel B 71.25 feet of frontage with 75 feet in depth, and said property described as Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block 1013, Wesley Park Tract, and after due consideration at a public hearing held on July 22nd, 1958, by the City Planning Commission, the Planning Commission passed a motion recommending to the City Council approval of Did#107, subject to the following conditions: 3• 494 Page #4 -- Minutes, August 4, 1958 1. There -shall be three feet of easement right of way running east and went along the southerly boundary of parcel B provid- ing passageway for garbage and trash collection. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES;; Liles, Davis, Schryer, Stang, Presson, Sork. NOES: Bazil. ABSENT: None. On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach the Division of Land Variance #107 filed by Custom Build Homes Inc., for bred DeWitt, be approved subject to the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. UV #125 - Walter The Clerk read the letter of transmittal Miller received from the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach relative to the Use Variance #125, filed by Walter P. Miller, 9241 Imperial Avenue, Garden Grove, to allow repairing and retail sales of -small boats and access -- caries, a retail boat sales and service in variance to A-1 pro- visions of Interim Ordinance No. 668, location being the aouth- west corner of Aldrich Streit and Highway #399 and property de- scribed as the East 100 feet of Lots 34 and 35, Tract #417, and after public hearing and discussion by the Planning Commission at a meeting held on July•22nd, 1958, the Planning Commission passed a motion recommending approval of Use Variance #125, sub- ject to the following conditions: USE LIMITATIONS 1. The property shall not be used for the business of construct- ing new boat hulls, nor shall any other use connected with the repairing of boat hulls be permitted if the Planning Commission deems it contrary to the health, safety, or welfare of the neighborhood. AMPLE PARKING SPACE 2. There shall be a paved and graded parking surface of over 2000 square feet in area. CURBS AND GUTTERS 3. The curbs and gutters shall be installed in accordance to City and State standards. The curb lines shall be established in location as required by the City and State Agencies. There shall be curb breaks of 30 feet along each street or highway adjoining the property. 4. 495 Page #5 - Minutes, August 4, 1958 ROADWAY PARKING 4• The area between the paved highway fronting the premises and the described curbs shall be improved to specifications of the agency having jurisdiction. REQUIRED BLOCK -WALL I I I Ir1 FII 5. There shall be a five feet concrete block w411 built along the south and west boundaries of the subject property. SIGNS 6. Only two signs shall be permitted: a. One may be a double faced lighted sign with 40 sq. ft. b. The second sign may be a lighted sign of 50 sq. ft., which shall be attached to the structure. SETBACKS 7. There shall be a 50 feet required front yard setback. FINAL APPROVAL BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 8. Final approval shall be given by the Building Department only upon final inspection and the fullfillment of the above conditions. The Building Inspector shall not approve a business license for the applicant boat business prior to fullfillment of the above stated conditions. Said Use Variance #125 approved by the following roll call vote of the Planning Commission memberss AYESs Bork, Presson, Stang, Bazil, Schryer, Davis, Liles. NOESs None. ABSENT: None. Traffic Control System The Clerk read the agreement between Brookhurst & Pacific Coast Highway the City of Huntington Beach and the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, covering the installation of full -traffic -actuated traffic control signal system and highway lighting at the intersection of Brookhurst Street with the Pacific Coast High- way (State Route VII), and providing for the maintenance functions that are to be performed by both parties of the agreement. Agreement - Division On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert of Highways, Signal System the Mayor and the City Clerk be author- ized to execute the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, for the installation of the full -traffic - actuated traffic control signal system and highway lighting at the intersection of Brookhurst Street and the Pacific Coast Highway. Motion carried. 496 Page #b - Minutes, August 4, 1958 W. Comstock - request Walter Comstock appeared before the permit to enter Trailer Park City Council and stated that he was reporting to the City Council the condition that should not exist in the operation of the Municipal Trailer Park, namely that relatives are not permitted to enter, and wants a temporary. permit to allow others to use his trailer. Lem Berry, Manager Lem Berry, Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park Trailer Park, informed the City Council that the use of the trailer as desired by Mr. Comstock was be- yond the rules and regulations of the park as they were dis- tart relatives and not members of the immediate family, Wm. Comstock request Mr. Comstook was informed by the members denied of the City Council that their rules and regulations of the trailer park must be enforced and therefore no permit such as he requested could be issued. Proposed agreement -- The proposed agreement between the City Hahn, Wise & Barber of Huntington Beach and Hahn, rise and Barber, Planning Consultants, was deferred until the meeting of August 18, 1958. Rainbow Disposal Co. On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert Agreement extended one year the request of Rainbow Disposal Company for an extension of one year for the collection and disposal of garbage and rubbish agreement covering the annexed areas to the City, and said agreement expiring on August 5, 19589 be granted. Request for Personnel On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant System in accordance with request of the Chief of Police to adopt the personnel system of the rules and regulations for the personnel of the City of Huntington Beach, be approved, by the City Council. Motion carried. Reso. #1348 - Rules & The Clerk read Resolution No, 1348,'a Regulations - Personnel System resolution of the City of Huntington Beach providing for personnel system rules and regulations of the City of Huntington Beach. On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite Resolution No. 1348 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote; b. Page #7 - Minutes, August 4, 1958 AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Waite, Irby. FOES: Councilmens Bone. ABSENTS Councilmen= Terry. Wm. Linzenmeyer - On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert in Police Patrolman accordance With request of Ben Dulaney, Chief of Police, to appoint William Linzenmeyer, to the classi- fication of Patrolman in the appropriate salary range and bracket and said appointment to be effective August 4, 19589 be approved. Notion carried. Demands On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Notion carried. Request of H.B.U. Mayor Irby referred to a committee of the High School for trash collection Council of Waite and Lambert, to study the request of the Huntington Beach Union High School Board relative to the collection and disposal of trash from the premises of the High School by the City Personnel and equipment, which re- quest has resulted in the rules and regulations of the Air Pollution Control District of Orange County, which will no longer permit the disposal of trash by burning at the Hunting- ton Beach Union High School. P.E. Railway Co. The Clerk read a communication received. reports unlocked barricade at foot from the Pacific Electric Railway Company of Main Street informing the City Council that the Public Utilities Commission -of the State of California has recently made crossing and clearance surveys within the.City of Hunt- ington Beach and upon which the Public Utilities Commission reported that the chain barricade at base of Main Street, Huntington Beach, was not in place and care were parked,to within 6' 0" of track center. Also, in same area, trash. barrels and Army Recruiting Sign had been placed at 7' 3" from track center. In order to eliminate this citation, it will be necessary that the chain barricade at the end of Main Street be kept locked at all times when crossing is not in actual use, and it will also be necessary that the authorised automobiles in'the area not be parked closer than 10 feet from center line 7. 498 Page ##8 - Minutes, August 4, 1958 of the track, and -further suggested that the City paint a clearance line on the existing paving to give notice as to clearance that should be maintained, and that the staff member of -the Public Utilities Commission who made the inspection stated that this is a serious situation and has requested the Railway Company to approach the City relative to eliminating the complaint. Mayor Irby referred to the -Beach and Pier Committee and the Chief of Police for study and report the re- quest of the Public Utilities Commission to the Pacific Electric Railway Company relative to the encroachment problem on the Pacific Electric Railway Company tracks. adjacent to the pier entrance at the foot of Bain Street. West Orange County Water Board - Fund Transfers On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant in accordance with request of Orange County Dater Board at a meeting held on July 30th, 1958, to transfer from the General Fund to the West Orange County Water Board Maintenance and Operation Fund the amount of $427.18 and from the Water Bond Sale Fund 1955 to the West Orange County Water Board Fund the amount of $5,250.96, said amounts spent by the West Orange County Water Board for the City for maintenance,and improvements of the West Orange County Water Board, water dis- tribution system, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Counoilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: bone. ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry. Purchase truck tire On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert in tool for Street Dept accordance witk request of the Street Superintendent the City Purchasing Agent be authorized to pur- chase one truck tire tool, at the approximate cost of $245.00 plus State and Local sales tax, be approved. Motion carried. Purchase training On motion by Waite seconded -by Bryant in film for Lifeguard Department accordance with request of Vincent G. Moorhouse, Chief Lifeguard, the City Purchasing Agent be author- ized to purchase 1600 feet of 16 M.M. training film to be used primarily in the training program ft)r new lifeguards and for $. 499 Page #9 - Minutes, August 4, 1958 lectures at the Elementary School in connection with the Red Cross and their water safety program, and the contents of the film was taken on the beach and the pier at Huntington Beach for the past two summers, giving an accurate coverage of actual rough water and pier rescues~ Motion carried. Request for removal Mayor Irby referred to the Streets and Parke of Palm trees in Block 600 an Oalif. Committee for study and report the request of the residents and property owners in the 6O0 Block on Calif- ornia Avenue for the removal of Palm trees in the parkway of said properties, because of the excessive damage being done to the curbs and sidewalks. R. T. Colborne - On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the to cut curb request of R. T. Colborne for permission to out the curb for driveway purposes on hots 2 and 4. Block 212, Huntington Beach Tract, said driveway to be located on Walnut Avenue, and said work to be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, be granted. Notion carried. Wm. Lewis, Street On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert the Supt. to take vacation request of Wm. Lewis, Street Superintendent, for permission to take one week of his annual vacation from August llth to August 15th, 1958, be approved. Motion carried. H.B.City Employees On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert Annual Picnic the request of the Huntington Beach City Employees'Association to be permitted expenses in the amount of $300.00 for the Annual City Employees' Picnic to be held on Saturday, August 16th, 1958, be approved. Motion carried. George McCoy - On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert the to cut curb request of George W. McCoy for permission to out the curb for driveway purposes at 1314 Alabama Avenue, and said work to be done under the supervision `and to'the satisfaction of the City Engineer, be granted. Motion carried. Remove curb - On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant the Walnut & 13th St. request of Monroe and Chula for permission to remove the curb on the north-east corner of Walnut and 13th 9• 500 Page #10- Minutes, August 4, 1958 Street, for driveway purposes, and said work to be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, be granted. Motion carried. Sam Catrabone - to On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant use Beach Stage the request of Sam Catrabone for permie l- ion to use the beach stage on Saturday Morning, August 16th, 1958, at 10:00 A.M. for the purpose of holding a Hula Hoop contest for kids only, be granted. Motion carried. Purchase 2 receivers On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert in and electric alarm system for, Fire Dept accordance with request of Fire Chief D.G. Higgine, the Purchasing Agent be instructed to purchase 2 only Model Sx-104-30--50 Megacycle Hallicrafter receivers V$89.50 each, plus State and Local sales taxes, and amplifier, speak- ers and microphone and wire for the Fire Station at an amount not to exceed $125#00 and electric alarm circuits for east side of the Fire Hall Building, not to exceed $200.009 and said electric alarm systems to be installed by the City Ele etrioian, be approved. Motion carried. Purchase duplicating On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert machine for General Office in accordance with the request of the City Clerk the City purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase one Old Town duplicating, electrically operated, machine at.a cost of $465.00 plus California and City sales tax, be approved. Motion carried. Minutes amended- On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant June 30, 1958 the minutes of the Council meeting of June 30, 1958, be corrected to show the purchaser of Lots 21 and 22, Block 911, Wesley Park Tract, was James L. Smith and Hazel A. Smith, husband and wife, as joint tenants, and that the deed to said property be issued to James L. Smith and Hazel A. Smithy husband and wife as joint tenants, aid that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the deed* Motion carried. Daisy Neeld - On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite Sec. -Steno, Atty.Office the request of City Attorney C. A. Bauer to employ Daisy I. Neeld in the classification of Secretary- 10. 5 0 1 Page #11 - Minutes, August 49 1958 Stenographer, Range 27, on an hourly basis, for employment in the City Attorney's Office during the vacation of the Secretary Alice Hamilton, be approved. Motion carried. Recess The City Council recessed at 9s40 o'clock P.M. The City Council reconvened at 9:45 o'clock P..M. Easements Deeds -- The Clerk presented easement deeds for street Black 2406 E.S.V. and highway purposes as prepared by the City Attorney and executed by the property owners of record covering all of the property in:Block 2406, East Side Villa Tract, in the City of Huntington Beach, On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert the City Council accept theeasement deeds from the property owners of record for street and highway purposes upon and across certain real property described in Block Twenty Four Hundred Six of East Side Villa Tract in the City of Huntington Beach, Orange County, California. Motion carried by the following roll call votes AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry. Ord. #693 - 1st The Clerk gave the first reading of Ordi- reading - Purchasing Department nanoe No. 693, an ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach providing for the purchase and sale of supplies, services and equipment, amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by adding Article 135 entitled "Purchasing Department". and adding new Sections to the Huntington Beach Ordinance.Code. Or.-Co.ast Ambulance On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant Co., -- agrmt ex- tended the request of the Orange Coast Ambulance Service, Floyd Ingram, proprietor, be extended for one year under the same terms and conditions as per the present agree- ment, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmens Lambert, Bryant, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: bone. ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry. 11. 5 0 2 Page #12 - Minutes, August 4, 1958 Councilman Bryant to On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert the leave State of Calif. for one week request of Councilman Bryant for per- mission to leave theState for a period of one week, be granted. Motion carried. Tax Title Lots to be On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert advertised for sale the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for sale at public auction the tax title lots that were removed from sale at the last public auction and said lots be advertised for sale on the same terms and conditions as per the previous sale and said sale be set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. of the meeting of September 2nd, 1958. Motion -carried. Proposed contract The Clerk was instructed to place on the for trash collection agenda for the meeting of August 18th, 1958, the report on the proposed contract arrangement for the collection of trash and refuse in the City of Huntington Beach as existed prior to annexations of last year. Palm trees removed On motion by"Lambert seconded by Bryant at 17101 "A" St. in accordance with the recommendations of the Streets and Parks Committee the Palm trees be removed by the Street Department and said Palm°trees located at 17101 "A" Street Huntington Beach, be approved. Motion carried. E. W. Hoke - pro- E. W. Hoke, Realtor of Midway City, posed Yorktown St. extension addressed the City Council and reported that the development of Tract 1813 was predicated on the ex- tension of Yorktown, Street and stated that if the City could participate in the construction of the required extension to the Tract, in the amount of $10,000.00, and the City to ac- quire the right of way necessary for the street extension" that the Tract Development could proceed. The Clerk was instructed to contact the property owners of record relative to deeding to the City the necessary right of way for the proposed Yorktown Street ex- tension.' Chain link fence at On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert Pier boat landing the City Engineer be instructed to in stall a chain link fence at the Municipal Pier boat landing in 12. 5 O 3 Page #13 - Minutes, August 4, 1958 accordance with specifications outlined, be approved. Motion carried. Brick mason em- On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the ployed at trailer park � I City Engineer be authorized to employ a brick mason at the prevailing rate in the Huntington Beach area for work to be done in the Municipal Trailer Park. Motion carried. Culvert at Talbert Mayor Irby referred the agreement between Ave. & Goldenwest the City of Huntington Beach and the County*; of Orange relative to the proposed construction of a culvert at Talbert Avenue and Goldenwest Avenue to. the Streets and Parke Committee for study and report. 1923 Fire Truck On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert the bids rejected City Council reject all bids received for the 1923 Fire Truck, declared obsolete, and to rescind all pre- vious actions previously made for the sale of the truck. Motion carried. 1923 Fire Truck On motion by Waite seconded by Lambe'rt.the donated to L.A. Recreation Dept, City Council authorize the donation of the 1923 Fire Truck to the City of Los Angeles to be placed in Travel Town for the purpose of advertising and display. Notion carried, On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned, C y Clerk and ex-offic o ler of the City of Huntington Beach City Council, California E� ATTESTS 'Mayor CITY Clerk 13.