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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, October 20, 1958
Mayor Irby called the regular meeting of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock
P. M.
Councilmen present: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby.
Councilmen absents None.
Business Licenses On motion by Bryant seconded by Terry the
applications for license to conduct business in
the City of Huntington Beach and approved by the Health Officer,
Building Inspector, Chief of Police, and the Fire Chief, be granted
as follows:
Tom Murphy dba Murphy Plumbing, 918 No. Los Angeles Street, Anaheim,
plumbing contractor.
Marjoriann Partlow dba Economy Cleaners, dry cleaning at 325*
Fain Street.
H. J. Breslin, 1652 W. 16th Street, Long Beach, general contractor.
Dudley Steel Corporation, 10700 Sessler Street, South Gate,
steel contractor.
Tor Constrdetion, Inc., 2216 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, general
Bernard Reams, 5912 Graywood, Lakewood, peddling cosmetics, veteran
Use Variance #127- The Clerk read a letter of transmittal from the
A. D. Sellers
Huntington Beach Planning Commission relative
to Use Variance No. 127, petitioner A. D. Sellers, 17601 Newland
Street, Huntington Beach, California, requesting permission to
allow poultry production to operate in varinace to Land Use Ordinance
No. 351, as adopted by Interim Ordinance, location being approx-
imately one acre 500 Peet south of Slater Avenue on the west side
of Newland Street and legally described as the Vest 265.98 feet
of E. 511.84 feet of S. 160 feet, of NE J- of NE j of SW + of Section
25, T.5.S.,R.11 W.,S.B.B. & M., and that the Planning Commission
held a public hearing on the said petition on October 7th, 1958,
and the requred legal public notice was properly given prior to
the hearing, and with due consideration given to the petitioner and
♦ !
Page #2 Minutes, October 20, 1958
the general public, the Planning Commission by roll call vote
recommended approval of Use Variance #127, subject to the
following conditions:
TIME LIMIT 1. This variance shall permit the use of poultry
production to operate on the described pro-
perty for a period of only three years.
REMOVAL OF 2. There shall be no storage or curing of
chicken droppings and fertilizer in
commercial quantities on the premises, except those waste
products which are accumulated during normal operations and
which are periodically removed from the premises.
Use Variance On motion by Terry seconded by Waite the
#127 granted
recommendations of the Planning Commission
of the City of Huntington Beach for the granting of Use
Variance #127, as applied for by A. D. Sellers, and subject
to the conditions as imposed by the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission be granted. Motion carried.
Use Variance The Clerk read the letter of transmittal from
Everett Thrower the Huntington Beach Planning Commission
relative of Division of Land UV #113, petitioner being
dr. & Mrs. Everett R. Thrower, 18792 Smeltzer Street, Hunt- ,
ington Beach, California, requesting permission to divide
oneparcel into four individual parcels, said location of
property being at SE corner.of.Smeltzer Avenue and Bolea
Street, near to Garfield Street, and legally described as
Division I: The west 100 feet of Lot 18, Blk. "E",
Garfield Street Addition Tract.
Division II: The east 70 feet of the west 170 feet of
Lot 18, Blk. "E", Garfield Street Addition
Division III: The east 65 feet of west 220 feet of Lot 18,
Blk. "E", Garfield Street Addition Tract.
Division IV: The east 65 feet of Lot 18, Blk. "E",
Garfield Street Addition Tract.
Page ;#3 - Minutes, October 200 1958
The Planning Commission held a public
hearing on October 7th, 1958, to consider the Petitioner's
request, the required legal notice was properly given prior
to the hearing, and with due consideration given to the
petitioner and the general public, the Planning Commission
recommended to the City Council approval of Division of
Land UV #113, subject to the following conditions:
1. The N'ly 15 feet of Lot 18, Block "E",
Garfield Addition Tract shall be offered
for dedication to the City of Huntington
Beach for street right of way purposes.
The motion was carried.
Use Variance - On motion by Terry seconded by Waite in
#113 granted
accordance with the recommendations of
the Planning Commission Division'of Land DV #113 filed by
Mr. & Mrs. Everett R. Thrower, 18792 Smeltzer Street,
Huntington Beach, requesting division of property be granted
subject to the conditions requested by the Planning Com-
mission, be approved. Motion carried.
Division of The Clerk read letter of transmittal
Land - DV #114
Jake Stewart received from Huntington Beach Planning
Commission relative to Division of Land DV #114, petitioner
being Jake R. Stewart, 8031 Wintersburg Avenue, Huntington
Beach, California, requesting permission to divide one
parcel into two individual parcels, location being approx-
imately 132 feet east of Highway #39, on the south aide
of Liberty Street, legal description being as follows:
Division I: W. 46 feet of the N. half of
Lot 18, Tract 411.
Division II: E. 86 feet of the N. half of
Lot 18, Tract 411.
Pursuant to the Conservation and Planning
Law of the State Government Code, a public hearing was held
October 7th, 19580 by the City Planning Commission to consider
the petitioner's request. The required legal public notice
was properly given prior to the hearing. With due consider-
ation given to the petitioner and the gahbral public,the
Page #4 - minutes, October 20, 1958
fol'LiWwing recommendation was made by the Planning.Commission.
A motion was duly made and carried to recommend to the City.
Council granting of the Division of Land DV #114, without
Division of Land On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant
DV #114 granted
in accordance with recommendations of
the Planning Commission, Division of Land DV #.114 filed by
Jake R. Stewart, for permission to divide one parcel of
Land into two individual parcels, be granted. Motion carried.
Planning Commission The Clerk read letter of transmittal of covering
Reso. -#51 -- Re
Fire Station site. the Huntington Beach Planning Commission
Resolution No. 51, a resolution of the Planning Commission
of the City of Huntington Beach recommending immediate
acquisition of Fire Station site.
Mayor Irby referred the request of the
Planning Commission relative to preliminary study made by
the Planning Commission and their proposal for the City to
negotiate for a Fire Station site, located and described
as Block 503, Huntington Beach Tract, to all members of the
City Council for study and report.
Violations of The Clerk read letter of transmittal
UV #84, and #112.
received from the Planning Commission
addressed to the Honorable City Council advising the City
Council of a motion duly made and carried at a meeting of
the Huntington Beach Planning Commission whereby the
Planning Commission request the City Council to endorse
remedial measures against violations of variance conditions.
Direct referral to the Building and Police Departments
respectively for follow up action from the reports on viol-
ations of Use Variance #84 and Use Variance #112, and such
follow up action will greatly aid future enforcement of the
zoning code.
Page #5 - Minutes, October 20, 1958
Agreement-- On motion by Bryant seconded by Terry
County of Orange
Culvert at the Mayor and the City Clerk be author -
Talbert Avenue
itied to execute on behalf of the City
the agreement between -the City of Huntington Beach and the
County of Orange for the installation of a 36" culvert
under Talbert Avenue east of Golden West'Street, be
approved, Motion carried.
The Clerk gave the second and final
reading of Ordinance No. 697, by title, an ordinance of
the City of Huntington Beach amending the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code by adding thereto Chapter 87,
entitled "Trailer Parks", requiring permits, providing
regulations governing the construction, maintenance and
operation of trailer pare, and providing penalties for
the violation thereof.
Ordinance #697 - On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert
Trailer Parks --
adopted. Ordinance No. 697, was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
Second reading The Clerk gave the second reading of
of Ordinance
#698._Ordinance No, 698, by title, an ordinance
of the City of Huntington Beach relating to stop inter-
sections and adding sections 6217.9 and 6227.9 to the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.
Ordinance #698 - On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant
Stop Signs -
adopted. Ordinance No. 698, was passed and
adopted by the following roll call vote:
Request of
Rainbow Disposal
to reeind their
trash contract.
Mayor Irby asked if anyone in the
audience present wished to make any
statement or bring up business before
Page # 6 - Minutes, October 20, 1958
the City Council to do so.
Paul P. Loumena of the Rainbow Disposal
Company appeared before the City Council and presented a letter
which was read by the City Clerk, said contents of the letter
as follows:
"Honorable City Council
City of Huntington Beach, Calif.
Attn: Mr. John Henricksen
October 20, 1958
On September 15, 19589 the City of Hunt-
ington Beach awarded The Rainbow Disposal Company a contract
for the removal of rubbish from the entire city.
In view of the misunderstanding on the part
of some of the citizens of the City of Huntington Beach in
what we had intended to do in fulfilling this contract, we feel
it advisable at this time to respectfully request the City
Council to recind their action of September 15, 1958, on this
We wish to inform these citizens and the
City Council that we are very delirious in having the good-
will and friendship of all the citizens in the City of Hunt-
ington Beach.
Paul P. Loumena, DBA
Rainbow Disposal Company
P. 0. Box 1112
Santa Ana, California."
Offer of On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the
Rainbow Disposal.
accepted. City Council accept the offer of the
Rainbow Disposal Company to recind the contract between the
City of Huntington Beach and the Rainbow Disposal Company
approved at the regular meeting of °the City Council on Sept-
ember 15, 19580 be approved. Motion carried.
'gash Contract On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant that
the City Council of Huntington Beach recind
the Council action of the meeting of September 159 1958, approv-
ing the contract between the City of Huntington Beach and the
Page #7 - Minutes, October 20, 1958
Rainbow Disposal Company for trash and garbage collection
and to declare the contract for trash and garbage collection
null and void, was approved by the following roll call vote:
RainbowDisposal On motion by Bryant seconded by Irby
p e rf ormanc e
Mond returned. the City Clerk be instructed to return
to the Rainbow Disposal Company the performance bond filed
with the City covering the trash and garbage collection
contract and the insurance policies filed for said contract,
be approved. motion carried.
Hearing on At 8:00 o'clock P. M. Mayor Irby
Sidewalk Construction
Indianapolis St. opened the hearing relative to the
report of the Street Superintendent on the coat of con-
struction of certain sidewalks installed on Indianapolis
Street. The Clerk read the report to the City Council
relative to the cost of construction of certain sidewalks
on Indianapolis Street as filed by William S. Lewis,
Street Superintendent, wherein the Street Superitendent
certified to the construction of the sidewalks in accordance
with the specifications on file in the office of the Street
Superitendent of the City of Huntington Beach as ordered
by the City Council on June 2, 1958 at a total cost of
construction for that portion of the work fronting the lots as
indicated on the roll attached to the report being
$1,330.26 and that all property owners or other interested
persons have been notified by the Street Superintendent.as
to the cost of the construction as required by law. They
also have been notified that the City Council will hear
and pass upon the report of the cost of construction,
together with any objections or protests, if any, which may
be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for
the cost of such construction, and for other interested
persons. That the hearing will be held in the Council
Page #B - Minutes, October 20, 1958
Chambers at the City Hall of said City on the 20th day of
October, 1958, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M. And
further certifies that the attached list of described
property and owners is a complete and correct account, and
that the assessments listed therein are correct according
to the amount of sidewalk constructed in front or on the
side of each of the said separately owned parcels of property.
No protests on The Clerk read the Affidavit of Post -
Construction, ing of Notice of Cost of Construction
as filed and sworn to before the City Clerk on the 3rd day
of October, 1958. The Clerk reported that no protest had
been filed relative to the Cost of Construction in accord-
ance with the notice posted by the Street Superintendent.
Hearing Closed. There being no comments.from anyone
present relative to the Cost of Con-
struction on Sidewalk on Indianapolis Street, the Mayor
declared the hearing closed.
Council approves On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite
Assessment Costs. the City.Council finds that the notice
by law has been given relative to the Cost of Construction
of Sidewalks along the south side of Indianapolis Street
between Delaware Avenue and Hampshire Avenue, and find that
the costs are reasonable as charged and that the City Clerk
be instructed to file costs of sidewalks with the County
Auditor in accordance with the parcel number schedules as
submitted by the Street Superintendent, after due time has
been given the opportunity of property owners to pay the
assessment costs, was approved by the following roll call
Verne Nelson Verne Nelson appeared before the City
Veterans Bond
Act of 1958 Council and requested the City Coun-
cil to endorse the Veterans Bond Act of 1958 which a-preR.rR
Page #9 -- Minutes, October 20, 1958
on the Election Ballot on the November 4th, 1958 election.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert
that the Veterans Bond Act of 1958 request for endorsement
by Verne Nelson be received and filed. Motion carried.
Steno -Matron & On motion by Waite seconded by Terry, the
Purchasing Agent
Classifications job descriptions covering the classific-
ation of Steno -Matron and Purchasing
Agent be adopted as the official classification description,
be approved. Motion carried.
Charles Ferguson On motion by Terry seconded by Bryant in
Etc ui_ pmen_ t Mech,
accordance with the recommendation of the
Personnel Review Committee that Charles Ferguson be employed
as equipment mechanic in salary range 32, bracket "C",
effective November 1, 1958, was approved by the following
roll call votes
Hazel Decker - On motion by Waite seconded by Terry,
Steno -Matron,
Brander Castle - the interim classification appointment
Purchasing ,Agent.
of Hazel Decker as Typist Clerk, be
reclassified to the classification of Steno -Matron in
range 26, bracket A, and the interim classification
appointment as Principal Clerk of Brander Castle, be re-
classified to the classification of Purchasing Agent in
salary range 36, bracket C, effective October 161, 19589
was approved by the following roll call vote:
Forrest D. Lewis, On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert
& Grover L. Payne -
appointed Police in accordance with the recommendation of
the Personnel Review Committee and the
request of John H. Seltzer, Captain, acting Chief of the
Police Department, to appoint Forrest Dale Lewis and Grover
Page #10 - Minutes, October 20, 1958
Lee Payne to the position of Police Patrolman, to be effect-
ive November 1, 1958, be granted. Motion carried.
Demands approved. On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant,
the Demands as approved by the Finance
Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried.
On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert,
the petitions filed with the City Clerk signed by 1,027
residents of the City of Huntington Beach, petitioning the
City Council to submit the proposed contract with the Rain-
bow Trash Service to the voters of said City for adoption
or rejection be received and ordered filed. Motion carried.
Mr. Dobkins land - On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite,
for Recreational
purposes. the Recreation Commission be authorized
to negotiate with Mr. Dobkins, owner of the parcel of Land
adjacent to the city limits at Talbert Avenue to be used
for recreational purposes, be approved. Motion carried.
Bids on new On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert,
the City Purchasing Agent be author-
ized to take bide on a new Pick-up Truck to be used by the
Street Superintendent and the present car being need by
the Street Superintendent be transfered to the Assistant
City Engineer, James Wheeler, be approved. Motion caried.
Appraisal of On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert,
property leased by
Garrish Engr. Co. in accordance with the report of the
Administrative Officer, the Purchasing Agent be authorized
to order an appraisal of the property occupied by the
Garrish Engineering Company on City leased property.
Motion carried.
Removal of Palm On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant,
tree on
Lake Street. the Street Superintendent be instructed
to remove a Palm Tree located at the corner of Quincy and
Lake Street, be approved. Motion carried.
Improvement of On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite,
Main Street
between 12th & in accordance with the report of the
Page #11 - Minutes, October 20, 1958
Assistant City Engineer, James Wheeler, that the City
Engineer be instructed to complete the Plans and
Specifications necessary to process the improvement of
Main Street between 12th Street and Clay, be approved.
Motion carried.
Police Chief On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert,
to proceed._ the Personnel Officer of the City be
instructed to proceed with the examination for Police
Chief and said examination to be conducted by the State
Personnel Services and that applications for applicants
to be filed shall not be received after 5:00 o'clock P. M.,
October 22, 1958 and that the results of the examination
given by the State Personnel Services Board be reported
to the City Council not later than November 5, 1958,
be approved. Motion carried.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Terry the
regular meeting of the City Council of the City,of
Huntington Beach adjourned.
City Clerk
City" -Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach,California.