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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, November 3, 1958
Mayor Irby called the regular meeting of
the City Council to order at 7:30 o'clock P.'M.
Councilmen present: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby.
Councilmen absent: None.
Report of State- Mayor Irby announced that a member of the
Personnel Board
Police Chief examining board of the State of Calif --
ornia Personnel Services will make a
report on the results of the examination given to candi-
dates for the position of Chief of Police.
Mr. R. W. Fischer of the State Personnel
Board gave the resume of the tabulation of the examination
results of the examination for the position of Police
Chief,and reported the written examination had been given
on November 1, 1958, and the oral examination on November
3t 1958.
The candidates name and the rating score
for the examination as follows:
Clinton H. Wright 87.51
John Seltzer 76.98
Delbert Higgins 74.54
Harold Mays Jr. 72.33
Plaque Mayor Irby presented to Mrs. Cecil Dowty
presented to -
Cecil Dowt a plaque from the City of Huntington Beach,
as an award for service for the years of service that Cecil
E. Dowty had given to the City during his tenure in the
Fire Department.
Minutes On motion by Bryant seconded by ferry
the minutes of the meeting of the City
Council of October 6th and October 20th, 1958, as trans-
cribed and mailed by the Clerk be accepted and approved.
Motion carried.
Page #2 - Minutes, November 3, 1958
Monthly Reports - The Clerk read the reports of the
Department Heads of the City of Hunt-
ington Beach filed with the City Clerk for the month of
October, 1958.
On motion by Terry seconded by Waite_.
the reports of the Department Heads for the month of
October, 1958, as read by the Clerk be accepted and ordered
filed. Motion carried.
Gannon and Winel - Mayor Irby announced that 7:45 o'clock
oil lease
P. M. was the time set for Gannon and
Winel to appear before the City Council to show cause why
the oil and gas lease of Deane Newenham with the City of
Huntington Beach covering Lot 6 and the southwesterly 15
feet of Lot S. Block 314, Huntington Beach Tract, and which
D. C. Newenham had assigned to Gannon and Winel on February
279 1958, should not be cancelled. Neither Gannon or
Winel were present to answer the order to appear.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Terry
the matter of default of the lease held by Gannon and Winel
be referred to the City Attorney for proper action, be
approved. Motion carried.
Applications for On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert
business licenses
the applications for license to conduct
business in the City of Huntington Beach were granted as
Webster Electric Company, 2035 S. LaCienega, Los Angeles,
California, electrical contractor.
Hopkins Plumbing, 660 W. 17th Street, Costa Mesa, California,
plumbing contractor.
Edward M. Martino, 1986 Pomona,
plastering contractor.
Orin A. Hagen, 108 - 5th Street, Huntington Beach,
sign painting.
Golden Krust Bakery, 8220 S. San Pedro Street, Los Angeles,
retail bakery route.
Edward A. Mischell, 8062 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove,
masonry contractor.
Page #3 — Minutes, November 3, 195S
Alfred Oropeza, 6546 So. Side Drive,
Los Angeles 22, selling dry goods house
to house, veterans's license.
Harry B. Tibbetts, 2590 E. 67th Street,
Long Beach, electrical contractor.
Blackmun Fence Company, 10708 Hayford
Street, Norwalk, masonry contractor.
Ted Hopkins - On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant
license bond the license bond of the Great American
Indemnity Company for Ted Hopkins, dba Hopkins Plumbing, as
principal, as approved for form by the City Attorney, be
accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried.
Term. drlg.bond - On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the
Long Beach
Oil Producers request of the Long Beach Oil Producers
for termination of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Mary-
land drilling bond No. 72116970 and cleanup bond No. 72116989
for wells, Valenta -Stock #1, located on Lot 23, Block 3129
Huntington Beach Tract, and the owner and the bonding company
and the operator be notified of the bond termination, be ap-
proved. Motion carried.
Term. drlg. bond. - On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant
J. J. Baker
the request of J. J. Baker for termination
of the Great American Indemnity Company drilling bonds No.
661692, and No. 661690, covering the CMB #2 well, located on
Lot 269 Block 615, Huntington Beach Tract, and the JA:N #1
well, located on Lots 17 -- 23, Block 515, Huntington Beach
Tract, having complied with Section 2427.3 of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code and the bonding company and -the operator
be notified of the bond termination. Motion carried.
Term. drlg. bond - On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the
Morton & Dolley � ,
request of Morton 4nd Dolley for ter-
mination of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland drill-
ing bond No. 7240668 for well Smith #1, located on Lots 18
to 20, Block 514, Huntington Beach Tract, having complied with
Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and
the operator and the bonding company be notified of the
Page #4 — Minutes, November 3, 1958
termination be approved. Motion carried.
Term. cleanup bond -- On motion by Lambert seconded by
R. B. Watkins
Bryant the request of R. B. Watkins
for termination of the Glens Falls Insurance Company
cleanup bond No. 72--24-27, covering the Deeble No. 6 well,
located 2175' S. and 1420' E. from the center of Section
13, having complied with Section 2448.1 of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code, and the owner and the bonding
company be notified of the termination, be approved.
Motion carried.
UV# 130 -- The Clerk read the letter of
R. E. Morehouse
transmittal from the Huntington
Beach Planning Commission relative to Use Variance UV
#1309 petitioner being R. E. Morehouse, 16171 Springdale,
Huntington Beach, requesting permission to allow 6000
square feet addition to an existing sheet metal shop in
an A-1 General Agricultural Area, location being approx-
imately 800 feet south of Smeltzer Avenue on the nest side
of Springdale Street, the legal description being the East
4 acres of the S. * of the NE -j of Section 21, T.S•S.,
R. 11 N., S.B.B.& M., and that pursuant to the conserva-
tion and planning law of the State Government Code, a
public hearing was held on October 21st, 19580 by the
City Planning Commission to consider above petitioner's
request, the required legal public notice was properly
given prior to the hearing. With due consideration given
to the petitioner and the general public, the following
recommendation was made by the Planning Commissions
"A motion was made by Presson and
seconded by Stang to recommend approval without conditions.
The variance was passed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Pressson, Sark.
Page #5 -Minutes, November 3, 1958
On motion by Terry seconded by
Lambert in accordance with recommendations of the Planning
Commission Use Variance UV #130 be granted without conditions.
Motion carried.
Petition - re: Mrs. Heaston presented to the City
Election of
Police Chief Council a petition from residents
of the City of Huntington Beach with approximately 400
signatures requesting the City Council submit to the vote
of the people to elect a Chief of Police to fill the
unexpired term of the former Chief of Police.
On motion by Terry seconded by
Bryant the petition presented by Mrs. Heaston be received -
and ordered filed. Motion carried.
DV #115 - The Clerk read the letter of
Paul R. Holstein
transmittal from the Huntington
Beach Planning Commission relative to Division of Land DV
#115, petitioner being Paul R. Holstein, 319 Geneva Street,
Huntington Beach, requesting permission to allow a single
parcel to be divided into two seperate parcels, the loca-
tion being the NYC corner of California and Geneva Street,
the legal description being Division I: The east 55 feet
of Lots 1 and 2, Block 703, Vista Del Mar Tract; Division
II: The West 72.5 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 703, Vista
Del Mar Tract, and after a public hearing was held by the
Planning Commission on October 2let, 1958, and the required
legal public notice was properly given prior to the
hearing, and with due consideration given to the petitioner
and the general public, the following recommendation was
made by the Planning Commission: "A motion was made by
Schryer and seconded by Liles to recommend denial of
Division of Land DV #115. Said denial was confirmed by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
Page #6 - Minute, November 3, 1958
71 1
On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite in
accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission
the request of Paul.R. Holstein for Division of Land DV #1159
be denied. Motion carried.
Fred DeWitt - On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant the
to break curb
request of Fred DeWitt of 1027 Lake Ave-
nue, for permission to break approximately twenty feet of
curb for a driveway to a new home being built at 315 Loma
Street, Huntington Beach, be approved subject to super-
vision of the work by the City Engineer. Motion carried.
Request of - Mayor Irby referred to the.Beach and Pier
Frieda Johnson
for hive Bait Committee for study and report the request
on pier
of Mrs. Frieda Johnson of Huntington Beach
for the live bait consession on the Huntington Beach
Municipal Pier.
Demands On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the
demands as approved by the Finance Committee
be ordered paid. Motion carried.
Recess Mayor Irby ordered a recess of the City
Council at 8:10 o'clock P. M.
Council The City Council reconvened at 8s20
o'clock P. M.
Ministerial The Clerk read a letter filed by the
Beach Area Ministerial Fellowship, signed
by Everett N. Auger, Secretary, advising the City Council
that at a special called ministers meeting of the Huntington
Beach Areal, the association went on record October 31, 1958,
as approving the principles that the present City Council
of Huntington Beach appoint the best qualified man to the
position of Chief of Police on the basis of the State
Examination for such an office at it's neat scheduled
meeting. This motion made by Dale Aycock, and seconded by
Everett Felder and unanimously passed.
It was decided that
Page #7 - Minutes, November 3, 1958
this motion be written and handed to the City Clerk John
Appointment of - On motion by Terry seconded by Irby,
Jahn Seltzer
defeated Captain John Seltzer be appointed to
the position of Chief of Police to fill the unexpired term
of the past Chief of Police, Ben Dulaney, was defeated by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen:
NOES: Councilmen:
Request for Special
Election defeated
Terry, Irby.
Lambert, Bryant, Waite.
On motion by -Terry seconded by Irby
that a special election be called to
let the voters decide who shall fill the unexpired term of
the position of Chief of Police, was defeated by the follow-
ing roll call vote. -
AYES: Councilmen:
NOES: Councilmen:
Terry, Irby.
Lambert, Bryant, Waite.
Clinton Wright - On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert
Police Chief that Clinton Wright be appointed to
fill the unexpired term of'the position of Chief of Police,
was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYESs Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Waite.
NOES: Councilmen: Terry, Irby.
ABSENT: Councilmen: NONE.
I_nsert - ( see �a re ;�10
Kennetli Potts - On motion by Bryant seconded by Terry
request to take
Police Chief the letter received from Kenneth H.
Potts, 301 - 5th Street, and read by
the City Clerk protesting the fact that he was denied the
right to take the examination for the position. of Chief of
Police as questioned by the City Clerk, be received and
ordered riled. Motion carried.
New employees in On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
Street Department
in accordance with the request of Wm.
S. Lewis, Street Superintendent, th6 following hourly
7 3
2a6e 7i-8 - ainutes, � ovember 3, 1958
employees be placed on the regular monthly payroll:
Name Classification Salary Range
Glen Campbell Park Caretaker 27 A
Frank Ciarelli Maintenance Man 26 B
Robert Montgomery
Donald Umphenour
Maintenance Man 26 B
Maintenance Man 26 B
the effective date to be November 1, 1958, be approved.
Motion carried.
Leslic ilotts - The Clerk read a letter received from
rf?(-uet for
neyv street Leslie W. Potts, informing the City
Council that he is building two duplexes, and one three
bedroom and one four bedroom houses on England Street, in
the 2400 Block, and the structures are to be completed by
December 1, 1958, and is formally requesting the City of
Huntington Beach to construct a street and would request
a time committment of same.
On motion by Terry seconded by Waite the
City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the construction
of that portion of the street on England, in accordance
with the request of Leslie W. Potts, and 'the property
owners be required to pay for the.installation of the curb
and gutter, be approved. Motion carried.
Letter of - On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the
a.pprcciation frog,
i'ravel loin letter received from the Department of
Recreation and Parks, City of Los Angeles, California,
announcing to the City of Huntington Beach, with great pride
that the fire engine donated by the City of Huntington Beach
has been placed in Travel Town so that all may view this
piece of early fire equipment and the City of,Los Angeles
will continue to feel a sense of appreciation for this fine
gift from the City of Huntington Beach. The letter was
ordered received and filed. Motion carried.
7 4
� .Mi Page nutes, November 3, 10,58
The matter of confirming the purchase by the Purchasing Agent
of a one half ton pickup truck from the Magill Dodge Company
was presented to the Council for its consideration. Council-
man Bryant informed the Council that he was the owner of the
building which was leased to Magill Dodge Company and there-
fore had a remote interest, as defined in Section 36526 of
the Government Code. He declined to take any part in the dis-
cussion of the matter. Thereupon Councilman Bryant left his
seat at the Council table.
Purchase 4 ton On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert the
pickup truck
City Council confirmed the purchase made by
the Purchasing Agent of the City awarding the purchase of the
one half ton pickup truck formerly authorized by the City
Council to Magill Dodge Company, in the amount of $1887.50.
Other bids received were Williams Chevrolet $1915.00 and
Downing Ford $1897.98, be approved, by the following roll call
vote. -
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Waite, Terry, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: NONE.
ABSENT: Councilmen: NONE.
ABSTAINING: Councilmen: Bryant.
Councilman Bryant resumed his seat at the
City Clerk to On motion by Terry seconded by Bryant the
start vacation
request of the City Clerk to start his
vacation on November loth, 1958, be approved.
Motion carried.
Painting exterior On motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant
of Pavalon
the City Engineer be instructed to make
a survey of the exterior condition of the paint on the Pavalon
Building at the Municipal Pier, and to get an estimate of
cost for the exterior painting, be approved.
Motion carried.
7 5
Page #10 - Minutes,, November 3, 1958
Light at - On motion by Terry seconded by Waite,
Lifeguard garage
' in accordance with request of Chief
Lifeguard Moorhouse, that an overhead light be installed
at the Lifeguard garage located at the easterly end of the
.Trailer Park, be approved. Motion carried.
Report on - Captain John Seltzer reported on the
Carson variance
variance of Carson covering the road-
side vegetable stand located East of Highway #39, and on
the north side of Highway #101, and reported that the owner
is attempting to comply with all the conditions of the
On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach adjourned.
My Clerk
Insert from Page #7
City,Clerk7andex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California.
Immediately following the appointment of
Clinton Wright to the office of Chief of Police the Clerk
administered the oath of office.