HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-11-0456 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, November 4th, 1958 Commissioners Present: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson. Commissioners Absent: Sork. Minutes: On motion by Schryer and seconded by Presson, the minutes of the Huntingtoh Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, October 21st, 1958, as -transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. USE VARIANCE: UV 131 To permit two one - family units Applicant - William W. Grant to be constructed in an R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located at 918 loth Street, Huntington Beach, and legally described as Lots 30 and 31, Blk 805, Wesley Park Tract. A report and recommendation was read by the Secretary. The Chairman opened the public hearing to the audience: Tim Talbert, 219 Main Street addressed the Commission and asked for consideration for his client, whom he believed had favorable support from the neighborhood. Talbert also submitted maps showing proposed new dwelling and the existing multiple units in the neigh - boyhood. The applicant addressed the Com- mission and explained that he had begun his original project prior to applying for his first variance which was denied one year ago. He explained -that he was proceeding on the basis of the Master Land Use Plan which had set the area tentatively for R-2. There was no other comment from the audience, the hearing was closed. Chaif an Bazil advocated that the 57 Page 72. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 4th, 1958 Commission remain consistent with the proposed zoning - that is to change the proposed zoning to R-2 and grant the vari- ance, or to leave the zoning R-1 and deny the variance. There was no unanamous opinion reached and because of the lack of public attendance due partially in fact because it was election eve, the hearing was continued to the next meeting on November 18th, 1958. MASTER PLAN OF PARKS At the request of the Chairman, AND RECREATION 1958. the Secretary reviewed the Parks and Recreation Plan for the Commission. The plan advocated the city participation wt in joint ventures with the school districts on a cooperative park system plan whereby the city would purchase park sites in conjub tion with school sites. The plan further emphasised the adequacy of the present parks in the older portion of the city. The hearing was held open to the audience for comment,there being no comment, the hearing was closed. ADOPTION OF A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND RESOLUTION 52 SECONDED BY SCHRYER TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 52, A RESOLUTION approving and recommending "The Master Plan of Parks and Recreation, 1958." ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: Sork. THE MOTION CARRIED. MASTER PLAN OF PUBLIC At the request of the Chairman, BUILDINGS, 1958. the Secretary reviewed the Public Buildings Plan for the Commission. The Plan advocated the acquisition of all of Block 503, Huntington Beach Tract for a Fire Station Site, leaving the present Fire Station Site available for an expanded Police Station site. The present City Hall would be razed in the future.for a new modern -2- m Page #3. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 4th, 1958 structure. The hearing was held open to the audience for comment: J. Sherman Denny,Manager of Huntington Beach Company, addressed the Commission and re- commended that the south 50 feet of Blk 503, which is presently owned by the Pacific Electric Land Co., be retained within the Master Plan for the Fire Station site. He argued that the small lot would enhance the value of the entire block. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. The Commission concurred with Mr. Denny's suggestion and asked the Secretary to include that the lot be included in the Master Plan, although it might be available only for lease. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 53 A MOTION WAS MADE BY SCHRYER AND SECONDED BY DAVIS TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 53, A Resolution approving and recommending "The Master Plan of Public Buildings, 195811. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: Sork. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING - As requested by the Chairman, REVISION OF THE SUBDIVISION CODE: the Secretary reviewed the proposed revisions amending Ordinance No. 676 under the following Sections: Section 9711.5 HILLSIDE AREAS Section 9741.2 GENERAL DESIGN CONDITIONS Section 9741.3 STREET AND HIGHWAY WIDTHS Section 9741.4 LOT SIZES BY TYPE AND IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED and by the addition of the following section - Section 9751.21 entitled: PARR AND RECREATION SITE REQUIREMENTS 3• 59 Page #4. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 4th, 1958 (a) Dedication of Land for Park and Recreation Purposes (b) Option to Subsection (a) The hearing was held open to the audience NON G for comment; there beingithe hearing was closed. ADOPTION OF A MOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED ' RESOLUTION 54 BY STANG TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 549 A Re- solution recommending revisions to the Subdivision code by amending Ordinance No. 676 as outlined in paragraph above and according to certified record on file in the City Clerk's Office. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Stang, Bazil, Liles, Presson, Davis, Schryer. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: Sork. REVIEW OF ORANGE Being a representative of the Orange County COUNTY STREET NAIMING CO1,2JITTEE Associated Chambers of Commerce, PROPOSALS Commissioner Schryer made a report to the Commission regarding the purpose and specific plan of the Street Naming Committee which.is represented by the Assoc. Chambers. The most important feature of the plan'is to continue the name of Huntington Beach Blvd. through to the northern end of the county. The project has the full endorsement of this city's chamber it was stated. Com- missioner Schryer reviewed all proposed name changes as well as the current status of Hamilton Street and Atlanta Street bridges. The Secretary explained the procedure of adopting street name changes en-masse, whereby a precise plan is prepared on a large city base map with all revisions as a single plan. It was suggested that the street number- ing system be adopted simultaneously with the street names map. It was further concluded that action taken on such a precise plan be delayed for several months in order not 4. Page #5. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 4th, 1958 to encumber the general public and the City Council with too many controversial issues at one time. ADOPTION OF A resolution of intention to adopt a RESOLUTION NO. 55 precise plan of street names and numbering, to include proposals of the Orange County Street Naming Committee. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SCHRYER AND SECONDED BY DAVIS TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 55 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: Sork. TRACT MAP 2558 At the request of the engineering firm REVISED of Voorheis, Trindle & Nelson, a hearing was held on the revised tentative subdivision map No. 2558, which excluded five acres from the original map. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SEC- ONDED BY PRESSON TO APPROVE TRACT MAP 2558 - REVISED, WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. All street intersection radii shall be in accordance with the subdivision code. 2. All street drainage slopes shall not be less than 0.2% in grade, unless approved by the City Engineer. 3. Sidewalks shall be required on both sides of all streets including Cul-de-Sacs, in accordance with City Eng- ineer's specifications. 4. All fill to be compacted to 90% relative density. 5. Street lighting, street signs, and street barricades shall be furnished by the sub -divider, in accordance to the City Engineer's specifications. 6. Street Tree Planting shall be provided in accordance to the City Engineer's specifications. 7. The frontage road•R/W for highway 39 shall be identical in width to tract 2416. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: Sork. 5. 61 Page ;r6. 14inutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 4th, 1958 AREA VARIANCE: The applicant requested a 20 feet AV 132 Applicant - encroachment into a zoned 40 feet set - Frank Doting back requirement for a refrigerator dis- play case to be used for retail milk sales in a C-1 Zoning District. The property is located on the NW corner of Speer Street and Highway 39 and is legally described as Lots 1 & 2 Tract 867. The hearing was held open to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. The case was reviewed by the Commission, who unanimously expressed the opinion that it would be possible to design the structure without encroaching on the setback requirement. It was further pointed out that the Planning Commission has established and maintained a policy of requiring 50 feet setback for commercial. The applicant can by means of the county zoning setback only 40 feet. It being determined that no real hardship or need exists, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SCHRYER AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO RECOMMEND DENIAL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Stang, Bazil, Liles, Davis, Schryer. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: Sork. REQUEST OF A letter was received from the High HIGH SCHOOL BOARD FOR REVIEW OF PLANS School Board requesting comment from the Commission regarding their proposed expansion of facilities located at the corner of 17th Street and Utica Avenue adjacent to the former republic steel supply building. The structure proposed would be used for storage and maintenance garage purposes. The Commission reviewed the plans and determined that such a project would have an adverse affect upon the surrounding neighborhood and to the city as a whole. 6. Page #7. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 4th, 1958 A MOTION WAS MADE BY LILES AND SECONDED BY DAVIS TO GO ON RECORD AS BEING OPPOSED TO THE SUBMITTED PROPOSAL - THE SECRETARY SHALL BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT A REPLY OUTLINING THE BASIC REASONS FOR THE DECISION. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: STANG, PRESSON, DAVIS, LILES, BAZIL SCHRYER. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: SORK. Clifford E. Tripp Secretary The Meeting adjourned. Bob Bazil Chairman 7.