HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-11-1863 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION - Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, November 18th, 1958 Commissioners Present: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork. Commissioners -Absent: None. I;Iinutes: On motion -by Liles and seconded by Schryer, the minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, November 18th, 1958, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. - USE VARIANCE: UV 134 To allow drilling for oil and Applicant: Texas Co. By: J. L. Sturgeon production thereof in variance to Orange County Land Use Ordinance No. 351 as adopted by In- terim Zoning Ord. 668. Present zoning is A-1 General Agricultural District. The drilling site is located with- in a portion of the NW4 of the NViw4 of Section 27, T.5.S., R.11.W.9 SBB & M and shall be a 330 feet by 330 feet area. The report -recommendations were read by the Secretary. Chairman Bazil opened the hearing to the audience; there was no comment received. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAVIS AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: FENCING AND LANDSCAPING 1. Said well site shall be properly fenced in accordance with Section 2429, Huntington Beach Ordinance Code with further provision that upon written notice from the City Council, there shall be planted and maintained landscaping such as shrubs and trees in accordance with the City Engineer's recommendation. OIL STORAGE LIMITATIONS 2. The uses permitted shall not be construed as permitting rotary mud dumps, sumps, or disposal, petroleum 6M, Page ;r2. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18th, 1958 refining, or processing or storage of oil or gas in tanks exceeding 1000 barrel capacity and 8 feet in height above ground level, except that the wash tank may be built to a maximum height of 16 feet. SIGNS 3. Signs shall be limited to two in number and each may have an area of not over 12 square feet. PERMANENT CLEAN-UP BOND 4. Aside from all other City and State bonds which are required, there shall be a,$1000.00 permanent clean- up bond posted with the City -of Huntington Beach Engineering Office for the oil well prior to the issuance of an oil drilling permit. Said permanent cleanup bond shall be released by approval of the City Council upon recommendation of the City Eng- ineer at the time the site has been permanently abandoned and cleaned up. LOCATION 5. The specific drilling site granted by this variance shall be that location designated on map filed by _ _ the applicant. ELECTRICIFICATION 6. All pumping units shall be operated by means of electric motors. AUTOMATIC TERMINATION 7. The abandonment of the specified drill site for a period of more than six months shall constitute an automatic revocation of UV #134. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 2. 65 Page r`3. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18th, 1958 USE VARIANCE: UV 135 To conduct the business of Applicant - Aliene Watkins beer, wine and delicatessen sales within an existing Bait and Tackle Shop at 21643 Cabrillo Highway; located on the -southeast corner of the entrance to the State Beach Park. Present zoning is R-1 Single Family Residential District. were read by the Secretary. public for comment. The report - recommendations The hearing was opened to the J. L. Watkins, the applicant, addressed the Commission and explained the proposed operation. He concluded by asking favorable consideration. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed by the Chairman. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAVIS AND SECONDED BY STANG TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITHOUT CONDITIONS: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. USE VARIANCE: UV 131 To permit two one family units Applicant - William W. Grant to be constructed in an R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located at 918 loth Street, Huntington Beach and legally described as hots 30 and 31., Block 805, Wesley Park Tract. The report -recommendations were read by the Secretary. Chairman Bazil opened the hearing to the audience. William W. Grant, the applicant, addressed the Commission and explained that he was unable to get signatures on the petition, but -that he had the 3. Page 7#4. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18th, 1958 verbal consent of the majority -of --the -owners within the 300 feet radius. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SORK AND SECONDED BY SCHRYER TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITHOUT CONDITIONS: ROLL, CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. FOMIAL PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED ZONING AND DISTRICTING FLU, GULAT ION. C. E. Tripp, Planning Director, made a brief report and presentation of all Sectional Districting Maps com- prising the entire city limits as established in April 1958. It was noted that there are 34 Sectional District- ing Maps encompassing the present. Each Sectional Districting Map represents a legal one mile square sec- tion as laid out by U. S. Government Survey. The Planning Director gave explanation of the various types of oil drilling zones and combining zones as follows: DEFINITION OF THE VARIOUS OIL AND COMBINING ZONES FOR HUiiTINGTON BEACH OF ZONE. Drilling for and/or production, handling, storing, extraction and removal of oil, gas and other hydrocarbons, including construction, operation, maintenance and removal of -derricks, pipelines, tanks, absorption plants, compressors, gasoline extraction plants, tank farms and other structures or buildings (including residential accommodation for oil field workers) connected with or related to such uses. 0 ZONE Drilling for and/or production, handling, storing, extraction and removal of oil, gas and 4. 67 0 Page i'5• I:Iinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18th, 1958 other hydrocarbons, including construction, operation, maintenance and removal of derricks, pipelines, tanks, compressors and other structures or buildings (including residential accommodation for oil field workers) connect- ed with or related to such --uses. No refineries, ab- sorption_ plants or gasoline extraction plants shall be permitted. A I r7AITV Production, handling, storing, extraction and removal of oil, gas and other hydro- carbons, including construction, operation, maintenance and removal of derricks, pipelines, tanks, compressors and other structures or buildings connected with or related to oil, gas or injection wells existing upon the effective date of this ordinance. No new wells from new surface locations may be drilled, but existing wells may be deep- ened; redrilled (directionally or otherwise) or reworked. No refineries, absorption plants or gasoline extraction plants shall be permitted. 0-2 ZONE A combining zone requiring controlled drill sites with approximately 1320 feet spacing, subject to adequate regulation by the Planning Commission. This zone to be applicable to undeveloped areas. The details are to be worked out at later oil committee sessions. 0-3 ZONE A combining zone similar to 0-2 Zoning, except that spacing requirements will be one well per block per oil strata. This zone to be applicable to town lot drilling, with details to be worked out by the oil committee. The Planning Director then referred to a procedure questioned by Lyndon A. Wells, Huntington 5. Page #6. Llinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18th, 1958 Beach property owner and resident at a recent oil committee hearing. It was explained by the City Attorney that al- though the townspeople did vote certain zoning propos- itions in on referendum, in each instance, as far as could reasonably be determined in the records, the downtown business area and certain other residential areas were restricted from oil drilling and industry. He explained that oil drilling was permitted in the questioned areas because it was not specifically restricted from it, al- though no mention was made of oil drilling. By this negative approach, many citizens have been led to believe that oil drilling was voted in by referendum of the people and thus could not be changed except by referendum of the people. On the contrary, it was explained by the City Attorney, the questioned oil zone could be regulated or even removed at the discretion of,the legislative body. He further gave an opinion that most of -the zoning legislation en- acted prior t6 the State Planning and Conservation Code has since been superceded by the enacted State Code. On the basis of the City Attorney's ruling, the Planning Director in agreement with Lawrence Wise, Planning Consultant, recommended that certain areas easterly of Fourteenth Street to the business district, and other areas where either an ... 0-2 or 0-3 oil comb- ining zone have been proposed, be temporarily zoned with an ... 0-1 oil Combining Zone whereby current drilling operations would be able to continue but no new oil Milling would be allowed until such time as the new 0-2 and 0-3 Oil Zones are enacted. ON NOTION BY STANG AND SECONDED BY LILES THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED THAT THE ZONING PROCEED AS PROPOSED, WITH 0-1 OIL ZONES TO APPLY TEMPORARILY TO ALL PROPOSED 0-2 AND 0-3 OIL ZONES: 6. Page #47. l,Tinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18th, 1958 THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING FOR PRECISE PLAN OF ZODING AND DIJ'TRICTING 'Q WPITTT.A I T0TJ Lawrence Wise, Planning Consultant, participated in the review of zoning problems as they were brought up. George Farquhar, England Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the Planning Commission and presented a PETITION FOR RESTRICTED SURFACE DRILLING containing approximately 600 signatures out of 1096 lots which were outlined as the petitioning area located on the eastside of the Pacific Electric right-of-way which divides the City. The boundaries of the proposed area specify Mempl Street as the northern limits; Pacific Electric right-of-way as the west limits; Huntington Beach Blvd. as the east limits; Atlanta as the south limits; with certain Lowlands and existing oil fields excluded from within the limits. Farquhar stated that he represented the petitioners only as a private citizen advocating the restriction of oil drilling from his residential property. He named Mr. gilliam R. Boone, of Keans, Springmann, and Stipek, as the circulator of the petition. Chairman Bazil pointed out that the area has been tentatively proposed for restriction against oil drilling, although it may subject to change. Earl Presson, member of the Commission, went on record as being opposed to removing oil drilling zones from the -east side area, he himself owning a one half block. He called for closer scrutiny of the petition. Jess Butts, 402 Huntington -Avenue, addressed the Chair and explained that he was entirely opposed to the restriction of oil from his property. A motion was made by Sork and seconded by Liles to refer final 7. 70 Page 7#18. T,iinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18th, 1958 decision on the question until the December 2nd hearing to give ample time to check the petition. The motion 'carried. Ivan Hooker, Yorktown and Huntington Beach Blvd., requested the Commission.give consideration for commercial zoning on the front of his property fronting on Huntington Beach Blvd. No changes were made. Clifford Mellich, 17182 Huntington Beach Blvd., addressed the Chair, and submitted a petition containing 75 signatures -requesting that -the highway 39 frontage on both sides from Wintersburg Avenue south to Neuman Avenue be kept as C-1 as it was originally zoned. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY LILES THAT THIS REQUEST BE GRANTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. William R. Miller, representative of Western Oil and Gas Assoc., addressed the Commission and explained that his Association has been working with the Oil -Committee Study Group, in helping to formulate the overall pattern of zoning for the oil industry. He stated that his group is basically in accord the proposed plan with few ex- ceptions; although he reserved comment regarding the establishment of 0-1 Zones to temporarily supplant the proposed 0-2 and 0-3 Zones. He later brought up several points of conflict in the following areas: The golf course, the property north of the local grammar school, the Ocean Avenue front- age along 12th Street to 17th Street on the inland side: Block 301-A, Block 908. CHANGES IN PROPOSED ZONING: By Planning Commission action the following changes were made in the proposed zoning: The inland side of frontage along Ocean Avenue was changed to 8. 71 Page 49. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18th, 1958 R-4-0 from 14th Street to 17th Street ..... The Golf Course was changed to R-A-O ...... The westerly half of the property lying adjacent to the local elementary school was changed to R-1-0 ..... The south half of Block 301-A was changed to R-3-0 ..... That area east of the Pacific Railway tracks which was originally proposed for OF was changed to R-A-O. THE TEXAS COIIPANY Arthur Kelly, representative for REQUEST: the Texas Company asked that a minor change be made in the proposed zoning fronting along west side of Huntington Beach Blvd. between Quincy Street and Memphis Street. He requested that the oil drilling setback line be diminished 25 feet to the set- back distance of 225 feet. The Planning Commission approved the request of change in the proposed zoning. LYNDON A. WELLS addressed the Commission and asked for unlimited oil drilling for his properties at Garfield and easterly of highway 39 and at Memphis Street and Huntington Avenue. No action was taken by the Planning Commission. ENTIRE CITY REVIE"YED: The Planning Commission reviewed the entire city limits and made plans to continue the hearing to the next Commission meeting which was set at 7:30 P. M. Tuesday, December.2nd, 1958, at which time an effort will be made to resolve the pending zoning controversies and to conclude the present zoning program by adoption of a formal resolution. Clifford E. Tripp Secretary The Meeting adjourned. Robert Bazil� C� Chairman 9•