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Council Chamber, Casty Hall
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Monday, December 1, 1958
Mayor Irby called the regular meeting of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order
at 7:30 o'clock P. M.
Councilmen Present: Bryant, Waite, Irby, Lambert.
Councilmen Absent: Terry.
`ainutes: On motion by Bryant seconded by Waste the
minutes of the City Council meeting of
November 3rd, November the 18th, and a Special Meeting of
November the 24th, 1958, as transcribed and mailed by the
Clerk be accepted without changes and ordered filed. The
Lotion carried.
�onthly H ports The Clerk read the reports of the Depart-
ment Heads filed with the City Clerk for
the month of November, 1958.
On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert
the reports of the department heads for the month of Nov-
ember, 1958 as read by the City Clerk be accepted and ord-
ered filed. Motion carried.
Business 1_jicenses On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite,
the applications for license to conduct
business in the City of Huntington Beach as approved by
the Health Officer, Building Inspector, Chief of Police,
and the Fire Chief, were granted as follows:
Robert S. McGee, Business of Sewer Contractor, of 1143 W.
Birch Street, Orange, California.
Goss's Plumbing & Heating, business of Sub -Contractor, of
14402 Hoover Street, Westminster, California.
Marshall A. Welty, Inc., business of Building Contractor,
of 14101 So. Harper Street, Santa Ana, California.
w<y e -• _ ; i.inuteo, _Jece Aber 1, 19 1
Gordon & LeTourneau Construction Co., business of General
Contractor, of 6829 Topango Blvd., Canoga Park, California.
Lounsberry & Harris, business of General Contracting, of
3132 San Fernando Road, Los Angeles 65, California.
William H. Nicholson, business of Building Maintenance,
of 407 Alabama Avenue, Huntington Beach.
Charles E. Gish, business of General Contracting, of
1514 So. Birch Street, Santa Ana, California.
jame2 eox - On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite
Peon Sign
the Building permit request of James
Fox for the erection of a Neon Sign at 438 Main Street,
and as approved by the Building Inspector, be granted.
Motion carried.
Use Variance
The Clerk read a letter of transmittal
from the Planning Commission relative
to Use Variance #131, the petitioner being Wm. W. Grant,
of 918 - 10th Street, requesting permission to allow
2 one -family units to be constructed in R-1 Single
family residence district, location being 918 - 10th
Street, legal description, Lots 30-31, Block 805 Wesley
Park Tract, and pursuant to the Conservation and Planning
Law of the State Government Code, a public hearing was
held Tuesday, November 18th, 1958, by the City Planning
Commission to consider above petitioner's request. The
required legal public notice was properly given prior to
the hearing. With due consideration given to the
petitioner and the general public, the following recomm-
endation was made by the Planning Commission, A motion
was made by Sork and seconded by Schryer to recommend
approval without conditions, passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Stang, Bazil, Presson,
NOES: None.
Page #3 - Kinutes, December 1, 1958
UV jf131 - granted On motion by Lambert seconded by
Waite in accordance with the
recommendation of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission,
Use Variance #131, be granted without conditions.
Motion carried.
W riW134 - The Clerk read a letter of trans -
Texas 0111 Co.
mittal from the Huntington Beach
Planning Commission relative to Use Variance #134,
petitioner being the Texas Company, of Los Angeles, Calif-
ornia requesting permission to allow drilling for oil
and production thereof in variance to Orange County Land
Use Ord. 351 as adopted by Interim Zoning Ord. 668.
Present zoning is A-1 General Agricultural District,
location, the site is located approximately 880 feet south
of Wintersburg Avenue and approximately 440 feet east of
Springdale Street. Legal description, a portion of the
NW 4 of the NW L of Section 27, T.S.S., R.11.W., SBB & M.
Pursuant to the Conservation and Planning Law of the State
Government Code, a public hearing was held on the 18th
day of November, 1958 by the City Planning Commission to
consider above petitioner's request. The required legal
public notice was properly given prior to the hearing.
With due consideration given to the petitioner and the
general public, the following recommendation was made by
the Planning Commission. A Motion was made by Davis and
seconded by Presson to recommend approval with the follow-
ing conditions;
Fencing and Landscaping:
1. Said well site shall be properly fenced in accordance
with Section 2429, Huntington Beach Ordinance Code
with further provision that upon written notice from
the City Council, there shall be planted and main-
tained landscaping such as shrubs and trees in accord-
ance with the City Engineer's recommendation.
2. The uses permitted shall not be construed as permit-
r : U 'p.
ting rotary mud dumps, sumps, or disposal, petroleum
refining, or processing or storage of oil or gas in tanks
exceeding 1000 barrel capacity and 9 feet in height above
ground level, except that one wash tank may be permissible
to a maximum height of 16 feet.
3. Signs shall be limited to two in number and each
may have an area of not over 12 square feet.
4. Aside from all other City and State bonds which are
required, there shall be a $61000.00 permanent clean-
up bond posted with the City of Huntington Beach
Engineering Office for each and every oil well drill-
ing site prior to the issuance of an oil drilling
permit. Said permanent cleanup bond shall be re-
leased by approval of the City Council upon re-
commendation of the City Engineer at the time the
site has been permanently abandoned and cleaned up.
5. The specific drilling site granted by this variance
shall be that location designated on map filed by
the applicant.
6. All pumping units shall be operated by means of
electric motors.
7. The abandonment of the specified drill site for a
period of more than six months shall constitute an
automatic revocation of UV #134.
The request was passed and adopted by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Sark, Presson, Stang, Schryer, Bazil.
NOES: None.
UV ';F�155 - The Clerk read a letter of transmittal
from the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission relative to Use Variance #135, petitioner,
Aliene Watkins, 21643 Cabrillo Highway, Huntington Beach
to allow the conducting of the business of beer, wine,
Page Try - L inuteo, December 1, 1958
and delicatessen sales within an existing Bait and.Tac'kle
Shop. Present zoning is R-1 Single Family Residential
District. Location -- southeast corner of the entrance
to the State Beach Park, and pursuant to the Conservation
and Planning Law of the State Government Code, a public
hearing was held on November 18th, 1958, by the City
Planning Commission to consider above petitioner's
request. The required legal public notice was properly
given prior to the hearing. With due consideration given
to the petitioner and the general public, the following
recommendation was made by the Planning Commission. A
motion was made by Davis and seconded by Stang to re-
commend approval without conditions. Passed and adopt-
ed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sork, Presson, Stang, Bazil, Schryer, Davis,
and Liles.
NOES: None:
Tracy 13r-a-%C - Tracy Bragg of Midway City appeared
y'"idwa4 City
����:exatic3n before the City Council and stated he
represented the proponents of the Midway City Annexation
of the City of Huntington Beach and requests the City's
fullest cooperation.
Toga Talbert Tom Talbert of Midway City appeared
before the City Council and thanked the
members of the City Council for the help they have ex-
tended towards the annexation of Midway City to the City.
?e o. ltI5' , - The Clerk read Resolution No. 1352, A
Tidway City
Annexation Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach consent to the commencement of
annexation proceedings for the Annexation to the City
of Huntington Beach of certain inhabited and unincorp-
orated territory in the County of Orange, State of
California, contiguous to the City of Huntington Beach,
designated as "Midway City Annexation".
.W.1552 On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert
3 c�i & auo tQd
Resolution #1352, was passed and adopt-
ed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry.
t'uc4li, e rin6 2e: At 8:20 o'clock P. M. Mayor Irby opened
,laister iiian --
_Par _s v iiucreLtion the Public Hearing on the Master Plan
of Parks and Recreation and requested the Clerk to read
the legal Notice.
The Clerk read the legal notice published
in the Huntington Beach News, November the 20th, 1958, giving
notice of Public Hearing of the Master Plan of Parks and
Recreation said hearing to be held on the lst day of Dec-
ember, 1958, in the Council Chambers of the City of Huntington.
Beach, California, at the hour of 8:00 P. M. Any and all
persons interested may appear and be heard thereon.
Clifford E. Tripp Planning Director,
of the City of Huntington Beach, presented an outline of
the Master Plan of Parks and Recreation that had been reco-
mmended for adoption by the Planning Commission of the City
of Huntington Beach.
Norman Worthy, Superintendent of Recreation
of the City of Huntington Beach spoke in favor of the Plan
and stated that the Recreation Commission had reviewed the
plan and was in full accord with the plan as outlined and
recommended for adopting by the.Planning Commission.
There being no further comments on the
Master Plan of Parks and Recreation the Mayor declared the
hearing closed.
Pale zr7 - mutes, 1)ecei,,ib c r 1, 11)a8
;ijoter Plan - On motion by Bryant seconded by
Parks W _tecreatzon
ado} feu Waite the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach adopt the Master Plan of Parks and
Recreation as studied by and recommended for approval by
the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach,
was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen:
NOES: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
. _L- :. HeG.ring re
k.r.erdrnents to
�ubd-.,ris iVon Uode
Lambert, Bryant, Waite,.Irby.
At 8:25 o'clock P. M. Mayor Irby
opened the Public Hearing relative
to the amendments to the City Sub -division Code, Chapter
97, of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and requested
the Clerk to read the legal Notice.
The Clerk read the legal notice
published in the Huntington Beach News, November 20th,
1958, Notice of Public Hearing relative to amendments to
the City Sub -division Code Chapter 97, Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code, whereby a public hearing will be held by
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall, at the hour of 8:10
o'clock P. M., on Monday the lst day of December, 1958,
relative to proposed changes to the City Sub -division Code
by: An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 676 by revision
of the following sections:
Section 9711.5, Hillside Areas, Section 9741.2, General
Design Conditions, Section 9741.3, Street and Highway
Widths, Section 9741.4, Lot Sizes by Type and Improvements
Required, and by addition of the following section -
Section 9751.21 entitled Park and Recreation Site Re-
quirements, (a) Dedication of band for Park and Recreation
Purposes. (b) Option to Subsection (a), and all interested
r �
::,iinuteo, December 1, 19 ,k
persons are invided to appear at said hearing and express
their opinions for or against said proposed ordinance.
There being no comments made by any-
one present for or against the proposed changes to the
City Sub -division Code, as read by the City Clerk the
Mayor declared the hearing closed.
City 2"�t3torri.ey to
draw up a vended
a b d iviL:lOri Ord .
On motion by Bryant seconded by
Waite the City Attorney be in-
structed to draw up an Ordinance amending the Sub -division
Code, Chapter 97, in accordance with the proposed -changes
as recommended by the Planning Commission and read by the
City Clerk, was passed and adopted by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry.
Grd. 70i; - ad(_ _,,tea -- The Clerk gave the second and final
reading by Title of Ordinance No.
700, An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach re-
lating to City Engineer and Street Department; adding
Sections 1331.1, and 1591.14; and amending Sections 1332,
1334 and 1435 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.
On motion by Lambert seconded by
Waite, Ordinance No. 700 was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry
i t; i,uenrjeSi.t%i - i.B.3.6. ,The Clerk read agreements between
Ocean, 6cftuo_�,
r .ins cr.001j"L!_SS-LCM the Huntington Beach Elementary
School and the Ocean View Elementary School District and
the Public Recreation Commission of the City of Huntington
Page 49 -- l inmates, December 1, :1958
Beach, whereby the school districts have agreed to grant
to the Recreation Commission the right to use certain
school facilities for the purpose of conducting re-
creation activities.
On motion by Waite seconded by
Lambert the City Council give consent to the Recreation
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to enter
into the agreements as read by the City Clerk between
the Huntington Beach Elementary School District and.the
Ocean View Elementary School District, be approved.
Motion carried.
x6roen,:ent - The Clerk presented the agreement
;Jo. of (jr. & City,
re: Coxietr. a Dproa.ch between the County of Orange and
to bridge at
HaI�iiilton Street the City of Huntington Beach that
whereby the City of Huntington Beach agrees to enter in-
to and participate in the construction of the 'vilest
approach of the bridge to be constructed over the Santa
Ana River at Hamilton Street.
On motion by Bryant seconded by
Lambert that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to
execute on behalf- of the City the agreement between
the County of Orange and the City of Huntington Beach
in the participation of the cost of construction of the
West approach to the bridge to be constructed over the
Santa Ana River at Hamilton Street, was approved, by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Irby, Lambert, Bryant, Waite.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry.
xpl�raiea� - On motion by Lambert seconded by
Harilton Street
bridge.approach and Waite the Purchasing Agent be
riL4 �_of-'.�'a - ,-
instructed to issue an order to the
Land Acquisition and service of Garden Grove, California,
1' .;Le ,;i!. 'D - nates, I)eceL_ber 1, � 9»
to make an appraisal and to negotiate for the pure#ase of
certain rights -of -way necessary to acquire the West approach
to the Hamilton Street Bridge at the Santa Ana River in
accordance with Title Reports on file in the office of the
City Engineer, in the City Tull and findings to be reported
to the City, be approved. Motion carried.
Or. L j; t;/ re
l cad ii iT7t .
The Clerk read the agreement between
the County of Orange and the City
of Huntington Beach covering road maintenance and con-
structions upon request by the City for the fiscal year
ending June the 30th, 1959.
On motion by Bryant seconded by
Lambert the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to
execute on behalf of the City the agreement between the
County of Orange and the City of Huntington Beach for
Maintenance and construction of roads upon request of the
City in accordance with terms of the agreement be approved.
Motion carried.
Easai cy-t - 21] 1Lailway On motion by Waite seconded by
L :fits T cTi1 u :Yy'
�vfer line - Bryant the Mayor and the City Clerk
;uincy L�t 'eet
be authorized to execute on behalf
of the City the Easement between the Pacific Electric
Railway Company and the City of Huntington Beach granting
the right to the City to construct, reconstruct, maintain
and operate a 12-inch vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewer
line under the PE Railroad track on Quincy Street, be
approved. Motion carried.
Peso. rr".13�3 - JL(ia ated -The Clerk read Resolution No. 1353,
Lcme z Lie iater L ; stem
a Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Huntington Beach, California, authorizing the
application for a permit to construct and operate a Domestic
Water System.
On motion by Waite seconded by
Lambert Resolution No. 1353 was passed and adopted by the
2o.ge rt11 - lvairutes, Decezber 1, 1958
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry.
Reso. ,'=1354. - Adopted - The Clerk read Resolution No. 1354,
Arterial- 11izDllway
F ilnanciri - Co . of Or. a Resolution of the Council of
the City of Huntington Beach requesting the County of
Orange to include within the arterial highway financing
program, the Development of Newland Street.
On motion by Bryant seconded by
Waite Resolution No. 1354 was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen:
NOES: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
James 1,'o� - aj,_UndryL.at-
to cut curb on ;yin
Lambert, Bryant, Waite, Irby.
On motion by Waite seconded by
Bryant the request of James R.
Fox for permission to cut the curb for drive -way purpose
on Main Street, at. Lots 38 and 39, Block 403, for entrance
to parking lot at the newly constructed Laundrymat said
work to be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction
of the Street Superintendent, be granted. Motion carried.
d. 3. �,le_r ent,_.ry Uc_'qool, On motion by Bryant seconded by
construct 2 driveway
4p�;rouc�-_e3 !forth cf Waite the request of John R.
ial:L" rLyenue
Peterson, District Superintendent
of the Huntington Beach Elementary School District, for
permission to construct two new driveway approaches and
remove the existing approach on 17th Street, north of
Palm Avenue all as per the plan of Prick and Frick, Arch-
itects, on file in the City Engineer's office, and said
work to be done under the supervision and to the satis-
faction of the City Engineer be approved. Motion carried.
George -j. j'li w rc: The Clerk read a communication
Lots 1 w 2, Elk. 1103
urchased from City received from George S. Shaw, of
3740 Centralia Street, Lakewood, California, informing
the City Council that the two lots, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1103,
Vista Del Mar Tract, that he purchased at a Public Auction
in the City of Huntington Beach last December, shows through
the title report that there is a right-of-way over a large
portion of Lot 1, parallel with the depth of the lot, for
a pipe line and incidental purposes as conveyed to the
Standard Oil Company by deed recorded May 7, 1921, and that
he had contacted the Standard Oil Company and the line is
in use and the Standard Oil Company will not release this
right-of-way, and under such circumstances requests the
City return the amount paid by him for the purchase of the
lots, and to deed the lots back to the City of Huntington
Mayor Irby referred the request of
George S. Shaw relative to hots 1 and 2, Block 1103,
Vista Del Mar Tract, to the City Attorney and the Finance
Committee for study and report.
i on - lfarri�IUtcrn On motion by Lambert seconded by
Truck to be t.—alisferr�3d
to Pire Waite in accordance with the re-
quest of the Fire Chief, the 4-wheel drive Harmon -Harrington
Truck used by the Lifeguard Department be transferred to
the Fire Department at such time as a new Jeep is purchased
for the Lifeguard Department, be approved. Motion carried.
zr�_�iraer�t to On motion by Bryant seconded by
y' 1Vc' 0�— u eux --
i e u rce uc r t�r.� Alt Lambert the Purchasing Agent be
authorized to receive informal bids on a new Jeep type FC
170, to be installed with Warren hubs, in accordance with
request of Vincent G. Moorhouse, Lifeguard Chief, be
approved. Motion carried.
On motion by Waite seconded by
Bryant the Demands as approved by
the Finance Committee be ordered paid, be approved.
Motion carried.
Page it!13 - Iiinutea, Lece -.ber 1, 1958
The Clerk reported to the City
Council that the Purchasing Agent has filed his report on
bids for a Two Ton Truck chassis with dump body, in
accordance with a request at a prior meeting of the City
::ouncilinan Bryant Councilman Bryant informed the City
excused from_me_et n
Council that he has a remote interest
since he is the lessor to Magill Auto Company which is one
of the bidders on a two ton truck and excused himself from
the deliberations and actions on the report of the Purchasing
Councilman Bryant left his seat at
the Council table.
Bids -- Two tore truck - The Clerk gave the following report
submitted by the Purchasing Agent
on the following bids on a two ton truck and the dump body:
Magill Motors, Dodge Truck $3,586.00
r. including Local and
State Sales Tax.
William Chevrolet 3,604.40
Plus State and
Local Sales Tax.
Mark Downing Ford 3,596.86
including State and
Local Sales Tax.
Dump Body - Gar Wood 19522.00
including State and
Local Sales Tax.
Lambert Company 10250.00
including State and
Local Sales Tax.
Truck Bodies Company 19187.00
Plus State and
Local Sales Tax.
Ildetaleo Body Works 1,260.85
including State and
Local Sales Tax.
Standard Auto Body Company 19198.00
including State and
Local Sales Tax.
The Purchasing Agent reports that
the City Engineer and the Street Superintendent desire to
1 0 0
41inutes, Dec:..�ber i, 1956
review the Dump Body bids to determine which body will be
best suited for the truck that is to be purchased by the
City and the dump Body best suited in accordance wit4 find-
ings of the City Engineer and Street Superintendent be
P:urchw,�e two ton Jod e On motion by Lambert seconded by
truce from I'r' till Lotor:
Waite the Purchasing Agent be
authorized to purchase from the Magill Motors Company, the
Dodge 2=ton Truck, in accordance with the bid of $32586.00,
including State and Local Sales Tax and to Purchase the
Dump Body best suited for the Dodge truck as requested by
the City Engineer and the Street Superintendent, was ape
proved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Terry.
NOT VOTING: Councilmen: Bryant.
seat at the Council table.
Councilman Bryant resumed his
The Clerk reported the Purchasing
Agent submitted a bid of $2,307.80 made by the Shav-O-Disc,
for the motor Grader Disc Attachment, said price including
State and Local Sales Tax.
No other bids received as the
attachment is made by only one company.
i� C111 e , :1�:ve--o-j)i�)c On motion by Waite seconded by
Att4�c��ment for
otor zr e Lambert the Purchasing Agent be
authorized to purchase the Shav-O-Disc, motor grader attach -
meat at the quoted price of $2,307.80 including State and
Local Sales Tax, be approved. Motion carried.
CNt. Joel pelt Jex On motion by Lambert seconded by
vo Peace Officerlo
itdmin. lnoti mute Waite in accordance with the re-
quest of Clinton Wright, Chief of Police, Captain John Seltzer
be permitted to attend the Peace Officer's Administrative
'Institute class to be held in San Yranciseo for 3 days and
reasonable expenses be allowed, be approved.
iageit l - ' inut-s, December i, 1958
Motion carried.
ease AE;reement -- On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert
Chester In;t�ersoll
Tram on Pier in accordance with the recommendation
of the Beach and Pier Committee the City Attorney be
authorized to draw up a new lease between the City of
Huntington Beach and Mr. & Mrs. Chester Ingersoll, for
permission to operate the tram on the Huntington Beach Pier,
and said term of lease to coincide with the termination
date of other leases in effect at present and under the
same terms as the present lease, be approved. Motion carried.
Reconstraction On motion by Lambert seconded by
cna.nge s -
PoliceBryant the City Engineer be instructed
to proceed with the reconstruction changes in the Police
Department quarters in accordance with plans that were
presented and requested by the Chief of Police, be approved.
Lotion carried.
vac��tioll - On motion by Waite seconded by Lamb-
wcire 0yiief Iii,-,gins
ert the request of -Delbert Higgins,
Fire Chief, to take a week of his vacation period, be
granted. lotion carried.
Right-of-�.rt - On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite
for I;l�rov. cn
Ed-,va.rds "Jt2eet the City Engineer be requested to
prepare the necessary information for the City Attorney,
necessary for the acquisition of the right-of-way needed
for the proposed improvements on Edwards Street, be
approved. Motion carried.
On motion by Bryant seconded by Lamb-
ert the regular meeting of the City Council of the Citty
of Huntington Beach adjourned.
Page #16 - linutes, Decenber 1, 1956
City Clerk
City LZlerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California