HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-12-0274 MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, December 2nd, 1958 Commissioners Present: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork. Commissioners Absent: None. Minutes: On motion by Schryer and seconded by Liles,•the minutes of the Hunt- ington Beach Planning Commission of Tuesday, November 18th, 1958, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. Review - Project Plans Mr. Gerald Lance, Huntington Beach for Huntington Beach School Expansion Union High School District Super- intendent, appeared before the Planning Commission and asked that he be able to present detailed drawings of the proposed expansion of school property located on the corner of 17th Street and Utica Avenue. A new annex to the remodeled Re- public Steel Supply Building was the topic for discussion as requested by the school board. Mr. Lance answered numerous questions asked by the Commission. He gave the following replies: The new annex structure would be used to house school automobiles on the southerly side. The northerly side would be used for light maintenance and repair work. The remainder of the structure would be used for storage. The property side wall would have a 12 feet high parapet wall adjoining the property line. Mr. Lance further estimated that the structure would be used for from eight to ten years, and that at that time the operations would by economic necessity be moved to a more central location. He further stated that the estimated cost of the structure was $4.00 per sq.foot. 75 Page r2. i.Tinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 2nd, 1958 A MOTION WAS MADE BY SORK AND SECONDED BY STANG TO WITH- DRAW THE LETTER OF OBJECTION - DATED NOVElBER 109 19587 - 'UHICH WAS PREVIOUSLY SENT TO THE SCHOOL BOARD. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. USE VARIANCE: UV 136 To allow manufacturing of ceramic Applicant - Homer J. May tile pottery in an R-2-0 Zoning District. Located approximately 100 feet south of Acacia Street on the easterly side of 16th Street, and legally described as Lots 18 and 20, Block 515 Huntington Beach Tract. The report - recommendations were given by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment it was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY S CHRYER AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF UV 136 WITHOUT CONDITIONS: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork. NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE USE VARIANCE: UV 137 To allow one duplex and one single Applicant - Earl Burrison family residence in an A-1 Central Agricultural District, located approximately 500 feet west of Highway 39 on the south side of Aldrich Street, and legally described as Lot 57, Tract 417. A report and recommendations was given by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY DAVIS TO RECOMMEND 2. 76 Page #3. Linutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 2nd, 1958 APPROVAL OF UV 137 WITHOUT CONDITIONS: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork. NOES: NONE r ABSENT: NONE USE VARIANCE: UV 133 To allow the continuing use of Applicant - George Burnett an auto salvage yard and ex- pansion 150 feet northward, also to allow continuing use of a house trailer for a night watchman. Located approximately 500 feet north of Talbert Avenue on the east side of Gothard Street; legally described as -follows: The W 280 feet of the N 454 feet of the S 986 feet of the E z of the SE 4 of Section 26, T-.5.S., R.11.W., SBB & M. A report and recommendations was read by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. George Burnett, applicant, addressed the Commission and requested that one of the stipulated conditions which banned burning of refuse salvage materials be withdrawn from the recommendation. The Secretary reported to the Commission that this part- icular condition was inserted at the request of the fire chief. Members of the Commission concluded that it was best to heed the recommendation of the fire chief. A MOTION WAS Ir2ADE BY LILES AND SECONDED BY SCHRYER TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF BOTH PARCELS "A" AND "B" OF UV 133 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. TIME LIMIT UV 133 shall expire four years from the date of approval. 2. BURNING There shall be no burning of refuse, scrap material or like substances on the premises. 3. FENCING There shall be an'8 feet high solid tight fence 3• 77 Page #4. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 2nd, 1958 surrounding all areas approved for auto wrecking in this variance. Said required fencing shall be constructed within_-60 days of the granting of UV 133, unless adequate arrangements with the building inspector are otherwise provided for. USE VARIANCE: UV 138 To allow a model home and business Applicant Jantzen & Shinn Inc. offices to be built in an A-1 General Agricultural District located at the SW corner of Aldrich Street and Highway 399 in the City of Hunt- ington Beach, and legally described as the east 100 feet of Lots 34, 35, Tract 417. The Secretary read the report - recommendations. The hearing was opened to the audience for discussion. Lyndon A. Wells, 101 Walnut Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and demanded that the Commission hold a new hearing because of a typo- graphical error. Robert Shinn, applicant, addressed the Commission and asked for further consideration to set the model home in front of the setback line which was being required. Mrs. Effie Mae Niederhiser, 17211 Nichols Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and asked that adequate parking be required. The hearing was closed to the audience. Chairman Bazil asked that the Commission receive a ruling regarding the legality of the public notice which was given. The City Attorney being temporarily removed from the Commission Chambers; all further action was cancelled until a new hearing could be set with a new legal notice. Secretary's Note: It since has been determined that the legal notice given in this case was legal and sufficient because the Interim County Zoning 4. Page #5. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 2nd, 1958 Code does not require legal notice for variance be published in a Newspaper. FORIJAL PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED ZONING AND DISTRICTING REGULATION C. E. Tripp, Planning Director, made a brief report and presentation of all Sectional Districting Maps comprising the entire city limits as established in April 1958. There are 34 Sectional District- ing Maps encompassing the present city limits. Each Sec- tional Map represents a legal one mile square section as laid out by U. S. Government Survey. Note: Lawrence Wise, representative Planning Consultant, firm of Hahn, Wise & Barber, was unable to.attend as he had previously planned. His regular attendance day is the third Tuesday of each month. PUBLIC HEARING FOR PRECISE PLAN OF ZONING AND DISTRICTI REGULATION. The Planning Director asked the Planning Commission for their evaluation and further consideration of the following areas: Block 9o8, Huntington Beach Tract: Commission recommend- ed R-3 zoning. Area Bounded by Cameron, Slater, Van Buren, and Newman Streets: Commission recommended for R-3 zoning. Area bounded by Santa Ana River, Brookhurst Street, North Line and Center Line of Section 19-6-10; Commission re- commended RAO zoning. Commission further recommended that 200 feet along either side of Brookhurst Avenue be zoned RA-01. .Chairman Bazil held the hearing open to the audience and asked for public comment. Lyndon A. Well, 101 Walnut Ave., addressed the Commission and asked for unlimited oil drilling for areas described as follows: Alabama Avenue, Nashville Street, Delaware Avenue, and Memphis Street. He submitted petitions which he claimed would indicate, the high percentage of property owners who favored oil 5. 7 9 Page ;F6 Minutes - H. B. Plann*I Con fission Tuesday, December 2nd ,` 1958 drilling. He asked for consideration._ The request was deferred. George Renner, 807 Frankfort Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and told the Commission that he was the spokesman for the East Side petition of property owners whom are advocating unlimited oil drilling in this residential district. He noted for the Commission's sake that there were at least two dis- crepancies, one of which may later to prove to be fraud. Renner claimed that he had 350 persons signed on his pet- ition with hopes for a great deal more. He stated that some (approximately 100) were countersigners who had signed both the petition for oil and against oil. Renner further stated that he himself would not object to some type of restrictive drilling as is currently in employed in Los Angeles. The City Attorney advised those persons in the audience who indicated that they would not object to restricted drilling, that The Beverly Hills Oil Dev- elopments are predicated upon community leases. Therefore the community leases being offered by private oil pro- moters on the east side in this city are basically similar in nature to what has been done in Los Angeles under their highly restrictive oil zoning. Mr. Paul Ottoson, Signal Oil Attorney, substantiated this information. Mrs. 7LIathiel Miller, 411 Delaware Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and protested the plans for restricting oil zoning or removing uncontrolled oil zoning from her property. Mrs. Fairy Hanson Orrens, 801 California Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and protested the plans for removing or restricting oil drilling from her property. 6. Xe7 Page ;,`-7. Minutes - 11. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 2nd, 1958 Mr. -Lyndon A. Wells, 101 Walnut Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and stated that he has instigated the circulation of a petition advocating the uncontrolled rights, to drill for oil in the area described as follows: Garfield on the south, Ellis on the- north, Highway 39 on the west, and the Talbert Drainage district on the east. He asked for a delay in time in order that he could get more signatures. Upon completion of further protest and argument, Chairman Bazil asked for further comment; there being none, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Liles recommended that the Master Zoning Ordinance be acted upon with exclusion of the specific areas under contention, making a motion to that affect. Commissioner Sork seconded the motion. The Secretary explained that this procedure would cause legal difficulties, because the whole rezoning program has been conducted under the state act enabling the complete adoption of a new zoning ordinance and regulation to encompass the entire city as a contiguous entity. The Secretary suggested an alternative of zoning the controversial areas as Unclassified temporarily until the issue could be resolved. The majority of the members favoring continuation of the public hearing, A MOTION WAS MADE BY LILES AND SECONDED BY SORK: To set the date of December 16th, 1958, for the continuance of the Public Hearing for a Precise Plan of Zoning and Districting Regulation. AYES: Liles, Schryer, Bazil, Davis, Presson, Stang, Sork. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 7• Pge #8. Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 2nd, 1958 Clifford E. Tripp Secretary The Meeting Adjourned. Robert Bazil Z-��C/ Chairman 8.