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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, January 5, 1959
Mayor Irby called the regular meeting of the
City Council to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M.
Councilmen Present: Waite, Bryant, Terry, Lambert, Irby.
Councilmen Absent: None.
:dates On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite the
Council Minutes for the meetings of December
lst and December 15th, 1958, as transcribed and transmitted
by the City Clerk be approved without changes and ordered
filed. Motion carried.
111lonthly The Clerk read the reports of the Department
Heads filed for the month of December, 1958.
On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the re --
ports of the Department Heads for the month of December,
1958 be accepted as read by the City Clerk and ordered
filed. Potion carried.
Busi-lieso On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert the
applications for license to conduct business
in the City of Huntington Beach and as approved by the
Health Officer, Building Inspector, Chief of Police and
Fire Chief were granted as follows:
Guthrie Bros. business of Plumbing Contractor of 13712
Charleville, Westminster, California.
Guthrie Bros. business of General Contractor, of 13712
Charleville, Westminster, California.
Reinhard R. Miller, business of Plastering Contractor, of
14292 Mar Les Drive, Garden Grove, California.
Robert L. Stewart, business of Cement and Concrete,•of
5592 So. Highland, Buena Park, California.
13oi,id - On motion by Bryant seconded by Terry the
Hoiase,,.-overs Inc. Housemovere Bond with Pacific Employers
Insurance Company for the Almas Brothers House Movers, Inc.
as approved for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and
ordered filed. Motion carried.
Page irw - . i.,ute:3 , January - , 191"
,red .r 01]- jo. - On motion by Waite seconded by
;:ieanu.y . 13011 i.� -- Lambert the request of the Red Star
rei -? L. 2idel1.t;r
l ai--d ,`2 Oil Company for termination of the
Pacific Indemnity Company bonds Drilling Bond #230497 and
Cleanup Bond #230498 covering Fidelity No.2 well and the
drilling Bond No. 230013, covering Fidelity No. 1 well,
said wells being located in Block 1804 Vista Del Mar Tract,
and having complied with Sections 2427.1 and 2448.1 of the
Huntington.Beach Ordinance Code and the bonding company and
the operator be notified of the bond termination be approved.
Motion carried.
;rilee er - On motion by Terry, .seconded by Lambert
that James R. Wheeler be appointed to
the classification of City Engineer in the appropriate salary
range as provided in the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code,
said classification to be in affect as of January the 1st,
1959, and the one year residence requirement be waived as
the Council finds it is not possible to fill the vacancy
with a person residing in the City who is qualified for and
acceptable to fill the office of City Engineer and who will
accept same, be approved. Motion carried.
yV rf116- filed 'by The Clerk read a letter of transmittal
Ic a of 4� _.
from the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission relative to Division of Land #116, petitioner
being Jack McOonaha of 2314 So. Orange Avenue, Santa Ana,
California, to allow one parcel to be divided into two
separate parcels, location being South side of Garfield and
1320 feet easterly of Brookhurst Street, legal description
Division 1, NW T of NW I of Section 5-6-10, S.B.B. & M.,
excepting, 1. The South 200 feet. 2. The band parcel
described in Division II. Division II. The West 200 feet
of the north 200 feet of the E of the NW 4 of Section
5-6-1, except the northerly 50 feet for roadway purposes.
A public hearing was held on December 16th, 1958 by the
Page ,13 - �;Iirutes, January :) 1�'3
City Planning Commission to consider the above petitioner's
request and that the required legal public notice was
properly given to the hearing. A motion was made by
.Commissioner Davis and seconded by Commissioner Liles
to recommend approval of DV 116 with the following conditions:
The installation of curbs and gutters shall be assured
by the posting of a 6400.00 cash bond with the City Clerk
on the basis of $2.00 per running foot. The cash bond
shall be redeemed if the applicant constructs curbs and
gutters along the frontage of his lot according to city
standards within the specified period. The cash bon9b shall
be forfeited and the City Engineer shall order the re-
quired construction accomplished at no additional expense
to the applicant, in the event the curbs and gutters are
not constructed within 120 days after the City Engineer
has officially notified the applicant of established grades
and elevations.
DV #116 was approved for recommendation
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
DV 7r116 a- ,> roved On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite
in accordance to the recommendations
of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission DV #116 be
granted subject to the conditions requested to be imposed
by the Planning Commission, be approved. Motion carried.
DV 7�11_1 died by The Clerk read a letter of transmittal
211ii1i. Contreras
from the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission to Division of Land #117, petitioner being
Phillip Contreras, of 19002 Delaware Street, Huntington
Beach, California, to allow one parcel to be divided into
two separate parcels, location being Southeasterly corner
of Delaware Street and Garfield Street, legal description,
Division I. The North 75.27 feet of the west 88.50 feet
of tot 1, Mountain View Tract.. Division II. The South
75 feet of North 150.27 feet of West 88.50 feet of Lot 1,
Mountain View Tract. The Planning Commission held a
public hearing on December 16th, 1958 to consider the above
petitioner's request. The required legal public notice
was properly given prior to the hearing. A motion was made.
by Commissioner Schryer and seconded by Commissioner Davis
to recommend approval with the following conditions:
The installation of curbs and gutters shall be assured by
the posting of a $477.00 cash bond with the City Clerk on
the basis of $2.00 per running foot. The cash bond shall
be redeemed if the applicant constructs curbs and gutters
along the frontage of his lots, according to City standards
within the specified period. The cash bond shall be for-
feited and the City Engineer shall order the required
construction accomplished at no additional expense to the
applicant, in the event the curbs and gutters are not con-
structed within 120 days after the City Engineer has off-
icially notified the applicant of established grades and
DV #117 was approved by the Planning
Commission by the following roll call vote;
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sork.
DV ;1 'i a_,.proved 0n motion by Lambert seconded by Bryant
in accordance with the recommendations
of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission DV #117 subject
to the conditions recommended to be imposed by the Planning
Commission, be approved. Motion carried.
jV r1i -fled by The Clerk read a letter of transmittal
from the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission relative to DV #118, petitioner being Mrs. J. H.
Bailey of 7611 Washington Street, Huntington Beach, Calif-
ornia, to allow one parcel to be divided into three separate
parcels, location being 90 feet Easterly of Wilson Drive
on the North side of Washington Avenue, legal description
being, Commencing at the NE corner of the W 10 acres of
the following: The S 2 of the S of the SE 4 of See.
23, T.5.S.R. 11 W., S.B.B. & M., running thence S 340 feet
thence W parallel to the N line of said W 10 acres, 640
feet to the East line of the right-of-way of the Southern
Pacific Railway, running thence N along the E line of
the Southern Pacific Railway, 340 feet; thence E 640
feet to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom the
following; That portion of the 71 10 acres of the S 01
of the S 1 of the SE 4 of Section 23, T.5.S., R. 11 W.,
S.B.B. & M., described as follows: Beginning at a point
320 feet N of the SW corner of the SE J of said Section
23 running thence N 100 feet; thence E 350 feet; thence
S 100 feet; thence W 350 feet to the point of beginning.
Excepting: There from the land parcels described in
DIVISION II. W 60 feet of E 205 feet of
h 340 ft. of S 100 feet of SW - of SW
of SE I of Sec. 23-5-11.
DIVISION III.W 60 feet of E 145 feet of
S 100 feet of N 340 feet of
SW 2- of Sw of SE 4 of
Sec. 23--5-11.
A public hearing was held on December 16th, 1958 by the
City Planning Commission to consider the above petitioner's
request, required legal public notice was properly given
prior to the hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner
Presson and seconded by Commissioner Sork to recommend
approval of DV 118 subject to the following conditions:
The installation of curb's and gutters shall be assured
by the posting of a $240.00 cash bond with the City Clerk
on the basis of $2.00 per running foot. The cash bond
shall be redeemed if the applicant constructs curbs and
gutters along the frontage of his lots according to City
standards within the specified period. The cash bond
shall be forfeited and the City Engineer shall order the
required construction accomplished at no additional ex-
pense to the applicant, in the event the curbs and gutters
are not constructed within 120 days after the City Eng-
ineer has officially notified the applicant of established
grades and elevations.
The Planning Commission recommended approval of DV 118
,by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil, Stang, Presson, Sark.
NOES: None
y] Vr �y .•r t — lr �.:� ' _ ;3 S , �T `-',rLiaar Y
-L}V' On motion by Waite seconded by Terry
in accordance with the recommendation
of the Planning Commission DV #118 be granted subject to
the conditions requested imposed by the Planning Commission,
be approved. Motion carried.
to Mayor Irby presented to Mfrs. Lylyan
ilr %i . .11;',r.i 'i♦. iti:O ati ii �IZ�; u T,'_
Mossinger, retiring Librarian an
award of service plaque for the,many'years of service the
Librarian has given to the residents of this City.
Mrs. Mossinger responded thanking
the present Council its department heads and all past
Councils for the wonderful cooperation given to her during
her years as Librarian.
rv. . LC:Ui- e Mrs. Louise Jenkins appeared before
L: t002 c tiori Uor�te.r
the City Council and informed the
City Council of the untidy condition of the Recreation
Center's kitchen facilities that was encountered at a re-
cent date when they were going to put on a dinner.
Mayor Irby referred the complaint
of Mrs. Louise Jenkins to the Recreation Committee for
study and report.
Gaunt Re: Mrs. Arnold Gaunt appeared before
e e:f r rk Ira,.; the City Council and stated that
they own the undivided 2/3 interest in Lots 12 and 13,
Block 813, Wesley Park Tract, and the City owns the other
1f3 undivided interest and requested the City Council to
consider selling the interest of the City to them or the
City buy their undivided 2f3 interest
On motion by Terry seconded by
Lots 1'2-13, t310ok 61'j,
rt;-I - t' -• !i Tact Bryant to order an appraisal of
Lots 12 and 13, Block 813, Wesley Park Tract, be approved.
Motion carried.
r llo i i Pe Illy - Mrs. Dossi Fenley, owner of the Dog
Kennel, located on Florida Avenue,
appeared before the City Council and explained the procedure
r oe rr7 - inutes, Janu«ry , 1559
by which the kennel was established at its present
location, and it was all in accordance with the zoning
requirements and business regulations in affect in the
City at that time, and further stated that it is not a
boarding kennel, that the dogs are all registered and are
show dogs and that she is one of the ten top show dog
breeders in the Nation, and -wished to know what all the
fuas is about in respect to the manner in which the dog
kennel is kept, and stated further she has had no
complaints from the two or three neighbors residing there
and in fact they built their homes after the kennel was
established, and that if anyone should move from the
area, it would be those people that built after the kennels `. 1
were built.
UV 1 �O ii:Leu )% The Clerk read a letter of trans-
Jantzen L 6hinn Inc.
mittal from the Huntington Beach
Planning Commission relative to Use Variance #138,
petitioner being Jantzen and Shinn Inc., 8042 - 18th Street,
Westminster, California, to allow a model home and business
offices to be built in an A-1 General Agricultural District,
location being the SW corner of Aldrich Street and High-
way 39, in the City of Huntington Beach, legal description,
the east 100 feet of Lots 34 and 35, Tract 417, and
public hearing was held on December loth, 19589 by the
City Planning Commission to consider above petitioner's
request. The required legal public notice was properly
given to the hearing, and after due consideration given
to the petitioner and the general public, a motion was
made by Stang and seconded by Presson, to recommend
approval UV #138 with the following conditions:
1. There shall be a paved parking space with 10 by 20
feet stalls for 7 automobiles.
2. The curbs and gutters shall be installed in accordance
to City and State Standards. The curb lines shall
be established in location required by City or State,
which ever has jurisdiction of that portion of right-
of-way. There may be two curb breaks of 25 feet
along Highway 39, and 80 feet along Aldrich Street
adjoining the property, unless otherwise approved by
the City Engineer.
3. The area between the paved highway or street fronting
the premises and the described curbs, shall be im-
proved to City Standards,
4. Any signs over 120 sq. feet in area shall be subject
to approval of the Planning Commission.
5. The model home may be temporarily located within 20
feet of the front property line provided;a $1,500.00
bond is posted with the City Clerk guaranteeing re-
moval of the model home upon the expiration of 3
years or upon 60 days written notice from the City
Council. The applicant shall forfeit said bond and
agree to allow the City to move said structure
should the applicant fail to comply with this condition.
6. The building inspector be authorized to give final
approval of building inspection, only upon compliance
with the above conditions.
7. Said model home shall not be used for dwelli#g
Use Variance #138 was approved by the following roll call
AYES: Liles, Davis, Schryer, Bazil., Stang, Presson, Sork.
NOES: None
UV On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
in accordance to the recommendations
of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission Use Variance
#138 be granted subject to the conditions requested to
be imposed by the Planning Commission, except the 60 day
written notice from the City Council Item 5 be stricken
from the conditions, be approved. Motion carried.
FV 13 k�,- The Clerk reported Use Variance #133
filed by George B. Burnett 17852
-fluty .r, u
Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, California, to allow
the continuing use of an auto salvage yard and expansion
150 feet northward, also to allow continuing use of a
house trailer for a night watchman, that was returned
to the Planning Commission for further review by the
Plannin Commission as the request had been made to
eliminate Item 2 of the conditions, Namely, there shall
be no burning of refuse, scrap material or like sub-
stances on the premises, and that after review of Use
Variance #133, the Planning Commission returned the Use
Variance request to the City Council recommending that
Item 2, pertaining to burning be left in as one of the
Hirt PC_.L iuti )n The Clerk read a letter from the Air
nor. croi Di6--riot
Pollution Control District, County of
Orange, requesting that the burning clause in the Use
Variance #133, be included.
D. iii{;ir�s The Clerk read a letter from D. G.
Higgins, Fire Chief, advising the City
Council or any departments of the City they can not allow
commercial burning at any location and that the Item in
the Condition #2 of the Use Variance #133 must stand.
U`r On motion by Terry seconded by Bryant
in accordance with the recommendations
of the Planning Commission Use Variance #133 be granted
subject to the conditions requested to be imposed by the
Planning Commission, be approved. Motion carried.
Zeso. ,= i The Clerk read a letter of transmittal
from the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission covering transmittal of Resolution No. 5-7, A Re-
solution recommending adoption of new City zoning and
Districting Ordinance.
The Clerk read Resolution No. 57, a
Resolution of the City of Huntington Beach, adopting a new
zoning Ordinance and recommending its adoption by the City
fuuii c y : I -inn r : On motion by Bryant seconded by Lamb-
�or.ir�Uruir��. •:c=�
ert the City Clerk be instructed to
publish legal notice setting a Public Hearing for 8:30
o'clock P. M., on Monday, February 2, 1959, on the Master
Zoning Ordinance, recommended for adoption by the Hunt-
ington Beach Planning Commission, be approved. Motion
The Clerk gave the second reading of,
Ordinance No. 701 An Ordinance of the City of Huntington
Beach relating to subdivision and amending Sections
9711.5, 9741.29 9741.3, and 9741.4 and adding Section
9751.21 to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, its second
and final reading by title.
u^u. F` l ,te4 - On motion by Terry seconded by
cbd;v .
Waite, Ordinance No. 701, was passed
and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
L. ;l. Pi.nl. Ve : The Clerk read an offer received
Eli,_ ]LOC16 from Tyr. L. M. Fink, of Barstow,
V- tw 1)e1 ,°:.r. `2-2 aCt
California, offering $500.00 for
City Tax Title Lot #5, Block 1006, Vista Del Isar Tract.
City lit- torrey rt�: On motion by Bryant seconded by
LOt ,
5i . vCO3 Lambert the City Attorney be
authorized to order a title report
on Tax title Lot 5, Block 1006, Vista Del Mar Tract, be
approved. Motion carried.
The Clerk read the recommendation
Co. y :
Lcc wr ce ci: from James R. Wheeler City Engineer,
pit!, , l u.: li t on C
uU_ r 6 -rt�.ets recommending the acceptance of the
contract work done by Sully - biller Contracting Company,
ra.6e r'll - it inutes, LTunuary >, i959
for the reconstruction of Atlanta Avenue, Bushard Street
and Hamilton Street, and that all material has been
furnished and all work completed according to the plans
and spe( ifications.
On motion by Terry seconded by
Waite the City Council in
accordance with the recommendation of the City Engineer,
accept the contract work done by Sully - Miller Contract-
ing Company, on Atlanta Avenue, Bushard Street and Hamilton
Street, and the City Clerk be directed to file a notice
of completion of said work with the County Recorder of
Orange County, be approved. Lotion carried.
:. 'Y1 Ec ' a U --ja_ The Clerk read the report of
re: aevti=er yaterGa.l
the City Engineer relative to
the request of the R. M. Pyles Boy's Camp for sewer later-
al to serve their proposed administration building to be
constructed and recommended that the R. M. Pyles Boy's
Camp Administration Building make contact=with the
Standard Oil Company requesting to connect to a manhole
constructed by the Standard Oil Company serving their waste
water disposal, system, as the present sewer laterals in
that area owned by the City would not handle the waste
and present lines were not constructed to accept the
additional flow.
On motion by Bryant seconded by
sewer lateral (., eriieu
Waite the request of the R. M.
Pyles Boy's Camp to connect to the existing sewer in the
alley between Joliet Street and Knbxville Street, east of
Florida Avenue be denied in accordance with the recommend-
ations of the City Engineer, be approved. Motion carried.
()n1a#, CI l'oaice Izll: On motion by Lambert seconded by
y ri_:.t zg roau t zrface
Waite in accordance with the re-
quest of the Chief of Police to permit extending the
present surface painted "Limit Line" on the North side of
Intersection of Frankfort Street a.rf� a.,®rue
_illl tiGua, u�.-�liU ,fy
so as to intersect with the northwest curb line and paint
the road surface markings STOP AHEAD and to paint the
road surface center line as shown on the sketch submitted
to the City Council, be approved. Motion carried.
cad : cc .i :isn U-o On motion by Waite seconded by Terry
d=i_` iuitrevt the City Engineer be permitted to
retain the band Acquisition Company to appraise and
acquire the necessary right-of-way for the improvement
and extension of Edwards Street, be approved. Lotion
TL• ��, ter of On motion by Waite seconded by Terry
in accordance with the request of
the West Orange County Water Board, the Council authorize
the transfer of $17,975.53 from the Water Bond Sale 1955
and$541.90 from the General Fund to the West Orange
County 'Hater Board Fund for expenditures made on behalf
of the City in accordance with the a.-reement, be approved.
Motion carried.
Ile:.. lCc S On motion by Waite seconded by
Bryant the demands as approved by
the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried.
Ord. t7"12 - The Clerk gave the first reading of
Ordinance No. 702, An Ordinance of
the City of Huntington Beach designating Stop inter-
sections and adding Sections 6214.42, 6224.42, 6214.43,
6224.43, 6214.44, 6224.44, 6214.45, 6225.459 6214.46,
6224.46, 6217.21 and 6227.21 to the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code.
1st The Clerk gave the first reading of
Ordinance No. 703, An Ordinance of
the City of Huntington Beach relating to Salary of
Engineering Aide and amending Section 1591.18 of the
duntington Beach Ordinance Code.
�.drl 6cout U00IL-ie 'aie On motion by Waite seconded by
2eb. 7tti,. to 2eb. 21st,
i959. Terry the request of the Santiago
Girl Scout Council for permission to hold an annual Girl
Scout Cookie Sale in the City of Huntington Beach from
February the 7th, to February 21st, 1959, be approved.
Motion carried.
urcaa8e 2osta:: e ,��eter On motion by Bryant seconded by
Waite the City Purchasing Agent
be authorized to rent a Pitney Bowes Postage Meter in
accordance with the rental schedule submitted, be approved.
Motion carried.
Bids - 2 Police Jars The Clerk read the following
bids on two Police Special Vehicles
including the trade-in of two 1957 Police Cars as follows:
Mark Downing Ford .....$4,773.40
Williams Chevrolet .... 4,752.74
Mandic Motors ......... 42680.00
McCoy Motor Co. ....... 3,463.70
Anaheim, Calif.
State and Local Sales Tax to be added to all bids.
1rcuo�T otors°girded On motion by Lambert seconded
rolice Car bid
by Waite the City Purchasing Agent
be authorized to purchase from the McCoy Motor Co., of
Anaheim, California, the two Police Special Vehicles and
trade-in two 1957 Police cars in accordance with specific-
ations submitted, and at the bid price of $3,463.70 plus
Local and State Sales Tax was approved by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
lzuthorize a ;- raisLl On 'motion by Bryant the City
on City owned ,cr=ea=;e
Council authorize an appraisal of
the City owned acreage adjacent to Highway 39 and Coast
Highway 101.
i:curcila::fu.x rL, For Zack of a second Councilman
'rrith�revr �:otion
Bryant withdrew his motion.
v�rcillen t- i to Mayor Irby appointed a committee to
tuu.; Cf City be composed of Councilman Waite
and Councilman Bryant to make a
study of the proposals received from developers on the
City owned acreage located adjacent to Highway 39 and
Coast Highway 101.
Fire On motion by Waite seconded by
Girls to
.. e�:Iiuts L-Uniea Lambert the request of the Camp
Fire Girls Organization to hold a peanut sale in booths
in business area be denied on the grounds that there is
no Camp Fire Girls Organization in the City of Huntington
Beach, be approved. Lotion carried.
,y �c, a ta'id On motion by Waite seconded by
� � �i� rr•o r' s awl � t,v
�a:`erer_tie Lambert that Mayor Irby be permitted
to attend `the Governor's Safety Conference to be held
in Los Angeles on February the 5th and 5th, 1959, and
reasonable expenses be allowed, be approved. Motion carried.
On motion by Bryant seconded by
Waite the regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach be adjourned.
City Clerk
ity Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
f the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
W-OMAIP.Polo� 1 i