HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-04-21140 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COM1JISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, April 21st, 1959 Commissioners Present: Liles, Davis, Stang, Presson, Sork,Chairman:Bazil Commissioners Absent:-Schryer. Minutes: On motion by Davis and seconded by Sork, the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission Meeting of Tuesday, April 7th, 1959, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. CONDITIONAL PERMIT:-CP 107 To consider a petition for a Applicant - Walter Draper By Rev. Dale Aycock - Conditional Permit to regulations of the Districting Ordinance No 668 adopting Orange County Land Use Ordinance 351 as an Interim Ordinance. To permit a Sunday School and Church Services to be held in a single family dwelling. Located approximately 1200 feet west of Highway #39, on the south side of Newman Street and legally described as the W 50 feet of the E 1320 feet of S 184 feet of the N2 of_the SE -j of the SE 4 of Section 269 T. 5. S., R. 11. `°l. , S. B. B. & M. Chairman Bazil opened the hearing to the -audience. Roger Wright, 7892 Newman Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and stated that he protested the proposed Church and Sunday School for the following reasons: 1. Adequate parking can not be provided. 2. The length of the deadend street is too long and generates traffic con- gestion. 141 Page 42 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, April 21st, 1959 3. The condition of the street does not warrant a heavy load increase in traffic conditions. Wright stated that he was protesting for himself and another property owner. A representative for the applicant was not present. The hearing was closed. A discussion followed the hearing. Members of the Commission wanted to know what type of parking facilities were to be provided. There being no representative present, CONDITIONAL PERMIT: CP 107 was continued to the next hearing on Tuesday, May 5th, on motion by Liles and seconded by Davis. The Secretary was asked to contact the representative of the applicant. DIVISION OF LAND:DV 127 DIVISION I: The SE'ly 67.5 feet Applicant - of Lots 2, 4, 69 81 John F. Thompson Block 509, H. B. Tract. DIVISION II: The NW1ly 50.0 feet of Lots 2, 41 61 89 Block 509, H. B. Tract. The property is located on the NE'ly corner of loth and Magnolia Streets and was pre- viously divided by applicant - William Winkler. However the previous applicant sold off a 50.00 feet lot in place of the approved 67.5 feet lot size. The present applicant, being an innocent party, purchased the lot with the knowledge that the property had received approval of the lot split. He did not know however that the original party had switched dimensions of the lots. Members of the Commission re- cognized the original case and asked what became of the dilapidated garage which was to be torn down in the original agreement. The Secretary explained that evidently the original applicant switched the lot dimensions in order that he could retain the garage. However in so doing, the 2. 142 Page 7-r3 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, April 21st, 1959 garage would lie on the property line with the eaves over- hanging on the adjoining property. Consensus of opinion of the Commission was that the original applicant had deliberately sold off the property in reverse of the approved plan as a subterfuge to the subdivision ordinance. The Second Party, who is making the application, has suffered the consequences and has legal recourse against the first applicant. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY LILES TO RECOMMEND DENIAL: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Stang, Presson, Sork, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Schryer. THE MOTION CARRIED. ACTION ON ALHA1JBRA STREET The Secretary read a letter sub - PETITION: mitted to the City Council from 13 residents along Alhambra Street in the Boulevard Gardens Tract. The petition asked for Council support in cleaning up objectionable properties along the street in order that the fast developing area might be further rejuvenated. A MOTION WAS 14ADE BY LILES AND SECONDED BY DAVIS supporting the actions of the Building Inspector in his redent efforts to condemn an abandoned house and clean up several properties. THE MOTION CARRIED. DIVISION OF LAND: DV 128 DIVISION I: The W 57.5 feet of Applicant - Lot 9, Block C, George Koop Tract 522. DIVISION II: Thej"E 57.5 feet of Lot' 9, Block C, Tract 522. 3. 148 Page #4 Mlinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, April 21st, 1959 The hearing was opened to the public, there being no comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion revolved around the question of whether curbs and gutters should be required along both Alhambra Street and Heil Avenue. Heil Avenue it was revealed will soon be developed as a secondary highway, thus increasing the applicant's property value. A MOTION WAS IiUDE BY DAVIS AND SECONDED BY STANG TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: CURBS AND GUTTERS: The installation of curbs and gutters shall be assured by the posting of a$460.00 surety or cash bond (or Bank Guarantee) with the city clerk on the basis of $2.00 per running foot. The surety or cash bond (or Bank Guarantee) shall be redeemed if the applicant constructs curbs and gutters along the frontage of his lots according to city standards within the specified period. The surety or cash bond (or Bank Guarantee) shall be forfeited and the City Engineer shall order the re- quired construction accomplished at no additional expenses to the applicant, in the event the curbs and gutters are not constructed within 120 days after the City Engineer has officially notified the applicant of established grades and elevations. This condition shall become null and void in the event the City Engineer has not provided established grades and elevations within 24 months of approval. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Liles, Davis, Stang, Presson, Sork, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Schryer. THE MOTION CARRIED. 4. Page #5 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, April 21st, 1959 ANNUAL, ELECTION OF With the consent.of the Commission, COM1JISSION OFFICERS: the.Chairman set the date for the annual election for the May 5th meeting, in order that there might be 100% attendance during the election. ESTABLISIR ENT OF SUBDIVISION REVIEW CO12JITTEE: Upon recommendation of Planning Consultant, Lawrence Wise, the Chairman requested comment from the Commission'regarding establishment, of a Subdivision Review Committee to process the subdivision maps and resolve the basic problems prior to the submission of the map to the Commission for approval. The City Attorney emphasized the importance of settling the problems in advance and requiring the changes to be made on the maps rather than attaching them as conditions. The Commission was in general agreement of the proposal. A MOTION SPAS MADE BY SORK AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO ESTABLISH A SUBDIVISION REVIEW COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Bazil appointed Commissioner Paul Davis, The City Engineer, The Fire Chief, The Planning Director to the Committee. The Secretary shall be responsible for appointing an alternate to Davis in case he is unavail- able. The applicant shall have the option of attending the committee meeting. Clifford E. Tripp Secretary The Meeting Adjourned /fin a Robert Bazil Chairman 5•