HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-06-24"�3 MIKUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Wednesday, June 24, 1959 Pursuant to adjournment of the City Council on June'17, 1959s, Mayer Irby called the regular adjourn- ed meeting to order at 5:30 o'clock P.B. Councilmen Present: Bryant, Waite, Irby, Councilmen Absents Lambert, Terry. (Councilmen Lambert and Terry arrived at 5:40 o'clock P,M.) Sign Permit..- On motion by Bryant seconded by Waite Vincent Raciti the building permit applied for by Vincent C. Rac3iti to permit hanging a flat sign with overhang of eight,inches at 320* lain Street as approved by the build- ing inspector, be approved. Motion carried. Matthew McQuinn - on motion by Bryant seconded by Waite License to Peddle Ice Cream- the application of Matthew Kg Quinn for business license to oonduct the business of Vending ice cream products on a veterans license, be granted. Motion carried. Term. Cleanup Bond - 0n motion by Bryant seconded by Waite Atlantic Oil Co. the request of Atlantic Oil Company for termination of the Pidelity and Deposit Company Cleanup bond No. 7305282 and the permanent cleanup'bend N©. 7305429 provided under UV 115, having complied with the Huntington Beach Ordin- ance Code Section 2448*1 and abandonment of the well identified as W.T.N.T. No. 1, located 965 feet north of the Centerline of Indianapolis Street and 1675 feet west of the Centerline of Cannery, and the .operator and bonding company be notified of the termination, be approved. Motion carried. Vacate Portion On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant Nashville St. - City Yard !mansion _the City Attorney, in a000rdence with request and legal description furnished by the City Engineer, be instructed to proceed with the legal procedure for the vaoation of a portion of Nashville Street as per legal desorip-- tion furnished by the City Engineer, and said vacation for purpose of expanding the City Yard facilities, be approved.. Notion carried. 1. Page #2 - Minutes, June 24, 1959 . V. F.W* . Fire Works On notion by Brunt seconded by Waite Permit the application of Veterans of Fore- ign dare Post #7368 for temporary stand and Fireworks permit for the sale of fireworks at the Northeast Corner of Hunt- ington Avenue and State Highway 1011,'.be granted. Motion carried. Lambert and Councilmen Lambert and Terry'arrived Terry arrived -' at 5:40 o'clock P.M. Fire Dept4 Re- On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert Fireworks Display 4th of Jull the request of the Fire' Shi4f to use Fire Department personnel to assist the Golden State Pire- works Manufaoturing Company on the July 4th public fireworks display on the Municipal Pier during the hour of .9 P.M. to 1000 P.M., be approved. Motion carried. Chief Lifeguard The request of Vincent Moorhouse, request to Amend. Ord, Lifeguard Chief,to mend section 7629.1 of the OrdiAance Code to provide for lifeguard personnel to jump from the.pier to save lives and property, was referred by the Mayor to the Beach & Pier Committee for study and report. Classification Changes On motion by Lambert seconded by Lifeguard Dept. _ Bryant the request of the Lifeguard , Chief to change the Classification of Lifeguard Lieutenant gae Swing to classification of Lifeguard and promote Life- guard Dick Byyny to the'job classification of.,Seasonal Life- guard Lieutenant in the appropriate range and bracket and said changes to be effective on June 23, 1959, be approved. Motion carried. - Public Hearing - Mayor Irby opened the hearing at Weed'Abatement charges'' 6s30 o'clock P.M. for the City Council to hear objections of the property owners, shown on the partial list of weed'and rubbish abatement charges for the Year 1959 as posted at the outside entrance to the Council Chambers in accordance with the Government Code, Chapter 13, Article 3, State of California, to the weed 2. Page #3 - Minutes* June 24"s : 1959 295 abatement charges as listed thereon. Hearin.& Closed There being no objections raised the Mayor declared the hearing closed. Weed Charges On motion by.Bryant..seconded by Lambert certified to County Auditor the weed & rubbish abatement charges covering the partial list an posted.at the entrance to the Council Chamber be confirmed and any charges"listed-thereon" not paid by August 1, 1959 be certified to the County Auditor for inclusion on the 1959-1960 tax roll* motion carried. Dv 134 Amy D. & Edtean Grant The Clerk read transmittal from the A4 Planning Commission relative to the public hearing held by the Planning Commission on Division of Land - DV134 filed by Amy D. and Es tean Grant - 7899 Cypress Street, City to allow one parcel of land to be divided into two separate parcels located at the Northwest corner of Elm Street and Cypress Street. The legal description of the Division of land as follows: Division Is The east 63.00 feet of the West 171 feet of the east 266 feet of Lot 49 Block B. Tract 436. Division II: The West 106 feet of the east 266 feet of Lot 4, Block B. Tract 436. On motioxi by Commissioner Stang and seconded by Commissioner Presson to'recommend to the City Council the approval of DV134 with the following Conditions: CURBS AND GCTTENBs The installation of curbs and gutters shall be assured by the posting of a $342.00 surety or cash bond ( or Bank Guarantee) Keith,; the City Treasurer on the basis of $2.00 er running foot. The surety or cash bond (or Bank Guarantee3 shall be redeemed if the applicant construois curbs and gutters along the frontage of his lots according to City Standards within the specified period. The sirety 'or cash bond (or Bank Guarantee) shall be forfeited and the City Engineer shall order the required construction accomplished at no additional expense":to.the applfcant-:..ijt-.the event the curbs and gutters are not constructed within 120 days after the City Engineer has officially notified the applicant of established grades and elevations. This condition shall become null and void in the event the City Engineer has not provided established grades and elevations within 24 donthe of approval. Notion carried by the following roll call votes Ayes: Davis, Predson, Stang, Liles, Schryer, Bork, Chairman Basil. Noes: None. Absent: None.. 3. - 296 Page #4 - Minutes, June 24, 1959 DV 1 Granted Oil motion by Waite seconded by Terry Division of Land - DV 134 request in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission be granted sub- ject to the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission& Motion carried. City to reimburse On motion by Waite seconded by Bryant' W.O.C.W.B. Maint. & Oper. Fund the City Clerk be instructed to re- inburse the West Orange County Water Board - Maintenance and Operation Fund in'the amount of $284.84 expended for the City of Huntington Beach during the months of April and May, 1959 and said amount be paid from the general Fund. Notion carried. Ord. No. 726 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 726,its Trailer Parks -adopted second reading by title - An Ordin- ance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to Trailer Parks; adding sections 8712.4 and 8712*5 and amending section 8726, of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite Ordinance No. 726 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYESS Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOESs Councilmen: None. ABSENTS Councilment None. Agreement Lonnie T. On motion by Bryant seconded by Lambert Davis - Bait Stand on Pier the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement read by the'Clerk between the City of Huntington Beach and Lonnie T. Davis giving permission to conduct the business of selling fish bait upon the Northeast east area of the outer area of the Municipal Pier. Notion carried• Petition - "West The Clerk read the petition filed Annexation" ' with the City Council at 5:30 o'clock P.M., signed by.ownere of not less than one-fourth of the. land in the hereinafter described territory, by area and by. assessed value as shown on the east equalized aseessment roll 4. 1 Page #5 - Minutes, June 24, 1959 of the -County of Orange., requesting annexation of uninhabited territory pursuant to the provisions of the Uninhabited Terri- tory Act of 1939, requesting annexation to said Citys "Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 209 Township 5 South, Range 11 Vest, San Bernardino Base and Meridian; thence Northerly, along the East line of Section 17: T.5 S., R. 11 W., S.B.B. & Mf, 30 feet to a paint; thence Westerly 30 feet to a point in the West line of Hblea Chica Street,, 0 feet in width as now laid out, said point being in the existing boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach and said point being.also the true point of beginning; thence Westerly along the North line of Smeltzer Avenue, 60 feet in width as now laid out, said line being 30 feet North of and parallel to the North line of said Section 20, 3930 feet more or lens to a point in the northerly prolongation of the West line of the East one-half () of the Northwest one -quarter (NW-J) of said Section 20; thence Southerly along said West line of the East one-half () of the Northwest one -quarter (N J) and its Northerly prolongation 2010 feet more or less to a point in the North line of the South one-half (S}) of the South one-half (S*) of the North one-half (N*) of said Section 20, thence Easterly on said North line a distance of 3930 feet more or lees to a point in the West line of Bolsa Chica Street, said point being also in the existing boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach; thence Northerly along said West line of Bolsa Chica Street and said boundary line 2010 feet more or less to the true point of beginning* Reso, #1381 - The Clerk read Resolution No. 1381 - "West Annexation" A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach giving notice of proposed annexation to City of Huntington Beach of Uninhabited Territory, Des- cribed herein and designated "Nest Annexation", and giving notice of time and place for hearing of protests thereto. On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert Resolution No. 1381 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Bryant, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENTS Councilmen: None. -.July 3rd Holiday On motion by Terry seconded by Bryant the City Offices be closed on Fridtty.i July 3,.1959, with except- ion of the safety member personnel whose shifts fall on said date be approved, Motion carried. » Police Chief to On motion by Bryant seconded by Terry attend meeting in San iU2 the request of the Police Chief to attend the meeting of the Chiefs of Police in Zone 5, to he held on July 7th and Bth, 1959 at San Diego, California, and reason- 54, } 298 Page #6 - Minutes, June 24, 1959 able expenses be allowed, be approved.. Motion carried. Proceeds - sale of On motionoby Lambert seconded by Property - Spec. Fund for Cap. Outlay Bryant the amount of,money the City receives from the sale of the 1.18 acre parcel of land in t exchange Df the acreage being sold to the City for Water reservoir site, ,be placed in the Special Fund for Capital Outlay reserve. Motion carried, City to Purchase Land On motion by Terry seconded by Bryant from H.B. Co. the City purchase from the Huntington Beach Company the narrow landlocked strip of land contiguous to and westerly of the parcel of land being purchased for Water reservoir site and said parcel of land be included in the escrow and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the amended escrow for purchase of the parcel of land at an additional cost of $500.00 and said parcel included in the property described as a parcel consisting of the Southerly 150 feet of Block 3202 excluding the Easterly 150 feet there- from; the Northerly 234 feet of Block 3102 and the Easterly 21 feet zf the Southerly 150 feet of Block 3201. Motion carried. All.City Employees On motion by Bryant seconded by to reside in City_ Lambert the Administrative Officer be instructed to notify all department heads, commissions and. Boards that any employee on the City Payroll not presently reeiding,in thekCity must make arrangements to do so within six months from date of notice. Notion carried. Dew On motion -by Waite seconded by Bryant the demands approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried. the meeting adjourned. On motion by Terry seconded by Bryant 6. ■ Pale ? Minutes, June 14, 1959 299 ATTEST: City CIerE r 7- CXtY,CIerk and ex -of icio Cler o the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California. r Mayor 7.