HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-08-173'42 MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, August 17, 1959 Mayor Irby called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen Present: ,Lambert,, Terry, Waite, Irby. Councilmen Absent: Bryant. d Terminatior.. 'Drilling On motion by Terry seconded by Waite Eond. Red Star 01 C4. the request of the Red Star Oil Company for termination of the Pacific Indemnity Company Drilling Bond No. 234492 for Well B. P. and S. #1, located 680 feet North of Atlanta, and 33'0 feet West of Cannery, having complied with Section 2427.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and. the bonding company and the operator be Ziotlficd of bond termination, be approved. Motion carried. Bushes: T;i �sn4 s On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the applications for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach ab approved by the Health Officer, Building Inspector, Chief of Police, Fire Chief and the Planning Director -were granted as follows: A.H. Dessert Inc., business of Plumbing Contractor, Wheel Tax, 320 N. Placentia, Orange. Fred Croddy, business of Trucking, 410 East 20th Street,. Santa Ana, California. R-N Plumbing Company, Inc., business of Plumbing & Heating, Wheel Tax, 7874 Westminister Avenue, Wostminister, Calif. Williams Transportation Company, business of Trucking, Wheel Tax, 1600 E, 10th Street, Los A:galcs 21, California. O.A. Benedict Paving Co., business of Paving Contractor, 3370 E. Randolph Street, Huntington Park, California. Richard A. Knapp, business of Cummings & Knapp Delivery Service, Wheel Tax, 111211, Molette, Norwalk, California. Evans Building Company, business of General Building Contractor, Wheel Tax, 9842 Bolsa Avenue, Santa Ana, Calif,' Finley Oilwell Service Inc., business of Oilwell Servicing, P.O. Box 7296, Long Beach 79 California. 1. 343 Paae #2 - Minutes, august 17, 0 F. Lucille Johnson, dba Bud's Package Dalive.ry, Wholesale Drug & Paper Delivery, -Wheel Tax, 121 W. Valencia, Anaheim. Goss-- Jewett & Company, business of trucking, _6400 E., Fleet Street, Los Angeles, California, Peterson's Cabinet Works,, business of 'Cabinet maker, Wheel . Tax, 17818 So. Main Street, Gardena, California. W.G. Beggs Contractor, business of General Contractor, Wheel Tax, 2112 Bcrkol.,cy, Los Angeles 26., California. Star Sros., business of Plastering Contractor, Wheel. Tax, 10782 Pacific Avenue, La Habra, California. L.E. Gabe, business of Garage Doors, Wheel Tax, 12202 Camille Street, Santa Ana, California. John Cirivello, dba Johnny's Candy Company, business of Johnny's Candy Company, 527 W. 14th Street, Long Beach, Calif. Doyle Bros., Inc., business of Plumbing & Heating, Wheel Tax, 22203 S. Vermont, Torrance, California. Dolly Madison Cakes, Interstate Baking Company, business of Wholesale Cake;, Wheel Tax, 2330 Ripple Street, Los Angeles, California. Lord -Babcock, Inc., business of delivery of plumbing material, Trucking, 3015 Leoni.s Blvd., Los Angeles, California. Pacific Crane & Riggixg Company,,business of operating truck crane, 68S5 E. Rosecrans, Paramount, California. Brownberry Ovens, business of delivering bread, Wheel Tax, 2652 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, California, J.N. Cenzan Company, California Corporation, business of delivery of merchandise, Wheel Tax, 3535 So, Broadway, Los Angeles, California. Glo-Candle Company, business of Candles Retail & Wholesale & Moulding, 112 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California Urban N. Patman Inc., business of delivering meat & meat n products, Wheel Tax, 2638 E., Vernon Avenue, Los Angeles 58, California. W.C. Melick, business of Real Estate Office, 17182 Huntington Beach Blvd,, Huntington Beach, California. Felix Sianez, business of Plumbing & Heating Contracting, Wheel Tax, 2701 Hampshire Street, Huntington Beach, California. Murray Painting Company, business of fainting Contractor, Wheel Tax, 8701 E. Park Street, Bellflower, California. Ed W. Click, business of General Contractor, Wheel Tax, 412 Bryl Cove, Seal Beach, California. Barbara Dawson Warner, business of Antique Shop, 17301 Hunt- ington Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, California. Downey Glass Company, business of Glazing, Wheel Tax, 8247 Phlox Street, Downey, California. 2. 344 s E7 r . Wilfred E, Kaney, Jr,, business of Inland -Empire Meat Company, Wheel Tax, 1n58 N. 7th Street, -Colton, California, Rose D. Helms, -business of Colonial Inn, 1421 8th Street-, Huntington Beach, California, H.J. & Ed-ith May, business of Ceramics, 409 15th Street, Huntington Beach, California. Air Pony Ina., business of Scenic Helicopter Rides, Highway 39 and.Highway lol-, Huntington Beach, California.: D-V },11 5 _ The Clerk read letter of transmittal from the Huntington Beach Planning Commission relative to Conditional Exception DV #135. Petitioner Joseph Apple, 8071 Ellis Avenue, Huntington. Beach, requesting permission to allow a 50 foot frontage lot in variance to the required Subdivision Aegulation'of 60 foot lot frontage. Location at the Southeast corner of Patterson Way and La Paloma Avenue, Huntington Beach, California, After a public hearing was held on August 4th, 1959 by the City Planning Commission to consider the petitioner's request and following the required -legal public notice and due consideration given to -the petitioner and the general public the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach made a motion duly made and carried recommending to the City Council dental for the following reasons: 1. There must be proven some type of hardship, such as -not sufficient land available, - etc. - 2, Grounds for a variance to the subdivision were either non-existent or not presented. To deviate from the ' ordinance without justiflable cause would be to denounce the existing subdivision code. .The denial recommendation by the Planning Commission was carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Presson, Schryer, Stang, Davis, Chairman Bazil, Noes: None. Absent; Sark, Liles, s LCJ r]: :.,,) L A P pl c Joseph Apple, the petitioner, appeared before the City Council and presented his plot plan and pointed out that his plot plans comply with the setbacks required and gives sufficient driveway and .parking area for cars covering the proposed dwellings to be erected and asked the City Council to give careful consideration and 3. 345 r � Pa z ;1 1.7, iJ5° to approve the Conditional Exception for the 50 foot frontage lots in variance to the Subdivision Regulation of 60 foot lot frontage. On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite in accordance with the appeal made by Joseph Apple to allow a 50 foot frontage lot in variance to the required Subdivision Regulation of 60 foot lot frontage, the Conditional Exception DV#135 in accordance with plot plan filed by Joe Apple, be granted. Motion carried. Councilman Lamber* - Mayor Irby appointed Councilman Lambert Finange Committee to act on the Finance Committee in the absence of Councilman Bryant. Conditional Exception - The Clerk read a letter of transmittal Tentative. Tract #35�4- Harold Harper from the Huntington Beach Planning Commission relative to Conditional Exception Tentative Tract No. 3534. Petitioner being Harold Harper, 8311 E. Garfield Avenue, Huntington Beach to allow a 40 foot right of way for "A" and "B" Streets and exclusion of the dry line sewer install- ation. Location of the tract being North of Garfield Avenue and East of Highway #39. Legal Description being portion.of the SE4 of the SW4 of Sec. 36, T.SS., R.11.W., S.B.B. & M.. After a public hearing was held on August 4th, 1959 by the City Planning Commission to consider the petitioner's request and due consideration given to the petitioner and the general public the Planning Commission on motion duly made and carried recommend the approval with the following conditions: 1. That the lots shall be deed restricted against further division of land. 2. That the lots shall be deed restricted to single family dire l l i ngs . On motion by Terry seconded by Waite In accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Comm- ission Conditional Exception Tentative Tract No, 3534 as applied for by Harold Harper be granted subject to the cond- itions requested be imposed by the Planning Commission, be granted. Motion carried. 4. Pa 7 e i l.`) - I,! •- CLa s E:G A a,-- vi'', 1P.lrl..4nnin,gr Commission -,The Clerk read letter of transmittal ol from the City Planning Commission relative to the Proposed New Zoning Classifications and Parking Requirements to be added to the City Zoning Code and read Resolution No. 642 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to amend the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code relating to zoning by adding new Articles and Sections thereto and said classifications to be C-19 C-2, M-1 and by adding a residential offstreet parking requi:rcment. 10 TcnlgT On motion by Terry seconded by r liF: Waite the City Clerk be authorized to insert a legal notice, a notice of public hearing on the proposed and recommended Zoning classifications and additions• to the City Zoning Ordinance No. 495 as recommended by the Planning Commission and said hearing on the proposed additions to be held at8:00 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, Septemberr$th, 19599 be approved. Motion carried, a imHampshir The Clerk read the letter of 'brans- %ven�ie�, and Huntington , mittal from the Huntington Beach Planning Commission relative to proposed street name changes from' Hampshire Avenue and fiunt'ington Beach Boulevard to Beach Boulevard, as being requested by the Orange County Street Naming Committee to consider the street name change of Hamp- shire Avenue and Huntington Beadh-,Boulevard to Beach Boulevard in order to /further the Arterial Highway Street Name Change program. Plcann lL_ g The Clerk read Resolution No, 63 Ee4 l..Yuti.on No 61 s of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to change the names of Hampshire Avenue and Huntington Beach Boulevard to Beach. Boulevard. r L ri'f S .r r1fy Doctor David Payne appeared before the City Council and reported that a discussion on this proposed name change of Huntington Beach Boulevard had been discussed as long as six months ago at the Chamber of Commerce meeting JP I 5. 347 Page 4, ,b - Minixtc�s, Au.must; 1?, 1950/ and stated that there was some merit in the change as requested by the Orange County Street Naming Committee after considerable study and it should receive some consideration. Mayer Irby referred the transmittal of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission recommending the Aavie dhange. of Hampshire Avenue and Huntington Beach Boulevard to Beach Boulevard to the Streets and Parks Committee for study and report. West Annexation - Mayor Irby announced that in accordance Pub: l Hearing with the legal notice published a public hearing was set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. this date to re- ceive any protests by property owners of record in the area designated as the West Annexation of the unincorporated.terri.- tort' to the City of -Huntington Beach. The City Clerk reported that no pro- tests had been filed by property owners of record on the pro- posed unincorporated area designated as the West Annexation and the.Clerk requested the City Council to continue the. hear- ing on this West'Annexation in order to verify certain transfers of recordings of property owners within the West Annexation before confirmation of the required assessed value of the territory included in the West Annexation can be made. Public Hearing On motion by Waite seconded by Terry cont.i.nL�6d the City Council continue the public hearing on the proposed annexation of unincorporated territory referred to as the West Annexation and said hearing to be con- tinued at 8a00 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, September 8th, 19599 be approved, Motion carried. Planning Commissioners to On motion by Terry seconded by'Waite attend Leagzi of yltie Convention in accordance with the request of the City Planning Commission for four members of the Planning Com- mission to attend the Annual League of Cities Convention to be held in October in San Prancisco, California with -..budgeted expenses to be allowed, be approved. Motion carried.- ?41nutes, nu u.s t 17, 1959 Purchases two On motion by Terry seconded by dump trucks Lambert according to the request of James Wheeler, City Engineer that the City Council authorize the City Purchasing Agent to take the necessary steps to purchase for the Street Department two dump trucks as budgeted, be approved, Motion carried. F.u.R.H. Abaridon The Clerk read a letter from the; tracks- City Engineer relative to a letter from the Pacific Electric Railway Company regarding the crossing at the entrance.to the Municipal Trailer Park reporting that the Pacific Electric offers to quitclaim to the City any right, title or interest it might have with- in the limits of the crossing at "A" Street entrance to the City of Huntington Beach Municipal Trailer Park except for mineral or oil rights and the City will per- mit Pacific Electric to abandon its track in place, with the Pacific Electric Railway Company to furnish to the City a bill of salo for the material left within the crossing and if the proposal was approved that the proper city official sign the copy attached to the Pacific Electric Letter in the space provided and return the same to the Pacific Electric Railway Company. t�,r -r r .nr. r The City Engineer, James Wheeler Jan, recommended that the removal of the rails at the location would serve no good purpose and until such time as the status of U.S. 101 is settled and a final grade is established it is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the rails be abandoned in place. P-oposal y xo—,sited- On motion by Terry seconded by F.E.R.H. Lambert the City C1etk be author- ized to execute on behalf of the City the copy of letter covering the proposal of the Pacific Electric Railway quitclaiming to the City any right, title, or interest it might have within the:liihitt,.-of the "A!' Street entrance crossing to the City of Huntington Beach Trailer Park and A 7, pa�7P - mintuels, August 17, 1959 349 1 furnish to the City a bill of sale for the material left within the crossing, be approved. Motion carried. Public Hearing - Mayor Irby announced that at 8230 sealed bids for sanitarysewerso'clock P.M. was the date set for the opening of the sealed bids for the construction and in- stallation of sanitary sewers on Yorktown Street between Delaware Avenue and Florida Avenue, on Florida. Avenue bet- woen Yorktown Street and Williams Street, and on Williams Street between Florida Avenue and Hampshire Avenue and re- quested the Clerk to open up the bids received, The following .bids were opened by the Clerk and rc C"t 4> « « H O A j1.," �!;W�Cn O 14 Ej a�aWQ�H H'0' CO' P4 (r�(r4 0 9A P 4 HPA-4P4 Cn�1:AH MOH 0Ha e' 1 o >W xo P4 O p w . r14 � WwW APQ HW;_ Fgrl��rn QjM M $1 H M42 Ld HLC% H 0 N A 0 M P A H rl CO Hai N4-1 14 :ad: a) 00 (n Ln trN a, M LID , 4-4 ON LO O N . , q 4WOD m +D 4* M W i 00 Lf1 Lf1 K10 6. H Ult a N Us in o w w rA H ► .- r r 00 ON UN . • IRt N rn A Cd �a 00 Ld Pq v► 4-11 Lr\ W WN0 « 00 OD O N d- 00 coo Ur U1 H - «rl 4-1 -r-I H :ed w M14M WT •O o W Lc,% P an motion by Lambert seconded by Waite the bids for the proposals for construction of the sanitary sewers as read by the Clerk be referred to the City Engineer for checking and report. Motion carried. 5ca.,_, - rz parks Councilman Waite, Chairman of ^:c:r� the Committee recently appointed to investigate the possibility in developing certain of the City's property located at the intersection of Highway 39 and Highway 101 read from a prepared. report of its findings and its recommendations to the City Council. Following the investigation made, the Committee felt that there was sufficient -interest shown_in _thy; _dev-_elop- ment of the arca by qualified and f inane ially. able devel- opers to warrant further investigation being made and a determination had from the Council as to the general policy which the Council felt should be taken.. The Committee therefore makes its following recommendations to the City Council: 1. That the City of Hun_t�ngton $each lease for development, the so-callod 047 Acres", together with 1,000 feet of beach front area adjoining the Huntington Beach: State Park. 2. That the'term of the lease be far a period of 25 years with an option of an additional 25 years. 3. That the mi.imum bid for the lease be at least 6% of the appraised value of the property. . 4. That the lease provide for a percentage rental in accordance with the type of development to be made by the successful bidder. 5. That the beach area be developed as a recreational area and dcvclopmcnt compatible with recreational amusement. b. That the so-called "47 Acres" be developed with trailer parks, motels, hotels,.restaurants and compatible development. 7. That the trailer park area not be made available for development until at least 100,trai.ler spaces have been developed on the 47 acre; . 8. That the proposed form of lease be submitted to the Council for its approval. 9. 351 Page #10 _ Miri.ute; , AuFu: t 37, 1.95 9. That sealed bids be requegted and along with the bids there be furnished to the City, a financial statement, proposed type and kind of development, general plans and specifi- cations of development, copies of surveys, if any, made by the developers pertaining the area and other matters necessary to conform to the requirements of the lease. The Official Report as read by Council- man Waite, Chairman of the Committee, dated August 14, 1959 was filed with the City Clerk. Claim for lama -.es- On motion by Terry secondod by Waite the claim for damages filed by Robert Hidalgo for Nancy Doreen Hidalgo, a minor, for injuries claimed due to falling into an unattended fire pit at or near Hunt- ington Beach, California, in the park and designated as Hunt- ington Beach Park, be denied and claim be referred to the City Attorney and the insurance underwriter for the City of Hunt- ington Beach, be approved. Motion carried. Talbert & 'Co. - offfn- Mayor Irby referred the offer of Tal- to purchase Lots 2 and 4 Block 211� bert & Company Realtors to purchase Lots 2 and 4, in Block 215, Huntington Beach Tract for the sum of $17CO.00 and for an appraisal to be made. Pau? Be1a,s -y The Clerk road a letter received from S.S. PointReyes Paul D. Belous requesting the City Council to again consider permission fdr the personnel of the S.S. Point Reyes to use the Municipal Pier for shore landing in order to visit their families residing in the general area of Orange County. The Council informed Mr. Belous to take the matter up with the Pacific Indemnity Insurance Company, Insurance underwriters for the City of Huntington Beach to ascertain if Public Liability Insurance could be obtained in order to satisfy the City. Garrish Engr. Co. - The Clerk read the latter received off f .r to nurc:Ya-e property from Garrish Engineering, Incorporated submitting an offer to the City of Huntington Beach to purchase the real property which they are presently leasing from the City and an additional acreage located to the west of the 10. 3�2 _riUtG, property for an amount of $10,000.00, which covers the present occupied area and additional acreage making an overall acreage of 2.3 acres. On motion by Terry seconded by Waite the City Clerk be instructed to have an appraisal mado of the property upon which Garrish Engineering Incor- porated are occupying and the additional acreage requested to pUrcHase, be approved. Motion carried. Ordinance: No, 72 - The Clerk gave the second read - adopted. - Job �1GL,Af� er.t:i.ons . ing of Ordinance No. 729 by title, An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to job classification; amending Section 1577.32 and 1577.4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite Ordinance No. 729 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote i AYES: Councilmen: NOES:. Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: H o��at i.c-n Ne. .3$5ti c;arice111r_.k;. wr_-Cc abatement - Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. None. Bryant. The Clerk read Resolution No, 13$59 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, cancelling weed abatement charges. On motion by Waite seconded by Terry Resolution No, 1385 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen; Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby, NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Bryant. On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried. Hes,olut' on No. 1,786- The Clerk read Resolution No, flxirz tax rate 13$69 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, fix- 11. 353 'Pa�e 7f12. _ 1141-nut os s hut.-° st 17, 1c'SG ing the tax rate for said City of Huntington Beach -for the fiscal year 1959-1960, On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite Resol- ution No. 1386 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None, ABSENT: Councilmen: Bryant. Aesclurion No, 13 ?— The Clerk read Resolution No. 13879 vacate portion of Nashville Strcmet A Resolution of intention of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to vacate a portion of Nashville Street in said City and giving notice of hearing on said vacation, On motion by Lambert seconded by Terry Resolution No, 1387 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmenr Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen:, Bryant. Monthly re;:ort- On motion by.Lambert seconded by Lhlef of Police Waite the report of the Chief of Police for operation of the Police Departdhent for the month of July, 1959 as read by the Clerk be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. Ban(4uet tables -. On motion by Lambert seconded by Mem rial. Nall Terry in accordance with the report of the City Engineer relative to the condition of the banquet tables in the Memorial Hall.after an inspection was made, the City Counel.l, authorized the City Purchasing Agent to purchase 30 banquet tables at a cost of $33,00 each to replace the necessary banquet tattles in the Memorial Hall and said expend.- itures be charged to the special fund for capital outlay reserve, was approved.by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby, NOES: Councilmen: %,cane. ABSENT: Councilmen: Bryant. I ty L'np-i veer- The City Engineer, James Wheeler �an_t;ar� S�:wer contrar.t- reported to the Cdty Council that in the examination of the bids received and opened by the Clerk for the construction and installation of sanitary• sewers on Yorktown between Delaware Avenue and Florida Avenue, on Florida Avenue between Yorktown and Williams Street, and on Williams Street between Florida Avenue and Hampshire be awarded to the low bidder Ed Barkley, of Costa Mesa as being the lowest.and best bid for the interest of the City, Se-we-r " ont.r aot ,'r.r f: On motion by Terry seconded by Waite to Ed Barkley the contract for the construction and installation of sanitary sewers as recommended by the - City Engineer be awarded to Ed Barkley of Costa Mesa, Calif- ornia in the amount of 12,0$2.10 and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the contractagree- ment on behalf of the City and that all other bids be re- jected and the,bid bonds be teturned, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby, NOES: Councilmen: Alone. ABSENT: Councilmen: Bryant. 7unc Transfer to On motion by Waite seconded by w Lambert the City Clerk be authorized to transfer from the General Fund to the West Orange'County Water Board the amount of $260,39 for expenditure: made for the City by the West Orange County Water Board for the maintenance and operation of the West Orange County Water Board trunk water system, be approved. Motion carried. r =ao f _t aLA The Clerk read Resolution No. 1388, resolved by the City of the City of.Huntington Beach ordering that Brander D, Castle, City Purchasing Agent, shall be and he Is hereby authorized as the representative of the City of Huntington Beach to sign the warehouse issue sheet (SEASF Form 111) of the California n 13. Fagg #14 _ Minutes August; 17, 1 g59 State Educational Agency for Surplus Property under the terms and conditions specified. On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert Resolution No, 1388 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby, NOES: Councilmen; Nnne. ABSENT: Councilmen: Bryant. Resolution No. 1359- The Clerk read Resolution No. 1389, Surplus Pronerty- '_ Ivil neferise A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, whereas by Public Law 655, 84th Congress (70 Stat. 493)9 the Federal government has authorized the donation of surplus federal property for civil deftnoc purposes; and whereas, the City of Huntington Beach desires to become eligible to acquire such property. On motion by Terry seconded by Waite, Resolution No. 1389 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Bryant. Agreement- State of The Clerk read an agreement entered California- -Civil Defense Surplus into between the State of California, Proyerty Program acting by and through its duly appointed, qualified and acting Director of the California Disaster Office, hereinafter called CDO, and the undersigned political subdivis•- ion, hereinafter called Agency; Whereby the City signify its Intention to participate in the civil defense surplus property program and desires to continue to participate. On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the Agreement between the State of California and the actin Director of the California Disaster Office be entered into and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach, be approved. Motion carried. On motion by Waite seconded by Terry r �'1 {mil a9 In accordance with the report of the City Engineer the request of Tony Tovatt Jr., of Tovatt's Hardware for removal of three large palm trees on the Orange Street side of a building located on the corner of Main and Orange Streets, be approved. Motion carried. ?.R')- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 730 Jab its first reading in full, An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to Job Classification; repealing Section 1591.28, 1591.19 and 1591,382 and adding Sections 1591,281, 150/1.3839 1591.384 and 1591.385 to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Codo. ur.f:,:rmL ,.....latrar On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite i.F'.Z' r ; 7C7 i C' Y. in accordance with the request of the Chicf of Polies James Thomas Gilstrap be appointed to the Police Department position of Clerk Dispatcher in the appro- priato salary range and bracket to be effective immediately,,,;:._ be approved. Motion carried. L-(' f=: Pr. c� , 1.- On Motion by Lambert seconded by Waite Clty'�,; 41,11. acres the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a lease proposal offering the City's 41.11 acres for lease for development and said lease proposal to be in accord- ance with the cc nditions included in the report =dc by Councilma. Waite, and said report on file in tho City Clerk's._ Office, be approved, Motion carried, ixrxais.: - On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite the City Clerk be authorized to have an appraisal made of the beach area covering 1,000 feet of the eastcr.ly portion, of the Municipal Trailer Park and 125 feet in width to be measured from the northerly w all of the Trailer Park seaward, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: Councilmen: Lambert, Waite, Irby. Councilmen:L Term. ABSENT: Councilmen: Bryant. 15. 357 Pale 1�.. I`unutkes, August 171, 195c, i City Complete oblip;- Councilman Lambert reported to the atiors - HuriT,ir.�•tor.. Crest alaCity Council the City has completed its obligations and work on the recreation area lease from Dobkins for the Huntington Crest Playground adjacent to the Huntington Crest Subdivision. yKpu(nr:pp SiFnJoo'0*- On motion by Waite seconded by Terry t :e r oquost of the Kunz Sign Company for permission to erect a sign on City property located at the junction of Highway 39 and 101, be denied. Motion carried. Defer -xc t; an- Councilman Waite reported to the City Abu? 3nce ,u'«:' Jv Council that they had made further study on the proposed ambulance subsidy and requested the Council to defer further action until the County of Orange has made a report and findings on present study on Ambulance services though - out the County. P_urcha'so v ;,, l a17,gr On Motion by Terry seconded by Waite according to the recommendations of the City Engineer that the City Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase the Case Tractor, the only tractor demonstrated that could do the work as specified and in accordance with the bid quotation received In the amount of $ 5,991.16,was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None, ABSENT: Councilmen: Bryant. On motion by Terry seconded by Waite the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourn. a y: Clerk and ex-officio Clark of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, CGl�fornia. ATTEST: P�ayor City Clerk 16.