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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, November 2, 1959
Mayor Irby called the regular meet-
ing of the City Council to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen Present: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
Councilmen Absent: None.
Minutes On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
the Minutes of the City Council of October the 5th, 14th,
19fh, 26th,& 28th, 1959 as transcribed and mailed by the City
Clerk be accepted without changes and be approved. Motion
Monthly Reports The Clerk read the reports of the
department heads for the month of October, 1959.
On motion by Waite seconded by
Terry the reports of the Department Heads of the City of
Huntington Beach as read by the City Clerk be received and
ordered filed. Motion carried.
Business_ Licenses On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
the applications for Business License as approved by the
Health Inspector, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Building Inspector,
and Planning Director be granted as follows:
Robert H. Ingram business of Mobile Trailer Park at 21752
Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach, California.
Fred H. Diehl, business of Journeyman Plumber, of 1303 Castle
Avenue, Anaheim, California.
Milton H. Williams, business of Journeyman, Plumber, of
12002 Firebrand Street, Garden Grove, California.
Ace Pipeline Construction Company, business of installing
gas lines, Wheel Tax, of 1312 West 1st Street, Pomona, Calif.
S. W. Klepper & Sons, business of delivery of Poultry, Wheel
Tax, of 1390 West Holt Avenue, Pomona, California.
Todd Roofing Inc., business of Rob fing Contractor, Wheel Tax,
of 14652 Verano Street, Santa Ana, California.
Empire Plumbing Company, business of Plumbing Contractor,
Wheel Tax, of 9101 Mills Street, Buena Park, California.
E. S. & N. S. Johnson, business of General Contracting, Wheel
Tax, of 3371 Hermosa P1., Fullerton, California.
George A. Wise, business of Welding, Wheel Tax, of 2516 Cypress
Avenue, Santa Ana, California.
Pare #2 -- Minutes, November 2, 1959
Conquest Custom Boats, business of Small Boat Building at'•
17443 Huntington Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, Calif.
Ord, #733 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 733
Second Reading
its second reading in full, An
Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach adopting, by refer-
ence,.'the Uniform Sign Code, 1958, edition of the Inter-
national Conference of Building Officials.
On motion by -Terry seconded by
Lambert, Ordinance No. 733 was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote: 7 =
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby:
NOES: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen;
Drd. #735 -
Second Reading.
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 735
its second reading by Title, An
Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to Trailer
Parks; amending Section 8743 of the Huntington Beach Ordin-
ance Code.
On motion by Waite seconded by
Lambert Ordinance No. 735 was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby;
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
rcl; #736 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 736
Second Reading
its second reading by title, An
Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending Sections
of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code relating to Bicycles.
On motion by Lambert seconded by
Waite Ordinance No. 736 was passed and adopted by the follow-
ing roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby;
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Pa.e #3 - Minutes , November 2, 1959
'-'re,. #737 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 737,
Second Reading
its second reading by title, An
Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Hunt-
ington Beach Ordinance Code relating to zoning by amending
Sections and adding new Sections..thereto.
On motion by Lambert seconded
by Waite Ordinance No. 737 was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lamberts Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Jrd. #738 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No,
Second Readi_n�
T 738 its second reading by title,
An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code relating to a Water Fund and
Sewer Fund, by adding Sections 3534 and 1627 thereto. -
On motion by Terry seconded by
Lambert Ordinance No. 738 was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None. :
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Orc.. #739 - The Clerk gave Ordinance -No. 739
its second reading by title, An
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
California, setting the fee for connecting with sewer lines
and providing penalty for violation thereof.
On motion by Waite seconded by
Terry Ordinance No. 739 was passed and adgpted by the follow-
ing roll call vote: e
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby;
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None. ;
L- -
Page #4 - Minutes, November 2, 1959
Ord. #740 -- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 740
Second :eadinL
its second reading by title, An
Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending the" Hunting-
ton Beach Ordinance Code by amending certain Sections thereof
and adding new Sections thereto relating to the Administrative
On motion by Lambert seconded by
Waite Ordinance No. 740 was passed and adopted by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
:?esa. �72 - Prcanosed The Clerk read Resolution No. 72,
"`Jest Annexation #2r,
transmitted from the Planning Com-
mission, A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City
of Huntington Beach advising affirmative action be taken to
annex the proposed "West Annexation No. 211.
City Attly to draw up On motion by Lambert seconded by
Reso. of Intention
Re: West Anne.. #2 Waite the City Attorney be instructed
to draw up the appropriate Resolution of intention to provide
for the intention of annexing area designated as "West Annex-
ation No. 2, and setting the dates for public hearing and to
provide for the required publications,be approved. Motion
_eso. #1.397 - Devel. & The Clerk read Resolution No. 1397,
ease City owned Property
A Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Huntington Beach relating to the development and
leasing -of City owned real property at the intersections of
Highways 101 and 39.
so. #1397 :1 Adopted On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert
Resolution No. 1397 was passed and adopted by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Pale #5 - iMinutes, ,Iovember 2, 1959
City a.cceDt Deed from On motion by L-Ambert seconded by
Dorothy ; Peck & Cl-:!rl es
H. Thatcher for Sts. & Terry the City Council accept the
Ri;"av T)urooses•-- Deed from grantor's Dorothy T. Peck
and Charles H. Thatcher, as executors of the will of Aldrich
R. beck, deceased, and Dorothy Thayer Peck and Charles H.
Thatcher and Title Insurance and Trust Company, a California
corporation, for certain real property to be used for public
street and highway purposes and said property located on the
north side of Yorktown Street extended easterly of State
Highway 39 and the City Clerk be instructed to record the
Deed with the County Recorder, be approved. Motion carried.
Agreement -- Recr. Dept, On motion by Waite seconded by
& 1,B Ln ion_High. School,
Sork the City Council give consent
for the execution,by the Recreation Commission of the revised
agreement between the Huntington Beach Union High School
District and the Recreation Commission of the City of Huntington
Beach, covering use of certain school facilities for recrea-
tion purposes, be approved. Motion carried.
Demands On motion by Waite seconded by
Lambert the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be
ordered paid. Motion carried.
John T. Bundy cut curb On motion by Terry seconded by,Waite
at 502-504 l0th Street
the request of John T. Bundy for
permission to cut curb and install side walk and approach at
502 and 504 Tenth Street, as recommended for approval.by the
.City Engineer, be granted subject to the supervision and.the
work done to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent.
Motion carried.
7ohn L. hackman cut curb On motion by Lambert seconded by
at 302, -`d Sheet - — Waite the request of John E. Backman
for permission to cut the curb for driveway purposes at 302
2nd Street, the driveway approach, location on Olive Avenue,
in accordance with recommendations of the City Engineer and
said work to be done under the supervision and to the satis-
faction of the Street Superintendent, be approved. Motion carried.
Public Rearing ;caster. At 8:15 o'clock P.M. Mayor Irby opened
r anc?'se Pl,�n Revised
the hearing continued from the meet-
ing of October 5th, 1959, for the consideration of the adoption
of the Master Land -Use Plan Revised as
Pale #6 - Minutes, November 2, 1959
recommended for approval by the City Planning Commission.
Clifford Triup Mayor Irby requested Planning
Director, Clifford Tripp to explain the Master Land Use
-Plan using the map posted in the Council Chambers.
Clifford. Tripp explained the
various land use areas designated on the map and then stated
that the entire Land Use Plan is required for the proper
and orderly development of the City, and would be used as
a guide for future zoning when requested by property owners
and others interested in the particular land areas requested
for zoning.
Councilman Sork Councilman Sork informed the
City Council he had acted and voted on the revision of the
Master Land Use Plan while a member of the Planning Commission
and he would refrain from the discussion and deliberations
on the matter and refrain from voting.
Mayor Irby asked if anyone pre-
sent desired to appear before the Council and make any state-
ments for or against the proposed revised Master Land Use
Jack O'Brien Jack O'Brien appeared before the
City Council and stated that he represented the Tax Payers
League of the City and presented a Plan which was posted on
the wall for reference, and stated that their executive board
had gone over the Land Use Plan as recommended for adoption
by the Planning Commission and pointed out that their findings
for the betterment of the City and orderly development was
that the entire length of Highway 39 from the northerly
City limits to Highway 101 should be zoned entirely commercial.
He also pointed out there were other small areas in the pro-
posed plan that they had objected to, especially in areas
designated for M-1 or light manufacturing areas.
Ted Lewis Ted Lewis, a developer for the
Alcoa Pacific Company informed the City Council that they
now have been waiting approximately nine months for some
Pate #7 :Minutes, November 2, 1959.
action on a Master Plan of Land Use and it was holding up their
proposed 80 acre tract sub -division of which 22 acres is set
aside for a shopping center, and that their financial backers
cannot inves-t in the development without some assurance of prg-
per zoning for the area of the development and it would be
impossible to acquire the desired tenants whom may want to
lease space in the shopping center until a definite Land Use
Plan has been adopted by the City Council..
John Robertson.
John Robertson, Real Estate
operator from Laguna Beach appeared before the City Council
saying he represented property owners owning 660 foot front-
age on Highway #39 and they find themselves in some what of
a predicament as related by developer Ted Lewis and asked the
City Council to show that.they could be assured if they filed
for re -zoning of the area covering the property owned by the
property owners he represents, that they could have it re-
zoned for Commercial.
Bill dray
Sill Bray, president of the
Tax Payers League, appeared before the City Council and asked
what the Planning Commission requires for a request for re-
zoning and also pointed out that they desire the entire length
of Highway #39, from the northerly City limits to Highway #101,
be zoned Commercial, as there was too much emphasis being placed
on Shopping Centers and left no room for the small individual
business men to locate where he desired to.
Rev. Forsyth Reverend Forsyth appeared before
the City Council and urged the Council to do everything they
could to encourage the development of the City.
,'Lpy .Wright
Floyd Wright, an industrial
realtor from Whittier, appeared before the City Council and
stated that he represented owners of a large tract of land
fronting on Highway #39, and asked what reception they could
expect from the Planning Commission and City Council in the
event they asked for re -zoning for Commercial development
fronting on Highway #39.
Page #8 - Minutes, November 2, 1959
Mr. Wright was informed by members
of the City Council that he would receive the fullest cooper-
ation, provided definite plans were filed showing the nature
of the development and as to the degree of its.desirability
and that he would receive the full support of the City Council
for any good development and zoning would be granted.
There being no further questions
for or against the proposed Master Land Use Plan Revised,
Mayor Irby declared the hearing closed.
tiiasl'er "wand Use Plan On motion by Waite seconded by
Revised - Adopted
Lambert the Master Land Use Plan
Revised as recommended for adoption by the City Planning
Commission be adopted and was passed by the following roll.
call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT; Councilmen: None. Councilman Sork not voting.
Mayor Irby declared a recess at
9:38 P.M.
The City Council re -convened at
9: 50 o'clock P.M.
,.`.hreement - J. S. The Clerk read an Agreement with
,arret C &
J. S. Barrett, a general contract-
ing Company, who has entered into a -contract with Sanitation
District #3 of the County of Orange, State of California,
relative to the installation of -certain improvements and said
imprdvements will be installed all within the City limits
of the City of Huntington Beach, and that said City and J. S.
Barrett -have covenanted and agreed that J. S. Barrett shall
resurface and repair any public streets .upon which said Com-
pany shall do work pursuant to said contract within the City
of Huntington Beach, in consideration of the covenants con-
tained in the Agreement.
Page 1'f9 - L:inutes, November 2, 1959
-.'avor & City Clerk On motion by Lambert seconded by
to execute A2reement
Sork the Mayor and the City Clerk
be authorized to execute the Agreement as read by the City
Clerk between J. S. Barrett and the City of Huntington Beach,
be approved. Motion carried.
Prelim. Plans - Re. On motion by Terry seconded by
Reservoir ` Lowry& Assoc_.
Waite that the preliminary plans
and estimate for the reservoir submitted by Lowry and Assoc-
iates, and recommended for approval by the City Engineer and
authorize Lowry and Associates to proceed with the final plans
and specifications, for the reservoir, be approved. Motion
`run. Reservoir to be On motion by Terry seconded by
named Harry A. Overmyer
'•Iemorial ReservoirWaite in accordance with suggest-
ions made tlxat the Municipal Reservoir be .named the Harry.
A. Overmyer Memorial Reservoir, be ,approved. Motion carried.
xcer-rit Minutes- Plans & On motion by Waite seconded by
::nee, Talbert D-2 Channel.
Sork the plans and specifications
for the Talbert (D-24 Channel presented by the Orange County
Flood Control Engineer, and reviewed by the City Engineer and
found to be satisfactory be approved. and the City Clerk be.
instructed to forward an excerpt of the Minute action of the
Council. Motion carried.
grin Pet. & S.-l.S. Oil. Co. On motion by Lambert seconded by
term. cleanup bond --
v e l i�—Jack c:... Ji l 1 ,�1 _ Terry, the request of the Orin
Petroleum Company and S. M. S. Oil Company for termination
of the Glens Falls Insurance Company cleanup bond No. 76-75-16,
covering Jack and Jill #1 located on Lot 15, Block 319; Hunt-
ington Beach Tract,_having complied with Section 2448.1 of the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the bonding company and
the operat6r be notified of the bond termination, be approved.
Motion carried.
:Yeri Tel enhone Co. to
_ns tall Add. Trunk line
to Police Denart-nent
On motion -by Waite seconded by
Sork in accordance with the request
Page #10 - Minutes, November 2, 1959
of the Police Chief, for additional telephone trunk line into
the Police Station to serve the Detective Bureau and the call
box at the corner of Main and Ocean Avenue to be changed from
a Lexington line'to a direct line between the call box and the
Police Department, at a estimated cost of installation of
$132.50 and the Purchasing Agent be instructed to issue Pur-
chase Order to General Telephone Company for said installation,
be approved. Motion carried.
R. T. Leaver request. Mayor Irby referred to the Oil Com-
referred to Oil Comm.
mittee for study and report the re-
quest of R. T. Leaver, to purchase Tax Title lots 25, 26, in
Block 1502, Vista Del Mar Tract, for the sum of $600.00, with-
out warranty of title and exempting the mineral rights thereof.
Purchase Marchant On motion by Terry seconded by Sork
Deeimagic Calculator
Engineer Department the Purchasing Agent be authorized
to purchase one Marchant Deci-Magic.calculator for the Engi-
neering Department, in accordance with the request of the City
Engineer, at the price quoted by the Santa Ana Division of the
Marchant Calculators, Inc. and said price of $750.00 including
the trade-in of the present Monroe calculator, be approved.
Motion carried.
James 'clay transferred On motion by Lambert seconded by
to position of Beach
f-iaint. Supi rvK sor__._ Terry in accordance with the recom-
mendation of the City Engineer that the allocation of the
position of Beach Maintenance Supervisor, be effective December
1st, 1959, and that James B. Way be transferred to the position
of Beach Maintenance Supervisor, from the position of Equipment
Operator at said date, be approved. Motion carried.
-Mr. Ellis - R.e: Use Councilman Waite reported that Mr.:-
of Qier for debarkation
__ Ellis, Agent for the Sailor's Union
of the Pacific desires to meet with the Mayor and Port Captain
Stein of the Union Oil Company to discuss possibility of using
the pier for the debarking of personnel from ships unloading
oil at Huntington Beach.
On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
the meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
1 432
Page #'11 - 2"linutes', November 21 1959
U. City Clerk
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California