HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-12-07445 I MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, December 7, 1959 Mayor Irby called the regular meet- ing of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. ,Councilmen Present; Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. Councilmen Absent; None. s Minutgs On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the Minutes for the Council meetings of November the 2nd and November the lath, 19591, as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerkk be accepted without changes, be approved. Motion carried. MonthlX Re its On motion by Terry seconded by II Waite the City Clerk read the reports of the Department Heads €car the month of November, 1959. On motion by Terry seconded by Waite- the reports of the Department Heads submitted for the month bf,November, 1959, and read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, Motion carried. Business Licgp_M On motion by Terry seconded by Waite the applications for,Business License to conduct busi- ness in the City of Huntington Beach as read by the City Clerk and approved by the Department Heads be granted as follows: Mothers" Cake & Cookie Co., wheel tax, wholesale bakery delivery, 810 - 61st Avenue, Oakland, California. Fields Plastering, Inc., wheel tax, (2 trucks), plastering, 10936 Acacia Avenue, Garden Grove, California. William A. Bailey, wheel tax, plumbing.contractor, 8931 Tracy Avenue, Garden Grove, California. John Yeargan, wheel tax, brick mason, 12446 - 15th Street, Yucaipa, California. Kennerly Industries, Inc., wheel tax, installation of window screens and doors, 10541 Acacia Street, Garden Grove, Calif. Cox, Carner, Cox Ceramic Tile Co«, the contracting, wheel tax, 219 Kellog Avenue, Fullerton, California. Smith Bros. Co., wheel tax, heating, 1640 Superior Avenue, Costa Mesa, California, 1. 446 Page #2 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 Standard Ready<Mix Concrete, wheel tax 2 large trucks, con- crete and materials, 1037 W. Whittier Blvd., Whittier, Calif. Mynard F. Ferris, Jr., Wheel tax, lathing contractor, 9641 Joyzelle Drive, Garden Grove, California. Kellogg Suppply..Co., Inc., wheel tax, wholesale fertilizer sales, 23924 S. Figueroa Street, Wilmington, California. Lighting Maintenance Company, business of Electrical Main- tenance, wheel tax-, of 620 Brookhurst Street, Anaheim, Calif. Broadway -Hale Stores Inc., business of Delivery of Merchan- dise, wheel tax, of 401 South Broadway, Los Angeles 13, Calif. Van's Garden Service, business of Clean-up grading & Land- scaping, wheel tax, of 10141 Edgew+ood Lane, Garden Grove, California. Graski Sand & Gravel, business of Hauling Sand: wheel tax, of 8101 Ventura Street, Anaheim, California. Beater's Roofing, business of roofing contractor, wheel tax, of 12771 Sirius, Anaheim, California. Coast. Office -Equipment Company, business of Office Equipment, wheel tax, of 1888 Harbor Blvd., Cost& Mesa, California. Pioneer Construction Co., Inc.,.busi9ness of General Con- tracting, wheel tax, of 119 So. Palm, Anaheim, California. Gillespie Furniture Company, business of Delivery, wheel tax, of-3011 E. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 23, California. Abbey Rents, business of Delivery, Wheel Tax, of 2130 So. Main Street, Santa Ana, California. Sanders Plumbing Company, business of Plumbing & Heating, wheel tax, of 3228 Mulford Avenue, Lynwood, California. -Bakers & Confectioners Supply Co., business of Wholesale Delivery, Wheel Tax, of 510 Commercial Street, Los Angeles, California. John F. Zeliff & Carl E. Roseen, dba South Gate Pipe & Supply Co., business of delivery, Wheel Tax, of 3200 Ardmore Avenue, South Gate, California. C. Earl Hindsman, business of General Bldg. Contr., wheel tax, of 9511 East Artesia Street, Bellflower, California. Budget Homes"Inc, dba Pioneer Builders, business of General Contracting, of 7121 Commonwealth, Buena Park, California. Harold & Eva Hathcote, business of Variety Store, -at 215 Main Street, Huntington Beach, a -transfer from Merle E. Lester. Alice M. Hamilton, dba,Telephone Secretarial Service, at 112k Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. Theodore W. Hansen, business of General Contracting, 706 'Delaware Avenue, Huntington Beach, California. J, M. &-Ruby Hyepock, business of Beauty Shop at 104 - 5th Streeet, Huntington Beach, - California, Triangle Housemovers, business of House Moving, of 8709 So. Painter Street, Whittier, California: 2. 447 Page #3 - Minutes, December 7,-1959 Mortis. Canteen, business of Catering, of 10292 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove, California. Tri-County Catering, business of Lunch Truck, Wheel tax, of 11561 Anabelle Avenue, Garden Grove, California.. Humbert Auto Service,.Auto. Repair, at 402 - 17th Street, Huntington Beach, change of address only. Sta-Bien Inc., business of Fuel Blending -at 712 Yorktown Street,.Huntington Beach, California. Bus.L1c. - Autoette The Clerk read the application for Sales held for further Review license filed by the Autoette Sales & Service, to conduct the business of car sales and service, at 301 - 5th Street, and the Clerk reported the Fire"Chief had not approved the application for license and recommends the application be denied for the following reasons: That the canopy that was built to house the electric cars and later closed in to include . small office is not a proper building to have in a service station lot. The building. must be incombustible. The applicant is now operating a service station, garage, car painting,, and_electric car sales and service all on the property licensed as a service station. The premises must be cleaned up, the welding torch or other sources of fire be removed from the premises; that all paint spraying be stopped and the premises returned to service station operation, and that the service station operation shall be held to sale of flammable liquids and minor auto service. If other services -or businesses are placed on the premises there shall be complete separation by proper walls or flammable proof fences. The application for business license from the Autoette Sales & Service was ordered held up for further review. Public Hearing Re: The.Mayor announced that 8:00 o'clock Reso.#73 - Setb c s P.M., was the date set for a public hearing on the proposed repeal of certain Sections of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code governing exceptions to set- 3. Page #4 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 back requirements, as recommended in Resolution No. 73, presented by the Planning Commission, Legal Notice Re: The Clerk read the legal notice, Repealing Sec, 9293 of the Code - Setbacks) published in the Huntington Beach News on November 19, 1959, relative to proposal to repeal certain Sections of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and said hearing set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. on Monday', the 7th day of December, 1959, relative to repealing the follow- ing Sections of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code: Sections 92939 9293.1, 9293.29 9293.31 9293.4, 9793.412 9293.5, 9293.6, 9293.619 9293.629 9293.7, and that all interested persons are invited to appear at said hearing and express their opinions for or against said proposed repeal of Sections of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The Clerk reported that no oral or written statements had been filed relative to the hearing for or against the proposed repeal of the Sect -ions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, referred to in the Legal Notice. There being no oral or written statements made for or against the proposal to repeal Sections of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, as recommended by the Planning Commission, governing setback requirements, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. City Att'y drawup On motion by Lambert seconded by Ord. Re: Repeal of Sec. 9293. Sork the City Attorney be autborized and instructed to prepare the necessary Ordinance to repeal the Sections of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, of those Sections contained in the Legal Notice as read by the City Clerk, be approved. Motion carried, Agreement = City of The Clerk read the Agreements bet. H.B. & Cad. -State Invest. & 1st Fed. Sav, & Loan ween the City of Huntington Beach, of Alhambra Re:, Tract A3429 a municipal corporation, Party of the First Part, and Cal -State Investments, a corporation, 4. 449 Page #5 Minutes, December 7, 1959 Party of the Second Part and First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Alhambra, Alhambra, California, Party of the Third Part, and said Agreement covering the work necessary to be performed by the Party of the Second Part, covering Subdivision Tract No, 3429. On motion by Sork seconded by Lambert the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach, Cal -State Investments, and First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Alhambra covering the provisions required of the developers A for performance of the construction of Subdivision Tract No. 3429, be approved. Motion carried. City accept Grant On motion by Terry seconded by Waite Deed R : Water Rights the City Council accept the corpor- ation•Grant Deed from the Cal -State Investments, a Corpora- tion, -transferring to the City of Huntington Beach, all water and water rights in and under the property referred to as Subdivision Tract No. 3429, be accepted and the City Clerk be instructed to record saute with the County Recorder of the County of.Qrange, be approved. Motion carried. : Agreement: City & The Clerk read the agreement between Fairway Estates, Inc., Club Estates, Inc. the City of Huntington Beach, a & Doyle & Sheilds Const. Co. Re: Tract. municipal corporation, hereinafter NQ �_ 3616 .�.,,. ,. for convenience referred to as City, and Fairway Estates,. Inc., a corporation, Club Estates, Inc,, a corporation, and Doyle & Shields Construction. Company, a corporation hereinafter for convenience referred to as Sub- divider wherein said Subdivider agrees to do certain design and engineering work for the extension of the C-4 Flood Con- trol Channel from Graham Street.to a connection with the C-2 Channel, west of Bolsa Chica Road and excavate the channel from Graham Street to the easterly Bide of Bolsa Chica Road, and to complete the project on or before February 1st, 19601, and to deliver , to the City of Huntington Beach, Bond for faithful performance covering the work indicated and as .. 5. 450 Page #6 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 required its that certain Tract of land known as Tract #3616, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of the City the Agreement, be approved. Motion carried. Bond accepted. On motion by Lambert seconded by Sork Re: Tract #3616 the Pacific Indemnity Company Bond #236859 in the amount of $286,000.00, filed for the Fairway Estates, Inc., Club Estates, Inc., and Doyle & Shields Con- struction Company, covering Tract Construction requirements for Tract #36161, and as approved for farm by the City Attorney be accepted and ordered filed.{ 2nd Reading - Ord. #741 The Clerk gave the second reading of Ordinance.No. 741, by Title,. An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by adding thereto Chapter 36, entitled "Huntington Beach Sanitation Department". On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite Ordinance No. 741 was passed and adopted by the follow- ing roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby, NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. 2nd Reading- The Clerk gave secondeteading of Ord.,#742 Ordinance No. 742, by Title,. An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach relating to Job Classification: amending Section.1577.31 of the Huntington Beach Ordinancei.Code. On motion by Waite seconded by Terry Ordinance No.L 742 was passed and adopted by the follow- ing troll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Countilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. 2nd'Reading- The Clerk gave Ordinance No, 743 Ord. #743 its second reading by title, An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending the 0 6. 451 Page #7 » Minutes, December 7., 1959 Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by adding a new Section to Chapter 94. On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert Ordinance No. 743 was passed and adopted by the following roil call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. _City accept Easement On motion by.Lambert seconded by Deed from W.F. & Ruth _B,_-S1ater_ Terry the City Council on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach accept the Easement Deed Number LAS-112, executed December the 2nd, 1959,.by W. F. Slater and Ruth B. Slater, owners of property, which volun- tarily dedicates to the City of Huntington Beach the nec- essary easement for street and highway purposes over a por. tion of said owners land known as Edwards Street, be accepted .and the.City Clerk be instructed to have said Easement"Deed recorded with the County Recorder of the County of Orange, be approved. Motion carried. City accept Grant On motion by Lasjpert seconded by Deed from Doyle & Shields Const., Waite the City Council on behalf Cjub Estates Inc,. etc, , of the City accept the Corporation Grant Deed from Grantors Doyle & Shields Construction Co., and Fairway Estates,` Inc. , `a. corporation, a corporation, Club Estates Inc., a�coxVoration,/ granting. _ to the City all underground waters in and to all. of Tract No. 36161, in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as per.map recorded in book 124, pages 7 to 11 inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, except Lot 8, ly " below a depth of 500.feet measured from.the surface of said land, without the right of entry to the surface and sub surface area to a depth of 500 feet, for the purpose of producing water, be accepted and the City Clerk be authorized to record said corporation Grant Deed with the County' Recorder, of the County of Orange, be approved. motion carried 7. 452 Page #8 - Minutes, December 7., 1959 4 City Engr. Re: The Clerk read a communication from sewers constructed on Quincy St. firom the City Engineer referring to the Lake to Alabam-, a,�etc. City Council, the sanitary sewers constructed in May, 1958, on Quincy Street from Lake Avenue to Alabama Avenue, Alabama Avenue lrom Quincy Street to Utica Street, Springfield Street from`Alabama Avenue to Delaware Avenue, and that to date all of'the connections made to this sewer subsequently have been of'the waste water or industrial waste type in which connection fees are not required. Real- izing that in the future that the demand for sewers -in that area may be of a different nature, and recommends that an appropriate Ordinance may be prepared to allow for the re- imbursement to the City for the cost of the sewer, and said cost per connection is figured at $160.00 and recommends that an Ordinance be drawn up to set the cost per connection. 1st.Reading- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 744 Ord. #744 _. its first reading in full, An Ord- inance of the City of Huntington Beach setting the Fee for connecting with sewer lines in Blocks 1701, 1801, 1901, 2001, and portions of 1702, 18029 1902, 20029 18031, 18041, 1903 and 1904 Vista Del Mar Tract, Section 5 and providing for penalty for violation thereof. Reso. #1400 Re; -Annex. The Clerk read Resolution No. 1400, of Territory to Co. Sanitation'Dist, #11 A'Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, approving Annex- ation of territory to County Sanitation District No. 11; On motion by Waite seconded by Sork Resolution No. 1400 was approved by the following Sall call vote: AYES: Councilmen; Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Mayor Irby asked if there was any- one in the audience who cared to address the Council on any particular matter. 8. .453 Page #9 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 Request - Gordon Gordon Ellis, Ford Agent, for the Ellis Re:''Use of Mun. Pier -Debarkation Sailors Union, of the Pacific, appeared before the City Council and required that consider- ation be given to the use of the Municipal Pier -for the em- barking and debarking of personnel from,the various Oil, tankers that unload oil at the Marine terminal of the Wilshire -.Oil Company line and reported that the majority of the personnel of the regular ships coming in to the City of Huntington Beach, for this purpose live in the coastal area and desire to get ashore to visit their families and do certain shopping.. Gordon Ellis request Mayor Irby referred the request of referred to Comm,, Gordon Ellis, representative of the Sailor's Union of the Pacific, to the Beach and Pier Committee r for further discussion. Mayor Irby ordered a recess at 8:55 o'clock P.M. The City Council reconvened at 9:05 o'clock P.M. . George W. Sutton The Clerk read:a a quest from George request to lease City Property -Edison Aver W. Sutton, of Costa Musa, asking the City Council for a.two year lease.on the Huntington Beach property located on Edison Avenue, next to the Sandblasting & Metalizing Company, said property covering an area of approx- imately 17,000 sq. ft. lying between the Southern California Edison Company right-of-way and the Sandblast & Metalizing Company, owned by Mr. Pon Ftampton., and offers a $30.a00 per month rental on the property, subject to a 30 day cancellation clause, and the purpose or use of the property is for build- ing a cabin cruiser. City Att'y to drawup On motion by Terry seconded by Sork lease agreement between Cif„George W. Sutton the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a lease agreement between George W.. Sutton and the City of Huntington Beach in accordance with his offer and the City Engineer be instructed to furnish a description of the property to the City Attorney and the lessee to file with 9. 454 Page #10 Minutes, December 7, 1959 the City Clerk on execution of the lease, a Certificate of evidence that sufficient liability and compensation insurance is carried by the lessee, was passed and adopted by the fol- lowing roil. call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sorb, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Reso. #1401 Re:'The Clerk read Resolution No. 14oi, S t . Vag# ion . A Resolution of the intention of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to vacate a port&on of a Street in said City and giving notice of a hearing on such vacation, and said Resolution setting the hearing date on December 2$th, 1959, at the hour of 6:00 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambero of the City Hall, Hunt- ington Beach, California, was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Reso. #76-Re: Revision -The Clerk read.transmittal from the of Sec. 9741_ _o f_Cod_e Huntington Beach Planning Commission, in the form of Resolution No. 76, A Resolution of the Plan- ning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recommending revisions to Sections 9741.4,covering.Lot.sizes by type and improvements required and said Resolution proposed to raise the minimum lot size to 7200 sq. ft. with a minimum of 72 ft. of frontage. Petition Re: Change The Clerk also read a petition to of t siz_es the Honorable City Council by 14 property owners in the City of Huntington Beach, asking that the City Council consider the changing the -code requirements to raise the present subdivision standards to higher lot size requirements as recommended by the Planning Commission. Reso.#76 - held for The City Council ordered the recom- fur.her study , a mendation of the Planning Commission 1 10. 455 Page #11 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 in their Resolution No. 76, be held over for further study. Reso, #74 "Zone Case #101"-Glenn D.. Robertson The Clerk read a letter of transmittal from the Planning Commission, rela- tive to Resolution No. 74, "Zone Case No. 1010, by the Plan-. ning Commission recommending approval of "Zone Case No. 101" covering an application by Glenn D. Robertson, of South Laguna, California, and W. A. Young, of 7891 Talbert Avenue Huntington Beach, California to consider a petition for Change of Zone, relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classification from, R-4 County.Zand Use Ordinance No. 351, as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668 to a C-1 Neighborbood Commercial District, on the parcel of real property of approximately 7 acres located at the NW corner of Talbert Avenue and Huntington Beach Blvd., Publish Legal Notice On motion by Waite seconded by Re:"Zone Case LO1" w Lambert the City Clerk be instructed to publish .a legal notice for public hearing on "Zone'Case No. 1018., and said hearing to be set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. on December 21st, 1959. Demands_ On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid. Motion carried. Reso. #75 -"Zone Case The Clerk read transmittal from #102" filed by Alco Pac, Const. Co. the City Planning Cwmission-re-. l.ative to Resolution No. 75,1'Zone Case No. 102", the appli- cant Alco Pacific Construction Company, of Westminster, California,.to consider a petition for a Change of Zone, relative to proposed change of district.boundary and use. classification from A-1 General Agricultural District, as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668, to C-2 community — Business District, on the parcel of real property located on approximately 18 acres on the west Bide of Huntington. Beach Blvd., having a triangular shape with side and rear boundaries being the Ordnge County Flood Control Channel 456 Page ,#12 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 C-5 and a line parallel to and a distance of 1320 ft. from Heil Avenue, and recommended by the Planning Commission for approval of "Zone Case No. 102" on a motion duly -passed and' adopted by the Planning,Commission on the 17th day of Novem- ber,' 1959, by a unanimous roll call vote: Publish Legal.' Notice " On motion by Lambert seconded by Rem"Zone Casejj42e' Waite the City Clerk be instructed to publish in the Huntington Beach News, a notice of public hearing to be set for 8:15 o'clock P.M., December the 21st, 1959, relative to request of change of zone on "Zone Case.'No. 102", be approved. Motion carried. Reso. #78 - "Zone Case The Clerk read transmittalfrom the #103" filed by Peck Estates Plaxming Commission relative to Resolution No. 78, "Zone Case No. 103",and that at a meeting, held on November 17th, 1959, the,Planning Zommission recom- mended approval of the request of the Peck Estate, Los Angeles, California, for a change of zone, relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classification from R-1 Single Family Residential District to M-1-A Restricted Manufacturing District as outlined in Huntington Beach Ordinance Code; on the real property located on Approximately 1000 acres at the NW boundary of the City of Huntington Beach. Publish Legal Notice On motion by Sork seconded by Lambert Re: "7.one.Case #103" the City Clerk be instructed to place in the Huntington Beach News, a legal notice for a pbblic hearing, setting the heating for 8:30 o'clock P.M., December 2 1st, 1959, on "Zone Case No-, 103". Motion carried. Reso. ,#77-"Zone Case The Clerk read transmittal from the #107" filed by Lenora & Wayson Shouler, F.A. Planning Commission relative to Write Jr.. & others Resolution No. 77, "Zone Case Nob 1070, and that the Planning Commission at a meeting held on the 1st dap of December, 1959, recommended a denial of "Zone Case No. 107", on the application of Lenora M. Shouler and Wayson W. Shouler, of Garden Grove, California, F. A. Wright Jr. , of Norwalk, California, Vernon and Irene Lipsey, of 12. 457 Page #13 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 Huntington Beach, California, and Larry E. and Ailie Pasini, of Huntington Beach, California, to consider a petition for a Change of Zone, relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classification from A-1 General -Agricultural District, as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668 to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District,•covering real property located on the West.side of Huntington Beach Blvd., to a depth of 150 feet between Smeltzer Avenue and 50 feet South of Aldrich Street, and that the Planning Commission's recom- mendation for denial based on the following termination that the applicant cannot provide the requited parking for his proposed commercial structure as outlined in the C-1 pro- visions of the Huntington Beach Code. That the applicant has not esta- blished the need for commercial at the proposed locatien+ That the application is based on options taken on the property and is speculative in nature such as the type which will encourage further commercial strip zoning without promise of immediate development. -That the submitted criteria below are adverse to -good commercial development: 1. Depth of proposed C-1 lots are only 150 ft, and are considered inadequate for proper development, 2. The present Commission policy which is expected to be adopted in Ordinance form is the requirement of a 50 ft. setback from Highway #39 for all types of commercial' development excepting service station pumps, 3. The number of 25 and .50 ft. lots in the area present a problem of uncontrolled access to the expressway. Ingress and egress without limiation would hamper traffic flow and create serious traffic hazards. 4. There are 3 single family homes in the area which will present a serious conversion -problem in what they would not meet the code for commercial structures, yet the property owners could not afford to abandon them. 5. There is the threat of more pressure for commercial strip zoning extending south, along highway frontage of the same tract. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Section 1. That the City Planning Commission as a result of study and consideration concludes that the 13. 458 Page #14 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 development of the applicants property does not lie within the realm of good commercial develop- ment. Section 2. That the City Planning Commission recommend$ summary denial of Zone Case No. 107 to the City Council._ Section 3. That the Secretary shah, certify and attest to the passage and adoption of this resolution by at least a two thirds majority vote of the . mem- bers of the Planning Commission. Publish Notice - Re: On motion by Terry seconded by "Zone Case.. #107" Sork the City Clerk be instructed to place a legal notige in the Huntington Beach Dews, set- ting a public hearing for "Zone Case No. 107" at 8:30 o'clock P.I., for January the 4th, 1960, be approved. Motion carried. DV#139 filed by The Clerk read transmittal from the K. E. Griffin Planning Commission relative to Conditional Exception, Division of Land, DV 139, petitioner being K. E. Griffin of Anaheim, California, to allow a cond- itional exception to Section 9741.4 of the subdivision ord- inance code of the City of Huntington Beach, The Code re- quires 70 ft. of frontage on corner lots, 60 €t. of frontage on interior lots and 7000 sq. ft. and 6000 sq* ft* respect- ively, location being the SE corner of Knoxville Street and Georgia Avenue. The Planning Commission on a motion made by Kaufman and seconded by Doutt, to recommend approval for DV 139, with the following conditions: 1. That all provisions of the subdivision requirements shall be applicable, such as curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights, tree planting, etc. 2. That the Record of Survey as submitted shall be submitted to the office of the County Surveyor and recorded in the office of the County Recorder. On motion by Waite seconded by Terry in accordance with the recommendation of.the Planning Commission and subject to donditiona i i s .1zant the cond- itional exception, Division of Land #139, be approved. Motion carried. r 14. 459 Page #15 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 DV#140 filed by The Clerk read transmittal from Lottie Stevens the Planning Commission relative to Conditional Exception, Division of Land: DV140, petitioner being Lottie Stevens of Huntington Beach, California, to allow a Division of Land into two separate parcels, the location being the Southwest corner of Eleventh Street and Lake Avenue and on a motion made by Kaufman and seconded by Doutt the Planning Commission recommended approval of DV - 140 with the following conditions: There shall be required a 5 ft. pedestrian easement and access to be located on the Westerly Lot line of the Lot described as Division II, Said Easement is to be for use of the Lot described as Division 1. On motion by Terry seconded by Waite in accordance with the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission and the conditions to be imposed thereon grant the Conditional Exception, Division of Land #140, be approved. Motion carried. AV#176 filed by The Clerk read transmittal from Rallande Gomes the Planning Commission relative to Conditional Exception, Area Variance #176, petitioner being Rallande Gomes, of Huntington Beach, to allow a de- viation from the R-1 Single Family District regulations requiring a 20 ft. rear setback. Application requests that the rear yard area be reduced to a 6 ft. setback whereby the side yard patio area will equivalently substitute for the reduced rear yard area. Location -being 1816 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. Legal description being Lot 33, Block 1704, Tract 51. On a motion made by Letson and seconded by Doutt the Planning Commission recommend approval of AV#176, for the following reasons: That -where the applicant is seeking to better the neighbor- hood, and where the applicant will not adversely affect his neighbors property, and where the applicant compensates for the yard variance by the inclusion of yard area at other 15. 460 Page #16 - minutes, December 7, 1959 locations on the lot; then the applicant has reasonable grounds for favorable consideration, AV L76_gpproved On motion by Terry seconded by Sork in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Commission and reasons stated therein the City Council grant Conditional Exception Area Variance #176, be approved. Motion carried. AV#178 filed by The Clerk read transmittal from Fernhill Homes the Huntington Beach Planning Com- mission relative to Conditional Exception AV#178, petitioner being Fernhill Homes, of Long Beach, California, too:allow a garage within the required rear yard area to be attached to the dwelling not within the rear yard area, location within an R-1 Single Family Residential District at 1715 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California, legal description being lot 7. Block 1704, Tract 51, and on a motion made by Presson and seconded by Doutt, the Planning Commission re- commend approval of Area Variance #178. AV#178 ,gvroved. On motion by Sork seconded by Lambert in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Com- mission, the City Council grant Conditional Exception, Area Variance #178, be approved. Motion carried. AV#179 filed by The Clerk read transmittal from the Fernhill Homes Huntington Beach Planning Commission relative to Area Variance #179, petitioner being Ferhhill Hones, of Long Beach, California, to allow garage within the required rear yard area to be attached to the dwelling not within the rear yard area, location being within the R-1 Single Family Residential District at 1719 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. Legal description being Lot 9, Block 1704, Tract 51. A motion was made by Presson and seconded by Doutt to -recommend,_ approval of Area Variance #179. AV#179 approved On motion by Lambert seconded by Sork in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning 16. •461 Page #17 Minutes, December 7, 1959 Commission, the City Council grant Conditional Exception Area Variance #179, be approved. Motion carried. VP#175 filed by The Clerk read transmittal from the E. R. Sever, Planning Commission relative to Variance Permit #175, petitioner bung E. R. Severin of La Mesa, -California, to allow, deviation to Orange County Land Use Ordinance No. 351 as amended by Ordinance No. 916, re. quiring the dedication and improvement along frontage of a r trailer.park where it abuts an arterial highway, location being the south side of Garfield Avenue between Huntington Avenue and Delaware Street,.legal description being Blocks 32039 32041, 3103, and 3104 East Side Villa Ttact. After public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on Novem- - ber the 17th, 1959 to consider the petitioner's request, after the required legal public notice was properly given prior to the hearing and after due consideration given to the. petitioner and the general pbb1:Lr_, the Planning Commission on a motion made by Kaufman and seconded by Doutt and approved by a roll call vote, recommend denial of Variance Permit #175, it being inconsidtent with established City Policy. E, R, Severin Mr. E. R, Severin appeared before the City Council and stated that he was the lessee of the property for which a Varianke.Permit #175 had been requested, and stated that they would be willing to put up a_ten year bond if'the City would assist in the improvements by initia- ting the improvements under the 1911 Act for Street improve- ments, and he also stated that he would be willing to make the Street improvements along Garfield -Avenue if the City would waive the improvements on the other Streets. Vp ##175 referred back On motion by Sork seconded by to Plann..CommL Lambert the City Council refer Variance Permit#175 back to the City Planning Commission as applicant requested a charge in the deviation upon which the Commission held a public hearing, be approved. Motion carried. 17. 462 Page #18 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 Communication -James The Clerk read a communication from Wheeler -Re: Drainage Study LoNry & Assoc. James Wheeler, -City Engineer, relative to proposal of Lowry and Associates for preparation of a drain- age study of Talbert Valley and said drainage study would be based on their fee of .60 cents per acre the total cost of work will be about $2,600.00. Considering the low fee, would like to have Council authorization for work, at the same rate, in the area bounded by Springdale, Bolsa, Goldenwest and Wintersburg. Additional work will cost about $800.00, bring- ing the total amount requested for the two most critical drainage areas to about $3,400.00 Approve drainage study- On motion by Lambert seconded by Lowry & Assoc. Talbert valley _._ Terry in accordance with the request of the City Engineer the firm of Lowry & Associates be author• ized to prepare the drainage study based on the same fee, for the area bounded by Springdale, Bolsa, Goldenwest and Winters - burg, be approved. Motion carried. Allocate from Water On motion by Terry seconded by Bond Fund cost for extension water main Lambert in accordance with the request from Hiway #39, 14,000 ft.t_ Smeltzer _Ave. _ _.._ of the City Engineer that the City .council authorize the allocation from Water Bond Issue Fund in the amounts sufficient to finance the difference between -the job cost and contributions, for the extension of a water main from Highway #39 westerly 14,000 feet on Smeltzer Avenue, be approved. Motion carried. Mun. Court Bldg. The Clerk read.a communication from Plans .co_mnlet.ed. the City Engineer advising the City Council that plans had been completed for the Municipal Court Addition and have been reviewed and approved by the Judge and the Marshall and before advertising, forbids it will be nec- essary the Agreement with the County for rent be changed' and it is the recommendation of the City Engineer that this be done on the cost per square foot and that the rent be increased from the present $250.00 per month for 3,096 square feet to $340.00 per month for 4218 square feet and so that the County 18. 463 Page #19 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 Director of the Finance Committee can make his recpaamendation to the Board of Supervisors, the City Council must approve of this increased amount by Minute action and the County Director of. Finance be informed -of the. Council Action: and if agreeable the County Finance Director have prepared an amendment to the present rental.agreement. Co. Dior. of Finance On motion.by Terry seconded by Lam- be notified of rent increase bert in accordance with the recom- mendation of the City Engineer the County Director of Finance be notified of the action of the City Council, relative to the requested increase in rent of the Municipal Court facil- ities, when improvements have been authorized and completed, be approved. Motion carried. Tract #1813 - Re: The Clerk read a communication from Extension of__Yorktown St. the City Engineer reporting that representatives of the City met with the developers of Tract 1813 and informally committed the City to participation as follows: "It was agreed that the City would construct the extension of Yorktown Street from its present terminus to the tract boundary; and the subdivider is to make the fill and construct the culvert.' The cost for the City would be an approximately $2,500.00, that is not budgeted, and it is recommended by the City Engineer for the City Council to formally agree to tthis commitment and authorize the expend- iture. Lowell Evans developer of Tract #1813, appeared before.the City Council and stated that at a meeting held with Councilmen and City Engineer and Adminw istrative Officer, that the discussions at that time indi- cated that the City would pave the extension of Yorktuan Street from its present terminus to the Tract boundary and would install the drainage culverts where the fill:will be made. Approve Yorktown St. On motion by Terry seconded by • pavi ig Waite the City Council agrees to 19. 464 Page #20 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 pave Yorktown Street from the present terminus to the Tract boundary of 1813, was passed and adopted by the following roll call -,,vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: Lambert. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Communication -City Engr. The Clerk read a communication, Re: Sewer Siphon constr. cost allocated from from the City Engineer with the sewer fund W v attached plan for the invert sec- tion of a sewer siphon, which should be constructed in conjunction with the flood control work now in progress, and it is anticipated that it will be necessary to sewer west of the channel at some time in the future, by antici- pating.the future need and constructing the portion under the channel at this time considerable savings should result. Preliminary discussion with the general contractor on the C-5 Channel contract has resulted in a firm price of $11.50 per foot for the concrete cased 12 inch vitrified clay pipe. It is recommended that the City Council authorize the allocation of $2,300.00 from the -Sewer Fund for this work. L Allocation from On motion by Sork seconded by Sewer Fund :ranted Terry in accordance with the request of the City Engineer $2,300.00 be allocated from the Sewer Fund to process the work, be approved. Motion carried. Ernest Kidd reclassified On motion by Terry seconded by to -Mechanic III Lambert the recommendation of the -Lifeguard Chief, that Ernest Kidd be reclassified from Construction & Maintenance Man, to Mechanic III, in the appropriate range and bracket, to be come effective December 1, 1959, be approved. Motion carried. Bids -Re: Fire Dept. The Clerk read the bids received by 4-door Sedan the City Purchasing Agent to.furnish the Fire Department, a 4-door Sedan, and as per specifications submitted and said bids as follows: 1 20. 465 1 Page #21 - Minutes, December 7, 1959 Ford - Mark.iDowhing Ford, Net _price including sales tax and trade-in a3.lowax,ce.. . ......................... $ 2 *801.20 Plymouth - Mandic Mors, Net price including sales tax and trade-in allowance.......... ..................$ 2,290.01 Mandic Motors -low On motion by Lambert seconded by bid rem, Fire Dent. -Sedan Terry the Purchasing Agent be auth- o rise& to purchase from Mandic Motors, one Plymouth 4-door Sedan, in accordance with specifications upon which bid was submitted and including a trade-in, a net price including sales tax, of $2,290.01, be approved. Motion carried. Approve bond -Triangle On motion by Lambert seconded by House Movers r 1 Terry the License Bond of Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company for Triangle House Movers, and as approved for form by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried. Purchasing Aggent to On motion by Lambert seconded by obtain bids-3 new Police cars Waite in accordance with the request of the Chief of Police, the City Purchasing Agent.be author- ized to obtain bids for the purchase of three -new -Police vehicles in accordance with the specifications requested by the Chief of Police and that car 457, 1957 Custom 4 Door Sedan, be considered for a trade-in, be approved. 'Motion". carried. Request of Police Chief Mayor Irby referred to the Person - Re: Joyce M. Johnson referred to Personnel nel Committee before review the Committee request of the Chief of Police, Clinton Wright, for Joyce M. Johnson to be appointed to the position of Parking Control Officer to be made effective immediately. *Squgg j F2AjjS Chief Mayor Irby referred to the Perean- referred to Committee nel Committee fefcreview the request of Chief of Police, Clinton Wright, that Joanne Renfro be changed from the present classification of Parking Control Officer to Clerk Dispatcher. Emergency leave granted On motion by Lambert seconded by to Joanne Renfro Waite in accordance with the re- 21. 466 �I Page #22 Minutes, December 7, 1959 quest of Joanne Renfro, and the approval of the Chief of Police, requesting -an -emergency -leave from December 31, 1959 to April 1, 1960, due to pregnancy, as provided for in Section 1426, of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, be approved. Motion carried. Letter from Fire Chief- The Clerk read a letter fmum the ReAmbulance Regulations Fire Chief, D. G. Higgins protesting to the City Council the proposed ambulance regulations as set forth by the County of Orange in its1present form. Trsf, of Funds to On motion by Waite seconded by ,i.Or.Co.Wtr.Bd. from General Fund Lambert and in accordance with.the request of the West Orange County Water Board that the City Transfer from the General Fund to the West Orange County Water Board Fund the amount of $216.50, for expenditures made for the City of Huntington Beach as an entity in the West Orange County Water System, be approved. Motion carried. Carrie Cowling trsf:d On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite Fire Dept. as Inter. Typist Clerk that Carrie Cowling be transferred to the Fire Department as authorized personnel in the classifi- cation ,of Intermediate Typist Clerk, to be effective December 1, 1959, be approved. Motion carried. Allow Expenses- On motion by Lambert seconded by Candidates Admin. Officer ­_ Waite that the 3 applicants for the position of Administrative Officer, invited by the City Council to appear for a personal -interview be permitted travel expenses for all three candidates not to exceed.$200.00, be approved. Motion carried. City Att'y-Re: Title City Attorney Bauer reported to the report cost -Lots 1 to 9 Incl!_Tr.�813 City Council that AF,title report on Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, in Tract 813, and quiet title action covering the Lots would cost approximately $500.00 to $1,000.00. Land Acquisition Service On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert to process title reports Lots 1 to 9, jr. _81.3 _... the City Attorney be instructed to retain the Land Acquisition Service to process the title reports on Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, in Tract 813, and the City Attorney 22. 467 Page #23 Minutes, December 7, 1959 be instructed to file suit to quiet title on said property, be approved. Motion carried. - Mark Downing Ford Can motion by Lambert seconded by deposit on Lots 1 to, 9 Tr. _813 be re;jecle, d Terry the Mark Dowt-Lag Ford deposit on the offer to purchase.. Lot 1 to 9 inclusive in Tract 81-3, be returned and the bid be rejected. Motion carried. Install telephone -end On motion by Terry seconded by of Mun, Pier Y Lambert in accordance a with the request.of the Lifeguard Chief that a telephone be installed at the end oftheMunicipal Pier for direct service to the Police Station, be approved. Motion carried. John Thompson- Mayor Irby placed before the City P. AMing CommissL.o Council the appointment of John Thompson, to fill the vacancy on the Planning Cewimission, caused by the resignation of. Gordon Sork. John Thompson appointed On motion by Terry seconded by to Plaw-jagCo nic s iol - Waite the City Council approve the appointment of John Thompson, by Mayor Irby to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Gordon Sork on the City Planning Commission, be approved. Motion carried. On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert the meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourn. ty Clerk and ex -off is o MR - of the. City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California E r. L Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 23.