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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach California
Monday, January 4, 1960
Mayor Irby called tine regular meeting
of the City Council to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen Present: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
Councilmen Absent: None.
Minutes On motion by Terry seconded by
Lambert the Minutes of the City Council of December 7th,
December loth, December 21st, and December 28th,•1959, as
transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk, be approved with-
out change. Motion carried.
Monthly Resorts The Clerk read -the reports filed
by the Department Heads for the•Month of December, 1959.
On motion by Lambert seconded by
Waite the reports of the Department Heads for the month of
December, 1959, as read by the Clerk be accepted and ordered
filed. Motion carried.
Business Licenses_ On motion by Waite seconded by
Terry the application for business license to conduct
business in the City of Huntington Beach as read by the
City Clerk were granted as follows:
Paul A. Cooper to conduct the business of Acme Supply Co.,
at 18191 Goldenwest Avenue, Huntington Beach, California. -
Mel Sober and Vern Smith, business of General Auto Repair,
at 8022 Wintersburg Avenue, Huntington Beach, California.
Robert L. Anderson, business of Manufacture of Christmas
Decorations, at 1980 Lake Street, Huntington Beach, Calif.
Herman Ostrin, business of Auction, (one day only �► Monday,
December 21st, 1959) at 8601 Edison Avenue, Huntington Beach,
Vernon P. Purdue, business of Beauty Shop, at 205 Main
Street, Huntington Beach, California (a transfer from Mrs.
H. Lee Norris).
Lewis A. Cloon, business of Journeyman Plumber, of 609 So.
Shelly, Santa Ana, California.
W. C. Froelich Inc., business of Lathing & Plastering
Contractor, Wheel Tax, of 6371 Western Avenue, Buena Park,
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Clark & Johnson, business of Painting Contractor, Wheel Tax,
of 376 Flower Street, Costa Mesa, California.
Anthony M. Aros, business of Plastering Contractor, Wheel
Tax, of 1415 Hacienda Boulevard, La Habra, California.
Midway Equipment Rentals, Wheel Tax, of 14141 Huntington
Beach Boulevard, Westminster, California.
Richard S. Williams, business of hauling lumber, Wheel Tax,
of 16407 Grevillea Avenue, Lawndale, California.
Harry H. Klein, business of Framing Contractor, Wheel Tax,
of 210 So. Thalia,Anaheim, California.
Joey DeMay, business of ceramic the contractor, Wheel Tax,
of 1340 So. .Douglas. Santa Ana, California.
Bienenfeld Enterrpprises, Inc., business of Glass Distributors,
Wheel Tax. of 607 Lairport Street, El Segundo, California.
Dunn Rug & Upholstery Cleaners 'business of Rug & Upholstery
Cleaning, Wheel Tax, of 3990 CAerry Avenue, Long Beach, Calif.
Commercial Refrigeration Co.,.business of Air Conditioning
Service, Wheel Tax, of 1700 N.',-,Soto Street, Los Angeles 33,
Western Kennel & Pet Supply Co., business of Pet Food Sa*es,
Wheel Tax, of 423 Olympic Blvd., Montebello, California.
James J. Spezzano, business of Electrical Contractor, Wheel
Tax, of 4617 West Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles 16, Calif.
D & H Motor Parts, business of Auto Parts at 210 3rd Street,
Huntington Beach, California, (a transfer from Huck Finn
Motor Parts.)
Barr Lumber Company, business of delivering lumber, Wheel
Tax, of 18810 So. Pioneer Blvd., Artesia, California.
Albercalif Pet.Ltd. term. On motion by Lambert seconded by
cleanup bond -Wells -Jack
Crawford_ `4ork the request of the Albersalif
Petroleum Limited for termination of the Cleanup bonds of
Standard Accident Insurance Company dated January 24, 1955,
covering the Jack D. Crawford Wells #10-12-13-14, located
on Lots 18 and 20, Block 101, Huntington Beach. -,Tract, having
complied with Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordin-
ance Code and the bonding company and the operator be noti-
fled of bond termination, be approved. Motion carried.
2nd Readies-�rd_,_745 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 745
its second reading by title, An Ordinance of the City of
Huntington Beach relating to Curb Breaks" and amending Chapter
72 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by adding new
sections thereto.
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On motion by Terry seconded by
Waite Ordinance No. 745 was passed and adopted -by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert,Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None,
Rnd Reading-Ord.J746 The Clerk gave Ordinance No, 746,
its second reading by title, An. Ordinance of the City of
Huntington Beac11 amending the Huntington BeachlCode relating
to the Registration of Canvassers; amending the title of
Article 404, and adding new sections thereto,
On motion by Lambert seconded by
Sork Ordinance No. 746 was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby,
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
2nd Read niz-Ord. #747 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 747,
its second reading by title, An Ordinance of the City of
Huntington Beach amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code by repealing certain sections relating.to set back
On motion by Sork seconded by`
Lambert,.Ordinance No. 747 was passed and adopted by the
--following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Summons #85827 filed The Clerk read a summons filed ;'
in Sup.Court by
Eva McGuffin_ in the Superior Court of the. State
of California in and for the County of Orange, by Attorney
for Plaintiff Paul D. Strader, Plaintiff being Eva McGuffin
and said summons No. 85827 relative to injuries supposedly
sustained by Plaintiff while walking on sidewalk located
on the west side of 11th Street in the 400 block and
Page #4 - Minutes, January 4, 1960
Plaintiff fb11 claiming a defect in the sidewalk causing
injuries as outlined in the summons and claim previously
f iled.
Summons #85 07 referred On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
to City Att'y & Ins.
,carrier, _ Summons No. 85827 in the Superior
Court bf the State of California read by the City Clerk be
referred to the City Attorney and to the Insurance carrier
for the City, be approved. motion carried.
Request by V.H, & Monty On motion by Lambert seconded by
NitzkowsKi & E.D.Goodman
re: Parking btw Pier Terry the request of S.H. Nitzkowski,
Tr,_Pk._ ,�
Monte Nitzkowski, and E.D. Goodman
for consideration of installing parking facilities between
the pier and the Trailer Park on the beach proper, be
received and filed. Motion carried.
Concession Cooperate On motion by Terry seconded by
parking on beach ref.
to Plann Comm.Lambert the requests that have been
received for a concession to construct and.operate parking
facilities on the beach between the pier and /trailer park,
be referred to the Planning Commission for study and report.
Motion carried.
Or.Co.Heart Assoc. On motion by Lambert -seconded by
Inc. to coneuc t
drive month of Feb., Waite the request of the Orange
_ County Heart Association, Inc., to
conduct its annual Heart Fund Campaign in the City of Hunt-
ington Beach during the month of February, 1960, be granted.
Motion carried.
Att'y Gen.communication The Clerk read the communication
Fe: Peace officers mtg.
received from Stanley Mosk, Attorney
General of the State of California in which he outlines and
qualifies the meetings of peace officers of the State of
California that is called by the Attorney General and points
out the expenditures for the:.°most of such Cities to send a
Page #5 - Minutes, January 4, -1960
representative is a good investment toward efficient and
professional police work.
Public Hearin Mayor Irby announced that at
"West Annex "
8:00 o'clock P.M. was the date
set for a public hearing to receive protests on the "West
Annexation No. 2" and requested the Clerk to read the
Legal Notice.
Reso.#1398 14 The Clerk read the Legal Notice
"Vest Annex,._ _iL2"
published in the Huntington Beach
News on November the 26th, December 3rd, 1959 of Resolution
No. 1398, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach giving notice of proposed Annexation to
the City of Huntington Beach of Uninhabited Territory
describedtherein and designated "West Annexation No. 2r
and giving notice of time and placefet hearing idr protests
thereto and said hearing set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. January
41 1960.
The Clerk reported that no
verbal or written protests had been filed on the proposed
"West Annexation No. 20. There being no verbal or written
protests filed. Mayor Irby declared the hearing closed.
The Clerk read the City Clerk's.
certification i3ft.g that there are less than 12 regist-
ered voters residing within the boundaries of the territory
as described in the petition for "West Annexation No.2" and
that an examination of the County Assessor records indicates
that the property owners whose names are affixed to the
petition represents over two-thirds (2/3) of the total
assessed valuation and over one-fourth (k) of total by area
Is_t Reading -Ord. #748 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 748,
its first reading in full, An Ordinance of the City.of
Huntington Beach approving the Annexation of certain unin-
habited territory designated as "West Annexation No. 2" to
the City of Huntington Beach.
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Or.Co.Music Co. Re: The owner of the Orange County Music
en Amusemt Devices
._.,_. _ :.... Company appeared before the City Council
and atated that about a year ago he appeared before the City
Council and requested that a reasonable business license tax
be imposed on games of amusement that he has located in
various business establishments in the City as the old fees
are unreasonable and will prohibit the placing of machines
in business establishments. '
The City Clerk reported that'new fees
for games of amusement are incorporated in the new proposed
business license ordinance that is now being held up by the
Chamber of Commerce for review and report. '
City Clerk Certification -The Clerk read the City Clerk's
Re: Const.proposed St.
Ronald_iioad,certification relative to the peti-
tion fdr the construction of improvements and waiver of
requirements of Division 4 of the Street & Highway Code of
the State of California relating to construction of proposed
street named Ronald Road and find that signatures upon said
petition by said property owners of record are valid and that
the valid signatures represent property owners of record
holding more than 60 percent of the arba as described in the
Certification. approved On motion by Lambert seconded by
Waite the City Council finds and determines that the certifi-
cation of the City Clerk relative to the v.wliidityof the
signatures on the petition for the construction of improvements
on Ronald Road are valid and signed by property owners of
record representing more than 60 percent of the area as
described in the petition, was 4pproved by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby,
NOES! Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Page #7 - Minutes, January 4, 1960
City accept_grant On motion by Lambert seconded by
deed for St.purposes
from Gen.Tel.Co. at Terry the City Council on behalf
17552 Gothard Street
of the City of Huntington Beach
accept the grant deed for street purposes from the General
Telephone Company covering property described in the deed
and generally located at 17552 GothardIStreet, and said grant
deed complying with provision of the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code and the City Clerk be instructed to record
the deed in the office -of the County Recorder in the County
of Orange, California, be approved. Motion carrid&
Proposed Freeway The Clerk read the proposed freeway
158-HntB _ agreement between the State and the
City of Huntington Beach covering the San Diego Freeway Road
VII-Ora-158-HntB, between the Huntington Beach Fountain
Valley City Limit at Cannery Street and the Huntington Beach
Westminster City Limit at the Southern Pacific Railroad, and
said proposed freeway agreement supersedes Chose pautions
of the freeway agreement dated February 8, 1956, between'the
.County of Orange and the State insofar as it pertains to the
portion of said freeway within the present limits of the
City of Huntington Beach, and the freeway plan is in accord-
ance with plans previously presented to the City and under-
stood to have the city's concurrence.
Mayor & City Clerk to. On motion by Waite seconded by
execute freeway agree-
ment „ Terry the Mayor and the City Clerk
be authorized to .execute on behalf of the City the proposed
freeway agreement between the State and the City of Huntington,
Beach covering the San Diego Freeway Road VII-Ora-158-HntB
as read by the City Clerk, be approved. Motion carried,
Petition -Public lmpr. ThiteClerk read a petition for public
Newman St., Liberty S�:..
Seer st., & Slater Ave, improvement filed by and signed by
ten property owners residing on Newman Street and requesting
the City Council to order the construction of street, curbs,
gutters and sidewalks, sewers, water mains, sidewalks and
street lighting on property fronting on Newman Street,
.8 1;1
Page #8 - Minutes, January 4, 1960
Liberty Street, Speer Street and Slater Streets and also
petition the City Council to do said work under the "1911
Improvement Act" and specifically waive all proceedings under
the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority
Protest Act of 1931" and it is understood that the owners of
property who will benefit by the above improvements will be
required to bear the entire expense incidental to the per-
formance of said work.
Petition for public impr.On motion by Lambert seconded by
ref. to City Engr. &
Cif Att'y_ _ _ .. Sark the petition for public
improvement as filed by' property owners fronting Newman St.,,
Speer Street
Liberty Street/and Slater Street be referred to the City
Attorney and City Engineer for study and report, be approved.
Motion carried.
Public Hearing- Mayor Irby announced that at 8:30
Zone Case No. 107
o'clock P.M. was the time set for
public hearing on "Zone Case No. 107" and asked the City
Clerk to read the Legal Notice.
The Clerk read the Legal Notice
published in the Huntington Beach News December 10th, 1959,
on notice of Use District Zone Case No. 107 setting hearing
at the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M. on Monday the 4th day of
January 1960, for the purpose of considering a petition for
a Change of Zone, relative to proposed change of district
boundary and use classification from: A-1 General Agricul-
turii,District to a C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District,
covering parcel of property described as: Lots 1 thru 13 and
34, 35 „ Tract 417, M.M. 16-47 located on the West side of
Huntington Beach Boulevard to a depth of 150 feet between
Smeltzer Avenue and 50 feet South of Aldrich Street.
£Iann. Comm. recom The Planning Commission Resolution
rend denial "Zone
Case No. 1a7' covering the recommendation was
read by the Planning Director Tripp.recommending denial for
reasons as stated in the Resolution.
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FL�d Wri*h Floyd Wright the applicant appeared
before the City Council and explained his reasons for re-
questing a business rezoning of the property and stated
because of its peculiar shape and location and abutting
the present C�-1 Zone on the Master Land Use Plan, is best
suited for Commercial development.
The Clerk reported that there had
been no verbal or written protests for or against the Zone
Case No. 107.
There being no further statements
for or against request for rezoning under Zone Case No. 107
• the Mayor declared the hearing closed.
"Zone Case No. 107" On emotion by Sork seconded by Terry
the City Council grant the change
on District boundary.under Zone Case No 107 and instruct.
the City Attorney to prepare the Ordinance to amend the -
Districting Ordinance, was approved by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: Waite.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None. .
Public Hearing -Re: Mayor Irby announced that -at 8:45
Cond.jxcep.. Filing _Fels
o'clock P.M. was the date set for a
public hearing relative to the regulation on filing fees for
Conditional Exceptions and requested the City Clerk to read
the legal notice.
The Clerk read the legal notice as
published in the Huntington Beach News on December the 26th,
1959, setting the hour of 8:45 o'clock P.M. on the 4th day
of.January, 1960, relative to proposed amendment to the
City Subdivision Code by revising Section 9761. of -the
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code concerning the regulation
of Conditional Exception filing fees, and revision of
Article 928 concerning -the regulation of ConditionatExcep-
tion filing fees,
The Clerk reported that no verbal or
Page #10 - Minutes, January 4, 1960
written protests had been filed relative to the proposed
revision of Conditional Exception filing fees.
There being no verbal or written
protests for or against the proposed revisions of the Ordin-
ance Code covering the Conditional. Exception filing fees
the Mayor declared the hearing closed.
City Att'y to drawup On motion by Lambert seconded by
Ord. Re; Cond.Excep.
Filing Fees a Waite the City Attoxney be instructed
to drawup the necessary Ordinance to provide for the revision
of Conditional Exception filing fees under Section 9761,
and Article 928 Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, be approved.
Motion carried.
Public Hearing -'!Zone Mayor Irby announced that at 8:50
Case_No. 10911 _
o'clock P.M. was the time set for
public hearing on Zone Case No. 109 and requested the Clerk
to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read the legal notice
published in the Huntington Beach News December 24, 1959 on
Notice of Use District Hearing Zone Case No. 109 setting
the hour of 8:50 o'clock P.M. on Monday, the 4th day of
January, 1960, for the purpose of considering a petition for
:-proposed change of district boundary and use classification from:
a change of zone relative to/A-1 General Agricultural District
as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 672 to M-1-A Restricted
Manufacturing District on the following parcel of real pro-
perty as submitted on the applicant's petition and described
as located on approximately 10 acres at the Northwest corner
of Banning Avenue and Bushard Street in the Talbert Valley
area, legal described as the southeast quarter of the south-
east quarter of the southwest quarter of.section 18, T.6.S.,
R.10.W.1, SBB & M. in the Rancho Las Bolsas.
The Clerk reported that no verbal or
written protests had been filed for or against the public
hearing covering Zone Case No. 109.
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There being no verbal or written
protests received Mayor Irby declared the`hearing closed.
City Att'y to On motion by Lambert'seconded by
drawup Ord, for
Dist.boundary & Waite the City Attorney be instructed
Classification change
to drawup the necessary Ordinance to
provide--fof a proposed change of district boundary and•use
classification from a A-1 General Agricultural District to
an M-1-A Restricted Manufacturing District for the area as
described in the legal notice as read by the City Clerk, be
approved. Motion carried.
Demands On motion by Waite seconded by
Lambert the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be
ordered paid. Motion carried.
Bids-2 compact cars- The Clerk read the bids submitted
_Bl.dg_Air & P1annir_. _
�'�.D_ by the City Purchasing Agent covering
two compact cars, one far the Building and' Safety Director
and one for the Planning Director as follows:
Main Street Garage - Rambler Americans Standard Equipment...
Mark Downing Ford— Ford Falcons Standard Equipment....,....
Williams Chevrolet not bidding.
Said prices subject to Local and State Sales Tax.
Main Street Garage On motion by Terry seconded by Sork
awarded bid-2 compact
cars __ the Purchasing Agent be authorized
to purchase from Main Street Garage in accordance with the
low bid received two Rambler Americans Standard Equipment
subject to Local and State Sales Tax to be added to 'quotation,
be approved. Motion carried.
C. of C. vacate On motion by Lambert the Chamber of
quarters withdrawn
for lack o.f,_2nd Commerce be given a thirty day notice
to vacate the present quarters occupied in the area 064 the
City Hall (icing Fifth Street. For lack of a second Council-
man Lambert requested the motion be withdrawn.
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Sts & Pks Comm. & Mayor Irby appointed as a Committee
Chief of Police to
make.study Off -St. the Streets and Parks Committee and the
Patk. Magnolia Between
5th. & 6th _Stsl._. Chief of Police to make a study for
the proposed vacation of Magnolia Street between -Fifth Street
and Sixth Street for off street parking.
Engr. Dept, Personnel On motion by Terry seconded.by Waite
Re: overtime work on
1911 Impr. Acts in accordance with the request of the
City Engineer that the City Engineer's Department personnel
be authorized to put in over time to work on the 1911 Improve-
ment Act covering Improvements requested and said charges be
charged to the Improvements and paid for by the property
owners receiving the benefit of improvements, be approved.
Motion carried.
On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
the City Council adjourn to 7:00 o'clock R.M., Tuesday,
January 12, 1960. Motion carried.
City Mrk
C y_Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
x°= yor : }.