HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-01-19310 I,IIITUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING C011MISSION Tuesday, January 19th, 1960 C01,21ISSIONERS PRESENT: COIr MISSIONIERS ABSENT: idINUTES: Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Letson, Presson, Doutt, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. Thompson. On motion by Doutt and seconded by Letson, the Idinutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of January 5th, 1960, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. PROPOSAL FOR PARK SITE At the request of the Planning ADJACENT TO OCEAN VIEVI SCHOOL SITE NO 6 Commission, all members of the Recreation Commission, Harrell, Rohrig, Clelland, Davis, and Chairman Goodman were in attendance. The Secretary_of the Planning Commission gave a report of the existing problems and con - eluded with the proposal for acquisition of the Park Site. Norman Worthy, Recreation Director, gave a report of how the Park Site would be effectively utilized as a combination of School Site and Park Site Recreation facility. He explained that the plan was merely the attempt to accom- plish an initial step of the overall Master Plan of Parks and Recreation adopted 1958. A lengthy question and answer session was conducted on the subject. Commissioner Stang wished to know the financial capabilities the City has'to acquire for this particular site. It was brought out that there was approximately $22,000 in the special fund for Parks and Recreation which could be utilized. The re- mainder would of necessity come from the general fund. 311 Page -f'2 Irlinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 19th, 1960 Any future acquisition would require a long range program to be augmented by a more detailed revision of the Plaster Plan of Parks and Recreation. The purpose of acquiring this particular site at this time mould be to acquire a site within an area faced with immediate saturation of homes. There would be no plans for expensive improvements proposed at the present time. RESOLUTION I10 899 A Resolution recommending immediate acquisition of -five acres adjoining Ocean View School Site No 6. -The park site area would be to service the area bounded by Bolsa Chica, Smeltzer, Graham, and Heil Avenue. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSOII AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 89. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Thompson. THE MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TRACT Applicant - Robert H. Grant EAP NO 3670 Total Acreage: 59 Total No of Lots: 289 Located on the south side of Smeltzer Avenue approximately 1320 feet `vest of Bolsa Chica Street. Legally described as a portion of the W ! of .the NE of Section 20, T.5.S., R.11.W., SBB & I,1. The hearing was opened to the public. Jeff 1,1ilett, engineer for the subdivision, addressed the Commission and answered various questions. There 2. Page 7t3 1,1inutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, Jaunary 19th, 1960 being no further comment the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO 3670 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Channel C-4 located at the south end of Tract 3670 shall be chain link fenced in accordance with the Orange County Flood Control District standards. 2. Lot "A" shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width and shall be.fully improved as an alley in accordance with City standards. Lot "A" shall be offered for dedication to the City. 3. "G" Avenue shall -be named Alto Drive. NOTE: In accordance with the City Subdivision Code there shall be required the paving of a 22 ft street as an offsite improvement to serve as the only access to the proposed subdivision. Such improvements shall be designated and submitted for engineering approval prior to acceptance of final map No 3670. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Thompson. THE Ir1OTION CARRIED. VARIANCE PER1,1IT: VP 175 To allow relief from requirement Applicant E. R. Severin to fully improve the street frontage along Huntington Avenue and Delaware Avenue as required under Orange County Land Use Ordinance No 351, amended by Ordinance No 916, and adopted by Interim Ordinance No 668. Located on the South side of Garfield Avenue between Huntington Avenue and Delaware Avenue, Huntington Beach, California. Legally described as Blocks 32U3. 3204, 3103 and 3104, East Side Villa Tract. E. R. Severin, applicant addressed the Commission and stated his willingness to 3. 313 Page #4 Minutes - H. B. Planning Connision Tuesday, January 19th, 1960 improve Garfield Avenue, but indicated no willingness to participate now or the future in the problem of improving Delaware Avenue or Garfield Avenue. The Chairman asked the applicant whether he would consider participation in an improvement district. He stated that in accordance with the lease agreement that he felt that he had no responsibility to participate financially in an assessment district for such improvements. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. Discussion on the subject was pursued by the Commission. It was concluded by the Commission that the applicant should have to -put up improvement bonds for at least 2 years as an •inden- tical requirement for the typical division of land to also include the paving requirements. A h?OTION WAS I,ZADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO REC01:2IEND DENIAL WITH THE STIPULATION THE APPLICANT BE ALL077ED TO POST BONDS FOR THE Il.=OVEMENTS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Thompson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIAiX E: UV 186 To allow the erection of a Applicant - Doyle & Shields temporary directional sub- division sign 15 feet by 80 feet in an R-1 Single Family District. Located at the northwest corner of Smeltzer Avenue and Beach Blvd., and legally described as the southeast corner of Section 14, T.5.S., 4. 314 Page #5 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 19th, 1960 R.11.W., SBB & M. The hearing was opened to the public. There being no further comment it was closed.. A 1M T I ON 71AS 1;1ADE BY S TANG AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE NO 186 y7ITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall post $100.00 bond guaranteeing removal of the temporary directional subdivision sign 15 ft by 80 ft in an R-1 Single Family District. 2. A $100.00 bond for the requested sign -shall be required to be posted quaranteeing of the sign within one year of the granting of this variance, unless the City Council at the end of one year agrees to extend the time. In the event the specified sign is not removed in accordance with this variance, the applicant shall forfeit bond and permit the appointed agents of the City to enter the property and remove all structures per- mitted under this variance. 3. There shall be required a 40 ft setback from Beach Blvd. There shall be required a 30 ft setback from Smeltzer Avenue. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. 1,TOES : None. ABSENT: Thompson. THE MOTION CARRIED. COEDITIONAL EXCEPTION: UV 187 To allow a two apartment Applicant - Harry Tancredi buildings of 4 units each, in the R-2 District which allows one apartment for each 2000 sq. ft. of land area. Located approximately 200 ft southwest of Indianapolis Street on the easterly side of Geneva Street, and legally described as Lots 30, 31, 32, and 33, Block 808, Valley View Tract. the audience. The hearing was opened to 5• 315 Page ;6 I111inutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January lgth, 1060 Harry Tancredi, the applicant, addressed the Commission, and stated that there was approximately a 50 sq._ft. shortage of minimum area requirement per lot, and requested consideration to deviate. Edward C. Watry, 616 Hartford Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and objected to the two story apartment unit construction. He further asked for careful scrutiny before making any favorable recommendations. Robert Letson, 630 Indianapolis Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and opposed the granting of any concessions other than minor deviations. Paul Darden, 808 Geneva Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and stated that he still represented the group who originally protested UV #164. He stated that he wished to see that the concept of R-2 zoning be maintained. George Renner, 807 Frankfort Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and stated that the area was still basically R-1 even though it was zoned R-2; He hoped that the Commission ,vould recognize the area for logy density and not grant any variance except for minor deviations. Renner also felt that a compromise of four duplex units mould be More acceptable. the hearing was closed. There being no further comment Chairman Bazil asked the applicant if he Mould be grilling to place four duplexes on the four parcels rather than the two apartment units of 6. 316 Page #7 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 19th, 1960 four each. The applicant stated that he had no objections to the idea, and would be willing to revise his plan for the next meeting. THE HEARING WAS ORDERED CONTINUED BY THE CHAIRI.IAN TO THE NEXT REGULAR 1;IEETING. USE VARIANCE: UV 188 To allow two single family Applicant - Ova Tunstall dwellings to be constructed on one legal building site in variance to the A-1 General Agricultural District. Located approximately 140 feet south of Sycamore Street on the east side of Ash Street, and legally described as the SW of Lot 2, Block "B", Tract 436. The hearing was opened to the public, there being no further comment it was closed. There was no precedence involved. A MOTION WAS LADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE NO 188 WITHOUT CONDITIONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. .TOES: None. ABSENT: Thompson. THE 1,10TION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV 189 Applicant - Roscoe Patch To allow an appliance re- finishing and paint shop in the R-4 Suburban Res- idential District. Located approximately 300 feet west of Beach Blvd., on the north side of Ronald Road, and legally described as follows: The west 50 ft., of the east 100 ft., of the described property: Beginning at 7. 317 Page ,�8 ItTinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 19th, 1960 a point 420 ft. west and 214 ft. south of the north- east corner of the N 1, of the SE , of the SE , of Section 26, T. 5. S. , R.11.1.7. , SBB & El., then south parallel to the north line of said north z, 300 ft.; thence north parallel to the east line of said Section 26-5-11, 214 ft., thence east parallel to the north line of said north z 300 ft. to the point of beginning. The hearing was opened to the audience. Roscoe Patch, applicant, addressed the Commission and pointed out that.he has been engaged in this business as a sideline for about four years. Patch was questioned concerning the restriction to a two man shop. He had no objection to that limitation. Chief Higgins stated that he was in compliance with the fire code regulations. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. Discussion of the Commission centered around the limitations with which to restrict his future operations. A h.OTIOIT WAS I. ADE BY PRESSOIT AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO APPROVE USE VARIATTCE NO 189 WITH THE FOLLO`iIING CONDITIONS: 1. This variance shall apply only to existing structures. 2. There shall be stipulated time limit of five years, from date of approval. 3. There shall not be permitted the employment of more than two persons, one of which is to include the owner, in order to conduct the operations of the business. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. ITOES : None. ABSENT: Thompson. THE I,10TIOIl CARRIED. XF 318 Page #9 Iriinutes - H. B. Planning -Commission Tuesday, January 19th, 1960 USE VARIANCE: UV 181 Applicant - Francis Gallo To allow three "single family" dwelling units, one of which will be a garage apartment, to be constructed in the R-2 District in variance to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. Located at the 17i1' ly corner of 15th Street and Magnolia Avenue and legally described as: Lots 1 and 3, Block 515, 17th Street Section, Huntington Beach. Tract. The hearing was opened to the public, there being no further comment it was closed. Discussion was held by the Commission regarding the desirability of granting a variance prior to official adoption of the proposed Land Use change or actual rezoning. There was Commission dispute in regards to controlling density of the site. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO APPROVE UV 181 ~'WITHOUT CONDITIONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Stang, Presson, Letson, NOES: Doutt, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. ABSENT: Thompson. THE MOTION DID NOT CARRY. NO RECOMMENDATION WAS YADE. 21TD PUBLIC HEARING OF THE MASTER PLAN OF FIRE STATION SITES Fire Chief Higgins was re- quested to make the pre- sentation for the 2nd public hearing of the proposed plan. The hearing was opened to the audience for comment, there being none it was closed. 9• 319 Pare �10 i:Iinutes - H. B. Planning Comriission Tuesday, January 19th, 1960 RESOLUTION NO 88, A Resolution of the Planning Commission Recommending the Adoption of the Vaster Plan of Fire Station Sites 1960. A I.110TION WAS I:IADE BY KAUFI11AN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT THE MASTER PLAN OF FIRE STATION SITES - 1960. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson. Letson, Doutt, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Thompson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. REVIE'17 OF The required public hearing having R-5 P-I,I-T DISTRICT been held at the previous meeting, Chairman Bazil asked for a review study by the Commissioners prior to adoption of a resolution. After a complete review of the proposed ordinance, two changes were recommended. Consensus of opinion recommended 70 feet minimum of frontage for I>Iotels, Hotels, and Trailer Parks. Another recommendation was to specify adequate ingress and egress with all parking requirements. RESOLUTION NO 875 A Resolution of the Planning Co.:nission Recor:riending Revision of R-5-0 and adoption of R-5 District. A I1OTION 'WAS LIADE BY STA 7G AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 87. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Press.on, Letson, Doutt, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Thompson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL SITE APPROVAL FOLLOWING SITES: SITE 5 Located approximately 500 feet north of Smeltzer Avenue and 1320 feet east of Bolsa Chica Street. 10. 320 Page #11 T,Iinutes"- H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 19th, 1960 SITE 7 Located approximately 660 feet west of Springdale Street and 660 feet south of Smeltzer Avenue. SITE 9 Located approximately 500 feet west of Beach Blvd., and fronting on the north side of Talbert Avenue. SITE 10 Located approximately"660 feet south of Talbert Avenue and 1320 feet west of Beach Blvd. SITE 11 Located approximately 800 feet west of Bolsa Chica Street on the south s"ide of SmeJtzer Avenue. Discussion was held on the specified sites. It was pointed out that not all of the proposed sites would be acquired immediately. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO GRANT SITE APPROVAL OF SITES: 59 79 9, 102 11. THE MOTION CARRIED. PROPERTY Oi7NERSHIP CARDS The Planning Director informed WITHDRA'dN FROM PUBLIC USE the Commission of the Depart- ment policy to restrict access to property ownership cards to city business only. It was pointed out that the City was able to acquire the cards only once a year because of county policy. Yet state law requires that the cards be kept up to date and accurate in order that they can be used properly to inform surrounding property owners regarding variance. When the cards were available for public use, it was pointed out that the cards would be lost, misfiled and generally shuffled each time a customer handled them. It was further discussed that the lack of office area and personnel due to the rapid expansion in the building and planning departments would not permit the continuance of a courtesy service previously extended when the City was not confronted with an overwhelming construction boom. The Planning Commission was in accord with the new policy although it was felt 11. 321 Page 7r12 I,Iinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 19th, 1960 that the Commission could not legally advocate City administration policy. REVIE`I OF LLPPPIItiG The Planning Director informed PROBLEMS the Commission that a rigorous mapping program would have to be persued in order to catch up with the backlog of zoning requests which have been a continuous flow since adoption of the Master Land Use Plan. It was explained that the entire old city districting map system would have to be replaced with the new section district maps. Necessity for a uniform map system is created by the presence of two entirely separate zoning ordinances. In order to consolidate the zoning with a long range program to unify the two zoning codes, it will be necessary to first adopt a uniform mapping system to transpose all county zoning adopted by the Interim Ordinance No 668 and 672. It was further brought out that the Planning Department still lacked a drafting table or space for such equipment. The Commission was advised that the Planning Department was forced to work overtime when the Engineering was not working overtime in order that use of drafting tables could be obtained. The drawing of the previous set of zoning maps which were apart of the Master Zoning Plan which was rejected by the referendum was accom- plished at home primarily by engineering personnel and partially by the Planning Director under an approved overtime project. Discussion followed. Clifford E. Tripp Secretary THE MEETING ADJOURNED Robert Bazil Chairman 12.