HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-02-0134 MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, February 1, 1960 Mayor Irby called the regular meeting of the City Council' of the City of. Huntington. Beach to order at 7 : 30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen Present: Sork, Lambert, Terry,; Waite, Irby.. Councilmen Absent: None. Minutes On motion by Terry seconded by Waite the minutes of the City Council meetings.for.Monday, January 4 th, 1960, Tuesday, January 12th, 1960 and Monday,.January 18th, 1960 as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk be accepted and approved without changes. Motion carried. Monthly Reports . The Clerk read the reports of the Department Heads filed with the City Administrator for the month of January, 1960. On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert the Reporta•of, the Department Heads for the month. of January, 1960, as,read by the Clerk be received and ordered filed. Motion carried. Business Licenses On motion by Sork seconded by Waite the applications for business license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach as read by the Clerk and having been approved by the Health Officer, the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, the Building Director and the Planning Director were granted as follows: Angelus Quarries Bldg. Mat. Inc., Building Materials, Wheel Tax, 2655 W. Ist, Santa Ana, California. Willis M. Ayers, Plastering, Wheel Tax, 1312 N. Nicolas Ave., Fullerton, California. B. & L. Farms, Produce Market, at 21692 Pacific Coast Highway. Boulevard Builders Supply, Building Supply Dealers, Wheel Tax, 8452 Katel.la, Stanton, California. Clougherty Packing Co., Meat Delivery, Wheel Tax, 3049 E. Vernon Avenue, Los Angeles 58, California. Richard Gibson, plumbing, Wheel Tax, 407 - 346 Street, Newport Beach, California. 1. 35, Page #2 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 i John M. Gold, plumbing contractor, wheel tax, P.O. Box 1104, 1315 W. Fifth Street, Santa Ana, California. W. L. Hamm, trenching and tractorwork, Wheel Tax, 7781 Sycamore Avenue, Huntington Beach, California. Clair Hosack, landscaping, Wheel Tax, 14841 Jefferson, Midway City, California. Huson Bros., Inc., equipment and tract rental, Wheel Tax, 11414 E. Artesia Blvd., Artesia, California. Jensen Bldg. Mat. & Rentals Inc., building materials, Wheel Tax, 11621 Westminster, California. C. C. Kent, general contractor, Wheel Tax, 1214 E. Broadway, Anaheim, California. Kunz Sign Co., signs - outdoor advertising, 15312 Arrow Highway, Baldwin Park, California. Joe T. Morales, masonary contractor, Wheel Tax, 13837 Baker Avenue, Santa Ana, California. Matthew Murphy, lawn sprinklers, home occupation, 413 California Avenue, Huntington Beach, California. North Hollywood Glass Co., Hollyview Co., Division of No. Hollywood Glass Co., transporting glass doors, windows, Wheel Tax, 11050 Chandler Blvd., North Hollywood, California. E. L. Peppers, building contractor, wheel tax, 10047 Washington) 'St., Bellflower, California. Imperial Pools, building swimming pools, wheel tax, 12134. Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, California. R. E. Richardson, plumbing contractor, wheel tax, 5032 Knox- ville Avenue, Lakewood, California. Charles E. Roberts, used merchandise at 17722 Beach Blvd., transfer from Ernest T. Barnes dba Highway Used Store. San Gabriel Ready Mixt of Santa Ana, ready mixed concrete, wheel tax, 1120 E. Washington -Ave., Santa Ana,'California. J. S. Schirm of Orange County, building materials, wheel tax, 1320 W. Broadway, Anaheim, California. George W. Sutton,.steel boatbuilding at Edison Avenue, Huntington Beach, California. Sweet Trucking Co., general trucking, wheel tax, 22500 Alameda, I Long Beach, California Terminal Drilling & Production Company, oil well servicing, Wheel tax, 1240 Blinn Ave., Wilmington, California. C. K. Varner, lathing and plastering, wheel tax, 19792 S. W. Acacia, Santa Ana, California. Webster Company, roofing, insulation, sound, wheel tax, 1415 Railroad Street, Glendale 4, California.' James L. Oliver, cafe and lounge at 2410 Hampshire Avenue, Huntington Beach, California. 2. 86 Page #3 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 Royalty Service Corp., On motion by Terry seconded by Waite Ltd. term. drlg. bond - Well - Weir #I- the request of the Royalty Service Corporation, Ltd., for termination of the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company drilling bond No. 2368862 for Well Weir ,#1, located on Lots 17 and 19, Block 516, Huntington Beach Tract, in lieu of the Continental Casualty Company drilling bond No. 1524465, be approved. Motion carried. Paul F. McKenzie - On motion by Sork seconded by Waite term. cleanup bond - Well - n0wag-g1_ the request of Paul F. McKenzie -for termination of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Cleanup Bond No. 7268774•for Well DeLong #1, located in Block 1904 Vista Del Mar Tract, having complied with Section 2448.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and the operator and the bonding company be'notified of bond termination, be approved. Motion ,carried. Garnier Const. - Install On -motion by Sork seconded by Terry 2 Fire Hydrants - Smeltzer water line that in accordance with the request of the City Engineer and recommended by the City Administrator that the Gamier Construction Company be authorized to install two fire hydrant installations on the Smeltzer Avenue -water line at a unit price of $495.00 and the City Engineer be authorized to issue the required change order to the contract, be approved. Motion carried. City Att'y to draw up On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite amend. Ord. Code - Sec. 3531 - Re: monthly that in -accordance with the request of water rate the City Engineer and recommended by the City Administrator the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an amendment to Sections 3531 and 3531.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code to provide a change in the monthly minimum water rate from $1.65 with 700 cubic feet allowance, to $2.25 with 1000 cubic feet allowance, be approved. Motion carried. Petition -Re: Drlg. The City Clerk read a pedtion filed Equip. - 1st Blk. on 8th St. & 7th Hundred with the City Clerk signed by fifteen Blk. on Walnut (15)-residents of the City of Huntington Beach living in the first hundred block of 8th Street and the 3. '27 i Page #4 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 7th Hundred block of Walnut Avenue requesting that no permit be granted to anyone or any concern wishing to use the street for purposes of placing drilling equipment while attempting to drill or re -drill the well located at 121 Eighth Street, Lot 17 in Huntington Beach Tract, which is barely 1/2 lot size and two small to accomodate.necessary drilling equipment and tanks, as it would create a distinct fire and traffic hazard and be detrimental.to the neighborhood, homes and property and their very existence. Mayor Irby referred: the petition protesting the placing of drilling equipment on the street to the Oil Committee of the Council and City Administrator Doyle Miller for study and report. On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the petition protesting the use of the street for placement of drilling equipment be received and ordered filed. Motion carried. Proposals for City Mayor Irby announced that at 5:00 owned acreage Hiway 101 & Hiw4 _39 _ o'clock P.M., February 1, 1960 was the deadline to receive proposals from interested developers for the development of the City owned acreage located adjacent to the intersection of U.S. Highway 101 and Highway 39. The Clerk reported that no proposals had been filed with the City up to the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. this date. The Mayor asked if anyone present had proposals to present to the City Council. Richard Sinclair Richard Sinclair appeared before the City Council and presented a proposal with a plot plan and an architects sketch, and.said proposal signed by Richard Sin- clair, H. Jack Hanna, and J. A.,Mc Neil Company, Inc.:along with a $25,000.00 Cashier's Check to guarantee that.the signers on the proposal will enter into the lease and proceed with the improvements and said proposal provided condition that the City may hive thirty (30) days after the opening of 4. 38 Page #5 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 the proposal to accept or reject the same. The Clerk read the proposal fDr the development of the City's Acreage. .Proposal referred to Mayor Irby referred the proposal' Admin. Officer and City Council for study of Richard Sinclair, H. J. Hanna, and J. A. Mc Neil Company, Inc., for the proposed develop - meet of the City owned acreage to a committee of, City Admin- istrator Doyle Miller and the entire Council for study and report. Tony Dower -Re: Repair Tony Dower a resident on Florida or repave Florida Ave_._ " Avenue appeared before the City Council and stated that he had been before the City Council a few months back and had requested that some action be taken to repair or repave the pavement on Florida Avenue where the sewer line was installed and wanted to know what actirn or effort would be made to repair the same. The City Engineer informed the City Council that the problem had been such that they had not been able to getoutthere in a reasonable length of time due to problems of plant mix the matter will be taken care of in the next.thirty (30) days. 2nd.Reading-Ord. No. The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 749 749 its second reading by title, An Ordinance -of the City of Huntington Beach amending Section 9731. of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code relating to - filing of Final Map. On motion by Sark seconded by Terry, Ordinance No.749 was passed and adopted by the follow- ing roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES Councilmen: None. - ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Public Hearing- The Mayor announced that a public gone Case Na. 111 hearing was set for 8:15 o'clock P.M. for Zone Case No. Ill and instructed the Clerk to read S. �9� 1 Page #6 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 the legal notice. The Clerk read the legal notice of Use District Hearing Zone Case No. 111, published in the Huntington Beach Dews, January 21, 1960 setting a public hearing at the hour of 8:.15 o'clock P.M., on Monday the first day of February, 1960, for the purpose of considering a petition for a Change of Zone as recommended by the City Planning Commisslon, relative to proposed.change of district boundary and use classification from: R•4 Suburban Resid- ential District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668 to C-2 Community Business on the parcel of real property as submitted on the applicant's petition and described as follows: Located at the southwesterly corner of Main Street and Huntington Beach Blvd., in the Five Points area; legally described as being Lot 3 and Lot 4; Block '1H", Tract No, 7. The Clerk reported that there had been no verbal or written statements filed for or against Zone Case No. 111. The -Mayor asked if anyone present wished to make any statements for or against the proposed Zone Case No. 111. There being no protests filed verbal or written the Mayor declared the hearing closed. Zone Case #111-opr. On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the City -Attorney be instructed to drawup the necessary amendment to the Districting Ordinance to provide for the change as requested in Zone Case No. 11.1, be approved. Motion carried. Public Hearing-kevi.sions The Mayor announced thftt a public of Adopted Master Land Use Plan Gearing was set for 8:30 o'_clock P.M. this date on certain proposed revisions -to certain areas of the Adopted Master Land Use Plan -and requested the City Clerk to read the legal notice. The City Clerk read the legalmtice of public hearing published in the Huntington Beach News on January 21, 1960, setting a public hearing on the First 6. 40 Page #7 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 day of February, 1960 at the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M. to hold a hearing on proposals to revise specific areas of the Adopted Master Land Use Plan _as recommended by the City Planning Com- mission and said hearing to be held on two specific areas as herewith outlined: (a) That area Located between Ocean Avenue and Palm Avenue and between 15th Street and the alley lying between 16th Street and 17th Street. The area would be legally described as the easterly k of Blocks A16, 216, 316, 416, 516, 616, and all of blocks.115, 215, 315, 5159 615, Huntington Beach Tract. Concerns proposed industrial or residential Use. (b) That area located on the ten (10) acres at the NW corner of Talbert Avenue and Huntington Beach Blvd.$ legally described as a portion of the SF-k of the SE'k of the SE'k of Section 26, T,5.S., R.11.W., S.B.B. & M. Concerns Commercial Use. The Clerk reported that no verbal or written protests had been filed relative to the public hearing held on the proposed revisions of certain specific areas in the Adopted Master Land Use Plan. The mayor asked if anyone present would Like to make any statement for or against the proposed revision of,specific areas of the Adopted Master Land Use Plan. There being no statements made oral or written the Mayor declared the hearing closed. City'Att'y to drawup On motion by Terry seconded by Waite Reso.-Re: Master Land Use Plan the City Attorney be instructed to drawup the necessary Resolution to provide for the amendment of the opted Mster Land Use Plan to incorporate the two specific areas as described in the legal notice, be approved. Motion carried.:. 2nd Reading -Ord. 750 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 750 its second reading in full, An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by amending Sections 9284. and 9761. relating to fees. 0 7. 411 Page #8 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 On nation by Waite seconded by Terry Ordinance No. 750 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Var. Permit #175 - The Clerk read transmittal from the Filed by E. R. Severin City Planning Commission relative to Variance Permit No. 175 petitioner being E. R. Severin of 98 Broadway: Street, Chula Vista, California, to allow relief from requirement to fully improve the street frontages along Huntington Avenue and Delaware Avenue:as required under Orange County Land Use Ordinance No. 351, amended by Ord. 916, 1 and adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668, Location of property I the south side of Garfield Avenue between Huntington Avenue and Delaware Avenue. Legal description being Blocks 3203, 3204, 3103,'and 3104, East Side Villa Tract, and after public hearing was held'by the Planning Commission on January 19th, 1960 to consider the petitioner's request a motion was made by Commissioner Doutt and seconded by Commissioner Presson to recommend denial with the stipulation the applicant be allowed to post bonds for the improvements. The motion was passed by a roll call vote. E. R. Severin E. R. Severin, petitioner, appeared before the City Council and requested that he be permitted to improve 'the area of Garfield Street as the other areas of the property developed will be fenced in along Huntington and Delaware Avenues and also presented to the Clerk an excerpt taken from the State Constitution, Article 14, rela- tive to the taking of property from owners without just com- pensation. City Attorney Bauer explained in detail the present case that has been appealed to the Supreme Court relative to the dedication of right-of-way and improve- ment of the street by the developer and stated the case be- fore the court was in his opinion based on a different sit- uation then teat of the situation of Mr. Severin. 8. �42 Page #9 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 Councilman Sork's On motion by Sork to grant the Vari- motion withdrawn ante Permit No. 175 subject to cond- itions requested by the Planning Commission for the posting of bonds for the street improvements was withdrawn at the request of Councilman Sork. The Council suggested to E. R. Severin that he contact the owners of the property from whom heis leasing to ascertain if they will post the bonds for the improvements as requested by the Plwming Commission, Var.Permit #175 be On motion by Lambert seconded by continued to Council Mtg. of Feb.. 15, 1960 Sork the discussion on Variance Permit No. 175 be continued to the Council meeting of February 15, 1960 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Use Var. #181 filed The Clerk read transmittal from the by .Francis A. Gallo Planning Commission relative to Use Variance #181, petitioner being Francis A. Gallo.of 1341 E. Colorado Street, Pasadena, California. To allow three "single family* dwelling units, one of which will be a garage apartment, to be construetoJin the R-2 District in variance to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, location at the NW'ly corner of 15th Street and Magnolia Avenue, Huntington Beach, California, legal description being Lots I and 3, Block 515, 17th Street Section, Huntington Beach, California. After a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on January the 19th, 1960 to consider the request of the Petitioner, a motion was made by Commissioner Presson and seconded by Commissioner Stang to recommend approval without conditions. The following roll call vote resulted in no recommendation: AYES: Presson, Letson, Stang. NOES: Doutt, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. ABSENT; Thompson. The motion did not carry and no recommendation be made. 9. 43 Page #10 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 Use Var.#181-granted On motion by Terry seconded by Sork Use Variance No. 181 as requested by petitioner Francis A. Gallo and in accordance with no recommendation by the Planning J Commission, be granted withott condition as approved by the follows-g roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Terry, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: Lambert, Waite.. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Motion carried. Use Var.#186 filed The Clerk read transmittal from the by Doyle & Shields Planning Commission relative to Use Variance No. 186, petitioner `.being Doyle & Shields, 831 So. Manchester, Anaheim, California, to allow the erection of a temporary directional subdivision sign 15 feet by 80 feet in an R-1 Single Family District location being at the north- j west corner of Smeltzer Avenue and Beach Blvd., After public hearing s held by the Planning Commission, January the 19th, 1960 upon the request of the petitioner, a motion was made by Stang and seconded by Letson to recommend approval with the followift conditions: 1. The ap licant shall post a $100.00 bond guaranteeing remo= of the temporary directional subdivision sign 15 ft. x 80 ft.. in an R-1 S11 Faatily District. 2. A $100.00 bond for the requested sign shall be required to be posted guaranteeing removal of the sign within one year of the granting of this variance, unless the City Council at the end of one year agrees to extend the time. In the event the specified sign is not removed in accord- ance with this variance, the applicant shall forfeit bond and permit the appointed agents of the City to enter the property and remove all structures permitted under this variance. 3. There shall be required a 40 ft. setback from Beach Blvd. There shjL11 be required a 30 ft. setback from Smeltzer Avenue. The motion was carried by the followi4 roll call vote: AYES: Freas6h, Letson, Doutt, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazi1. NOES: None. ABSENT: Thompson. 10. 44 Page #11 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 Use Var.#186-approved On motion by Waite seconded by Sork sub ' ect to conditions in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Commission Use Variance No. 186 be granted subject to conditions as requested be imposed by the Planning Commission, Motion carried. Use Var #188 filed The Clerk redd transmittal from the by Ova Tunstall Huntington Beach Planning Commission relative to Use Variance No. 188. Petitioner being Ova Tunstall, 7832 Sycamore Street, Huntington Beach, California,' to allow two single family dwellings to be constructed on one legal building site in variance to the A-1 General Agricultural District, location being approximately 140 feet south of Sycamore Street on the east side of Ash Street. Legal des- cription the SEt of Lot 2, Block *IBI% Tract 436. After a public hearing held on January the 19th, 1960 to consider the petitioner's request a motion was made by Commissioner Stang arid -seconded by Commissioner Presson to recommend approval without conditions. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. . NOES: None. ABSENT: Thompson. Use Var. � 188 ranted On motion by Terry seconded by Waite in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Com- mission Use Variance No. 188 be granted without conditions. Motion carried. Use Var.#189 filed The Clerk read transmittal from the )y Roscoe Patch Huntington Beach Planning Commission relative to Use Variance No. 189, petitioner being Roscoe Patch, 7913 Ronald Road, Huntington Beach, California, to allow appliance refinishing and paint shop in the R-4 Suburban Residential District, location being approximately 300 feet west of Beach Blvd., on the north side of Ronald Roac}. TiAlLowing a public hearing held by the Planning Commission on January the 19th, 1960 to consider request of the petitioner, a motion was made by Commissioner Presson and seconded by 11. 45 1 Page #12 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 Commissioner Doutt to recommend approval with the following Conditions: 1. This variance shall apply only to existing structures. 2. There shall be stipulated time limit of five years, from date of approval. 3. There shall.not be permitted the employment of more than two persons, one of which is to include the owner, in order to conduct the operations of the business. Motion was carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES40 None. ABSENT:_ Thompson. -UseNar.#189 pmroved On motion by Lambert seconded by Sork in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Commission Use Variance No. 189 be granted subject to the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission, be approved. Motion carried. Reso.##89 The Clerk read Resolution No. 89, A Resolution of the Planning Commission recommending Acquisi- tion of a five acre park site adjoining Ocean View School Site No. b and recommending immediate action either by negot- iat-lon or condemnation in order to acquire a five acre neighborhood park site in conjunction with a newly established) school site and the proposed acquisition would be in conform- ance with the adopted Master Plan of Parks and Recreation. In the &vent that the City Council desires to take action, a city representative should be appointed to begin immediate procedural steps. The Resolution requests Council authority to carry out the park site program for one school site and immediate action will be necessary to realize a park site in this strategic location, as imminent subdivision'develop- ments may eliminate any future prospect for park location in the vicinity of this newly subdivided half section and that a more detAited plan for land acquisition of park sites in logical sequence and location will be submitted after a more detailed study is made by the Recreation Commission. 12. 146 Page #13 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 Approve acquisition of On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert 5 acre park site adjo in- inZ,Ocean View School the recommendation of :the Planning Commission for the acquisition of the five acre park site adjoining the Ocean View School Site No. 6, be referred to the City Administrator for study and report, be approved. Motion carried. Reso, from Recr.Comm. The Clerk read a Resolution of the Re: Park Site Ocean View School Dist. 6 Recreation Commission of the City of Huntington Beach making recommendation,to the City Council for the Acquisition of one Park Site adjoining Ocean View School District No. 6. Reso.08-1,4aster Plan " The Clerk read Resolution No. 88, of Fire Station Sites, 1_960 A Resolution of the Planning Commis- sion recommending the adoption of the Master Plan of Fire Station Sites, 1960. On motion by Waite seconded by Sork the City Clerk be instructed to insert a legal notice in the Huntington Beach News setting a public hearing on the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission on the adoption of the Master Plan of Fire Station Sites, 1960 as presented by the Planning Commission and said hearing to be held at 8:30 o'clock P.M..on February the 15th, 1960, be approved. Motion carried. Reso. #79-Re: Uniform The Clerk read Resolution No. 79 of requirements for Dedication & Improve- the Planning Commission of the City ments-Arterial Sts. & H_ghways._ of Huntington Beach recommending Uniform Requirements for Dedication and Improvements along Arterial Highways and said Resolution recommending the adopt- ion of uniform requirements which would require dedication and improvements for all commercial and industrial projects which front along an arterial -highway similar to that which is in effect under the interim Ordinancee adopting the County Zoning Ordinance On motion by Waite seconded by Sark the City Clerk be instructed to insert a legal notice in the Huntington Beach News setting a public hearing on the recom- 13. 47 Page #14 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 mendation of the ,Planning Commission .fQr .Uniform Allowance for,dedication and improvements -on .Arterial -Highways and said hearing to be set_for.8:45.o'clock-P.M. on Monday the 15th day of February 1960, be approved., Motion carried. Reso 6 #87-Revision of The Clerk read Resolution No. 87, R-5-0 & adoption of a R-5 District -__ A Resolution of the City Planning Commission recommending Revision of the R-5-0 and adoption of a R-5 District. Said Resolution recommends revision of exisiting R-5-0 District and the adoption of a new R-5 District as one a series of studies to revitalize the exist- ing zoning -ordinance. The revisions within the new proposed zoning districts would be to combine several separate but compatible uses within one district. On motion by Sork seconded by Waite the City Clerk be instructed to insert a legal notice in:the Huntington Beach News setting a public hearing on the recom- mendations of the Planning Commission recommending revisions of the R-5-0 and adoption of an R-5 District and said hearing to be set for 8:00 o'clock P.M. on March the 7th, 1960, be approved. Motion carried. Demands On motion by.Lambert seconded by Waite the demands as opproved by the Finance Commitee be ordered paid. Motion carried. Gasoline Bids The mayor announced that at 8:30 o'clock P.M. was the date set for the opening of Gasoline Bids to furnish the City with gasoline requirements for one year beginning with February the 16th, 1960. The following bids to furnish the City with premium gasoline for the year begin- ning with February .the _16th,_ 1960 µand _as read by the City Clerk as follows: Texaco...... . . • . .^. . . ., . . • •_. . . •_ . . . . 235 per gal. Stevens -Young (Douglas).......... .,.. .24_ per gal. Tidewater (Flying Aj• ............. .2178 poer gal. Mobilegas .... , .. • •. •. •.. •_ •. •. - •.......... .2619 per gal., Super Shell .......................... .264 per gal. 14. 148 Page #15 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 Standard .264 per gal. Richfield ............................ .264 per gal. Signal Hancock ...........:......... .247 per gal. Union ............:............:...... .268 per gal. Socal Oil Co . ........................ .225 per gal. Councilman Lambert Councilman Lambert declared that he had a remote interest in one of the Companies submitting a bid and vacated his seat at the Council -Chamber during the deliberations on the bids for furnishing the City with gas- o I ine. Mayor Irby declared that he had a remote interest in one of the companies bidding and vacated his seat during the discussion on the gasoline bids. Tidewater Assoc. On motion by Terry seconded by Waite awarded gasoline contract that in accordance with the low bid received to furnish the City with premium gasoline for one year at a price .2178 per gallon, Tidewater Associated be awarded the contract, was Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Terry, Waite. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. B ids-2k ton pickup The Clerk read the bids to furnish trucks the City with one 1960 ton pickup truck with a 61 bed and one 1960 k ton pickup -truck with a 8' bed with trade in of a 1953 Ford pickup truck Vehicle #131 ,and a 1946 Ford V8 pickup Vehicle #16 and bids received as follows: 1960 � ton AickuD truck - 61 bed Williams Chevrolet ..........:............ $ 1,635.00 Mark Downing Ford $ 1,778.00. Main Street Garage -:..:.•.•:.... .::.:::::.:: '$ 1;590:49 1960 ton �icku truck •� - 8' -bed • - Mark Downing Ford .:...::::: , :..... , $ 1, 9 2 9.00 Main Street Garage::.:..::::.::..::::....:$•I;862.32 Williams Chevrolet ::::::::.::.::;:::::::: $•1;875.00 15. 49 j Page #16 w Minutes, February 1, 1960 Main St. Garage On motion by Terry"seconded'by awarded pickup t ck bids Lambert in accordance with the best interest of the City that the MAin Street Garage bids to furnish an International in accordance with the specifications of the City Purchasing Agent to furnish the -City with the � ton pickup truck 8' bed in the amount of $1,862.32 and the ton pickup truck 6' bed in the amount of $1,590.49, be awarded to the Main Street Garage and the City Purchasing Agent be instructed to issue a purchase order for the purchase of.ihe trucks in accordance with the bids submitted, be approved. Motion carried. City Engr. to solicit On motion by Terry seconded by Sork informal bids for const. of minor sewer in accordance with the mequest of lateral on Delaware Ave. the City Engineer, and recommended by the City Administrator, that the City Engineer be instruct- ed to solicit informal bids for the -construction of a minor sewer lateral on Delaware Avenue, south of Yorktown Street at an indicated cost of $2,000.00, be approved. Motion carri Purchasing Agent to On motion by Lambert seconded by receive informal. bids 1960 Will_y's Jeep Sork, in accordance with the request of the Chief Lifeguard the Purchasing Agent be instructed to receive informal bids on a 1960 Willy's CJ5 Jeep, with an 810 wheel base, directional turn signals, and red in color, four cylinder, overhead valve engine with four'wheel drive, and Warner lock-o-matic hubs to replace the present Inter- national Harvester Carry All, Vehicle #852, be approved. Motion carried. Barry Sullivan Re: Mayor Irby referred to the City trampoline cone, on beach west of ier Administrator for study and report the request of Barry Sullivan, Attorney for Richard Saylor, to lease a one hundred foot frontage by fifty feet deep of beach area adjacent to concessions, west of the pier and said area to be used for recreation purpose by placing trampolines thereon.' 16. Page #17 .,, Minutes, February 1, 1960 Reso. from Or.Co.Wtr. The Clerk read a Resolution received Dist. endorsing_ Senate Bill f�i106 _ from the Secretary of the Orange County Water District and said Resolution endorsing Senate Bill.#1106, relative to supporting the State Bond Issue for the California Water Project. On motion by Terry seconded by Sork the City Clerk be instructed to write a letter to Senator John A. Murdy Jr. informing them of the City Council action of the City of Huntington Beach supporting and recommending the endorsement of Senate Bill 1106, be approved. Motion carried. So.Co.Gas Co. Re: The Clerk informed the City Council Gas Rate increase .ry that the City received a copy of application No. 41859 relative to the matter of the appli- cation of Southern Counties Gas Company of California for a general increase in gas rates under Section 454 of the Public Utilities Code, and said application before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. T ax'title Lots 4,5,8 The Mayor referred to the City Admin- & 9, B1k.813 referred to City Admin. & i.strator and the City Council in C_itv Counci.l.. for stuff whole the study of the Tax Title Lot 4, 59 8 and 9 in Block 813 which the City Attorney reported are now in.a title statis that they can be sold by the City Council if they so desire. 1960 Or.Co. Coast On motion by Terry seconded by Sork Assaccdues be. raid T the 1960 dues of the.Orange County Coast Association, Inc., be authorized and ordered piid. Motion carried. City Admin0Doyle Miller City Administrator, Doyle Miller, Re: C.of C.-Mem. Hail reported to the City Council that he had made a study of the proposal of the Chamber of Commerce to use certain portions of the Memorial Hall and outlined his recommendations which should be considered in the drawing up of an agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the Chamber of Commerce for said use. 17. Li 511 Page #18 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 City Att'y to drawup lease agreement between City & C. of C. Re: Memoriat Hall On motion by Sork seconded by Lambert the City Attorney be instructed to drawup a lease agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the Chamber of Commerce for use of certain specified areas in the Memorial. Hall and the germs and conditions of said agreement be in accordance with those outlined by the City Administrator, be approved. Motion carried City Re advertise On motion by Terry seconded by for Sportfishing Barge Lambert the City Administrator be instructed to insert an -advertisement in publications and newspapers that would reach parties interested in a lease with the City for a sportfishing barge operation, be approved. Motion carried. City Engr. to issue a On motion by Terry seconded by Waite change order .to Gamier Const. Co. for install. that in accordance with the request of 2 gate valves , and recommendation of the City Engineer, the City Engineer be authorized to issue a change order to the contract with Garnier Construction Company to provide for the installation of two gate valves on the Smeltzer Avenue Water System line, be approved. Motion carried. Salaries -City Clerk The City Clerk brought up the & City Treasurer subject of salaries for the elected position of City Clerk and City Treasurer and pointed out that the present salary of the elected City Clerk and City Treasurer effective April 20th, will. be $125.00 for the City Clerk and $235.00 for the.City Treasurer and that the present additional classifications .for other duties as in effect now would have to be set by the new City Council after April the 19th, and suggested that a amount be set at $550.00 per month to avoid the additional classification for remuneration, be done now, before the closing of the nomination papers on February the 18th. Mayor Irby Mayor Irby reported that since he has taken nomination papers out for the position of Elected 18. Pale #19 - Minutes, February 1, 1960 City Clerk, vacated his place at the Council Chamber and excused himself from the discussion. Councilman Waite On motion by Lambert seconded by Verry that Councilman Waite be appointed acting Chairman, be approved. Motion carried. City Attorney, The City Attorney pointed out to the City Council that the City Charter permits additional class- ifications "or permits an elected official such as the City Clerk and the City Treasurer or other offices of the City to hold more than one classification, subject to appointment by the City Council, however, the duties under the classification must be qualified as necessary and are performed by the party receiving the additional classification and additional compen- sation and should not be used as an addition to,the elected salary unless justified. City Att'y to drawup On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert amendment to Ord.Code Betting new salary for the City Attorney be instructed to eIgcte _CittT I.erk drawup the necessary amendment to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code to set the elected City Clerk's salary at $550.00 per month to be effective on April the 20th3, 1960, be approved. Motion carried. City Att'y to drawup On motion by Waite seconded by Sork amendment to Ord.Code setting new salary"for the City Attorney be instructed to elected City Treas. amend the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code to provide for the Elected City Treasurer's salary to be $550.00 per month to be effective on April the 20th, 1960, be approved. Motion carried. On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert the meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Adjourned. ity er -an ex-offtcS Urerk ATTEST: City.0 erk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California. A I T 1>` Mayo r