HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-02-16332 M.-INUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMv-1ISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 COIL,'MISSIONERS PRESENT: Letson, Doutt, Stang, Kaufman, Thompson, Chairman Bazil. C01,1EISSIOIIERS ABSENT: L17INUTES: Presson. On motion by Stang and seconded by Thompson, the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of February 2nd, 1960, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed with one correction. CORRECTION: Minutes of February 2nd,.1960. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION: UV 190 ROLL CALL VOTE CORRECTED TO: AYES: Presson, Letson, Stang, Thompson, Kaufman. NOES: Doutt, Chairman Bazil. THE MOTION CARRIED TO RE - COT ,VEND APPROVAL. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONc UV 192 To allow an addition and Abolicant - Earl Nickerson . the use of an existing home to be used as a nursing home for maximum of ten persons in variance to the R-2 District. Located at 520 - 13th Street, and legally described as Lot 10, Block "C", Tract 1094. The Planning Department made an oral report recommending denial on grounds of lack of parking and the fact that it was ncompatible with R-2 use. A letter was read from Dr L. F. 'Whittaker, local physician, endorsing the proposal of the applicant and recommending approval if the location 333 Page ;r2 minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 proved acceptable. A letter was read from protestant Herbert A. Day, 607 - 13th Street, Hunt- ington Beach, requesting that the application be denied in the interests of good planning. He pointed out that there is nothing to show that the applicant was being deprived substantially of a valuable property right, or that anything is preventing the applicant from using the structure for the purpose it was designed. hearing to the audience. Chairman Bazil opened the Earl Nickerson, applicant, addressed the Commission and requested favorable con- sideration. He explained his plans for expansion and that he intended to comply with all city, state, and county regulations relating to health, safety and fire. He advised the Commission that he had no plans for off-street parking. Arne 17. Jensen, 527 - 12th Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and explained that he o,,rned the premises to the rear of the applicant. He had no objection to the proposed variance. He stated that his ,wife often worked as a nurse for the TTickersons. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Chairman Bazil asked the Secretary to read the parking requirements for rest homes in zones ,.here they are permitted. The off-street parking requirements were listed as one space per bed. The applicant indicated that he had no room -to provide the off-street parIc-ing. Commission discussion was held. A motion ,-ras made by Thompson and seconded by 2. 334 Page ;f3 I,Iinutes - H. B. Planning Co. mission Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 Letson to continue the hearing to the next meeting of March 1st, 1960, to check further on the neighborhood. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV 194 Applicant - Bennett T. Shutt To alloy the construction of small boats within the existing shop building in variance to R-4 Suburban Residential District. Located at 19332 Beach Blvd., and legally described as that portion of the N1 of Section 1, T.6.S.9 R.11.71.1 in the Rancho Las Bolsa described as follows: The N. 81'feet, of the S. 953 feet, of the .W. 530 feet, of the N-W of said Section. EXCEPTING therefrom the 71 88 feet as conveyed to State of California for Highway purposes. The Planning Director made the report. The hearing was opened to the audience. Bennett T. Shutt, applicant, addressed the Commission and explained that his boat building began as a hobby, and that he was currently building three small boats a year. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion was held. A I,IOTION WAS I+IADE BY THOI+IPSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO RECOMI.-IEND APPROVAL `dITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall be restricted to one employee in addition to the applicant's self employment. 2. UV f194 shall expire within 3 years from the date of adoption. 3. `iTork shall not be allowed to be conducted except,during the period from 6 A. P.I. to 6 P. I.T. 4. No new commercial or industrial structures shall be permitted on the premises. 3. 335 Page w4 I,Iinutes - H. B. Plan min Comi:iissi.on Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 ROLL CALL, VOTE: AYES: Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Presson. THE I,TOTIOId CARRIED. AREA VARIANCE: AV 193 To permit a 5 ft. rear yard Applicant - Idoore Homes, Inc. where it is replaced by a 20 ft. side yard. Located within a subdivision on the southeast corner of Newland Street, and Heil Avenue, and legally described as Lots 12, 13, 24, 25, 36, 379 48, 49, and 60 of Tract 3440. The Planning Department made a report recommending approval. The hearing was opened to the -audience, there being no comment, .the hearing was closed. Discussion by the Commission followed. A I.10TION 17AS I,iADE BY DOUTT AT,D SECONDED BY LETSON TO RECOLL.IEND APPROVAL FOR REASONS STIPULATED: The rear yard is being supplanted with more than equivalent side yard area on uniquely arranged corner lots. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Presson. THE MOTION CARRIED. i ZONE CASE 170 110 CHANGE OF ZONE: From 1,4-2-0 Aoolicant - Er and ISrs Fred Bro,.;n To C-1, R-5, and R-5-0, Respect- ively. Located on 40 acres bounded by Quincy Street, 11emphis Street, Delaware Avenue 4. 336 Page 5 11inutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 and Beach Blvd., in accordance with legal on file in the Office of the Planning Department. the audience. The hearing was opened to Art Kelly, representative of Texas Oil Company, addressed the Commission and stated that his firm held the master oil lease on the majority of the property involved. He explained that his firm had no objection to the proposal with the exception of one parcel: That being the S. 110 feet of the N. 300 feet of the W. 330 feet of NE ;1; of 1TE 4 of Section 11-6-11. John Henricksen, 618 East Quincy Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and explained that he was owner of the property involved in Kelley's request. After reviewing the map, he stated he had no objections to Kelley's request. At the request of the Chairman, Mrs Fred Brown, original applicant, addressed the Commission and gave her view point. She stated that she would be in accord with Kelley's request. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed with conclusion of a favorable recommendation. RESOLUTIOliTO 92 A Resolution of the Planning Commission Recommending Approval of -Zone Case 110. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Presson. THE MOTION CARRIED - THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. PROPOSAL TO SET ZOI.IIIG CODE A!-,E'L D:,1ENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING Proposed revision of zoning code would place the authority 5. 337 Imo; e ,r6 I,Iinutes � - H. B. Planning; Commission Tuesday, February l6th, 1960 to grant or deny variances in the hands of 'the-Comnii.ssion except that either the applicant, or interested parties mould have the right of appeal. Likewise the City Council would have the right to request a public hearing. Discussion was held on the proposal, the Secretary reported that so far there had been no adverse comment on the proposal. The complete revision was reviewed section by section and explained where questions existed. A I,10 T I OIT ,'JAS LIADE BY K AUFI,IAN AND SECOFTDED BY THOLPSON TO SET PROPOSED REVISION OF ARTICLE 921 FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 1st, 1960. The Motion Carried. PROPOSAL TO REVISE THE t ASTER PLAIT OF STREETS AITD HIGH',�AYS The Secretary read a request by the City Engineer to consider the amendment of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. The Commission agreed to give the proposal their consideration. A MOTIOIT ";AS TRADE BY STAiTG AND SECONDED BY THOI PSON TO SET DATE AS SOON AS PHACTIC.LL FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON I;ASTER PLAN OF STREETS AND HIGH - '.`JAYS - REVISED. THE LOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TRACT NO 3469 - REVISED Developer - Coordinated Service Engineer - I.Tillet, King 925 So. Gilbert St. L: Assoc. Suite 4, . 201 So. Pomona Anaheim, California Avenue Fullerton,Cal. 310 Lots Approx: 66.4 Acres Located at the ITE corner of Bolsa Chica Street and Smeltzer Avenue and legally described as a portion of the vJ 2 of S`JJ 4 of SEC. 16-5-11. 6. 338 Page i7 i'+Iinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 The hearing was opened to the public. Jeff P,Iillet, Engineer for the subdivision, addressed the Commission and answered various questions. The Planning Director reported the request of the school district asking that the school site for which a site approval had been previously been granted be temporarily preserved to facilitate the proposed school board action. The City Attorney was referred to in the matter of preservation of the School site. The City Attorney recommended that the Commission regard the proposed school site in terms of good planning. The Planning Director pointed no/ out that there was other possible location for the pro- posed school site excepting in the middle of the in- dustrial tract lying adjacent to the proposed tract which would be considered undesirable. Llillet stated that his client was opposed to the school site, although they would cooperate with the Commission if there was a four month time limit on the restriction of the proposed site from the subdivision. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. The Chairman stated that in his opinion he would favor the inclusion of the pro- posed school site as was submitted on the applicant's alternate tract map, for a period of four months. At the end of this time the Commission would approve the 10 acre parcel held out, in the event the School District during this time had not filed imminent domain pro- ceedings. The Planning Commission agreed to the four month time limit for reservation of the proposed school 7. 339 Page ,8 I,Iinutes - H. 3. Planning Commission Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 site and so stipulated this as a condition to approval of the tract. A IJOTION WAS HARE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY KAUFLU1,11 TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT ITO 3469 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. A 6 ft. masonry galls required on all frontage along Bolsa Chica Road exce�t�'jng at intersections or areas deemed to be cleai eight angle purposes. 2. The area designated as a proposed school site and consisting of 10 acres net shall not be con- sidered for subdivision of lots until June 16, 1960, in the event the School District has filed no imminent domain proceedings during this period. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. ITOES : None. ABSENT: Pr•esson. THE 1,10TION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TRACT NO 3645 REVISED - February 12,1960 Developer - Doyle I- Schields Engineer - Voorheis, Trindle & nelson. Total Acreage: 18.9 Total Lots: 91 plus school site. Legally described as a portion of the TOTE r of SEC 21-5-11. The Planning Director re- ported that the tentative map was merely a rehash of previous tentative maps which had been approved. The only change in Tentative Tract No 3645 would be the transferring of the proposed school site from tract 3644 to 3645 in order that the school site could be developed in conjunction with the tract that mould be under construction at a little later date. Discussion was held by the Commission during which several conditions were pro- posed. 340 Page r9 Minutes - H. B.-Planning Commission Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 A EOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT NO 3645 'iIITH THE FOLLOi7ING CONDITIONS: 1. The tract shall be deed restricted against oil drilling in its entirety. 2. There shall be required a six foot masonry wall along all frontage of Springdale Street, excepting street intersections and adjoining sight angle of 25 feet. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Presson. THE MOTION CARRIED. STREET ITAI:iE PROPOSAL - The Secretary read a letter CHAITGE OF NAE E FROI,I BOLSA CHICA TO VALLEY VIE�7 from the Orange County Street Naming Committee stating reasons why Bolsa Chica Road should be renamed. Reasons given tilere• that the freeway was to be signed Valley View at the off -ramp, the fact that Valley View would be completed and con- nected to Bolsa Chica Road within two years. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFL10 AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO THE NEXT MEETING. THE MOTION CARRIED. The Secretary was instructed to make further inquiry regards to development of Valley View connecting link. DIVISIOiT OF LAND: DV 142 To allow the Division of Applicant - Doyle & Shields four parcels located as Lots 76, 77, 84 and 85 Tentative Tract Map 3645 with legal descriptions by metes and bounds on file with the Planning Department 9• 341. Page ;r10 I:Iinutes - H. B. PlarLaing Commission February 16th, 1960 Office. Located approximately 1320 feet north of Heil Avenue on the west side of Springdale Avenue. It was explained by the Secretary that the request was in order to start on the model homes. A LIOTION WAS 1.1ADE BY DOUTT AIM SECONDED BY LETSON TO RECOI,:I,IEND APPROVAL OF DV 142 WITH STANDARDIZED CITY POLICY OF REQUIRING CURBS AND GUTTERS OR BONDS THEREFORE: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, -Stang, Chairman Bazil: NOES: None. ABSENT: Presson. THE I,IOTION CARRIED. SITE'ArPROVAL'RE,QUESTS The following school sites were FOR OCEAN VIE;7 SCHOOL DISTRICT - reviewed and deemed to be sa- Harold Pedersen, Su-pt. tisfactory from the standpoint of good planning. A EOTION 14AS - LILDE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY THOI,IPSON TO GIVE SCHOOL SITE APPROVAL TO THE FOLLO'�MTG PROPOSED SITES: SITE NO 20: Parcel 1: Sal of the NE 4 of the SE 4 Of Section 24, T.5.S.7 R.11.1d. Parcel 2: The S L of the S 2 of the NJ 4 of the NE -1,; of the SE'.' of Sec.24, T.S.S., R.11.il. Near the SW corner of Heil Avenue and Cannery Street. SITE NO 26: Parcel 1: The SE 1 of the Sal of the NE of Sec. 28, T. 5. S. , Parcel 2: The W N of the SW 1 of the SW of the NEB of Sec. 28, T. 5. S. , R.11. yT. , located on the North side of Slater Avenue 1320 feet `►7.- of Springdale Avenue. 10. 342 Page ;rl11 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 SITE NO 27: Parcel 1: Parcel 2: The SW of the Nff 4 of the NVI 4 of Sec. 27, T. 5. S. , - R.11:Si. The 17 2 of the SE 4 of the NM of the NE of Sec. 27, T.5.S., R.11.W., located on the East side of Springdale, 1320 feet south of Wintersburg Avenue. SITE NO 28: Parcel 1: The SW 4 of the SE 4 of the NE 4 of Sec. 27, T.5.S.,-R.11-W. Parcel 2: The S 2 of the NVI 4 of the SE 4 of the NE 4 of Sec. 27, T.5.S., R.11.W., located on the north side of Slater Avenue, 660 feet west of Goldenwest Avenue. SITE NO 30: Parcel 1: The N`u`J 4 of the NUJ - of the SE 4 of Sec.-27, T.5.S., R.11.71. Parcel 2: The N 2 of the SVJ 4 of the NVV 4 of the SE 4 of Sec. 27, T.5.S., R.11.W., located at the SE corner of Slater Avenue and Edwards St. SITE NO 31: Parcel 1: The NE h of the SE 4 of the SW 4 of Sec. 27, T. 5. S. , - R.11. i'J. Parcel 2: The E 2 of the NVI 4 of the SE.g of the S4'J . of Sec. 27, T.5. S. , R.11.17., located on the west side of Edwards Street 1326 ft. south of Slater Avenue. THE I,10TION CARRIED. SCHOOL SITE NO 17 WAS CONTINUED TO THE NEXT HEARING. Mr Hiroshima, owner of the property, asked the Commission to retain the area for potential industrial development. H. E. Freeman, representing S. P. R. R., addressed the Commission and requested that the Commission protect the area for potential industrial development. Chairman Bazil continued the hearing for School Site No-17 to the next meeting, to permit the requesting school officials to be present and give ex- planations. 343 6 Page ;,L12 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 PROPOSED REVISED I_ DEI{ 1.1AP The Planning Director ex - AND ESTABLISHT."ZI1T OF UITIFORI.T SECTIOITAL DISTRICT plained =that because of the T,APPIITG FOR ZO1TIiTG PURPOSES 'WITHOUT REVISIOIT OF EXISTIIVG two separate zoning ord- ZOITIITG inances now in effect with- in the City, it was of vital necessity to unify at least the mapping system in order that development and a zoning program as requested by applicants could effect- ively be administered. He pointed out that the present interim ordinance in some of the annexation areas only referred to maps which are not available to the City. Nor are these maps uniform in system. It was pointed out by the Planning Director that therefore there was no choice but to establish a uniform zoning map system without altering the actual existing zoning. If the proposal was adopted, there would be a common reference index map which would refer to all mile square sectional districting maps by individual Huntington Beach Ordinance Code Sections. RESOLUTION 110 93, A Resolution of the Planning CcraL ission Reco<<mending Adoption of Uniform Zoning Map System. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. ITOES: None. ABSENT: Presson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. REQUEST OF ARTHUR LEWIS TO REVIEd PLAITS FOR TRAILER PARK Arthur Lewis, Engineer, and P.:r Jay, owner, re- auested the Commission review the plans for a trailer park within the county territory which would be located on approximately five acres approximately 880 feet east of Bolsa Chica Road 12. 344. Page 71'L13 Minutes- H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, February 16th, 1960 and on the'south side of Heil Avenue. The plans were reviewed and discussed. The Chairman noted that the City Planning Commission could take no legal action. A motion was made by -Stang and seconded by Doutt to declare that the Commission did not oppose the trailer park at this time. The motion carried. REQUEST CHECK ON HINTZ The Chairman asked the Sec- retary the status of the curbs and gutters and the bonds required for posting by the Hintz Construction Co. model home variance. The Secretary reported that the Hintz Construction Co. had failed to file the necessary bonds and that they were in violation of their variance. The Secretary was requested to check the exact status of the Hintz variance and report to the Commission. REQUEST IIZFORI:1ATIOIT ON The Chairman requested the 2 YEAR BOITD LITTIT Secretary to contact the City Engineer to discuss the possibility and advisability of extending the two year time limit now being imposed for curbs and gutters. The Chairman as well as membeiz of the Commission recommended the consideration of bonds being held for greater than the stipulated to/ two years in order give the street superintendent a chance to catch up on•the work program. FULLERTON TRAILER PARK The Secretary was re- ORDIT?AT10E quested to check on the trailer park ordinance now being used by the City of•Fullerton. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Clifford E. Tripp Robert Bazil Secretary Chairman 13.