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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, April 4, 1960
Mayor Irby called the regular meeting
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at
7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Sark, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
Councilmen absent: None.
Minutes On motion by Waite .seconded ,by Terry
the Minutes of the City Council meetings of March the 7th, March
the 14th, March the 21st, and March the 28th, 19609 be approved
as transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk._ Motion carried.
Monthly Reports The Clerk read the reports of the
Department Heads for the month of March, 1960.
On motion by Lambert seconded by Sork
the reports of the Department Heads for the month of March, 1960
as read by the Clerk be received and ordered filed. Motion
Business Licenses On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
the Business License Applications to conduct business in the City
of Huntington Beach as presented by the City Clerk, be granted.
Motion carried.
Carlsen & Herold So, Div., business of Cement Construction, Wheel
Tax, of 30 Vista Place, Upland, California.
Tatsuo Tanamachi, business of Landscape Gardening, Wheel Tax, of
15620 Leffingwell, Whittier, California.
Western Fence Co., Inc., business of Garden Walls, Wheel Tax, of
9100 Lincoln, Anaheim, California.
Ray Seppi,...busine*s ofElectricalContractor, Wheel Tax, of 9003
Guilford, Whittier, California.
-Dubuque Packing Co., business of Meat Delivery, Wheel Tax, of
2851 E. 44th Street, Vernon, California.
Compton Plaster Co., Inc., business of retail Bldg, Materials,
Delivery, Wheel Tax, of 810 W. Rosecrans Ave., Compton, Calif.
Rowland Sign Co., business of Sign Painting, Outdoor Advertising,
of 407 N. Birch St., Santa Ana, California.
] 26
Fage i;`2 - '.-'in.utes, April 4, 1960
Shaker Construction Company, business of Concrete Work, Wheel
Tax, of 140 El Portal Dr., La Habra, California.
Continental Marble & Tile Co., business of Marble & Tile Contract-
ing, Wheel Tax, of 18508 S. Pioneer Blvd., Artesia, California.
Fernhill Homes, business of Bldg. Contractor, Wheel Tax, of 1100
Obispo Ave., Long Beach, California.
Eldon Urschel, business of Gen. Contractor, Wheel Tax, of 2032
Placentia, Costa Mesa, California.
Charles E. O'Neal, business of Tractor Service, at 7115 Garfield
Ave., City.
Long Beach Plywood Company, business of Plywood Sales & Delivery,
Wheel Tax, of 1851 Freeman Ave., Long Beach, California.
Norris & Hudson, business of Plastering Contractor, Wheel Tax,
of 3105 Mt. View Rd., El Monte, California.
Howard Campbell Vendors business of Servicing Vending Machines,
Wheel Tax, of 1846 Catalpa Ave., Anaheim, California.
Roy Shock Plumbing, business of Plumbing Contractor, Wheel Tax,
of 2049 Harbor Blvd.; Costa Mesa, California.
John Hitchcock Electric, business of Electrical Contractor, Wheel
Tax, of 2117 W. Borchard St., Santa Ana, California.
Frank Fisher and Son, Inc., business of Masonry Contractor, Wheel
Tax, 143 W. 165th St., Gardena, California.
Glenn L. Grover, business of Masonry Contractor, Wheel Tax, of
12382 Magnolia Ave., Garden Grove, California.
R. F. Lester, business of Telephone Answering Service, at 520
Main Street, City, a transfer from Wm. C. & Katie Reigle.
Ronald Snyder, business of Tractor rental at 217 - 17th St., City.
Volney S. McCarty, business of Auto Upholstery, at 427 Main St.,
Change of Address Only.
Alger W. & Corrine A. Matlock, business of LeeAnn Beauty Salon,
(Home Occupation) at 17762 Cameron St., City.
R. A. Reichel Electric, business of Electrical Contractor, Wheel
Tax, of 8111 - 20th St., Westminster, California.
J. G. Betts, business of Servicing Vending Machines, Wheel Tax,
of 1238 W. 18th St., Santa Ana, California.
O..L-., McLeod, business of Journeyman Plumber, of 14321 Bern St.,
Garden Grove, California.
Wm. A. Mardorf, business of Journeyman Plumber, -of 108 - 32nd
St., Newport Beach, California. -
H. L. Barenchi, business of Journeyman Plumber, of 11582 Dale St.,
Anaheim, California.
Cecilio Sianez, business of Journeyman Plumber, of 9932 - 11th St.,
Santa Ana, California.
W. 0. Canmrine, business of Journeyman Plumber -of 7842 Santa Cata-
lina, Stanton, California.
V. J. Brownell, business of Journeyman Plumber of 13931 Cherry St.,
Westminster, California.
Page #3 - Minutes, April 4, 1960
2nd Reading - Ord. No. 757 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 757,
(Cond. Except.)
its second reading by title. An
Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Hunting-
ton Beach Ordinance Code relating to Conditional Exceptions by
amending Sections and adding new Sections thereto.
Ord. ik757 Adonted On motion by Sork secD nded by Terry,
Ordinance No. 757 was passed and adopted by the following roll call
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert,'Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
2nd Reading Ord. No. 758 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 758 its
(Sec. Dist. Stan 21-5-11
second reading by title. An Ordinance
of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Huntington Beach Ordi-
nance Code by adopting Sectional District Map 21-5-11.
Ord. No. 758 Adopted On motion by Lambert seconded by
Terry, Ordinance No. 758 was passed and adopted by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
2nd Reading Ord. No. 760 The Clerk gave Ordinance NO. 760 its
CSec. Dist. �fIan 18-6-10)
second reading by title. An Ordinance
of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Huntington Beach Ordi-
nance Code by adopting Sectional District Map 18-6-10.
Ord. 'Nn. 760 Adopted On motion by Waite seconded by Sork,
Ordinance No. 760 was passed and adopted by the following roll call
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
2nd Readintr Ord. No. 761 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 761 its
No. Personnel BIdg. Dent.
second reading by tittle. An Ordinance
of the City of Huntington Beach amending sectib,n 1577.32 of the
Page �k4 - 14inutes, April 4. 1960
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code relating to the number of
authorized personnel in the Building Department:
Ord.. No.- 761 Adopted On motion by Lambert seconded by
Terry Ordinance No. 761 was passed and adopted by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: Nbne.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
2nd Rending Ord. No. 762. The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 762
( Refunds - ;hltr. Line Ext. )
its second reading by title. An
Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach amending tte Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code relating to refunds on"water line extensions.
Ord. No.762_Adopted On motion by Terry seconded by Sork
Ordinance No. 762 was passed and adopted by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Fund Transfer - from Cen. On motion by Lambert seconded by
Fd. to ti7.Or.Co.'.;tr.Bd.
for expenditures _ Terry in accordance with the re
quest of the West Orange County Water Board at a meeting held
by the Board on March the 30th, 1960,' the City Clerk be in-
structed to transfer from the General Fund of 'the "City of
Huntington Beach, the amount of $211.99, to the West Orange
County Water Board Fund, for expenditures made for the.City
of Huntington Beach and on behalf of the City by the West
Orange County Water Board, be approved. Motion carried.
',.Or.Co.Wtr.Bd. - Reso. The Clerk read Resolution No. 12,
No. 12
passed and adopted by the West
Orange Oounty Water Board at a meeting held on March 30th, 19'60.
Said Resolution No. 12 reading as follows:
RESOLVED that it is the policy'
of the West Orange County Water Board not to sanction the
furnishing o'f water or the transportation of water to consumers
outside of the boundaries of any of the entities comprising '
Page #5 - Minutes, April 4, 1960
the West Orange County Water Board or to sanction or approve
the sale or disposition of any capacity in the joint Lines
of said West Orange County.Water Board to or for the benefit
of any person or entity other than the entities comprising
such'West Orange County Water Board.
City to adopt. princi.- On motion by Lambert seconded by
pals of Reso.yo. 12
Terry the City Council adopt the
principals set out in Resolution No. 12, of the West Orange
County Water Board as the policy of the City of Huntington
Beach, be approved. Motion carried.
W.R. Neeld - RE:public . On motion by Terry seconded by Sork
address system on Sts.
4111f &4j12,160 granted the request of k. R. Neeld, of 310
Geneva Street, for permission to operate a public address
system on the streets of the City, qn. April the 11th and 12th,
1960, for a period of 4 hours each day for campaign purposes
of a candidate for City Council, be granted subject to approval'
of the City Administrator and the Chief of Police. Motion
1st Reading Circa. No. The Clerk gave the first reading of
763 (Trailers)
Ordinance No. 763 in full, An Ordinance
of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code by amending Section 8720.1 relating to trailers.
1st Reading Ord. No.764 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 764 its
(Hermit -moving or relo-
cating _anv Bldg.) — first reading in full, An Ordinance of
the City of Huntington.Beach, amending the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code, requiring a permit prior to moving or relocating
any building within or into the City of Huntington Beach, speci-
fying methods and conditions of granting, reasons for denial,
fixing procedures, providing penalties for violations, and pro-
viding for Fees.
Or.Co.Mental Health to On motion by Waite seconded by Sork
Solicit - May to June
3rd. 1960 in accordance with the recommendation
of the City Administrator, the Orange County Association for
Mental Health be given permission to conduct a fund raising
campaign in the City of Huntington Beach during May through
FaFe #6 - Minutes, April 4, 1960
June the 3rd, 1960, subject to personnel used in the campaign
to register with the Police Chief at the City Hall, prior to
starting the campaign, be approved. Motion carried.
American Cancer Society to On motion by Lambert seconded by
Solicit. funcs - month of
April - Waite in accordance with the re-
commendation of the City Administrator, the American Cancer
Society be given permission to conduct its annual fund raising
crusade in the City of Huntington Beach, during April, subject
to all personnel conducting the crusade to register with the
Chief of Police at the City Hall, prior to -commencing the
crusade, be approved. Motion carried.
Recuest of City Lngr. to Doyle Miller reported on the request
retain Lane, Acquis a.tion
Service RE; Acreage for of the City Engineer to retain the
sub -yard
Land Acquisition Service to locate
a two to three acre parcel of land for the purpose of a sub -
yard for the Street Department, in the vicinity of Wintersburg
and Nichols•Streets and for the City to process the site ac-
quisition when located.
Retain Lang. Acquisition On motion by Lambert seconded by
Service approved..
Sork in accordance with the request
of the City Engineer and upon the recommendation of the City
Administrator, the Land Acquisition Service Company be employed
to locate a two to three acre parcel to be used for a City'
sub -yard and said location to be in the vicinity of Wintersburg
Avenue and Nichols Street, be approved. motion carried.
City Att'y to attenc. League On motion by Terry seconded by
of Cities mtg at Monterey
4/24,25,,26,/1960 Waite the City Attorney be given
permission to attend the bi-annual spring meeting of the City
Attorney's section of the League of California Cities, to be
held at Monterey on April the 24th, 25th, 26th, 1960, with
reasonable expenses allowed, be granted. Motion carried.
License Agreement -Inez E. The City Administrator reported
Hutrrmell & City RE: Sport -
fishing boat & barge that the City Attorney had com-
pleted the License Agreement document between the City and
Page #7 - Minutes, Anril 4, 1960
Inez E. Hummell and read the License Agreement to the City
Council. Said License -Agreement between the City of Huntington
Beach and Inez E. Hummell, the licensee, giving permission for
the operation of a sportfishing boat and an off -shore fishing
Mayor & City Clerk to On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert
execute Lic.A3--reement
between City & Inez L. the Mayor and the City Clerk be author-
ized to execute -on behalf of the City,
the License Agreement, between the City of Huntington Beach
and Inez E. Hummell, licensee, be approved. Motion.carried:
Driftwood Inn Developers On motion by Sork seconded by Terry,
bid bona to be returned
as lease has been aRRvd. in accordance with the report and the
recommendation of the City Administrator, the Twenty-five
Thousand Dollar ($25,000.00) bid bond deposit made by the
Driftwood.Inn Developer's be returned to the Developer's
for reasons the lease has been approved by the City Council.
Motion carried.
Request for hydrant - On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert
Nichols St. & Slater
Ave. granted in accordance with the report of .the
Fire Chief and the recommendation of the City Administrator, a
hydrant be installed near the tap at the corner of Nichols
Street and Slater Avenue, as necessary fire protection for
the -new telephone company building installation, and that
the amount necessary for the installation for the hydrant
be transferred from the budgeted conduit funds to the water
fund, be approved. Motion carried.
City Admin. to get cost - The City Administrator, Doyle Miller,
Police Range Training
blr�-R. _ recommended to the City Council that
the Police range training building be completed and to use the
repair money under account no. 3306, to pay for the completion
of the building installation. The Administrator was instructed
to get the cost of completion for a report to the Council.
Zone Case No. 101 - On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert
obiection removed
that the objection to Zone Case appli-
P age 7§00 - 7.11inutes, i%�nril 4, 1960
cation #101, has been removed and the Clerk gave the first reading
of the Ordinance covering the rezoning. Motion carried.
1st Readim, Crd.No. 759 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 759 its
(Sec.Dist.`''ap 26-5-11)
first reading in full, An Ordinance
of the City of Huntington Beach amending the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code`by adopting Sectional District Map 26-5-11.
Mayor Irby called a short recess of
the City Council at 8:50 o'clock P.M.
The City Council reconvened at 9:00
o'clock P.M.
City ikemin. RU: Hire The City Administrator reported on
Protection Contract
Renewal the recommendation of Fire Chief
Higgins, for the renewal of the.Fire Protection Contract, with
the County of Orange and recommended.a new contract be prepared
by the County, covering the area South of Garfield to be served
by the Huntington Beach Fire Department and all areas North of
Garfield Avenue to be served by the Ocean View Station.
City ndmin. & City Att'y On motion by Terry seconded by Sork
prepare fl�reement between
b r.Co.C;ounsel & City - the City Administrator and the City
Fire Protection
Attorney be authorized to prepare
an agreement with the Orange County Counsel to provide for the
fire protection as outlined in the request of the City Admini-
strator and the Fire Chief, be approved. Motion carried.
Norm.worthv Communication- The City Administrator read a corn -
RE: acauire areas of land
adiacent to schools munication received from Norman
Worthy, Director of Recreation, for the City of Huntington Beach,
said communication dated March 31st, 1960, and said communication
outlining the recommendation of the Recreation Commission,. for
acquiring.of areas of land adjacent to each elementary school,
the financing acquisition and park development.
k-,r. :-Uroshima. - Mr. Hiroshima appeared before the
Tract 3657
City Council and stated that he is
the agent for the owners of land of proposed tract #3657, and
stated that Mr. T. Lewis has made an offer to purchase the parcel
and pointed out that if the City is to condemn an additional 5
Page #9 - Minutes, April 4. 1960
acre parcel for recreation purposes in addition to that being
taken by the elementary school district, the land would not
lend itself economically for a sub -division and asked that the
City Council forego the acquisition.
__ov.le Miller Doyle Miller reported to the City Council
that he thought it would be unfair to hold up the proposed
development of Tract #3657, any longer, as the City is in
no position financially to purchase tbe- 5 acre parcel re-
-commended by.the Recreation Commission, or to proceed with
condemnation proceddings for same.
City Council to On motion by Sork seconded by Waite the
forego acquisition
of 5 acre narcel. City Council forego the acquisition of the
5 acre parcel, in the proposed Tract #3657,-which had been
recommended by the Recreation Commission. Motion carried.
1st Reading Ord. The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 765 its first
No.765 ("Pool &
Billiard. Halls") reading in full, An Ordinance of the City
of Huntington Beach declaring an emergency to exist amending
the -Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by adding a new Article
No. 533, entitled, "Pool and Billiard Halls'" and adding new
sections to said Article.
Doyle Miller - U:Doyle Miller, City Administrator, reported
Items Mun.Crt.Blde
ExT)ansi.on to the City Council that he had checked
over the items to be installed or work, on- the expansion of
the Municipal Court Building as requested by Judge Baker
and had personally reviewed the items and it was the recom-
mendation that they be carried out.
Authorize City On motion by Terry seconded by Sork the
Admin:Off. RE:
Items, Expansion City Administrator be authorized to proceed
Mun. Crt. Bldg.
with the items on the expansion of the
Municipal Court Building as requested by Judge Baker, be
approved. Motion carried.
. J.B. I"ing Jr. RF.: The City Administrator reported that he was
Beach Concession
in receipt of a request from Jessie B. King,
Jr., of Huntington Beach, re -submitting an application for
Peae #10 - *Linutes, April 4, 196n
Beach Concession that was made under date of August the 15th,
1957, and said Concession to be located in the vicinity of the
Municipal Trailer Park.
J. B. Kind, Jr. request - On motion by Sark seconded by Lambert
referred to Aemin.Officer
the request of Jessie B. King, Jr..,
for Beach Concession, location, in the vicinity of the Municipal
Trailer Park, be referred to the City Administrator for study
and report. Motion carried,
Request of Police Chief Doyle Miller, City Administrator,
Car #453 be traded in on
new 6 cal. car reported on the request of the Police
Chief, that police unit car #453, 1958 Ford, with a total mileage
of 99,301 miles be traded in on a new 6 cylinder standard vehicle
to be assigned to the detective bureau, in lieu of having same
repaired, reconditioned, and repainted and that the purchase of
said vehicle is an appropriation in the 1959-1960 budget.
Citv Purchasing; Agent to On motion by Terry seconded by Sork,
receive informal bids -
cy�1� staneare car the City Purchasing Agent be authorized
to receive informal bids on the new 6 cylinder standard vehicle, be
approved. Motion carried.
Preliminary estimate improve- Doyle Miller reported to the City
ment work Hunt.Ave. RE:
1-,untiaEton Beach Comnany Council on the preliminary estimate
submitted by James Wheeler, City Engineer, for improvement work on
Huntington Avenue, that will have to be done in conjunction with
the curb and gutter work requested by the Huntington Beach Co.
and that said improvement would total $10,769.00, of which the
Huntington Beach Company would participate in the amount of $4,700.00,
and that the estimate is a preliminary and the participation of
the Huntington Beach Company should be based on the contract price.
City En�,r to proceec with On motion by Terry seconded by Waite
plans L spec"s improve.work
HuntAve. the. City Engineer be instructed to
proceed with plans and specifications for the improvement work on
Huntington Avenue between Atlanta Avenue and U.S. Highway #101.
Motion- carried.
Retort - Loyle Miller Doyle Miller reported to the City
RE: Fire inks
Council that it was necessary to
Pate 'M - I-Ti.nutes:, tirril 4, 1960
replace the 75 concrete fire rings located on the beach in
the vicinity of 12th Street, and said rings to be replaced
with a new type of ring which lends itself to more economical
maintenance and cleanup.
City Purchasing Agent On motion by Lambert seconded by
to purchase 75 concrete
fire rinjzs - to be chg to Sork the City Purchasing Agent be
authorized to purchase 75 fire
rings to replace 75 concrete fire rings on the beach, in
accordance with the specifications outlined by the City
Administrator and said purchase to be charged to the Special
Fund for Capital Outlay Reserve, was passed and adopted by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Report. filed try City Engr , Doyle Miller read the summary
I E: Road Inventory & In-
VEntor of Sts cz Tcs. of a report filed by James
Wheeler, City Engineer, and said report covering the road
inventory, and inventory of street and road deficiencies
prepared by the Engineering Department, which is an annual
requirement of the State Division of Highways, State of
California, and that said report should be approved by the
City Council., and ordered transmitted to the Division of
Highways, State of California,
2d. Inventory report to be On motion by Sork seconded by
filccl with Div. of Hiahwa�s
Terry that the City Engineer's
report of road inventory and inventory of street and road
deficiencies be approved and said report be filed with the
Division of Highways, State of California. Motion carried.
Reclassify liarolc' Gooe.fi.elc' On motion by Waite seconded by
?)arvl i�. Sr�itl7
Terry in.accordance with the
request of the City Engineer and the recommendation of the
City Administrator that Harold Goodfield, a skilled worker,
and Daryl D. Smith, a skilled worker, be placed on the regu-
lar Municipal City payroll effective April the 1st, 1960,
in Range 30, Bracket "A" of the Salary Classification, be approved.
Motion carried.
I.ecLassii�, ?oc Geer
Can motion by Terry seconded by Sork
the request of the City Engineer and the recommendation of the
City Administrator, that Joe Geer, Classification, Maintenance
Man, be reclassified, to be effective April the 1st, 1960, to
Park Caretaker, in Range 29, Bracket "E". Motion carried.
tJ : nar. - Doyle Miller, City Administrator,
.esiccnc:e : e,ti rs Lelaware
17t1;. outlined the City Engineer's
proposal for the construction of residence sewers to be done
under contract in the vicinity cif Delaware Avenue and 17th Street.
Uity �r. ,.r to contract on motion by Lambert seconded by
cons—. of sewer work
Waite the City Engineer be instructed
to contract the construction of the sewer work as outlined. Motion
catio_. - E: The Clerk reported that a comrmuni-
LIax Sate: ';r17�% frnm
Co. . r lw �o 1. i , cation had been received from the
County Tax Collector, relative to Tax Sale #898, covering property
in the Garfield Street Addition, the undivided 249/250 interests
in Lots 7 and 8, Block E, and desired to know if the City consents
or objects to the sale and that. the cost to the City if they
desired to purchase the Tax Title property, the bid amount is
$249.00, plus the additional costs of advertising.
::ity tc purchase Tay;. On motion by Waite seconded by
S 1c
Lambert that the City Council objects
to sale of Tax Sale #898 as reported by the County Tax Collector
and ghat the Clerk be instructed to advise the County Tax Collector
the City desires to purchase the property as listed under T. C.
Sale #898, in the amount specified, be approved. Motion carried.
Cornc-rairiication - I, : T.ax The Clerk reported that the County
jale s= CO from c.Ta-"Col.l.
-- Tax Collector has informed the City
that they intend to sell at Public Auction, property under T. C.
Sale #900 described as an undivided 1/6 interest in Lots 16 and
18, Block 521, City of Huntington Beach, and desires to know if
the City consents or objects to the sale, and the bid the City
Page #13 - Minutes, Anril 4, 1960
would have to meet was $100.00.
City to purchase On motion by Waite seconded by
Tax Sale 900 _
Terry that the City Clerk inform
the County Tax Collector that the City objects to the sale
of the parcel under T. C. Sale #900 and that the County
Tax Collector be advised that the City desires to purchase
the interest in the tax title property, in the amount of
$100.00, as reported by the County Tax Collector, be approved.
Motion carried.
On motion by Waite seconded by
Lambert the demands as approved by the Finance Committee
be ordered paid. Motion carried.
County Tax Collector - The City Clerk reported that the
RE: Tax deeded property
e,1i,,ible�ale _ County Tax Collector had forwarded
a list of tax deeded properties now eligible for sale by the
County and that if the City is interested in purchasing any
of the parcels under Division 1, Part 6, Chapter 8, of the
Revenue and Taxation Code, to so advise the County Tax
City Admin. To Study On motion by Waite seconded by
Tax Title Parcels
Sork the City Administrator be
instructed to study the tax title parcels as lasted by the
County Tax Collector, that are eligible for sale and report
to the City Council. Notion carried.
1st reading - Ord. The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 766
No..._766 (Business Lic.)
its first reading in frill, An Ordi-
nance of the City of Huntington Beach recodifying certain
Sections, amending Sections, repealing and adding Sections
to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code relating to Licensing
of the transaction and carrying on of certain businesses,
trades, professions, callings and occupations in the City of
Huntington Beach.
Councilman Sork RE: Rubin Councilman Sark reported that the
Dobkin property leased to City
needs to be zracied Parcel of land leased to the City
for $1.00 a year by Rubin Dobkin, adjacent to Talbert Avenue
� a
* ■
1. 4 0
Page #14 - Minutes, E�pri l 4, 1960
and east of Highway #39 for recreation purposes, is considerably
in weeds and recommended that the City grade off the property
in order that it can be used for the purpose for which it was
City Admin. to check & have The City Administrator was re -
a Itinrr done by St. Dept.
quested to check into the matter
and have the grading done by the Street Department.
On motion by Waite seconded by
Sork the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach adjourn to 6:00 o'clock P.M., on April 11,
1960. Motion carried.
City Clerk
C-ty Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California