HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-04-18149 L MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, April 18, 1960 Mayor Irby called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen Present: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. Councilmen Absent: None. Business Licenses The Clerk presented the applications for business license to conduct business in the City of Hunt- ington Beach, as approved by the Health Officer, Planning Director, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, and the Building and Safety Director. On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the applications for business license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach, presented by the City Clerk and approved by the Departments required were granted as follows. Motion carried. John R. King, business of Cafe, at 508 Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach. Bartoli Construction Company, business of General Building Contractor, at 18911 Delaware Avenue, Huntington Beach. Alpine Materials Inc., business of Sub -Contractors, Wheel Tax, of 714 So. Knott, Anaheim, California. Vincent Wentz Floors, business of Floor covering, Wheel Tax, of 13139 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, California. 0. A. Mathews, business of Cement Contractors, Wheel Tax, of 9029 Laurel Ave., Bellflower, California. W. R. Neeld, business of operating PA System., of 310 Geneva Street, City. Merker Oil Company, business of wholesale selling of gasoline Wheel Tax, of 4426 W. Bolsa Ave., Santa Ana, California. Coast Grain Company, business of Grain Feed Delivery, Wheel Tax, of 12948 So. Pioneer Blvd., Norwalk, California. Allied Builder's Hardware & Electric Supply, business of Wholesale Hardware & Electric supply, Wheel Tax, of 1730 Anaheim' Avenue, Costa Mesa, California. A & A Nursery, business of Delivery Service, Wheel Tax, of 12361 E. Rosecrans Blvd., Norwalk, Calif. California Construction Co., business of Manufacturing of Tanks, Wheel Tax, of 2221 W. Commonwealth, Alhambra, Calif. Glenwood E. Deuel, dba Deuel Overhead Garage Door Co., business of Overhead Garage Doors, Wheel Tax, of 8212� Atlantic Ave., Bell, California. 1. 7 5 0 Fa.:,c 7,-2 - ilzutes, A-oril L8, 1960 Thermodyne Corp., business of Heating & Air Conditioning Contractor, Wheel Tax of 1551 Cota Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Conro Enterprises, business of Framing Contractor, Wheel Tax, of 11137 Stamy Rd., Whittier, Calif. Material. Supply Co., Inc.,.business of Delivery, Wheel Tax, of P.O. Box 247, Stanton, Calif. Rosalie Regina Ruiz, business of Rosalie's Beauty Shop, at 309 - 3rd St., City, a transfer from Rosalind Thatcher. Coast Line Plumbing & Heating Inc., business of Plumbing & Heating Contractor, Wheel Tax, of 13862 Jasperson, Westminster, California. John R. Davies & Son, business of Underground Construction, Wheel Tax, of 3312 Long Beach Blvd., Los Angeles 58, Calif. Shower Doors Deluxe Company, business of Installation of shower enclosures, Wheel Tax, of 11521 Anabel Avenue, Garden Grove, California. F & H Plastering Inc., business of Plastering Contractor, of 15031 Hunter St., Westminster, Calif. Joseph Gutierrez, business of Window Cleaning, Wheel Tax, of 3918 N. Delta St., Rosemead, Calif. Hilligoss Brothers, business of Landscape Contractors, Wheel Tax, of 5225 E. 28th St., Long Beach, Calif. PCP Transportation Co., business of Delivering clay sewer pipe, Wheel Tax, of 9500 So. Norwalk Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, California. Frank W. Cochran, business of Bike Shop at Highway #39 and Aldrich Sts, City.. �t't�1}, report - On motion by Lambert seconded by Sork Police �cpt. the report for the month of March, 1960, by the Chief of Police, for the activities of the Huntington Beach Police Department, as read by the City Clerk, be received and ordered filed. Motion carried. r��-reement - Ijc:, ofk On motion by Waite seconded by Terry f c ii the Mayor and the City Clerk be author- ized to execute the agreement to purchase between the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, State of California, and the City of Huntington Beach, the parcel of property, described in exhibit "A" of said Agreement, said property being an undivided 1/6 interest in Lots 16 and 18, Block 521, Huntington Beach. Tract, at a Tax Title purchase price of $100.00, be approved. Motion carried. 2. Page #3 - i'Llinutes, April 18, 1960 On motion by Lambert seconded by So rk the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of the City, the Agreement to purchase between the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, State of Calif- ornia, and the City of Huntington Beach, certain parcel of property, listed in Exhibit "A" of the Agreement to purchase and said property to be located in the Garfield Street Addi- tion, Block "E", and said City to pay $249.00 to the Orange County Tax Collector, plus advertising costs, be approved. Motion carried. The Clerk reported that he is in receipt of numerous transmittals from the Planning Commission, relative to Final Tract Map, Zone Cases and Variances Cases. Planning; Commission On motion by Terry seconded by Waite transmittals referred to new Council that all transmittals received from the Planning Commission for action by the Council be referred to the new Council for further action, be approved. Motion carried. i:obert ci. Eevitt - The Clerk read a communication re- tkdvanced .edi-mix -DLant. ceived from Robert M. Devitt, Attorney - at -law, representing the interests of Advance Redi-Mix, Inc. in connection with their application for a permit to conduct a redi-mix plant at the intersection of Highway 39 and Yorktowt Street, in Huntington Beach, and stated that the principal has entered into a binding escrow with no contingencies with Mr. William Bray, for the purchase of this land for the sum of $65,000.00, and by the terms of the escrow instruction*, they are obligated to complete said purchase, and that prior to entering into the transaction with Mr. Bray, Mr. Bob Russell,. the Realtor, checked with the Planning Department of the City of Huntington Beach on three different occasions for establish- ment of a ready mix plant that would be an allowable use in that particular area and was assured that such was an allowable use on.all such occasions and it was with reliance upon such assurance that the contract to purchase the real estate was 3. 152 ar-c ,i - _ i-n-t:tes, ��r�? i< , undertaken, and that by action of the City Council, on April the llth, 1960, the Building Department of the City, has been instruct- ed to suspend the issuance of a permit to the client, until the interpretation of Article 944, as to whether or not Section 9445.6 should be invoked to effectively prohibit the use for which client purchased the property or an interpretation of the City Attorney. it�ttornc3� aucr City Attorney Bauer reported to the City Council that he had reviewed the M-2-0 Use District Zoning in the City Code, and in his opinion the operation of a ready mix plant does not fall within the prohibited uses. Inasmuch as there has already been constructed a ready mix plant in the same zone and in the same relative vicinity, there is no reason to deny the application for a permit. On motion by Sork seconded by Waite the City Council withdraw its previous objection to the issuance of a Building Permit to the Advance Readi-Mix Inc., for the construct-" ion of a readi mix plant at the intersection of Highway 39 and Yorktown Street, in the City of Huntington Beach. Following discussion of the motion, Councilman Waite requested the second of the motion be. withdrawn. Councilman Sork requested that the motion he made be withdrawn. No action taken. "':alter l ohnson Walter Johnson a resident in the area of the proposed construction of the readi-mix plant, addressed the City Council that he had bought property in that area and stated that his interpretation of the zoning code for that area M-2-0, was that any property owner being deprived of his rights could protest if installations were made in the zoning that would be detrimental to the surrounding or adjacent property, and requested that this building permit be referred to the Planning Commission, for study and report. L=Lst Gisler Ernest Gisler addressed the City Council and stated that he was opposed to the installation of the readi- 4. 153 rate If-5 - Minutes, April 18, 1_960 mix plant, as in his opinion it would depreciate the property in that area. Lowe,''! Evans Lowell Evans, subdivider, addressed the City Council and stated that he was in the present pro- cess of building a sub -division adjacent to this proposed location of the readi-mix plant and stated that it would have a deterring effect on the sale of the homes. i�c',.iinistrator Administrator Doyle Miller stated L.ayte hiller that he had received a call from a Miss Slaight, who owns property in the area, protesting the issuing of the permit. irs. Sylvia rox Mrs. Sylvia Fox addressed the City Council and stated that she is a property owner in the area and objects to the proposed readi-mix plant. icf of PoIice Chief of Police Wright reported to the City Council and pointed out that in his opinion the traffic by trucks from this plant would create a traffic hazard,I especially going out onto Highway 39. New Cleric - Sec. of On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite in accordance with the recommendation of the West Orange County Water Board, the City Clerk elect be appointed to serve as Secretary of the West Orange County Water Board, be approved. Motion carried. ��­reer.ent - iiecr. Comm. The Clerk presented Agreements bet - Schools _ weep the Huntington Beach Union High School and the Recreation Commission of the City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Elementary School District and the Recreation Commission of the City of Huntington Beach and the Ocean View Elementary School District and the Recreation Commission of the City of Huntington Beach, and said Agree- ments giving permission to the Recreation Commission for use of the playguound areas of the respective schools for recrea- tion purposes during May, June, July, and August, of 1960, and between the specified hours of said days and those months and that the Agreements have been approved for form by the City Attorney. 5. F-54 t.pril IS, 196Q On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert the City Council gives consent to the Recreation Commission to execute the Agreements between the Huntington Beach Union High School District, the Huntington Beach Elementary School District, and the Ocean View Elementary School District, and the Recrea- tion Commission for use of playground and recreation facilities as specified in the Agreements, be approved. Motion carried. Lem.,ncs On motion by Waite seconded by Lambert the Demands as approved by the Finance Committee, be ordered paid. Motion carried. Tics for Construction - Administrator Boyle Miller reported to tlorry '_-vermyer Ye-nori aZ 'iiatex__.-�e.servo-r the City Council on the bids for the construction of the Harry Overmyer Memorial Water Reservoir that had been referred to the City Engineer and himself for study and report and stated that the City Engineer and himself had a conference with the designers and engineer's of the water reservoir and agreed that by the elimination of a pipeline item the cost of the reservoir could be reduced substantially by execution of a change order. Contract On motion by Terry seconded by Sork Ecco Company the City Council award the contract for the construction of the Harry Overmyer Memorial Water Reservoir, the low bidder Ecco Company, in accordance with the sealed bid received and that all other bids received be rejected and the bid bonds be returned upon execution of the contract by the Ecco Company and the Mayor and the City Clerk be in- structed to execute the contract agreement between the Ecco Company and the City of Huntington Beach. Motion carried. Progress iayment ;r2 The City Administrator reported to the orcj.ere--C, ")aic on 14unicipal uourt lc. City Council that the addition to the rtiu�i a_t�_��t Huntington Beach Municipal Court Build- ing has been practically completed and said completion will be by April the 20th, and as inasmuch as there will be no meeting until the first Monday in May, requested that the Council accept the work prior to this completion date and authorize the Progress Payment No. 2 for work on the contract, by Fred W. May, in the rN 011) Pa e 7r`7 - Minutes, i�Pril 18, 1960 amount of $5,844.15, be ordered paid. On motion by Waite seconded by Terry the City Council accept the completion of the addition to the Municipal Court Building and authorize the Progress Payment No. 2, in the amount of $5,844.15, be approved. Motion carried.1 :iris on 4 Cr. Sedan - Administrative Officer reported to Police Letective Dent. the City Council that bids to furnish the City with a standard 4-Door Sedan, to be used by the Detec- tive Department, have b6en received and said bids are net including California State Sales Tax and less trade-in of the 1958 Ford Sedan, and said bids are as follows: Main Street Garage - Rambler Ambassador ............ $ 1,450.30 Mandic Motors - Plymouth - Standard Sedan........... 1,732.14 and noted that Mark Downing Ford and Williams Chevrolet did not bid. On motion by Lambert seconded by Terry the City Purchasing Agent be authorized to issue purchase order tothe Main Street Garage for a Rambler Ambassador in accordance with specifications filed and bid upon for the amount of $1,450.30, which includes the trade-in of the 1958 Ford Sedan, Car No. 458, in the Police Department, be approved. Motion carried. Blue Star R)thers to On motion by Terry seconded by Waite sell daisies on May dth &_7th, 1960 the request of the Blue Star Mothers of California, for permission to sell daisies on the streets in the City of Huntington Beach, on the days of May the 6th, and 7th, 1960, be granted. Motion carried. California :sank asks The City Administrator reported that assistance in clearin- title to property he had received a communication from the Escrow Department of the California Bank, requesting the City to assist them in clearing title to a certain parcel of property, legal description, Lot 12, Block 617 of Huntington Beach 17th Street Section. Mayor Irby referred the request of the escrow department of the California Bank to the City 7. 0 Pa-:e - i."inutes, 1-gnri1 1 7, 196o Attorney for study and report. r. I,tc�enzie offers City Administrator, Doyle Miller, ) rchase of 5/50t1i interest in tay. title reported to the City Council that he lot. _ ' received an offer from a Mr. McKenzie offering $150.00 for a 5/50th interest in tax title Lot B, Block 2603, East Side Villa Tract, located adjacent to 17th Street and Huntington Avenue. Mayor Irby referred the request for purchase of Tax Title Lot interest from Mr. McKenzie to the City Attorney for study and report. rater Deoartmcrt The City Administrator Doyle Miller, Lc1u1prtcnt _L Personnel reported on the immediate needs of equipment and material required for the Water Department, and read the Water Department equipment items required, for a total amount of $14,500.00, and reported that the funds are available from water service fees collected to date, and requires Council approval for the purchase of these items, and also recommended the City Engineer's request for personnel for the water depart- ment, that Mr. McKay be transferred from his present position, Senior Civil Engineering Assistant, to the classification of Water Superintendent, in Salary Range 42, Bracket "A", and to employ Mr. Kruger, as Assistant Water Superintendent in Salary Range 36, Bracket "C", and to employ a Maintenance Main in Range 28, Braeket "C", said position to be filled from applica- tions on file, and that these positions requested will provide the Water Department with ample minimum man -power to commence operations. City Furchasinz , .`� cnt On motion by Waite seconded by Terry to chase ertri_lm��t�t_ the City Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase the Water Department equipment as listed and read by the City Administrator at an approximate cost of $14,500.00., and that the request of the City Engineer for the transfer of Mr. McKay from the present classification of Senior Civil Engineer Assistant to the position of Water Superintendent, in Salary Range 42, Bracket "A", and that Mr. Kruger be employed as the NI 1 51 Page ;9 -- i-linutes, April 1�, 1960 Assistant Water Superintendent, in Salary Range 36, Bracket "Co', and the classification of Maintenance Man, in Range 28, Bracket "C" be filled from applications on file, be approved. Motion carried. ..ater ;'rusk Doyle Miller reported the City Engineer has requested the purchase of a Water Truck, a budgeted item, and funds available in account 5192, and the approximate cost is estimated i from $8,000.00 to $10$000.00. On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert that the purchasing agent be authorized to receive bids for water truck, under the specifications to be provided for by the City Engineer, be approved. Motion carried. D. C. Lean & Co. - The City Administrator, Doyle Miller, Sewerage & Lrainage problem read a letter from D. C. Dean & Com- pany, developers for proposed acreage in the vicinity of 17th Street and Highway #39, owned by the Huntington Beach Company, relative to drainage and sewer problems. On motion by Terry seconded by Lambert the request of D. C. Dean & Company, Developers, be referred to the City Engineer and the City Administrator, for study and report. :Obert I . Devitt Attorney Robert M. Devitt reappeared before the City. Council and requested that the matter of the action on the permit for the construction of readi-mix plant in the vicinity of Yorktown Street and Highway #39, be deferred until another Council meeting. On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite, the City Clerk be instructed to place on the agenda of the meeting of May the 16th, 1960, the matter relative to permit the construction of a readi-mix concrete plant, be approved. Motion carried. Ta? LySheets The Clerk presented to the City Council the tally sheets from the respective precinct boards covering the General Municipal Election, held on 4ril the 9. 158 12th, 1960. .esul.ts of the Gcncr,�l The City Council opened the envelopes 1"UYI�c4 nu.I 1,lecti 0n containing the precinct tally sheets and proceeded to canvass the election of the precinct votes. There being no errors found in the canvassing of the precinct tally sheets the City Council pro- ceeded to canvass the absentee ballots. The Clerk reported that there were 54 absentee ballot applications made and. 54 ballots voted and returned. There being no errors in the canvass of the Municipal Election, of April the 12th, 1960, the Clerk was instructed to record the results in the records of the Minutes of the City Council. -This being the date in accordance with the requirement of the City Charter for the canvassing of the ballots cast at the General Municipal Election held on Tuesday, April 12, 1960, the Clerk presented the envelopes containing the tally sheets from the precinct boards. There being no errors the Clerk pre- sented the absentee ballots for canvassing of the City Council. It was determined that there were 54 absentee ballots cast for the following officers: Names of persons voted for: Office: Paul A. Doutt Councilman Ernest H. Gisler Councilman W. D. (Jack) O'Brien Councilman Jake R. Stewart Councilman John F. Thompson Councilman E. Jean Turner Councilwoman Lyndon A. Wells Councilman Rogan Harrell Councilman Dan Coplin Councilman Absentee votes: 15 37 8 19 5 9 30 10 8 10. Page ; 11 - Minutes, April 18, 1960 Names of persons voted for: Office: Absentee votes: Roy G. Hall City Clerk 11 Earl T. Irby City Clerk 8 Paul C. Jones City Clerk 25 Alice B. Terry City Clerk 10 Richard Bacon City Clerk I Wm. M. Clegg City Treasurer 40 Genevieve S. Barrett City Treasurer 4 Glenn C. Jones City Treasurer 9 There bung no errors the City Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 1419, a resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, canvassing the returns of the General Municipal Election held on Tuesday, April 12, 1960, in said City. On motion by Lambert seconded by Waite Resolution No. 1419 was passed and adopted by the following roil call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sock, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. The statement of result of election is as follows: STATEMENT OF RESULT OF ELECTION 1. That the whole number of votes cast in the City of Hunt- ington Beach at said General Municipal Election including all absentee votes is 2452. 2. That the names of the persons voted for are: City Councilman: Paul A. Doutt Ernest H. Gisler W.D. (Jack) O'Brien Jake R. Stewart John F. Thompson E . Jean Turner Lyndon A. Wells Write -Ins for City Councilman: Rogan Harrell Dan Coplin;; Arch Lockett Victor Terry Grace Scott Charles Murphy Ed Shaw 11. 160 Write -Ins for City Councilman: (Cont1d) Red Wasden Albert Thompson Charles D. Gruber Ted Bartlett Wdalter Thompson City Clerk: Write -In for City Clerk: City Treasurer: Roy G. Hall Earl T. Irby Paul C. Jones Alice B. Terry Richard Bacon Wm. M. Clegg Genevieve S. Barrett Glenn C. Jones 3. The offices to be filled for which each person named above was a candidate or write-in were as follows: Three City Councilmen - each for a four-year term. One City Clerk for a four-year term. One City Treasurer for a four. -year term. 4. The number of votes given at each precinct to each such person above named was as follows: (See Next Page) 5. The total number of votes given in the City to each of such persons, including absentee votes, was as follows: Paul A. Doutt Councilman -four year term 850 Ernest H. Gisler Councilman -four year term 1269 W. D. (Jack) O'Brien Councilman -four year term 402 Jake R. Stewart Councilman -four year term 1053 John F. Thompson Councilman -four year term 474 E. Jean Turner Councilwoman -four year terms: 632 Lyndon A. Wells Councilman -four year term 1004 Rogan Harrell Councilman -four year term 413 Dan Coplin Councilman -four year term 348 Arch Lockett Councilman -four year term 1 Victor Terry Councilman -four year term 5 12. Names of persons voted for: Office Paul A. Doutt Councilman Ernest H. Gisler Councilman W. D. (Jack) O'Brien Councilman Jake R. Stewart Councilman John F. Thompson Councilman . Jean Turner Councilwoman Lyndon A. Wells Councilman Write-ins: Rogan Harrell Councilman Dan Coplin Councilman Arch Lockett Councilman Victor Terry Councilman Grace Scott Councilman Charles Murphy Councilman Ed Shaw Councilman Red Wasden Councilman Albert Thompson Councilman t Absentee Total Consolidated Precincts Total Votes 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 103 80 97 125 75 106 67 80 52 50 835 15 850 149 140 158 173 121 175 '84 89 79 64 1232 37 1269 49 56 39 51 42 35 57 19 19 27 394 8 402 117 89 91 119 92 115 105 157 105 44 1034 19 1053 49 60 43 56 56 49 42 57 31 26 469 5 474 85 61 78 50 62 64 84 60 39 40 623 9 632 123 140 104 111 127 124 66 68 46 65 974 30 1004 33 45 50 58 53 76 33 14 12 29 403 10 413 28 25 71 45 52 41 31 10 15 22 340 8 348 1 1 - 1 1 1 2 1 5 _ 5 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 1 2 1 .7 4 14 _ 14 Names of persons Consolidated Precincts Absentee Total voted for; Office I 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Voottes,s Votes Charles D. Gruber Councilman 1 1 1 Ted Bartlett Councilman 3 3 -- 3 Walter Thompson Councilman 1 1 - 1 Roy G. Hall City Clerk 50 45 43 55 56 37 43 42 20 24 415 11 426 Earl T. Irby City Clerk 57 '33 63 41 40 60 45 59 40 28 466 8 474 Paul C. Jones City Clerk 131 158 154 145 138 165 103 98 80 80 1252 25 1277 Alice B. Terry City Clerk 33 26 24 44 19 28 22 40 25 7 268 10 278 Write-in: Richard Bacon City Clerk 1 1 - 1 Wm. M. Clegg City Treasurer 153 186 209 220 184 200 82 102 81 85 1502 40 1542 Genevieve S. Barrett City Treasurer 28 15 20 10 23 13 22 25 20 9 185 4 189 Glenn C. Jones City Treasurer 91 57 50 48 46 70 105 111 62 46 686 9 695 163 J Page jr1 5 - .linutes, April 13, 1960 Grace Scott Councilman -four year term 1 Charles Murphy Councilman -four year term 1 Ed Shaw Councilman -four year term 1 Red Wasden Councilman -four year term 1 Albert Thompson Councilman -four year term 14 Charles D. Gruber Councilman -four year term 1 Ted Bartlett Councilman -four year term 3 Waiter Thompson Councilman -four year term 1 Roy G. Hall City Clerk - four year term 426 Earl T. Irby City Clerk - four year term 474 Paul C. Jones City Clerk - four year term 1277 Alice B. Terry City Clerk - four year term 278 Wm. M. Clegg City Treasurer - four year term 1542 Genevieve S. Barrett City Treasurer - four year term 189 Glenn C. Jones City Treasurer - four year term 695 6. That it is hereby found and declared that the following named persons were elected to the respective offices opposite their names: Ernest H. Gisler Jake R. Stewart Lyndon A. Wells Paul C. Jones Wm. M. Clegg Councilman Councilman Councilman City Clerk City Treasurer Immediately following the canvassing of the election the Clerk administered the oath of office to the newly elected officers as follows: Ernest H. Gisler Councilman Jake R. Stewart Councilman Lyndon A. Wells Councilman Wm. M. Clegg City Treasurer Paul C. Jones City Clerk 15. w 164 Ua,�-> ; 7 6 - L,.i.nutes , Lf , 1960 The Clerk gave the oath of alligi.ance, and issued the certificate of election to each of the elected officers in accordance with the provisions of the Election Laws of the State of California. The Clerk read Resolution No. 1419, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, canvassing the returns of the General Municipal Elec- tion held on Tuesday, April 12, 1960, in said City. On motion by Terry seconded by Waite Resolution No. 1419 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Sork, Lambert, Terry, Waite, Irby. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. The outgoing officials Councilman, Terry, Councilman Sork, Mayor Irby, and City Clerk John Henricksen, all expressed their appreciation and cooperation of City Department Heads, Commission, Boards and the citizens of the community during their terms of office. Mayor Irby ordered recess of the City Council at 10:13 o'clock P.M. ATTEST: City Clerk City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California i1iayo r 16. 1.6 5 Pa-e :,"F' 17 - :Minutes , April 1S, 1960 Council `reconvened The City Council reconvened follow- ing recess by new City Clerk Paul C. Jones. LLection of Mayor The City Clerk acting as Chairman advised the Council that the first order of business would be the selection of one of the members to serve as permanent Chairman or Mayor. On motion by Wells seconded by Stewart that written ballots be used for this election. Motion carried.1 On motion by Waite seconded by Stewart that the Chair declare a five minute recess to permit the members to vote by written ballot. Motion carried. .eccss The Chair called a recess at 10:17 o'clock P.M. Ieconvencc, The City Council was reconvened at 10:22 P.M. by the Chairman and the ballots were counted. ciunciLtnaL� uisler - x.av r The ballot gave Councilman Gisler five (5) votes and the Chair announced I that Mr. Gisler had been elected Mayor by a unanimous vote. The gavel was then presented to Mayor Gisler by the City Clerk. Co. Sanitation Dist. The City Clerk read a communication of Crane Count-1 from the County Sanitation District of C range County, California, calling attention to Section 4730, of the Health and Safety Code, State of California, relating to membership on the Boards of Directors of the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County, California. The communication advised that Huntington Beach was entitled to membership on the Board of District 11, represented by two members, one of which by law would be the Mayor and one member on the Board of District No. 3, which by law would be the Mayor, The City must also furnish an alternate to serve in the place of the Mayor on both boards in the event of his absence. Lambert- & Stewart - Mayor Gisler appointed Councilman 3c' Of Dist 17do. 11 Lambert as second member of the 17. U Board of District No. 11, and Councilman Stewart to act as alternate to the Mayor on both Boards. A motion was made by Wells seconded. by Waite that the appointment of the Mayor of the member appoint- ed to the Board of Sanitation District #11 and #3, be confirmed. Motion carried. On motion by Waite seconded by Stewart the regular meeting of the City Council adjourned. Motion carried. ATTEST: City Clerk City Cler an . ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California /j rl f Mayor 18.