HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-02967 MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hail Huntington Beach California Monday, May 2, 1460 Mayor Gisler called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen Present: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Councilmen Absent: None. Gisler. Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Chamber and followed by an invocation given by Rev. Lowell Spangler of Huntington Beach First Baptist Church. Minutes On motion by Waite seconded by Stewart the Council approved minutes of meetings of April 4th, 11th, 15th and 18th, 1960 as transcribed and mailed. Motion carried. 14onthly Reports Reports of the Department Heads for the Engineering, Fire Department, Lifeguard Department, Trailer Park, Building Department, Recreation Department, Treasurer -Collector and Treasurer were read by the Clerk,. On motion by Lambert,seconded by Waite, the reports were received and filed. Motion carried. Elks Lodge #1959 - A communication received from the Re: Carnival St. Dance Huntington Beach Elks Lodge #1959 to the City Council requesting permission to hold a carnival and street dance July 2nd, 3rd and 4th was read by the Clerk. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the Council approved the request of the Huntington Beach Elks Lodge subject to review by the Chief of Police. Motion carried. Herb & Millie Day - A request from Herb and Millie Day Beach Concession requesting permission from the City Council to construct, equip and operate a beach concession in the area presently scheduled to be vacated by the Municipal Trailer Park was read by the Clerk. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, the request was received and filed. Motion carried. 1. 168 Page #f2 - 'Minutes, May 2, 1960 National �.ultiple A communication was received from the Sclerosis Society of Or. Co. - Re: Southern California Chapter of National Solicit Multiple Sclerosis Socity of Orange County requesting the City Council to issue a permit for them to solicit in the Community during the period from May 8th to June 19th, 1960. On motion by Wells, seconded by Waite, the permit was granted subject to the registration of the solicitors with the Chief of Police. Motion carried. Fire Chief, D. G. A notice of a appeal to the -City Council Higgins - Re Kayco Oil Co. from a decision of the Fire Department, D. G. Higgins, Fire Chief, of March 31st, 1960, was presented by the Kayco Oil Company in a communication to the Council, which was read by the Clerk. Atty Robt E. Crose Attorney Robert E. Crose appeared for the land owners and the Kayco Oil Company and spoke regarding this matter, stating that the tanks as proposed would not in his opinion create a hazard. Council. Considerable discussion was held by the On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, a public hearing was ordered to be held on May 16th at 8:00 o'clock P.M. and the Clerk was authorized to advertise same in the local paper. When put to vote the motion carried. Public hearing - At 8:00 o'clock P.M. a public hearing Reso. #1415 was held to receive any protests on Resolution No. 1415 concerning an intent to vacate a portion of a street known as Stearns Rancho Easement. An affidavit of posting notice of vacation of portion of street, given by Street Superintendent, Wm. S. Lewis, was read by the Clerk in connection therewith. There being no protests filed and no one appeaiiggeither for or against the vacation, the hearing was closed at 8:07 P.M. 2. 169, Page #3 - Minutes, May 21 1960 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, Resolution No. 1420 vacating portion of street known as Stearns Rancho Easement, was adoptdd by the City Council on a roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Steuart, Waite, Gisler. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Motion carried. Business Licenses The Clerk presented the application for business license to'conduct business in the City of Hunt- ington Beach as approved by the Health Officer, Planning Director, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, and the Building and Safety Director, On motion by Waite, geconded by 4 Stewart, the applications for business license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach as presented by the i City Clerk and approved by the Department required were granted as follows: Motion carried. R. W. Patch business of Appliance Refinishing, at 17771 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. Fred Farris, business of Lawn Mower Sharpening & Repair, at 209 - Sth Street, City. John T. Blake, business of Clinical Laboratory, at 314 - 5th Street, City. Santa Ana Auction Service, business of Auction, l day only, on April 19th, of 326 East 17th Street, Santa Ana, Calif. Arlene J. Sherman, business of Collection Agency, Home Occupation, at 412 - 7th St., City. Lloyd Albert Koenck, business of Fencing Conttactor, Wheel Tax, of 7783 Adams Way, Buena Park, Calif. Mid -West Building Material Company, business of Delivering Building Materials, Wheel Tax, of 8672 Santa Ana Canyon Road, Olive, California. Tustin Plumbing, business of Plumbing Contractor, Wheel Tax, of 17791 Bigelow Park, Tustin, Calif. Snack Shop #8, business of Restaurant, at 23012 Coast Highway City. Jack McCain, business of Electrical Contractor, Vheel Tax, of 935 Euclid Avenue, Anaheim, Calif. John Mahmood, business of Peddler - Dry Goods, of 7722 E. Newmark Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. 3. 1%0 Pape 1#4 - Minutes, May 2, 1960 Luis Marquez, business of Peddling, of 960 West lst Street, Pomona, Calif. Miss Carol Lee Wallace, business of Teaching Music, (Home Occupation) at 703k Huntington Avenue, City. R. H. Dessert, Inc., business of Cement Contractors, Wheel Tax, of 320 N. Placentia Avenue, Orange, Calif. Dale Casada Construction Co., business of Sewer Contractor, Wheel Tax, of 11382 Glen Cove Dr., Garden Grove, Calif. J. D. Lower Foundation Trenching, business of Trenching, Wheel Tax, of 15620 So. Normandie Avenue,.Cardena, Calif. Robert V. Gordon, dba Carpet Sppecialists, business of Carpet Installation, Wheel Tax, of 8876 Winston Street, Anaheim, Calif. Nelsons Refrigeration & Fixtures, Inc., business of Installation of Restaurant Equipment, Wheel Tax, of 11733 Sherman Way, North Hollywood, Calif. Sinclair Paint Company, business of Delivering Paint, Wheel Tax, of 3960 E. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles 23, Calif. Hubco, business of Delivery Service, Wheel Tax, of 2485� Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach. Tropi-K-Al Ice Cream Inc., business of Peddling Ice Cream,.. of 1236 West 5th Street, Santa Ana, Calif. Public Heart ng - At 8:15 o'clock P.M. a public hearing Llcso_. JJ1416 W was held to receive any protests on Resolution No. 1416 concerning Weed Abatement, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, declaring a nuisance to exist and providing for the abatement thereof. There being, no protests the public hearing was declared closed at 8:17 P.M. On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, to direct the Street Superintendent to eliminent the nuisance and charge property owners for the cost involved therein. Motion carried. Central. Surety Ins. A request for termination of Central Corp. Re: Drilling Bone 31.-46-68 Surety and Insurance Corporation Drilling Bond #31-46-68 on U Tex Oil Company Well was read by the City Clerk. An endorsement from James R.'Wheeler, City Engineer, recommending that the request be processed in the usual manner was also read. *I 4. I ;r Page #5 - Minutes, May 2, 1960 A motion was made by Waite, seconded by Stewart, that a public hearing in the matter of the U Tex Oil Company drilling bond be held on May 16th, at 8:14 o'clock P.M. and that the Clerk be directed to publish a notice of such hearing. Motion carried. Reappointment - A request from City Treasurer Wm. M. Deputy City Treas. Clegg that Mrs. Betty Diekoff be reappointed as Deputy City Treasurer was read by the Clerk. On motion by Wells, seconded by Stewart, Mrs. Betty Diekoff was reappointed Deputy City Treasurer. Motion carried. Reappointment - A request by the City Clerk Paul i7e2uty City Clerks Jones for reappointment of Mrs. Betty Diekoff as Chief Deputy City Clerk and Mona Potter as. Deputy City Clerk was read by the Clerk. On a motion by Wells, seconded by Waite, Mrs. Betty Diekoff was reappointed Chief Deputy City Clerk, and Mrs. Mona Potter was reappointed Deputy City Clerk. Motion carried. Or. Co. Flood Control A transmittal from James R. Wheeler, Project C-5 & C.-6 City Engineer, transmitting plans and specifications for the construction of portions of Orange County Flood Control District Bond Projects C-5 and C-6 which had been previously reviewed by the Engineering:J)epartment, and seeking Council approval of the work, was read by the Clerk. On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, the City Council approved the plans and specification of Project C-5. The City Clerk was authorized to forward a copy of the approval to the County Clerk. Motion carried. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, the Council approved the plans and specifications for Project C-6 and the City Clerk was authorized to forward copies of the approval to the County Clerk. Motion carried. 5. Page #6 - Ifinutes, May 2, 1960 Recess The meeting of the City Council was recessed at 8:30 o'clock P.M. by Mayor Gisler and Council recon- vened and was called to order at 8:40 o'clock P.M., and dis- cussed matters of unfinished business including Transmittals from the City Planning Commission which were referred from the Council Meeting of April 18th, 1960. Amendment - Master A letter of Transmittal :regarding Plan of Streets & Hi hwa s 1957-1958 Resolution No. 95 of the City Planning Commission, recommending amendment of Master Plan of Streets & Highways 1957-58 was read by the Clerk. On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, a public hearing was ordered for Monday evening, May the 16th, at 8:30 o'clock P.M. and the Clerk wawinstructed to advertise the same. Motion carried. Reso. No. 96 -- Resolution No. 96 of the City Planning Zone Case '104 Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 104 was read by the City Clerk. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, a public hearing was ordered for Monday evening, May the 16th, at 8:35 o'clock P.M. and theCity Clerk was instructed to publish notice of said hearing. Motion carried. Reso. No. 97 - Resolution No. 97 of the City Planning Zone Case #106 Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 106 was read by the City Clerk. On motion by Waite, seconded by Wells a public hearing was ordered for Monday evening, May the 16th, at 9:00 o'clock P.M. and the Clerk was instructed to publish notice of said hearing. Motion carried. Reso, No. 98 - Resolution No. 98 of the City Planning Zone Case #108 Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 108 was read by the City Clerk. On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, a public hearing was ordered for Monday evening, May the 16th, at 9:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, and the Clerk was instructed to publish notice of same. Motion carried. 21 173 Page #7 - Minutes, May 2, 1960 Use Variance #200- Transmittal from the -City Planning Den ice'. Department recommending denial of Use Variance No. 200, to allow a hardware store and lumber yard in the R-4 Suburban Residential District - location 600 feet south of Garfield Avenue and on the West side of Beach Blvd. was read by the Clerk. On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, that the Use Variance No. 200 be denied. MDti6n. carried. Use Variance #202 - A Transmittal from the City Planning Approved subject to conditions _ Department recommending approval of Use Variance No. 202 subject to conditions, to allow the establishment and conduct of a ready mix concrete plant in the M-1 Light Industrial District - location at the Northeast corner of Talbert Avenue and Gothard Street in addition fto an existing ready mix concrete plant, was read by the Clerk. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, Council approved Use Variance No. 202 with the condi- tions setforth in the recommendation. Motion carried. Variance Permit No. A Transmittal from the City Planning 201 _- approved Department recommending approval of Variance Permit No. 2010 subject to conditions, to allow the following described lots to remain in excess of maximum lot requirement for extreme slopes by permitting 15% to 20`/0 of the lot area to remain in excess to 25% grade. Application pertainsi to Lots 41 to 60 inclusive within Tract 1813. Application request is for deviation of Huntington Beach ordinance Code Section No. 9741.4. Location is approximately 1200 feet east of Beach Blvd. on the north side of Yorktown Avenue. On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, the Council approve Variance Permit No. 201 with the conditions setforth in the recommendation. Motion carried. 7. 74 Page #8 - Minutes, May 2, 1960 Use Variance 7JA27 - A Transmittal from the City Planning Amendment denied Department recommending deniii of amendment to Use Variance No. 127 to allow removing the time limitation of three years. Variance was granted to allow poultry production in variance to R-4 Suburban Residential District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668. - location ion approximately one acre, 500 feet south of Slater Avenue on the west side of Newland Street. On a motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, that the amendment to Use Variance No. 127 be denied. Motion carried. Under new business, additional trans- mittals from the City Planning Commission were, -presented to the Council. Reno. No. 101 - Resolution No. 101 of the City Planning Zone Case No. 113 Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 113 was read by the Clerk. On a motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, a public hearing was ordered for May 16th at 9:15 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, and the Clerk instructed to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Reso. No. 102 - Resolution No. 102 of the City Planning Zone Case JM4 Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 114 was read by the Clerk. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, a public hearing was ordered for May 16th at 9:15 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, and the Clerk was instructed to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Peso. No. 103 Resolution No. 103 of the City Planning Zone Case #115 - -5 P-M-T Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 1151 R-5 P-M-T as read by the Clerk.. On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, a public hearing was ordered for May 16th at 9:15 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, and the Clerk was instructed LAP 175 I� Page #9 - Minutes, May Z, 1960 to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Reso. No. 104 - Resolution No. 104 of the City Plan - Zone Case No. 116 ning Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 116, was read by the Clerk. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, a public hearing was ordered for May 16th at 9:15 o'cloci P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, and the Clerk was instructed to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Reso. No. 105 - Resolution No. 105 of the City Plan - zone Case #115 ning Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 118, was read by the Clerk. On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, a public hearing was ordered for May 16th at 9:15 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, and the Clerk was instructed to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Reso. No. 106 - Resolution No. 106 of the City Plann Zone Case #_120 Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 100, was read by the Clerk. On motion by Wells, seconded by Waite, a public hearing was ordered for May 16th at 9:15 o'clock P.M., 1 or as soon thereafter *spossible, and the Clerk was instructed to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Reso. No. 107 - Resolution No. 107 of the City Plan - Zone Case LY119 ning Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 119, was read by the Clerk. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, a public hearing was ordered for May 16th at 9:15 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, and the. Clerk was instructed to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Reso. No. 108 - Resolution No. 108 of the City Plan - Zone Case No. J22 ning Commission recommending of Zone Case No. 122, as read by the Clerk. On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert a public hearing was ordered for May loth at 9:15 o'clock P.M., vp Page 7r10 -- Minutes, May 2, 1960 or as soon thereafter as possible, and the Clerk instructed to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Reso. No. 110 - Resolution No. 110 of the City Planning Additional Personnel Pla.nninp Department Commission recommending additional personnel to the Planning Department was read by the Clerk. After somediscussion on the matter, a motion was made by Waite, seconded by Lambert, that a Planning Aide be hired on a temporary basis in Salary Range 34, Step A. Motion carried. AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Stewart, Waite. NOES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler. ;BSENT: Councilmen: None. Recess The Mayor ordered a recess of Council at 9:30 o'clock P.M. Reconvened. Council reconvened and was called to order at 9:35 o'clock P.M. Bd. of Directors - Under reports of City Officers the City Or.Co. Fair Re: banners Administrator read a communication from the Board of Directors of the Orange County Fair requesting permission to hang banners between.June 29th and July 20th, advertising the Orange County Fair. On motion by Waite, seconded by. Stewart, the Board was granted permission to hang flags, not before the 6th of July and to be removed by the 20th of 'July subject to an agreement to maintain the flags in a decorative condition or remove, and to save the City harmless from liability. Motion carried. Melvin Bowman - The City Administrator presented a Re: Lifeguard Captain request from the Lifeguard Chief Vincent Moorhouse, recommending that Lieutenant Melvin Bowman be promoted to Lifeguard Captain in the appropriate range and bracket effective as of May the 1st, 1960. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, the promotion of Lieutenant Bowman to Lifeguard Captain was authorized effective May 1st, 1960. Motion carried. 10. 177 Page Ifl l - ► [inutes , May 2, 1960 Salary adjustment The City Administrator presented a Seasonal Lifeguard. Personnel recommendation from the Chief Lifegua Vincent Moorhouse for a salary adjustment for seasonal Life- guard personnel. Seasonal personnel were excluded from the overall increase of City employees that was granted by the City Council in January, 1960. Recommendation was that the starting or first year rate be increased from $1.83 to $2.01. On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, the City Council ordered the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the starting rate for seasonal lifeguard help from a $1.83 to $2.01. On a roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen. Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. License Agreement City Administrator presented the Cif & Inez C. Hummell matter of a License Agreement made between the City of Huntington Beach and Inez C. Hummell licensing the licensee to use the City pier in loading and unloading patrons going to the boats and barge operated by the licensee; to sell tickets on the City pier; to use pier for any purpose naturally connected with licensee's sportfish- ing activities. The matter was referred to the City Administ- rator and the City Attorney to work out the details for the agreement. Donald Kiser -promoted The City Administrator presented a request from James R. Wheeler, City Engineer, to promote Donald Kiser from Senior Engineering Aide, 35 B to Civil Engineering Assistant, 38 C effective May lst, 1960. Permiss was also requested to fill the positions of Engineering Aide, grade 32 A and Senior Engineering Aide, grade 35 B. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, the City Engineer was given authority to promote Donald Kiser from Senior Engineering Aide, grade 35 B, to 11. Page 1r12 - Minutes, May 2, 1960 Civil Engineering Assistant, grade 38 C. effective May 1st, 1960, and to advertise for applicants and give an examination in order to establish a list of eligibles to fill the positions of Civil Engineering Assistant and Senior Civil Engineering Aide, carried on a roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Stewart, Waite. NOES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Plann.Dir. & The City Administrator presented a Bldg. Insp. to attend Gov. Conference recommendation from the City Engineer on housin that the City Building Inspector 011in C. Cleveland and Clifford Tripp, Planning Director, be authorized to attend the Governor's Conference on Housing to be held at the Statler Hotel, June 13th, 14th and 15th, 1960, driving home each night after the session. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, the City Building Inspector and City Planning Director were granted permission to attend the Governor's Conference and allowed reasonable expenses in connection therewith. Motion carried. Five beach Lights The City Administrator presented a re laced recommendation from the Police Depart- ment that the five existing lights along the beach which are incandescent be replaced with a totalcf fourteen Mercury Vapor Lights in order that the beach might be better lighted and as an aid in cutting down vandalism on the beach. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, a change of lighting on the beach from five to fourteen and from incandescent to Mercury Vapor was approved by the Council. Motion carried. Steverson Bros. Co. - The City Administrator presented a Re: Street light Gothard & Talbert St. written request by the Steverson Brothers Company, and additional information from the Police Department, as to the necessity for a street light at Talbert and Gothard Street in Huntington Beach. 12. 179 Page O13 - Minutes, May 2, 1960 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the Engineering Department were instructed to make plans for the installation of this light. Motion carried. City Collector - The City Administrator informed the reappointed CitAouncil that it was necessary to appoint someone as City Collector, and that the salary was $10.00 per month. City Treasurer Clegg who has been acting as Collector up to the election was recommended for reappointment to the job. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, City Treasurer Clegg was reappointed to the position of City Cplector at a salary of $10.00 per month. Motion carried. Melvin 0. Remington - The City Administrator presented a promoted � request from Clinton H. Wright, Chief of Police, that Melvin 0. Remington, Policeman, be promoted to .;the classification of Detective, Range 33, step "E", effective immediately. On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, the Chief of Police was authorized to reclassify Melvin O. Remington from Policeman to classification of Detective, range 33, step E, Huntington Beach Ordinance Code on a roll call vote: AXES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite. NOES: Councilmen: Gisler. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Motion carried. Chief of Police to The City Administrator presented a attend Atty Gen' l zone meeting_ ._� request from Clinton H. Wright, Chief of Police, that he be granted permission to be absent from the City on May loth, 17th and 18th to attend the Attorney General'sl Zone meeting of Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs to be held in Santa Monica with travel to be made with City vehicle. 13. 180 Page ij14 - Minutes, May 2, 1960 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, Chief of Police Wright was granted permission to attend the Attorney General Chief of Police & Sheriffs meeting at Santa Monica with reasonable expenses paid. On a roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Waite, Stewart. NOES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Motion carried. City Recr. Comm. -Re: The City Administrator presented Park Maint. 1rDzjram I n9 a recommendation from the City Recreation Commission that a Committee be organizated consist- ing of the City Administrator, One Councilman, One Recreation Commissioner, School Administrators and One Board member from each of the districts, and that they would meet,together yin the near future to set up a workable plan or financial struct- ure for park maintenance and programing. Mayor Gisler appointed Councilman Wells and the City Administrator as a Committee to investigate the proposed Committee and to report back to Council at the next meeting. Mr.. & Mrs. Boyce Armor The City Administrator presented a Re: stand in new city park request from Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Armor applying for permission to operate a stand in the new City Park in Huntington Beach. A motion was made by Wells, seconded by Lambert, that the park concession application of Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Armor be denied. Motion carried. International Con£. The City Administrator presented a of Bldgds. Officials - Re: Bi. Iegulations communication from the International Conference of Building Officials, Orange Empire Chapter, re- garding the activities of the Committee in promoting Uniformity of Building regulations thoughout the County. Mayor Gisler instructed the City Administrator to contact the group sponsoring this committee 14. 181 Page #15 - Minutes, May 2, 1960 and get more detailed information and later report back to Council. .Frances Herera - Re: The City Administrator presented the Business License matter of approving an application for business license for a motel operated by Frances Herera, 118 llth Street, Huntington Beach. Mr. Herera has refused to apply with the requirement necessary to obtain such a license. On motion by Wells, seconded by Stewart, the City Council postponed the matter to await further action. Motion carried. Reservoir contract The City Administrator presented a chan3ze order #1 communication from James R. Wheeler, City Engineer, regarding the Reservoir contract and asking approval for change order #1 deleting item 4, 1500 lineal feet of concrete pipe drain Tine and appurtenances in the amount of $4,500.00. Also approval of the required bond in the amount of $95,200.00. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, change order #1 in connection with the construction of the Reservoir was approved, together with the required bond. Motion carried. Mayor & Councilmen City Administrator presented inform - to attend Institute ation regarding the New Mayor and Councilman institute to be held by the League of California Cities at Berkeley, May 26th, 27th, 1960, and stated that it would be interesting and worth while for any that could to go.-1 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, that any Councilman who wish to, be permitted to attend the conference with reasonable expense allowed. Motion carried. City Clerk to The City Administrator informed the attend Institute Council that a City Clerk's Institute would be sponsored by the California League of Cities at Berkeley at the Hotel Claremont on May 3rd, 4th and 5th, 19609 15. V.8 9 Pa,ge i,16 -- Minutes, May 2, 1960 and suggested that it would be an invaluable experience for our City Clerk to attend and recommended that he be permitted to do SO. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, the Clerk was authorized to attend the City Clerk's Institute with reasonable expense allowed. Motion carried. Quotations £or City Administrator presented a commun- pavin of various Sts. ication from James R. Wheeler, City Engineer, showing that informal quotations had been solicited for the paving of various streets in the east side area. Street to be resurfaced: California from Geneva to Hartford, California from Joliet to Lincoln, England from Indianapolis to KnoxviII04' Indianapolis from Delaware to Frankfort, Geneva from Delaware to Indianapolis and Hill from Frankfort to Geneva, and -included -a quotation from the Sully=Miller Paving Company in the amount of $11,200.00 for the performance cflrsaid work. Also there was a quotation from the R.J. Noble Company in the amount of $11,365.00 for the performance of the work. A motion was made by Wells, seconded by Lambert, that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for competative bids. Motion carried. Bids - � ton The Administrator advised Council that pickup truck bids had been received for the pur- chase of a k ton pickup truck, bids submitted by Mandic Motors, Main Street Garage and Williams Chevrolet and that the bid from Williams Chevrolet in the amount of $1,758.43 was the low bid. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase the z ton pickup truck from Williams Chevrolet. Motion carried. Chief of Police - City Administrator presented a request Re: Police 0ept. Range from Clinton H. Wright, Chief of Police, that some of the balance of funds remaining in Account #3306 G, repair labor, be made available to purchase some materials 16.. 1,93 Page #17, Minutes, May 2, 1960 to repair the roof and tie the three sections of the build- ing at the police department range together and reported that there was a balance in account number 3306 G of $1,281.89. On a motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, the Police Department was authorized to use addit- ional funds from account number 3306 G for repairing and maintaining their building at the P61.ice Department Range. Motion carried. Charles P. McKenzie The City Administrator presented a offer for tax deed interest communication from Charles P. Mc- Kenzie of Costa Mesa, California, making an offer of $150.00 for the City's 5/50th tax deed interest in Lot B, Block 2600-3 of East Side Villa Tract as shown on Maps recorded in Book 4, page 65, Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, the City Administrator was authorized to contact an appraiser to get a fair appraisal of the value of this portion of property. Motion carried. Master Inventory Councilman Wells asked the City Administrator whether the City has a master inventory of all equipment and supplies of the City. On being informed that there was none, he suggested that there should be one. No council action was taken on the matter. New seats - On a motion by Wells, seconded by Council Chamber Stewart, the City Purchasing Agent was authorized to obtain informal bids on new seats for the Council Chamber, and submit them to the Council. Motion carried. Warrants aid On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, all warrants drawn against the City as checked by the Finance Committee were approved for payment. Motion carried. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, the Council adjourned. Motion carried. 17. 18.4 Page #18 - Minutes, May 2, 1960 ATTEST: City Clork CI-2 PTU-L C. CM-S City Clerk anT ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California H G.. Mayor 18.