HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-06-07418 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 7th, 1960 001,UdISSIONERS PRESENT: COM14ISSIONERS ABSENT: MINUTES: Council Chambers, City,Hall Huntington Beach, California Presson, letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. None. On motion by Doutt and seconded by Presson, the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of May 17th, 1960, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. On motion.by Stang and seconded by Presson the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of May 23rd, 1960, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted with the following correct- ions: Tracts 3789, 3595, and 3736 approved with the stipulation that drainage shall be.subject to approval by the City Engineer. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION: UV 208 Applicant - J. I. Hintz To allow one additional model home making two units on an R-1 lot for sales purposes of a non -permanent nature with accessory uses of parking lot and play lot. Located 400 ft. south of Heil Avenue on the east side of Beach Blvd., and legally described as the N 2 of the MV 4 of the SVI 4 of Seca 24, T.5.S., R.11.V1.9 SBB & M., EXCEPTING the E'ly 2334 ft., the N'ly 190 ft. the S'ly 147.60 ft., and the Ily 120 ft. 419 Page #2 Minutes - H: B. Planning _Comllissior June,-7th; 1960 - - ,The hearing Sias `opened to the audience, there was no comment. -The Variance was deemed to be a reasonable request by the applicant. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO -APPROVE UV 7#208 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. BONDS: A $1,000.00 bond for model home shall be required to be posted guaranteeing removal of the model home within one year of the granting of this variance unless the City Council at the end of the one year agrees to extend the time. In the event that the' model home is not.removed in accordance with this variance stipulation, the applicant shall forfeit bond and shall permit the appointed agents of the City to removd all structure permitted under this variance. 2. CURBS There'shall be required the installation GUTTERS: of curbs and gutters and pavement to exist- ing street pavement.t= )ztMryD1t_1 gmzsn along the entire 322 feet of frontage of Beach Blvd.; where it abutts• DIVISION I, II, III, IV of DV #141: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thomsp on, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE 140TION -CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION: DIVISION OF LA1,TD:#143 (continued) Applicant - Mrs Gladys Popp required 6000 sq. ft. To allow a 54 ft. frontage lot where subdivision code re- quires 60 ft. frontage, and 5400 sq. ft. in deviation to Located at the N'vV corner of Lincoln Stredt and Huntington Avenue and legally described as.follows: DIVISION I: The 17 54 ft. of Lots 1, 21 3, 4, Block 1202, Vista Del Mar Tract with total area of 5,400 sq. ft. 2. 420 Page #3 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 7th', , 1960 = DIVISION II: The E. 71 ft. of Lots 1, 29 39 4, Block 1202, Vista Del Mar Tract with total area of 7,100 sq. ft. NOTE: Lot dimensions revised from pre- vious request The Planning Director reported that he had interviews the applicant and that she agreed to revise her application asking for 54 ft. and 71 ft. of frontage respectively:, The hearing was opened to the audience;, There being no comment it was closed. The applicant's purpose of the lot split was discussed at length. Commissioner Presson pointed'out that the existing house which the applicant was attempting to separate from the rest of the property was in -dilapidated condition and located. too close to the alley. Commissioner Presson felt that Commission would be doing the.applicant a service and the City likewise, if the applicant could be con- vinced that the property would be worth more with the existing house removed and the four lots sold as two pairs. He pointed out that a 75 ft. by 100 ft. lot was not a logical size lot for the neighborhood, further giving argument that an ancient house on a small lot in a key position would detract -from the value of the large lot. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. THE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Bazil appointed Commissioner Presson-a committee of one to contact the applicant and ask her to reconsider her application. .0; '3' 421 Page #4 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday :_June'.'7th71960 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION - To allow the divisf.on of DIVISION OF Zj,,! D: DV 145 Michael -Savage - a 100 ft. frontage lot into Applicant two separate lots in deviation to Section 9741.4 which requires 60 ft. minimum front - of/ age and 6000 sq. ft. lot area minimum. DIVISION I: The N. 50 ft. of Lot 6, Block 1801, Tract 12, total area proposed lot: 5875 = 50 ft. frontage. DIVISION II: The S. 50 ft. of Lot 6, Block 1801, Tract 12, total area proposed lot: 5875 - 50 ft. frontage. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion brought out the fact that all lots in the neighborhood are of similar size as was being requested by the applicant. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY THOMPSON TO RECOTti521M APPROVAL WITHOUT CONDITIONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED., TENTATIVE TRACT NO 3815 Developer: Moore Homes, Inc Engineer: Millet & King, 1250 So. Main Street Assoc Santa Ana, Calif 201 So.Pomona Fullerton, Calif NUMBER OF LOTS: 134 APPROX ACREAGE: 30.0 Located at the NE corner of Bolsa Chica Road and Sugar Avenue, and legally des- cribed as a portion of SW g of N71 of Sec. 16-5-11. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment, the hearing was closed. 4. 42S Page #5 Minutes - H. B. Planning Department Tuesday, June 7th, 1960 A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT NO 3815 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Tract 3815 shall be subject to approval of drainage by the City Engineer. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 'Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TRACT NO 3733 REVISED J_UNE, 1960 Developer: Bernard Solomon Engineer: Voorhei's-Trindle- 3570 Atlantic Ave Nelson Long Beach, Calif 13794 H.B. Blvd. Westminster, Calif Number of Lots: 43 Approx Acreage: 10 Located at the Slit corner of Talbert Avenue and Newland Street, and legally described as a portion of NE of NW 4 of Sec. 36, T.5.S., R.11.W., SBB & M. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment it wab closed. A MOTION" IVIAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT NO 3733 REVISED JUNE, 19609 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1.. Vehicular access rights along Talbert Avenue and Newland Street except at Street Intersections shall be dedicated to the City. 2. Written permission of downstream owner shall be re- quired to enable developer to enter and construct a paved open channel. 3. -The Talbert culvert crossing shall be designated for a "Q" = 67 c.f.s. 4. Participation in storm drain system shall be on a cost/acreage basis, the exact cost not determined at this time. 5• 423 Page #6 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 7th, 1960 - ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None.' ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST SCHOOL SITE The Commission was asked APPROVAL HUI.lIlTGTOTT .PEACH UNION to take action on two HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT GERALD LANCE, DISTRICT SUPT. school site approval requests present by the H. B. Union High School Board. Site #2 was submitted -with four alternates; Site #5A was submitted as a single alter- nate at this time. Gerald Lance, District Supt., addressed the Commission and explained the re- quirements of the school district and the proposed plans of the school board. There was no further comment from the audience. The Planning Director pointed out -the necessity of the school to build bridges crossing the OCFCD channel which would front along site 112-Al' . _ Also it was stipulated that the proposed.school,site 112-C" should not in any way alter the alignment of Edwards Street, a proposed arterial highway. Supt. Lance stated that it was not the intent of the school board to inter- fere with the existing alignment of Edviards Street. The proposed school sites as submitted are described as follows, together with resulting Commission action: SITE 112A" NE corner of Smeltzer 58 acres NE corner & Springdale of Smeltzer & Spring- W 3/4 S SSJ .1 Sec. dale. 15-5-11 SITE 112B" SE corner of Smeltzer 58 acres SE corner & Springdale of Smeltzer & Spring- & 3/4 N 2 NTW 4 Sec. dale. 22-5-11 • 6. 424 x Page #7 ,. . Minutes - H. B. Planning -Commission Tuesday, June 7th, 1960 SITE 112C" N of Smeltzer & 58 acres NE corner of between Springdale. Smeltzer &.Edwards. & Golden Nest E 4 S 2 SW 4& 71 2 S L SE 4 Sec. 15-5-11 SITE 112D" NW corner of Smeltzer 50 acres NW corner & Springdale E 3/4 of Smeltzer & S ti SE 4 Sec. 16-5-11 Springdale. As submitted on plot map. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO APPROVE.SITES 2A, 2B9 20, 2D HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Lets,on, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. THE MOTION CARRIED. r SITE "5A" N of Talbert between 56 acres NE corner Gothard & Hwy #39 E of of Talbert & SP tracks S 3/4 Y'd 2 SE 4 P. E. R. R. R/V1. Sec. 26-5-1I" As submitted on`plot map. A!MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO APPROVE -SITE 5A HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. CONSIDERATION OF CHAi,MER OF CO_i::_: ERCE -REQUEST FOR RELOCATION OF CITY ID liTIFICATION GUIDi�' SIGiTS A2TD CREATIOIT OF ADDITIONAL SIGiuS. 011in C. Cleveland, 921 - 12th Street, Huntington Beach, representing local service group clubs; and William Gallienne, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, present a joint report on proposed plans to relocate existing city guide signs and the erection of several additional new signs. 7. 425 Page #8 Minutes— H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 7th,,1960 Emphasis was placed on the fact that visitors passing through the community are unaware of its existence or of its actual boundaries. The plan was worked out in such manner as to be of minimum cost in view of heavy expenditures required for sign acquisition. =The Commission was in accord with the proposed project and indicated their desire to refer the project to the City Council for review and action. RESOLUTION NO 115, A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Relocation and Acquisition of City Identification :Guide Signs. A MOTION WAS IJIADE BY THOMPSON AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 115. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, - Stang, Chairman Bazil. 0 NOES: None. ABSENT:. None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED: ZONING STUDY - As requested by'the Commission, POTENTIAL P11-1-A SOUTH OF ATLANTA 101E the Secretary presented study LAST OF BEACH BLVD. maps for possible rezoning to industrial uses for portions of areas located south of Atlanta Avenue and east of Beach Blvd. The Commission reviewed the maps and indicated their desire to hold public hearings for proposed rezoning in order to determine public sentiment. RESOLUTION NO 113 A Resolution of Intent of the Planning Commission Initiating Proposed I,IlA and I;11A-0 Zoning in Northerly portions of Section 13-6-11. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 113. 0 426 Page ;#9 Minutes- H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 7th, 1960 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman,, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO 114 A Resolution of Intent of the Planning Commission Initiating Proposed 1vIlA and MlA-0 Zoning in Portions of Sections 18-6-10, 17-6-107 19-6-10. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 114. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. USE PERMIT NO 107 Applicant - Doyle & Shields To allow a subdivision directional sign to be lo- cated approximately 1000 ft. north of Heil Avenue on the west side of.Springdale, Street, as submitted on map. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY STANG TO APPROVE USE PERMIT No 107 1VITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. There shall be posted a $100.00 performance bond guaranteeing removal upon expiration of Use Permit #107. _ . 2. Use Permit #107 shall expire one year from date granted. 3. The subdivision directional sign shall be removed by the applicant upon expiration of Use Permit #107, the penalty for failure to do so shall be the for- feiture of the performance bond. The City shall retain the right for entry and removal of sign upon expiration of Use Permit #107. 9• 427 Page 1#10 Minutes-- H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 7th, 1960 .ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thomspon, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. t i,TISCEtL�INEOUS: REQUEST MADE BY - Heyward C. Bailey Mortarless Inter- locking Block Co. 2215 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif Applicant requests Planning _Commission ruling to determine if the business of manufacturing concrete block and related products was a permissible use in the 11-2-0. The Commission held a discussion of the request and expressed their desire to study the applicants present operation prior to making a finding. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY THOT;TPSON TO CONTINUE THE ACTION TO THE FOLLOW- ING MEETING. THE 140TION CARRIED. Clifford E. Tripp Secretary THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS THE MEETING ADJOURNED. 10. rc) "jR,4' VcJ Robert Bazil Chairman.