HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-07-06443 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 COhSIISSIONERS PRESEi•T`1': Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Presson, Stang, Chairman Bazil. 00131ISSIONERS 13SENT : None. PINUTES: On motion by Stang and seconded by Thompson the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission meeting of June 21st, 1960, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. USE VARIIdITCE: UV #209 To allow the construction of Applicant - Harry Shaffer a 50 bed hospital and pharmacy as an accessory use thereto in deviation to R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located approximately 600 ft. south of Heil Avenue on the east side of Bolsa Chica Road on a five acre parcel. Legally described as Lot 3, Block 11 Tract 86, Coast Blvd. Farms. The Secretary read a letter favoring the granting of proposed variance, written by Max A. Schiresohn who was an adjoining property ovmer. The hearing was opened to the audience. Harry Shaffer, applicant, addressed the Commission and stated all the particulars involved in the project. He acknowledged the proposed requirement of Curbs and Gutters and additional dedication of street width. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY THOT:IPSON AND SECONDED BY STANG APPROVING UV 209 w`IITH THE FOLLOWING Mi Page #2 Minutes - H. B. Planning -Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 CONDITIONS: 1. The 50 bed hospital building permit shall be issued only with adequate guarantee that connected sewers shall be installed. 2. There shall be required an additional 30'ft. of right-of-way dedication along Bolsa Chica Street frontage and full improvements thereto in accordance to Section 9406.1 and 9406.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinancne Code which requires dedication to Master Planned street widths and improvements in accordance to City standards along all Master Planned Arterial highways. 3. There shall be required a minimum of 50 parking spaces of 10 x 20 size on a paved asphaltic con- crete or equivalent parking lot. 4. All detached signs shall conform to R-5 District standards as required in Section 9391.4 Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 5. Construction shall begin within 18 months of the granting of this variance or said variance shall be nullified and void. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV ;'=211 To allow construction of Applicant - Gladys Reed one single family dwelling and one duplex dwelling unit with a 20 ft. rear yard setback on each of two lots in deviation to the A-1 General Agricultural District which allows only a duplex unit per lot. Located approximately 400 ft west of Beach Blvd., on the north side of McDonald Street and legally described as Lot 136 and 137, Tract 417. The hearing was opened to the audience. Millie Nelson, McDonald Street, Huntington Beach, stated that as an adjoining property owner she was com- plaining about the existing condition of the neighboring tenants trespassing on to her yard. 2. 445 Page #3 Minutes --H. B. Planning Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 John Felhoelter, representing the applicant's builder explained what type of con- struction was contemplated for the Commission. A IYZOTION WAS FADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO APPROVE UV 211 WITHOUT CONDITIONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: r AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL LXCI�',PTTON To allow a 54 ft. frontage lot DIVISION OF L;�JD: DV 143 (continued) where subdivision code re - Applicant - Mrs. Gladys Popp quires 60 ft. frontage, and 5832 quired 6000 sq. ft. sq. ft. in deviation to re- Located at the NW corner of Lincoln Street and Huntington Avenue., and legally des- cribed as follows: DIVISION I: The W 54 ft. of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 1202, Vista Del Mar Tract with total area of 5,832 sq. ft. DIVISION II: The E 71 ft. of Lots 1, 2, 39 4, Block 1202, Vista Del I -Jar Tract with total area of 7,668 sq. ft. Note: Lot dimensions revised from previous request. The hearing was opened to the audience, Mrs Gladys Popp addressed the Commission and explained why she wanted the lot division. Ray Overacker, attorney for applicant, addressed the Commission and gave arguments 0 why the lot division should be granted. A MOTION WAS MADE BY THOMPSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO RECOI.31END APPROVAL OF DV 143 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 3. 446 Page #4 Minutes —'H. B. Planning Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 1. There shall be required a 10 ft. utility easement from Division II to alley and to include pe— destrian access for trash purposes. 2. At time of new construction of Division II there shall be required a 6 ft. masonry wall along the westerly lot line. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TRACT ICI U INTO 3848 Number of Lots: 438 Total Acreage: 95.7 Subdivider — Leon Savitch (Ross Cortese) Engineer — millet, King & Assoc. Located north of Smeltzer Avenue, south of Sugar Avenue and east of Springdale, and legally described as a portion of the SIV 4 of Section 15, T.5.S., R.11.W., SBB & Al. The Secretary reported that he had received a phone call from the Super— intendent of Ocean View District Schools and that his district approved the developers proposed school site but with only one street fronting on the school site. Jeff Millet, Engineer for the applicant presented an alternate map with the school site which had two streets fronting on the proposed site. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 3848 WITH THE TWO STREET FRONTAGES ADJOINING OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL SITE AND WITH FURTHER ATTACHED CONDITIONS: 4. 447 Page#5 T.inutes - H. B. Planning Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 1. There shall be required a 6 ft. masonry wall along all property fronting on arterial highways. 2. There shall be required the dedication of access along all property frontage on arterial highways. 3. Realignment of Channel C-4 subject to approval of OCFCD District; as such, approval of Tract 3848 is conditioned upon written approval and varific- ation of C-4 Channel relocation by Orange County Flood Control District Office. 4. Tentative Tract 3848 shall be subject to: Drainage approval by the City Engineer and a commitment from the subdivider to be included with a drainage assessment district now being formed. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO 112 To consider a petition for a Applicant - Doyle & Shields CHANGE OF ZONE relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: A-1 General Agricultural District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No 668 TO R-1 Single Family Residence District. The following parcels of real property as submitted on the applicant's petition are described herewith: Located on approximately 135 acres bounded by Smeltzer Avenue, Springdale Street, and Heil Avenue. Legally described as the NE 4 of Section 21, T.5.S., R.11.W., SBB & M and the NE a of NW 4 of Section 21, T. 5. S. , R.11.W. , SBB & 1,7. , EXCEPTING THEREFROM: 5. RM Page #6 P,linutes -,H. B. Planning Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 Parcel 1. Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 21, S.-0°40'50" E. 660.00 ft.; thence S. 89039'42" W. 264.00 ft.; thence S. 89038'45" W. 297.82 ft.; thence S. 70126143" W. 47.03 ft; thence N. 19033' 17" 19. 180.10 ft.; thence N. 3055'03" W. 103.12 ft.; thence N. 0021'15" W. 154.46 ft.; thence N. 36026140" W. 96.43 ft; thence N. 0°21'15" W. 170.00 ft. to the north line of said Section 21; thence along said north line N. 89038'45" E. 724.92 ft. to the point of beginning. Parcel 2. Beginning at -the SE corner of the NE 4 of said Section 21; thence along the east line of said Section 21, N. 0040'50" W. 765.00 ft; thence S. 89°40'41" W. 370.00 ft.; thence S. 80022'56" W. 37.06 ft.; thence S. 0*43104" E. 596.98 ft.; thence N. 89*41100" E. 25.99 ft.; thence S. 0'19100" E. 162.00 ft. to the south line of said NE 4 of Section 21; thence along said south line N. 89*41100" E. 381.26 ft. to the point of beginning. Parcel 3. The east 4 acres of the S 2 of N 2 of NE 4 of said Section. CHANGE OF ZONE relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classifi- cation from: A-1 General Agricultural District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668 TO C-2 Community Business District. The following parcels of real property as submitted on the applicant's petition are described herewith: Parcel 1. Located on approximately 10 acres at the SW corner of Smeltzer Avenue and Springdale Street and legally described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 21; thence along the E. line of said Section 21; S. 0040150" E. 660.00 ft.; thence S. 89039'42" W. 264.00 ft.; thence S. 89038'45" W. 297.82 ft.; thence S. 70026143" W. 47.03 ft; thence N. 19°33'17" W. 180.10 ft.; thence N. 3055'03" W. 103.12 ft.; thence N. 0021'15" W. 154.46 ft.; thence N. 36026'40" W. 96.43 ft; thence N. 0021'15" W. 170.00 ft. to the north line of said Section 21; thence along said north line N. 89038'45" ft. to the point of beginning. Parcel 2. Located on approximately 6 acres at the NV`1 corner of Heil Avenue and Springdale Street and legally described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of the NE i of said Section 21; thence along the E. line of said Section 21; N. 0°40' 50" 71. 765.00 ft; thence south 89040'41" W. 370.00 ft.; thence S. 80022'56" W.-37.06 ft.; thence S. 0043104" E. 596.98 ft.; thence N. 89041100" E. 25.99 ft; thence S. 0019100" E. 162.00 ft. to the S. line of said NE 4 of Section 21; 6. 449 Page #7 Minutes - H. B. Planning Conmiission y'rednesday, July 6th, 1960 thence along said S. line N. 89°41100" E. 381.26 ft. to the point of beginning. The hearing was opened to the audience, Frank Doyle, applicant, explained to the Commission that the proposed setback on Smeltzer Avenue might hamper his service station. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion brought out the fact that there was to be high school site directly across the street fronting on Smeltzer Avenue which made it imperative to force commercial activity to set back a reasonable distance. If the applicant seeks a service station site, then he will be re- quired to request an area variance. The Commission further discussed the advisability of reducing the zoning on parcel 2. The Commission agreed that the requested C-2 Zoning should be restricted to a parcel 200 ft. by 200 ft. to the center line of Heil Avenue and Springdale St. RESOLUTION NO 122 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach making Recommendation for Zone Case No 112. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 122. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 117 To consider a CHANGE OF ZONE Applicant - John A. Murdy, Jr. relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO M-1 Light Industrial District. 7. 450 Page V`8 Yinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 Located on approximately 20 acres at the SE corner of Sugar Avenue and the P.E. R. R. R/W. Legally described as the W 2 of NW 4 of SE 4 of Section 14, T.5.S., R.11.W., SBB & M. CHANGE OF ZONE relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classifi- cation from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO M-1 Light Industrial District. Located on approximately 25 acres at the NW corner of Smeltzer Avenue and the P.E.R.R. R/W. Legally described as the SE 4 of the S,`r 4 of Section 14, T. 5. S. , R.11.ti`1. , SBB & M. EXCEPT the NW 4 of said SE 4 of the SW 4 of said Section 14; ALSO EXCEPT from the SE 1 of said SY1 4 the N. 150.00 ft of the E. 265.00 ft. thereof. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed during which the need for industrial developments was emphasized. RESOLUTIONT NO 123 A Resolution of the Planning Commission making Recommendation of approval for Zone Case No 123 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 123. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. 451 Page #9 P:Iinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 ZONE CASE F0 121 CHANGE OF ZONE relative.to Applicant - Chico Co. proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: M-1 Light Industrial District and A-1 General Agricultural District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No 668 TO M-1 Light Industrial District. The following parcels of real property as submitted on the applicant's petition are described herewith: Located on approximately 70 acres immediately west of the Boulevard Gardens Tract, bounded on the south by Heil Avenue, on the west by the P.E.R.R. R1W., on the north by Smeltzer Avenue and on the east by the Boulevard Gardens Tract. Legally described as the following described portions of Section 23, T.5.S., R.11.W., SBB & M., to wit: The SW 4 of NE 4 of said Section 23; and the W 2 of the NE 4 of the NE 4 and the NIV 4 of SE 4 of NE 4 all of and in said Section 23. Note: Applicant requests that the following 30 acres be deleted from original petition: Pretaining to the property legally described as portion of the N 2 of the NE 4 of the NE g and the NW 4 of SE 4 of NE 4 all of and in the Section 23, which is approximately 30 acres. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment, it was closed. The Planning Director reported the applicant's request to drop 30 acres of the originally requested 70 acres of industrial zoning. The Planning Department recommended a study of possible M-1-A District between the present tracts south of 9. 452 Page #10 Minutes - H. B. Plannins Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 Heil Avenue and the Industrial Property to the North. Commission discussion also indicated the possibility of rezoning the entire 40 acres to M-1-A. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO CONTINUE THE HEARING FOR FURTHER STUDY TO JULY 19th, 1960. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO 124 CHANGE OF ZONE relative to Applicant - C.A. Brush by Hintz Co. proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO C-2 Community Business District. Located on approximately 322.55 ft. of frontage along the east side of Beach Blvd., and the south -side of Heil Avenue. Legally described as that certain portion of the N z of NW 1 of SW : of Section 24, T.5.S., R.11.a., SBB &,M. Beginning at the W 4 corner of Section 24, said quarter corner also being the center- line intersection of Heil Avenue and Beach Blvd. Note: Legal description furnished upon request. The hearing was opened to the audience, C. A. Brush, applicant, addressed the Commission and asked that the hearing be continued in order that he could get the adjoining property owners together and refile for the whole contiguous unit. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY THOMPSON TO CONTINUE THE HEARING. THE MOTION CARRIED. 10. 453 Pge #11 Minutes ---H. B. Planning Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 ZONE CASE 110 125 CHANGE OF ZONE relative to proposed Applicant - William Campbell change of district boundary and use classification from: R-4 Suburban Residential District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No 668 TO 14-1 bight Industrial District. Located approximately 175 ft. Safi' ly of Delaware Avenue on the S' ly side of Main St. Legally described as Lot 3, Block "F", Tract 7, 1.1-M. 9-8. The hearing was opened to the audience, Maynard Givens, addressed the Commission and protested the proposed zone change because he felt that Main Street would be eventually a show case of beautification and should be encouraged in that direction. He argued in favor of apartment housing and professional business offices. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion brought out the fact that the applicant's request would widen the existing industrial belt running through Main Street area and by so granting such a proposed change the City would find itself in an unhappy situation if the industrial should continue to spread to the northeast along Plain Street. It was pointed out the natural potential beauty of Drain Street should be conserved and exploided rather than shoestringing Drain Street with industrial uses. RESOLUTIO111, NO 124 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach Making Recommendation of Denial for Zone Case No. 125 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 124. 11. 454, Page #12 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission_ Tuesday, 'ilednesday, July 6th, 1960 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO 126 CHANGE OF ZONE relative Applicant - Robert 1,2. Bushnell Mary K. Adams to proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: R-4 Suburban Residential District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No 668 TO C-2 Community Business District. Located on 7.5 acres approximately 750 ft. north of Ellis Avenue on the west side of Beach Blvd., and legally described as that portion of Section 35, T.5.S.9 R.11.7i.9 SBB & M as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of the SE 4 of the NE of said section; thence along the E. line of said section, S. 0039'40" E. 494.94 ft. to the SE corner of said N. 7 2 acres; thence along the S. line of said N. 72 acres, S. 89°17'18" W. 59.37 ft.; thence N. 3021156" W. 495.45 ft. to the N. line of said SE 4f thence along said N. line, N.89°16'17" E. 82.80 ft. to the point of beginning. The hearing was opened to the audience, Robert Bushnell, applicant, addressed the Commission and told of his plans for two car agencies to be located on his property. Mark Downing, 225 - 5th Street, addressed the Commission and stated that they were still negotiating on a proposed site and that he asked that the zone case be delayed until arrangements were worked out. Wesley Taylor, addressed the Commission and stated that he would be the construction superinten- dent of the proposed buildings and would answer any 12. 455 Page #13 Minutes --H. B. Planning Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 questions in regard to them. Tom King, resident property owner on Taylor Avenue, addressed the Commission and re- quested' that the applicant not be zoned commercially as deep as was requested. He felt the Commercial would be too close to the housing area. the hearing was closed. There being no further comment Mr. Bushnell stated that he did not object to a continuance. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY THOMPSON TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO AUGUST 2nd, 1960. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO 127 CHANGE OF ZONE relative to pro- Apnlicant - H. Griswold posed change of district boundary and use classification from: R-4 Suburban Residential District and 1,7-1 Light In- dustrial District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No 668 TO R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located approximately between the boundaries of the following streets: Taylor Ave., Delaware Ave., Ellis Ave., and Huntington Ave., and including a tier of Lots 100 ft. west of Huntington Ave., and a tier of lots 100 ft. east of Delaware Ave. Legally described as Lots 1 thru 135, Tract 3563. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment, the hearing was closed. Discussion of the Commission indicated their opinion that the R-1 requested was appropriate and desirable. 13. 456, Page 114 11inutes - H. B. Planning Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 RESOLUTION NO 125 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach making Recommendations for Zone Case No 127. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 125. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. RESOLUTION NO 125 WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 130 CHANGE OF ZONE relative to Applicant - Huntington Beach Co. proposed change of district & Bert Blackman boundary and,use classification from: R-4 Suburban Residential District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No 668 TO C-2 Community Business District. Located in the area bounded by Ellis Avenue, Delaware Avenue, and Main Street. Legally described as Lots 1 thru 9, Block "D", Tract 7, M.M. 9-8. The Secretary reported the need for certain setback provisions to protect the tract now under construction. The hearing was opened to the audience. Sidney Sher, addressed the Commission and explained his plans for immediate de- velopment of the shopping center proposed. He discussed his problems regarding setbacks. John Carowyn, Alpha Beta Stores representative, addressed the Commission and announced that his firm had signed a lease within the proposed shopping center. 14. 457 Page #15 Minutes --H. B. Planning Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 Glenn Gibbs, representing the Gibbs estate, addressed the Commission and argued that the proposed Commercial zoning would depreciate the Gibbs property. Elinore Gibbs, 7831 Ellis Ave., protested the zoning proposal, unless as she stated, that the Gibbs adjoining property received the comm- ercial zoning change at the same time. Don Robertson, agent for Talbert Square Development, addressed the Commission and argued against the proposed commercial zoning, because a new shopping center would conflict with the plans of Talbert Square Development. He argued that the two shopping centers would be too close together and that they had already signed up Thriftymart TVIarket and would be damaged with another shopping center only one half a mile south of their development. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. The Planning Director questioned the applicant, Mr. Sher, as to his knowledge of the dedication and setback required for this Commercial Zone. He stated that he was fully comprised of the requirements. He further stated that he had no ob- jections to the setback requirements as proposed. RESOLUTION NO 126 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Hunt- ington Beach making Recommendations for Zone Case No 130. A MOTION WAS MJUE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 126. ROLL, CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 15. mem Page #16 . Minutes - H. B. Planning, Commission Wednesday, July 6th, 1960 RESOLUTION NO 126 WAS ADOPTED. WESTMINSTER SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR SCHOOL SITE APPROVAL K thru 6th GRADE SITE "E" Kindergarden thru 6th Grade of Elementary School. Located on approximately 10 acres 1000 ft. south of the U. S. Navy R.R. Spur on the west side of Springdale Street. Discussion was held by the Commission during which it was pointed out that the property has been rezoned to M-1-A Zoning District and that it would N be poor planning to encourage a school site be developed within an industrial park. A MOTION WAS TdIADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO DISAPPROVE OF SCHOOL SITE "Ell WESTMINSTER SCHOOL DISTRICT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed revision of Article 943 Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. Proposed change would repeal 1,1-1-0 District and replace with "0" Combining Oil District. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment, it was closed. RESOLUTION NO 127 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach Recommending Adoption of proposed Amendment to Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by Repeal of M-1-0 and Creation of -0- Combining Oil District. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 127. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thompson, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. 16. 459 Rge #17 ?,inutes - H. B. Planning Commission Jednesday, July 6th, 1960 ABSENT: None. RESOLUTION NO 127 WAS ADOPTED. PROPOSED STREET Applicant requests follow- ABAhDO.':i:,EI?T Applicant - T.B. Talbert ing described streets be 219 Main Street Huntington Beach abandoned and reverted to abutting property owners: A portion of California Avenue and Baltimore Street lying within Block 203 Vista Del Mar Tract as submitted on map. Applicant proposes eventual reversion to acreage and resubdivision in the future. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment it was closed. Consensus of opinion of the Commission favored the street abandonment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY THOIYIPSON TO RECOMMIEND APPROVAL OF STREET ABANDONMENT REQUESTED BY APPLICANT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Thomspon, Kaufman,'_ Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESTUDY OF AREA FOR The general boundaries of REZONING AS DESCRI?ED BY RESOLUTION OF !INTEITT proposed rezoning were NO 121 discussed and proposed for rezoning. A general discussion of the proposed land use for five points area was discussed. There being no further business THE MEETING ADJOURNED. A4�t (&�/ Clifford E. Tripp Robert Bazil. Secretary Chairman 7.