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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, July 11, 1960
Mayor Gisler called the regular
adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Hunting-
ton Beach to order at 7:00 o'clock A.M.
Councilmen Present: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler.
Councilmen Absent: None.
The City Administrator informed the
Mayor that since the meeting had been adjourned to this date
and time to consider only one item of business., no agenda
had been prepared.
Councilman Stewart -
Sound.Speaker Truck
A request of Councilman Stewart for
waiver of fee to operate a sound spea- I
ker truck in connection with the Oceanview Fireman's Barbecue
was presented by the Administrator.
On motion by Wells, seconded by Waite,
the request for waiver of fees be granted. Motion carried.
2roposed Annexation The City Administrator presented the
matter,, of a proposed annexation to the City of Huntington
Beach - located northwest of the City near the ocean. He
informed the Council that Mr. Ted Finster of the Boyle Engi-
neers, representing the developers, was in the audience and
asked if there was any discussion desired on the matter.
Councilman Waite Councilman Waite asked whether there
would be any entry to the property contained in the proposed
annexation from Highway 101,
14r. Finster Mr. Finster informed Councilman Waite
and the other members that the main entrance would be off
Los Patos Road and the only entrance from Highway 101 which
could be made would be through Broadway in Sunset Beach, at
this time. He said their,as a possibility that additional
property could be acquired which would permit access from
Highway 101 at other places.
Page 7r2 - ..'inutes, :ul_y 11, 1960
Counciln.an Waite Councilman Waite then asked whether
the developers expected to get the waterway channels through
dredging, and was informed that this was the case.
Councilman 4ells Councilman Wells asked what steps the
oil companies might be going to take in connection with this
annexation, and was informed that this was a matter for the owners
or developers to iron out.
City Engineer After further discussion, City Engineer
..games -�o eeler
- - _ .r. __. ,Tames Wheeler explained to the Council
that a Resolution of Intention to Initiate Proceedings to Annex
must be filed with the Boundaries Commission together with a
map designating boundaries of the area to be annexed, a week
before they would act on the annexation, in order for the County
Surveyor to have an opportunity to check the boundaries.
Mtr. .Fi.nster Mr Finster addressed the Council and
requested that proceedings to annex be started by the Council
on its own motion. He explained some of the many advantages and
benefits which Huntington Beach would receive as a result of
the proposed annexation.
City Attorney City Attorney explained at some length
to the Council the courses of action open to them in proceedings
with the filing of the annexation - (1) that they could receive
petitions from the land owners representing at least 34 of the
area and assessed valuation of the land to be annexed; (2) that
they could adopt on their own motion a Resolution declaring
their intent to annex the territory, in which case a petition
would not be necessary.
Reno. No. 1427 -Intention The Clerk at the request of the Council,
of linexatic�n
_.-�n.— read Resolution No. 1427, "A RESOLUTION
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite,
Resolution No. 1427 was passed and adopted by the following roll
call vote:
Page #3 - Minutes, July 11, 1960
AXES: Councilmen: Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
NOT VOTING: Councilmen. Wells.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Waite, the City Clerk was instructed to file with the Bound-
ary Commission of Orange County, copies of Resolution No.
1427 with description covering boundaries of the "Sunset
Harbour Annexation", together with maps designating the area
involved, as prepared by the City Engineer, Motion carried.
Sunset Harbour Annex- On motion by Waite, seconded by Lam-
atior, referrec": to
P l_L"11Zn. Comm. , bert, the matter of "Sunset Harbour
Annexation" was referred to the City Planning Commission for
consideration of possible changes in zoning which Might be
City Administrator - The City Administrator presented the
Sal r
matter of his never having been given
the salary which had been promised him at the time of his
taking the position in Huntington Beach.
On motion by Waite, seconded by
Stewart, that the City Administrator be advanced to Bracket
C of Salary Range 51 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code,
effective immediately. Motion carried.
Mr. Clifford Russell Mr. Clifford Russell, President of
the Sunset Harbour Corporation, and
Mr. Barry Branner, Attorney for the same corporation, address-
ed the Council to express their appreciation for the action
which had been taken in the instigation of proceedings for
the Sunset Harbour Annexation. Both men stated that it was
their belief that the annexation, if successful, would bene-'
fit both the City of Huntington Beach and the Corporation
which they represent.
A communication which they presented
to the Council requesting that proceedings for the annexa-
tion bestmrt.ee was presented by the Clerk.
3 ?. 2
Pale #4 - I°Iirtutes , July 11, 1960
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite,
the letter be referred to the City Planning Commission for their
consideration. Motion carried.
On mat ion by Wells, seconded by Stewart,
the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried.
City Clerk
City Clerk and e icio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
-, T
Mayor , y i