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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, August 1, 1960
Mayor Gisler called the regular
meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to
order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen Present: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
Councilmen Absent: Waite
The Pledge of Allegiance was
given by all present in the Council Chamber.
Reports of :gent. Reports of the Department Heads
Mcae-s-Rcceivec'_ 6_
Filed for the Engineering, Fire, Life-
guard, Building, and Recreation Departments, and the Trailer
Park Manager, Treasurer, and Treasurer Collector, were presented
by the Clerk.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Stewart, reports of the Department Heads be received and filed.
Motion carried.
C%ce�an View.Ilushroom A communication from the Ocean
Grower's Assoc -License
Classification View Mushroom Grower's Assoc-
iation appealing the license classification assigned to them
by the City Clerk, was read by the Clerk.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Lambert, the communication was referred to the City Admin-
istrator and the City Attorney for investigation and report.
Motion carried.
J. 1.1ontal_bos- A communication from the J. Mon-
'Tosaui to Control
_._..__ T_ _. talbos, 5101 Sisson Drive, City,
regarding the Mosquito situation in the Huntington Village Area
with it's dangerous effects to health, was read by the Clerk.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Wells, the Clerk was authorized to answer the communication
and refer them to the County Mosquito Control in this matter.
Motion carried.
335 1
Pas- e #2 - Minutes, August 1, 1960
Doyle & Shieles- A communication from Doyle and
rrotesCs Constru.cticn
of Trailer Park Shields, 831 S. Manchester Blvd.,
Anaheim, California, pretesting the possible construction of
a Trailer Park on Heil Avenue directly across from their
Tract No. 3752, was read by the Clerk.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Stewart, the communication was ordered received and filed.
Motion carried.
Juc�-c',vm, Christensen- A communication from Judge
c1-lr'th o_ f July __—
William Christensen, of the
Municipal Court of Newport Beach Judicial District, expressing
his appreciation for the invitation to the Fourth of July
celebration and the Mayor's reception, was read by the Clerk.
A. Allen Hall A communication from A. Allen
Hall, Mayor of the City of Santa Ana, expressing his appre-
ciation and congratulations for the Fourth of July Parade
and celebration, was read by the Clerk.
Col. Robert v`. Clark A communication from Colonel
Robert W. Clark, United States Marine Corps, Commanding
Officer of the United States Corps Air Station, El Toro,
California, expressing his thanks for the invitation to
attend the Fourth of July Parade and the Mayor's reception,
was read by the Clerk.
L. P. Iichols- A communication from Mr. L.
Trees on 4ain St.
P. Nichols of 110 Main Street,
Huntington Beach, Urging Council to take action on the plan
of locating trees along Main Street, was read by the Clerk.
Shoreline Lonst. Co. A communication from Shoreline
Re uecy sts Qdg. Permits
Construction Company Incor-
porated, 2280 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, California,
requesting Council permission for Building Permits to
Pale 3 _ `_'_mutes , AUP,ust f , 196CI
construct 12 single two bedroom homes and four two bedroom
duplexes on a piece of property on the east side in Huntington
Beach, was read by the Clerk.
Mr. Edward H. Croul, President
of the Shoreline Construction Company, addressed the Council, and
stated that his company felt it would not be necessary to make
a subdivision of this property on the present zoning laws. He
informed the Council that he believed this project would be an
improvement in the planning of the City.
The Planning Director, Mr.
Tripp, informed the Council that on a subdivision of four or
less parcels, the ordinance required that a division of land
must be granted, and that it will be necessary for the deve-
loper to apply for such division of land. Mr Tripp explained
to the developer that his proper request would be to the City
Planning Commission for a division of land, rather than a
presentation to City Council at this time.
Mr. Droul then requested
Councils permission to withdraw his application for Building
Permits, in order that he might present the matter to the
Planning Commission for request for a division of land.
�'r. Fr�,.nk Bisslc Mr. Frank Bissle addressed the
Council, and stated that he had a tentative tract map filed on
the property under discussion, which was approve•.d by the City
Council in July of 1959. Mr. Bissle said that up to this point,
he had been unable to obtain clear title to the property, and
this was holding him up. Mr. Bissle informed the Council
that he was going to try to hold up action on the granting of
any division of land, in view of the tract map which he had
On motion by Wells, seconded
337 1
?-4 - ".1.?" sites r tiLt� u s t 1, 1960
by Lambert, the Shoreline Construction Company, Incorporated
be permitted to withdraw their application for Building
Permits. Motion carried.
Harr-,ony ;guilder's Inc. A communication from Harmony
Variance No. 212
____—-- Builder's, incorporated,
14502 Huntington Beach Boulevard, Midway City, California,
appealing to the City Council the rejection of Area Variance
No. 212, which was acted upon July 19th, 1960, by the Hunt-
ington Beach Planning Commission, was read by the Clerk.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Stewart, the appeal by Harmony Builder's, incorporated be
referred to the City Attorney and Planning Director for
study and report. Motion carried.
Nr. 1 ennetti Sampson- The Clerk read a copy of a
County Share
Lif eruard Service communication from Mr. Kenneth
Sampson, Harbor Manager, to Mr. Steven K. Tamura, County
Council, stating that on the revision of the County Budget,
the contribution for the County share for Lifeguard service
in the City of Huntington Beach had been reduced from
$501)000.00 to $440841.98. The City Administrator informed
the Council that, inview of the fact that the Lifeguard
Department did not reduce their personnel in the reduction
of their budget, he had been informed that the County would
allow the additional amount in this case.
1,ccept. of work of A communication from Mr. James
I:. J . _ No i�Z e Co.--. _R. Wheeler, City Engineer,
recommending final acceptance of the work done by the
R. J . Noble Company for reconstruction and improvement of
various east side streets, was read by the Clerk.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Lambert, the letter be received and filed. Motion carried.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Lambert, the work of the R. J. Noble Company for the
Fade -#5 - _ .lutcs, _E�u^;ust 1., 1960
reconstruction and improvement of various east side area streets
be accepted and the Clerk instructed to file notice of comple-
tion. Motion carried.
j . 1:. T.c O-'.IalLI- A communication from Mr. J.
`'enoval- of Trees
K. McDonald, 219 Main Street,
City, concerning the removal of trees along Crest Avenue and
other streets within the City and 'suggesting that it might be
consistent to acquaint the people of the City of any contem-
plated removal, and permit them to express their feelings in
the matter, was read by the Clerk.
1-- r, falter S 11T-7 Mr. Walter Shaw, 311 Crest
Avenue, City, addressed the Council, and stated that he pro-
tested any removal of trees along Crest Avenue and that he
would like to have all the trees retained, if at all possible.
llr. Thomas Talbert Mr. Thomas Talbert, 108 6th
Street, City, addressed the Council, stating that it took
many many years to create a tree but that it could be des-
troyed in a very short time. He informed the Council that it
had been the policy of Huntington Beach through the years
to try to beautify their city with trees, and that he felt the
City should make every effort to retain them.
1-r. r'-.]_anWc+. Frazier Mr. Alonzo Frazier, 12 B 7th
Street, City, President of the Huntington Beach Garden Club,
addressed the Council, stating that he had been contacted by
many people in the town regarding the removal of the trees, and
asking him to appear in an effort to save them. Mr. Frazier
further stated that he felt that many of the Eucalyptus trees in
town were being allowed to die because they did not receive
enough water,. and he thought perhaps a program of irrigation would
help in saving those trees.
_rs . _ i=.- .__. CoIc
Mrs. C. K. Cole, 752 Main Street,
City, appeared before the Council, stating that she would like
to protest the removal of trees on Main Street and Crest Avenue.
She stated that the trees, if given proper care, should last
Page # - Minutes, August 1, 1560
approximately 200 years. Mrs. Cole also informed the Council
that she had taken care of the trees in front of her own
property, and City Maintenance in that respect was never
LIayor„Gisl_er Mayot Gisler addressed the
audience and the Council., and said that he thought the trees
had outlived their usefulness, and were causing considerable
damage and creating dirt in the yards and lawns of adjoining
properties, and he felt that they should be removed for that
Councz !man Lar_,ber t:
Councilman Lambert remarked
that he did not know that the City was going out and removing
trees without being requested to do so by the property
owners. He said he felt that those property owners who
requested removal should be granted their request, so far
as consistent with need, and that those who wish to retain
their trees should be permitted to retain them if at all
J. ,,,�oeler, L I End _ City Engineer Wheeler informed
the Council that the only removals which have been auth-
orized by his department were the removal of trees which
were damaging public property.
The City Administrator read
a request that trees be removed from in front of 804 Main
Street, the property of Mr. D. H. Poppa, because the trees
had outlived their usefulness and were causing damage in
that area. Mr. Miller also read a communication from Mrs.
Ernest Gisler, requesting that one Eucalyptus and four
Monterey Pine trees be removed from the parkway around
their property.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Lambert, the request for removal be referred to the City
Administrator and the City Engineer, and that they be asked
Fa o i'�:- *-ri ni_,tes , Lut-ust 1, I 0
to prepare a report on proposed removal of other trees in the area.
Motion carried.
3yy . 1 v EtI e7.. _ Mr. Angel Varela, 8041 Sterling
Street, City, addressed the Council,
stating that he had been away and requesting them to advise him
which alley was being considered for abandonment.
Councilman Stewart explained to
Mr. Varela that it was an alley almost entirely contained within
the Stevenson Brothers property.
Interest of Ins. Co.- The City Clerk requested a
C i-tV ins.
direction from the Council as to
what steps he should take in providing information to insurance
Companies interested in participating in the City's insurance. "
.,-ttcr.,ai i�<�ucr The City Attorney informed the
Council that many insurance matters were a matter of public record,
and the Clerk would be required to permit perusal of same when
requested, but that he did not believe it was necessary unless
Council so desired, for the Clerk to prepare a list of insurance
policies for any particular company.
C'ouvici l m, n Stewart Councilman Stewart stated that he
believed that the matter Of insurance was a matter of public
record, and that any individuals.could take it upon themselves to
secure that information from the City but that he did not believe
the Clerk's office would be obligated to prepare a list of the
ins. I:nforTnation On motion by Stewart, seconded by
_ . Wells, the Clerk be instructed to
supply information only on individual policies when so requested
by a citizen, and that his department need not prepare any list to
be given for the purpose of bidding. Motion carried.
StOIi--, . ;iCstCl A Quit -Claim Deed from M. E. Heston
U4 ,.,Y C. 7 ..
and J. W. Heston, to the City of
3 4 1
PGar,_o S - r?inu.tes, August 11) 1c 60
Huntington Beach, for street and drainage purposes covering
Lots 3203 and 3204 East Side Villa Tract, and a Quit -Claim
Deed from Earle R. Severin and Edna L. Severin and H. T.
Severin and Thelma J. Severin, covering the northerly 20
feet of Lot 3203, excepting therefrom the northerly 75 feet
of the west 150 feet, and the northerly 20 feet of Lot
3204, were read by the Clerk.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Stewart, the deeds be accepted by the City, and the Clerk
authorized to record same with Recorder of Orange County.
Notion carried.
Pub. 'learinr-„ Mayor Gisler announcedthat at
rv:01 lasc_ L a . 112
8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on this day was the date set for the
public hearing on Zone Case No. 112, and requested the City
Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of. hearing
Zone Case No. 112, as published in the Huntington Beach News,
July 21st, 1960, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock P.M.,
or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 1st day
of August, 1960, for the purpose of considering a petition
for a change of zone relative to a proposed change of district
boundary and use classification from: A-1 General Agricul-
tural District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668, to
R-1 Single Family Residence District.
The City Planning Director
pointed out on a map the area involved in Zone Case No. 112.
The Clerk reported that there
were no verbal or written protests filed for or against
Zone Case No. 112.
There being no protests filed,
oral or written, the Mayor declared the hearing closed.
Can motion by Lambert, seconded
3 4 2
by Stewart, the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an Ordinance
on Zone Case No. 112 as recommended by the Planning Commission.
Motion carried.
Mayor Gisler announced that at
-'� 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on this day was the date set for the
public hearing on Zone Case No. 117, and requested the City C1exk
to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of hearing
Zone Case No.. 117, as published in the Huntington Beach News,
July 21st, 1960, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as
soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the lst day of August,
1960, for the purposes of considering a petition for change of
zone relative to proposed change of district boundary and use
classification, from R-1 Single Family Residence District to
M-1 Light Industrial District, on twenty acres of the south-
east corner of Sugar Avenue, on the Pacific Electric Railroad
right-of-way and a change of zone relative to proposed change of
district boundary classification from R-1 Single Family Residence
District to M-1 Light Industrial District, on property located on
approximately twenty five acres of the northwest corner of
Smeltzer Avenue and the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way.
City Planning Director Tripp
again pointed out on the map the area involved in Zone Case No.
The Clerk reported there were no
verbal or written protests filed, for or against Zone Case No. 117.
There being no protests filed, oral
or written, the Mayor declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by
Lambert, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up an Ordinance
on Zone Case No. 117 as recommended by the City Planning Commission.
Motion carried.
343 1
Pare #10 - Z'Lintites, 'u�--ust 1, 19,60
-1 tib. iicarin ;- Mayor Gisler announced that at
Zone Case. 10 . 125
— - 8: 00 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on this day was the date set for the
public hearing on Zone Case No. 125, and requested the
City Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of hearing
Zone Case No. 125, as published in the Huntington Beach
News, July 21st, 1960, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock_:P.M.,
or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 1st day of
August, 1960, for the purpose of considering a petition for
a change of zone relative to proposed change of district
boundary and use classification, from R-4 Suburban Residen-
tial District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668, to
11-1 Light Industrial District, in connection with property
located 175 feet southwesterly of Delaware Avenue on the
southerly side of Main Street.
City Planning Director Tripp
pointed out on the map the area involved in this Zone Case.
The Clerk reported there were
no verbal or written protests filed, for or against Zone
Case No. 125.
There being no protests filed,
oral or written, the Mayor declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Stewart, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up
an Ordinance on Zone Case No. 125, as recommended by the
City Planning Commission.
Pub. Hearing- Mayor Gisler announced that at
Zone rase -To. 127
8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible on this day, was the date set for the
public hearing on Zone Case No. 127, and requested the City
Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of
hearing Zone Case No. 127, as published in The Huntington Beach
News, July 21st, 1960, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock P.M.,
or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the Ist day of August,
1960, for the purpose of considering a petition for a change of
zone relative to proposed change of district boundary and use
classification, from R-4 Suburban Residential District and M-1
Light Industrial District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No.
668, to R_1 Single Family Residence District, on property bounded
by Taylor Avenue, Delaware Avenue, Ellis Avenue and Huntington
City Planning Director Tripp
pointed outthe area involved in this Zone Case on the map.
The Clerk reported that there were
no verbal or written protests filed for or against Zone Case No.
There being no protests filed,
oral or written, the Mayor declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Wells, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up an Ordinance
on Zone Case No. 127, as recommended by the City Planning Commission.
Motion carried.
Pi-ib. :'e ar i117- Mayor Gisler announced that at
arr-2 cscs No 1 0
`- _.- _ 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on this day was the date set for the public
hearing on Zone Case No. 130, and requested the City Clerk to
read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of hearing
Zone Case No. 130, as published in The Huntington Beach News,
July 21st, 1960, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as
soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 1st day of August,
1960, for the purpose of considering a petition for a change of
Zone relative to proposed change of district boundary and use
cl,Assification, from R-4 Suburban Residential District as adopted
Pale #12 - ilinutes, August 1, 1960
by Interim Ordinance No. 668, to C-2 Community Business
District, on property located in an area bounded by Ellis
Avenue, Delaware Avenue and Main Street.
The area involved in this
Zone Case was pointed out on the map by City Planning
Director Tripp.
The Clerk reported that there
were no verbal or written protests filed for or against
Zone Case No. 130.
There being no protests filed,
oral or written, the Mayor delared the hearing closed.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Wells, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up an
Ordinance on Zone Case No. 130, as recommended by the City
Planning Commission. Motion carried.
2_7r, ilfredT Porter Mr. Wilfred Porter, representing
Alpha Beta Markets, addressed the Council and thanked them
for their action in connection with this Zone Case.
Pub. Hearing- Mayor Gisler announced that at
Reso. No. 127
- - -- T 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on this day, was the date set for the
public hearing on Resolution No. 127 of the City Planning
Commission and requested the City Clerk to read the legal
The Clerk read notice of hearing
on Resolution No. 127 of the City Planning Commission, as
published in The Huntington Beach News, July 21st, 1960,
setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter
as possible, on Monday, the lst day of August, 1960, for the
purpose of considering Resolution No. 127, "A Resolution of
the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
Recommending Adoption of Proposed Amendment to Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code by Repeal of M-1-0 and Creating of
1, 11'G0
-0- Combining Oil Districts."
The Clerk reported that there
were no verbal or written protests filed for or against Resolution
No. 127.
There being no protests filed,
oral or written, the Mayor declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Wells, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up an Ordinance on
Resolution No. 127 of the City Planning Commission, as recommended
by the Planning Commission. Motion carried.
Fub. He rin ,- Mayor Gisler announced that at
m 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on this day was the date set for the
public hearing on Resolution No. 1426 of the City Council of the
The Clerk read notice of hearing
Resolution No. 1426, as published in The Huntington Beach News,
July 7th and July 14th, 1960, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock
P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 1st day
of August, 1960, in the Council Chambers in the City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California, to hear all persons interested in
or objecting to the proposed vacation of the alley described in
this Resolution.
The Clerk reported that there were
no verbal or written protests filed for or against Resolution
No. 1426.
There being no protests filed,
oral or written, the Mayor declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Wells, seconded by
Stewart, the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution
347 1
Pa-c #14 - t.inutes, Au�,ust 1, 1960
of an order of the City Council vacating a portion of an
alley. Motion carried.
_,eso. "o. 1430 Resolution No. 1430, "AN
was read by the Clerk.
On motion by Wells, seconded
by Lambert, Resolution No. 1430 was passed and. adopted by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
On motion by Wells, seconded
by Lambert, the City Clerk was instructed to get all costs
in connection with the vacation of this alley, including the
costs of publication, engineering, and those from the
Planning Commission, Motion carried.
('rc'. 'o. 785- Ordinance No. 785 was given its
1 s t reae'IM
first reading in full, "AN
DISTRICT MAPS 5-6-101 6-6-10, 7-6-101, 8-6-10, 10-5-11,
12-6-111, 15-5-11, 17-6-109 25-5-11) 27-5-11, 28-5-11,
C re . 'No. 720- Ordinance No. 788 was given
lst _reacj3ng ._
its first reading in full,
E?rc' . l c . 73°-
I s t read i.nr
Ordinance No. 789 was given
its first reading in full,
rf:• .��l .' - ii",_nuLcs a r'UF-jist 1, 1( 6-0
Ordinance No. 786 was given its
l�r;: reac' a_nr�
second reading by title, "AN
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Stewart, Ordinance No. 786 was passed and adopted by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
--rc . L C . i"7- Ordinance No. 787 was given its
2;,r rcc c'
second reading by title, 'AN
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Stewart, Ordinance No. 787 was passed and adopted by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
n_sCn E_o "' ccte ;. alif, The Clerk informed the Council
that the matter of a Resolution
relating to the intention of the City Council to vacate portions
of California Avenue and. Baltimore Street, and giving notice of
public hearing, had been taken off the Agenda. He informed the
Council that he believed that there were people in the audience
who wish to speak on this matter.
The City Engineer reported that
there seemed to be some discrepancy in the maps which his office
held, compares with those held by the party seeking to vacate
these portions of streets in the City, and suggested that a title
Pa c� ;F�_6 - Minutes, Au-ust 1, 1�60
report would be required in order to establish the abutting
property owners.
t it . Thomas
T albcrt
Mr. Thomas Talbert, 108 6th
Street, City, the applicant
for the vacation of the streets under discussion addressed
the Council, and informed them that he thought everything
had been arranged and that the papers were all i.norder.
He stated that they were trying to get this property back
into acreage in order to lay out additional housing and
tend to beautify the City.
City Attorney Bauer stated
that he felt that there was a question of ownership and title
in connection with the property abutting these streets, and
that he believed a title report should be furnished by the
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Fells, the applicant be required to furnish a title
report, together with maps, before any further action be
taken by the Council relating to the intention to vacate
portions of California Avenue and Baltimore Street. Motion
Mr. Talbert told the Council
that he would be happy to have the Orange County Title
Company furnish the report.
1-r. _i',ot Smith--- Mr. Roy Smith, Sales Manager
for Orange County Tile Company, addressed the Council to
protest the fee which they had been required to pay for a
Business License under the new License Ordinance. Mr.
Smith stated that they had paid a sum of two hundred and
twenty dollars this year, ($220.00) whereas, heretofore
they had paid twenty four dollars ($24.00) and that this
amounted to nine hundred and nineteen percent increase.
Mr. Smith further stated that he was protesting the License
application under Section 2101.7 of the License Ordinance,
pertaining to branch establishments, and that his company, whale
doing business at two locations, did not do a complete manufac-
turing job at each of them.
yin-kc- Mr. Byron Wineke, the City License
Inspector, addressed the Council and stated that he, together with the
City Clerk, had studied the situation regarding the Orange County
Tile Company, and had come to the conclusion that there were two
separate establishments manufacturing, and that separate licenses
should be obtained by the two plants.
Following additional discussion
by the members of the Council, a motion was made by Stewart,
seconded by Wells, that a hearing on the appeal of the Orange
County Tile Company be set for Monday evening, August 15th, 1960,
at 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible. Motion
Uotincilrn r�:;°Lr_ s.. Councilman Wells requested the
Clerk to contact various City's for copies of their License
The Clerk read Resolution No. 431,
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Stewart, Resolution No. 1431 was passed and adopted by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
A communication from the Southern
C I MS t i 7 1')1-11C71aSr.5
California Edison Company, requesting
Pale #15 - iA riu"es, Au'ust 1. 1960
that they be permitted to purchase from the City of Hunt-
ington Beach, a parcel of land approximately 100 feet in
width adjacent to their Huntington Beach Steam Station, was
read by the Clerk.
NIr. Ralph 'Kiser- Mr. Ralph C. Kiser, District
Manager of the Southern California Edison Company, 538
Main Street, City, addressed the Council, and said that he
was ready to endeavor to answer any questions which might
come up regarding this matter. He told the Council that he
apologized for the urgency of the matter, but that the
property was needed by them in order to place certain oil
storage tanks in connection with their No. 3 and No. 4
Councilman '-ie11s-
Councilman Wells asked Mr.
Kiser whether this property was not under lease for oil
interests by Mr. Watkins, and was informed that it was.
Councilman Stewart- Councilman Stewart informed
Mr. Kiser that he believed this was the only area that
Huntington Beach owned, where they could develop the oil
beneath the Southern California Edison property, the mineral
rights of which are held by the Ctty.
City tit.ty. Dauer -
City Attorney Bauer gave the
Council a resume of the negotiations which led up to the
purchase of the property presently occupied by the Southern
California Edison Company.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Stewart, the request of the Southern California Edison
Company to purchase the property from the City of Huntington
Beach be referred to the City Administrator, the City
Engineer, and the City Attorney for negotiations, study,
and report back to Council. Motion carried.
Itome Service Co. -
nus. Lic.- A communication from the Home
1. inu tcs , t,ms us L
Service Company, operators of coin operated laundry machines at the
Municipal Trailer Park, requesting Council to consider a reduction
in the Business License fee because of the short time left for
them to operate, was read by the Clerk.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Stewart, the request of the Horne Service Company for reduction in
Business License Fee be referred to the City Administrator to
handle. Motion carried.
City L���r.- Y /T A communication from City Engineer
i 4 .
i?)I-Lon P ._ _ y_ James Wheeler, submitting copies
of permit from the Orange County Flood Control District, granting
the City of Huntington Beach permission to construct and maintain
a Foot Bridge and a Sanitary Sewer Siphon within the Flood Control
District right-of-way of the old Westminster Channel, and requesting
approval by the Council, was read by the Clerk.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Stewart, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the accep-
tance of the permit. Motion carried.
I-:etrc. i-tatter W:is-trict- A proposed. Resolution from the
Metropolitan grater District of Southern California urging the
Governor of California to call upon the State Officals engaged in
water contract negotiation, to complete and execute an acceptable
contract with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
as soon as possible, was read by the Clerk.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by
Lambert, the City Clerk and City Attorney were instructed to
prepare the Resolution and submit it to Council for approval.
Motion carried.
n_r c _.,-,E f1 .3.� A request for reimbursement of
the West Orange County Water Board for the City's Share of Main-
tenance Operation Expense for May and June in the amount of six
hundred seventy one dollars and eighty one cents ($671.81), said
amount to be paid from Water Fund, was read by the Clerk.
Pare #20 - ', mutes, August 1, 1960
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Lambert, reimbursement to the West Orange Water Board in
the amount of six hundred seventy one dollars and eighty
one cents ($671.81) be authorized from the Water Fund.
Motion carried.
City �'nrr.- A communication from the City
E.G.S. mil Go.
Engineer stating that an
inspection had been made of the E.C.S. Oil Company Well,
Newroy No. 4, and it had been found that requirements of
the Clean -Up Ordinance had been complied with. He recommended
that Pacific Enployers Insurance Company Bond No. O1-B-61239
should be terminated and the owners notified.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Stewart, Pacific Employers Insurance Company Bond No.
01-B-61239 be terminated in accordance with Section 2448.1
of the Ordinance Code, and the owners notified. Motion
Agree. between Councilman Waite arrived at
City of H.B. &
x..G. of 10:23 P.M.
The Clerk presented the agreement which had been drawn up
between the City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington
Beach Chamber of Commerce, covering industrial development
for the City.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Lambert, the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign
the agreement with the Chamber of Commerce. Motion carried.
City Administrator
The City Administrator informed
the Council the the Lifeguard Department request permission
for their employees to compete in the Lifeguard Contest in
Los Angeles as defending champions.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Stewart, the Lifeguard Department be granted permission
to compete in the Southern California Lifeguard Contest in
Los Angeles with expenses allowed. Motion carried.
i r_kr AC.mii1, ? `oc? . The City Administrator informed the
o y - to
Tie part. a rc:. Council that the City Engineer had
requested a modification of the Water Department Ordinance in
order that a method might be made to charge subdividers for water
used while under construction.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Stewart, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a modifica-
tion of the Water Ordinance. Motion carried,
l',r. . T",ayricilCo If cranzo A request from Mr. Raymondo Feranzo
to establish a Sunday School Class for Spanish speaking people,
was presented by the City Administrator,
Chid cf Poil.ce Chief of Police Wright asked that
Mr. Feranzo be required to
register with the Police Department in order that they might
know where it was being held.
A communication from the J.A.
McNeil Company, incorporated, in behalf of the Driftwood Inn
Developers, requesting permission to preceed with survey, soil
tests and earth fill operations with lessee to be relieved of the
responsibility of removing any fill placed in anticipation of the
performance of this lease.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by
Lambert, permission was granted to the Driftwood Inn Developers
to proceed with survey, soil tests and ground fill, on condition
that they hold the City harmless, and that mechanics liens be not
allowed to be filed in connection therewith. Motion carried.
The City Attorney was requested to
prepare a notice of non -responsibility to be filed within ten days
after the start of the operation.
A communication from the City
Engineer requesting approval of
the appointment of Mr. William S. Lewis to the position of Field
355 1
�. F�. ��22 - I`iZutes , Aug ust 1, 1960
Engineer and Street Superintendent, effective August 1st,
1960, was presented by the City Administrator.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Wells, the request of the Engineer that Mr. Lewis be
with the additional
appointed to the position of Field Engineer/mId Street
duties of
Superintendent, effective August 1st, 1960, be approved.
Motion carried.
City Engr. -
Frornote I`r. Marge
A request from the City
Engineer that Mr. Henry E. Hartge, Assistant Design Engineer,
be promoted to the position of Design Engineer, effective
August 1st, 1960, and that the Engineer be permitted to
recruit a Services Engineer for his department in Range 44,
Step A, was presented by the City Administrator, with his
recommendation that it be allowed.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Lambert, Mr. Henry E. Hartge was promoted to the position
of.Design Engineer, and the City Engineer was authorized to
recruit the services of a Services Engineer in Range 44,
Step A. Motion carried.
Co. of gran-e
A proposal from the County of
Orange to render services wherein they would impound stray
animals, collect all Dog License fees, investigate cases invol-
ving inhumane animal action, and operate a pound for the
holding of all stray animals, was presented by the City
On motion by Stewart, seconded,
by Lambert, a proposed agreement was ordered to be drawn
up covering these services and be presented to Council
for action. Motion carried.
John _i. ,gat=er- A communication from John
N. Sayer, as Appraiser who had been contacted regarding an
appraisal of the piece of property connected with the
City's forty five acres, offering to perform the work for a
fee of approximately two thousand five hundred dollars
pc'1,rC ;rf - rll-.tC_S !lU ;llst 1, 1` 60
($2,500.00) plus Conference and Court Time at twenty five dollars
($25.00) perhour, was presented by the City Administrator.
C its-_ IJ- min..
The Administrator explained to the
Council that this involveda piece of property which would possibly
be taken by the State for Freeway purposes near the intersection
of Ocean Boulevard and Highway 39.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by
Lambert, the City enter into agreement with Mr. Sayer for appraisal
of this property according to the proposal presented. Motion
josh i '. CT nah1 A communication from Mr. John
T. Ganahl, Attorney for the Ronald Road Improvement District,
stating that he had prepared a new petition and Grant Deed for
execution by all of the property owners in the Improvement
District, which had been forwarded to the George Construction
Company for execution, and enclosing the original and three copies
of a proposed Resolution employing his as Attorney to represent
the City in this Improvement District, was presented by the City
Peso. 1 C L'+___M 3 _2 -
Resolution No. 14321 "A RESOLUTION
by the Clerk.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Lambert, Resolution No. 1432 was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Ci t
The City Administrator presented
the matter of the relocation of
the neon sign presently located at Beach Boulevard and Highway 39,
to be moved to the northwest corner of Smeltzer Avenue and Beach
Page #24 - r Minutes, August 1, 1960
Boulevard, along with fifteen other porcelainized steel
signs which they wish to have installed at various points
at the City Limits.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
be Waite, the Director of Building and Safety proceed with
the installation of the fifteen porcelainized steel signs at
locations designated, and nego iate for the removal of the
neon sign to the specified location. Motion carried.
City Armin. The City Administrator reported,
Lights an 1,`emphis St.
regarding the matter of street
lights on Memphis Street, and the intersection of Memphis
and Beach Boulevard,which had been referred to him at a
previous meeting; that there was only one house on Memphis
Street, and he felt that lights would be unnecessary and
recommended denial thereof.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
be Waite, that the request for street lights on Memphis
Street be denied. Motion carried.
H.L.Cham. of Com.
A communication from the
Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce regarding the develop-
ment of a park in the area of Lake Park and Circle Park and
requesting that plans for the development be carried out,
was presented by the City Administrator.
On motion by Waite, seconded
by Lambert, the plans for continued development of the park
be executed. Motion carried.
Mr. J.S.Denny, 2110 Main Street,
City, the local Manager of the Huntington Beach Company,
addressed the Council, and informed them that this piece
of property had been given to the City in 1952 by his
company, and -had been dedicated for Park purposes. He
stated that it was a continuing operation because of the
fill required to bring it up to desired level as dirt would
be available, and that it was his understanding that at this time
it was ready for further processing.
C it y 'Wlni in. -
�en_iest for TZpewriter The City Administrator presented
a request for a typewriter for the Clerk in his department, and
presented estimated cost for an electric typewriter as against
a standard typewriter. The electric typewriter was requested
because of the fact that it could be used by the Clerk's Depart-
ment, along with the machine which they presently have, in
typing minutes, ordinances, and resolutions.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by
Lambert, the Purchasing Agent was instructed to purchase an
elec tric typewriter for the City Administrator, with expenditure
to be charged to the General Fund. Motion carried.
= rThe City Administrator presented
c l-i i c`'of T`a_ Las e
a communication from the Chief
of Police requesting installation of Mercury Vapor Lights by the
Southern California Edison Company on a montyly basis, at the
intersections of Brookhurst and Garfield, Brookhurst and Adams,
Brookhurst and Hamiliton Streets. He informed the Council that
these intersections were the scenes of many accidents, and that
he believed that it was a safety measure which should be followed.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by
Lambert, that Mercury Vapor Lights be ordered installed by the
Southern California Edison Company on a montyly basis, at the
intersections of Brookhurst and Garfield, Brookhurst and Adams,and
Brookhurst and Hamiliton Streets. Motion carried.
The City Administrator informed
Fctic �:.z the Council that sometime ago a
check had been received from our insurance carrier, covering
damages to a police car, and that this check had been deposited by
the Treasurer into our General Fund. He stated that Terry's Buick
had not been paid for the work on the car, and requested authorization
359 1
Page E26 - P-Iinutes , Au us t 1, ISGO
for payment of this account from the General Fund.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Waite, authorization was granted to pay Terry's Buick
for the work on the damaged police car from General Fund.
Motion carried.
Cit), The City Administrator presented
a request from the City
Employees assocaition that they be allowed the usual sum of
three hundred dollars ($300.0.0) for their annual picnic.
The Administrator explained to Council that the item had
been reduced in the budget inadvertently, from three hundred
($300.00) to one hundred dollars($100.00), and therefore
if it were allowedd the two hundred dollars ($200.00) would
have to be authorized from General Fund.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Waite, that the City Employees be authorized three
hundred dollars ($300.00) for their annual picnic, with one
hundred dollars ($100.00) to be charged to the budgeted
item, and two hundred dollars ($200.00) to be charged to
the General Fund. Motion carried.
a member
of the Highway Costal
Freeway Committee,
of the Council for an indication on their preferred location
for the proposed Costal Freeway. Some discussion was held
on the matter without any action being taken.
On motion by Wells, seconded
by Waite, the warrants, as approved by the Council Finance
Committee, were ordered paid. Motion carried.
!'favor Gisler- Mayor Gisler called an imformal
Sct cute for
next rtectinr meeting of the City Council
as a Committee of the Whole to meet on Monday morning,
August 15th, 1960, at 7:00 o'clock A.M..
clr'G' ;F? — '`41'LItC'S, i%Llt LISt 1E��-(o
On motion by Wells, seconded by
Waite, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried.
City Cle
City Clerk ex-officio Clerk
of the City'Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
z/ 7 '-- ', /4'
ayo r