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382 MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, September 6th, 1960 Mayor Gisler called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hunt- ington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen Present: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Councilmen Absent: None The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. Invocation was offered by the Reverend Father Dedy of Saint Simon and Jude Parrish. Minutes Approved On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, the 6ouncil approve the minutes of the meetings of August 1st, August 15th, and August 22nd, 1960, as transcribed and mailed. Motion carried. Reports of Reports of the Department Department Heads Heads for the Engineering, Fire, Lifeguard, Building and Recreation Departments and the Trailer Park Manager, Treasurer and Treasurer Collector, were presented by the Clerk. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, reports of the Department Heads be received and filed. Motion carried. Orange County Boxer A communication from the Club Reguest Orange County Boxer Club requesting permission to use Lake Park for a Specialty Dog Show on Sunday, November 20th, 1960, was read by the Clerk. l-ir._ D._ T. Klootwvk Mr. Donald T. Klootwyk, Show Chairman, appeared before the Council to answer questions regarding the show. On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, the request of the Orange County Boxer Club to hold the Dog Show at Lake Park be granted through regular channels, subject to their registering in advance with the 1. 3�? Pace ar'2 - Minutes, September 6th, 1960 Engineers Office at the City Hall. Motion Carried. Invitation to An invitation to the members of Attend Luncite n the Council to attend a luncheon sponsored by the Feather River Project Association at the Revere House in Tustin on Friday, September 9th, 1960, at noon, was read by the Clerk. Committee for Nat'% A communication from the committee and Coqnnunity Defense for National and. Community Defense requesting the presence of the members of the Council at a luncheon to be held at Hody's Restaurant, Lakewood Center, on Thursday, August 18th, to discuss the possibility of having the Government unfreeze Defense Funds to provide additional work at Douglas Aircraft Corporation for the Employees who have been laid off, was read by the Clerk. Communication from A copy of a communication from H. B. High_ School . the Huntington Beach Union High School District to the Bureau of School Planning indicating that the Board intending to acquire a site which had not been recommended by the Bureau, was presented by the Clerk for information. .,iuscul.ar Dystrophy A communication from the Muscular Asscc. Re.auest Dystrophy'Association of America, Incorporated, Orange County Chapter, requesting permission to conduct a Fund Raising Campaign during the month of December 1960, was read by the Clerk. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, the request of the Association was granted, subject to the Organization registering in advance with the Huntington -Beach Police Department.' Motion carried. H. B. Recreation A•communication from the Huntington Commission Recotmnen_d_ation Beach Recreation Commission, presenting a Resolution which had been adopted by the Commission, recommending a change in Recreation Ordinance No. 539 to the City Council, was presented by the Clerk. 2. 383 1 Page #3 - Minutes, September bth, 1960 On motion by Waite, seconded .by Lambert, the request of the Recreation Department was referred to the City Administrator for further study and" recommendation. Motion carried. Reso. - Protesting The Clerk read a Resolution Removal of Trees to the Honorable City Council from the Huntington Beach Garden Club, protesting further removal of trees, and urging increased attention to those already present. On :notion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the Resolution of the Huntington Beach Garden Club be received and filed. Motion carried. State Division of The Clerk read a communication Highways_Reauest from the State Division of Highways, District No. VII, enclosing a map indicating the location of a frontage road in connection with the proposed San Diego Freeway - said frontage road to be located on the South side of Sugar Avenue, and requesting the Council to pass a Resolution of approval for the proposed change to the Freeway. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, City Attorney was instructed to prepare a Resolution in connection with the proposed change adding the frontage road to the plans for the proposed San Diego Freeway. Motion carried. U. S. Committee for A communication from the The united Nations United States Committee for the United Nations, expressing thanks to Mayor Gisler for his appointment of a UN Day Chairman in the community, was read by the Clerk. -Request from A communication from Mr. Mr. Buster Banks Buster Banks, 1647 East Carson Avenue, Torrance, California, requesting a weer of license fee in selling firewood in the City Of Huntington Beach, was presented by the Clerk. 3. 384 Page iM - IL,finutes, September bth, 1960 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite,. the request of Mr. Banks for wJve r of license fee was denied. Motion carried. Communication from A communication from Mrs. Marian Pfirs . ?.•Iaritn.n Kellet Kellet, 5700 Brynhurst, Los Angeles, California, complimenting the Lifeguard Department of the City of Huntington Beach for their fine work in helping them escape from a capsized boat, was read by the Clerk. COMM-Llnication from A communication from Doctor and Dr. and "Irs. n, A. Pursell Mrs. M. A. Pursell, 5101 East Florence Avenue, Bell, California, complimenting the Lifeguard Department for their efforts in saving them from the same boating accident, was read by the Clerk. Mr. Ronald T, Tiday- A communication from Mr. Ronald Subdivision Rond L. Tiday, Attorney for Dorset Homes and Bresa Del Mar, submitting a subdivision bond in the amount of seven thousand seven hundred sixty two dollars and forty cents 07,762.40) under protest and without prejudice to the subdividers right to file litigation and hereafter contest the validity of the requirement for said bond. The requirement for said bond has been set by the City of Huntington Beach as a preresquite to the filing of the final map concerning the above tract. Communication from A communication from Mr. Jessie Mr. Jp.ssie R. King B. King, Jr., 220 Springfield Street, City, urging Council to consider leasing Concession locations at Municipal Trailer Fark Beach, and requesting favorable consideration of writer's application in this matter, was read by the Clerk. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, the communication be received and filed. Motion carried. 4. 3S� Page ik5 - Minutes, September 6th, 1960 Councilman Waite Councilman Waite informed the Council that the fill at the site of the Driftwood Inn would begin during the following week. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, the Council, City Administrator, and City Engineer, take under study at once the matter of proposed_ Beach Concessions on the Trailer Park Beach and develop plans for such Concessions. Motion carried. Communication from A communication from Mr. Mr. Hitoshi T. Mukai Hitoshi T. Mukai, 17301 South Edwards Street, Huntington Beach, California, protesting Ordinance No. 766 regarding licensing of Agricultural Nursery, was read by the Clerk. On gyration by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the protest of Mr. Mukai be referred to the City Administrator for report back to Council. Motion carried. Mr. Ralph Kiser Mr. Ralph Kiser, District Manager of the Southern California Edison Company, 538 Main Street, City, addressed the Council, and stated that he was appearing for the third time in an effort to purchase for his Company from the City of Huntington Beach, a parcel of ground approximately two acres adjoining the Edison Steam Plant South of the City. Mr. Kiser stated that his Company was working with the oil interests holding leases on the City land to work out a desirable settlement with them; and requested the Council to take action at this meeting if possible. Councilman Waite Councilman Waite stated that he felt the Council should take action regarding the sale of the land to the SouthernCalifornia Edison Company, with the price to be negotiated later. 5. 386 Page #6 - t.iinu.tes, Sentember 6th, 1960 City Engineer-- City Engineer James Wheeler informed James '4heeler the Council that he had a discussion with Mr. Watkins, the lease holder in the area, and that Mr. Watkins had engaged a Geologist to make a study of the oil located beneath the Edison -Plant; that he was awaiting this report at this time. Councilman Lambert Councilman Lambert asked how long it would take the Southern California Edison Company to obtain the property if it were necessary for them to go through condem- nation proceedings. Councilman Waite Councilman Waite stated that he thought any condemnation proceedings would result -in the City receiving a sum for the property somewhere between the two appraisals which had been made - that of the Edison Company, and that of the City of Huntington Beach. He asked the City Attorney for his -opinion regarding allowing the matter to proceed in this manner. City Attorney Bauer I City Attorney Bauer stated that this was purely a matter of policy which the Council must decide, and that it might delay it for a considerable time, although the Edison Company might be granted right of access to the property. On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert, the City accept the amount of eighty five hundred dollars ($8500.00) net for this particular piece of property plus severance damages or other claims against the property, and reserving mineral. - and, oil rights. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: Waite ABSENT: Councilmen: None 11r. IUser Mr. Kiser again addressed the Council and stated that in view of the appraisals made by appraisers 6. 387 PAe e #7 - Minutes, September 6th, 1960 for both the City and the Edison Company, he felt that the price asked was not a fair one. Mr. Roy Rafferty- Mr. Roy Rafferty, representing Final Tract Map _ Moore Homes, 1250 South Main Street, Santa Ana, California, addressed the Council, and requested that consideration be given to the final adoption of a Tract Map No. 3430. Mr. Rafferty informed the Council that due to a misunderstanding, he had not filed the map nor fees within the required four days time, but that it was urgent that the map be adopted by the Council at, this meeting, because they were in escrow. Planning Director Planning Director Tripp Tripp informed the Council that the fees for the -pap and the map itself were filed at 4:00 o'clock on the afternoon of the day of the meeting, and that he had no time to check the map to see if it was proper. Mr. Tripp stated that the four days required time was only set to allow thorough processing of tract maps before they were presented to Council. .The developer of Tract No. 3430 is Moore Homes Incorporated, 1250 South Main Street, Santa Ana, California; Engineer: Millet King and. Associates, 201 South Pamona Avenue, Fullerton, California; Location: North of Wintersburg Avenue and approximately 860 feet East of Newland Street; Legal description: the E� of SA of SEA of Section 24 T 5 S, R 11 W, S B B & M, number of lots 52, acreage 11.9 acres. - Final Tract M-ap 4n motion by Waite, seconded No. 3430 Accepted by wells, Tract Map No. 3430 was accepted by the Council subject to the following conditions. The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld pending the submittal of completion of the innumerated requirements: 1. Deposit of fees for Water, Sewer, Engineering and Inspection. 7. 388 Page fir° - Ninutes, September 6th, 1960 2. Bond for Improvement. 3. Signature of Agreement. 4. The Underground Water Right be dedicated to the City. Motion carried. Recess of the Council at 8:35 o'clock P.M. Reconvenes' 8:50 o'clock P.M. by Mayor Gisler. Mr. -Charles Boles Mayor Gisler called a recess Council was recalled at Mr. Charles Boles, 1211 Alabama Street, City, addressed the Council concerning a deal he had with Bay Cities Home Builders Company to install aluminum siding on his home. He informed the Council that he was protesting the contract which this Company negotiated with him, and asked whether they were operating in the City legitimately. Police Chief WriEht Police Chief Wright informed Mr. Boles and the Council that this Company had been licensed to operate within the City, and that the salesman were registered with the Police Department. Buildinz Director C1eveLane Mr. Cleveland, the Director of Building and Safety, informed Mr. Boles that an inspection had been made in each case, before the house was covered with the aluminum siding, to see if the original condition was safisfactor�, and in the few cases which had been checked, it had been found that they were. He stated that the work seemed to be accomplished In a satisfactory manner, and that the matter of the contract between this Company and the home owners would be a matter for someone other than the City. Mr. Cleveland stated further that his Department had turned down several applications for such installation, because the condition of the house would not warrant the expenditure of the money required to install the aluminum siding. Ao,reev..ent between C-J ty An agreement between the City of ifLYnt. Bch. and of Huntington Beach and Terril TerLe invest. Co. - 8. 38q Pace �9 - Minutes, September 6th, 1960 Investment Company for Tract No. 3522 was presented by the Clerk. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute the contract with the Terril Investment Company for Tract No. 3522. Motion carried. Public Hearing- Mayor Gisler announced that Zone Case No. 126 at 8: 00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on this day was the time and date set for the Public Hearing on Zone Case No. 126, and requested the City Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of hearing Zone Case No. 126 as published in The Huntington Beach News, August 18th, 1960, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Tuesday the 6th day of September, 1960, for the purpose of 1. considering a petition for a Change of Zone relative to proposed change of District Boundary and Use Classification from R-4 Suburban Residential District, as adopted by the Interim Ordinance No. 668, to C-2 Community District. Planning nirecto r Planning Director Tripp pointed Tripp — - - out on a map the area involved in Zone Case No. 126. Mr. Ray Overacker Mr. Ray Overacker, an Attorney from Huntington Beach, speaking for Mr. Bushnell and Mrs. Adams, owners of the property involved in this Zone Case, addressed the Council and said that rezoning to a commercial zone was being requested so that they could negotiate for the sale of their property to be used by two automobile agencies. Mr. Overacker stated that he felt the change of zone would be beneficial to this immediate area. a 390 Fevre if10, - .-finutes, beptember 6th, 1960 The Clerk reported there were no written protest filed, for or against Zone Case No. 126. There being no written protests filed, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance on Zone Case No. 126 as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. Pubis Hearing- Mayor Gisler announced that at Zone Case Nn. L28 8r 00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible on this day was the time and date set for the Public Hearing on Zone Case No. 128, and requested the City Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of Hearing Zone Case No. 128 as published in The Huntington Beach News, August 18th, 1960, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Tuesday the 6th day of September, 1960, for the purpose of considering a petition for a change of zone relative to proposed change of District Boundary and Use Classification from A-1 General Agricultural District, as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 672, to M-1-0 Light Industrial District - Combined with Oil Drilling. MP.ynr r'iS1.-17 At this point Mayor Gisler asked that he be excused from discussion of this Zone Case due to having an interest in property in the adjacent area, and the fact that he had. appeared before the Planning Commission at their hearing on this Zone Case. Councilman Waite On motion by Lambert, seconded Temporary Chairman by Stewart, Councilman Waite was appointed as Temporary Chairman of the Council. Motion carried. r�r. Gerald Bronstein Mr. Gerald Bronstein, 864 S. Robertson Boulevard, Los Angeles 35, California, addressed the Council, and stated that he was presently in escrow to purchase property involved in Zone Case No. 128,-and Zone Case No. 131 10. 39t Pap.p �kll - Minutes, September 6th, 1960 which was ahead of us on the Agenda. Mr'. Bronstein stated that he was speaking for himself and for Mrs. Deebles, who was the present owner of this property. He requested that this piece of property, known as the Deebles property, be excluded from this re -zoning. Mr. Bronstein stated that he had previously submitted a tentative Tract Map to the Planning Commission which would be involved in this particular property. He stated that they, as subdividers, were fully aware of some of the problems entailed in making this a desirable subdivision. Mr. Sol Deeble Mr. Sol Deeble, of Long Beach, California, speaking for his mother, stated that she was trying to complete the sale of the property, and requested that Council give due consideration to the subdividers request for exclusion from the area. The Clerk reported there were no written protests filed, for or against Zone Case No. 128. There being no protests filed, and no further oral protests, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Planning Director Planning Director' Tripp r j-Lp— pointed out for the benefit of the Council the area which Mr. Bronstein was requesting be excluded. On motion by Wells, seconded by Stewart, the hearing on Zone Case No. 128 be continued to September the 19th, 1960, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible. Motion carried. Mayor Gisler Mayor Gisler announced that Excused. he had the same interest in Zone Case No. 129 and No. 131 as he had had in Zone Case No. 128 and asked the Temporary Chairman to continue through 11. lnut- ;, September 6th, 1960 these public hearings. Public. Hearin- Chairman Waite announced that at Zone Case ' o . 129 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as possible, on this day was the time and date set for the public hearing on Zone Case No. 129, and requested the City Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of hearing Zone Case No. 129 as published in The Huntington Beach News, August 18th, 1960, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Tuesday, the 6th day of September, 1960, for the purpose of considering a change of zone relative to proposed change of District Boundary and Use Classification from: A-1 General Agricultural District to M-1-0 Light Industrial District - Combined with Oil Drilling. The Clerk reported there were no written or oral protests filed for or against Zone Case No. 129. There being no protests filed, oral or written, the hearing was declared closed by the Chairman. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an Ordinance on Zone Case No. 129 as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. Fire Chief At this point the Fire Chief asked H i ins the Planning Director why the zoning of the area along the highway was being held up possibly " C" Zoning? Planninc LirQctor Planning Director Tripp explained Tripp that the C ammis s wan at tL is time had no plans for rezoning this area from the A-1 Zoning it now holds until concrete plans were presented by the developers in the area. Mr. Tripp stated that if the Council desired to initiate action in regard to the zoning of the area along the highway to the 12. 3 9 3 Pageio =13 - Minutes, September 6th, 1960 Ocean Highway, or desired the Planning Commission to initiate such action, they could so order. Fire Chief Fire Chief Higgins indicated Hi_Pzins that this was in line with his proposal to surround all existing oil development areas with an "M-l" Zone so that it would prevent any zoning of "R" or "C". He stated that the "M" Zoning would make a Buffer Zone around these oil development areas. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, that the Council instruct the Planning Commission to proceed with the zone change for the area immediately to the West of that coverage of Zone Case No. �29 along Highway 39. Motion carried. Public ?learin¢ Chairman Waite announced that Zone Cese No. 131 at 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as passible, on this day, was the time and date set for the public hearing on Zone Case No. 131 and requested the City Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of hearing Zone Case No. 131 as published in The Huntington Beach News, August 18th, 1960, setting a hearing for 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Tuesday the 6th day of September, 1960, for the purpose of considering a Change of Zone relative to proposed District Boundary and Use Classification from: R-1 Single Family Resident District to M-1 Light Industrial District. Plannin;p-, Director Planning Director Tripp Tripp pointed out on a map the area involved in Zone Case No. 131. y>:r. Gerald Bronstein Mr. Gerald Bronstein again addressed the Council and stated that his interest in this zone case was the same as the one he had spoken on previously, and that he requested the property -in which he was interested be excluded from this area also. The Clerk reported there were 13. 3 9 4 '11-1tltes September 6th, 1n50 no written protest filed for or against Zone Case No. 131. There being no written protest filed, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, the public hearing on Zone Case No. 131 be continued until September 19th, 1960, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon there- after as possible. Motion carried. At this point Mayor Gisler relieved Chairman Waite and took over the meeting. 1st Reading Ord, 1`723— The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 793 its first reading in full, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE RELATING TO COMBINING OIL DISTRICT BY REVISING ARTICLE 943, SECTION 9431; ADOPTING SECTION 943.1 AND REPEALING SECTIONS 9432 THROUGH 9436." 2nc' Re-adirg- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 790 :r t 0 its second reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNT- INGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9211.33, 9211.37, 9211.46, RELATING TO SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAPS." On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Ordinance No. 790 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilman: Wellf, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler NOES: Councilman: None ABSENT: Councilman: None Or(l . 7r 7 r, - Ordinance No. 791 was then Chan�!�, Presented presented by the Clerk for a second reading, with a change in the context of the Ordinance following the first reading. The change involved changing the salary range set in the first reading from Range 10 to a flat rate of $110.00 per month. On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, the change in Ordinance No. 791 was approved. Motion carried. 14. 39 r Page #15 - Minutes, September 6th, 1960 2nd. Reading- The Clerk then gave Ordinance Ord. #791 T' No. 791 its second reading in full, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO -SALARY CLASSIFICATION; ADDING AND AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE." On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, Ordinance NoI 791 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Appointment- On motion by Lambert, seconded Clerk License by Stewart, Paul C. Jones was appointed C1erk•(License), effective on the effective date of Ordinance No. 791. Motion' carried. 2nd _Reading -Ord, #792 The Clerk gave Ordinance No, 792 its second reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 3531.1 RELATING TO WATER." On motion by Waite-, seconded by Lambert, Ordinance No. 792 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES-: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, -Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Resolution No. 1434 The Clerk read Resolution No. 1434, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH URGING GOVERNOR EDMUND G. BROWN TO CALL UPON THE STATE OFFICIALS ENGAGED IN WATER CONTRACT NEGOTIA- TIONS TO COMPLETE AND EXECUTE AN ACCEPTABLE CONTRACT WITH THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE." 15. 3�, Pape #16 - .•tinvites, Senternber 6th, 1960 On motion by Lambert, seconded. by Stewart, Resolution No. 1434 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, -Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Transmittal- The Clerk read letter of trans- PlanninR Comm. City Beres .mittal from The Huntington Beach Planning Commission to the Honorable City Council relative to Resolution No. 1035 of the City Planning Commission - "A Resolution of the Planning Commission Recommending Adoption of Master Plan of Drainage-1960.1" On motion by waite, seconded by Lambert, a public hearing on Resolution No. 1035 of the City Planning Commission was ordered for Monday evening, September 19th, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, and the Clerk instructed to publish notice of same. Motion carried,. Transi.iittal- The Clerk read a letter of Plannin Cor=. City. Pc: Res. #1036 _ transmittal from The Huntington Beach Planning Commission to the City Council forwarding Resolution No. 1036 of the City Planning Commission - "A Resolution of the Planning Commission Giving Praise for Past Performance of Two Commissioners and Recommending Reappointment of Same." Appoints. to Mayor Gisler appointed Mr. Planning Comm. T. A. Worthy as a member of the City Planning Commission to replace Mr. John Thompson, and Mr. Edward Stang was reappointed to the Planning Commission. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, the appointments of the Mayor were approved. Motion carried. Final Adoption- The Clerk read letter of trans - Tract t I' -3r 7 33 mittal from The Huntington Beach Planning Commission to the Honorable City Council relative to the 16. Page #17 - Minutes, September 6th, 1960 final adoption of Tract Map No. 3733, submitting final form of Tract Map No. 3733; Developer: Bernard Solomon, 3470 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, California; Engineer: Voorheis - Trindell- Nelson, 14794 Beach Boulevard, West- minster, California; Location: SW corner of Talbert Avenue and Newland Street; Legal description: A portion of NEk of NWk, Section 36, T. 5. S., R. 11. W., SBB & M; Number of Lots: 43; Approximate:acreage: ten; and that the mgp has been certified by the City Engineer and the Planning Director to be true and correct in accordance with the approved tentative Tract Map and.in accordance with all provisions of the City 'Subdivision Code. The City Council may accept dedications as shown on the map and in addition approve the final map subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature shall -be withheld pending the submittal and completion on the innumerated requirements: 1. Deposit of fees for Water, Sewer, Engineering, and Inspection. -2. Bonds for Improvement. 3. Signature of Agreement. 4. That Underground Water Rights be dedicated to the City. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, final Tract Map No. 3733 be approved, subject to the conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission, and read by the City Clerk. Motion carried. Request for annexation A request for Annexation to the City of Hunting ton Beach of a parcel of uninhabited territory located between Wintersburg Avenue on the North, Slater Avenue on the South, Newland Street on the East, and the Huntington Beach City Limits on the West, was read by the Clerk. 0 398 Page #IS - .-[inutes , September bth, 1960 On motion by Stewart, secDnded by Wells, the City Clerk be authorized to work with the applicants in preparing a petition and maps for presentation to the Boundaries Commission of Orange County for certification of boundaries. Motion carried. Request for A request from ECCO for a partial Partial Payr.enc payment on the work done on the Harry A. Overmeyer Reservoir,.endorsed by James.Wheeler, City Engineer, was read by the Clerk. On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, the partial payment for work on the Reservoir Contract be authorized. Motion carried. Cancellation - Oil !ell Bondis A request from Behrendt -Levy Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation of Oil Well Drilling Bond No. 991586 and 0il Well Clean -Up Bond No. 991587 by the St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company on behalf of G. Biller and Saul 0. Snyder, was read by the Clerk, together with an endorsement from the City Engineer, stating that the well had never been drilled and.recommending that these bonds be terminated and the owners notified of the action. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the Drilling and Clean -Up Bonds be terminated and. the Drilling Permits be cancelled. Motion carried. i eau�_st for E.,tension The City Administrator presented Sull-1`iller Contractin2 Co. a communication from Sully -Miller Gontracting Company regarding the surfacing of Goldenwest Street and requesting an extension of two weeks in the time allowed for completion of their contract,because of interference of pipe lines in the right-of-way which they covered. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, Sully -Miller Contracting Company were granted the two weeks extension in their contract time. Motion Carried. 1.8, Page #19 - Llinutes, September kith, 1960 Council 'four Planner' The City Administrator presented a suggestion from Planning Director Tripp that the Council meet as a Committee of the Whole to take a tour of the area set for rezoning, including the Beach area, and asked whether this would be agreeable with the Council and when they would like to go. -Following some discussion by the Council, it was decided to set the tour at 6:00 o'clock P.M., on September 12th. Gbservance of A request for Council action September 9th as Legal. Holiday for all City Employees, who are non -safety Employees, to observe a Holiday on Friday, September 9th, Admission Day, was presented by the City Administrator. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, the request was granted, and September 9th, declared a Holiday for all non -safety Employees. Request fcr Stop The City Administrator Signs at. Gothard 8C Slater Streets presented a communication signed by nine resicents in the area of Gothard and Slater Streets.requesting that, because of the speeding which takes place in that area, there be a posted zone of 25 miles per hour and four-way stop signs be installed at the corner :of Ccrthard and Slater Streets. Mr. Diller stated that this had already been referred to the Police Department and they had completed a Radar Count in the area. Corir_?unication from The City Administrator State Emp. Retirement System presented a communication from the State Employees Retirement System stating that they would calculate the cost for the inclusion of Lifeguard Members as Safety Employees in the Retirement System, at a cost to the City of fifty dollars ($50.00) for such survey. 19. 400 Pa�c :,`20 - :`_incites, September 6th, L960 Council -man Lambert Councilman Lambert stated that he felt that they should be included, and that it would be unnecessary to spend the fifty dollars($50.00) to find out what the cost would be for that inclusion. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, all permanent members of the Lifeguard Department be included as Safety Employees in the State Retirement System. Motion carried. Letter from The City Administrator informed Sena tor i"urtly the Council that he had received a letter from Senator Murdy offering to give the City some eighty one lots which he owned, providing the City would purchase the remaining lots in the area. Cite Attonie�r Bauer City Attorney Bauer informed the Council that the City would have the right of condemnation to procure the remaining lots, but that they would be restricted in the uses which they could make of property so acquired. He further explained that in condemnation proceedings the City would first get the title report and then adopt a Resolution of necessity for such condemnation. City Administrator The City Administrator pointed out that the total area involved..appro ximately 15 acres, of which Senator Murdy was offering approximately 30% to the City. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, a title report be requested from the ©range County Title Company and the City attorney be instructed to draw up a Resolution of Necessity for condemnation purposes. Motion carried. Facific Cst. Inter-L:t. City Administrator informed the Fire Chiefs Convention Council that the Pacific Coast Inter -Mountain Fire Chief's Convention was to be held at Las Vegas, Nevada, on September 26th through the 29th, and recommended that Fire Chief Higgins be authorized to attend. 20. 401 Page #21 -- Minutes, September 6th, 1960 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Fire Chief Higgins was authorized to attend the Fire Chiefs Convention in Las Vegas from September 26th through 29th, with reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried. Chief -if Police A recommendation of Chief of WriI�t Police Wright to the Council that because of the rapid growth of our community and the many additional streets being opened, that Chapter 62, of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code be amended so as to permit designation of Through Streets, Stop and Yield Signs, to be made by Resolution of the Council rather than b y amendment of the Ordinance. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the City Attorney and the Police Chief were authorized to prepare a basic Resolution covering all present Stop and Yield Signs and Through Streets, and to provide that any additional changes be made by Resolution of the Council. Motion carried. Commun, from The City Administrator 14r. John R. 'viable presented a communication from Mr. Join R. Wable, Acting Chief of Sanitation for the . County of Orange, stating that a survey of the Fly situation in Huntington Beach had been made by the County, and recommending that the City revise their present Ordinance to coincide with the County wide approach which is presently bung made in this matter. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, that a proposed Resolution or Ordinance be put on the Agenda of September 19th, 1960, for further discussion by the Council. Motion carried. 21. 402 Page #r22 - I'nutes , September 6th, 1960 Planning Director Triiap A request from Planning Director Clifford Tripp that .Tana Asmutis, a Clerk in the Planning Department, be appointed to the position of Senior Clerk as of the effective date of Ordinance No. 788 which creates such position for the Planning Department, was presented by _the City Administrator. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, Jana Asmutis be appointed to the position of Senior ~ Clerk, effective September 15th, 1960. Motion carried. 1',equest from The City Administrator presented:. Jack Clevelanc', nuildin�Z Director a request from Building Director Jack Cleveland that the personnel Ordinance be amended to include in the Building Department one Plumbing and one Structural Inspector as additional pens-onnel. Mr. Cleveland informed the Council that one Plumbing and one Structural Inspector were presently employed as temporary employees, and that he would agree to continue them in that capacity until an overall revision of the Personnel Ordinance could be presented within the next few weeks. PayrelL Voucher On motion by Wel-ls, seconded by AnT)rov e d Waite, the Payroll Voucher be approved. Motion carried. Demands On motion by Wells, seconded by Waite, the demands as approved by the Finance Committee, be paid. Motion carried. Tleetin Acliourne(I On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert, the regular meeting of the City Council was adjourned. Motion carried. City Clerk and icio Clerk of the City Counci of the City of Huntington Beach, Calrifq I , /J.�%Lf-tom Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 2 ?.