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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach California
Monday, October3rd, 1960
Mayor Gisler called the regular
meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen Present: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler.
Councilmen Absent: None.
The Pledge of Allegiance was
given by all present in the Council Chamber.
Invocation was presented by
Reverend Walter Banard, First Assembly of God Church,
Huntington Beach.
Reports of Dent.
were presented by the Clerk.
Reports of the Department Heads
for the month of September, 1960,
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Waite, the reports be received and filed. Motion .carried.
Communication From A communication from the Sunset
Sunset Beach Chamber
of Commerce Beach Chamber of Commerce ex-
pressing their appreciation to the Huntington Beach Lifeguard
Department for the splendid service rendered -to their community
during the Summer, was read by the Clerk.
Huntington Bch
Chamber of Commerce
A communication from the Huntingtonti
Beach Chamber of Commerce stating
that their Board of Directors in regular meeting had gone on
record to request State Senator John A. Murdy and Assemblyman
Richard T. Hanna to use their influence in having the Freeway
status removed from the Ocean Highway through Huntington Beach.
It was requested that the City Council take a similar stand
regarding the development of this Freeway in order that the
committees involved might present a solid front against it.
Councilman Wells Councilman Wells stated that the
Freeway Committee to which he had been appointed were endeavoring
to work out a satisfactory plan for the development of Freeways
Par-e #2 - :Minutes = October arc, 1960
between all of the Coastal Cities but that nothing had been
accomplished at this time.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Waite, the City Administrator be.instructed to contact
Senator Murdy and Assemblyman Hanna by letter and request
notification of the meeting to be held with Senator Collier
regarding this Freeway status. Motion carried.
Councilman w,�elts. Councilman Wells requested that
a copy of this same letter be sent to the Committee on Coastal
Freeway of which he is a member.
So. Calif Edison Co. A communication -from the Southern
California Edison Company providing indemtxification to the City
for all losses, claims and damages which might arise out of
their taking immediate possession of property which had been
negotiated at a previous meeting of the Council, was presented
by the Clerk.
On motion, by Waite, seconded by
Stewart, the letter saving the City harmless in this matter was
received and filed. Motion carried.
Governor Edmund G. Brown A communication from Governor
Edmund G. Brown to the City Council acknowledging receipt of
the Resolution passed by the City Council at a previous
meeting regarding the negotiation of a Water Contract between
the State and the Metropolitan Water District, was read by the
Feather Water List Assoc A communication from the Feather
Water District Association presenting another Resolution for
action by the Council, was read by the Clerk.
In view of the fact that Council
had previously passed on such a Resolution no action was taken
on this communication.
Ila 14. Dabney A communication signed by Ila
M. Dabney and fifty-nine other residents of Garfield Street
requesting that a Sewer Line be put down Garfield Street,
4 3'7
Page #3 - minutes - October 3rd, t960
was presented by the Clerk:
On motion by Stewart, seconded by
Wells, the petition for Sewers on Garfield Street was referred
to the City Administrator and the City Engineer for report
to Council at the next regular meeting on October 17th, 1960.
Motion carried.
Mrs. Barbara_MaddiSan Mrs. Barbara Maddigan, 5122 Linda
Circle, addressed the Council and presented a petition signed
by 154 residents of the.Huntington Village area requesting the
Council to have the area sprayed, cleaned, and otherwise given
Vito Engineer dheeler City Engineer Wheeler informed
the Council that the Streets in the area being discussed had
not been dedicated to the City at this time and that the
developer was responsible for the condition of the Streets until
such dedication was made.
Mrs. Maddigan Mrs, Maddigan informed the Council
that the Mosquito situation had been almost intolerable and that
health conditions left much to be desired.
Councilman Waite
Councilman Waite informed Mrs.
Maddigan that the Mosquito situation was handled for the City
by the County of Orange. Councilman Waite stated that the City
has presently only had one Street Sweeper and that it was being
used as advantageously as possible but that all areas of the
City could not be covered with this one unit.
City -Administrator The City Administrator informed
Mrs. Maddigan that he together with the City Engineer would
meet with the County Health_Department and the Subdivider and
try to work out a solution for some of the problems she had
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Lambert, the handling of this matter was referred to the
Administrator and the Engineer. Motion carried.
Page #4 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
Mr. John Thompson Mr. John Thompson, 727 Williams
Street, addressed the Council and stated that he was representing
the people in the neighborhood of Williams Street who were
complaining because trash barrels are left on the Street for
days following the regular pickup. Mr. Thompson stated that
all he was requesting Council to do was to initiate a
Regulatory Ordinance demanding that trash barrels be returned
to the rear yard after pickup.
�Lr,. E._. Twitchell Mr. E. C. Twitchell, of 1533
Baker Street, Costa Mesa, addressed the Council and stated
that he was representing approximately 500 homeowners on
the eastside of the Santa Ana River. Mr. Twitchell stated
that the fly situation over there was terrible and that he
felt that the City of Huntington Beach should take some steps
toward remedying the problem.
Mr. Twitchell stated that he
had been in contact with Mr: Waible and Mr. Hanna of the
County Health Deportment who informed him that the City of
Huntington Beach did not have an Ordinance concerning flies,
and that the County Health Department's hands were tied because
of the lack of such an Ordinance. He stated that he had been
informed by the Health Department that the flies were being
bred on manure piles located in the farm country on the
eastern side of Huntington Beach.
City attorney Bauer City Attormey Bauer stated that
the Mosquito Abatement District of the County did not deal
with the fly situation.
Mr. Walter Gainer Mr. Walter Gainer, 1790 Gainer
Road, Mesa Verde, addressed the Council stating that he was
representing the developer of the Mesa Verde area and the
Country Club and that he seconded all Mr. Twitchell had said
concerning the fly situation. Mr. Gainer requested that the
Council take some steps to remedy the situation.
Page #5 - Minutes - October 3rc, 1960
Public Hearing Mayor Gisler stated that the
vm�Lyon-Tract 3903
next item on the Agenda would be
a Public Hearing on the Appeal of Mr. William Lyon, developer
of Tract No. 3903, to a decision of the.City Planning Commission,
and requested that he be excused from consideration of the
matter due to his having appeared before the Planning Commission
at a meeting held on this matter.
Councilman Waite
Temporary Chairman On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Stewart, Councilman Waite was appointed Temporary Chairman.
Motion carried.
Chairman -Jaite Chairman Waite announced that at
Cnened TEcarin-,
8:00 o'clock P.M. on this day was
the date and time:set for a Public Hearing on an appeal of
Mr. William Lyon to a decision of the City Planning Commission
denying Tract No. 3903, and requested the Clerk to read the legal
Legal Notices Hcae' The Clerk read notice of Public
Hearing on the Appeal of Mr. William Lyon, developer of Tract
No. 3903, from a decision of the Planning Commission of the
City of Huntington Beach set for October 3rd, 1960, at the hour
of 8:00 o'clock P.M., as published in the Huntington Beach News
in the issue of September 29th, 1960.
Notice of Anneal The Clerk read notice of Appeal
of Decision
of Decision of Planning Commission
regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 3903, as follows:
Heinly, Heinly & Tarr, Attorneys
433 West Eight Street
Santa Ana, California
September 23, 1960
,pity Council
City of Huntington Beach
City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
In re: Notice `of Appeal of
Decision of Planning
Commission regarding
Tentative Tract Map No.
Pa;-c 1`6 - ;,Min-utes - Octobcr 3rd, 1960
Please take notice that William Lyon, the applicant and developer
of Tentative Tract Map No. 3903 does hereby appeal the decision
of the Planning Commission rendered on September 20, 1960, detail
of the action of the Planning Commission is as follows:
1. Said Tentative Tract Map No. 3903 August 31, 1960.
2. That developer had complied with the city subdivision
ordinance Chapter 97 without exception.
3. That said Tentative Tract Map had complied with the State
Subdivision Map Act without exception.
4. That on September 13, 1960 the Review Committee held a
meeting and there were no objections to/said map.
anything on
5. At the meeting of the Planning Commission a motion was
made to "deny" said Map without pred judice. No legal
reason was given for said motion. Und.er,discussion
the Chairman stated that the reason he was voting for the
denial of said map was that the subject property had always
been under consideration for a zone change to M-1.
6. There were three votes taken as follows:
a. First vote - Thompson - no; Presson - no; Stang -
no; Kaufman - no; Doutt - yes; Letson - yes. At -
this point the Secretary of the meeting said "I am a
little confused, lefts take the vote over without
calling for the vote of the Chairman Bazil."
b. Second vote - Thompson - no; Presson - yes;
Stang - no; Bazil - yes; Kaufman - no; Doutt - yes;
Letson - yes.
c. Third vote - Thompson - no; Presson - yes;
Stang - no; Bazil - yes; Kaufman - no; Doutt - yes;
Letson - yes.
The undersigned polled two members of the Commission with
respect to their vote as follows: Mr. Doutt as to whether or
not he had voted "yes" on the first voting; he said he had;
Presson was then polled as to whether or not he had voted "no"
on the first ballot and he said he had voted '"yes". This was
not so and the audience confirmed the fact that Mr. Presson
had voted "no" on the first vote.
The undersigned inquired of the members of the Commission
if they would state a legal reason why said map was denied.
They stated, because of the resolution which was just passed.
The subdivider deems himself aggrieved on the grounds that.
said denial was contrary to the law in that said subdivider
had complied with all of the requirements of the City Sub-
division ordinance as well as the State of California Sub-
division Map Act as well as the fact that there has been no
legal objections found to exist and under the law the Planning
Commission had no other alternative but to approve the map.
It is requested that your honorable body reverse the action of
the planning Commission and approve the map after following the
requirements setforth- in Article 977 of Chapter 97 of the
Municipal Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach.
Page #7 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
It is requested that said hearing be set within 10 days of
receipt of this notice of appeal.
Chairman waits
Very truly yours,
By Dale H. Heinly
Chairman Waite then requested the
Clerk to read the City Planning Commission's rebuttal to the
applicant's written appeal and the finding of fact presented there
Attorney Heinly
Prior to the reading, Attorney
Heinly requested that he be furnished a copy of this rebuttal
together with a copy of a review of the findings of the Planning
Commission and a copy of the report on Zone Cases 128,129 and
Rebuttal of The Clerk then read the rebuttal
Planning. Cotrmtission
of the Planning Commission to the
appeal of Mr. William Lyon, as follows:
October 3rd, 1960
City of HuntingL,o �P(=ach
City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
RE: Appeal of Tentative Tract Map No. 3903; William Lyon -
In compliance with the State Subdivision Map Act, the
Planning Department sets -forth herewith a rebuttal to the
applicant's written appeal and a finding of fact as written
testimony by representative of the advisory agency, the City
of Huntington Beach Planning Commission:
- 7.-
Page #8 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
1. We concur that Tentative Tract 3903 was filedwith the
Planning Department on August 31, 1960.
2. Exception is taken to statement - that map complies to
Chapter 97 without exception.
Reference is made to statement of the attorney.
before both the City Council and the Planning
Commission that his client Villiam Lyon was
owner of the property designated Tentative Tract
Map No. 3903.
A check of the records at the Orange County
Recorders office indicate that Record Owner of
the submitted property is the R. C. A. Corporation.
Confidential sources further indicate that the
appellant has an option to purchase subject to
approval of the Tentative Map and that Escrow is
scheduled to close around January 1st of the coming
Section 9721.6 (subsection b) Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code states that record owner shall be
indicated upon the map.
3. Exception is taken to this statement, since the State Map
Act requires that local ordinance must be complied with.
4. Statement - that "the Review Committee had no objections
to anything on said Snap", cannot be considered a valid
argument since the Review Committee is not empowered to
take action upon or make recommendation for tentative maps
other than on an informal basis. The Committee functions
exactly as its name implies - it reviews and studies all
tentative maps.
5. Statement - "No legal reason was given for said action", is
purely a point of conjecture, since legal reasons can only
be determined by a court of law.
6. We submit that the statement describing the vote count
appeals only to ones emotions.
We are yet to be convinced that either a legis-
lative body -or an advisory has not the right to
take as many ballot counts as necessary -to establish
a true and correct vote to the satisfaction of the
voting group.
June 7th, 1960 Resolution of Intent No. 114 was
adopted by the Planning Commission
recommending that the general area
east of the Edison Generating Station
and north of the Huntington Beach
Channel be considered for rezoning
to M-1.
Page #9 - Minutes - October. 3rd, 1960
August 2nd, 1960 A report on the conditions existing
in the generating plant area in
regards to residential development
was prepared, and submitted to the
Planning Commission by the Planning
August 2nd, 1960 The City Planning Commission
recommended approval of Zone case
No. 1282 129, and 131 to the City
Council by adoption of resolutions.
Said zone cases concerned establish -
went of M-1, M-1-0, and M-1-A
Districts surrounding the Generating
Plant area.
August 31st, 1960
September 6th, 1960
September 13th, 1960
September 2'0th, 1960
September 26th, 1960
Tentative Tract Map 3903 was sub-
mitted to the Planning Department.
The August 2nd, 1960, Planning
Department report was read to the
City Council, in reference to Zone
Cases 128, 129, and 131. Said report
is attached herewith and should
be read at this time. Subsequently
at this same meeting as a result of
the August 2nd, 1960, report a
motion was made by Lambert and
seconded by Stewart instructing the
Planning Commission to study the
areas surrounding the Edison
Generating Station and initiate
incustri.al zoning where it deemed
necessary. This motion was approved.
The Review Committee studied Tentative)
Tract Map 3903 on an informal. basis.
Tentative Tract Map No. 3903 was
presented to the Commission towards
the end of the agenda at which time
action was taken. The findings
made were predicated upon the August
2nd, 1960, Planning Department
Report. The map was disapproved at
this time.
The appeal for tentative Tract Map
No 3903 was presented to the City
Council. The Hearing was scheduled
for October 3rd, 1960.
On the basis of Resolution of Intent No. 114, City Planning
Commission, a formal report was filed by the Planning Department
with both the City Council and the Planning Commission.
The findings of fact as established by the City Planning
Commission are substantially those which appear on the August
2nd report.
Pagc Y,°10 - "Minutes. - October 3rd, 1960
State Subdivision Map Act
Local Subdivision Ordinance Code
Rights of a non -owing applicant 1'or
under law.
E. STATUS OF REPORTS: From Huntington Beach Elementary School
From Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce
Industrial Committee.
That cooperative deliberation and sound judgement should
determine this ques t-Loi-i of common concern.
This written testimony is sub-
mitted by the City Planning
Department as represe-nLat:ive
for the City of Huntington Beach
Planning Commission.
Respectfully submitted,
Clifford E..Tripp
Planning Director
ENCL: Copy of Huntington_ Beach
Planning Commission Minutes
August 2nd report
Excerpts State Map Act
Copy of applicant's appeal
Attorney Roger Before continuing with the hearing,
Howell present
City AttorneyBauer asked that the
records show that another Attorney was present at the hearing,
Mr. H. Roger Howell of Santa Asa, who was the Attorney for the
R. C. A. Communications Corporation, owners of the property to
be subdivided by Tract No. 3903.
Attorne E_,�,Y, '_? Attorney Howell addressed the Council
44 )
Page #11 - Minutes - October 3rdl 1960
are. stater that his client had not been represented at
the Planning Commission meeting, he requested that he be per -
witted to present a few points at the conclusion of the regular
testimony to be presented at the hearing.
Wit;nes,es to be At this point Attorney Heinly
Sworn in
requested that each and every
witness that gives evidence at the hearing b(� swor).-i 10-v the
Clerk of the Council. He advised the Council that he had a
reporter present to take down _ t'1(� proceedings and wished to
have all the testimonies given under oath.
Attorney Heinly
Attorney Heinly then.requested that
.he be furnished a copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the
Review Committee of the Planning Commission at their meeting on
September the 13th, 1960.
Mr. Tripp
Attorney Heinly was informed by
Mr. Trapp that the Review Committee always acts on an informal
basis strictly for study of a.proposition and that Minutes are
never maintained for those meetings.
Attorney_ Heinly
Attorney Heinly then asked
whether any reports had been submitted by any Department Heads
regarding their study of Tract I -lap No. 3903, stating that if
there were he would Like to be furnished copies of such reports.
H B_High School_ Attorney Heinly then introduced
a letter from the Huntington Beach Union High School District
acknowled-inrf.c=a pt.: of a map of Tract No. 3903 stating that
no action had been taken by the Board regarding the suitability
of this tract.
Or Co Flood A communication from the Orange
Control District
County Flood Control District was
introduced by Attorney Heinly, stating that a portion of the
area covered by the tract was subject to frequent inundation,
and recommending that further action on this tract be deferred
until the subdivider presents a satisfactory solution to the
inundation problem, as proposed by a registered Civil Engineer;
Page #r12- llinutes - October 3rd, 1960
and stating that any approval of this tract should include
a provision that the subdivider construct a 5' chain link
fence around the Flood Control Channel, complying with the
Flood Control District requirements.
Jeffery _Ii11_et
Attorney Heinly then called as
his first witness Mr. Jeffery Millet of the engineering firm
of Millet'. King, and Associates, 201 South Pamona Street,
Fullerton, California.
Mr. Millet, having been sworn
by the City Clerk, was questioned by Attorney Heinly on direct
Millet for the City.
William Lyon
Attorney Bauer cross examined Mr.
Attorney Heinly then called Mr.
William Lyon, developer of Tentative Tract No. 3903, to the_
Mr. Lyon, having been duly sworn
by the City Clerk, stated that his home address was 552 Magill
Place, Fullerton, California, and that his office address was
905 North Euclid Avenue, Anaheim, California.
He was questioned by Attorney
Heinly on direct examination, after which he was cross examined
by Attorney Bauer.
Attorney Heinly then questioned
Mr. Lyon on redirect examination.
James Wheeler Attorney Heinly then called
City. Engineer
James Wheeler City -Engineer
of the City of Huntington Beach who was duly sworn by the
Clerk. Mr. Heinly then questioned Mr. Wheeler on direct
Attorney Bauer then questioned
Mr. Wheeler on cross examination regarding the drainage problems
in the area.
Page #13 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
Attorney Heinly then questioned
Mr. Wheeler on redirect to establish the caliber of storm on
which the capacity of Flood Control Channels had been predicated.
of the Council at 9:02 P.M.
Council Reconvened
P.M. by the Chairman.
Earl Presson
Chairman Waite called a recess
Council was reconvened at 9:12
Attorney Heinly called Mr. Earl
Presson, member of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission, as
his next witness. Mr. Presson being duly sworn by the City Clerk,
was questioned on direct examination by Attorney Heinly.
There being no cross examination
by Attorney Bauer, Mr. Presson was questioned on the redirect by
Attorney Howell.
Robert Bazil
Attorney Heinly then called
Mr. Robert Bazil, Chairman of the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission, as his next witness. Mr. Bazil, being duly sworn
by the City Clerk, was questioned by Attorney Heinly on direct
the witness on cross examination.
Attorney Bauer did not question
At this point in the proceedings,
the Attorney for the Plaintiff rested subject to rebuttal.
Clifford E. Tromp
Attorney Bauer called as his
first witness Mr. Clifford E. Tripp, Planning Director of the
City of Huntington Beach.
Mr. Tripp, being duly sworn
by the City Clerk, was questioned by Mr. Bauer on direct exami-
Mr. Tripp at this time requested
permission to read the Huntington Beach Planning Commission
August 2nd, 1960, report on Zone Cases 128, 129, and 131.
Mr. Tripp then read the entire
report as follows:
Wage #14 -- Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
August 2nd, 1960
REPORT ON ZONE CASES 128, 129,-_131.
1. There is a normal fire hazard existing from several large -
fuel oil tanks located on the generating station property
which could endanger lives if residential development was
located unreasonably close to the installation.
2. A noise factor within a localized area may be emanated
from the steam generating plant, since emmissions are
kept at an absolute minimum level for an industrial unit
of this type, but most certainly existent from time to
time which would be adverse to any potential residential
3. Existence of several well sites in the area, which cannot
be completely controlled by zoning regulation. Neither
zoning nor regulatory ordinances can be rectroactive ex-
cept by reason of the health safety or welfare cause which
could prove difficult or next to impossible to impose.
4. Existence of a forty acre rotary mud dump, which at various
times past has been contaminated with hot acids.
5. Residential development will place a severe hardship on
the school system which will not be allowed to locate
within hazard areas or remote locations.
6. Street conditions in the area are deplorable - immediate
residential development will cause severe change in the
Arterial Highway program. - A costly item.
7. Framing operations will be curtailed, since the lower
Talbert Valley is dependent upon a cheap source of water
as now furnished by partially treated affluents pumped
from the Sanitation District treatment plant. Residential
development will seriously restrict sewage irrigation water.
B. Close proximity to the existing 40 acres county refuse dump
is also detrimental to residential development.
9. Any residential development in close proximity to the
Wilshire Oil Tanks would be hazardous.
10. Residential development adjoining the generating plant
would preclude the development of complimentary indus-
trial units which could jointly utilize steam and power
facilities. To establish residential adjoining the
generating plant would most certainly handicap the gen-
erating plant operation, which currently is the greatest
single asset the City possesses. The generating plant
should be given adequate protection.
Page #15 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
Attorney Heinly and Attorney
Howell then questioned Mr. Tripp under cross examination.
Attorney Bauer then questioned
Mr. Tripp on redirect examination.
Councilman Wells
Councilman Wells then asked
Mr. Tripp, which tract was the closest tract, to the tract
under discussion this evening.
Mr. Tripp informed Councilman
Wells that it was Tract 3595.
Delbert G. Higgins Attorney Bauer then called
Mr. Delbert G. Higgins, Fire Chief of the City of Huntington
Beach, to the witness stand as his next witness.
Mr. Higgins being duly sworn by
the City Clerk, was questioned on direct examination by
Attorney Bauer.
Attorney Heinly then questioned
Higgins on cross examination.
Councilman Steuart
Councilman Stewart made a motion
that the appeal of the subdivider on Tract No. 3903 be denied.
Chairman Waite
At this point, Councilman Stewart
was informed by the Chairman, Councilman Waite, that a motion
could not be entertained while the hearing was open.
Request hearing Councilman Stewart then moved
be closed
that the hearing be closed.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Lambert.
such procedure.
Attorney Heinly objected to
Attorney Bauer informed the
Council_, that the correct procedure would be to continue
Page, #16 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
the hearing rather than close it, since the hearing was not
Request hearing Councilman Stewart made a
be continued
motion,that the hearing be
continued until October 17th at 8:00 o'clock P.M.
of the Council at 11:10 P.M.
Council Reconvened
Chairman Waite called a recess
The meeting was reconvened at
11:14 o'clock P.M. by Chairman Waite.
Attorney Bauer
Attorney Bauer informed the
Chairman and the Council, that the Planning Commission had
nothing further to present at this time.
Councilman Stewart Councilman Stewart left the
left meeting
meeting at 11:17 o'clock P.M.
Attorney Heinly
Attorney Heinly informed the
Chairman and the Council, that the Plaintiff had no further
testimony to present, and that if the Council would be willing
to listen, they would go through the proper closing arguments.
Hearing to be continued On motion by Wells, seconded
by Lambert, the hearing be continued until October 17th, 1960,
at 7:45 o'clock P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible.
Objections to Attorney Heinly objected to this
postponement. Motion carried.
Mayor Gisler
Resumed his office
of the Council.
Zone Case #135
Mayor Gisler then assumed his
station as presiding officer
A communication from the City
Planning Commission transmitting Resolution No. 135 of the
Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No.
135, was read by the Clerk.
Public Hearing
On motion by Waite, seconded
by Lambert, a public hearing was ordered for Monday evening,
-16. -
4 05 1
Page #17 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
October 17th, 1960, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. or as soon there-
after as possible. Motion carried.
Grant Deed. A grant deed from Par Estates
Par Estates, Inc.
Incorporated, to the City of
Huntington Beach, for drainage purposes was presented by
the Clerk.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Waite, the deed be accepted by the City and the Clerk
be authorized to have same recorded with the recorder of
Orange County. Motion carried.
Subdivision Agreement A subdivision agreement on
Tract No. 3733
Tract No. 3733, between
Bernard Solomon and Sidney Weinburg and the City of
Huntington Beach, was presented by the Clerk.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Waite, the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute
the agreement on Tract No, 3733. Motion carried.
Public F:eari-.g Mayor Gisler announced that this
Zone Case No. 134
was the date and time set for a
public hearing on Resolution No. 134, of the City Planning
Commission, recommending Zone Case No. 134, and instructed
the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of hearing
Zone Case No. 134, as published in the Huntington Beach News
on September 22nd, 1960, setting the hour of 8:00 o'clock
P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd
day of October 1960, for the purpose of considering a Reso-
lution of Intent, as adopted by City Planning Commission.for
Change of Zone, relative to proposed change of District
Boundary and Use Classification from R-4 Suburban Residential
District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668 to R-5 PMT
4 )2
Page #18 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
Mayor Gisler declared the hearing
open and invited all persons to speak thereon.
No Protests The Clerk stated that there had
been no written protests filed in Zone Case No. 134.
Hearing Closed There being no protests filed,
either oral or written, in Zone Case No. 134, Mayor Gisler
declared the hearing closed.
Ordinance can On motion by Lambert, seconded
Zone Case #I.34
by Waite, the City Attorney be
directed to prepare an Ordinance on Zone Case No. 134. Motion
Public Ilearirng Mayor Gisler announced that this
Zone Case #136
was the date and time set for a
public hearing on -Resolution No. 136, of the City Planning Com-
mission, recommending Zone Case No. 136, and instructed the Clerk
to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of hearing
Zone Case No. 136, as published in the Huntington Beach News, on
September 22nd, 1960, setting the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., or
as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of October,
1960, for the purpose of considering a petition for Change of
Zone, relative to proposed Change of District Boundary and Use
Classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District to
C-2 Community Business District.
Mayor Gisler declared the hearing
open and invited all interested persons to speak thereon..
No Protests The Clerk stated that there had
been no written protests filed in Zone Case No. 136.
Hearing Closed There being no protests filed,
either oral or written, in Zone Case No. 136, Mayor Gisler
declared the hearing closed.
Ordinance On On motion by Waite, seconded
Zone Case #136
by Lambert, the City Attorney
Page #19 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
be directed to prepare an Ordinance on Zone Case No. 136.
Motion carried.
Public Hearing Mayor Gisler announced that
Zone _Case #137
this was the date and time
set for a public hearing on Resolution No. 137, of the
City Planning Commission, recommending Zone Case No. 137,
and instructed the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of
hearing Zone Case No. 137, as published in the Huntington
Beach News, on September 22nd, 1960, setting the hour of
8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on
Monday, the 3rd day of October, 1960, for the purpose of
considering a Resolution of Intent, as adopted by the City
Planning Commission, for Change of Zone, relative to proposed
Change of District Boundary and Use Classification from:
R-4 Suburban Residential District as adopted by Interim
Ordinance No. 668 to R-1 Single Family Resident District.
Mayor declared the hearing
open and invited all interested persons to speak thereon.
No Protests
The Clerk stated there had been
no written protests filed in Zone Case No. 137.
There being no protests filed,
either oral or written, in Zone Case No. 137, Mayor Gisler
declared the hearing closed.
Zone Case #137
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Waite, the City Attorney be
directed to prepare an Ordinance on Zone Case No. 137.
Motion carried.
Public Hearing
Zone Case #138
Mayor Gisler announced that
this was the date and time
set for a public hearing on Resolution No. 138, of the City
Planning Commission, recommending Zone Case No. 138, and
-19. -
Page #20 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
instructed the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of hearing
Zone Case No. 138 as published in the Huntington Beach News, on
September 22nd, 1960, setting the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., or
as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of October,
1960, for the purpose of considering a Resolution of Intent, as
adopted by the City Planning Commission, for Change of Zone,
relative to proposed Change of District Boundary and Use Clas-
sification from: R-4 Suburban Residential District as adopted
by Interim Ordinance No. 668 to R-2 Two Residents District.
Mayor Gisler declared the hearing
open and invited all interested persons to speak thereon.
No written. protests The Clerk stated that there had
been no written protests filed in Zone Case No. 138.
Protest by Mrs. Sylvia Shandrick, 2281
Mrs. Shandrick
Main Street, Huntington Beach,
who owns property in the area covered by Zone Case No. 138,
addressed the Council protesting the change of zone, stating
that an area of residential and manufacturing don't go to-
gether. Mrs. Shandrick told the Council she felt the best
use for the land, was to be found in its present zone.
Hearin Closed
There being no further protests
filed in Zone Case No. 138, Mayor Gisler declared the hearing
Ordinance On
On motion
by Waite,
seconded by
Zone Case #138
the City Attorney be
directed to prepare
an Ordinance on Zone
Case No.
138. Motion
A Subdivision
on Tract
Bond -Tract #3733
No. 37331,
from the
Bernard Solomon and Sidney Weinberg, was presented by the Clerk.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Waite, the Subdivision Bond was accepted. Motion carried.
-20. -
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Agrrmt.-Recr. The Clerk read an agreement
Commission & Schools
between the Huntington Beach
Recreation Commission and the following schools, to coordinate
a program of community recreation between the Recreation
Department and the schools facilities:
Huntington Beach High School
Huntington Beach Elementary School
Oceanview School
Fountain Valley School
Westminster School
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Waite, Council approve the Huntington Beach Recreation
Commission entering into the agreement. Motion carried.
Ord. #794-1st Reading Ordinance No. 794 was given
District Ma---
-- its first reading in full,
DISTRICT MAP 13-6-11)."
Ord. #795-1st Ordinance No. 795 was given
Reading -District Map
its first reading in full by
DISTRICT MAP 35-5-11)."
Easement'Dee3 An Easement Deed covering
Meredith, et. al.
two parcels of property in
the Condemnation suit, City of Huntington Beach versus
Meredith, et. al., from James J. Brown, Clarence M. Brown,
Theodore Manthei, Ernest F. Manthei, to the City of Huntington
Beach, for the consideration of one hundred dollars ($100.00),
was presented by the Clerk.
On motion'by Lambert, seconded
by Waite, the City accept the deed and the City Clerk be
instructed to record the deed, and payment be authorized
as requested. Motion carried.
Page #22 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
Report of On motion by Lambert, seconded by
Chamber of Commerce
Waite, the report of the Chamber
of Commerce for the month of September, as mailed to the Council-
men, be received and filed. Motion carried.
Mr. Elmer Goetsch- Mr. Elmer Goetsch, 1206 Park Street,
Towing Contract
Huntington Beach, addressed the
Council and asked whether the City was prepared to consider his
proposal for a Towing Contract.
City Administrator The City Administrator informed
Mr. Goetsch that they were making a study of comparable towing
contracts in surrounding communities and that they had not at
this time completed the proposed contract for Huntington Beach.
Leo W. Farwell- City Administrator presented a
Leave of Absence
request -from Mr. Leo W. Farwell,
an Engineer in the Fire Department, for a ninety day leave of
absence because of illness, from October 15th, 1960, to January
15th, 1961. Mr. Farwell's request had been approved by Fire
Chief Delbert Higgins.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Wells, that Mr. Leo Farwell be granted a ninety day leave
of absence, from October 15th, 19609 to January 15th, 1961.
Motion carried.
Int. Typist Clerk- A request from the Planning
Planning Department
Director, to fill the position
of intermediate Typist Clerk, in the Planning Department, was
presented by the City Administrator.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Waite, the Planning Director be permitted to fill the
position of Intermediate Typist Clerk in his Department.
Motion carried.
Engr. Dept.
Allocation of Positions
A request from the Engineering
Department for the allocation
of certain positions within the Department be approved, was
presented by the Administrator.
4 15 7
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On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Waite, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an
amendment to the Ordinance Code, to allocate the positions
requested by the Engineering Department. Motion carried.
Building Department --
Additional Positions
The City Administrator requested
that a position of Structural
Inspector and one of Plumbing Inspector be allocated to the
Building Department in the Ordinance to be prepared by the
City Attorney.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Waite, the Attorney be instructed to include these positions
in the amendment to the Ordinance Code. Motion carried.
Sully -Miller Cont. Co.-- A request from Sully -Miller
14 Day Extension
Construction Company for an
extension of fourteen days for the completion of their work,
was presented by the City Administrator
On motion by Waite, seconded
be Lambert, Sully -Miller Construction Company be granted the
fourteen day extension in completing the work on the Goldenwest
project. Motion carried.
City Engineer to A request from the City Engineer
attend U.C.L.A. Courses
for the use of City transporta-
tion to attend courses at the University of Southern California,
was presented by the Administrator.
On motion by Waite, seconded by
Lambert, the request of the Engineer, to use City transpor-
tation in attending the courses at Southern California be
granted. Motion carried
City Engr. & Water Supt. to The City Administrator presented
Attend Water Works Assn.
a request that the City Engineer
and Water Superintendent be permitted to attend sessions of
the California Section of the American Water Works Association,
Forty First Session, to be held in Long Beach from October
24th to 27th.
4 58
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On motion by Lambert, seconded
by Waite, the Engineer and Water Superintendent be authorized
to attend the sessions, with reasonable expenses allowed.
Motion carried.
ECCO Corp.- A request from ECCO Corporation
Partial Payment
for partial payment in the amount
of Nineteen Thousand Seven Hundred Nine Dollars and Twenty Cents
($19,709.20), was presented by the Administrator, with the en-
dorsement of the City Engineer, that the payment would be in
On motion by Waite, seconded
by Lambert, that ECCO Corporation be granted a partial payment
in the amount of Nineteen Thousand Seven Hundred Nine Dollars
and Twenty Cents ($19,709.20). Motion carried.
Street Sweeper A request from the City Engineer
For Engr. Dept.
that he be permitted to purchase
the necessary Street Sweeper which has been budgeted in the
1960-61 budget, was presented by the City Administrator.
On motion by Lambert, seconded
by, Waite, Purchasing Agent be instructed to get bids on the
Street Sweeping equipment. Motion carried.
Reso. on Wages Discussed A Resolution on prevailing
rates of wages was briefly discussed by the Administrator.
On motion by Wells, seconded
by Lambert, the Resolution be held over until the next regular
meeting of the Council. Motion carried.
Demands A roved On motion by Waite, seconded
by Wells, the demands as approved by the Finance Committee
be paid. Motion carried.
Informal meeting called Mayor Gisler called a meeting
of the Council as informal Committee of the Whole for Monday,
October 17th, 1960, at 7:00 o'clock A.M.
Page #25 - Minutes - October 3rd, 1960
Ifeeting Adjourned
4n motion by Waite, seconded
by Wells, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach was adjourned. Motion carried.
City —Clerk an -o icio er
of the City C cil of the City
of Huntington Beach, California