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39 I':iINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANTITING COLLISSIOId Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 COIJJISSIOIIERS PRESENT: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. COP,TTIISSIONERS JUSENT: None. MINUTES: On motion by Stang and seconded by Doutt, the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of September 20th, 1960, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. USE PERITJIT: UP ;r110 To allow the erection of a 10 ft x 24 Applicant - Columbia Outdoor ft. subdivision directional sign Advertising to be located south of Smeltzer Avenue and 1000 ft. viest of Goldenwest Street, and legally described as the 1000 ft. west of the east line of the ITE' ly 4 of NE 4 of Section 22-5-11 and 40 ft. south of the north line of the NE of HE . of Section 22-5-11. The hearing was opened to the public there being no comment the hearing was closed. A EOTION 't+AS LIADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO APPROVE USE PERLr.IT #110 WITH THE FOLLO1,7ING CONDITIONS: 1. There shall be posted a $250.00 performance bond guaranteeing removal upon expiration of Use Permit #110. 2. Use Permit #110 shall expire one year from date granted. F; i Page #2 I,1inutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 1. The subdivision directional sign shall be removed by the applicant upon expiration of Use Permit #110 - the penalty for failure to do so shall be the for- feiture of the performance bond. The City shall re- tain the right for entry and removal of sign upon expiration of Use Permit #110. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, 1orthy, Stang, Chairman - Bazil. NOES: None. ABSTAINED: Kaufman. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV #225 To allow the construction of Applicant - Milton D. hlunkeby an office building and lighted signs in the county R-4 District. Located north 99 ft. of the S 2 of the SW 4 of the NW 4 of Section 36, T.5.S.9 R.11.7., SBB & M. The hearing was opened to the public. The Secretary reported that the applicant had failed to file the plot plan with the Planning Department. The Secretary requested that the application be continued to allow the department to review the plans. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO CONTINUE THE HEARING OF USE VARIANCE #225 TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV #228 To permit the temporary Applicant - B. C. Deane erection of five model homes for home sales display for Tract 3595 together with 2. 41 Page ;�3 Minutes - H. B. Plannins Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 accessory parking and recreation areas in deviation to the A-1 General Agricultural District. Located at the NE corner of Atlanta Avenue and Beach Blvd., and legally described as the south 295 ft. of the west 386 ft. of the Sit 4 of Section 12, M.S., R.11.W., SBB & M. The hearing was opened to the audience. Jim Deane, applicant, addressed the Commission and explained why the request for deletion of the dedi- cation requirements was made. Mr. Deane explained that his firm had only a very short term lease on the property and that the property would be used for the temporary use of model homes only. A I.ZOTION WAS BADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE UV #228 WITH THE FOLLO71ING CONDITIONS: 1. That UV #228 shall expire within 24 months from the date of approval of this variance. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. IdOES : None. ABSENT: None. THE I;IOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV #229 To allow the erection of a second Applicant - Leona E. Meier single family home on each lot in the A-1 General Agricultural District. Located 300 ft. north of Wintersburg Avenue on the east side of "A" Street, and legally described as Lots 13 and 15, Block "B", Tract 528. The hearing was opened to the audience. John Felhoelter, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and explained the proposed 3. Page 4 iF Minutes - H. B. Plannins Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 construction. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO APPROVE UV #229 WITHOUT COND- ITIONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, 'Letson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV 71230 To allow the conduct of Applicant - Stanley 7.1. Harriman a small parcel delivery service to be located within the R-4 Suburban Residential District. Located approximately 330 ft. north of Ellis Avenue on the west side of Beach Blvd., and legally described as the S'ly 99.00 ft. of the N 2 of the SE 4 of the SE Q of the NE 4 of Section 35-5-11. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment it was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE UV #230 WITHOUT CONDITIONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV #231 To allow two professional Applicant - George Carbeck office buildings to be con- structed in the County R-4 Zone. Located west of Beach 4. 43 Page #5 Minutes — H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 10,60 Blvd., and on the south side of Newman Street, and legally described as the N 189.00 ft. of the N 428.00 ft. of N 2 of SE 4 of SE 4 of Section 26, T.5.S., R.11. W., SBB & M., excepting the following: Beginning at a point 170.00 ft. west of the NE corner of N 2 of SE 4 of SE 4 of Section 26, T.5.S., R.11.1., SBB & M., said point being in the north line thereof; thence south parallel to the east line of said Section 26, 428 ft.; thence west parallel to the north line of said N 21 1150 ft. more or less to the VJ'ly line of the SE 4 of SE g of said Section 26, thence north along said WI ly line 428 ft. to the NW corner of the N 2 of the SE 4 of SE 4 of said Section 26, thence E. 1150 ft. more or less to the point of beginning. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment it was closed. Commission discussion followed. The Planning Department submitted a report on recommended conditions. A :11OTION WAS 11M BY PRESSON AIM SECONDED BY DOUTT TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE UV ,r231 WITH THE FOLLOWING COIJDITIONS : 1. Curbs and gutters shall be required along all property frontages of the submitted property where it abuts either Newman Street or Beach Blvd. 2. Where the submitted property abuts either Newman Street or Beach Blvd., there shall be required additional paving in accordance with City specifications to the existing pavement, excepting where the City Engineer may otherwise deem the required improvements impractical to install. 3. That development will be restricted to the submitted plot plan or less. ROLL, CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 5. IF F Page ;#6 Minutes - H. B, Planning Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO 154 Initiated by Resolution of Intent CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO R-5EM.T. District. Located on approximately 60 acres lying ad- jacent to Coast Highway 101 and NVI'ly of the Santa Ana River Bridge to a line described as the S'ly extension of Cannery Street. Legally described as follows: Beginning at a point described as the intersection of the N'ly right- of-way line of Pacific Coast Highway 101-A with the west line of Section 199 T.6.S.9 R.10.71.9 SBB & M.; thence north along said west line of Section 19-6-10 to a point of intersection with the southerly boundary of Orange County Flood Control District Huntington Beach Channel; thence southerly along said southerly boundary of said Huntington Beach Channel to a point of intersection with the southerly boundary of Orange County Flood Control Channel District Talbert Channel; thence southeasterly along the curved southerly boundary of said Talbert Channel located adjacent to the Santa Ana River; thence southwesterly along the west boundary of said Talbert Channel to a point of intersection with the northerly right-of-way line of the Pacific Coast Highway 101-A; thence north westerly along said north right-of-way line of Pacific Coast Highway 101-A to the point of beginning. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment it was closed. 6. HE;, Page ir7 Kinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 RESOLUTION NM 154 A Resolution of the Planning Commission L:aking Recommendation of Approval for Zone Case iio 154 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 154. FINDINGS WERE BASED UPON THE ADOPTED LASTER LAND USE PLAN. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 156 Initiated by Resolution of Intent CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to pro- posed change of district boundary and use classifica- tion from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO .01-1-A Restricted iianufacturing District. The following parcels of real property as outlined in the adopted Resolution of Intent are described herewith: Located on approximately 2.75 acres at the SW corner of Cannery Street and Banning Avenue. Legally described as follows: Beginning at a point described as the northeast corner of Section 24, T.6.S., R.il.17., SBB & ICI.; thence south along the east line of said Section 24-6-11 to a point of intersection with the northerly boundary of Orange County Flood Control District Huntington Beach Channel; thence north- westerly along said northerly boundary of said Hunt- ington Beach Channel to a point of intersection with the north line of said Section 24-6-11; thence east along the north line of said Section 24-6-11 to the point of beginning. 7. Page ;r8 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 The hearing was opened to the audience. Attorney Phil Reilly, representing the R. C. A. property, addressed the Commission. He read a letter submitted by Attorney Norman. H. Smedegaard, opposing the proposal to change the zone from R-1 to 1VI-1-A. Attorney Reilly gave a lengthy dissertation con- cerning the protest of the PSI-1-A proposed zoning. Paul Caruso, Garden Grove, Real Estate Salesman, made a charge that he had approa- ched the Planning Director with the subdivision and that the Planning Director had told him'it would be approved. Attorney Reilly readdressed the Commission and stated that for the record he wanted to be disassociated from the previous remarks made by Mr Caruso. RESOLUTION NO 156 A Resolution of tiie _`'lanning Commission Making Recommendation of Approval for Zone Case No 156 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MDE BY KAUF!aN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 156. FINDINGS WERE BASED UPON THE ADOPTED MASTER LAND USE PLAN AND THE AUGUST 2nd REPORT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE 110 157 Initiated by resolution of Intent CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classifi- cation from: R-1 Single Family Residence District 4? Page ;r9 Idinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 TO M-1-A Restricted Manufacturing District. The following parcels of real property as outlined in the adopted Resolution of Intent are described herewith: Located on approximately 40 acres lying adjacent and north of Pacific Coast Highway 101-A west of Newland Street; south of Huntington Beach Channel. Legally described as follows: Beginning at the center mark of Section 13, T.6.S., R.11.71.9 SBB & M.; thence south 0"38'03" east a distance of 597.63 ft. to the point of beginning; thence north 87039'37" west a distance of 1653.47 ft.; thence south 0°38'03" east to the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Pacific Coast Highway 101-A; thence southeasterly along said north right-of-way line of Highway 101-A to a point of intersection with the center- line of Newland Street; thence northerly along said centerline of Newland Street to the point of beginning. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment it was closed. A lengthy discussion followed. RESOLUTION NO 157 A Resolution of the City Planning rl Commission ,Za'iing Reco�,imendation of Approval for Zone Case No 157 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS I+TADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY KAUFIa1AN TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 157• FINDINGS WERE BASED UPON THE AUGUST 2nd REPORT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: rresson, Letson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: IZone . ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 140 CHARGE OF ZONE, relative to proposed Applicant - Dr. Adrian Hubbell change of district boundary and 9. Page ;r10 P,iinutes - H. B. Planning; Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO R-5 P. 1,1. T. District. The following parcels of real property as submitted on the applicant's petition are des- cribed herewith: Located on the N`1 corner of Smeltzer Avenue and Golden `Vest Street and legally described as follows: That portion of the SE 4 of the SE 4 of Section 15, T.5.S., R.11.W., SBB & M., described as follows: Located on the M1 corner of Smeltzer Avenue and Golden West Street and legally described as that portion of the SE 4 of the SE 4 of Section 15, T. 5. S. , R.11. i - , SBB & TAT. , Beginning at the SE corner of said Section 15, said point being the intersection of the centerlines of Golden West Street and Smeltzer Avenue; thence north 613.00 ft., thence west 208.00 ft., thence south 612.14 ft. to the S'ly line of said Section 15; thence south 89045'50" east 208.00 ft. to the point of beginning. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment it was closed. A lengthy discussion followed. RESOLUTION NO 140 A Resolution of the Planning Commission Making Recommendation of Approval for Zone Case No 140 to the City Council. A P,TOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFIV'IAN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 140. FINDINGS OF FACTS WAS BASED ON THE ADOPTED I.IASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS APPROVED TENTATIVE MAPS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION ,VAS ADOPTED. 10. F f Page #11 Linutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 ZONE CASE NO 152 Initiated by Resolution of Intent CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to pro- posed change of district boundary and use classification from: R-1 Single family Residence District TO 11-1-A Restricted 11anufacturing District. The following parcels of real property as outlined in the adopted Resolution of In- tent are described herewith: Located on the south side of Banning Avenue and E'ly of Cannery Street on approx- imately 28 acres. Legally described as that portion of 19-6-10. ( Legal description on file in the Planning Department's Office). CiiAi�GL OFZGi�%, relative to pro- posed change of district boundary and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO 1,I-1-A Restricted i.Ianufacturing District. The following parcels of real property as outlined in the adopted Resolution of Intent are described herewith: Located on approximately 39 acres at the SW corner of Banning Avenue and Bushard Street. (Legal description on file in the Planning Department's Office) . The hearing was opened to the audience, after a delayed vi"cit of 45 minutes in order to allow Attorney Dale Heinly to arrive and present arguments on behalf of his client. Attorney Reilly opened the hearing by reiterating his previous remarks. There being no further comments the hearing was closed. 11. 5© Page #12 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 Attorney Dale Heinly arrived at the hearing at 8:45 P. I1. With permission of the Commission body, the Chairman reopened the hearing to the audience to alloy Attorney Heinly to give final arguments on behalf of his client. Attorney Heinly gave a series of arguments in protest to the proposed M-1-A zoning. There being no further comment, the hearing was again closed to the audience. A study session was held by the Commission during which the virtues of the case were debated. RESOLUTION NO 152 A Resolution of the Planning Commission Making Recommendation of Approval for Zone Case No 152 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS 1,1ADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 152. FINDINGS WERE BASED UPON THE ADOPTED MASTER LAND USE PLAN, AND THE AUGUST 2nd'REPORT AND THE RESOLUTION OF INTENT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Letson, Doutt, 'Worthy, Chairman Bazil. NOES: Kaufman, Stang. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION 'WAS ADOPTED. PROPOSAL BY COLU1,1BIA The Secretary reported to the OUTDOOR TO OFFER SERVICES OF ENFORCEI,IENT Commission that he had discussed OF OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGNS the possibilities of enforcement of the sign ordinances with a private sign contractor, Mr. lilarvin Harper, of Columbia Outdoor Signs. The discussion with lair. Harper resolved the problem of physical enforcement of outdoor advertising. Mr. Harper indicated that his firm would be interested in signing a contract with the City to enforce sign 12. 51 Page #13 .Minute,s - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 ordinances of the City. He pointed out that his firm was more than willing to cooperate with the City and live up to the codes. But he stated that their firm was at a decided disadvantage when they had to compete with dishonest and cheating sign companies. He stated that he could locate a large number of illegal signs within this City. As stated, his proposal would to work with the City to guarantee removal of signs after the City had completed the necessary legal steps to have the violations abated. He stated that his firm would be grilling to remove the designated signs at no cost to the City. He stated that he would profit only from the billboard materials. The Chairman directed the question of legal problems to the City Attorney. City Attorney Bauer stated that he could forsee many legal problems with the proposal; especially with idea of entering private property and removal of sign im- provements without consent of the property owner. Attorney Bauer suggested that careful study should be made before such a proposal was made to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFioIAN AND SECONDED BY STANG TO REFER ALL SIGN ENFORCEMENT PRO- POSALS TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND CITY ATTORNEY FOR STUDY. THE MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSAL TO STUDY Chairman Bazil announced that THE I;iASTER LAND USE PLAN; the time had arrived for the Planning Commission to begin their extensive studies concerning the amendment of the existing Master Land Use Plan. He stated that he had 13. 52 Page 7r14 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October d,th, 1960 worked with the Planning Department in -the preparation of a very rough draft of the newly proposed Master Land Use Plan. However as he pointed out, it was his belief that all Commissioners should have a hand in the pre- paration of the.proposed Master Land Use Plan Revised. He gave the opinion that hearing should begin only after individual members of the Commission made a re- port on their assigned district during which they could consult with property owners and drive the area to better reach and understanding of the problems peculiar with their assigned areas. The recommendations of each individual member would be compiled onto a composite map for further debate and discussion. Informal studies would be continued until such time as all proposals were reviewed and collectively assimilated to represent the consensus of opinion of the Planning Commission as a whole. The Planning Department was assigned the task of preparing rough drafts of the assigned districts to be prepared and delivered to all members of the Commission. The department would be responsible for furnishing any additional information such as property ownership or existing land use maps. The Chairman announced the district assignments as follows: 1. All city area north of Heil Avenue. 2. All city area lying between Talbert Avenue and Heil Avenue. 3. All city area lying between Garfield Avenue and Talbert Avenue. 4. All city area lying east of Beach Blvd. between Garfield Avenue and Atlanta Ave. 5. All city area lying east of Beach Blvd. and south of Atlanta Avenue. LETSON WORTHY DOUTT STANG PRESSON 14. 53 Page 415 Liinutes — H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 4th, 1960 6. All city area lying west of Tlain Street and south of Garfield Avenue. 7. All city area lying between Fain Street and Beach Blvd south of Garfield Avenue. Cli ;6rd E. Tripp Secretary KAUFLIAIT BAZIL there being no further business, THE MEETING ADJOURNED S � Robert Bazil Chairman 15.