HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-17123 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday,. January 17th, 1961 COI,iMISSIONERS PRL'.SENT: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. C01,21ISSIONERS ABSENT: Letson. MINUTES: On motion by Stang and seconded by Presson, the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of January 4th, 1961, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. AREA VARIANCE: AV #251 To allow a single dwelling An-olicant - Cont. from Jan 4. Charles A. Peerenboom to be attached to existing non -conforming dwelling in the R-2 District. Located north of Hartford Street and west of California Avenue, and legally described as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 803, Vista del Mar Tract. Except the E. 87.50 ft. of the S. 95 ft. of said lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, also except the N. 13 ft. of the E. 65 ft. of said Lot 5. The hearing was opened to the public, there being no comment, the hearing was closed. Discussion at length followed. Commission opinion indicated the decision to require removal of the attached single car garage. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO DENY AREA VARIANCE AV #251. REASONS FOR DENIAL. 1. Existing house did not conform to Uniform Building Code. 2.. Insufficient area on lot would not facilitate the proposal. ROLL CALL VOTE: I.24 Page #2 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV #246 To allow the construction of Applicant - FreewaX Enterprises Inc frame building 16 ft. x 24 ft. and asphalt karting track 150 ft x 250 ft. in the R-1 Single Family Residence District. Property known as Hickory House restaurant at the intersection of Highway 101-A and Beach Blvd. Legally described as that portion of the NW 4 of the SW 4 of Section 13, T.6.S., R.11.W., SBB & M., containing 77,339 sq. ft., located on the NW corner of U.S. Highway 101 and State Highway 39• The hearing was opened to the audience. Geo Hadley, 3540 Wilshire Blvd., legal council for State of California, Division of Highways, indicated that the State was the property owner and that the applicant had no lease with the State for the proposal. He went on record as opposing the proposed variance. R. J. Lambert, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and stated that it was his belief that the State would approve the lease if the variance were granted. Jack Miller, representing the applicant, told the Commission that several such proposed tracks were operating successfully within the County. He named one track in Garden Grove and another at Highway 39 and Lincoln Ave. in Anaheim. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed.- t 2. 125 Page #3 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 THE MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO DENY USE VARIANCE UV #246 WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIED REASONS: 1. No ground lease. 2. Traffic hazard, and noise and activity would be detrimental to surrounding developments. ROLL CALL VOTE: .AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV #255 To allow the construction of Applicant - Title Insurance & Trust Co.a single family residence and tool machine and storage shed in the M-1-A Restricted Manufacturing District. Located approximately 545 ft. eouth of Bolsa Avenue and east of Graham Street and legally described as being a portion of the NE j of Section 16, T.5.S., R.11.W., SBB & M. The hearing was opened to the public. Milford W. Dahl, representative of Aldrich R. Peck Estate, addressed the Commission and explained the problems the applicant was faced with. He arbitrated the recommend conditions to what he believed equitible for his client. There being no further comment the hearing was closed.' A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED PRESSON TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE UV #255 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. UV #255 shall be approved for an indeterminate period until such time as industrial development occurred within 200 ft. of the dwelling. At such time the dwelling use shall be discontinued. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. 3• 126 Page #4 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV #256 To allow the construction of a Applicant - Harry Tancredi four unit apartment dwelling in the R-2 Residence District. Located west of England Street on the south side of Joliet Street, and legally described as Lots 9 and 10, Block 905, Vista del Mar Tract. The Secretary read•a letter submitted by George Farquhar, protesting the variance. The hearing was opened to the audience. E. H. Miller, 1017 England St., H. B., presented a letter which was signed by 30 adjoining property owners protesting the proposed variance. Charles Frost, 1010 Delaware Ave., H. B., addressed the Commission, stated that he protested the proposed variance on the grounds that it would be detrimental to surrounding propertied. Mrs. Clara Copeland, 2904 Delaware Ave., H. B., addressed the Commission, and protested on the grounds that the higher density than the code permitted would not be desirable for the neighborhood. Mrs. Miller, 1017 England St., H. B., addressed the Commission, protested the proposed variance. She advocated R-1 Districting for the neighborhood. Chairman Bazil suggested that she and her neighbors petition the Commission for the R-1 if they so desired such a zone. Harry Tancredi, the applicant, addressed the Commission, stated that he did not wish to oppose the neighborhood. He stated that he believed the proposed construction would be in asset to the surrounding properties. Mrs. Grace P. Shuttes, addressed the Commission, stated that she opposed the variance. She argued that the exist- ing multiple units were a nuisance. Joe Campbell, 1108 England Street, H. B., addressed the Commission, protested the variance. Merle Hughs, 911 England St., H. B., addressed the Commission, protested the variance. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. 4. 127 Page #5 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 Chairman Bazil indicated his belief that the neighborhood as a majority was against the proposal and that their wishes should be considered. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY STANG TO DENY USE VARIANCE UV #256 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. Majority of neighborhood opposed. 2. No hardship was proven by the applicant. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang', Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV #257 Applicant - Harry.Tancredi To allow the construction of four unit apartment dwelling in the R-2 Residence District. Located west of England Ave., south of Knoxville St., and legally described as Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 1005, Vista del Mar Tract. The Secretary informed the Chairman that an improper legal description was submitted, therefore no.action could be taken. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN, CHAIRMAN BAZIL ORDERED THE SECRETARY TO READVERTISE THE VARIANCE REQUEST UPON SUBMITTAL OF THE CORRECT INFORMATION. USE VARIANCE: UV ;#258 To allow the construction of Applicant - Harry Tancredi four one story two bedroom duplexes in the R-2 Residence District. Located on the south side of Geneva Street, and legally described as Lots 27, 280 29, and 30, Valley View Tract, except the south 2 ft. of Lot 30. The Secretary reported that an improper legal description had been submitted. 5. 128 Page ##6 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 NO ACTION WAS TAKEN, CHAIRMAN BAZIL ORDERED THE SECRETARY TO READVERTISE THE VARIANCE REQUEST UPON SUBMITTAL OF THE CORRECT INFORMATION. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO 4o39 No of Lots: 576 Subdivider: Buccola Invest. Co. Total Acreage: 170t Engineer: Lowry & Assoc. To allow the following described lots to deviate from Section 9741.4 Huntington Beach Ordinance Code: Lotb,2 thru 24, 29 thru 44, 47 thru 63, 68 thru.84, 87 thru 103, 108 thru 124, 127 thru 142, 148 thru 163, 167 thru 181, 186 thru 202, 206 thru 223, 227 thru 246, 250 thru 268, 275 thru 290, 304 thru 347, 350 thru 365, 370 thru 384,387 thru 396, 402 thru 413, 416 thru 423, 428 thru 436, 439 thru 445,-449 thru 455, 458 thru 463, 468 thru 473, 476 thru 4819 486 thru 491, 494 thru 499, 504 thru 509, 512 thru 517, 522 thru 527, 530 thru 535, 540 thru 545. The above listed lots to have 50 ft or more frontage with a minimum of 5000 sq ft with water frontage for each lot. Code normally requires 60 ft frontage and 6000 sq ft of area as minimums. Lots 1, 45, 46, 85, 86, 125, 126 164, 165, 204, 205, 248, 249 291, 303, 348, 349, 385, 386, 4142 415, 4371 438, 456, 457, 474, 475, 492, 493, 510, 511, 528, 529, 546. The above listed lots to have 6000 sq ft minimum lot area with water frontage for each lot. Code normally requires 7000 sq ft for all corner lots. Lots 292 thru 302 to have 50 ft of frontage with 5000 sq ft of lot area as inland lots without water frontage. Code normally requires 60 ft frontage with 6000 sq ft of area. Located approximately 170 acres generally lying south of Slater Ave. and west of Edwards St. The Extension of Springdale St. would intersect the tract. The hearing was opened to the audience. George Buccola, 3700 Newport Beach Blvd., Newport Beach, addressed the Commission, and stated that he was the developer and that he wished to cooperate in every way to expedite the approval of the Conditional Exception. 6. 129 Page ##7 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 Mr. Charles W. Dougan, Water & Air Pollution Control Engineer, addressed the Commission, stated that he was only at this hearing as an interested observer. He told the Commission that the water pollution control district would not have control over the project as it is presently planning. He stated that the Orange County Water District would assume jurisdiction of the Water problem. Mr. Harold Pedersen, Superintendent of Ocean View School District, addressed the Commission, and stated that for the record the Board of Trustees still was seeking a school site within the proposed subdivision. He stated that if any satigfactory* alternatives could be worked out, that he and the School Board would be happy to meet with the developer and discuss the problem. Mr. John Toups, District Engineer of Orange County Water District, addressed the Commission, he explained that the problem of providing a water source for the proposed marina was not at present clearly enough defined to enable the Orange County Water Board to make findings. He told the Commission if in the future the Water District found that the underground water supply was .in jeopardy; the Water District could at that time take appropriate measures to correct the problem. Mr. C. Blackburn, representative for Coast Realty, addressed the Commission and stated that he was in favor of the proposed lot sizes. He stated that he had knowledge of Mr. Buccolas reputation and capabilities In the construction business and that his reputation was the highest. 7. 130 Page #8 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 Milo Keith, representing the Buccola Development, addressed the Commission, and brought the Commission up to date on the most recent changes made on the Tentative Map. He explained how the channels were widened to 110 ft and how the channel was bent up to the northwest in order to shorten the channel lengths. He expressed his every intention to cooperate with the Commission in seeking approval for his developer's map. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion at length followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Lots 291 thru 302 shall not be approved as requested, but rather shall be required to meet subdivision code requirements for lot area and lot frontage applicable to inland type lots. 2. All 5000 sq ft interior lots with 50 ft frontage as requested shall have water frontage maintained the entire width at rear of lot. 3. All 6000 sq ft corner lots with 60 ft frontage as requested shall have water frontage maintained equal to the width at rear of lot. 4. All proposed channels shall have a minimum width of 110 ft. 5. All proposed channels shall be lined with concrete type bulkhead retaining walls and shall be subject to Planning Commission approval as to location, height, crows -section design, material, and time of installation. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy,.Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO 149 CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to proposed Applicant - Five Points Area change of district boundary and use classification from: R-4-X Suburban Residential District, 8. 131 Page #9 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668 TO C-2 Community Business District. Located on approximately 8 acres on the west side of Beach Blvd., north of Ellis.Avenue, in the Five Points area, and legally described as follows: The following portions of the BE 4 of the NE a of Section 35-5-11. The E. 348.48 ft. of the N. 497.76 ft. of the S. 824.67 ft., and the E. 659.88 ft. of the S. 329.91 ft. thereof; EXCEPTING THEREFROM all dedi- cated streets and parcels deeded to the state of California for Highway Purposes. The hearing was opened to the public.. Mr. F. Bowen, 5246 E. Florence Avenue, Whittier, addressed the Commission and stated that as a representative for the Wade property, he was advocating commercial zoning. Mr. Herbert D. Porter, 18381 Beach Blvd., H. B., addressed the Commission, and stated that he was in favor of granting change of zone for commercial uses. Mrs. Viola Gibbs, 18451 Beach Blvd., H. B., addressed the Commission, and also spoke in favor of Zone Case No 149. She advocated commercial uses. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. Chairman Bazil suggested that the proposed change of zone be zoned to 0-4 District which has not been as yet adopted. The Commission recommended that the hearing be readvertised within sixty days to be zoned as C-4 District. A MOTION WAS MADE -BY STANG AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO READVERTISE THE HEARING OF ZONE CASE NO 149 TO THE SECOND MEETING OF MARCH 14th, 1961 FOR C-4 DISTRICT ZONING. 9. 132 Page #10 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO 165. CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to Applicant - Alfred Edelsohn proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: A-1-X County.Land Use Ordinance No. 351, as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668 TO R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located on approximately 15.4 acres on the South side of Blaylock Place and_200 ft..east of Beach Blvd., and legally described as: Tract 3953 being a portion of the NW 4 of the NW 4 of Section 25-5-11. The hearing was_ opened. to the audience, there being no comment it was closed. Commission discussion was held at length. It was pointed out that the tract was soon to be constructed and that the R-1 zoning was a routine procedure. RESOLUTION NO 165 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Making Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case No 165 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 165. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 166 CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to Applicant - Loland Homes, Inc. proposed change of district A. L. Gindling, Sec. boundary and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO C-2 10. 133 Page #11 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 Community Business District. Located on approximately 8 acres on the NE corner of Smeltzer Ave. and Springdale St. Further legal description on file in the Planning Dept. Office. The hearing was opened to the audience. Jeff Millet, Engineer of Millet & King Assoc., addressed the Commission and stated that he was in favor of granting Zone Case No 166. He pointed out that the Master Plan for the tract involved over 550 acres with approximately 2000 homes to be built. He further point out that the site was logically located diagonally across from the Huntington Village shopping center site. the hearing was closed. at length. There being no further comment The Commission held a discussion RESOLUTION NO 166 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission i•iaking Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case No 166 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 166. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 167 Applicant - First ?•lestern Bank & 'crust CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to proposed change .of district boundary and use claysification from: 11-1 Light Manufacturing District TO R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located approximately 1320 ft. west of Beach Blvd., on the north side of Sugar Avenue with an area of approximately 28 acres. 11. 134_ Dage #12 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 Legally described as that portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 14, T.5.S., R.11.W., SBB & M., lying northeasterly of that certain parcel of land conveyed to the State of California by deed recorded September 24, 1954, in Book 2825, Page 463, of the official records of Orange County. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the south 287.21 ft. of the east 227.50 ft. The hearing was opened to the audience. Jeff Millet, Engineer of Millet & King Assoc., addressed the Commission, and stated that the limited frontage along Sugar Ave. reduced the value of the property for M-1 purposes. He further pointed out the existing subdivision to the east. Fire Chief Higgins, addressed the Commission, and stated that he would prefer R-1 Zoning, reasons given, that .from a fire protection standpoint it could more easily be serviced as residential development, and that for fire protection purposes the M-1 development would prove costly to the city. the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO 167 There being no further comment A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Making -Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case No 167 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY PRESS09 TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 167. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. 12. P -e #13 ginutes - H. B. Planning Conmission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 ZONE CASE 110 168 CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to Applicant - Cox Bros proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO M-1 Light Manufacturing District. Located on approximately 1.78 acres at the -NE corner of Sugar Avenue and legally described as: Being that portion of the SW 4 of the NE 4 of Section 14, T.5.S., R.11.W., in Rancho Las Bolsa Chica in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California as recorded in Book 51, page 13 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County lying SW'ly of the State Highway known as the San Diego Freeway, bounded on the W by the S. Pacific Railroad RAW and on the south by Sugar Avenue. The hearing was opened to the audience. Jeff Millet, Engineer, addressed the Commission, and stated that the acreage was triangular in shape and incompatible with logical subdivision development. He pointed out that the property was adjacent to the P.E. R.R. and immediately north of an existing M-1 District area which had recently been zoned. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Discussion at length by the Commission followed. RESOLU`.PION NO 168 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Making Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case 1,To 168 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO ADOPT.RESOLUTION NO 168. ROLL CALL VOTE: AXES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. 13. 99T Page ##14 Minutes - H. B. Planning Department Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 ZONE CASE NO 169 CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to Applicant - Tony Luis proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: R-4-X Suburban Residential District, as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668 TO C-2 Community Business District. Located on approximately 4.33 acres on the west side of Beach Blvd., north of Taylor Ave., legally described as: The S J-of the SE of the NE 4 of the NE I of Section 35, T.5.S.0 R.11.W., Orange County, California. The hearing was opened to the public. Tony Luis, the applicant, addressed the Commission and explained that he was currently working out details of his lease and that he would be amenable to a continuance if that was the desire of the Commission. the hearing was closed. There being no further comment A MOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO CONTINUE ZONE CASE NO 169 TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 7th, 1961, AT 8:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT: UP #113 To allow the erection of a 10 ft x Applicant - James Dean 30 ft. double face subdivision directional sign. Located on the NE corner of Atlanta Avenue and Beach Blvd., and legally described as the south 295 ft. of the west 386 ft of the SW a of Section 12-6-11 SBB & M. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. 14. 991 Pa. ge ;'#15 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 A MOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO APPROVE USE PERMIT #113 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. There bhall be posted a $250.00 performance bond guaranteeing removal upon expiration of.Use Permit #113. 2. Use Permit #113 shall expire one year from date granted. 3. The subdivisional directional sign shall be removed by the applicant upon expiration of Use Permit #113 the penalty for failure to do so shall be the for- feiture of the performance bond. The City shall retain the right for entry and removal of sign upon expiration of Use Permit #113. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: STRE'�'T NAMES CHANGE PROPOSED: Smeltzer Avenue to Edinger Avenue. Wintersburg Avenue to ?darner Street. Talbert Avenue to remain the same. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment, the hearing was closed. Chairman Bazil asked for comment from the Commission. Concensus of -opinion was that the need for county -wide street names existed, and that now was time to change, if the city ever hoped to accomplish such a task. The job of changing street names would be multiplied many times over should the city attempt the task after the street frontages were fully developed. The Commission further emphas±zed that there was no public reaction to the proposal at the public hearing. 15. 89T Page #16 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 A. MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE PROPOSED STREET NAME CHANGES AS OUTLINED BY THE ORANGE COUNTY STREET NAMING COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION - OUTDOOR ADVERTISING: A letter was read to the Planning Commission recommending that all new outdoor advertising structures be eliminated from the city excepting those which would advertise the business being conducted on the premises or those advertising structures classified as temporary directional subdivision signs. Discussion was continued on the subject of amortizing all existing structures to a five year amortization period. It was felt that the moratorium ordinance should be attempted first for public reaction, since it was agreed that the amortization ordinance could prove a difficult project. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO PREPARE A PROPOSED REVISION TO THE SIGN ORDINANCE DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON ALL NEW OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURES. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, s Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: Worthy. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. 16, L91 139 Page #17 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17t!_, 1961 USE VARIANCE: UV ,259 To allow the erection of a 20 ft x Applicant - Holstein & Sons 60 ft temporary subdivision sign in the R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located approx- imately 1000 ft south of Heil Avenue on the east side of Beach Blvd., and legally described as the Wily 200 ft of the S I of the NW 4 of the SW 4 of Section 24--5-11. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment it was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE UV #259 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. There shall be posted a $250.00 performance bond guaranteeing removal upon expiration of Use Variance #259. 2. Use Variance #259 shall expire one year from date granted. 3. The subdivision directional sign shall be removed by the applicant upon expiration of Use Variance #259 - the penalty for failure to do so shall be the forfeiture of the performance bond. The City shall retain the right for entry and removal of sign upon expiration of Use Variance #259. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASES 155, 158 and 159 A lengthy discussion was held on Zone Case No 155, 158, & 159 which had been referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council for further study. Zone Case No 128 was tabled for the present. The importance of Zone Case No 159 was emphasized as being the property on which the 17. 140 Page #18 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 Sanitation District either owned or was acquirittg'.. Zone Case No 155 was the property immediately to the west of the Sanitation Plant. RESOLUTION NO 1550 A Resolution of the Planning Commission Peaking Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case No 155 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT: RESOLUTION NO 1550. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO 1580 A Resolution of the Planning Commission Making Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case No 158 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 1580. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Kaufman, Worthy, Stang; Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO 1590 A Resolution of the Planning Commission Making Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case 1,10 159 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 1590. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. 18. Page #19 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 17th, 1961 ABSENT: Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. the meeting adjourned. Clifford E. Tripp Secretary There being no further business 19. r 0 � /,C, e Q , , I Robert Bazil Chairman Z7F1