HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-20173 MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, March 20th, 1961 Mayor Gisler called. the regular meeting of the City Council of. the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7: 30 o'clock P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. Reverend Everett R. Felder, Minister of Huntington Beach First Methodist Church gave the invocation. Councilmen Present: +ells, Lambert, Stewart, a.ite, Gisler Councilmen Absent: None ,'epcx.-t of Polict- On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, CF. i vec = : Fil. c- the report of the Police Department for February, 1961, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. ter. Co. Assoc. for. Cn motion by Stewart, seconded by '614'aite, .-ntal Health :tc dues t a request from the Crange County Associa- tion for Mental Health requesting permission to conduct a fund raising campaign April loth to May 31st, 1961, was granted with the stipulation that the solicitors register with the Police Department before starting campaign. Motion carried. Cancer Society - On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, G rus a.c' e for IFUnc s the American Cancer Society was granted permission to conduct its annual Crusade for Funds during April, 1961, with the stipulation that the solicitors register with the Police Department before starting campaign. Motion carried. Leannre D . Tubach. A communication from Mr.Leonard. D. rrotest Subdiv's. Tubach, 17355 Goldenwest Avenue, City, protesting the nearness of subdivisions to his property, was. presented by the Clerk. Tt was noted that this was in connection with another matter to be reported later in the meeting by the City Administrator. -l- 174 2 - .'J..7t't,'.arch 20th, 1 ,1 Corgis-. rEJ-_,rree to Cn motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, A6 sr in A:s t ray t o r this matter was referred to the City A,Cmini..strator, and the communication was ordered received and f_ iled , '_Motion carried. Hunt. i ch. Past 036(, On motion by Vells, seconded by Gisler, Use o 7[ 1011 a request from Huntington Beach Post #7368, Veteran of Foreign ears, for use of Memorial Hall May 28th, 1961 with fees waived, for a district meeting was granted. 1,lotion carried. i'<<rs. T. Cl�arihu2 A communication from Mrs. T. R. Cleari- Y ro i s t. of '_ i 1 hue, Southgate, protesting the flow of oil on her property within the City from an a.dajacent well, was presented. ' n-r. 1 - -:1 i s Engineer 'Wheeler reported that he had ln_vr Sti�-ation made an investigation of this matter and had found no sign of recent or old oil flowing across the property. Cn motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, the communication was orderer received and filed. Motion carried. C- . -C _t; ll�.alth tiff. - Cn motion by Stewart, seconded, by Waite, _int.c2rs'syr�­,rnpr. L, st: a communication from the County -City Health Officer recommending and supporting the 4intersburg Improvement District, was ordered received and filed in the Improvement District file. Motion carried, lnt�rnat'l. Conf. of A communication from the International 310 : E.f J.cia1S - zec� Conference of Buildria Officials requesting a Resolution from the Council establishing a. Fall- out Shelter Committee for the City, was presented. EA.c"p, T:ir: ctor - Building Director Cleveland reported on '_ 'marts on Fall- out 3hei ter the Fallout Shelters available to the public, stating that there were three models at the present time. UO-mr. t; st-uev Following some discussion, Mayor Gisler Fallout sh_eltc_rs appointed as a committee to study this matter: Councilmen 7,'a.ite and Lambert, and. Director of Building - 2- 175 Fa7e 43 - Minutes, March 20th, 1961 and Safety C. C. Cleveland. I r. Gr3 ffith F. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, -- Iecit1^st Change: in a communication from Mr. Griffith E. r°�a�.ce Rc�r�L?irt-. Kimbal, 8521 Judy Circle, City, requesting a change in fencing requirements for private swimming pools within the City, was referred to the Planning Commission for study and report to Council.. Motion carried. �?i.int. 11"c1h. Elks On motion by 'Fells, seconded by Stewart, T CC1-i C s t a request from the Huntington Beach Elks Lodge No. 1959 to temporarily close a portion of. Eighth Street in connection with their Annual Fourth of July Carnival., was apluroved. Motion carried. neon. No. 1042 Mayor Gisler announced that this was Contini.ration of. 1.1=e.xing the time and date set for a. continuation of a hearing on Resolution No. 1042 0£ the City Planning Commission recommending revocation of an uncompleted portion of Use Variance No. 120 - this hearing was continued from the meeting of March 6th, 1961. HaY-i.n The hearing was opened by Mayor Gisler. ,n,,nec. Hear.inzL-2- Since the holder of the permit, nor his Closed representatives appeared at the meeting, the hearing was closed. Us;, Variance No. On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, the uncompleted portion of Use Variance No. 1..20 was ordered revoked. Motion carried. City se-177 e The City Clerk informed the Council that maw Suit he had been served on behalfcf the City, with a lawsuit for recover of money paid into the City fund for Parks and Recreation by Lowell Evans and the Evans Building Company. -3- IL76 ?tt ;. 3auor �a.rch 20th, 1'7,61 Attorney Bauer stated that this money had been paid almost a year ago and that the Evans Building Com- pany were suing for recovery based on a court decision from a nearby City. Cite Witty. to A motion was made by Councilman Wells, that the City Attorney be instructed to file a demurrer in this case. Attu, I?auur Attorney Bauer shed that it might be advisable to restate the motion instructing him to take necess- ary action, as a demurrer might not be the most satisfactory method. ^o lon :�it'zdrawn Councilman vdells withdrew his motion. City Atty. tak s On motion by Wells, seconded by Stewart, action in tac•:sui t the City Attorney was directed to take necessary action in responding to the suit filed by Lowell Evans and the Evans Building Company. Motion carried. Ikirhwav Easy= . ter. c' A Highway Easement Deed from the Huntington frcm T'un`. -ch. Co. - Pronvrty Gol ert pest Beach Company to the City of. Huntington Beach for property along the portion of Goldenwest Street, was presented and explained by the Clerk, who stated that it was necessary for the deed to be consented to by the Southwest Exploration Company, as lessee of the Huntington Beach Company property involved. ::Teed �icc-nte-rl Cn motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, the deed from the Huntington Beach Company was accepted, subject to receiving a consent agreement from the Southwest Exploration Company and the Clerk directed to record the same with the Recorder of Orange County following such receipt of consent agreement. Motion carries]. Si-ibe.?.v. 'o c: Can motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, Acct:ntCIC a Subdivision Bond for Tract No. 3736 - George Holstein, was accepted and ordered filed. Motion carried.. -4- 177 Fa .e #5 - e,'inutes, t+.arch 20th, 1961 Sutsc iv. A .ree. - On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, "_ract !No. 3736 Ann -roved a Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 3736 - George Holstein, was approved and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Motion carried.. Grant re ac' an motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, ITunt . 3ui_1c c_r' s Co . �cC e0ttc'. a Grant reed from Huntington Builder's Company to the City of Huntington Beach covering water Rights on Tract No. 4026 was accepted and the Clerk directed to record same with the Recorder of Orange County. Motion carried. DEeccs Acc_,ntec': On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, r. Co. San. nLs. that the Council would accept Deeds from the Grange County Sanitation Drtricts for property being pre- sented to the City, when such deeds were presented.; and. the Clerk instructed. to notify the Sanitation Districts of such approval. Motion carried. ztty's. - 01=,clfeny A communication from O'Meldeny and llrot�_st Licensc3 Fcey Myers, Attorneys, on behalf of their client Avon Products Incorporated, protesting license fees charged their representatives, and requesting an amendment to the Citys license ordinance to allow for reduced fees, was presented. �tccTtest rniE: On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, the request of the Avon Products Incorporated was denied. Motion carried. Li.fec,uzre, 'oat �'p. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, L'escriT-) c`.: 5oec. the job description and specifications for Lifeguard Boat Operator be approved as presented. Motion carried. City of Stanton Gn motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, Rec?l1e,qt L%eootion of a Resolution a request from the City of Stanton that the Council consider adoption of a Resolution in support of the -5- 178 I'ae - -' inutes, ';arch 2€?th, 1,�'6� , U. S. Attorney Generals group on organized crime, was referred. to the Chief. of Police for study anc report at the next meeting. }"otion carried. 2. rs. 110.en Coc�Ain,� Can motion by Waite, seconded. by Lambert, FerManti:nt Status the Chief of Police was authorized to place Mrs. Helen Cowling on a permanent status of Intermediate Typist Clerk, Range 26 -- A, effective April 1st, 1961. Motion carried. Hunt. "c��. Ch,ai{ in motion by :I;aite, seconded by Lambert, Fourth of July the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce were authorized to proceed with plans for the Fourth of July Parade. Motion carried. Ltr. of Prot•esz. A letter of protest from fourteen pro- 1'ronc_r-.t_y perty owners in Block 109 to the dust and dirt created by adjacent parking lot was presented. City .6r,in. The City Administrator reported to the Council that they have had various complaints regarding this - not to the parking lot in itself, but to the dirt which was caused. by the cars being parked. 'rot�::s`-_.1...rv:.:r' t� On motion by Stewart, seconded by Vaite, ,n-L . _Ai r- -ts.- 1._ rk the protest to the parking lot was referred to the City Administrator, Engineer and License Clerk for study and. report. Motion carried. `nin.bow 5isnosvl Cc. On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, 'I'hr�:.e 'dear. L'�:t��nsion the Rainbow Disposal Company were granted a three year extension which expires April 11th, -1961; and the City Attorney was directed to prepare the necessary forms. I-rotion carrie-0 . City Eyz--r. to On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lam- Att� nc. C onf. bert, the City Engineer was granted permission to attend the Second Biennial Conference of Public. IM sus F , e r7 - i iinutes , ? Parch 20th, 1961 Works Officials at Santa Maria on April 23rd, 24th and 25th, with reasonable expenses'and travel by City Vehicle authorized.. t 10 Lion carried. rr. Scott Flanagan Mayor Gisler appointed I-fr. Scott Annoirtee to Comm. Flanagan, to the Huntington Beach Recreation Commission, as a representative from the Hunt- ington Preach Union High School District. 1'Vn-)'Dint* ent On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, Con.i-irrm 6 the appointment of the Mayor was con- firmed. Motion carried. C_air� for Toss of On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, oa^Y - 71amiaro Ccntr<_=ros a claim for loss of money made by Ramiaro Contreros, 7782 Garfield Avenue, City, when held as a prisoner in the Huntington Beach City Jail, was referred to the City Attorney, Police Chief and the City's insurance carrier. Motion carried. Lr-are .". '`O0 ..y - A communication from Leonard. D. Moody, I`tirchnse of Lots Attorney, representing Mr. Fred C. Hermann, 408 15th Street, City, making an offer for purchase of Lots 2 and 4, Block 414, within the City, was presented. Mr. Leonard D. Moody addressed the Council and informed then that, as he had setforth in his letter, it was felt by Mr. Hermann that he was entitled to purchase the lots under discussion in this matter. City Atty. Bauer City Attorney Bauer informed. the Council a.1 r:- o f Ln t s - L-r. Coronel that they had authorized the sale of these two lots to Mr. Coronel and had instructed the Attorney to file suit to clear title on the property. He stated that he had the suit prepared and ready to file when Mr. Moody approached some of the Councilman in the matter; therefore he had held. off until this matter was brought up again. He further stated that some of the facts which had to be taken into consideration were the amounts offered by Mr. Coronel and Mr. Hermann, and that it was dis- -7_ 718-0 13�;t"St :`r�rCh('Ft. 161 cretionary with the Council whether they wish to authorize him to proceed with the Suit. City i�tty. to On motion by Stewart, seconded by Continue with Suit Lambert, the City Attorney was authorized to continue with the suit to clear title on this property. ISiotion carried. The City Administrator reported First St.. on the conversion of parking meters on Ocean Avenue and First Street to a ten cent per hour rate, and gave various figures on the cost of making such conversions and the options which could be used in accomplishing this work. He recommended to the Council that the Pacific Electric Company be approached regarding propects of sharing costs of making this change over, with the idea that they might enter into an agreement with the City to share in the cost of such conversion. He stated that the Pacific Electric Company received considerable revenue from this source along with the City.. .... . F--ec. Elec. R,:1J-L,',y. Co. On motion by -, aite, seconded by Stewart, Sliare Cost the City Administrator and City Attorney were directed to contact the Pacific Electric Railway Company in this matter, to see if they would consider an agreement for sharing in the cost. Motion carried. City Library - The City Administrator reported on ' :rd Li -Tits the study he had made of the lighting needs for the City Library, stating that he had conferred with Yr. vualter Johnson the Librarian on the matter. He recommended that action be deferred until after January lst, and that consideration be given for funds to accomplish the work when Council considers the proposed budget of the Library Commission. IM Ps�c '�,�inutes, --arch 20th, 1961 `?ew Li-hts On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, Tsb1e €'nti.1 A,pril�3rd.,_ 1�- 61 the matter of new lights in the library was tabled until the meeting of April 3rd, 1961. Motion carried. A?-prais.-I of City The Administrator reported on the t roperty Coneemn�e by Or. �;o . f lone meeting held by the committee appointed Control Dist. in the matter, with Mr. Pate of the Land Acquisition Service, regarding appraisal of City property being condemned by the orange County Flood Control District. The Administrator reported that it was the recommendation of the Land. Acquisition Service that the property would appraise at seventeen thousand four hundred and sixty dollars ($17,460.), with 36% to by allocated to the City and 64% allocated'to Mr. iatkins the lessee of the property. He stated that the Flood Control offer had been in the amount of seventeen thousand two hundred seventy seven dollars and fifty cents ($17,277.50), with the division to be 35% for the City and 65% for the lessee. Fnstnonc A motion was made by dells, seconded Action by Gisler, to postpone action on this matter for two weeks. I'oti_ n Faile( Then put to vote the motion failed. Sure Accentec" On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the City Administrator was instructed to inform the Orange County Flood Control District that they would accept the sum of seventeen thousand four hundred sixty dollars ($17,460.) for the property, to be divided on a basis of 36% for the City and 64'0 for the lessee. �i-)ticn Passcc. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Stewart, yvaite NCE$: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler ABSENT: Councilmen: None -9- 182 r� Cn motion by Stewart, seconder' by Waite, the Treasurer was authorized to reimburse Mr. +atkins upon presentation of a bill in the amount of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.) for one half the appraisal Lee charged by the Land Acquisition Service. Potion carried. T)eccss )17 CcLncj.11. i,ayor Gisler called a recess of the Council at 8:29 o'clock P.M1 Council was reconvened at 8: 38 o'clock ,cc;:sti� _ P.M. by 1,,Iayor Gisler. Yayor Gisler announced that this was the date and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution No. 1461 of the City Council declaring its intention to vacate a portion of Utica Street in said City, and. requested the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Resolution No. 1461 of the City Council of the City of Hunt- ington Beach as published in the Huntington Beach News February 23rd, $ 1961,setting the hour of 8: 30 o' clock P.M. , on 'Monday, the 20th day of March, 1961, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Huntington Beach, as the time and place for hearing protests to the vacation of Utica Street as proposed by the Council. oMI. L-4ayor Gisler then declarers the hearing The Clerk informed the Council that he had received no written protests to Resolution No. 1461. There being no protests filed, oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. `Tacit -.on of Utica On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, St. the proposer vacation of a portion of Utica Street was approved and the Clerk instructed to read Resolution No. 1474. Motion carrier. -10- 183 Pa.>c r11 - 11inutos, Narch 20th, 1961 Rest- 'No. 1G-74 The Clerk read Resolution No. 1474, "AN ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL VACATING A PORTION OF UTICA STREET TN THE CITY OF HLN-TINGTCN BEACH." peso . xyo . 1��.74 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, A t eC Resolution No. 1474 was passed and adopted by the following roll call. vote: AYES: Councilmen: Jells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler NCES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: done P-u-,blic TH��arin Mayor Gisler announced that this was 101!7 the date and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution No. 1047 of the City Planning Commission making recommendation of approval for proposed revision of Article 940 - Requiring Block Walls for Separation on Commercial Land and Industrial. Buildings from Residential Uses, and requested the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on. Resolution No. 1047 of the City Planning Commission as pub- lished in the Huntington Beach News 'March 9th, 1961, setting the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on 11,bnday, the 20th day of March, 1961, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and puce when and where the hearing shall be held on Resolution No. 1047 relative to proposed amendment to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, by revising Article 944; concerning the regulation of Concrete Block for Masonry Walls requirement for all Commercial and Industrial Uses, at which hearing all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed amendment may be heard. The hearing was opened by Mayor Gisler. The Clerk then read the transmittal from the Planning Director together with Resolution No. 1047 of the City Planning Commission, and stated that he had received no written protests on the proposed revision. -11- 20th '_�,6 There being no protests filed, oral or written, the hearing was closet by Yayor Gisler. on On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, T! r !! the City Attorney was directed to pre- pare an Ordinance in connection with Resolution No. 1047 of the City Planning Commission. motion carried. i x�t- 0 r -;; ;: _e.'c's On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, -- Fight -of -day Deeds for the properties included in the Ronald Road Improvement District - Assessment District No. 6001, were acceptedd and the Clerk instructed to record same with the County Recorder of Orange County. cwl.on I'e s :{'_ The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: 'yells, Lambert, Stewart, 4A+aite, Gisler LACES: Councilmen: None ABSEN"T: Councilmen: None _c Mayor Gisler announced that this was To. (.0cl the c'ay and hour set for the opening of Sealed Bids for the improvement of streets in Assessment District No. 6001 ant directed the Cb rk to proceed with the opening of the bi c's , ant the Engineer and Attorney to check for form. is s Tc')t31 at c c' The Clerk opener bits which were tabulated in total_ as follows: Sully I"iller Contract Company ................$435980.04 Cox. Brothers Construction Company......'.....$41,°84.74 Crange County Construction Company ........... $44,860.81 .cf rrE_c' t� On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, the bias were referred to the City Engineer for checking and report back to the Council. Potion carried. Cn motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, Insp. the Building Lirector was authorized to employ a StviMrallnspector to assist the Structural Inspectors, who will continue after probation as a Masonry Inspector. Motion carrier ei . Cn motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, the the Building Director was authorized to hire theStrumml Inspector in Range 36, Step C . I�Io t ion carried. - 1 S S i are. ;tl - `Linutcs, a a.rc� , 3 f h 2�th 19 6 1 P �tit7 ors ror. S< wlsrs City Engineer Wheeler reported on the petition which had been presented by property owners in the Florida Avenue - Main Street district requesting sewers for that area. He stater' that the petition had been signed by approximately 10io of the property owners involved in the total area which would be included if such sewer were to be installed, and stated that he felt that the proposition had merit but that at this time it was somewhat premature, and that it would require more property owners signatures to warrant the outlay of money required. F�.titi4n f-'rc ert? On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, ec-.�ivoc ": Mee. the petition was ordered received and filed, with the property owners to be notified of the consider- ation being taken in the matter. notion carried. �Cvise:6! Sv'I" iv. City Administrator Miller reported on the discussion which was held by the Planning Commission on the request of Mr. Cscar Stricklin for revised subdivision fence requirements. Planning Director Tripp suggested that the Planning Commission be encouraged to impose fencing require- ments where in their estimation it is feasible, which might result in the Council having to hear reviews on the decisions of the Planning Commission. He further stated that the Plannino, Commission might possibly place requirements for certain fencing at the time the Tentative Tract Map was presented for approval. Ilan. Coy- . to On motion by Waite, -seconded by Lambert, `- nts the Council directed the Planning Commission to impose on Tentative Tracts such fencing require- ments as they might deem feasible. Motion carried.. I'ec ost for A request from the City Lifeguard Chief o 7 t 4 --rat ioL7 that items for boat operation be made available in the current fiscal year in order to get it operational for the summer season, was presented by the Administrator. -13- 1 6 �M.1-n •.tess ttarc!1 2Oth, I 9 u t'r. eztlyr 74r. Arthur Gillespie, of the Jones- i. r �.. ('::: rT " ILL' Gillespie Insurance Agency, addressee'.: the Council on the matter of insurance which aright he required in the o?era.tion of the boat. I".,r. i%-t.. -iC'I, . C:n motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, for y, ir- the Purchasing Agent was authorized to asvertise for bits for a rescue boat for the Lifeguard Department. II.otion carried. Public (gin motion by 'v`aite, seconded. by Lambert, 'tip s ."^ . 148 the Council ordered a public hearing for April 3rd, 1961, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Resolution No. 148 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of tore Case No. 148, anc direetee. the Clerk to publish notice of same in the Hunt- ington Beach News, notion carried. Gn motion by Steuart, seconded by Waite, the Council ordered a public hearing for April 3rd, 1961, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock F.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Resolution No. 1049 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of revisions to %rticl.e 944 concerning "14-2." District, and directed. the Clerk to publistz notice of same in the Huntington Beach News. Motion carries. F e t i ticn 1. n iti.at::,C The Clerk read a letter of transmittal from the City Planning Commission pre- senting a petition initiated by the City Engineering Department to allow: I. The reOuction of Street Right-Cf-Way from 56 feet to 50 feet on Kampen Lane and Utrecht Lane - Tentative Tract Map No. 3862. 2. Relocation of sidewalks to adjoin the curbs. The petition stated that the proposed exceptions would be in deviation to Section 9741.4 of the Huntington Zeach C'rdi.nance Code, am that the exceptions as requested result in significant savings in cost of required -14- Page 7#15 - 'Yinutes , .arch 20th, 1;'61_ s.rai.nage ditch, which in turn will measurably decrease the drainage cost of the drainage assessment district. The legal description: A portion of Tentative Tract No. 3€362 lying within the N'E� of the N-�v4 of Section 25, T. 5. S. , R.11.W. , SBB & M. On motion by Stewart, seconder' by Lambert, Council approved the request of the Planning Commission to allow the proposed exceptions in devia- tion to Section 9741.4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. Notion carried. Tract Yap No. The Clerk presented a transmittal from Ezna'l. .mac=0pti.0n the City Planning Director submitting final form of Tract Map No. 4091 for adoption; Developer: Chip Chasin, B,-,lboa, California; Engineer: McDaniel Engineering Company, Anaheim, California; Location: North of Slater Avenue, 1320 feet west of Beach Boulevard.; Legal Description: The Ek of the SEA of the S"MV`< of the NEG of Section 26-6-11, SBB & 1,1; Number of Lots: 20; Total Acreage: 5.00; that the map has been certifies' by the City Engineer and. the Planning Director to be true and correct in accordance with the approved Tentative Tract Map and in accordance with the provisions of the City Subc'ivi- sion Code. The City Council may accept dedications as shown on the map and in addition approve the final map subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature shall be with- held penning the submittal and completion of the enumerated requirements: 1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, engineering and improvements. 2. Bond for improvements. 3. Signature of agreement. 4. Approval of County Surveyor. -15- Mi a Pafn- fi !- - ::.J.nutcs, `8r_ch 20th, !�-61_ 1'rect '' a ``o. /�()Cl. Cn motion by vaite, seconded by Stewart, final Tract .gap No. 4091 was adopter subject to compliance with the conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. -Motion carried. I, act "on E n. 3P=62 The Clerk presented a transmittal from r_a1, `Z-)7)n the City Planning Director, submitting final form of Tract 1�'* - o. 3862 for adoption; 'Developer: William Lyon, Anaheim, California; Engineer: Millet King and Associates, Fullerton, California; Location: 7.320.50 feet north of Slater Avenue and 1288.56 feet east of Beach Boulevard; Legal Descrip- tion: Portion of the N:44 of the Y 4, a portion of the N 4 of the i1ti4, a portion of the N- of the SW4 of the N,; 4, anda portion of the '�av,f of the SE-4ofthe \T';4 of Section 25, T.5. S. , R.11. SEB &- M; number of Lots: 168; Total Acreage: 36.815; that the nap has been certified by the City Engineer and the Planning Director to be true and correct in accordance with the approved Tentative Tract Flap and in acca rdance with provisions of the City Subdivision Code. The City Council may accept dedications as shown on the map and in addition approve the final map subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld pending the submittal and completion on the enumerated requirements: 1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, engineering and improvements. 2. Bond for improvements. 3. Signature of agreement. 4. Approval of County Surveyor. r_'rac:4- '`' r2 Cn motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,, tiC ^,*1 rC. final Tract Map No. 3862 was adopted subject to compliance with the conditions as stipulltec' by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. -16- ses lla!z _, ;l"17 - :,'inutes, March 20th, 1961 stre-:t Jk,ame Charges The Clerk read again a Letter of C. (jur-,St transmittal from the Planning Commission regarding Street Name Changes requester' by the Orange County Street Naming Committee. Cclxgci 1-Tran Councilman Stewart reported that Mr. Stc--Wart Loch of the committee had stated that the changes had been effected in all areas accept in Huntington Beach, and he further stated that he had contacted some of the signers of the petition to explain how this would affect the area. .Councilman Stewart said that those signers who had the matter explained to them expresser a wilt-ngnes's to, have the name Changes on Wintersburg Avenue put in to effect. a«mu Changes On motion by Stewart, seconded by 4;aite, C'rc==r-'�c; Council ordered therame of Wintersburg Avenue within the City limits of Huntington Beach to be changed to garner Avenue, and Smeltzer Avenue within the City limits to be changed to Edinger Street. Motion carried. rc . -To �2�s The Cleric. gave Ordinance No. 824 a ccnc' Rcaejn second reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH X,1ENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADOPTING SECTIONS 9211.352, 9211.441, 9211.442 AND iV-VENDING SECTIONS 9211.3, ALL 1'.ELATING TO SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAPS.'r On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, Ordinance No. 824 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None �- rc7 . No. 826 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 826 a Seconcz Raac'ing second reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASES 146, 155, -17- JC Pa,�Yc 7rI_'' - '_`Lnut.:s, "arch 20th, 1961 156, 158, 159 ANTm 1.69, Arm\THING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN PROPERTY AND AMENDING SECTIONS 92L1.4 (SECTIONAL DISTIRCT ,AF 24-5-11), SECTION 9211.64 (SECTIONAL DISTRICT i•`AP 24-6-11)3, SECTION 9211.33 (SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 14-5-11), AND SECTION 9211.65 (SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 19-6-10)." . xc-. '"o. c?6 On motion by '�4aite, seconded by Stewart, 1-y Ordinance No. 826 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: 'dells,, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler LACES: Counci.lmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None The Clerk then read the title of Ordinance No. 827 together with the title of the Uniform Building Code, 1961 Edition, Volume 1, proposed to be adopted by said Ordinance by reference. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, 'T rc' ';f3. :'2Y! the Council ordered a public hearing on proposed rdi.nance No. 827 to be set for April 17th, 1961, at the hoar of 8:00 o'clock P.M. and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same in the Huntington Beach News. Motion carried. Ord, '_'- ..2 The Clerk read the title of Ordinance No. 828 together with the title of the Crange Enterprise Heating, Ventilating, refrigeration and Air Conditioning Code of 1960, proposed to be adopted by reference in said Ordinance. Ft-bli.c TIcari..t,- On motion by wells, seconded by Stewart, I rC _- c2rrc� r, the -Council ordered a public hearing on the proposed adoption of Ordinance No. 828 to be set for April 17th, 1961, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.N.., and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same in the Huntington Beach flews. Motion carried. c. Q2'r The Clerk gave Grdinance No. 829 a first First Reac'.in reading in full, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Hi'NTITJGTCN BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASES 165, 166 AND 1675 AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON LEACH ;RDINANCE CODE BY RECLASSIFYING PP72 AQ - Kinutes, Farch 20th, 1961 CERTAIN PROPERTY AND AMENDING SECTION 9211.41 (SECTIONAL DISTRICT `AP 25-5-11), 9211.34 (SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 15-5-11) AND 9211.3 (SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 14-5-11).'' CH. No. 830 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 830 a First Reari.n first reading in full, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTCN BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE RELATING TO BEACH AND PIER DEPARTMENTS." Y`rc. No. 831 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 831 a first First M'.eae inp; reading in full, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACN AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE COKE RELATING TO REGULATIONS FOR THE BEACH." Resolutions - :intrsburg Ave. Tmnr. Pistrict The Clerk stated he had several Resolutions in connection with Wintersburg Avenue Improvement District - Assessment District No. 6002. Councilman. Stewart Councilman Stewart informed the Council Abstain& he would abstain from any vote on any of these Resolutions due to his owning property within the Proposed Assessment District. le:so, No. 1.475 The Clerk read Resolution No. 1475, "A RESOLUTICN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM IN THE WTNTERSBURC AVENUE I u'PROVEMENT DISTRICT - ASSESSM',ICNT DISTRICT NC. 6002. anso. No. 1475 On motion by Wells, seconded by Waite, i Resolution No. 1475 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Vai.te, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None NOT VOTING: Councilmen: Stewart -19- 192 Fan-c, 09r; — ,_mites, 11.srcr'.-1 20th, 1�61 eso . "o . 1_1E76 The Clerk read Resolution No. 1476, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING LETTER CF COUNTY HEALTH C FFICER SPREAD IN FULL UPON VINUTES AND DECLARATION OF NECESSITY OF INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SE ERS - ASSESS1T_NT DISTRICT NO. 6002.11 ?'o. 1476 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, �r''t�rst^:' Resolution No. 1476 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, rraite, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENIT: Councilmen: None NC T VOTING: Councilmen: Stewart March 16, 1961 The Honorable mayor and City Council City of Huntington Beach City Hall Huntington Beach, California Re: �,intersburg Avenue Improvement District Assessment District No. 6002 Gentlemen: The rapid. growth of the area around kvintersburg Avenue without the concurrent development of a sanitary sewerage system is a problem which has concerned. this department progress- ively over the last several years. This department, therefore, recommends: 1. That the construction of sanitary sewers to' serve the area aejacent to Wintersbung Avenue, as shown upon the plans and specifications of this improvement district -is necessary as a health measure. 2. That proceedings for the construction of said sanitary sewers is necessary as a health measure. 3. Ths proceedings under the Improvement Act of 1911, Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California for the construction of said sanitary sewer system is necessary as a health measure. 4. This recommendation is mace pursuant to the pro- visions of. Section 2808 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. -20- 1931 Fade ;#21 - T-winutes, 11•11arch 20th, 1961 This department is prepared to fully support the urgency of this measure as a protection to the public health. Yours very truly, Egg. LEE RUSSELL, M.D., Health Officer City of Huntington Beach and County of Orange 11 esc. ,t). 177 The Clerk read. Resolution of. Intention No. 14775 "IN THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 6002 IN THE CITY OF Ht?NTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, `411-YrERSBURG AVENUE IMTROMIENT DISTRICT." *.'o. V 77 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, Resolution No. 1477 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: '4ell.s, Lambert, V'.aite, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ASSENT: Councilmen: None NOT UCTING: Councilmen: Stewart City 'EnFr. - City Engineer Wheeler reported that the -enorts On Low 'Sie6,cr low bidder for the improvement of the streets in Assessment District No. 6001 was Cox Brothers Construction Company, with a bid of forty one thousand nine hundred eighty four collars and seventy four cents ($41,984.74), and upon checking he had determined their bid was correct and in order. C:-jy,. 3rothi�rs On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, Alward _11 C:.)retract the contract for the improvement in the Ronald Road Improvement District be awarded to the Cox Brothers -21- c;arcL>_ 20th, L91 Construction Company, for forty one thousand nine hundred eighty four dollars and seventy four cents ($41,984.74), and that all other bids be rejected. Motion carried. -.eso. ii . 1.1478 The Clerk read Resolution No. 1478, "A RESOLUTION' KvARDTNG CONTRACT - RONALD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ASSESSITTNT DIST111CT NO. 6001." _kfv5-�. No. Can motion by li4aite, seconded by Lambert, Ac'o=:)trc' Resolution No. 1478 was passed and adopted. by the following roll call vote: AYES Councilmen.: :~Tells, Lambert, Stewart, +jai te, Gisler N40ES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None so . -'o . 1 : 7f; The Clerk read Resolution No. 1479, "A RESOLUTIC-N CF THE CITY Cu"UNCTL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DECLARING ITS INTENTIONT TC E1,1PLOY THE CALIFORNIek STATE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE TO CCU -TLETE A PCPULAT4 ESTIMATE." No. , 7c C-n motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, Resolution No. 1479 was passed and adonte6 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: ;�clls, Lambert, Stewart, Paite, Gisler TviES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None esCj. T o. J�j.." The Cb rk read Resolution No. 14805 "A RESOLUTION CF TiiE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING A NUISANCE TO EXIST AND PROVIDING FOR THE ABATE1,M T THERE OF." 14Fl.0 C.-n motion by v3aite, seconded by Stewart, �t'_oot•.c' Resolution No. 14.80 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: 'yells, Lambert, Stewart, `daite, Gisler 14CES : Councilmen: None ABSEIM Councilmen: gone -22- 1951 Pa_-� #2_'_• - `.'routes, l�Tzrch. 20t1h, 1961 �csc . N'o. 1481 The Clerk read Resolution No. 1481, "A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TO VACATE A PORTION OF AN EASEMENT IN SAID CITY AND GIVING NOTICE OF HEARING ON SAID PROPOSED VACATION." Io. 1/r81 On motion by Vaite, seconded by Stewart, Resolution No. 1481 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: .yells, Lambert, Stewart, ?-aite, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 1,7ot;1.0n. Following some discussion on the fact F�c�_nc that Councilman Stewart owned property which might be affected in Resolution No. 1481, on motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the motion adopting Resolution To. 1481_ was rescinded. Notion carried. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, r ester' and Resolution No. 1481 was passed/adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: ',yells, Lambert, 4aite, Gisler 70ES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen; None N?C° T VCTING: Councilmen: Stewart rsc,, 0. 1482 The Clerk read. Resolution No. 1482, "A RESCLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING PARKING CONTROL AND PARI:ING FEES ON? THE HUINTINGTON PEACH 10TNICIPAL BEACH PARKING LOT." ? s .`To. ?'2. On motion by yells, seconded by Lambert, Resolution No. 1482 was passed and. adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: yells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None -23- 196 �s•'r".. 1_ �:- — 3 nu.t `.s } - `arcj� f 11 t1: a l�[i [, ', r :rr,,_: t� r•:_�. .tc' The Clerk presented agreements for the - purchase by the Crange County Flood Control District of the States Title to Tax Deeded Property as provided by Division 1, Part 6, Chapter S, of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California, for various parcels in Tax Collector Sale Nb. 907. Cl -"r"' On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the 1,Tayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the agreements on behalf of the City, if approved by the City Engineer after study, motion carried. An-ut�s Cn motion by :yells, seconded by `�ai_te, Z`.7)r)ro",-LC': the Minutes for the Council Meeting of Earch 6th, 1961, were approves, as transcribed and mailed, motion carried. On motion by Stewart, seconded by ,.vaite, the Payroll Register for March loth, 1961, was approved. I'b t i.on carried. rl P -ne s On motion by Stewart, seconded by T"aite, the Demands as approved by the Finance Committee were approved. Motion carried. On motion bN1 Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the City Attorney be instructed in the case of the people verses the Pacific "Electric Railway Company, to sign the stipulation extending time to plead and setting date of valuation in condem- nation action. Yotion carried. Izr,cess .� _ ��nci1 Mayor Gisler called a recess of the Council at 10:27 P.PL. C01,11ci ? R:cr_ �r1v�n c. The Council was reconvened at 10:47 P.M. by the IMayor. "as `1^. 1`a.yor Gisler introduced the matter of the application of the California Gas Transmission Company for a Gas Franchise pursuant to the provisions -24- 19?� Far.': .1='2 _ �'��{'i� 5� ",.arch 20 th, lc" of Article XIV of the Charter of the City of Huntington Beach - this matter continued from the meeting of March 6th, 1961. i`r. -o . rarncs Mr. Sam Barnes, Attorney, for the tt. for oli cant applicant addressed the Council and stated reasons why the California Gas Transmission Company desired the Gas Franchise, and presented a revised Application, proposed Resolution of Intent to grant Franchise, and proposed. Crdinance granting such franchise. Mr. Barnes answered various questions put to him by members of the Council regarding the carrying out of the provisions of the franchise if granted. 'r. _ob.rt. '� lson 'Mr. Hobert M. Olson, Attorney for the Lo . '.-'--11%tl.C'S Gc 5 CO. Southern Counties Gas Company, addressed the Council to suggest that they give more consideration to this granting of a franchise before so Going. Mr. Olson -stated. that there would be plenty of time after the application had been presented to, and possibly approves', by, the Public Utilities Commission, for the City to consider the granting of this franchise. He further stated that his company believed the Council should give consideration to the attitudes which might be taken by surrounding communities in this same regard. kFo. lr� Following considerable discussion on the matter, on motion by 04aite, seconded. by Lambert, the Clerk was directed to read Resolution No. 1483 as filed larch 20th, 1961, setting a time and date for a hearing on April 17th, 1961, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., on the application of the California Gas Transmission Company for a franchise. ti.on The motion was passed by the following i s s C. roll call vote: -25- a Pvpv=".{ - -`-nut_ s, _-:arch 20th, 1961 AYES: Councilmen: Lambert, Stewart, Waite IDES: Councilmen: jells, Gisler ABSENT: Councilmen: None ;eso. ?'O. 1483 The Clerk rear' Resolution No. 1483, PA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 61 THE CITY CF HUNTINGTo I\ BEACH DECLARING ITS INTENTICN TC GRANT A FRANCHISE TO THE CALIFORNIA GAS TRA SMISSICN C07P NY. ►1 eso. To. 1433 A motion was made by Waite, that Reso- lution No. 1423 as rear by the City Clerk be aeoptcd . bIl n Lost The motion did not receive a second ae therefore was eeclared lost. _ cQin^ A00=06 There being no further discussion on motion by Wells, seconded by Waite, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned until at 7: 30 o'clock P.M. Honcay, Iriarch 27th, 1961, /I•Iotion carried. ATTEST: City CletV 00 1 �O City Clerk and e �cio Clerk of the City Coun. 1 of the City of Huntington Leach, California r Mayo r