HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-062,64. MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COM1ISSION Council Chambers, City Hall • Huntin;ton Beach, California Tuesday, June 6th, 1961 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Kaufman, Stang - Chairman Bazil.- COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Letson. MINUTES: On motion by Presson and seconded by Stang, the Minutes of the Huntin ton - Beach Planning Commission of May 16th, 1961, as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary were accepted as mailed. ` CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION To allow the Division of Land into DIVISION OF LAND: DV #150 (Continued) two individual parcels as follows: Applicant - Edward W. Tuck Beginning; at the SW corner of the NW :; of Section 1, T,6,S., R,11,11., SBB & i1, thence north 822,00 ft. to the point of beginnin3; thence east 442 ft. to a point; thence north 50 ft; thence west 442 ft.; thence south 50 ft. to the point of beginning. DIVISION I: The west 221 ft. of the above described property. DIVISION II: The east 221 ft. of the above described property. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. George Tuck, addressed the Commission, and stated that it ivould be_possible to amend the division boundries to provide both lots with 221 ft. in depth. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO RECOMLIEND APPROVAL OF DV ;r150 TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Curbs and butters: The installation of curbs and gutters shall be assured by the posting of a $100.00 surety or cash bond (or Bank Guarantee) I 0 265 Page_#12.. (a) Minutes— H-. B-.­Planning Commission Tuesday, May 2nd, 1961 C O R R E C T I O N FENCING REQUIREMENTS OF SWIMMING POOLS: A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 1052 AMENDING ARTICLE 814 SECTION 8141.TO READ AS FOLLOWS: SWIMMING POOLS. FENCING: Every person in possession of land witFln a Ci y, a ther as owner, purchaser under contact, lessee, tenant or licensee, upon which is situated a swimming pool, shall at all times maintain on the lot or peemises upon which wkizk such pool is located and completely surrounding such pool, lot or premises, a fence or other solid structure not less than six feet in height with no opening therein (other.than doors or gates) larger than two inches square with a smooth exterior surface. -All gates or doors opening_through such enclosure shall be kept securely closed at all times when not in actual use and shall be equipped with a self - closing and self -latching -device designed to keep and capable of keeping such door or gate securely closed at all times when not in actual use; provided, however, that the door of any dwelling occupied by human beings and forming any part of the enclosure hereinabove re- quired need not be so closed or so equipped. L BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FINDING OF FACTI That the change would lead to better protection, and preserve the health, safety and welfare of the general public. 266 267 Pa-e r2 Minutes - H. B. Plannins Commission Tuesday, June d, 1961 with the City Engineer on the basis of $2.00 per runninj foot. The surety or cash bond (or -Bank Guarantee) shall be redeemed if the applicant constructs • curbs and -utters along the frontage of his lot according to City Engineer Standards within the specified period. The surety or cash bond (or Bank Guarantee) shall be forfeited and the City Engineer shall order the required construction accomplished at no additional e:-,penses to the applicant, in the event the curbs and -utters are not constructed within 120 days after the City En-ineer has officially notified the applicant of established grades and elevations. This condition, shall become null and void ' in the event the City Engineer has not provided established -rades and -elevations within 24 montlls of approval, Easement: A 10 ft. easement shall be provided alon- the N'ly boundary of Division I, to provide access to Division 11. Lot Size: The lot size in both Division I and Division II shall be 50 221 ft. POLL CALL VOTE: AYES: ^rresson, Doutt, Worthy, Stan-, Kaufman, Chairman Dazil. .NOES : None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT: UP #129 To allow the erection of a subdivi- Applicant - Columbia Outdoor Advert. Co. sion directional sisn 10' x. 40' in the A-1-Y General Agricultural District. Located on the east side of Beach Blvd. and approximately 400 ft. south of Atlanta Ave. and legally described as the 430 ft. south of the North line of the NG] 4 of the \W 4 of the NW 4 of Section 13-5-11, and 108 ft. east of the West line of the 4 of the NW of the fin•] 4 of Section 13-6-11. The hearin- was opened to the audience, there bein- mt no comen, the hearin- was closed. Commission discussion was held. It was noted that because there were no signs erected within 300 ft. either to the north or the -2- Page ,r3 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 6th, 1961 south of the proposed sign, the -ranting of Use Permit 1129 with the standard conditions, would be in accord. A PIOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO APPROVE USE PERMIT NO 129 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. -There shall be posted a $ 250.00 performance bond guarantee- ing removal upon expiration of Use Permit NQ. 129. 2. Use Permit. -shall expire one year from date ;ranted. 3. The subdivisional directional sion shall be removed by the 'applicant upon expiration of Use Permit;#129-the penalty for failure to do so shall be the forfeiture of the performance bond. The City shall retain the right for entry and removal of sign upon expiration of Use Permit No. 129. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazi1. NOES: None.- ABSENT:'Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV ;r295 To allow the construction of a sub - Applicant - Tide ;dater Oil Co. division directional sion *10' -x 30' in the A-1-Y General Agricultural District. Located at the NE corner of Adams St. and Brookhurst St., and legally described as 65 ft. north of the south Line of the SW - of SW 4 of SW 4 of Section 5-6-10 SBB & M., and the 65 ft. east of the west line of the SW 4 of SW 4 of SW 4 of Section 5-6-10 SBB & M. The Secretary read a letter submitted by the applicant. The heating was opened to the public.' Pat Carter, agent for the Carter Si-n Co., addressed the Coin_nission and stated that he will be -lad to answer any questions. After discussion it was determined by the Commission that the granting; of UV #295 with the standard conditions, would be in order since there are no sins located in any direction within 300 ft. of the proposed sion. -3- 269 Pa-e jr4 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 6, 1961 the hearinZ was closed. There bein- no further comment A MOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON A"ID SECONDED BY STANG TO APPROVE UV #295 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. There shall be posted a $ 250.00 performance bond guarantee- ing removal upon expiration of Use Variance. 2. Use Variance shall expire one year from date -ranted. 3. The subdivisional directional sign shall be removed by the applicant upon expiration of Use Variance - the penalty for failure to do so shall be the forfeiture -of the per- formance bond. The City shall retain the right for entry and removal of si-n upon expiration of Use Variance. 4. The si-n shall be set back 5' from the future right-of-way line. 5. Any sign located at any street intersection shall have a minimum clearance of 15' from the bottom of the sign to the finish grade of the lot_. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Stan-, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION To allow the encroachment of 15 ft. AREA VARIANCE: AV #296 Applicant - into the required 20 ft. rear yard Warren D. Weaver ' setback in the R-1 Sin,;1e family Residence District. Located 7831 Rhine Dr., Huntington Beach, and legally described as Lot 30, Tract 3622. The hearing was opened to the .4 audience,, there bein- no comment the hearing was closed. Jack Cleveland, Director of the Buildin- and Safety Departments, addressed the Commission and pointed out that the request was one that both he and the Fire Chief felt was reasonable as long as the patio would not be attached to the main dwelling in any manner other than that indicated on the plot plan. -4- 270 Page ;r5 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 6, 1961 A r1OTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE AV #296 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That the minimum side yard be maintained. 2. That the proposed structure shall not be permanently enclosed. POLL CALL VOTE: ' AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE 110TION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV 7#'297 Applicant - Ben White To allow two carports 9'6" x 201 in deviation to the required 10' x 201. To allow the encroachment of 3 ft. into the required 10 ft. rear yard setback and to deviatd from the required 4 ft. side yard setback by constructing the dwelling up to 2 ft. on the last property line and to build on the property line on the west side. Located at 208 Geneva St., Huntin0ton Beach; and legally described as Lots 17 and 18, Block 602, Vista Del Mar Tract, in the R-2 Two Family Residence District. The Secretary read a letter submitted by Eugene V. Emery and Mary L. Emery, adjoining property owners to the applicant, protesting granting of the proposed variance. Mrs. Julia Jones, 212' Geneva St., H. B., addressed the Commission, and pointed out the'problem that exists at the present time with Mr. White because of the structures that are now existing on his rot, and if the variance was granted it would only devaluate the neighborhood. Mr. Charles Hollingsworth, 218 Geneva St., H. B., addressed the Commission, and stated that he felt if the variance was -granted it would devaluate the surrounding property and thought that if the dwellings in the surrounding, areas - -5- 271 Palle If6 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 6, 1961 were constructed to conform to the code there was no reason why the applicants should not. He also pointed out that the main reason the variance was requested was because the parade had been illegally converted to a &.ellin- and attached to the house and by doing this, there was a violation of the setback requirements and garage requirements. There bein- no further comment the hearing was closed. The Secretary informed the CioiTnission that the applicant, i•.r. White, was ill and requested a contin- uance of the hearing to the ne::t regular meeting of June 20th, 1961. A NOTION 'HAS MADE BY STANG It'I TD SECONDED BY PRESSON TO CONTINUE THE HEARD,G TO THE NEnT REGULAR 1'�17ETINC OF JUNE 20TH, 1961. POLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, 1-7orthy, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Baz il. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE INIOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION CONCERNING INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES The Chairman Addressed Mr. Wm. Gallienne, Secretary Mana-er of the Chamber of Commerce, and asked if there was anything he cared to present to the Commission. Mr. Gallienne addressed the Commission and brought up the problems concerning Industrial property. An example of this was the case where the Ocean View School - District has started proceedings to acquire a 15 acre school site at the SE corner of Talbert Ave. and the P. E. P. R. A portion of this site being within the boundary of a proposed 25 acre industrial development. He then asked the Commission for full cooperation, concerninJ the protection of Industrial property. -6- 272 Page #7 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 6, 1961 Howard Stevens, Chairman of the Industrial Committee, for the Chamber of Commerce, stated to the Commission, that the committee was*in the process of asking all property owners within industrial districts if their property was available in order to determine the amount of Industrial Zoned Property that could be used for industrial development, and on the basis of this report all agencies concerned could better analyze the situation and property could be zoned accord- ingly. Mr. H. E. Freeman,representative of the S. P. R. R., statedthat he would like to go on record as being in favor of the development of industries along the railroad and requested the Planning Commission to do all that is possible to protect the industrial property from uses other than industrial. He also stated that many of*the subdivisions that are constructin;; homes along the railroad tract are mis leading the public by telling them that the railroad will not be in operation in a short time. Chairman Bazil pointed'out that it was the Commission's intent to rezone the parts of land which is under the Orange County Code, and by doing this, they would do everyth ing'possible to retain the property that is presently zoned for manufacturing in an industrial district, provided that a hardship is not imposed or that it will not be detrimental to the property that has already developed residentially. USE VARIANCE: UV #298 To allow the continuance of colturing Applicant - James Fant tubifex worms and brine shrimp in the A-1 General Agricultural District. Located south of Glencoe St. and'west of beach Blvd., and legally described as Lot 10, Block B, Tract 522, except the east 40 ft. thereof. -7- 273 Page #8 Minutes - H. B. Planning -Commission Tuesday, June 6, 1961 ' The hearing was opened to the audience. Mrs. Juanita Gibbins, 7902 Glencoe St., Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission, and stated that she was under the impression that the Boulevard Gardens Tract was,zoned for residential use rather than A-1-X. The Secretary informed Mrs. Gibbins that the area was zoned residential.prior to the referendum action which defeated the overall zoning of the city, causing it to revert back to its original zone. Mrs. Gibbins than told the -Commission, ,that she would like to goon record as being opposed tQ the proposed variance because of it being a commercial use and because it tends to attract flies and mosquitoes. Richard LaRue, 17081 Beach Blvd., _addressed the Commission, and stated that he also was opposed to any commercial use in an established residential district and pointed out to the Commission that Glencoe Street was to be an entrance to the proposed Alco Pacific subdivision and that he felt that this should also be considered before the Commission comes .to any decision.. Mr. Patrick D. Fant,, brother of the applicant, addressed the Commission, and stated that he sold the lot to his brother and was under the impression that this use was permitted in the A-1-X zone, and a use variance . would not be necessary. There being no further comment the hearing was closed. Commissioners Worthy, Doutt, and Presson reported that when they reviewed the property, they felt that it was of a commercial nature. After a discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUF1'AN AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO RECOI'MND DENIAL OF USE VARIANCE UV #298 BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACT. IM 274. Page #9 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission ' Tuesday, June 6, 1961 1. The use is of a commercial nature and it is not compatable with the established.residences in the -area. . ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Stang, Kaufman,•Chairman Bazil. NOES:' None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV #299 To allow a real estate office to be Applicant - Dolores J. Watkins located in the R-4-X Suburban Residential District. Located east of Beach Blvd. and south of Garfield St., and Legally described as the W - of the \eta 4 of* the NW 4 of Section The hearing was opened to the audience. Howard Kaveliaham, a partner in the proposed real estate office, stated that the office was already existing due to a prior use_ variance approved for an office within a wrecking yard. He'also requested permission to construct two signs 10 ft. in --diameter to be located within the boundary of the existing fence. There being, no further comment the hearing was closed._ A MOTION WAS MADE BY PRESSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO APPROVE UV #299 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The sign shall be located within the boundary of the existing fence. 2. Use Variance UV #299 shall expire on June 6, 1963. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Stan-, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. 275 N Page #10 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission , Tuesday, June 6, 1961 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION To allow a Trailer to be placed in the USE VARIANCE: UV #300 Applicant - M-1-X Light Industrial District for John E. Forte dwelling purposes. Located east of Gothard St., and 120 ft. north of :darner Ave., further legal information is on file in the Planning Department Office. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. John E. Forte, applicant, addressed the Commission, and stated that his reason for requesting the variance was because the Drive -In Theatre is not opened during the day -light hours when deliveries would be normally made, and that he would lil:e,.to employ a person 24 hours a day to receive the deliveries, and also protect the property from vandalism and robberies. Mr. R. B. Call, 17172 Palm Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commaission, and expressed his opinion as -to the grantin of the proposed variance was.reason- able. There being no further comment the hearing cWas closed. Chairman Bazil pointed out to Mr. Forte, that the City has an ordinance strictly prohibir_in,- any trailers to be lived in on any property, other than trailer parks, and asked if it would be possible to construct a small house and office to be used by the manager, which would be permitted in the 1.1-1-X District. Mr. Forte was in agreement. There being no justification to approve UV 1300, A MOTION? 14AS Mj%DE BY 14ORTHY AND SECONDED BY DOUTT TO DENY UV 7'1'300. ROLL CALL,VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Wgrthy, Stang, Kaufma�i, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. -10- 276 Page #11 Minutes - H. B. Planninb Commission - Tuesday, June 6, 1961 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO 4235 Number of Lots: 67 Developer: Practical Builders, Inc. 13840 Beach Blvd.. • Westminster, California Total Acreage: -•18.5 Engineer: Millet, King & Assoc. 1518 W. Commonwealth Fullerton, California • -Located north of darner Ave., and west of Newland St. and legally described as portion of the E 2 of - the SE 4 of the SW 4 of Section 24-5-11 SBB & M. The -hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was -closed. The Secretary -informed the Commission that all of the standard conditions are listed on the map and there are no conditions to be added. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT 11AP NO 4235 WITH CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE D(AP. . ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Stan-, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: -None. ABSENT: Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO 172 CHANGE OF ZONE relative -to: proposed. Applicant - Chip Chasin - change of district boundary and use classification from: M-1-X Lidht Manufacturing District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No 668 TO R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. The following parcels of real property as submitted on the applicant's petition are described herewith: Located on approximately 5 acres bounded by Slater Ave. on the south, and 1320 ft. west of Beach -Blvd., and lebally•described as the E 2 of the SE 4 of the SW 4 of the NE 4 of Section 26-5-11. -11-- 277 Page #12 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 6, 1961 The hearing was opened to the public, Mr. R. B. Call, 17172 Palm Street, Huntington Beach, addressed . the Commission and stated that he would like to see all property zoned for manufacturing use remain in an industrial zone. The Chairman pointed -put to_Mr.•Call .that under the present zoning the property can be subdivided and the request under consideration for rezoning is within an approved multiple subdivision;- the changing of the 11-1-X zoning to an R-3 District would protect those residents of the subdivision from any us --..of an industrial nature that could locate within the tract boundary. Mr. Frank Merrell, owner of a dairy expressed his desire to have the -area remain as an industrial zoning, and asked what effect the changing would have on his prop- erty. The Chairman informed Mr. Merrell that there could possibly be some complaints from the residents of the subdivision if there was any odor, but the changing of the zone would not have any effect on his property because the residents would. t be permitted 'in either the M-1=X'or R-3 Zones. There being no further comment the hearing i4as closed. RESOLUTION -NO 172 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Making Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case No 172 to the City Council. A NOTION GAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 172 BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACTS: 1. There is an approved multiple subdivision within the proposed district boundary. 2. There is an established Residential District'abuttin; the property to the east. 3. Under the present zoning high density residential uses are permitted. -12- 278 Page #13 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 6, 1961 ROLL CALL 'DOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Stang, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. - ABSENT: Leeson. THE RESOLUTION WAS.ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 188 Continued CHANGE OF ZONE relative to proposed Applicant - Robert H. Grant change of district boundary and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO C-4 Community Business District. The following parcels of real property as submitted on the applicant's petition is described herewith: Located on approximately. 2.55 acres at the southwest-. corner of Bolsa Ave.•and Edwards St; and legally described as that portion of the easterly 1,295.06 ft. of the Nil 4 of Section 15, T.5.S . , R.11.W. , SBB M. Further description on file at the Planning Department Office.'The hearing was opened to the audience. John Prins, representing the applicant, addressed.the Commission and answered various:quebtions: - -, There -being nosfurther.comment, the hearirib was closed. RESOLUTION NO 188 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Making Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case No 188 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PR SSON AND SECONDED BY STANG TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 188 BASED ON THE FOLLOW- ING FINDINGS OF FACTS: 1. The property lies adjacent to two Secondary Arterial Highways. 2. The commercial area will be needed to serve the new subdivisions now under construction -in the area. 3. The commercial area falls within the percentage of land use. in relation to residential area. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Stang, Kaufman. NOES: , Chairman Bazil. a ABSENT: Leeson.. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. -13- 279 0 Page #14 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission , Tuesday, June 6, 1961 ZONE CASE NO 189 - Continued CHANGE OF ZONE relative to Applicant - Robert H. Grant proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District TO C-4 Community Business•District. The following parcels of real property as submitted on the applicant's petition is described herewith: Located on approximately 2.24 acres at the northwest corner of Edward St. and Sugar Ave., and legally described as follows: That portion of the easterly 1,295.06 ft. of the NW 4 of Section 15, T.5.S., P..11.��l., SBB 1�1. Further description on file at the Planning Department Office. i The hearing was opened to the 't audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. Commission. discussion followed. RESOLUTION NO 189 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Makin- Recommendation of Approval of zone Case No 189 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND ,SECOZ113ED BY PRESSON TO ADOPT RESOLUTION.NO 139 BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACTS: 1. The property lies adjacent to two Secondary,Arterial Highways. 2. The:.commercial area will be needed to serve the new sub- divisions now under construction in the area. 3. The commercial area falls within the percentage of land use in.relation to residential area. POLL CALL VOTE: • AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Stang, Kaufman. NOES: Chairman Bazil. ABSENT: Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 191 CHANGE OF ZONE relative to proposed Applicant - James McCarthy change of district boundary and use classification from: R-5 Zone TO C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. -14- Page #15 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 6, 1961 Located north of Sugar Ave. and west of Golden West St., and legally described as being a portion of the NE 4 of Section 15-5-11, SBB & M described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of the NE 4 of Section 15, said corner being the center- line intersection of Goldenwest St. 60 ft. wide and Sugar Ave. 40 ft. wide, said corner being the true point of beginning. Further legal on file in the Planning Department Office. The hearing was opened to the audience. Jeff Millet, representing the applicant, addressed the Com- mission and asked for continuance of the proposed Zone Case to the next regular meeting of June 20th, 1961, as the applicant could not be present at this hearing and the continuance will give the applicant time to appear: A MOTION'WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECOND4D BY WORTHY TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20TH,.1961, ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson,. Doutt, Worthy,. Stang, 'Kaufman, Chairman`Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Let son. THE MOTION CARRIED. ._ ZONE CASE NO 192 CHANGE OF ZONE relative to proposed Applicant . George Buccola change of district boundary and use' classification from: R-4-X Suburban Residential District as adopted by Interim Ordinance.668 TO C-4 Commercial District. The following parcel of real property as submitted on -the. applicant's petition is described herewith: Located 126.87 ft. west of Beach Blvd. and 660.10 ft. north of -Talbert Ave. and legally described as Lot 18, Tract 3478 in Section"2615-11 SBB & M.- • -15- 281 Page #16 Minutes - H. B. Plannino Commission Tuesday, June 6, 1961 The hearing was opened to the audience. Richard -LaRue, Coast Realty, addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the rezoning. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO 192 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Making Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case No 192. to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DOUTT AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 192. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Presson, Doutt, Worthy, Stan-,, Kaufman, Chairman Bazil. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. DISCUSSION: PROPOSED ORDINANCE CHANGE TO ENABLE THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO INCREASE THE LOT'SIZES AS DEEMED NECESSARY. The Secretary read the proposed Ordinance change; After lengthy discussion held by the Commission, A MOTION WAS MADE BY STANG AND SECONDED BY PRESSON TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO ADVERTISE THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE CHANGE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD JUNE 20TH, 1961. . THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: PROPOSED REZONING ALONG LAKE STREET AND 17TH STREET, NORTH OF MEMPHIS AVENUE, FROM THE EXISTING M-2-0. A discussion was held by the Planning Commission, concerning the rezoning -of certain areas. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFTVhN AND SECONDED BY STANG TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO ADVERTISE THE PROPOSED CHANGES FOR PUBLIC HEARING THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, ON MOTION I • , BY K.AUF11AN AND SECONDED BY WORTHY, THE MEETING ADJOURNED Richard A. Harlow, Ro ert Bazil, Acting Secretary -16- Chairman